Ali Ataie – When Haters Paid Master Poet Hassan ibn Thabit to Write an Ugly Poem About the Prophet

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 describes a person named HassanGeneration Fabbid who was waiting at a certain road for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to pass by. When the Prophet arrives, Fabbid makes a statement about his people, saying they were waiting for him and write something about him. Fabbid describes himself as a diamond and everyone else is stones, while also mentioning that he is a great human being.
AI: Transcript ©
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When he came into the city of Medina,

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some of the Munafiqeen,

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they paid their one of their poets named

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Hassan Ibn Fabbid. And they said to Hassan,

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you know, when you see Mohammed,

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write something about him, make fun of him,

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ridicule him in a poem. So Hassan Ibn

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Thabit, he was waiting by a certain road

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for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam to pass

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by. And then the Prophet comes by and

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Hassan, he takes one glance into his face.

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One glance, one nafra into the face of

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the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. And then he

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goes back to his people. And then they

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said, Did you make a poem about him?

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Did you write something?

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He said, yes. He says, when I saw

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his lights approaching, I had to cover my

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eyes out of fear of losing my eyesight

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from the beauty of his form. I could

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scarcely look at him. A soul from light,

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a body as if carved out of the

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moon. Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam is a human

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being, but he's not like other human beings.

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He's a diamond and everyone else are stones.

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He's a human being, but he's a great

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human being.

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