Ammar Alshukry – All The Light That You Cant See

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a shayty environment where Jesus talks about his son's gentle nature and caring about the environment. The transcript uses various examples and references to describe the meaning behind the name Islam, including its significance in intricate benefits and the use of words like "has been three months," and the potential for delays in the ceasefire. The segment also uses the word "has been a dream" to achieve goals, including a stopfire and the release of the Islamist movement.
AI: Transcript ©
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Sit down we're gonna have a look Allah

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Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar

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along work on

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a shadow

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Nina email

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had one emotion my god Ross

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as Shadow one now motion Madonna Rosalyn

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Pena y'all all swollen

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high yellow sauna

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Hey y'all

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all walk

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all walk bla

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bla hola Isla

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No matter who went astray you know and I still feel when our other bIllahi min showed all the unforeseen our mean say Dr. Molina Mejia de la HuFa la medulla y mejor Milford ah ha de ella. Y shadow Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Shetty Cara. Why should one no Mohammed and Abdul rasuluh was a free human fellow to kalila Bella rissalah A man I wanna say hello to Rocco home island, Mahajan Bay La La La How can I hire you? Lazy wine ha la Hilux a lot all abuse around ya.

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About Allah, Allah azza wa jal V Kitab in carrying by the rules we live in a shaytani R rajim. Yeah, you are Latina. I'm going to talk Allah haka Ducati. He was to move to LA and to Muslim moon, or Kira to Allah Johan NASA Takara como la vie halacha Kumi Nuptse Wahida bahala come in has Oh Jaha wallbeds them in humeri gel and get filled on one Isa? What's up Allah Allah the DISA Luna be here well or harm in Allah Ghana La Cumbre peba ACARA to Allah you already in a taco Allah Hua Kulu colon sadita Usili Hello Kumar Amala calm where fella comes the Nova Kumamoto en la hora Sula, who forgot the Pfizer Fosun Alima. I'm about our praises due to Allah we seek His guidance and his forgiveness

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and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves, and the whispering of our desires, whom Allah guides, no one can miss guide and whom he allows to be misled, no one can guide and I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah alone, having no partners, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a slave and His messenger and his perfect worshiper, to proceed

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on the topic of today's cookbook,

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regarding the light that we cannot see.

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And at times a person's life may feel enveloped in darkness. And you don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. And in fact, a person may look at the entire world and see nothing but darkness, nothing but despair, nothing but death, nothing but gloom.

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And what this inspires to me is a moment to reflect on a name of Allah subhanaw taala that is one that is called out to by everyone who is going through that despair. And it is the name of Allah Subhana Allah Allah Latif. And so you see what is going on in Gaza. And you call out Dr. Latif. And you see what is happening in my hometown the disintegration of Sudan and you say Allah, do you see what is going on so many different places in the Muslim world? And you're asking Allah Subhana Allah for his looks, and what is not even a theory.

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He quotes are actually before that even Mongolian design a lot of he quotes him in a theater saying that Allah thief is the one who combines two major elements. And those major elements is number one, a risk of event that a person who is lucky or Allah subhanaw taala, who is a Latif is someone who is gentle in their dealings, they have risked, they have that kindness and that is why it is translated at times as the kind

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but the second major pillar is ll be the second musalia is knowledge of intricate benefits, and how to bring those benefits how to maneuver those benefits, how to manipulate people to arrive at those benefits from a distance. And so when you look at the name, Allah thief in the Quran, seven times it is mentioned, you will find that it is carrying these meanings Allah Subhana Allah says in surah, Al Mulk, Allah Allah moment, hudec Wahoo Allah temple, Kabir Does he not know the One who created and he is a Latif, he is the one who knows where intricate benefits live. When you know that Allah Subhana Allah is Allah TLIF then you become comfortable with what Allah Subhana Allah makes

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obligatory because you understand whether or not you see the benefit. Now there is benefit. And when you see what Allah subhanaw taala has made forbidden, you are comfortable, whether you understand it or not, because you know that there are harmful consequences even if I cannot see that far. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows where the most intricate benefits lie. And when you're studying this name, there is a particular Prophet, that so many of the scholars mentioned, if you want to understand the name of Allah Subhana Allah Allah leaf, then refer back to the story of this prophet refer back to the story of this prophet. And of course, it is speaking about use of ideas cinema,

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because the story of use of begins that opening scene where he says, Oh, my father, I saw a dream and I saw

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The sun and the moon and loving planets prostrating to me. And he says, yeah, when he talks about your guide, I hope to convey to you like, okay, that and the story begins. And you go from this opening scene of use of it is that um, and he has this vision, this dream of the sun and the moon and the stars, prostrating to him. But for him to get to that combination, he goes through one stage to the other, and each one looks like it's worse.

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His brothers betray him, and that's horrible. And then they throw him in a well, and that's horrible. And then he gets sold into slavery in a foreign land, and that is horrible. And then that house where he's supposed to be secure as a slave becomes a place of seduction, and that is horrible. And then he goes from being a slave in the house of it as he used to being imprisoned,

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years looking like, where, where's the story going?

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And where is the love of Allah subhanaw taala. And how many prayers were lifted on the tongue of usif throughout that period, and on the tongue of his father, a prophet longing for the return of his son. And yet we learned that Allah subhanaw taala does not do things on our timeline. And when we would want you know, use of ideas Saddam, when he's in prison, every single day that he's in prison, it's an injustice. And he is deserving of the mobilisation of the world around him and hashtag free use of campaigns. And he is he is a he is deserving of support.

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And yet, we see that Allah subhanaw taala does not remove him from prison. In fact, in that moment, in storytelling, this is a false victory in that moment or use of interprets the dream of the prisoner and he knows that that person is going to be in the presence of the king. He says with coronary and the robic he says, Remember me with your Lord. This is his way out. This is his shot. Imagine how many hopes he had in that moment. And yet, Allah subhanaw taala says that prisoner forgot

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and so use have stayed in prison for many years more

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or less Allah subhanho wa taala, being that He is Allah thief, I want you to know this, Allah may delay you to fast track you. Allah may delay you to fast track you.

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There are moments in time when you want something very much. And you see that this project, this goal, this person, this, this, this, this program, this client is your way out, and you make incredible out for it, and it all lines up according to you. And you still don't get it and it's yours, before you're able to bounce back on your feet. And even then Allah subhanaw taala may be delaying you to fast track you because imagine if usif was remembered by that prisoner when he gets out. And let's just say that that king does give us if a presidential pardon, for whatever reason.

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And use of gets out of jail. This the king in that moment, have a desire or a need to meet with Yusef No, he's just a random prisoner that he does he have a dream that he wants interpreted No. And so at best case scenario, maybe use of would have wandered in the city for a little bit. Maybe he would have made his way back to Palestine and eventually made but Allah subhanaw taala by placing use of in that prison for many more years was actually him being fast tracked, so that when the king has a dream that he is obsessing over, and he is looking for anybody to interpret it. That's the time for the prisoner to remember, I have a guy who can do this. And so use of it is that I'm comes

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out of prison, and he meets with the king and he gets a personal appointment with the king. And the king sees the trustworthiness of use of the intelligence of use of the character of Yusef.

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And so he says to him in Nicola Dana Joe MacKinnon, I mean, you are with us today, very trustworthy. And very, very in Nakayama Dana MacKinnon. I mean, he says, and he says to him, you are with us, given authority and use of it, Saddam is given authority over Egypt, Allah subhanaw taala delayed usage so that he could fast track him. And so it is very possible that as we are going out into this world, and we are seeking a ceasefire, I don't want anybody to think that because it's been three months, that you lose hope and Allah subhanaw taala being Latif, Allah subhanaw taala may be delaying us to simply fast track us. It may be that Allah subhanaw taala delays the ceasefire that

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we want, because he wants to bring an end to the entire occupation. Well, my daddy God Allah He bases but what we are required to do is to continue to push and to continue to scream and continue to try and continue to have hope in Allah subhanaw taala

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realizing that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who does everything in his perfect time. And so when use of ideas salaam, how beautifully is it when he eventually the culmination of his story when he brings his family from Palestine?

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He says, Yeah, but he had that will aim in Qatar when they prostrating him. He says this is the culmination of the vision that I had from before. This is the interpretation of the vision that I had from before. Khadija Allah ha Robbie haka, my Lord has made it come true. And my lord was good to me when he brought me out of prison, and brought you out of the desert. And then he says, After the shaytaan had crowd's discord between me and my brothers, and then he finally concludes the verse by saying, in notability, fully my Usha, my Lord is lucky for whatever he wishes. And it may be very soon in our own lives

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that we see, as we are going through the prison of our own story, or the betrayal of our own story, or the temptation of our own story, or the enslavement of our own story, of the foreignness of our own story, just like the story of usif. It may be very soon that all of the pieces come together, and you look back at where Allah subhanaw taala has brought you and you say, by the gyla behalf, this was my dream from before. Allah subhanho wa Taala made it true in notability, for Nehemiah, SHA, verily, Allah Subhana Allah is Latif for whatever he wishes, according to master Master Master for Allah Allah, we're looking for stuff throw in all of all Rahim.

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while the audio Cybil sending sympathy Allah, Allah Subhana Allah Allah being a Latif inspires us to rely upon him. Allah subhanho wa Taala being a Latif inspires us to continue to call upon him to seek His kindness to seek his benevolence and to never lose hope, with the interchanging of day and night from Allah subhanaw taala his mercy and his benevolence and so we ask Allah subhanaw taala by His names and attributes that he brings relief to our brothers sisters in Palestine, that he brings relief to our brothers and sisters in Sudan and in Kashmir and in a scene in China and all over the Muslim world. Oh Allah, we complain to you of the

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plentifulness and the multitude of our wounds and we ask you to heal the wounds of this ummah. Allahumma Inanna oolagah Kosala Jetta Hatena Al Hamra Hemi and aloha multifocal Muhammad Allah multifilament Muhammad, Allah Who mananas local General Makarov, la hammock, Colima Mohammed when they come in and narrow Makabe

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probably or hum HOMAG come out of band so I've got him home I come out of band he says Bill come home I come out of band he said he had a solid like this and 100 Comilla zoological museum him from Allah

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