Bilal Philips – Da’Wah Priorities In The West
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The importance of forgiveness and forgiveness in Islam is emphasized, particularly in relation to addiction and criminal justice systems. There is a need for individuals to make a commitment to forgiveness and reexamine their behavior, as well as for community support to ensure school success. There is a need for education and education institutions to help individuals achieve their goals, but there is a need for individuals to establish precedent situations and avoid violence. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting Muslims from harm and creating alternative media to promote peace and peace in general. The speakers also discuss the need for flexibility in dealing with different views and concerns, leadership based on people, and the danger of false intentions.
AI: Summary ©
each of
our lives to create an environment
we're here today presenting here is a situation of internal
kept alive
in the modified to be an internal
think that the content of his work needs to be reflected upon Bible
because it represents
a major
factor in the biography of the
only read the biography of the Prophet.
Oftentimes we tend to read it as a collection of facts
which one may memorize the question
of teaching our children etc. But we are not really aware of the importance
of the principle that are involved in it, which is the applied our daily lives.
When we look at the situation,
as an
we find that under oppression,
those numbers, address
those who are not able,
educating themselves
trying to
grounded as possible religion
until the command came
to Medina
was not satisfied with the earnings quality metric. But
what he found
metric society as a whole was not very smart.
He thought other avenues were other regions by
other people, eventually some people from the leader will come
back to the startup to spread their
to teach the beginners class and following that.
For him
when he made
we find a turn a turning point in
America where prohibited from fighting
many of the laws of Islam, most of the laws
governing society have what are the laws related to individual habits?
like alcohol or fasting these models is not
an Islamic foundation with secondary
Islamic State. How do you find them? The laws concerning the government in the field
of alcohol
laws, punishment for those crimes and stuff
and also the command to fight against the pagans.
And it is from this point
that Islam though, eventually came back and took Mecca and spread over the whole of the Arabian Peninsula.
Now when we look at this
is an example
in that the principal
did not end with
it is
that is authentically reported to the
that is the day of the conquest of Mecca.
Again the conquest
of Mecca. And
However, they are named, he had an intention to make
this statement. However, at the beginning kicking in like a lot of people
were in the
example, Lazarus
has died and pumped
back up
does not seem until you've had
the chance to assess the tension
and the opportunity for the acceptance of
this the mosquito until the sun rises
the signs of the last day.
So, that original
what is in reference to
which was obligatory on Muslim at the time
the individual
he made
it compulsory for them to make
whoever did not do go put himself in a statement.
And the problem is, is that if they were attacked, or if
they found any kind of difficulty, you will not be obliged to protect them.
the hindraf is
a standing
until the last day
and this has been further emphasized by lowering the bar
in Surah Nisa
in which a lot of fun in the Medina
bollini amphitheater on moviemaking.
But let him out while
the angels say the souls of those who died and sin against themselves.
They in one slide,
they replied, We will leave at effect and there
was a lot of patience enough for you to make it you
will find they are born in the
And the angel will
come to take the souls of
those who die in a state of self assessment that is committing sins against us.
And they do so by disobeying the law
not fulfilling the commandments of the law and efforts to disobey the commandment of Allah. This is looked at ultimately as a sin against
a person since they harm others.
The greater harm is against ourselves. So those who die in a state of cities
who tried to claim that they were in the state because they were weakened affects
their resolve that allows patients and they couldn't make it. They did not have to remain.
And a lot goes on to say that those who died in that state ultimately will find their own health
was easier.
Very serious
the obligation of Israel
A lot goes on to clarify the tuition for those who remain is the same
Except those who are really oppressed, those are two young
men, women and children who have no means of power.
North they find a way of escape.
There is hope that a lot of forgiving
and forgiving
the Lord who had no meaningful opportunity, their intention was to get out.
there is hope for them for the LIDAR forgiving.
And I would love to say that he who protect his home, and he makes it right, and the cause of alarm fires in the earth, many refugees
and abundant
cities are doing this for a while
is one income you insure with a law and the live on forgiving
who find that situation
recognizing the pressure
from the non Islamic Society,
whereby we are obliged to make certain compromises or religions
were obliged not to do things, because the society does not allow these things to be done.
there are many,
many compromises that we make on a daily basis. Those of us who feel
then we have to look for some of
then there is something fundamentally wrong about your faith.
Because a lot
one does not want to go from a state of Finnegan.
So we should
be motivated to make that change. We shouldn't feel
that there's something wrong here.
Turning back to the law, has to start from a point of
sorrow, point of regret, one feeling bad about one situation as a Muslim as a serious believing, we cannot possibly be happy to live in the circumstance
either says yes last one, maybe outside of the weather outside to another area of the country, whatever or staying in our given circumstance and struggling to make the change
because the other
day, they will be affected intention of struggling to make a change.
And even when we say and why would we make the change?
We will be fulfilling an aspect of
because the subtle issues involved in a big change
is one This was back when the left to the to the individual
where he used his commitment to a lot
of mode
to avoid what a lot
you what he has commanded.
is one from whom
from his tongue
is not
backed by
by hearing from them, taking their
why why do you want to make
a wah wah
wah one?
One any great.
Leave an abandoned law
in remaining in our government to struggle,
aspect of Israel, which ultimately with all of us have to come, because even for the hit went to another land or so in other areas, places have to, we have to make that internal disrupt away from what a law has.
Now, looking at our situation here,
we're in,
decided to stay at
what to do so effectively,
we have to
gather ourselves
in various areas of this.
If I didn't even to live by himself or by herself,
surrounded by normal,
whatever any problem arises, during, that we can call on
the community is not there to support
what we have here we have a massive people scattered.
This is not really a community,
we come together to talk
a lot. But then we set them back again with a
real community of feeling of being together, where we leave when we go back into that community is not there.
And what we find is that with each person is given his own individual life, the kind of commitment necessary to make this machine or any of these masses in England,
a truly
vibrant and living
core of the Muslim community is not
Because what you find is only a few people are willing to make sacrifices.
And the vast majority use the Maxi Delta,
where the message should be the center of the hub.
whereby we talk about a lot. When we talk about, we talk about the fact a lot, no shows, demonstrates the Brotherhood of Muslims, whereby when we are making a lot
and we don't see our brother president is missing one piece a lot, then we go to his home and check on him for
maybe six, maybe problems or whatever, that kind of a feeling cannot develop because people come to the market.
The market is not the core and the sense of the community where people need to go back into the community.
So the people who are in the market are not necessarily people who are
miles away.
So that aspect of relevance, that concern should come out of your mouth
really can develop
of the outside definition of faith.
And if we're not able to implement the law
in the full sense,
then what can you tell the
community is hurting
because of his inability to implement a lower level.
And as I said, this is really a function of the inability of the community
or the community in various parts of the country to get together to concentrate themselves in any given area. What we do find is some concentration of people from Pakistan or
in another area, but these are ethnical concentration.
Indians from India
So there's not really a question of people coming together, because of the time because when we talk about people, creating a community, by making hindrance to a given area, we're talking about a community, which reflects the
unit universality of Islam, a community of Afro Caribbean,
Afro Caribbean,
or just Indian.
As long as it is based on racial, or, you know, national lions, this cannot be.
Because Islam crosses all barriers, we are brothers because of our faith, not because of any destiny, which we certainly that
we should not feel affinity somebody else says that he called he was born in the same country as me, because that is something
we have no choice about, he didn't choose to be born in Jamaica or Ghana or India or Nigeria, what are
we what should leave that to other people,
because this is the foundation.
So it is essential
in this area, to
choose a particular region of 15 countries, whereas there was an attempt to
by in areas rent in that area, and to begin to live in that area. And out of that will grow the two institutions,
the real institutions, that the Islamic community needs to help them to fulfill the requirements of Islam, personal families,
because what we're facing
here, for the development community, is a need for education.
We find that they're not sufficient.
Children are going to government school.
And we thrive on the weekend, or each day, we give them a little something.
This cannot compete with what they're bombarded with,
you know, six hours a day, eight hours a day in their school,
when they come home, to come back into their given neighborhoods,
the people who are around them in their neighborhoods, their neighbors are most likely again. So these are who they will say this. So what we give them for a few hours on the weekend, or half an hour each day cannot
compete with what they are fighting with,
on a daily basis, the schools, neighborhoods, and through the media, when they come home, whether it's television or whatever, newspapers, magazines.
So, the end result
is that a large proportion
of the next generation will resist
because we are capable of handing down our
attachments with our commitment to Islam.
So that
we did not have a means to do so effective.
educational institutions,
what we often find is that the few education institutions that are available,
the fees that are involved, there may be too high.
The location may be too far, practically.
So we're not even able to vary the motivation are able to make use of it.
Whereas in a circumstance where you have a community in any given area where people are permitted to move into offices,
then the development of an institution within that way of becoming 100 times easier than that it is whether
it's 100 because the people of that area will be
willingness to make the kind of sacrifices necessary to establish precedent situations, which become a service to the community because ultimately,
Islamic schools
which serve the community cannot do so without the support
that they gain are never enough to cover the cost.
This is something that I observed personally, in the number of schools that have been set up the United States and Canada, that
door that the administration may try to separate particular figures to bring in sufficient money to pay the cost of maintenance to the school, and
what you find is that
there are people in the community who need to put their children in,
and they have no means.
And for you to tell them no, you cannot put your child in the school because you don't have the money. I mean, it's been so cool.
It is so heartless,
that these community schools for the most part, I'm glad to be
very funny.
So what you find is that the movements that are actually serving the community mean, he
has come up
really high. And you know, just for the sake of ambassador,
General Islamic schools, serving these attempts to serve the needs of the community, which you find is that they do not have sufficient economic needs.
Because they have to be the parents of teachers certain level of talent to be able to keep them in the school,
where if the school evolved within that community,
then you would find people in that community will have the skills and the means women to teach at a lower
salary. Because that is a part of their community, it is a sacrifice they're willing to make, because of the needs of the community, and the community is what helps to look out for their own personal.
I mean, when a person for example,
if a person is called to make a sacrifice, he reflects back immediately to his family, the wife says,
If I do this, I get hurt.
Whereas if somebody was in a community where you have that real bubble, which has evolved from the living in
the same area, together, whether that is struggling together, such a community, when you call on an individual sacrifice, he will feel within itself, that if I go and buy diapers, and whatever, the community will look after my family.
So that will motivate him to make the kind of sacrifices that you cannot move.
Furthermore, one of the things that we find in the society is that for young people, there is a need for entertainment.
Entertainment, socially, wasn't as attractive, as IPR is protected.
On one hand, and so the other people around you shouldn't be there because what is happening there such as such,
but then we're not giving them
there should be in the community, a center where young people can come and socialize and sexual according to some the founder never talk about his role. along the side of town where the young men get together, you're gonna get together especially
when there are social activities for them, where they can fulfill, you know, their, their natural desire to, to socialize with their own peer group, in a healthy Islamic environment.
Again, with that real community established, then you can begin to
develop such alternative institutions.
As actuation exists today, virtually impossible
to read,
all for whatever. And money goes out in the community when we get these areas as well as
These areas are for the most part
of limited use, because we're not able to not spend the kind of money necessary to develop them in such a way that it would be attractive
to have the issues of media
such a community,
physical community, and
then you can start to look for developing alternative media.
You know, you have cable television,
whereby you can set up your own programming,
brothers who have the skills and media who could develop the program, but of course, there is no community, there's no demand, there's a demand theoretically, there is no economic demand support, which is
those letters in position to utilize those skills.
So, what happens is that they end up working instead with the existing
The other thing that I think we should consider
is that the community
would help us to develop the kind of organization
necessary to create economic alternatives
because they
ultimately will grow when economic is redistributed.
If we have an opportunity, we have our own grocery store, which is a clothing store, etc, then no one is that without going through the various settings, and then going out in the community, we circulated.
And this is
very good source for economic growth. And
also, we have the issue of interest,
which many of us in one way or another have fallen into whether it's mortgages for our homes or shorts or vehicles or whatever, some degrees is greater than others,
this situation can only be resolved, when we are able to set up alternative financial institutions.
Again, such a community will provide the kind of basis from which was the setup.
And more work from the thin gray in dealing with HIV, which a lot of
we all have from the community.
A point of Tao which we cannot
express or develop, without particularly when we talk to people about Islam. And they say well, okay,
we can pull up one of the countries in the Middle East,
or whatever.
Or innocent Islam and a very theoretical
and only roles, you know, we'll have more intellectual or whatever, nobody drops, the potential of this theory would then become attractive for the average person. I mean, he would like to see it in practice, living examples
with individuals are able to show something to our own characters. Now, behavior we give people etc, are able to show them something. But then it's very difficult to live according to this law, because it's one of the brightest teacher out there calling
to the Father Pickens, who has people who have
I mean, everybody wants to sell your products.
Whether you're a Jehovah's Witness, or you are a salesperson of a store, or whatever
it is we'll learn if you train yourself with
good character.
We, if we were able to develop that physical community would then present
an Islamic environment
an alternative
a community of that size is one way women and children who feel safe and
comfortable with love for men who often do in the society is a lot easier for the man in his dress
is not required
to be as obvious
islamically as a woman, or a woman,
and just to maintain our basic, you have to do that automatically, she finds out that
she will be under pressure
in a way that then I rarely
one attempts to do is send support
to you give up.
And then we make up
for the workshop,
we cannot blame her if she lives to compromise and give us some time
unless we are prepared to
Islamic community, the pharmaceutical community what
the whatever was the for those people who are without
without training is willing to help them to develop skills and stick with utilizing their home to
face the
pressures on non Islamic Society.
So we would then provide a means that our
boy, he could come into the community and experience Islam.
It is something
within another planet circumstance,
struggling to establish Islam
with its institutions
and systems of education, economics, etc.
are given such time
as we are able
gain control over the
political, economic and social aspects of our lives at least on that community level.
Then, we will be obliged
to make certain compromises with the existing system.
I would say that
and this is
my opinion
in relationship to
working within
the establishment.
Whether the legal profession
or in the police
are in very good systems by
which, if they're not somehow pressured or modified
will harm the community.
I would suggest
that it is necessary
that some brothers
become lawyers
be able to provide a means of protection for the community validate means of livelihood a person goes under lawyers make a lot of money
but as a means of protection of the community,
from that legal system,
they would enter into the legal system and utilize it to defend the Muslim individuals and communities. when the need arises,
what a person of necessity will not be able to utilize the law
freely as the non Muslim lawyers may utilize that is a Muslim lawyer that will not be allowed to defend someone who knows to be a criminal
drug dealer
this type of law, which is really what brings the fame and the money.
The lawyer will not be allowed to
take up cases which involve human rights, rights such as where, according to the law of the country,
which is acceptable. I don't mean, if you have, for example, a gay liberation, who says, you know, it's my right according to the law. And so you're going to defend it, because it's like a force of law.
According to the law, what is acceptable is not to blame the defense,
what is not acceptable in terms of one practice to
avoid the areas.
So, I would suggest, and from my own experience, in North American context, wearables,
in recent years entered into the system,
we have found that it has made a difference
in the way in which the author community deals with the Mississippi, it's not a deal, for example,
on a black and white basis, for example, in New York City, with a police force is all white.
It was extremely vicious.
What black police,
I didn't mean that all of a sudden analog or vicious, but the viciousness was decreased. Significantly, not able to just latch on to
the fact
what we observed, for example, in New Jersey, New York, we have their 15 Muslims who are policemen
who are no Muslim, there are others who are hiding their Islam, but they also
they are, they're come to the aid of the community in so many circumstances, you know,
where the law would have come down on Muslims, you know, from a variety of different perspectives, they're been able to keep that law firm, Army.
Personally, I mean, I could express that they provided me a form of security. And due to the fact that the
contract was put up on me by the
United States.
Because the book which I wrote exposing the falsity of that belief,
they provided
us were able to provide for me a level of security, whereby I was able to give lectures, even on a large scale basis, which had in the audience, the number of people following me, and saw that, because of the kind of security they were able to provide
legal, legally able to carry weapon systems have metal detectors, and they were able to provide an envelope security, that otherwise would not have been
spoken, because regardless of what may be out there, when one time the guy
or whoever, you know, the
type of camels, that is that we euthanize whatever it means exists in the society to ensure whether it is one safety or the successive ones. And then we put our trust in Allah, we don't just jump off a cliff, and you know, expect a lot.
So, as I say, from my own experience there
and that of many in America, we have seen that Muslims entering into the various institutions of the society, you have been able to benefit the Muslim community on a level which would not have been possible otherwise. So I did something. I feel that those of us as part of a strategy for dealing in this weapons product a lot of circumstance
will open here. They need to look at this. Realistically have I've heard a number of others who have felt the concern and desire to voice the law. Now I've been told by others others around
cetera, when in fact, it is not clearly a situation. It is truly a person going into the legal system they have to make
compromise, we may have to stand when the judge comes in these type of things.
However, when we look at the arm, we have a left arm and a greater heart,
under pressure, under oppression, allow to take the lesser of two evils to prevent immigration and where there are institutions which have policies etc, which are for the benefit of the society to certain degrees, Muslims are now a part of that, because we know,
that said
concerning a gathering, which took place in Mecca, prior to this process is known as simple food in which the theaters of operation
had gotten together
and proposed that they would have this committee, which would look out to the orphans, the needy
people who are in need in the society.
Right now, we know when
we tell our women, that they must cover themselves, everything except for the face and hands, or
But we are wondering that they must come. But if they have to go for a checkup,
or they have to go for deliverability or for an operation, then we're not gonna go to the hospital.
we encourage some of the sisters in the community to develop the skills of gynecology, etc. so that we can have in our community, a clinic, where our women can go through and that for themselves,
then we as a community carry the feeling that every woman falls into where
we are.
Because it is a community
get up to
10 falls on the record. But if nothing gets us to do it, then we all carry
another air this
way down to earth.
And there are many, many other professions
by which they all
develop or maybe use for the benefits.
I will say
that wasn't here hear.
Either you're
staying and sort
of leaving this environment, if you're able to.
However, even world with the trouble.
There is an aspect of hedra which remains open. And that is an external
part of the country.
And then we need to look into these possibilities very seriously, for us to provide a foundation for the development of Islamic community, whereby we may apply our Islam on a larger scale on a poorer scale. And we should make this effort believing that in
this country,
we shouldn't think and look at the people around us because they're, you know, the colonizers are, you know, they're people of these backgrounds or whatever. They're not like them, you know, that were accepted.
That was Islam here. So our minds are always in terms of getting
we're going to be here and we should struggle, believing that it is possible that we could establish whether the claim is established or not alive, but
why we did this. We will ask why we
were here. Why would
we ultimately are
required to make
As I said,
it is only to the establishment of
community that will will remake some aspects of
There's only two ways that we will be able to successfully establish the kind of
weather, educational, economic or social, which will provide alternatives for in turn, and our children, families, whereby they may live more fully Islamic life, and whereby we may convey Islam to the next generation
coming up
mentioned, Furthermore,
the establishment of such communities would provide an example
which we are at a loss without
the buyer.
And, ultimately,
that's local to the establishment community will require us
until such time
to enter into the various political forces
which have some means of benefiting the community, which if they are not manipulated or utilized, will harm the community, we are applied, I feel that we are obliged in some way, shape or form, to enter into these institutions and use them for benefits for the benefit of the community as a whole.
becoming full for this system,
but of preventing these tools from harming us in the way that they are presently harming us. And we'll proceed until we establish
I will stop here.
And as our brother said,
needs discussion. Next.
One your ideas
are being proposed possible alternatives have been proposed
to take what is useful
and leave what is not
inside of consideration where we're here to argue our
my opinion and your opinion
to prove you wrong or be wrong.
But it is both to be a means of exchange passing on information and we should discuss the information with
the operation
the process
with regard to forming a community
when the people needing the kind of needs that people have lacked the knowledge producers,
as you have correctly pointed out, many times the national
assessment despite the contention, that they are
my opinion is that
is as strong
the community
allow it to be
or direct.
If we the type of leadership that we have is not suitable.
The people will not have the people are aware of what their priorities should be
insist strive to establish it, then the leadership will either conform or be
But the idea has to take
proposing an idea,
an idea which
has been proposed in a number of different other ways,
we need
to be committed to the idea,
recognize the need for
if, as a mass of people will recognize that, then we can start to set up committees, or
conferences or whatever, which would then be dedicated to developing a winning conference not conferences,
conferences, working conference working committees, where we then start to look into ways the means of implementing these ideas.
And this
should draw from a cross section of the community, because you will find people in all of the various classes all over the country who
may hold the same IP. So, people should be
the basis of this idea.
Once the idea has taken root in the society,
a large
representation of the community
committed to the idea, then,
just about establishing the necessary steps, this may take place within an existing structure because not all communities are on the same level, we're not going to say we can't really attack everything conveniently, they're all ethnocentric You know, there are all this and all that there will be a variety of variation within the various communities and we may find amongst them one particular Masjid or community area where people are
quite open to the idea. And in that case, and we concentrate our efforts
should not start off pessimistic, we want to start off
believing Is that possible? Because if we don't believe it's possible, to get both and of course, it ain't going
to deliver is optimistic, not pessimistic. So, we should go into the situation believing fundamentally impossible, then what we got to look to see what are the ways that means of
some people
this is a view
particularly within the
kind of image
varying degrees
have been accepted by the other schools,
but none of them really accepted, you know, as an orphan like
where because you and your life decided by the start of college now becomes allowed for you to be a criminal.
None of them are promoted
people who
need to do this exactly. I mean, these are criminal minded individuals
who claim to be Muslims, and will use these kinds of divisions, you know, as an excuse for the criminality
category that I'm in.
Now, what
was spoken of in the past
dark heart was really a society which was at war with.
So if you a society people who are their arms are killing
you and that person
may be involved in dealing with interest and so on. So this may be permitted to use because of that warning situation.
None of them say
Then under this circumstance, you can commit *.
Is that a license to criminality? Which is what? Some people who are echoing this kind of statement tend to move towards a license of criminality?
No. But on the circumstances of pressure of life and death, when one is in a state of war, there are certain allowances that one may do this, or one they do that is under normally on atomic states.
However, the circumstances
are in a very theoretical sense. You know, why do you think everything outside of Islam is done.
And some scholars also held that there was an in between
area were in some kind of agreement.
This is not considered to be dollars.
When we look at the circumstance here, where Muslims are able to
and do most of the basic thing that is not for us to legitimately think this is Darren Hardy in the sense that in a hopeless
it's very far fetched,
it is closer to a area of cheating, then it is one area of war.
And you may find some individuals who use arguments well, Muslims were starving in Ethiopia, this is a result of the policies of Britain. Therefore, it is okay for me to steal from the fact that
if in fact, you are stealing from the bank, and taking this money and sending it to the material,
if it is clearly shown that whatever we're
talking about,
the people were talking about robbing the bank, buying a nice home for themselves to the next car, and we'll be talking about,
guarantee those people who like to promote this idea of
I would say, in fact, most of what has been promoted as being legitimate, and in fact, really not.
And when we deal in the area of interest,
specific interest is something of such
a variable, where we have,
you know, attacking it with such force.
We need to feel about dealing with interest, and finding justifications for dealing
we may need to fill out one
because it's very easy to find justification.
And this is something of the major
identify the seven major shifts, and magic is stuck in their ribbon
that the rubber has been divided into over 70 different varieties, the simplest of which is equivalent to a man having sexual relations with his mother.
In law, if you get an intern that will take them
to a person who has * with his mother.
And when I say that's not what the law says, What
is that the same way that we would feel?
If somebody was to suggest to us to have sexual relations with our mother, then we should also feel different when somebody presents to us to get involved with healing. What in fact happens that people feel very comfortable
to be with this.
They will feel any kind of repulsion any kind of sickness within itself.
And that's because
you're safe. quality levels are dangerously low
and they need to reflect and hear about
You know, I think it's
the situation here is something similar. I'm not saying that
safer than it is to
in my
in the issue concerning the abrogation,
this is one of contention amongst themselves. It's not something
that is not allowed.
Because the practice of the proper
way prior to his death
involves making certain
treaties with
non Muslim forces, the very last battle
that they were involved in.
Among the Muslim forces that were to do battle.
There were treaty arrangements with them.
And this is right up until shortly before the death of
in practice
all the way along
find something
and as such some virus called also know that.
But now, what is it about
was PCBs on a particular time,
then they go into the detailed reasoning of what type?
the question of if you are convinced that
you are in a state of house, and you're going to make adjustments,
if you are in a situation where you look at the situation here, and it was clearly a situation of power, though, you may not necessarily look at this.
But it was clearly a situation, then you work islamically
one thing I would say is that
one of the problems with faces
is that there exist different views.
And if we're not able
to allow people
to have different views,
then we put our rights to the degree, and we're not able to work together to do something.
So while For example, I may not agree with you,
we still have a circumstance that we're living under here, and we are safe obligation to do. So. I would agree with you to give her
something which is fundamental to Islam, like our belief in Allah and the Prophet
salons and fundamentally,
we work on the basis of what is fundamental to us.
And in that way, we can make some change and have some impact on
yourself. Ultimately, when you reach the point where hindraf possible for you, and at that point, you're about
to leave.
But whatever you try to get
So, again, I just want to emphasize the importance of you know, there are a number of different views out there, we need to be flexible in
dealing with the different views
concentrating on the fundamental issues, wherein we can cooperate, do something here
but only
given here you're not fighting fire
control that
would be encouraged to come in there and they would see
what what effect that
they have on a community
on a given area, what kind what is the what are the results that Islam has implemented is limited to what is the result of the people
to become a living example
and you get an account
today, we look
the only community that says
if you want to just get an idea of what can happen
soccer in America
however, the basis under which they have gathered
but if you just want to know how where people similar to the areas of cultural
presence, how it can affect
that is an example.
You will see I know in
almost every major city in America
in Chinatown, you'll see our environment.
Situation example.
Truly Islamic basis has not been successfully implemented.
People sufficiently motivated to make the necessary
unrealistic you had one attendance was made.
But the leadership and the
individuals involved are more
attempting to
the experience
they were trying to relive the
And the ideology
expanded to certain points, but then sort of fell down
the road goals are unrealistic
projects which
Adobe architecture
techniques to use in Indian,
Adobe architecture, he was brought out there
is no landmark in America.
But in a way you end up spending $2 million
to build a
must, I mean,
that kind of money I mean, you could have built more lasting structures,
which may not be as
easy, but more practical and more lasting than the money to be used for
mismanagement of funds based on unrealistic goals. The project from what comes from
there is also in the same
form of followers.
They, Mississippi they formed a community that's
where they are,
again problems of ideology, but they gathered in a particular area where they consume large amounts of land.
But it's a farming because
what it does,
finding a very good place to go. But
in my view, normally try to develop in the
area. Most people in the major cities are not capable of
living on a farm.
So we need to develop alternatives within
people who have different skills and still be able to utilize whilst living.
Are you aware?
There's a number of years in
However, versus we know, that
understanding the bond,
we do not limit the
understanding of the verse.
circumstances of time in which it was revealed where the verse is applicable our time and
original meaning of the verse was in reference to people who did not make
along with the song.
However, as I pointed out,
the senior
not make themselves in the state of profession. So wherever Muslims are in question, and Hitler is an option, and they either don't make
them the verb seems to apply to them.
About our medical professional medications, financial
with all this
leadership, what we find today we find many
Well, the issue is,
we know
enjoined enough, whenever we reach a certain number of beyond three that we should
be appointed
for decision making process and any project of this nature, whether the source community
across the land,
there would have to
be some form of dealership involved to guide the efforts.
The leader
designated as,
the danger comes
into the issue of
fundamentally we're required to the danger comes when people misinterpret what
are the function of
when the mirror now becomes a mirror
is given the status of the mirror of the
people are required to make back.
Now, we have another situation, which in my view, is a very dangerous situation.
Because once a person claims that
we are we also have the other
states as well.
And another person called to be in a mirror, we should kill him.
Because this is like opening the door
for them to kill them.
Documents never say that the person who may actually be doing this and making that
mistake that potential is there. When you have a similar pattern,
it seems to apply in that system assigns the status of given individuals, can you potentially have this
situation evolved?
So, I would say that the function of an engineer
is really more of a coordinating function, not one that you are giving their opinion or you're planning your life, Legion. Man is that absolute right to make decisions overriding the decisions of your shoe and everything.
But one, where everybody may agree on something the
counselor he has with him agrees on a political appointee says no, no.
No, he has the final say in that fashion. So, this is very dangerous, because many of the cases if not most of the cases, where people who are in positions of being here do not have sufficient background and Islamic knowledge unfortunately,
very dangerous
said that a mere person will need such an effort will be one was functioning more than ordination one would abide by the decisions of the shore as a whole. He would
be a figure who would speak on behalf of a consultative group within consultants
depends on four nations.
That kind of a mirror, I would say would be necessary, necessary for any project that we may attempt to establish.
When trying to establish community.
What do you do? people constantly strive to undermine leadership alleging that the leadership does not have nothing.
And these people make these
I feel that
knowledge is an essential component in the industry.
with the state of ignorance of general
we are obliged to accept leadership
whose knowledge may be limited.
And it's not a problem.
It may lead leader knows his limitations
is not being presented as a miracle.
These kind of issues no problem. But in the Congo problem for the water was promoted as beautiful as they are two anyone practicing leadership abilities.
So, I would suggest that with the correct kind of leadership, which this situation demands, such questions or such an amazing of such issues does not present a problem and does not undermine leadership, because that leadership recognizes that it has an occasion
not all knowing you can easily say no, it
was not an absolute kind of situation, or any kind of statement of that nature is not a personal attack against itself or against.
You can take that in stride.
But when the leadership is in the wrong form, this is where this becomes an issue, undermining leadership.
In any efforts, we have to be open to criticism,
to questions raised about decisions made, we should never feel that we are above
I would say that the point is what seems to be the main point that what you're saying that really
for any of these kinds of efforts to be successful,
we will have to be able to utilize the resources that are available.
this utilization has to be on the basis of people
should not be on the basis of friendship. no effort is put into this position because he's my friend.
No, but the first
job it should be because he's the one who gets killed.
Have to give priority to people give them an after the man.
But after our foundations of faith, we're dealing with people to be put in a position to be according to their
factual what what the capabilities are
to prevent the community or the efforts from becoming you know,
getting tied
showing up
rather than the first.
However, I would just like to add that
many of the accusations raised again
when in fact
find that many of you
were plagued with delays.
When you actually get back into
duration issues are available
to find in practice much at fault
a lot of animals
a train of
he was a person who turned his
Islamic spread on a major scale which involves making very decisive and precise decisions.