Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – July 30, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of healthy eating and avoiding overdoing food. They stress the need for healthy breathing and respecting body temperature. They also discuss the importance of taste and tolerability in healthy eating and caution against overdoing certain foods. The segment concludes with a discussion of Hadees and their ruling on drinking while standing, while also addressing hesitation and hesitation from older people to attend events.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mohammed Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam ala and OB Hill Karim. Allah he have a lot of solar to attend with tasleem rubbish. rocklea sorry, were silly Embrey that Emily Sani of Cabo Cali, my brothers and my sisters a set em or Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I hope everyone is doing well in sha Allah. Today is Friday, July 30 2021. It is the last Friday of the month of July. And tomorrow and shot a lot of data is the last day of the month. So we're starting a new month, new month, new time, same topic, same place. Um, the

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reason why I say it that way is because I'm just burning time as usual, to allow people to slowly trickle in and sha Allah. And I'm always so grateful for every single one of you, who you know always is patient at the beginning of the class. But however, considering that the time for Mohammed is coming earlier and earlier, I'm going to jump right into it in sha Allah. And we're going to continue our etiquettes class on the chapter of eating and drinking and the etiquettes of food. And so Al Hamdulillah today we're actually going to be looking at a few interesting aspects of our Deen and the etiquettes related to eating and drinking we're going to start off with a stick burb a clue

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about how Buhari so the

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the fact that within our Deen it is encouraged for us to wait

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and not eat the food when it is piping hot. You know, when you get like fries, you take the fries right out of the oil and you start to eat them. They're burning hot, it's like burning your mouth and you're like,

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you know you're trying super hard not to burn your mouth. And you know, you drink your water at the same time. That's not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we're actually supposed to wait until the food cools down. And we see this in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where abora are the Allahu and said

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that we should not eat food until had you the head bukata who until the steam is no longer coming out of the food, right? So now you don't eat food until the steam has stopped coming out of it. Right. So refraining from burning our tongues, our mouth, and trying our best to eat the food at a time where it is just the right temperature. Now we also see that within our Deen, as we learnt earlier or in previous classes, that we're not supposed to leave food sitting there after it's ready to be eaten. So here we're looking at two completely different things. Right? The first thing we learned was that when the food is ready, we are even allowed to delay the salah and eat the food

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first, right? Why did we say that? Well, at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam It was very difficult for them to warm up food or to heat and cook their food, they would have to go to you know the outskirts in the desert and find little shrubs and you know, small, tiny branches, or buy wood from the market and use that in order to start a fire and then cook their food. And this is why we don't waste the fire or waste the heat of the food or the preparedness of the food by simply delaying and going and praying. Now I know we think in our minds Yeah, but it's prayer, it's solid, it's most important, more important than anything else. But at the same time without food without

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energy. Without nutrition in our bodies, we wouldn't be able to pray Our Salah we wouldn't be able to do many acts of a Buddha. Now there has to be a balance though because remember, we said that was something specific to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in terms of the hardship in gathering you know wood and starting a fire and then being able to actually cook and prepare food when we need to eat it. But at our time, we have ease of access to sometimes microwave to warm up food or the stove or we just simply turn it on whether it's electric or gas. We have access to a barbecue that we could just easily fire up and start grilling and cooking on. We also have fridges

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that keep our food Cool, right we have fridges that will keep our food cool. You know foods that need to stay refrigerated and they won't spoil because they're in the fridge and then we also have the freezer where we could put things in the freezer and keep them for months on end right you can cook a meal for example cook a nice biryani today or a lasagna or whatever it is that you enjoy eating and then stick it in the freezer and keep it there for months and when you need it and you're ready you could take it out and warm it up and simply eat it now

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Remember that we pointed out the fact that there's a balance there, right? You don't want to delay food, right eating the food. And you also don't want to delay the Sala and we spoke about the importance of eating right and not eating too much and making sure that we eat enough to give our body the nutrition that it needs while at the same time not being those that need the five course meal, an hour and a half to eat. And we're delaying Sala for that long period of time. But here today we're looking at delaying eating the food when it's too hot. So if the food is so hot that it's going to burn your lips are Bernier you know you're telling me in your mouth, then we should

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delay eating it until it is just the right temperature.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you know as as we saw

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in this Hadith, and also in other narrations, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, mentions that the most Baraka that you get from the food is when you eat it when it's not too hot. Why is that our bodies need a certain temperature or a our bodies require us to respect it in order for it to function properly. If we're going to eat something that is too cold, or we're going to eat something that is too hot, it's a shock to our body, right? And therefore from our Deen, we are always going to do things within a certain level that is good and right for our body, for our mind for our spirituality for our connection with Allah Subhana Allah, you know, respecting the

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electricity that we're using cooking it respecting the time that is spent on on preparing it, respecting the food itself, not letting it go to waste and spoil and so on and so forth.

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We also see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not himself would not eat food in the hottest of its temperatures. Okay, so he would let it cool down.

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And this was something that you know, we start off with, but we move on in sha Allah to Allah

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The next thing we'll look at is how it is not permissible within our Deen to say something bad about the food or to insult the food or to even comment negatively on the food or about the food that we are presented with or the food that we are eating itself. Okay. So, so we start off with a heavy abora or the lager and where he says the profits on a long rally he was Sallam never found my other rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam of biomin got the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never found fault with the food that he was eating right? If he had inclination to eat it,

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he would eat it. And if he disliked it, he would leave it. What we learned from this hadith is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we don't see in the Sunnah. The fact sorry, not the fact we it's the fact that we don't see within the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying something negative about the food that he is presented with or the food he's about to eat. And if he doesn't prefer it, he would never say that I don't like this, or this is bad. Or I can't touch this food. I hate the smell of it, right? Things like that. We wouldn't hear or see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying these kinds of things about food. Why? Because food is a blessing

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from Allah subhana wa, what to add what one person may like another person doesn't like, right or doesn't prefer.

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Some foods we actually don't like like, there are some types of food that we may not be able to stomach or we may not be able to actually put in our mouths. Some foods smell a certain scent, that to some people is

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unbearable, and to other people. It's amazing, right? And so we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us again, how to balance things when it comes to food. He would never say that the food is bad or smells bad or he doesn't like it. Okay, he would never say something bad about food. Rather the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if he liked it, he would eat it. If he didn't like it, he would leave it. Now this shows us that as hosts, we should not force a certain food upon a person that we are hosting as well as our guests. We should not do that. Right? We shouldn't be like, oh, try this. This is the best thing. And it's like something that is strange and

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usually the best of foods in many cultures.

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is a type of food that people are not familiar with, or is rarely eaten. And the fact that something is rarely eaten is usually a sign that people may or may not like it. And so it's a hit or miss.

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For example, I know here in the mustard, we a few times had our

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Sunday morning breakfasts, this is going back over a year and a half ago, right when we actually would have breakfast community breakfast in the masjid on Sunday mornings.

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I remember one day, some of the brothers the Pakistani brothers, they were like we're bringing in Baia, which is what it's the hoof of the cow. Okay, the hoof of the cow that's cooked. And it's a delicacy, they love it. And for me,

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it's not even something that I can try. I just in my mind, in my heart, I just cannot

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bring myself to eat it. And so for example, in that case, you know, some of the brothers like, you have to try it, you have to try you're not a real bunkies done if you don't try it, so you don't eat this. You're not a real Pakistani. And I'm like, Well, you know what, just like Hello, Hayden. But if that's the case, then maybe according to your definition of a real bug is funny doesn't apply to me, right? And so, you know, that in itself is an example that we see from the Prophet sallallahu, asylums actions, that if there was a food, he did not prefer, he would leave it, he just wouldn't touch it. And so therefore, we should not force food upon our guests. Because if we do that, then

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they may be eating something or feel to say something negative about the food, when they really don't want to. And I think we've all been in those situations, right.

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Now, what are some of the examples of things that the scholars say we should not say about food, interestingly enough, even to comment on the fact that it has too much salt, or has not enough salt? The scholars say, we should never even say that, right? We should not say, Oh, this food is too salty. Or this food, you know, there's not enough salt in the food. Where's the salt, give me the salt, I need more salt. If there's salt in front of you, in a shaker or salt shaker, for example, you could take it and just put it on the food and enjoy it that way. Al Hamdulillah that's, again, a means of nicer, more complimentary.

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What's the word I'm looking for? A hospitality, right? More complimentary hospitality, that you have the salt and the pepper shaker in front of you. You have different sauces, you have multiple condiments, for example, that you can use to put on the food. And so that would be nice in terms of hospitality. But if it's not available, we shouldn't be like, Oh, man, this food needs extra salt, right?

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Too bad.

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Just don't say anything about it, or Wow, this is super salty. If you don't like it, and you can't eat it, then you do not need to force yourself to have it. Okay, and this is why we should always take smaller portions, and sometimes even take a small portion of everything I like to do this, people usually when we go somewhere to eat, you know, I'll take a plate and I'll just put a little bit like a teaspoon or a tablespoon of everything that's available. I'll take something you know, if I feel that I might like it, right? If it's something that I know I'm not going to enjoy, or I just absolutely can't eat, I won't put on my plate. So here's, you know, a tip that you can use. Take a

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small spoon, a teaspoon, a tablespoon of whatever it is that you want to eat, and try it first put it all on your plate and go sit down and eat and taste all the different foods. And people always comment right the host I was like, Dad, what is that all you're going to eat? Now all you're gonna have I invited you to my house, you have to eat more than that. I'm like, this is just starters for me. Okay, really what I'm doing is I'm checking to see the spice level, what can I tolerate, what I can't tolerate, you know, what tastes good, what doesn't taste, you know, to my to my liking, and then go back and take more of what I enjoyed more of and stay away from what absolutely couldn't

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tolerate. And so that's a way or a tip a trick. I know that, you know, wedding season has opened up and a lot of people are getting married and we're getting invitations left, right and center to go to welcomers and go to Nika and so on. And people are inviting people over to their homes and they're like going all out because hey, we haven't been able to entertain people in the longest time right? So now everyone's like, you got to try this. You got to try that you have to have this you have to have that and I made this and I made that and everyone's like super excited to stay awake all night long and cook, cook cook. right but maybe the guests don't want that much food.

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Or maybe we just shouldn't cook so much. I don't waste as well. So for example, some of the things that we should stay away from saying is that the food is too salty or the food needs more salt, right? It's not doesn't have enough salt or

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This food is sour. Ooh, this is sour, right or, man this this is like too saucy. Like what kind of haleem is this? There's no haleem haleem isn't supposed to be this saucy, right? Or to say Oh man, this is so thick. Why is it so thick it's not supposed to be so thick like spaghetti spiral sauce is supposed to roll is not supposed to be like so thick they're stuck on they're like paste and you can't get it off the pastor is supposed to slide off the pastor. Right? Or Amen. This this is not cooked well or this is you know, this is rare This is it's not well done, right? Some people like to eat well done. And if it's the meat is is medium rare, for example, or you know, it's cooked to a

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medium, sort of level or degree, then somehow they may not eat it. Just don't say anything. If you don't like it, you can eat it, just leave it. Okay. Don't say anything. Why? Well, first of all, the food is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, the food that we're eating is a blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada. That's one thing we have to keep in mind, that we should never say something bad about the blessings of Allah that he's blessed us with. If it was a matter of life and death.

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What's out show I saw this show. What is it called alone, alone alone, right alone, where people are placed, for example, on an island or somewhere. I remember back in the day used to call it survivor, right there was a show called survivor but survivor was different is more about the drama, this show alone, like you're all alone, there's no one else there. And it's a matter of survival, life and death, you need to hunt and you need to take from the earth, you know, the berries that you find, or the little insects or even sometimes ant right protein, you need to survive, you have no option, you have to eat what's available to you. If it was a matter of life and death, we would say

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Alhamdulillah for whatever meat or whatever, you know, fruit, vegetables, whatever is placed in front of us, if we had no other option and no other food to eat, the problem is we're spoilt, and we're not really hungry, or we're not starving. If we were starving for food, we would eat anything that's put in front of us. But because we are eating more for luxury and pleasure, as opposed to eating for nutrition, or sometimes we are eating for nutrition, but we're not eating for survival, right, then we have the ability to pick and choose what we want. Okay. So if we don't like something, don't say anything about it, because it's a blessing from Allah, Allah blessed you with

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it, you have it to eat, and you have so much other stuff that you can eat as well of hamdulillah. Remember, there are always going to be people on the face of this earth that could wish or do wish, that do wish to have the foods that you and I have an enjoy, but they don't. And we complain sometimes about the food that we have served to us right in front of us. But there are people who wish that they could have it. Right. And so don't complain hamdulillah because you never know Allah may take away from us the bounties and the pleasures and the luxuries that he is blessing us with. In addition to that,

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from the etiquettes of not saying anything negative about the food is that when we do, it hurts the feelings and the emotions of the person who cooked the food.

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They feel hurt, they feel sad. They feel like you don't appreciate it. And by default, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would close doors, right, he would close doors

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in our interpersonal skills, right or our interaction with regards to etiquettes and interacting with others, he would close doors of negativity, things that would hurt the feelings of others, but profits on a longer idea he was seldom taught us how to navigate around that and how not to hurt the feelings of others and to stay away from it. So you would see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wouldn't say anything and this is to assure that the heart and the feelings and the emotions of the host or the person who cooked the food is not going to be hurt and they will and we should show appreciation for you know their efforts in preparing that food and serving it to us and

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blessing us with that as a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala so that is a huge etiquette that you and I really need to instill in our lives and try to work very hard to please Allah

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hanway data in making sure that we control our tongue, control our tongue and don't say things that are negative about the food. Remember, we go back to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where he says man, can I you know, Billa he will do me a favor. fairly cool, higher on Olia smart, whoever believes them along the last day, then save that which is good. Or remain silent. remain silent. Okay.

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It's 825 and

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we have an interesting topic to start. I'm not sure if we should get into it right now.

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The next topic we'll look at is

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how come ashore boil achill comment. What is the ruling the Islamic ruling on standing and drinking? or eating?

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What is the Islamic ruling?

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Let's go through it in sha Allah and maybe we can recap and revise this next week as well. So I'll go through very quickly. What is the ruling on eating and drinking while standing while the scholars differ with regards to drinking while standing Okay, drinking something liquid while standing.

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Firstly, let's look at the Hadeeth that negate it or Hadeeth that forbid it I should say that forbid us from standing and drinking

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anessa Viola and narrates that the message that the profits on a longer it he was Salaam for Bade drinking while standing.

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And this Hadeeth is in Sahih Muslim and it was narrated or reported also by Imam Ahmed tirmidhi in Abu Dawood, also ignore merger and a dichotomy. Okay. The next Hadeeth we'll look at still within the Hadeeth that forbid standing and drinking is Hadeeth of Sade liquidity, or the Allah, sorry Abu Salah either for the rhodiola and where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Bade standing and drinking.

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And this hadith is

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reported by

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Muslim Hamad Al Baca we

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and then we have another Hadith from Abu hurayrah or the Allahu Allah and where he says, all sorts of law he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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Laos ribbon admin comm caught him and none of you must drink while standing.

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From a nesea fell yesterday. And if any of you forgets then he must have vomit.

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This Hadith is reported by

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Muslim and Ahmed but in the narration of Imam Ahmed, it does not say

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from a nesea fell yesterday. So in the narration of email, or email law, it is simply it simply states none of you must drink while standing.

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But in the narration of human Muslim, it continues and says none of you must drink while standing. And if one forgets then he must vomit. Right? Bringing the food out or the drink out.

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So those are the headlines that forbid drinking while standing. Now let's look at Hadeeth that

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that permit

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or indicate that it's permissible to drink something while standing. Firstly Hadeeth of ignore a bus in about the Allahumma where he says

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I gave to drink to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam I gave the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, some Zamzam to drink first Shetty barrois who called him and he drank it while he was standing.

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next Heidi's

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on and oiselle and oiselle says

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Alrighty, it'll

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Aloha I'm came, and he started to drink while standing. And he noticed that people were watching him and this was something that the people had disliked.

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And he says earlier of the Aloha and says, verily I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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doing exactly what you are seeing me doing, standing while drinking.

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In another narration,

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even our motto the Allahu Allah says

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during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, couldn't it Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam natural call him and we would we would drink while standing one that call one NASA and we would eat while standing. And we were performing say we were going between Safa and Marwa

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and in the last narration that we'll look at,

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in fact no remuneration basically the fact that I shall be a lot more unhappy and sad even eBay cos both of them they did not see it to be problematic for a believer a Muslim to stand up and

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drink okay to stand up and drink something.

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Okay, now how do we understand the to hear the differences? First of all, we saw Hadeeth that forbid standing and drinking and those that permit standing and drinking Well, let's look at what ignore Tamia Rahim Allah says, and I will just basically summarize that and we'll go over it next week again in sha Allah. When we look at these Hadees we see that it is permissible in certain conditions certain times to stand while drinking, okay to drink something while standing.

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But we also see that in one of the narrations that it mentions, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was standing and drinking Zamzam. And we know that from the Sunnah we should stand and drink thumbs up because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood and drank Zamzam and he would stand and face that Qibla and drink the thumbs up in this habit of the longer I'm home did that as well. We also see in the in the other narration that this of course, you know, was taking place during Hajj, where the people were making saggy and fell off, and they were drinking and they were eating, and they were drinking Zamzam. And they were eating because they were busy performing their life,

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and they're sorry. And so that was during Hajj, and they were travelers, and there was a specific reason for it, that they were busy, and there was no place for them to sit down. And there was also no time for them to sit down and to drink and eat. Because remember, during Hajj, you have to be in certain places during certain times. And they didn't have buses like we do, they would walk or ride their camel or horse or animal back and forth, right. And they would walk back and forth between Mecca and Mina and Gemma often was done the fun all that, so they didn't have the time to sit and enjoy meals like you and I do. So generally, if we were to summarize all of this, that it is better

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to sit down and follow the hadith of how it's forbidden or it is, you know, highly disliked. And in fact, we could say forbidden from standing and drinking. And by default, that extends to food, right, because food requires even more of an effort and more, you know time so we could easily just stand and drink something, but it is better to sit down and therefore it also is better to sit down and eat. But we do see that it is permissible, and that many of the Sahaba learned from seeing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that it is something that can be done but it's not encouraged to be done. However, they say that the the narrations that are that mentioned the prophet SAW and it

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was done with Islamism and eating and you know, the the Sahaba and what they were doing, that was in the later part of the life of the Prophet so the longer it was on them so we should not disregard them and not disregard the authenticity of them. We'll go over this again next week in sha Allah because I do want to go and open the door. It's almost time for salata and Margaret and I need to make although as well, does that come along with Hayden for attending? barakallahu li comm we'll see all of you next week and we'll go over this once again. So Kanika Lomo the Hamdi conditional Illa Illa Illa antenna stokfella commoner to Grenache desikan lol Hayden was said Mr. Deacon Rahmatullahi

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wa barakato

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