Bilal Philips – The Sunnah & Its Significance
![Bilal Philips](
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The importance of practicing Islam and learning its proper form is emphasized, as well as the importance of finding authentic books and praying for the Prophet Muhammad. The speakers discuss the use of narratives in media and the importance of honesty and trustworthiness in relation to Islam. They also touch on the topic of natural hair and the use of artificial hair for shaving. The importance of practicing core values and setting proper standards is emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
And then all the righteous
judgment. Now, we begin our series
with, we went through the section
which has to do with Islamic concept.
After that, we then look at the basic
sources of Islam.
And in looking at the basic source of Islam, we identified them as for therefore basic sources. Now, we said they were defined.
We explained the finer points we all knew, we looked into the violence,
what separates us from other statements
statements, actions and approvals of the profits are conveyed to a degeneration
and the problems arose.
And there were no solutions or clear solutions in the pilot as soon as the prophets companions would gather together and come to some kind of consensus of opinion on this particular issue, how they would handle it, but even this consensus would be based in one way or another on a concept is already existed in the bonds.
And the last category we said was,
was the production of new laws by analogy,
which we would use say today, a problem arises today, for example,
a person is an astronaut's.
Right, we have our salon set according to certain times of the day.
Asia sets based on this
one, if a person is an astronaut, right?
If he's circling the earth, or
if he lives in the North Pole, where there's six months of day, and six months of nights, what does he do this is not where we use the app to determine maintenance. Because obviously, in
the area where the wind was revealed, as in Arabia, the same area, and the problems that were solved at that time, with the problems which are common in this area, there were certain principles given which could be applied in later time. But basically, the problems that are solved were relative to the problems area.
And so we would then have to look into some of the requirements or into the statements of the problem, to see if there's a principle which could be applied, taken
and applied to this particular problem. Now, of course, there is, you know, another time to show level. But now, what I wanted to go through today is the sudden that we looked at the crime.
And we looked at
some of the basic principles in terms of
looking at how the blood is collected, and how it was revealed, and the meccan saurez and the muddiness and the significance of them looking at those. And now actually, there's more things to be taken also there, but so as not to make the glasses, one sided, extended, or like maybe two months, only
shift now into
something, then we go on to some
heavy subjects, and then we'll come back in. So we do section.
what we'll look at today is the
first thing to understand, no concern is that we said that the sooner was saying, action, and approvals, the profit,
which were collected by companions, observe as companions collected and handed down and recorded. There now is bodies in books where we can find different books,
where they call happy. Now, when we say saying the passion, we'll look at the different hobbies,
you will see like most of the headaches we see now in English, you will see it will say, you know, this companion, the name of one of the Prophet companions mentioned the name first, you know, to say you cannot
say, you know,
or Abu huraira These are some of the names of the companions of the Prophet, they would say, Prophet Muhammad
right, he said something
Got one table. Hi, where is it Omar, another one of the capacitor Prophet said that said in the mail Amazonia deeds are judged by their intention.
Right, okay. That is an example of a saying of the price
as a thing action than other hobbies, you may find, for example,
another companion, saying, say for example,
He said, I prayed behind Prophet Muhammad.
And I never heard him recite Bismillah R Rahman Rahim before saying
that action,
because this companion are describing an action of the Prophet. And before, although we all know, when we're learning a lot, we learned
that, and then half the battle, but it means
that this is without a fight or him, he didn't read aloud.
Okay, so this is this, how do you know that this is from a statement made by the compiler describing an action of
the second action, an example of an approval, for example,
on one occasion, even reported that he had gone with them to win over one of the glass houses, and they were serving some lizards
particular desert lizard here called, like a sort of family of big ones.
And they in this region here, I don't know some of you might have seen
But it's alluded to the form of lizard has got a long tail, and
it was eaten in certain parts of Arabia. So they will go for the service of up.
And one of his wives knew that he might not like it. So she asked, What
did you tell him that you're giving him? Bob?
said no. So they informed him, when they informed us just about the seminar for me.
So that was sitting there with him. He said,
I just in my area, we didn't eat.
So in the bathroom,
So the fact that he is in front of the Prophet Muhammad is
right at the front of the Prophet, and the Prophet did not forbid him from doing
this indicate that eating out this kind of thing, similar to that are allowed.
So we have three basic categories in which the occurs, things as far as I said, and said, don't do this, or do this, or this, or that. So
that he did was combined describe, he did this or he did that.
And there are some things which were done in his presence, which he allows to be done anything which was done in his presence, which he didn't speak about, that thing is automatically considered allowed.
it was his duty. It was a duty that if anything was done in his presence,
anything was done his presence. If he saw it, he had to point out that it was right.
It was required.
The found that it's understood from Islam, that anything was done in his presence. He didn't say anything about it.
Those are the three basic categories. So what is the significance really
looked at this to some degree when we're looking at
the sun now
explain the
details of the plan, which you may not get
the nugget explanation to become the practical explanation and application of the
cloud tells us to do this great
But you cannot find anywhere in the bandwidth tells us how to
write and this is why in Islam, we don't you know, it's not acceptable for somebody to say okay, I'm falling flat.
because if you want to say anything concerning Islam and understanding
the Prophet Muhammad Rasul Allah, He put that into practice.
He showed how he said,
what he said, Lou Kamara, I
pray, as you saw me pray.
So he would demonstrate, on one occasion when he was in the masjid, he would make he made them praying in front of the companion, he would climb right up on the minbari sort of arrays, platform that used to
give, give the talk Congress, which would raise it above Everybody sit on the ground second.
And then there would be like a raised platform, say, you know, a little higher than this, which was just get him above the people's heads, and he would talk on right
What he did was he started
making a lot of when the time came to make some juice, what he did was he back down the stairs, needs to do it at the bottom, then he went back up there.
At the end of it, he said, I only did this, so that you may learn the method of my prayer, how the prayer.
So we see from his some of his practice, statements he makes about what he did, it shows us how we're supposed to do the thing is when you go around different parts of the Muslim world, or you come in contact with Muslim parts of the world, you may find them praying in different ways. I mean, the basic prayer will be the same, same fact that things were after it, you know, saying Allahu Akbar, to begin, going through a core city has been
the basic format of this thing. But
there may be in between, weather permitting before going into the end, we're going to require when it comes to requirements.
Some people when they go into, you know, they just sit down for a second and they straight up, or when they come up, for example, when they come up from, you know, come out. And some people want to come out and go for that
many different things. These are just some examples, I'm giving you a witness sitting in a seat with one foot One way is to make it to the feet another way to look at the variation to see, okay, now,
some of these variations are acceptable, and some of them are not.
We can't just look at it until it's all right.
To see that Christianity, Christianity can do anything you want, as long as you say, you believe that, you know, Jesus died for our sins, etc. Right? God died on the cross for our sins. No matter how you do, how you play all these other things, you can do anything you want to do. Right? So you find new sets coming up every year. Yeah, some new person comes up. He's got his own way. In Islam, no.
It is not for everybody just do what they want to do. Because
for them.
Did anyone say
But how can we see him by going back to that?
I saw him do this. I thought to do that. He said this he did that. Thank you go to any book that Heidi Pachauri every one of you was able to buy a copy of it they happen to be out nine volumes. Muslim over 100 without formatting, those are two big books. They are the most authentic books in Islam
to crime, more than 70 books in
every one of you is able to buy
the available in town in haramain bookstore also in the Knowledge Center, international bookstore they have a second floor there have many many different books they have a
new copy come in very good copies printed in
anyway, the point is, so for us to obey that command.
Then you have to look to see what's happening. Now they're having to
say we saw him do this, do that.
So then we look now look at what people are doing. Are they doing this doing
this thing? Okay.
I was okay. You can do that thing. No mention of him doing that.
Because it is what
it's not what I do.
And policies are the people in Iraq or were the people in
India do or anything like this Islam
Islam is what the prophet Muhammad
back this is the basic principle.
now, we said
that it clarifies the meanings of the class.
Now, the basic
principle of the Sunnah is that it may give laws, which are not required at all
that some laws come from the sun now,
in many of the things we've done, we have general commands. In the
general statements, the Prime Minister clarifies the statement explains how to do it, explain certain details of it that are not mentioned.
But there are some cases where there are laws, which the Prophet Muhammad gave, which are not found in at all.
For adapt,
one day * the number
in massive Medina, and he held up some silk
in one hand, and
he said, these two are forbidden to the males of my alma
but allows women
to find anywhere, can you find any mention of gold and silver and gold at the reservoir from beginning to end, your side
knows all talking about the
other rich people how they gathered a wealth.
But there's no mention specifically of gold and silver.
This is a law which
has no nothing.
That means that for a Muslim man, he's not allowed to wear full grooming, gold necklaces, gold bracelets,
shirts. So, definitely
those two things
because there
are also certain laws
which are not defined
We also have in the sun now,
you could say like a an example, from a human point of view, right, because, if the guy had been brought,
I mean it was the book, everything was in the book,
all the details in the book, and
everything that we need to know about in
the book could have been revealed.
But if it were revealed in that fashion,
it would be easy for somebody to watch
human beings
beyond the ability of humans.
So, the prophet, putting the book into practice is also it provides us with confidence that it is possible for human beings to practice
shows that it is within the realm of the ability of humans to do
is an example
a practical example
And one fact that we can also understand from
the fact that a law could have put everything in
but didn't
and made.
It also shows us that for us to
follow Islam properly, we have to go
You have to
teach us the proper way to approach the practices
talking about applications
and for example, talking about
one segment reported by Ayesha
Elahi in law
I didn't leave anything which would bring you closer to a law except that I told you to do it.
Today we're going to go to the lab allow me something which is religious, a religious act, because the purpose of a religious act is to bring one closer to Allah isn't
just act, you're seeking to please God, please, God needs us to get closer to that. He's with us.
So, he left this person we said I didn't, there was nothing which would bring you closer to God except I told you.
And he goes on to say, when
you buy to come Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah when he
didn't leave anything, which will take you away from Oba
take you closer to the Hellfire, except that weren't you awake.
So in terms of religion,
because it there are religious things that have to do with religion, when you closest to Allah,
and protect you from things take you away from
the religion, there is nothing
new that nobody can come along today and bring something new, in the religious they will listen, you know,
we need extra
people today are getting farther away from a law and material world is
working on them too hard to find supplies in the days I
make one mistake.
Allah knows the condition of mankind, how mankind is changing.
In the future, it was going to be necessary to have six
prayers for
he would have thought.
Okay, when's the pacific time?
So we know, we don't accept any
of this again.
Now, what do you want to look at a thickness of the process.
I just wanted to give you an example here, of what I had eaten.
Some of you I think, are familiar.
Okay, I have these here. You know, this is how they
look in the books of hobbies. In Arabic, in English, we said what you're going to see is
that Prophet said,
is empty, the name of the companion said it. But what happened is that
problems arose. And
some solution has to be made for it, or somebody wanted to know what to do. New people came into Islam, they wants to know what to do. And they would go to the companions of the Prophet. And they would ask, what do we do here? I don't make the law.
They would say,
I saw
or I heard
them say, they use this and they
also it's all of the companions of the Prophet who came into Islam in the latter years.
Right, you know, in the house of Israel or you know, close to the last years of life, they live to escape.
From practice with some of them also have concerns in the lessons.
So they may learn a system study under some of the older competitors who have been with the earlier attacks. So when they were teaching somebody who came into Islam after the death of the Prophet, they would say, I heard from
older companions, who said that he saw the Prophet Muhammad, Allah.
Okay. So now, when the generation of the companions died out,
and those people who stepped down to them, they're called in Arabic, they refer to them as the old, happy old needs to follow.
Now that was their duty because they're carrying Islam further. It is easy to
Teach the new vivo chemistry class
or other people from from their generation, who didn't get a chance to sit and study with one of the companions. So now when they were asked the question, you know, how did the puppets do So also, they would say,
they would say,
I heard from the companion
that he saw the Prophet Muhammad
Ali said that.
Or he could have related this in this way, they could have said, for example, because they heard from a younger companion, who were from older companions, they would say, I heard from even Omar was younger,
who said that he heard from Allah with older companions, that he saw the Prophet Muhammad Salah
sound and something if they were teaching to people, they would just say this, he said, this is a thing I heard from, because they would start to give them the authority, what is the basis under which they're saying that is possible.
in the generation of the companions, after the death of the Prophet, and even some of the companions wrote down some of the things that they saw and
the students who set it out to their competitors, more of them, wrote down what they saw their
vision was came out to them.
Many people began to write down.
Now, what do you see I had these,
like, we have one here,
in which it goes,
it says,
Emily Brahim. Okay. This is the person who put this book together, he said, He's got
his heart, in the brain in his heart to celebrate him, even if
I did otherwise.
cultiva insight is one that that's the feedback inside.
And he heard from Allah
and Allah is in a good
word from Allah.
And we'll say you are the father
of each side and the
other side, he was a compiler
said Allah, Allah to the mind. So I
said, when he left the bat,
by the one hand, my soul
I got God's
soul of everyone.
All of you definitely answer Faraday in lemon except he who refuses
and a lot he has evolved and learned only from Allah, the way that a camel left away
to the LA messenger of Allah.
upon me
nothing to
me, it's just paradise
for whoever
So, before the segments of the problem,
we see. So, so,
right. This second section of law that the company looking at this,
this is how they built
this vertical chain of the major. Then at the end of it the statement of profit
or bad.
that we can see that it is divided into two parts.
We have what is called
All the Senate
and the other party, I'm happy to
which is known as the
okay. So
we have in the chain, we have individuals who heard from the Prophet
from another individual word from those individual words from the prophet SAW the Prophet.
in looking at heavies
what happened is that
after the time of the Prophet
after the time of the peace companions
remember in the last session we talked about certain groups that broke away from
we've talked about the
two main
the main buckets
to support their practices.
Some of them made up,
they fabricated falsified statements
to support what they were doing.
in that generation,
one of
the generations there couple of generations after the Prophet named Omar,
he chose the scholars in the various regions of Islam,
he told them, to collect up all that
collect them all up, by writing them down and analyzing them.
So that those people who are making a statement would be known.
Those who falsified same as of course, there had not be consider their statement statement
would not be considered to be authentic.
what happened is that those people collected at the happiest at this time, what they did was, they collected along with certain statements about everybody who was narrating if that makes sense, biographical statements, so and so.
And so and so, and
all the information about the people were narrating, this is being recorded. So, what happens is that you also develop this kind of writing down the road, to develop a body of biographical material, describe all the people,
whether they were people who are false, whether they will not cooperate at all,
later on, what happens, you know,
generation after that you had certains, because the Muslim Ummah has started to split up,
the leadership, the caliphate was doing practices and things are not really Islamic. So, a lot of the scholars of that time they didn't want to be around. So they went to areas far away from the centers. And what happened is that when problems arose in their area, they would give certain judgments as to how to solve these problems.
And they would do it based on the narrations of Heidi's as they
are, that were available in the area that they were. So, you follow scholars in various parts of the Muslim realm, you know, making certain decisions among these sellers, some of them were, you know, obviously, very, very good. their reasoning powers are very intense, such as this.
So, the ones who are very good you find out a lot of students who wanted to study by the time they would gather around these
and what started to develop what they call schools of thought. Schools of legal thought to what they call an average they call them
These are schools of thought with
Seek out.
Now what happened is that in this time, when the schools of thought was about
the scholars in the area, they didn't know all
they only knew that they had gathered what was available in their area. So because of that, you would find that sometimes we want to err make one decision, which was different from that which was made in another area.
The attitude of the scholars at that time was that if somebody came from the other area where he had there was a narration, narration happy,
which proves that particular point. And he told us to the solid, the other area who made a ruling, but did not have a narration, he just made it easy, because that was always available. If he if he was told that there is
that the shows that the ruling should really be this, he would say, Okay.
in later times, the students,
scholars may amongst themselves be very open within the information.
But there's a tendency amongst students, that they tend to want to elevate the teacher
and boost about my teacher, if you're very strongly about my
feelings, that is a developing message generation, that those people who studied under students who studied under a particular teacher, they wanted to kind of move out to wherever rules are made, and they didn't care, whatever the other
side is to get people to come and visit one way. Or another way
to see what is the competency. And this kind of feeling was also
fostered or developed by the calluses are bathysphere. What they used to do,
is they would have debates like
this is between Christians, but they didn't, but they would, they would have in their court. It was consolidated. from one school,
they do a salad from another school.
And they will have a problem and say, how do we solve this problem?
And the one who gave the deck solution, he would win a prize.
So what we did now is that, of course, if two scholars in many generations, so after the founding fathers, if two scholars are not competing, they don't want to give
because they want to win a prize.
Now, they might not be getting to try and find what is the truth. They're trying to get to win the prize. So this is going to develop in the personal life, you know that no matter how long he wants to hang out, have you tried
this attitude, so so this this, again, the people even more rigid about
this, so this was handed down in January. But what happened is that after this degeneration of the early scholars who started the schools of thought, a generation after them, you had some
people, students who are mostly concerned with collecting narration. So they went across the Muslim realm, from one end to the other, collecting everything.
What they did was they looked in these paragraphs, the biographies about the different people in the writing, and tried to just pick out only the accurate numbers.
Some of them are concerned with just gathering everything. Some of them are concerned is that the only accurate one and they now put together books with all of the statements they were not concerned with? Who was my teacher who's or they didn't care about that they just wanted to get these.
So you have no books of happy which
was all that
So now, when we look today,
of course, depending on where you come into the some of you may accept Islam here in Saudi Arabia, the school of bus follow the areas
of you may go from Philippine there you go to study different classes to go to Egypt. And in Egypt, you may study under the surface.
Or if you go to set in Pakistan, you must study under the
some of you went to the Sudan study under this marriage. So now when you go back to the Philippines to come do the work,
and the problem comes up.
And what is it?
What was it?
Some people say, well, it's there. All right.
we have to now go back to see what a lot
a lot
if you have any differences amongst yourself,
get back to a lot and go back to the class
from the different school, but we should study with an open mind.
And we should understand that ultimately,
it is what the
mind says, What are these combiners? This is what determines what
was correct.
Okay. So
when we look at Happy ignacy, the solid level said they gathered all the heavy stuff
into the different books in the gardener, the biographies, a science of analyzing
how to critically analyze,
how do we determine which had these authentic, which I did?
They called scientists
better written this way.
And we have been called by.
we'll hear the statements and that's
How do they determine what?
What's happening?
for the most part, it's going to be concerning Senate candidates to be serving What is
it? What is it for the most part
it have to be considered.
It has to fulfill three basic conditions.
Now, of course, I mean, as we're looking at this here, right? You are studying University. And this you'll end up studying directly.
Some of you have studied in university
may not have major significance as why we're going to touch it in a general sense to give you a general idea to understand what is love and the knowledge inside such a haphazard thing. You know, anybody can see what he wants to say and anybody can do what he wants to do. It's very technical, there's a whole system behind
the reason why we say this is this isn't this is not social, it has scientific knowledge behind it scientifically.
concerns the people in the chain.
The people in the chain
have to
have all
met each other.
They call it
they have to have all met each other. So it was continuity.
Continuity means that something is continuous follow one follows the other continuity.
Okay, in Arabic.
What it means is that when we look at the biographies of the people,
we say we see somebody say his name is Muhammad. Muhammad says, His enemies that I heard from his heart, that
when we look in this list of biographies, we see that Mohammed, he was born in
700 880.
The first one was saying this guy Muhammad, he was born he was born in a country
where we shouldn't use a big ad. Exactly.
We use a car
Indian hair, as an ad actually comes from Latin and abdominal, the year of our Lord.
Some people think he deemed a doctor, that doesn't mean that at the end of the year of our Lord, Lord, you're referring to Jesus, our Lord.
Did you say CEO of the Christ?
dictionary. So you say he was born and
died in 798.
If you say he heard from his talk, he was bought out the stock died pretty positive.
So we don't have
once we see that,
okay, that's one way. Another way, for example, we see another man his name is, you know,
he lives in Iraq.
And when we read his biography, we see that he never traveled outside of Iraq, he only studied politics.
And he says, I heard from college.
And we look
at college.
And he never traveled to Europe.
We say again,
output, I will come here from college when I was a kid ever left Iraq, no record of him leaving Iraq, going over to Egypt. And no record of leaving Egypt going to Iraq, how could you possibly say, again, you don't have this condition,
you don't have a continuous change?
Okay, these are some of the conditions, which relate back to the second one. second principle is
what we call, we call it patents
literally need justice, right? What they're referring to here to the fact
that the people who are narrating all known to be practicing,
not knowing to be liars.
breaking the rules.
When we look into biographies, again, we might find somebody this man's name is
he lives in Iraq,
in the same time period as
a black man.
Matter of fact, he even attended some of the same study circles, as mentioned in there, because what used to happen is that those people narrative, they would say, I heard from sources, and so on, so and so. And so it's also used to attend to circle the
whole body of information was identified the people where they studied.
So, we have a smile say,
I heard from
but now, we have reports of the people
saying that we thought
once their lead information
is ended, Heidi said he reports are considered.
Right? This is all particular.
In the West, it doesn't matter. You know, what your personal life is about? You know, they, whenever the judge will information is actually acceptable or not, they don't look into the President's Personal life. Right? You know, like, for example,
you may look into people like Freud, you
come in to a certain degree, but I'm saying in terms of the passing on information, if we look at Freud, right, right now is the father of
that guy and hold
the human mind.
So when you look at the Floyd's personal life, he was
a terrible individual, his personal life with
his children committed suicide.
What he has taught has become the basis of this whole area
because they don't look into people's.
They don't judge information based on the
A law says there
is never in
He comes to you with inflammation. But he is a facet. That means, you know, he doesn't pray regularly, you know, he may drink alcoholic doing something outside of his mouth.
So, if we find somebody of that
bad character,
and no one liar for how they know,
because he's a liar.
He always shipped in cell phones.
You know, you see people leave programs when they have the guy, of course, given evidence. He says yes.
Isn't that and this guy's trying to keep track of all this eventually.
Right? Because the liar because he's not telling the truth. If you tell him the truth, no matter how many different ways in which you ask this question, I'm going to give you the same answer.
But now you are a liar. If you made up a story
you know, you can ask different angles what the Lord said himself that they asked different angles and that you'd say this and that and to give you your confidence, yes, you randomly
because you are lying, it will come out.
They will know it is the I heard
the words that
he tells us to one another person company, I heard
But you can't remember exactly, you know, there's gonna be variation. So now these colors are gathered the narration from this guy, and they find
that way. And that was
obviously, especially if, for example, other people who are in the same circles as him, that's something different altogether, but there definitely is a line okay.
is known as
the visit this
means like accuracy.
Okay, accurately,
come down to for the
cause of the Southern other doctors, not the southern accuracy, in the sense of memorization, or accuracy in the sense of having wisdom. So they look at the narrative.
If this narrator was a person who is right now with He attended the circle that he's right.
So the first one there, so we've narrowed from that which was written
If the person for example, has a good memory,
it will show it is
not a seminary to be the same.
And that's how they just looked at what they all knew.
If they did this awesome, slight variation, it meant his memory was not. These are major,
major differences. This is a memory leak.
Some people for example, when they were young, this is not very accurate. When they got old, you know, to get to now, this didn't get mixed up. So it's not that easy. This guy is a liar. Now he's different from the other ones. Not a liar is just trying to see people discussing this stuff in his mind, he might quote narrate a correct chain of narration, but the statement that he put to the end really belongs to another chain of narration, because things are getting mixed up.
So they will say okay, they would like to know that this man is
in his early part of his life, we accept
those scenarios in the latter part of his life we consider
So these are basic conditions. Of course,
conditions exist.
If the conditions don't exist in the heavy side,
those are the main two categories. For example, you will find For example, one ad, which is narrated, by attributed to it it will not be solved in one day.
lot as well
that he said
as a place for putting one's hands in his life
we have another idea
reported by
that when the Prophet described as a prophet, when the Prophet he prayed with his right hand or left hand on his chest
now we have to determine are these two statements
Okay, we have to have, say for example, in city, we have one companion reporting that he saw that
with his feet
together and is behind on the heels of
sitting on
the bottom
there is a lot of narration with a thing that has that foot bent on the heel on the bottom of it, and it's right foot propped up
and there's another narration back
on that side
and left with under the chin
we have all these variations
we go and we look to see know what is acceptable, what is not what is accurate, what is when we look for the happy frame,
we find that of course,
he is automatically consistent, you don't have any doubts about his love or what we have to look now it is because
those who came after where they all meeting each other, where they all know that their honesty and their accuracy, when we look into that chain, we find that there were certain individuals in the chain who are known liars.
So that
when we look into the other chain concerning
the chain, people are met each other
accuracy is there.
So, now we look just assessing
the naval equipment and as of the chance
we have only one choice here because the only one which is authentic is the placing of the hands on this other one is weak that you cannot build a lot of Islam
because it is built
on the correct position
whether it is here or no Where are the changes that he faces? And so what signifies from you know, where the results are anywhere from here on up? That is the correct.
When we look into the hobbies concerning the city,
we find that all of them have
all of them, all of them.
So what do we have?
We have three practices?
In other words, sometimes is that
sometimes is that the other way that
you want it's easier for you to sit like that Okay, these up
So, it is a heavy
accuracy and witness of ideas which tell us which things that Islam Options, Options means you can do this or do that.
I always think that there's only one way
this is this is what this is how we determine now what is this lab
by going back
all of you guys
because most our again all of the accurate but probably about 75% of the accurate data are there. So, whatever you find is that you can work with
very, very accurately. When you go back to your communities whatever we you should call people to say we
have let this go according to what we know
about total weight came from someone who said this was his opinion.
He goes
this is the basis for the
system. Okay, shall I stop here
just leave the
thing open up for any of you if you have any questions based on what we've heard
Read first. And then general question, do you have a general question stuff you read during the week or things, earlier? things, some new things, you read some books, you're not clear to you, whatever, you know, you can now ask.
No, I didn't know I said that Abel Chi and Muslim contain about 75% of the accurate
differences, you
100% accurate.
There are other books you have some
printed activity sooner than
later, you know that, even though it was later because we're looking now he's gonna say that it came from Bihari, okay.
So these are the main ones they didn't
even hit back, even if that is one of the collectors, they have a number of books. But in the other books, you have some ideas which are weak. And some of these are offensive, in the case of
what I'm saying terms of looking for the basic practices and principles of Islam,
about 75% of them can be found, you know, when they're found there.
So it means is a very reliable way inshallah every day
you should open up some of the heart
Well, when we go and look into hobbies,
we'll find that there are some hobbies describing the problem.
But he's happy according to scholars,
whereas in terms of Hanford, you have hobbies, and what about the era in which
he said that
whenever any of you make
you should not do it the way that the Campbell does with your hands before you
put your hands
a lie broke, broken by while yada yada he
of course, people got some philosophical ideas about how Campbell The weather is really nice come before
now, but the point is that
he said while yada yada Dee cobbler.
So, this is the more accurate
This is the more accurate
if you go into all the different people as that you may find the different arguments based on the different schools. But if you just come back to the Hadees and analyzing to see which
one book you can see it it is for example, the book of tabula rasa collected by one of the big powers of some centuries back in
even agit in Africa. He is the one who does the most famous commentary of
his commentaries like he
explanation bringing all different books.
He brings these two headings and points out that one going down in his first week was the one coming
even though in his school his school he learned according to Tomic law and his school, they prefer to put their needs before they had but he went against
because he was not concerned with what the school said he was a conservative.
So that's the more accurate
because daddy's actually becomes unstable. I
So then
this is where,
as I said, 75% of everything goes into how Jesus described in Muslim, they don't mention
it because what happens is the companion when he's explaining,
he tried to say something about raising hands. So naturally, he's talking about raising their hands, he doesn't talk about where the knees and which one is. So those are these are founded in describing certain aspects. They didn't describe every single they want to place an ad on the chair is also
translated to English, the only other one besides why.
Imagine those are the most famous ones, they make up
for their other
Looking at
your brothers from
alameen Salatu, Salam
ala alihi wa sahbihi.
Begin by praising Allah, Israel
and sending blessings to
all those who follow the righteous path and continue to follow
the Day of Judgment.
last session, we dealt with heavy
looked at different aspects of these
represented sayings actually approvals of the prophets,
which were passed on by companions
to the generation after them,
from them to those after them collected in books,
which we lost.
And we mentioned certain books, and books. And after that, we went and looked at, we looked at the reasons why
are the circumstances.
And then we looked at the audit itself
and try to have an understanding
and analysis of the heavy,
heavy snow is broken into two parts. And one part
the other part of the text, the other word I couldn't remember at the time. In other words, they use all sorts of methods that must also carry methods, the most commonly used one indicator
that is divided into two basic parts, the seller, the chain of narrators, and then the method or the the hand what is being transmitted by the narrator. And we said that the Hadeeth are divided into two basic groups, those are considered and those resides meaning authentic and meaning authentic
or weak.
There is a secondary category, which is also called happens. And this is sort of a final distinction, but it's also included in this general category that needs to happen. And we said what this means when you have a thesis
is that Islamic law because it says is the second when we look at these four basic
foundations for Islamic law, we said they will require so now
we said that
was conveyed by heavy
right? When we talk about the spirit of being a source of Islamic law, what are we talking about our heavy because the sooner was conveyed the simpler is what has been encompassed in the heavy, the heavy, consume more than just a sudden the problem
because having
may also refer to incidents, which happened in this time, what but we're not necessarily involving himself.
Right. So that actually determine hobbies is wider than the term some was a Sunday is contained in heavy. Now when requests talk about building Islamic law or establishing a point of philosophy, well, we should do this or we should not do that, or this is the way that we should go about doing this, the basis under which we determine that after the plan will be descended from the practice of the Prophet Muhammad. Now that practice, we have to be sure that the practice, we have to be sure that that practice was authentic.
Because a valid point of Islamic law can only be based on an authentic
weak ID cannot be used with stablish any points of
weak meaning is unprocessed.
This is the division that we have when we act No, because you may have some practices which develop in different places, which are based on, which are our authentic hobbies.
And these types of ideas, obviously, we're going to create some confusion, you know, amongst the oma because a person has gone to practices unoffensive more than likely it will contradict something which is not authentic. And so you may have people wanting to do contradicting things.
And the only way that we can resolve it as a loss this phenomena, as a law said in the file, that you know, if you had
if you had any dispute amongst yourself,
you should take it back.
You should take it back to Allah and its apostle, what does that mean? Right, taking it the means we take it back to the fire, we have a dispute amongst ourselves the difference of opinion, we take it back to the findings or to look into privacy is there a solution for this problem here are we take it back to the process, which is taking it back to the center. And the only way that the student can now become a decisive
principal, to end arguments and establish the correct way if we agree, and we depend on the authentic
which is based on opposition.
Then we looked at the conditions, the basic conditions, which determine or make it authentic. And obviously, the lack of this condition would be that which makes it authentic. First of all, we said was continuity of the generators in
the Senate. The second one we looked at was called honesty, trustworthiness of the people involved. And the third was accuracy. And it says the top two forms of
memorizing, that the person was very good at memorizing,
or the person used to write down whatever.
That's the basic visit a quick summary of what we just before we did that in detail now. One from there, we said
was contained within the happy now,
before we can use that as a point of law. There's another thing
was both a man
a human being
in the time
of the 17th century,
as well as being a boss,
there may be attendance, we find some writings and some
community culture to elevate the profit
to a point of
almost divinity.
Because Jesus is considered God
and the other communities around us around them. So wherever we find other individuals will be elevated to the point where they are either gods or demigods.
So Muslims, some Muslims in ignorance,
try to make the Prophet Muhammad
become equal
to the gods of these other cultures.
They elevated him
to a point
of almost
the book a very popular book, for example, which
I came across when I was in Canada. It's called the shadow lips.
Got it for reference. You know, when I'm writing what I've tried to clarify this point, is a very good book
called The Shadow lead. In this book, this person wrote a whole book
explaining how the Prophet had no shadow.
He then elevated him not to the point was no longer human walking on the earth. We are when we walk in the sun is there we have a shadow, yeah, was someone walking, he had no shot.
When he looked in the mirror, there was no reflection.
He was a spiritual leader.
Although the people saw him as a physical being, according to this author, he was a spiritual being.
He goes on in the book to talk about how, you know how, you know, the
principle is called a newer and comedy. And if you've heard about the Mohammedan, light,
you may hear about it, you may have come across
this yet,
in their concept, because they've elevated the man, we talked about that some session facts about the attitude, the amount, the elevation, and the for the amount of the elevation to the point where according to the CIA, the amount of know the future, they know when they're going to die. And all this kind of knowledge that happens in the universe is submitted to them, this type of attitude of the ship, obviously, they feel that way about the amount, when you go to look at the way they feel about the fact that some of it has to be that way.
Right, because the amount of the descendants of the Prophet
so they believe, you know, as this man also puts in the book, also the man who wrote the book,
this idea is common,
that, you know,
a piece of a lot of light,
which was their eternal
this piece of a lot of light,
when he created Adam, it was with Adam.
And it was handed down generation and generation and generation it has manifested itself
is what they call
this light nose device. Because it's a piece of a large light life device. Right? When they're projecting this and projecting that Mohammed Shah Salaam was in essence, a divine eternal being.
This is totally against Islam.
And Islam, a lot is the only eternal being having no beginning.
This attributes can in no way this attributes can in no way be given to profit.
To do so, is shift.
To do so, shift, cancel, cancel the basic pillars.
Back to our concepts
could be divided based on the fact that
a man
could be divided into two basic categories.
That would be called sooner
which is called natural.
The other category is called
What do we mean by that?
We mean that
when we look in our body of Hadees, we're looking at this because that was the the thing after the approval of the process. When we look at this,
we gather it
with the somebody of the hubby's involved
actions of the Prophet Muhammad
which were obviously not intended or not intended to be guided for the oma and to Yoshi if
there were some actions which were his own personal actions, which had nothing to do with Islam.
Is that
heresy to say that the prophet SAW Selim did something which was not
no required.
Item. This is like some people have a book which is that
it is written by one of the scholars
compiled in all of the various practices, and descriptions of the things that have to do with having
enough that you get a picture
to describe how long His hair was no beard, what type of clothes used to wear, how used to walk shoes used to wear different things, it was like this habit, what were all his personal habits right, called Shama.
Now, this book has been translated in English
and have a copy of it,
but the translator translated his activities as originally started in
Now, the president translated from Arabic,
he had this idea that whatever the prophet SAW
divinely inspired
guidance, benefits everybody.
So, each and every little action of the challenges, he tries to you know, give some kind of explanation as to how this is beneficial and
this gives a distorted picture.
The fact that for some people it might sound theoretical
and Islamic, when we look
into the sun that we will have to come to a conclusion because
he explained to his companion, that there were two aspects to
this a very famous heavy
in which the proper homosassa loveawake came to Medina.
He found
he found the companions there
are artificially
NECA didn't used to raise them.
And they used to artificially pollinate. Now, when we look at the principles of
Islamic attitudes towards
life in general and human habits, we see that Islam dislikes artificial.
There's a general dislike for things artificial destroying, or the changing of the natural processes
is even one person applied for a lot of talks.
That he will command you
know, he will call you and command you to change
command to encourage you to change now,
we know for example,
for these tattoos,
use a needle and puncture your skin and put color into them to form some kind of design, very popular, tailored
for business
and we know that he forbade a woman plucking your eyebrows
very popular in the West. You know, they pluck the eyeballs maybe because they have kind of wishes that eyebrows just pluck it all off and then just take a line and draw like
eyebrow pencils.
Or they have false eyelashes, false eyelashes.
And a lot curse. The one who wears the weak, the one who
wears it, the one puts it on to
that a lot.
the case where it actually talks about Helen said it was a case where a woman
older woman, her daughter had gotten some sickness and her hair fell out.
She wanted her daughter to get married so she wanted him and asked him if he could make a kind of a hairpiece for it because who's gonna marry her for a year they'll follow
the promise that sentences curses the ones where the weaker than the ones who put in
given the a false impression, Sandra's nightmare
Okay, so just understand that tell him he told him that because this was told to him by law.
this is a bit of the general
because at the same time
that this gentleman
said that we should clip our fingernails
And I feel now
Good to hear from our artists from around our private parts
and that should be done you know you should not let the hair grow for any longer than 40 days
at the maximum
strike do regular practice
should be
a one
so there are no Islamic principles which is good against the natural way
right here
see when you analyze any doctor
when they're preparing a woman to give birth, she won't hear around
because these areas because these are areas are permitted to shave pieces of hair out of your head. One of the things that allowed to shave it all off when you make armor.
Or if you decide, you know, you just want to get you here you can shave it all off, but it doesn't allow you to shave pieces you know like some people after the Columbo he can hear we have to hear down the middle to shave off everything on site is on Indian
rupee disposable he can
visit t right he's got
this is forbidden in Islam. Okay.