Bilal Assad – Character #08 Cultivating Respect

Bilal Assad
AI: Summary © The concept of backbiting is discussed, which can destroy relationships and friendships. It is noted that backbiting can happen in a negative way, and people should avoid it and not talk about abnormal features until they have a better understanding of the situation. The importance of being cautious and confidential is emphasized, along with advice on fixing mistakes before they become a permanent habit.
AI: Transcript ©
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In our series, our miniseries

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about the beautiful verses in Surat Al Hujurat,

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I've spoken about

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a few verses

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about the character building of a Muslim, which

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you cannot live without.

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Faith and belief is not enough without practicing

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based on those faith and belief. And we

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have reached the

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verse of Surat Al Hujurat.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says,

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wala yaduta baadukum

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So Allah

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says, and do not backbite or gossip about

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one another.

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Would one of you like to eat the

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of his brother or sister

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while they're dead from their corpse?

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Oh, no. Allah says,

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that's an abomination. You wouldn't like that.

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So fear Allah, he says,

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and Allah

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is forgiving

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and merciful.

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is something which everybody dislikes,

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everybody hates.

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Nobody likes being backbitten.

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In fact, anyone who merely hears

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even a hint

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that someone had said something

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even a little bit

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wrong or bad behind their back, even if

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it's true,

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it destroys

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relationships big time.

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tells us that this is so abhorred because

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if somebody saw a dead corpse on the

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floor, they wouldn't eat from its flesh. That's

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how bad backbiting

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someone is. And it's interesting how Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala he

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makes a parable, a comparison between backbiting and

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eating the flesh of a person. That's how

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bad it is. It is stinky. It is

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bad. It's corruption, and it destroys all relationships.

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Of course,

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not only the person who backbites,

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but also the person who listens onto it

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with joy.

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A lot of people don't really know what

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gossip or backbiting

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actually means. Islamically,

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there are 2 types. The first one is

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well, that's what the prophet, peace be upon

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him, described. He said to his companions one

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do you know what ghiba is? Do you

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know what backbiting is, or talking about someone

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in the absence

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in gossip is? They said Allah and His

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Messenger know best. He said, it is to

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say something about your brother or sister, about

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another person,

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in their absence when they're not around

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that they do not like you to say.

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One companion said, Oh Messenger of Allah, what

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if it's the truth?

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He said, That is exactly what backbiting and

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gossip is. If it is not true what

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you're saying, it's even worse. He called it

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Taan. Taan means slander, and that's even a

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than just merely saying something truthful about someone

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else in their absence

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that it is wrong. You might be asking,

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what if the person is okay with it?

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Yes. I mean, if they told you I'm

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okay with you talking about me such and

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such behind my back,

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it wouldn't become a sin, but it's not

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advisable either. You should be of a higher

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character than that, because then again,

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I've seen people who become

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enemies to each other, or their friendship

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And then they look back at the times

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you spoke about them and they start to

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suspect that maybe you had an rin for

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them. So the shaitan has his ways around.

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Avoid backbiting as much as you can.

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As for slandering, it's to say something that's

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wrong or false about that person.

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But saying something good about the person is

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not considered gossiping. In fact, it's a good

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thing. Unless you know that your friend, or

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that person, whoever it is,

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doesn't even like you to say a good

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thing about them, then you should avoid it.

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If you suspect or are in doubt, then

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don't say anything until you seek their permission.

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A Muslim should defend the honour and the

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reputation of another Muslim, or anybody who is

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behind their backs, and it's highly rewarding.

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However, some people have asked, well,

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is there any situations where backbiting is allowed?

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Well, yes there are.

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But that's not called backbiting.

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It's called permissible

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talking about someone in their absence in a

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negative way.

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And now, here are the 6.

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Number 1. These are all taken from the

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Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad

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This is agreed on by all the scholars.

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The first way that a person can talk

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about someone behind their back is when you

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are complaining about a rite that has been

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taken from you.

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who is the person you would go to

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complain about that right? It would be a

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person of authority.

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If you are a child,

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then you would tell your mom and dad.

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If you're at school, tell your teacher, or

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the head, or the principal, whoever it is.

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If you're at work, you can write a

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complaint to the,

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resource department, the

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human resource department, whoever can do something about

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it. Just because somebody's right has been taken,

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we are not permitted to go around ruining

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the reputation of that person who took our

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right, except to mention exactly what has been

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taken from us necessarily to the people who

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can do something about it. It's amazing that

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even when our rights are taken, or a

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right is taken, Islam still says, you've got

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to still cover up for the dignity of

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other people. Don't destroy everything about them.

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Unfortunately, the shaitan does come to us, and

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as soon as someone violates one little right

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of ours, even if it's something small, we

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are ready to declare war against everybody.

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And it's a shame that some families, as

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soon as they hear something really small, they

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want to cut off the entire family and

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sever the ties, and they put even conditions

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on their children. Don't talk to your aunt.

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Don't talk to your uncle. They backbit us.

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No. In Islam, it's not all or nothing.

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There are some things that people do wrong,

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and we avoid their wrong, but it doesn't

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mean we cut off everything. We can minimize,

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we can distance if it's something big, and

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at the end of the day, we all

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make mistakes.

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Have you and I not ever said anything

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about anyone before?

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So, let's think about it that way. The

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second way that a person can talk something

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negative about someone

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is if it's for identification

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purposes. So normally, we can't really talk about

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people's features

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unless it's a good thing, but if they've

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got some abnormal features,

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we're not permitted to talk about that abnormal

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features, such as to say to somebody, you

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know, that person who's got such and such

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blemish in their nose, or the way they

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walk, or that short person, and so on.

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Unless there's no other way to identify them

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let's say we forgot their name, we forgot

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what they look like, or how to describe

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them, we'll say, you know, that person that

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limps, for example.

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Now, although this is negative, and it could

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be negative to the other person, we intend

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good. We just want to identify them for

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something good and speak well about them. So

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that's the second way that we can talk

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about someone behind their back.

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The third way to talk behind someone's back

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is for the purpose of business.

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You want to go into a partnership with

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someone, or somebody's asked you for money, or

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they want to get into a contract with

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you, or some kind of work that involves,

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if you're not sure about their honesty and

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trustworthiness. If you don't know someone, you're allowed

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to go and ask about their reputation and

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their honesty.

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Obviously, you have to be careful not to

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ask about everything about them. And if you

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do know something, you have to keep it

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a secret, so it's all done with cautious.

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You want to know if somebody is honest

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in their dealings, then you'll have to ask

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about them before you go into that. But

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remember, as I said, keep it within

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a careful boundary.

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Number 4 is for marriage.

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Somebody wants to know about someone for purpose

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of marriage. It's only common sense and normal.

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In fact, you have to ask about that

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person. Perhaps sometimes you need to ask other

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people who,

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outside of the family, to know about them.

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It's a lifelong decision.

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Therefore, Islam allows a person

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to seek information about a prospective spouse. Obviously,

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it has to be done within conditions, and

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that is not to ruin the person's reputation.

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The person who talks about them should also

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talk good about them. Number 3, so long

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as it's not vindictive

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or out there with an agenda. And number

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4, very importantly, whatever that person finds out,

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whatever the person says, is kept within that

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circle. It stays private. Their dignity, their reputation

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has to be guarded, and we don't spread

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it. Number 5

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is when somebody is an open evil person.

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If somebody's an evil person, especially if they're

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going to harm someone, you're allowed to warn

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people, so it's called warning.

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Warning someone about the character or the vindictive

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behaviour of someone else. In fact, it's advisable

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in certain situations.

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And number 6

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is when you need a fatwa.

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You sometimes probably need to go to a

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sheikh, an imam, an expert, a doctor.

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So fatwa can be not just religious, but

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Medical advice,

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for someone that you care about, someone you

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have a problem with, such as to say

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to the imam or the mufti who has,

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great knowledge, to say, my father or my

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mother or my child or my cousin or

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my friend, this and that happened between us,

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and you possibly have to tell them something

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that's negative, then you're allowed. But the condition

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of that is to keep it between you

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and the person who can do something about

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it and give you advice,

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and for the purpose of

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fearing Allah and doing the right thing. So,

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these are the 6 cases where talking about

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someone behind their back is allowed. Otherwise, it

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is a major sin, and even the person

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who listens to it.

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The way to remedy it, if anybody has

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gossiped about someone else? Well, if it's something

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minor that everybody says and it's not going

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to really harm them, ask Allah to forgive

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you, and just try to talk good about

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that person, and don't do it again. But

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if it's something major that that is going

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to have a consequence, you will need to

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have to fix it.

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Whether it's on social media, you need to

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go and delete it, you need to get

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rid of it, or you need if you've

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done it in open, you're gonna go back

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in open and tell the people what you've

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done wrong. If it's in a group of

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people that you were sitting with and you

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happened to say something that could be detrimental

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to the other person, such as ruining their

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reputation, their chances of marriage, their chances of

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probably even to be physically harmed or something,

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whatever, or could lead to severing ties.

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Whatever the case is, you need to go

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and fix it before

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it's damaged. And, of course, that's if it's

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outside of those six conditions that we talked

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about earlier.

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Also, if a person has done something like

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that before, and can't go back to the

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group, or can't go and fix what they

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did wrong,

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what the scholars said is, try and go

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and ask them for forgiveness.

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Obviously, you can't always ask for forgiveness, and

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in fact, I would agree that 70% of

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the time or so, if you go and

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ask for forgiveness, it'll make the situation worse,

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depending on what we have gossiped about. But

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if that doesn't work, then we try to

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fix the situation. If that doesn't work, we

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start talking well about that person, of all

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the good things that we know about them,

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and if we have forgotten who we've gossiped

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about, we can always make du'a for them,

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or if we remember them but we can't

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reach them, say, make du'a for them, give

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a charity on nabiha, for example, although that's

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an obligation, it's just an idea to try

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and make up for the mistake that you

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At the end of the day,

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we all make mistakes and we all want

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an amazing community, society, family.

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And, Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, does end

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with a beautiful verse where Allah says,

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O people, O humans, We have created you

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from 1 man and 1 woman,

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And We made you into many nations, tribes

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and races,

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in order that you may know one another

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and identify one another.

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The most honored among you to Allah is

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the one who is most God fearing and

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Allah is all knowing of all people's affairs.

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He is well acquainted

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with all of it. May

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Allah bless you and myself

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and forgive us,

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raise our ranks, protect us from all evil,

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and keep our communities united, our families together.

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And may Allah SWT Make Jannah our abode.

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Ameen. Wassalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

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