Bilal Philips – Saving Lives, Saving Humanity – Muslim Doctors and COVID-19
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The medical profession is essential in helping individuals save lives and achieve their goals. The professional's mission is to remorse of Islam and create a different perspective in making decisions. The importance of professionalism is emphasized, including finding a strong professional opinion and bringing others to guidance. The speakers also discuss the difficulties of the professional career and the need for practical knowledge and graduation to achieve success in the field. The legal framework for women's sexuality and the possibility of abuse are also discussed.
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Alhamdulillah Allah alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah He was Hobie woman is standing disunity Li oma Dean. All praise is due to a law and realize Peace and blessings beyond the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day.
As you have already announced
the topic of this workshop session lecture
is saving lives
within the context of the COVID-19
Global epidemic, that the world is going through at this point in time,
as both most of you are medical professionals,
the discussion or presentation will focus on
your role as Muslim medical professionals.
Muslim professionals in general
have a general
work ethic
which Islam has really defined for all Muslims.
Regardless of our professions,
even if we are students,
even if we are
young people in school, etc.
We have a general principle which guides our lives or should guide our lives.
And that principle
distinguishes between
typical Western civilizational approach
to work,
how we work, how we do our work, the goals of working
where the material Foundation,
the gathering of material treasures,
trappings of the dunya is the main focus.
So, work the purpose of work is to get money.
Money should provide us with our basic
wants a home a car,
vacation, a comfortable life,
attached to it that is the
ultimate goal.
Whereas, as Muslims,
this is secondary.
And in order to remind us that it is secondary.
The Prophet sallallahu wasallam had said in an authentic Hades
dunya melona.
This world is cursed
mother Omen mafia and everything in it is cursed.
If we are
addicted to it, if we make it our goal
then it's it's cursed.
Because what will happen to us is that we will end up worshipping this world. And that's why the prophet SAW Selim also went on to say
dyrham Well, abdeen are
the one who worships
the deer, ham and the dinar,
the pound, and the dollar
their lives will be wretched.
They will live wretched lives, even though they will gather the Durham's and the dinars the pounds in the dollars, they will gather them and they will have them.
However, it will not bring them
a good life,
there will be moments of enjoyment
and moments of major distress, sadness, regret, all of these things would be overpowering.
So the joy, the end and happiness would only be momentary.
Whereas, for the believer,
here he or she has to look beyond this dunya
as Muslim professionals
as well as
people in a variety of other walks of life, we have the same vision, the same mission, the same goals, and we should have the same focus in our lives.
So after the boss I set them at said, This world is cursed and everything is cursed.
For those addicted to it, he went on to say, illogical law, except for the remembrance of Allah wamalwa law or whatever helps us to remember our law. Why Lehman? knowledgeable individual teacher palmata alima and the student
these are the blessed individuals
and the blessed.
profession is the remembrance of Allah. And whatever helps us to remember Allah.
So our profession, as a Muslim should be remembering Allah.
That should be the core of our profession. Now we remember a law through whatever
technical or
not non technical areas of knowledge which people utilize to earn a living in this world.
That's the outer trappings. But the core should be the remembrance of Allah.
And this is what
Islam is giving us as our focus in remembrance of Allah. That's what civilize Salah is about remembrance of Allah, aka masala lithic Cree.
And the only way we will achieve lasting happiness is through remembrance of Allah. Allah busy karela he talked to my inner kulu it is only with the remembrance of Allah that hearts find rest.
So this is the glue, which holds our lives together
and guides us in whatever walk of life we are in
the remembrance of Allah
as taught in Islam,
by Prophet Muhammad SAW Sutherland
and as practiced by his companions
living the Pillars of Islam, and he man and yes
that this is interwoven into every aspect of our lives.
So as medical professionals
This presence needs to be there
to make this profession, medicine,
a truly blessed profession. It is a profession which has a special place in that it involves service to humankind. And the promises Allah made it very clear to us, head on us, and for whom leanness, the best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.
So, we know that anything which involves service to human society, human civilization,
our countries, our communities,
this is something blessed.
Those engaged in it are considered the best amongst humankind, service to people.
the medical profession which is involved in healing us,
curing our sicknesses,
illnesses, finding Prevention's
preventative methods to prevent us getting ill or mending our bonds when they are broken,
delivering our children
providing medicines
to prevent
difficulties in breathing, coughs, etc, all the different elements involved in medicine.
We have to utilize these elements in a way which is pleasing to Allah, which helps us to remember Allah
and truly
the medical profession because, you know, it involves such a basic need human need
of health, physical well being.
People are always thankful and thankful to the medical practitioners,
especially in COVID-19, with medical practitioners being on the frontlines of the battle against this global epidemic.
They are held in high esteem.
Even though in many cases many countries didn't look after them, as they deserved to be looked after. These practitioners were heading into battle without proper defense.
Their equipment was lacking, or inferior quality, not enough.
So many were dying, and many continued to die, because of ill preparation etc, on the part of many of the global
governments and
politicians and those who have not done their part.
Anyway, in spite of it,
our medical practitioners have continued in any case,
they recognize the needs of their profession, and
the needs of humankind, for their profession. So they have stepped up.
And we asked a lot to bless all of you
and to continue to give you the courage and the strength to
hold up the banner of good health
with an Islamic message
to our people.
We pray that Allah gives you the strength
hold strong
Hold your positions strongly,
do not give up in spite of the difficulties you may face.
you're about saving lives,
there is a dark side
of the profession
that we should be aware of
the dark side,
which oftentimes goes neglected.
We all know the
verse from Surah majda 32, which is quoted, especially in your context,
in your context as medical practitioners, woman
fucka and NASA gibeah. And whoever saves the lives, saves the life.
It is as if they have
saved the life
of all of humankind.
the first part of that verse, we also need to consider,
there ain't enough sin, whoever has taken a life
without it being
a punishment
for that person having taken a life, alpha side and fill out or because they corrupted the land. The corruption was so harmful
that the death penalty was what they deserved. fucka Anima patala NASA Jamia
it will be as if
they killed all of humankind.
And when we consider
in the United States
of America,
that according to john hopkins study in 2018 250,000 people
die annually in the USA, because of medical mistakes.
250,000 people
making it the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in America.
That's 700 people plus dying daily
killed by medical professionals.
I'm sure you've heard these figures before, but maybe they just passed by. I'm just reminding you. That's me, us. In India.
The number instead of being 250,000. Of course, you've got a billion people. So
the numbers are gonna be so much bigger. It's 2.6 million people. According to the World Health Organization.
2.6 million people
die annually because of medical mistakes.
According to Harvard University study,
Harvard University study is not to 2.6 million, it's 5 million
who die
in that lie, or in a year at your own.
That's very scary.
It makes the common person when they hear these kinds of numbers.
You know, is it worth going to hospital? How many people tell stories, you know, my aunt, my mother, my grandmother, my this one went to hospital and they came out worse than they went in
many cases like that.
And, you know, the the medical profession because doctors and nurses, they're getting good pay because of the profession etc, they have certain status,
they have become to a large degree very careless
about human life.
So the medical profession has this dark side, which is about taking lives.
Not deliberately not saying that they're planning and killing people that really like murderers, but with their carelessness and negligence, etc, lives are being lost
I one of the biggest killers is prescription drugs, we know there are huge problems that face the medical profession in terms of prescription drugs, drug companies pay people to give drugs, every drug they give, they get, you know, monies and things like this, you know, so they're encouraged to, and especially the opioids, and that which addict people so that even after, you know, you've let them out of the hospital, they're stuck on these things, and they're addicted to them, and they have to keep taking them. You know, there's been a huge business. It's materialized. Everything is monetized to such a degree, that the medical profession, you know, is now preying on the society.
They're exploiting the society. They're like
vultures eating the dead.
So, you know, this is the dark side of the profession.
For the Muslim, we have to have
a different perspective.
which protects us from falling into these categories.
For us, work the profession, the medical profession, should be worship.
That's how we have to look at it. work should be worship.
We worship a law through our jobs. Actually, for Muslims. It's the case for everybody in everything.
And so Allah,
Allah says, There, boom.
To the people say, in this alati, indeed, my prayers, what was Suki my sacrifice? Well, yeah, my life, my living Amati and my dying lillahi Rabbil. aalameen is for a law, the Lord of all the worlds.
So whatever we are engaged in,
whether it's work, or it's play, vacation, family enjoyment,
fighting for the sake of a law, in defense of our lives, our families, our countries, etc.
All of it
should be done
in a way which is pleasing to Allah.
So, this is what we have to
be conscious of.
That our profession
should be one in which
we are conscious of worshipping a law through it.
And it is something each and every one of us can achieve.
But there are a number of obstacles that we have to consider.
And we have to try to change the way the educational process takes place.
We need our own institutions.
Wherever the medical profession is taught, from an Islamic perspective,
everything that is in modern medicine today should be taught.
it should be taught from an Islamic perspective
that element should be there
and students engaged in our institutions.
should be true Muslim students. And it's not to say non Muslim students will not be allowed in etc, no, to be open to everybody. But medicine, as a profession would be taught from an Islamic perspective.
Hippocratic Oath begins saying, I swear by Apollo, the sun god,
and the gods and the goddesses. That's the Hippocratic oath. That's what's there, you know, where medicine was encapsulated to the time of Hippocrates.
They were idol worshipers.
And the idol, the God of money is still there.
The God of money is still there.
In our institutions, we have to teach medicine
in the best way possible.
When they were looking at the problems in,
in India, for example, with this large number of people dying and harmed because of malpractice of the medical profession.
One of the big factors, they said the main factors was due to the lack of practical knowledge.
The doctors not having sufficient practical knowledge.
Knowing what these problems are,
our institutions should fill the gap, we should be producing doctors and nurses with good, practical knowledge.
Not just book knowledge is in the book, it wasn't in the book, it was written there, you memorize this thing for exam purposes, etc. but practically speaking, you don't know how to apply it, you're not applying it, and people are being harmed
because of your lack of practical knowledge.
So we do need to revamp our institutions
to ensure that those who go through its
courses of study come out, well equipped, properly equipped to serve the nation,
the Muslim community and the world.
This is a different approach that we need to develop, we need to recognize the need for and we need to engage in
truly world class institutions. Even though we may not have all of the latest equipment and all the other things, you know, America has it. But still, we said, you know, 700 people are dying daily.
dying daily because of medical mistakes.
So that's telling us
that's telling us it's not just about the equipment, the equipment, of course, is helpful, and allows you to do things you wouldn't normally be able to do or will be much more difficult to do. But the heart of the physician,
the nurse, the doctor,
is what's most important.
That heart needs to be connected with allow that hide needs to find
peace and confidence
and commitment
through practicing the profession in a way that it is worship of Allah and not just a means of accumulating as much material as we possibly can.
This is the point we have to have a different approach. We need to revamp our whole educational
Because I've been to medical schools,
India, in Pakistan, in Malaysia,
different parts of the Muslim world
medical colleges, medical schools, that are in institutions that are fundamentally Muslim institutions.
But when I asked the students,
I asked them
in order to distinguish between what a true medical student is supposed to be a Muslim medical student
and to understand
the basis of a fake Muslim medical student.
I explained to them
that the Muslim medical student, the true Muslim medical student,
is a Muslim, who happens to be a medical student. He could have been a student of engineering, he could have been a student of Koran. It could have been a taxi driver, it could have been anything else. But he was Muslim, first and foremost.
Whereas the fake Muslim medical student
is a medical student
who happens to be a Muslim. He could have been a Hindu, he could have been a Christian, he could have been a Buddhist, he could have been an atheist, communist, he could have been anything.
He is a student first. His whole focus in life is the goals of the student to graduate to get their degree, their diplomas.
Get that job to make that money to enjoy life.
That is the focus.
So when I asked them,
as I told you in India and Pakistan elsewhere, I asked.
So do you think yourselves to be
true Muslim students? and ask them they put their hands up? Put your hands up? If you think is. Everybody put that up? Everybody was confident that they were two Muslim students. So I said, Okay. You know, in your chemistry class, you had what was called the litmus test.
Remember, the litmus test?
This is the test to determine whether something was acidic, or it was alkaline.
That piece of paper you put it in the liquid, if it turns green, it's this if it turns blue or red or whatever, I can't remember the details of that now, chemistry classes like
a generation ago.
It was your means of determining whether something was this or that. Truly this or that. So I said, Okay, I have a litmus test for you.
I said to them,
I would like you to put up your hand
and swear by a law
that you have never cheated on any test or examination.
In your institution, you know, all the exam since you joined institution. Till now, you have never cheated on any test or examination.
cheated yourself or help somebody else cheat.
And inevitably,
whichever institution I went to, I'm talking to 1000s of students, 3000 2000 students, medical students.
a few hands amongst the males and a few hands amongst the females
out of 1000s I would see maybe 10 hands
So I said,
But does that mean
if you continue your studies in this way, cheating your way through exam after test after assignment after whatever, you've cheated your way to get that piece of paper, that Shahada or, or certificate you have in, in profits or salams. language, he called that Shahada to zoo.
The lying Shahada,
Shahada, or degree of
A lie. It's fake, it's false.
You didn't earn it.
So now, if you're going out into the world, then Sure, yes, you will be negligent, you will be, you know, malpractice is the norm, you know, cutting corners,
and people dying at your hands.
So instead of you saving lives, you're taking lives.
So those of you of course, now, you are profession, professionals, you have finished your studies, you already now in the field, What to do now?
Well, you need
to re equip yourself.
You need to link yourself, yourselves back with the crime.
And with the tsunami super loss a lot.
You need to make your motto,
the happiness of the process.
In the law, your HIPAA may not have
either. I mean, I'm Alan, and you're gonna
make that
poster for yourself a picture frame and keep it on your wall in your office. Indeed, a law loves from each and every one of you, whenever you do anything, you do it to the best of your ability.
You know your weaknesses, you know the areas from your studies that you didn't prepare yourself properly in, etc. So you're weak. And because of these weaknesses, you may be causing people to lose their lives, or causing them to be harmed in your practice of your profession. So what do you need to do now you need to get back to those books.
You need to go and take additional courses.
To fix up to to fix those areas, which you are in fact, incompetent.
And make yourself truly the best possible doctor you can be or nurse. Know your profession.
be the number one
in your field.
This is your way of repenting for cheating your way through your studies. Because that's, of course, I'm not going to tell you now to go throw away your degrees. You know their Shahada absorb their their lies their false hood, you know, so even the money that you earn with them becomes questionable. Is it halaal? You got that degree through Haram. So is can you make hella money out of a haram degree? These are big questions.
At least what you need to do is you need to
equip yourself with knowledge, your methodology, your way of treating your patients etc. It should be one driven by regret.
Sadness for what you have behind you, which has brought you to the position you're in now.
feel regret.
feel remorse, repent to Allah about Allah. Ask His forgiveness and improve yourself. Make yourself the best.
Make yourself the best.
in whatever field you are focused.
So this is what I do.
We need to do
as Muslim professionals in the medical field we need to be the top of our fields.
We need to
turn our work into worship,
work worshiping a law through our professions.
So my brothers and sisters,
those of you who present
or attending this lecture, I hope these few words when touch something in your mind in your hearts
which will cause you to change your direction
into one which is truly pleasing to Allah.
Truly deserving the title woman Ah ha ha fucka Anima hiya NASA Jamia?
That with each person that you treat
you have saved the life truly allow will reward you as if you save the lives of all of humankind
Baraka love.
So that's why they come to LA he went to get
cut Jazakallah Hira, Dr. Bilal Philips, it was really a insightful talk from you. We are really happy and delighted to have you and the talk has definitely got many insights, and we will be inshallah, I think the doctors will be reflecting upon what all you have said, inshallah. Doctor, can we go for the session like?
You're welcome. He may take the questions, and we'll try to answer them to the best of my ability
directly in that contract with Dr. Phillips. So I asked all the medical professionals who are here to raise the questions, and you can raise your hand so that so that we can unmute you. And you can ask your question directly. Also, you can give a message in the chat box, so that we will be reading out it by the ways we can do it. So whoever can directly ask the question, please raise your hand.
Okay, now we have received a question from a sister. She's a female doctor.
She's asking about treating the opposite gender,
like male patients.
How is it regarded because touching
males like opposite gender is forbidden in Islam. So what's the ruling on that while treating the opposite gender? That is the sisters question.
This Millau syllables that are suited up, we know that from the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW some of them
there were among the Sahaba yet
those who
accompanied the Muslim armies to battle
and treated the wounded.
Those who were brought back to Medina, they were treated by them, etc.
So we don't have any evidence of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam forbidding such practice.
From that, we can conclude that it is permissible, as this is a case of need and necessity.
Where there is no other option or that is the most viable option, then it is perfectly permissible. However, I would say that in choosing professions
I would not advise any sister
who decided to choose
any specialization as specialization, which is male oriented,
you know,
cancer of the prostate
gland, right, this is
prostate cancer, this is male, it has to do with males completely. So, for a woman to become a specialist in prostate cancer, this is just not appropriate. You know, I'm sure our sister can understand what I'm getting at, right. So it's just not appropriate.
as a doctor, you are trained to deal with everything, the whole range. So if a necessity arose, and you're the only one who could, etc, okay.
It's understandable that, you know, you stepped up where there was no one.
But don't make it your area of specialization. Similarly, for brothers for meals,
I always discourage them from specializing in gynecology. And actually, you know, most of the gynecologists around the world, there are males.
You know, this is a norm in the West, it's no as well known, etc.
But for us, in the Muslim world, this should be the specialization of women.
This is the woman's area of specialization. We don't need Of course, as a male doctor, whatever field, maybe you're specializing in, you know, prostate cancer, but you're gonna learn how to deliver a baby, you'll learn all of that, so you have that knowledge. So if an emergency arises, you can step up out of necessity, because there's no female around etc. to do it, so you have to do it, but don't make that your area of specialization. That's the point. Because it's just not appropriate for a Muslim male to have as his profession and his specialization in ecology
carry on.
Next question.
Hello is good. Okay, it's not nickel. So these are student being students studying in a university where people have a different definition of having fun, which involves like going to the cinemas and you know, pubs and everything, what would you advise a Muslim youth if you don't have enough number of Muslims around you
As a student or young person, where your options for entertainment
are limited.
What to do?
When the other non Muslims around you they want to go to parties or go to clubs or nightclubs, bars, etc. You know, even though you might accompany them and not actually engage in these things.
Should you do Is that okay? No, not really. Because
the problem is, I said, and I told us be careful about choosing your friends.
Choose your friends well, because you will be raised on the Day of Judgment with your friends.
They will impact you they will affect you together.
The example
blacksmith and the perfu Merchant
that if you go to the procure merchant, this is like the good person.
Either he's going to give you some perfume,
or because you are being in his presence, and he's opening up all these bottles of perfume, so all of the fragrance is coming over you, when you walk away from visiting the perfume immersions you smell nice. People will say what's very nice,
smell good.
But when you go to the
who is beating the iron,
when you stay with him, either
you are going to get burnt your clothing sparks came off and burnt your clothing
or at least when you left you will be stinking of smoke
you will be stinking of smoke. So he he gave this similitude
for us to understand bad friends are going to affect you badly
wordfriends will affect you
positively. That's just basic
not rocket science. So be careful who you choose.
As your friends. If you don't want to be raised on the Day of Judgment with them, then you don't need to be with them here in this life. So you choose some form of of
entertaining entertainment, which is
which is beneficial physically to yourself.
Like you join a martial arts
If you're a female, let it be an all female club. They have them training females too. So there's entertainment there yes, it's you know,
it involves physical
damage, but at the same time you're taking benefit out of that entity.
keep you active your mind your body, you know, so you find something which entertains you but at the same time, it's beneficial to you.
That would be my advice.
So other
sort of ruling on the conversation between colleagues like can I male doctor discuss with his colleague who is a female
question from a brother. I you know, on a professional level, you know, it's normal, that you communicate, you're discussing problems or issues that need to be addressed. And, you know, even when you're doing your rounds and things like this is a doctor, you know, with the the
professor or the the specialist who's helping you develop your skills.
There may be discussion, but then
Islam didn't forbid
discussion between male and female.
When people went to the marketplace in Medina,
males and females were in the marketplace. You know, a situation where all women in one place, all women are mothers, that is not a norm. Maybe in gatherings, for example, you're having a wedding, Picasa. So you can put all the men together all the women together, but that's not the norm. And that is special occasions. But the norm in society is that you walk down the street, no women walking dead men walking.
You go into a store, that men serving their women serving.
You go wherever you go. That's the norm of society. And Islam is not against that norm.
But you know, it's it's how the community
vindication takes place.
The communication should not go beyond the bounds that Islam has set.
Okay, I like what flavor Katusha there was a question posed on YouTube.
Should adopter, give preference to his or her Salah or attend a critical patient? as the as the salon Time goes by?
Okay, the question of
solo and medical emergency, of course, medical emergency we're allowed to join our prayers.
Join for an answer. So if medical emergency comes up,
if you take it on, you're going to miss your Thor prayer in its time. Then you have the make the intention for joining the hora Nasir
or you're doing an operation
which begins in the beginning of the war, and doesn't end until after answers come in. You just make the intention. out of them he already laid this down. This is
where he joined the war Nasir mother Manisha in Medina not traveling,
not because of rain, or not because of excessive heat, or any other fact. There was no reason.
That's how it was described. And this RBU narrated it said that was just to make ease for the oma.
Whenever difficulty arises, those combinations could be done.
So another question is, so what's the meaning of selecting a profession like drawing such like that?
Drawing? I mean, there is no profession
in the world
that does not have an Islamic aspect to it.
We're talking about halaal profession, okay. The acceptable professions, right, you know, prostitution.
You know, thievery. We call these professions, you know, I mean, we bet better we call them crimes rather than professions. So if what you're doing is not a crime, right? All of these professions
have Islamic aspects to them. So it's your profession is art. And this is one of the things when I visited many Muslim schools across the world. They had done away with art, no art,
But it
didn't say artists hora.
He said drawing, pictures, carving,
painting, pictures of living beings, human beings, and animals. It's not allowed,
because of its connection with idolatry.
But at the same time, if it's for children, children learn better with images is known. As they say, one picture. Confucius or somebody in China was supposed to have said that one picture is worth 1000 words.
So in your school, you should have pictures, but pictures with purposes, not just pictures for the sake of pictures.
But picture every picture, every image that you use, or that you design, it should have a clear message should have an Islamic message coming behind. And we need that.
So with all the young people in, in the lower grades, primary level and kindergarten
pictures are what they learn with. So the key is that if we don't have Muslim artists who can then create the pictures, which will convey the message islamically then what do we end up with? We end up with having to depend on
on what's done by non Muslims, which come which will have along with it, other things,
negative things,
corrupted things. So
we know how, and we should utilize the profession of design, graphic design, art, etc use it for Islamic purposes.
Just always keep in mind the principles that the prophet SAW Solomon's left behind. We know if it's for children, there's a lot of leeway. Once it shifts now into the adult, then the leeway is less. You know, same thing even with music. You know, people that somebody's gonna ask about music, it's coming after art comes music.
What about music they say we know it music is haram in Islam, no performances, Allah did not say music is haram and
he said, the wind and the stringed instruments.
These are the ones, the wind and the stringed instruments, the flute, the violin, path, piano, the guitar, the these are forbidden
sounds that they produce. So whether you actually have that instrument, and you making the sound, or you have an electronic synthesizer, and you produce that sight, same sound electronically, both cases
out of the picture,
the human voice singing, hello.
Of course, adult females singing in the presence of males taking in and join, not allowed.
adult female singers singing for women. No problem.
Adult or
junior man's singing males from male to female listening, it's perfectly
okay, so there are limits. They're just some limits. The idea is that all of these things, we just need to know where the limits are.
No, remember when we're dealing with the halau and
the Haram is like that one apple in the guide.
pantry. Why apple?
The rest of the trees which filled the garden all * out. So for every one haram thing, there are 1000s of
made from grapes, wine.
How many other kinds of drinks are there which are Hello, it's just the wine, don't drink it.
And so on and so forth.
I think we have one more question regarding abortion.
sister asked that abortion is permissible under Indian law.
special cases such as *, federal for controversy, tree methods, etc. So what is the ruling on suggesting abortion in that cases?
I didn't quite catch the cases that were mentioned. You repeat them.
question regarding abortion, child abortion.
She asked that under Indian law in the law, it is permissible.
Abortion is permissible under some circumstances such as *, failure of contraceptive methods, etc. So what is the ruling for suggesting child abortion in that cases?
Bismillah al salatu salam ala rasulillah regarding the issues of abortion,
child abortion. The main point we could say from an Islamic perspective perspective, is that as a norm, it is not allowed.
But given some special circumstances, medical circumstances or in cases of *, etc. You know scholars have permitted it prior to the beginning of the fifth month.
You know, it has to take place if it's going to be done.
It should be done before the beginning of the fifth month by the end of the fourth month. And the main reason
why they took that position was due to the fact that
it is in the beginning of the fifth month that the soul is brought into the fetus that's developing there, that is the, you know, the distinguishing point between the living human fetus
and a living fetus, but the human side is still not complete. So, given those circumstances,
some scholars not all,
but some scholars have held that it is and and even in the case of,
you know, not a case of medical emergency, you know, that it would be considered moku or disliked
to be done without, you know, some medical reason behind it medical, whether it's
* and psychological psychology, you know, or it is physical harm, potential harm to the mother mother's life has given precedence over the life of the child.
So that's the general opinion.
Eyes which I personally
accept and support. Of course, there are other opinions which say no,
under no circumstance,
that's pinion also, and their arguments, of course,
one should be familiar with I mean, the general arguments which say, state clearly not up to do and
don't kill yourself, you know, you're taking the life of the child is virtually killing it. And they consider regardless
of whether it's after the fifth or before the fifth,
they consider it to be impermissible.
So, one would go with the rule of the community
in your given area.
Many scholars there have
it's best that you follow that
inshallah Allah gives who seek to find rulings make PhD
if they're correct, and one if they're incorrect. Biological.
Okay, is there anything else?
Yeah, there is a question.
Assalamu alaikum.
Okay, I'm sorry for this last one. But okay, it was kind of important to me. The thing is, whenever we pray Salah, right. So and we come across, like words, which are related to life, the unseen. So what is a possible thing that should go around in our minds because, you know, we, we pray like, throughout our lives, so it's kind of like, you know, when we imagine the unseen, it shouldn't be like, something which goes wrong, like our imagination shouldn't possibly go wrong. So what's the right thing to do when you're playing Salah, and there are a lot of like, matters of unseen witches, for example, the most difficult one is in like, surah unknown when it comes to the description of
Allah in terms of light. I don't remember the eye exactly, but something like Allah who notice Amati what on earth? So it's a description which we will never be able to contemplate. So what's the possible thing which should go on?
Just keep in mind,
especially when we're dealing with
matters relating to a law
that whatever
we can be certain allies not
we It is not possible for our minds, to visualize, or to give
any form,
shape, color,
size, etc.
even with the issues reading the law, even the issues of Paradise, you know, as the prophet SAW, Solomon said, no eye has ever seen it,
what is in Paradise, nor has it crossed the mind of anyone.
So, even when a lie uses terms regarding the contents of Paradise, etc, you know, it's not true in our mind that images may come. But we always remind ourselves that whatever is in Paradise is beyond these images.
Same thing with whatever descriptions come along. If,
if there is any
attempt by our minds, to visualize a law, then know that this is being projected by satanic sources, you know, and we seek refuge in a law from Satan. Whenever these kinds of thoughts come, just like the process, Allah told us that Satan will ask us, you know, who created this, who created that, until finally lost us and who created a lot?
You know, he's got this kind of confusion and doubt, and misunderstandings or mis,
interpretations. These are from satanic forces to create confusion in our worship. So we use what the prophet SAW Selim has given us, the is the other and we seek refuge in a law from satanic influence.
slowly come shake.
I have a question regarding a concert.
It was, first of all, I'd like to say that it was a very beautiful session, especially when it comes to you know, how a medical profession has to deal with I mean, how to balance Dean and their career. And my question is regarding my first question is regarding how to overcome failure in handling a case. And my second question is regarding a when a pregnant woman, a mother finds out, you know, like, there are lots of tests that are being conducted during the first and second trimester and so on. And there are so certain diseases, like pertaining to the developmental of development of the fetus. So in regard to that, is it like, what are the rules regarding abortion in case of, you know,
mothers that that carry fetus with certain development issue.
And that will lead to, you know, the child not being able to live for a certain period of time.
And the first question in terms of
misdiagnosis or failure and wants treatment, I mean,
we're human beings, we're not perfect. So there are times when we are not successful and
we, we ask a lot forgiveness, if it's caused harm to others around us.
We're treating
we should
take extra effort to master that area that we failed in to make sure that we don't repeat that circumstance again, you know, our repentance and commit ourselves to ask to those areas and become then you know, firmly grounded to ensure that we wouldn't repeat the same mistake again
with regards to
Abortion for deformities are major
issues with the developing fetus, etc. Again,
it is before the fourth month, the end of the fourth month, as we said, if we're dealing with those who hold that position, then it is permissible, you know, the fetus is going to not survive, it's got whatever deformities or things which will prevent it from
living a life to die shortly after birth or whatever, or, you know, you see the fetus is there without a brain or when or whatever, which, which makes it you know, on viable and viable fetus, fetuses especially in that area, you know, permission for abortion is, you know, is given
if it's down syndrome or something of that nature where people do live lives, you know, relatively normal lives, but it's not
with the whole
faculties and things of this which you know, normal people have, then
it would not be miserable to
do an abortion such cases.
Okay, brothers, I think I have I have another lecture coming up. So I, you know, I think we have to call it quits now. I mean, we're just supposed to have taken that extra question. And I know we're shifting into n number of questions which should have been asked earlier. I asked a lot to put it in my scale and the deeds as well as the scale of the deeds of all those who have been a part of
having this program for the oma baccala
said I want to live cattle