Ali Ataie – Unveiling Zionism Philosophical and Historical insights
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The transcript is not a conversation or a dialogue. It is a list of numbers and characters being recited.
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Hello everyone and welcome to blogging theology. Today I'm
delighted and honored to talk to Professor Alia typha zaytuna
College. Welcome back, sir Assalamu Aleikum Wa Alaikum
salaam, Paul, thank you for having me. Again. It's an honor and a
privilege to be back on Blogger theology. hamdulillah Thank you
very much. For those who don't remember or don't know Dr. Elio
tie is a scholar of biblical hermeneutics specializing in
sacred languages, comparative theology and comparative
literature at zaytuna College. He has taught Arabic creedal
theology, comparative theology sciences of a Quran, introduction
to the Quran, several ancient texts and other subjects as well.
He received his MA in Biblical studies on Pacific unit Pacific
School of Religion, and his PhD in cultural and historical studies in
religion from the graduate theological union. He's a native
Persian speaker and can read and write Arabic, Hebrew and Greek and
he's not bad at English as well.
That was a joke. Today, Dr. Alia Thai, will do a long form
presentation with detailed slides and will offer crucial insights
concerning the phenomenon of religious Zionism as well as the
philosophical underpinnings of this movement. More specifically,
the presentation will cover major events in the history of the
Palestine slash Israel conflict, a Muslim spiritual framework, Jewish
Zionism, Christian Zionism and key insights into the present
genocide. So over to you, sir.
Thank you. Paul was phenomenal Rahim masala Lasota Muhammad in
one early he was a huge marine Subhanak Allah and Milena Illuma
LM tena in the cantle animal Hakimullah Hola, wala Quwata illa
biLlah Hill alila them. Thank you again for having me back.
So as your audience may recall, a few weeks ago, I appeared on BT,
and presented on radical Judaism. And as you said, Paul, since then,
I've developed a more long form presentation with a bit more
detail, and an important historical introduction to
Zionism. So what I will present today is, at times very similar to
the content I presented. Last time, I'll try my best to avoid
repeating myself verbatim. If there's some repetition. That's
okay. The Quran says that, reminders, benefits believers. And
as you said, I do have detailed slides this time to facilitate the
learning process. And I can actually make these slides
available to your subscribers.
So let's go to the slides and show Allah. Okay, is the title slide
here? So yeah, I want to begin by saying that, as Muslims, it's time
for us to expand our knowledge base knowledge is power. Marc Van
Doren, he said, and I'm paraphrasing, he said, if you
haven't studied the Bible, then you haven't been educated. So it's
the most influential book in the history of Western civilization.
There were Sahaba at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, who
were very learned in the texts and traditions of the people the book
of Al Kitab. This really improves the Dawa. Right it really improves
our calling people to this religion. And the proof of that is
how we see 1000s of Christians every year converting to Islam,
you're a convert yourself. And you're also a professor of
biblical history, theology, early Christianity. Islam, as you know,
seems to solve the theological Christological historical and
textual issues concerning the Bible.
According to Western historians, the discipline of comparative
religions was founded by Muslim theologians, right so I'll do what
I can I'll be Rooney known as Elbonian. In the West, it'd be
Rooney was just a polymath. He knew Arabic and Farsi and Hebrew
and Syriac and Sanskrit. He wrote about Christianity and Judaism and
Hinduism and Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. His magnum opus is
called the animals of India Teddy, what Hynde this was the first
highly academic book ever written on the history of religions
according to enrich them out. There was also Imam Tedrick Dena
chakra Stani, the author of the magnificent book of nations and
creates Kitab and Milla when they had. So the point is that Muslims
were masters of comparative religions. I mean, this is our
discipline. Okay, this was our contribution to the academic
discourse. So in my opinion, we won't fully understand what's
happening in Palestine right now and let's be sharp and our
understandings of Jewish and Christian theology and the
audience will see what I mean in sha Allah. But first and foremost,
we need to consider this this calamity this musi ba within the
framework of the Quran and Sunnah. And so
The next few minutes is going to feel like a bit of a sermon. It's
going to feel a bit preachy, but I think it must be said, if we're
Muslims. Nothing should take precedence over the Quran and
Sunnah as our lens of understanding these recent events,
right? So we were the bifocals of the Quran and Sunnah This is our
lens, right? Not Foucault, not Marx, not Mao, not liberalism,
nationalism, not communism. I mean, these are tried and failed,
not some critical theory and not some postmodern philosophy. Allah
Subhana Allah commands us that if we should disagree about anything,
right, the Quran says internets atrophy che, if you should
disagree about anything for
Allah wa Rasul to refer it back to the messenger in quantum took me
notably law and human error. If you believe in Allah on the last
day that he could fade on well as I know taweelah That is the best
and most beautiful resolution so that's chapter four verse 59. When
we as professed Muslims put anything before Allah and His
Messenger, this is really when the fitna happens. What is fitna fitna
is civil strife, social chaos, disunity, giving precedence and
priority to anything over Allah and His Messenger is displeasing
to God to Allah subhana wa Tada. This is when the fitna happens and
this is the Sunnah of God with the believers. So there's a verse in
the Quran that says what will fit net 10 lads to see Ben and levena
vulnerable minimum hasa and protect yourselves against a fitna
which does not exclusively befall those who did injustice among you,
right? Well, I'm Alicia D, don't get caught up and know that Allah
is Severe and punishment. That's chapter eight, verse 25. So this
is the nature of this world injustice and oppression committed
by certain specific individuals or groups or governments. This can
lead to suffering of the masses, the innocent, like the people of
Gaza, they are innocent. Now what about the Quran statement? The
Quran says what it says he did was he doesn't was an okra, that no
bear of a burden bears the burden of another, right. So according to
our teachers, this statement is referring to the AKA, okay, in the
afterlife, in this world, in the dunya, we suffer the consequences,
the consequences of the sins of those who came before us. I mean,
this happens all the time. This is happening right now, if I commit
murder, right or with God forbid, and I go to prison, my wife and
kids suffer due to my sin. Right? They are innocent of my sin as far
as spiritual accountability is concerned, as far as the offense
is concerned, but their lives in this dunya will be turned upside
down. Because they will inherit the consequences of myself, they
will inherit the consequences of my bad decision. So that's on me
that's not on them, but in this world, they will suffer. So what
we do in this world could drastically affect the lives of
other people. This is all part of the test. And this idea is is also
found in the Torah, as we find it today, the 10 commandments, the
covenant code Exodus, chapter 20. It starts by saying, I am the Lord
that God has brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of
bondage, You shall have no other gods before Me, you shall not make
it to yourself, any graven image or likeness of anything that is in
the heaven above, or that is in the earth below, or that is in the
water beneath the earth, you should not bow down yourself to
them or serve them. For I the LORD thy God, I'm a jealous god
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, until
the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, right, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, to the third and
fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy in the
1000s of them that love me keep my commandments. In other words, our
sins have this transgenerational consequence to them to the third
and fourth generation, the Torah says, If political leadership or
people in positions of power or influence or just individuals make
that decisions, innocent people could end up suffering and dying
for generations. This is simply what happens in the dunya in this
world, right. And in the Quran, God issues a warning, he says Elia
to me noon and caffeine and ODM and Duolingo meaning. So it's
chapter three, verse 28, believers should not take disbelievers as
allies, instead of believers. Well, my if Advantech if at least
I mean Allah if he che, and whoever does so has nothing to do
with Allah, into document into QA unless it is a precaution of some
sort against their tyranny. Well, you have zero Kamala, who NAFSA
and Allah warns you about himself. We'll allow him to see it and who
God is the to Allah subhanaw taala is a final return. So how much
have the Palestinians suffered for the injustices committed by
others? You know, how much of the people of Gaza in particular
suffered? For the injustice is committed by others, they
inherited the bad the consequences of the bad decisions of non
Muslims and Muslims. Right, bad decisions, bad alliances. Of
course, there was imperialism and Zionism right but also Arab
nationalism, Turkish national
As a secularism, this unity rebelling against the caliphate,
right? You have the Young Turks revolution, the McMahon Hussein,
correspondence, all of these things had repercussions in the
world where the innocent were affected, right. But here's the
reality. Here's the happy thought in Manila in the US government if
Tella home, right? There's a hadith, in the Sunnah. No matter
when God loves the people, he tests them. Right? So this is
amazing the disobedience of some people. The disobedience of some
people leads to difficult conditions in the world through
which God will demonstrate His love for another people. So we
should never forget that Allah Subhana Allah Allah is in charge
and a man once asked the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Yeah,
Rasulullah Yunus has shut down Ebola. And so he said to him,
Well, messenger of God, which of the people is tried most severely
call al Anbiya. And the profit said V, the profits from an M
federal and federal, and then those nearest to them and those
nearest to them and this hadith isn't the gemmy or the mama
Timothy, the the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him suffered the
death of six of his seven children. You know, just think
about that. And he knew about the death of his daughter Fatima. It
is sunnah that it would happen six months later, he knew what would
happen to his grandson ie Mahmoud Hussein, or all the Allahu Anhu
right the atom bathe of Karbala. He suffered the loss of his
soulmate his beloved wife, digital cupola, as
you know, people were slandering his wife during his life, right?
No one suffered more than the profits and the profits of the
most beloved ones to God. So 106 years of oppression 106 years of
trials and tribulations that tells me that the Palestinian people are
beloved to Allah. Now, maybe I'm wrong. But it seems to me that God
is giving them the prophetic treatment that God is raising
their ranks in his sight, that God is purifying their souls in this
world, God Willing Inshallah, they'll have great stations, high
stations and the aka where they will not even remember their
suffering in this world. And the evidence for this is the
following. How many non Muslims have we heard of recently, who
have been absolutely smitten right by the amazing Imam, the faith of
the Palestinian people, their their unshakable Imam, as someone
said recently, how many Muslims have had their faith rejuvenated
by the Palestinians? How many people have recently fallen in
love with the Palestinian people? How many people have the
Palestinians inspired to read the Quran? And people are converting
to Islam by seeing responses of the people of Gaza? New
tribulations? Absolutely. Right. It's a very widespread phenomenon,
obviously not on tick tock, I suppose multiple reports and many
sources, precisely this phenomena you're mentioning. Yeah. I mean,
they just can't believe what they're saying. So there's a
spiritual revival happening. Right now in the world. The epicenter is
Gaza. Sami Hamdi, he calls us the Great Awakening, right that people
are waking up to the reality of Israel in Palestine. This is also
called redemptive suffering, right when the righteous suffer when the
innocents suffer. It's supposed to wake us all up or it is supposed
to rouse the world from its slumber. We saw a man holding his
little girl in his arms is dead little girl in his arms and saying
I'm Hamdulillah this is the color of Allah right in ilaha illa here
Raji Erwin, we saw a woman with blood all over her clothes. You
know, saying I've lost my children. Let Isla illAllah
Muhammad Rasool Allah Allah Allah accept them, in your presence,
write their stories like this many stories like this and absolutely
overwhelmed hospital staff, taking a short break in reciting Salawat
upon the Prophet salallahu Salam, a 13 year old girl trapped under
rubble with her parents and siblings, telling her rescuers
save them before you save me. Right? That's a 13 year old girl.
There was a little boy, he looked like he was eight years old, who
said that when he was trapped under the rubble in the darkness,
he turned in, he's on Angel, and then he turned anysize rescuers,
right. And I absolutely believe him.
These are only
there was a young boy in Gaza. Maybe I don't know. 10 years old,
11 years old. Something like that, who was having his head stitched
up by a doctor is a huge gash in his head, and there's no
anesthesia. So what did he do to suppress his pain? He started
reciting the Quran. I mean, I mean, this is what we read about
in our books, right? The stories of the suddenly hearing the
stories of the only
as one of my teachers said, this is like Sahaba level of faith. I
mean, these are amazing people. And here's another one. I don't
know if you heard about this one. This happened in America,
actually, some privileged Zionist college student at Yale University
took to social media. The reason is because the university
cafeteria at Yale removed the word Israeli from the menu item Israeli
couscous. She was so outraged you know what a poor victim. Right?
And as it turns out, it wasn't actually true. Meanwhile, in Gaza,
you know, doctors and besieged hospitals are forced to amputate.
It the crushed limbs of children without anesthesia. Right. So So
what causes fitna what causes this social strife that social chaos?
We're really from our perspective disobedience to Allah and His
messenger and disunity among ourselves. Right The Quran says,
Well, I think like a full bathroom OTL Bob as for the disbelievers,
their allies to one another Illa tests I do who, in the test I knew
who to confit not to fill out, or facade on Kabir. Right, unless you
believers act likewise. In other words, unless you believers take
each other as allies, there will be fitna in great corruption in
the land so, so Allah subhanho wa Taala he demands from us Muslims,
unity, fraternity, respect, a closeness as an ummah, the word
OMA is related to ohm which means mother so we are one family, right
and maybe you Allah, the meaning Amin and fusi him, the prophet is
closer to the believers and their own selves and obey even who
cabbies and who are Buddha whom he is their father. So the Prophet
Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was like our spiritual father was
watching Omaha to him and his wives, our mothers, or elsewhere
in the Quran, Milla to Abiko Abraham, that this is the creed of
your father Abraham. Right? So we are one OMA elsewhere in the
Quran. Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in the melaleuca, Mala su
Alladhina I'm gonna write that indeed your only ally, your only
protector is God and in the messenger and those who believe so
we're always asking, When will our condition change? Well, it will
change when we actualize this verse when we take it to heart
when Allah his Messenger, and the believers become our only ally.
And while the here is in the singular, which is interesting to
me, to emphasize this unity of purpose, a, a unity of conviction,
we will come out of this quagmire only when our only source of hope
is Allah when we turn exclusively to Allah subhanho wa Taala when we
make Toba and turn back to the Quran, and the sunnah of our
messenger, there's another verse in the Quran chapter three, verse
103, where Allah Subhan Allah, Allah says, we're accessing we'll
be happy to let you join me and we'll have to follow up. Whoo,
what could oneota lie they could come to Ida and Dana Karoubi,
confess back to me near Mati, Juana, that hold fast all of you
to the rope of God that He extends down. Right? And the Hadith says,
this is the Quran, and do not be divided amongst yourselves and
remember the blessing of God upon you when you were enemies, and God
unified your hearts right and you became by means of His blessing
brethren, and the exigence of the Quran. They say here that the
namah the blessing here is the prophet Mohamed Salah Lottie
center. So what do we gather from this verse chapter three, verse
103, adherence to the Quran and Sunnah leads to tat leaf of the
globe, unification of the hearts, and a how we have been meaning and
brotherhood true brotherhood among the believers, and then a change
in our external conditions will come we will move from the Meccan
phase to the muddiman phase. So our is right, our honor is through
Islam, nothing else. Right. So God will not accept anything else from
us. Our state in the world will not change unless we realize and
we take it to heart that only Allah Subhana Allah to Allah can
help us. When we turn to Allah with all of our being, then our
conditions will improve. When we realize that the only opinion that
matters is allows opinion, then we will see change, no one else is
really going to help us everything else is a band aid where we can
write to our congressman. Right, and we should, but it's it's a
bandaid at best, you know, the bleeding might stop temporarily,
but the wound will not heal. Right. So real healing, that is to
say, substantive transformation of our condition will only come with
Muslim unity and Muslim adherence to Allah and His messenger. So
we're really we're neither left nor right on the political
spectrum. We're Muslim. We're moderate. We're a middle nation.
We're neither blue pill nor red pill or green pill. It's one of my
teachers said, you know,
that's a new one. I'm not had that before. Yeah. Greenco. That's
exactly. In America. There are so called free speech, conservatives
who want to ban things like tick tock, because it spreads anti
Zionism. Now. I'm not a big fan of tick tock. But Isn't that ironic,
that loyalty to Zionism trumps the First Amendment? Many
conservatives are Darby and dispensationalists. And I'll talk
about what that is exactly. But basically, these are people who
have unconditional obedience to Israel. In other words, in their
minds, and this is not an exaggeration. They are bound by
their religion to defend Israel. They are bound by their religion
to take everything Divi says as being gospel truth, I mean, it is
the ultimate con job. And we're going to see how this happened.
But that's that's the right wings. How's the left wing? I don't know
if you heard about this, but it
an Obama nationally National Security Adviser verbally
assaulted a poor Arab Hello truck truck driver in New York, right?
This was Obama's guy, right?
Barack Hussein Obama, right. So this Obama adviser he said that
the death of 4000 Palestinian children was not enough. This was
weeks ago. It's over 10,000 Yeah, he was
buying some food or some takeaway or something from a street vendor
who there were Arabs or Muslims. And he, you know, and this was
recorded and uploaded on social I saw it. Yeah, yeah. And then he he
slandered the Prophet salallahu Salam with a big smile on his
face. Yeah, so none of these people are our allies right our
only our Inner Mongolia Kamala what a sunnah well Alina, you're
only ally is Allah His messenger and those who believe so as
individual Muslims, we first look to our the state of our own
hearts, right? Our own actions should concern us a lot more than
the actions of others. So we need to ask ourselves, you know, how's
our prayer? Are we praying five times a day at proper times?
Leaving the prayer is very dangerous. One of my teachers said
that non praying Muslims are low hanging fruit for the Antichrist
imposter Messiah who's coming? How's our macaques? How's our
income is a hello, how are we treating people? These are very
important we physically verbally emotionally abusing people. Are we
doing that to our own families? are we protecting our tongues in
our eyes and our ears? Do we attack other Muslims or even
Muslim scholars that we don't see eye to eye with? So we have to be
very honest with ourselves. And the other verse in the Quran I
wanted to quit in Hola Hola, yo, hey, yo, Maddie Coleman had tell
you the rumor B and fusi him that Allah does not change the
condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.
Without the lobby plumbing Sue and Fela Mara de la Mata Hamid doing
the layman wah and if Allah wants some evil for people, there is no
turning it back. And apart from Him, they have no guardian. So
this is the Quranic perspective. Right? It's very tough on the
knifes, it's very tough on the on the self, because Allah demands so
much more from us. Allah commands a high standard for us. And how do
we know that Allah commands such a high standard? Because Allah
subhana wa is Allah he says, Look, I can have the computer Sula, he
was what when Hassan, you have in the messenger of God, a beautiful
pattern of conduct. And when we compare ourselves to the Prophet,
we noticed that we have a lot of work to do. The Prophet also said
in the lockets, about Santa Allah cliche, that, that God demands
from us excellence and all things, right. So a cafe is going to act
like a cafe, but a Muslim right is is held at a high a higher level.
Okay, so enough, the sermonizing now, let's go to the next one
here. Okay. Okay, so with that said, What is Zionism? Okay, and
again, some of this I mentioned during the last podcast, so please
forgive the repetition. So broadly speaking, Zionism is a modern,
secular nationalistic movement, aimed at reestablishing a Jewish
homeland as a movement to create a Jewish ethno state, born in
Europe. So that's very important, right, European anti semitism gave
birth designers. Historically, the Jews had a very difficult time in
Christian dominated countries in Europe. They were pilgrims and
exiles and massacres and blood libels. The plague was blamed on
them at one point blamed on the Jews. All of this culminated in
the final solution to so called final solution to the Jewish
problem, which the Holocaust which in Greek means a whole burnt
offering, right in Hebrew, it's called how show up. The Jewish
experience in Muslim countries, however, was very different
historically Muslim Spain, Muslim Africa, North Africa, Muslim
Palestine so generally there was peace prosperity, tolerance,
brotherhood trust, not to mention incredible scholarship. Jewish
systematic theology was born in Muslim lands my Montes wrote in
Judeo Arabic, his magnum opus is called the letter to how eating he
wrote in Judeo Arabic, the Guide for the Perplexed Muslim students
at US heart to this day engage with his texts. Sadly, a guy on
from Iraq, he wrote his masterpiece, the book of beliefs
and opinions and Judeo Arabic, so that's Arabic with Hebrew letters.
So Jews and Judaism flourished and Muslim lands
in 135, of the Common Era, in the wake of the failed bar, Kokhba
rebellion. So this was one of these
pseudo messianic movements. The Roman Emperor Hadrian expelled the
Jews from Jerusalem, and renamed the city Aliah Capitolina. After
his clan alias, and his god Jupiter capital Llinas. The Jews
were not permitted to return and live in the city of Jerusalem
until the Muslims reopen that door for them in the seventh century.
Right the whole of our actually doing Jewish scholar Daniel
culture Bach. He calls this the Pact of Omar it's really just a
shitty op. Right? The Jews have protected status as added Kitab
people the book under the shitty op, the Muslims taking control of
Jerusalem was a great victory for the Jews. The Muslims call that
city of puts a Sharif
Essentially the holy land. The Quran calls Palestine literally
the Holy Land. Autodromo Condesa
the so called Father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl was an ethnically
Jewish atheist. Again, I point out the irony. Theodore means gift of
God. He was an atheist. Of course, he wrote the famous treatise, dare
you didn't start the Jewish state in 1896, according to hurt, so
Jewish assimilation in Christian dominated Europe, which was just
not possible, but Jews needed a state of their own. That's how bad
the anti semitism was. In Europe. It's just not possible for Jews to
live in Europe. Europe was just too hostile. So So Hertzel
convened the first sign is Congress in 1897, and Basle,
Switzerland. Now, the vast majority of religious Jews before
World War Two were vehemently anti Zionist. In the early 1920s, Rabbi
Joseph Hyun Sonnenfeld, okay, he founded an organization in
Jerusalem, called the ADA, honey dt, the ADA honey dt, which means
the congregation of the god fears. So they fit a dean they're also
called the head ADM or the Haredi right, the Haredi Jews, they're
often referred to as ultra orthodox or strictly orthodox.
They actually don't like those terms, right? They just prefer to
call themselves traditional Jews. So I call them traditional
orthodox. The word head ad actually comes from the Tanakh,
the book of Isaiah, when God describes the righteous man, he
says, How am I the devotee, the one who trembles at my word.
There's also a Christian group called the Society of Friends also
known as the Quakers right for the same reason they, they quake, they
tremble at the Word of God. And they're very nice people. There's
a similar description of the righteous in the Quran, the Quran
says, share it through Takashi Edelman, who drew Lavinia shown on
a boom that the skins of those who fear their Lord, tremble from the
Quran, right? That's chapter 39, verse 23. Okay, so Sonnenfeld
became the chief rabbi of the ADA, Hadith, the congregation of the
god fears, the congregation of the travelers, however, we want to
translate that in Jerusalem in the very late 19th century. And this
is what Rabbi Sonnenfeld had to say about Zionism and Theodor
Herzl in 1898. So this is one year after the first Zionist Congress.
Right? So he says, with regard to the Zionist What am I to say, What
am I to speak, there's great dismay also in the Holy Land that
these evil men who deny the unique one of the world and its holy
Torah have proclaimed with so much publicity, that it is in their
power, to hasten redemption for the people of Israel, and gather
the disperse from all the ends of the earth. They have also asserted
their view that the whole difference in distinction between
Israel and the nations lies in nationalism, blood and race, and
at the faith in the religion are superfluous. Dr. Hertzfeld comes
not from the Lord, but from the side of pollution.
And here's
Sonnenfeld and Hertzel. Susana, Phil on the left, these are
contemporaries of each other, both ethnically Jewish but very, very
different. In the world views hurts a lot on the right, I mean,
diametrically opposed.
Okay, and Sonnenfeld sentiments were indicative of the general
sentiment of religious Jews at the time. So the first major problem
with Zionism from a traditional orthodox perspective, okay, is
that it changes the very essence of what it means to be a Jew.
Before Zionism the essence of Jewishness was Torah observance,
which of course, was rooted in the fear of the Lord. Right. Proverbs
910 is an iconic verse. Many people have heard of it. It says,
to feel that hookman you're at Adonai but the fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom, but the avocado Shem Bina and the
knowledge of the Holy One is understanding the diets or hikma
Maha photogra are manufactured to produce pheromone. Right so this
was the essence the johaug of being a Jew, a Jew fears the Lord
and strives to know him. There's a sector of Hasidic orthodoxy called
Abad, right? They're actually quite well known. Their focus is
on religious revival and outreach among Jews. They tried to bring
secular Jews into more devotion they're kind of Tbilisi,
basically. Major cities in the US have a usually have a Shabbat
house. Kabbalah is an acronym. It stands for hochma Bina and dat so
wisdom, understanding and knowledge, what is the beginning
of wisdom, the fear of the Lord, and this leads to knowledge and
understanding of God. Now, one of the greatest theologians in Jewish
history was named Ralph Saadia Gaon. He lived and died in Iraq
during the of acid caliphate. He died in 1942 of the Common Era. He
was the director or gyaan of the Babylonian yeshiva, the Jewish
Academy in Iraq. He was also famous for translating the Hebrew
Bible into Arabic. He famously said our nation
is not a nation, except in its Taurus. So he was referring to the
Written Torah right the Tanakh, or Hebrew Bible, and the Oral Torah,
the Talmud, which is the Mishnah, and Gomorrah, ie the tradition,
the Torah and its tradition, right? And these two are called
Hitomi And Hashem is the instruction from heaven. Now, as
Muslims, we do not agree with much, much of what is written in
the Torah and the Talmud. But that's not the issue here. The
important thing here is that Zionism is indefensible, according
to the long standing tradition of Judaism, of course, we want people
to become Muslim, first and foremost. But if they're not going
to if they're not going to become Muslim, we should encourage faith
communities to at least adhere to their own long standing tradition,
these traditions are tried and tested. They represent the sum of
the contributions of 1000s upon 1000s of brilliant minds. So
according to Rav Saadia gyaan, it is only a common faith that unites
the Jews not a common language, not a common culture, nor a common
land, but a common religion, which is called Judaism. And at the
heart of Judaism is the torah and its tradition, forsake religion
and you forsake the essence of Jewishness. Secular Zionism throws
the Torah and its tradition in the garbage and redefines a Jew along
purely along racial lines. Okay, I mean, the rabbi's. They point out
that the word Jew in Hebrew, Yehuda contains the four letters
of the Shema for OSH right the sacred name of God yod Hey vav
Hey, this is sometimes for announces Yawei This was further
Latinized as Jehovah because there's no why. In Latin, they use
an IRA Jay, the point is that yeah, who deem right the Jews are
supposed to be the people of God, the people of Yahweh Zionism as a
settler colonial project was founded by atheists. One of my
favorite quotes is attributed to Israeli historian Ilan Poppy. He
said, quote, most Zionist don't believe that God exists, but they
do believe that He promised them Palestine.
Yeah, Zionism is their religion is their new religion is substituted
Judaism. Yeah, exactly. So for the Zionist the essence of Jewishness
was Jewish ethnicity. The Jewish race for the Zionist religion was
more you know, cultural not essential. The Law of Return in
Israel to this day demonstrate the demonstrates this if you're an
atheist, okay, but Jewish by race, right, so your mother is Jewish.
As Jewish blood, you can make Alia to Israel, you can immigrate to
Israel as an atheist. So like Sam Harris, or Bill Maher, if they
wanted to, they can make all the anti Israel it's it's race over
devotion. But even here, they contradict themselves. So let's
say that both of your parents are descendants of Aaron right? In
other words, you're 100% Jewish, a Levite, a descendant of the
Kohanim. Right. But you're you converted to Islam. You are not
allowed to make Alia Israel, so they want ethnic Jews but not all
ethnic Jews right. Now, after Rabbi sonnenfeldt death in 1932,
Rabbi Yosef du Schinsky became the chief rabbi of the ADA hottie dt
in Jerusalem in 1947. You Schinsky spoke to the newly formed United
Nations. And he famously said We express our definite opposition to
Jewish state in any part of Palestine. And I'll get to the
reasons from a theological perspective.
But here's an image here of Rabbi do Schinsky on the left,
and of course, we're outside the guy on the right.
Now, another very influential orthodox rabbi was named Abraham
Isaac Kook. Okay, and he was living in Palestine in a 20th
century. And Kook was one of the major founders of something called
religious Zionism and this is an actual technical term. In Hebrew.
It's known as to note the teat. Right the followers of religious
Zionism are called dati Leumi the National Religious, the so called
National Religious see no contradiction between Zionism in
Orthodox Judaism. Rabbi Kook in 1920, was declared the chief rabbi
of all Palestine during British mandate, so he was the first
Ashkenazi, a chief rabbi of all Palestine under British Mandate.
they deem they considered Kooks rabbinate
to be a force to be fraudulent, not to mention highly blasphemous
for reasons I'll explain shortly, Kook founded the famous Medicare's
HaRav in 1924, the so called universal your Shiva Shiva, of
course means seminary or Academy, the universal Jewish seminary
right in Jerusalem, the Americas how Rav became and still is the
most famous pro Zionist orthodox yeshiva in the world. According to
their official website, they describe themselves with the
following words the mother of Zionist stick Yes, you vote the
very first
Zionist yeshiva and the flagship of the anti liberal media national
religious community. So they're very, very proud of themselves.
Now CUC saw Zionism as a way a means, or we might say, a stepping
stone by which God was going to bring about the Jewish redemption
under the Messiah. Okay, so Kook son Yehuda Kook presided over the
Americas Hurrah for six decades until 1982. He died in 1982 Yehuda
Kook at the Americas 1000s of Jews have been indoctrinated into kooky
and Zionism. So according to kooky and Zionism, the State of Israel
will eventually bring about the emergence of the Messiah. Okay,
the State of Israel constitutes what's known as a hat that has got
hula, the beginning of the redemption. So this is how they
justified Israel's legitimacy religiously. So if we just get
this straight for a minute here, we're seeing that the nationalist
secular divisive, ethnic cleansing, and highly irreligious
state of Israel is preparing the way for the Messiah. This is this
is the claim now. So according to cook, God promised the Holy Land
to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So it is the duty of the descendants
of these three men to initiate a return to the Holy Land, to seize
the Holy Land, to implement the various mitzvot or commandments
that are particular to the Holy Land, and we'll talk about those
mitzvos. And then eventually, the mushiya Melek, then divvied the
king Messiah and David will come and rule the world from Jerusalem.
Now after World War Two, after the Holocaust, in particular, many
orthodox rabbis in Europe began changing their minds about the
Zionist movement, there was a major shift. They now started
considering the Zionist project, they started considering religious
Zionism in light of the Holocaust, and unlike Hertzel, and other
secular Zionist, European rabbis did have a very strong emotional
attachment to Palestine. And so Zionist ideas were eventually
appropriated by the Orthodox community. And given a religiously
sanctioned makeover. Like what cooked it basically took lessons
from him. So to put it bluntly, Zionism is a hijacking of Orthodox
Judaism. For the traditional Orthodox, this was enormously
blasphemous, at best, and rank apostasy at worse, and I'll get to
the reasons why in a minute here. So here's on the left, we have
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, one of the founders of religious Zionism.
And on the right there's a photograph of it more recent times
of the inside of the universal Jewish seminary that the metaclass
held off in Jerusalem.
Okay, so today, there are three major divisions of European Jews.
That is to say, or sorry, Western Jews, that is to say, European and
North American Jewry reform conservative and modern orthodoxy
I mentioned this last time. Modern Orthodoxy is also called a NEO
orthodoxy, okay? Modern Orthodoxy is not the same as traditional
orthodoxy. Okay, there are some key differences, they look the
same. Right? If you see if you see a, a modern Orthodox rabbi and a
traditional Haredi rabbi, they look the same, but there's some
key differences. So modern orthodoxy, it tries to harmonize
sacred knowledge with secular knowledge. This is called Totaku
Madonna, the Haredi rhetorician, the traditional orthodox affair
they deem they find this a bit problematic. Of course, Rabbi
Samson Hirsch, who died in 1888 was one of the main influencers of
modern orthodoxy. He was the founder of something called the
Torah in depth edits movement. So Torah with the way of the land.
Now Rabbi dove advice of the anti Zionist and the Torah, carta
International. He said that modern Orthodoxy is really just a
euphemism for compromised Judaism. Okay. So for the heredity, also
known as the traditional Orthodox, the modern Orthodox have unjustly
appropriated the term Orthodox, Orthodox means correct belief,
right, modern Orthodoxy is not correct belief. They are
essentially imposters under the false label of Orthodox,
especially in terms of Zionism. So modern, you know, Orthodox in
Orthodox in quotes, tend to be very devoted and zealous, Zinus,
whereas traditional orthodox tend to be either non Zionist or anti
Zionist. And one of the major influencers of the worldview of
modern Orthodox Jews was none other than Abraham, Isaac Kook.
Now, I said earlier that the vast majority of religious Jews before
World War Two were vehemently anti Jewish. Why were they anti Jewish?
One major reason, as I stated, was because Zionism as conceived of by
hartsel, shifted the focus, okay of Jewish identity, from one of
religion to ethnicity. Another reason was more theological in
So for before
For the blasphemy of religious Jewish Zionism, for hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds of years, almost 2000 years, okay, Jews the
world over believe based upon explicit texts in the Tanakh. The
Hebrew Bible Christians call the Old Testament that their exile
from the Holy Land was justified that it was divinely decreed, due
to their disobedience, Jewish disobedience. So this is the
traditional understanding. In other words, the Holy Land, okay,
the promised land was given on condition. This is extremely
important, it was conditional, obey God, or else this land will
reject you and God will thrust you out. This has stated dozens of
times in the Tanaka, various books, Deuteronomy, Jeremiah,
Isaiah, Ezekiel, for example, Jeremiah 1613, So Jeremiah, Hebrew
prophet, warns his people, and the speaker here is God speaking
through Jeremiah, so this is what he says, he says, The Hey Tality
at Tim
made edits, hazard edits are shallow your data and therefore I
will cast you out of this land, okay, at into a land that you do
not know.
Deuteronomy 2863, you will be uprooted from the land you're
entering to possess. So this is called a wet Eid in Arabic is
called a threat. There are dozens of threats like this all
throughout to to knock Ezekiel 3324 to 26. By he says by he
DevArt Adonai ala Ilima. Ezekiel says, Then the word of the Lord
came to me saying, then a DOM, Son of man, the people living in these
ruins in the land of Israel are saying, Abraham was only one man,
yet he possessed the land, but we are many, surely the land has been
given to us as our possession. Therefore say to them, This is
what the Sovereign Lord says, Since you eat meat with the blood
still in it, and you look to your idols and you shed blood RSTR
shoe. So this is a rhetorical question, Should you then possess
the land? Right? In other words, because you sinned against God,
again, this is zekiel Chapter 33, verses 24 to 26. Because you
sinned against God, God will cause you to dispossessed the land. And
when the dispossession comes in reality, who I mean NDN Fujiko
This is from yourself to use the Quranic phrase, this is what you
earn. In other words, you cannot turn around and blame God because
God warned you about this.
Ezekiel continues, you rely on the sword, you do detestable things
and each of you to files his neighbor's wife audits to at OSU
should you then possess the land. So according to traditional
Judaism, no one other than God by means of the Messiah can initiate
a return to the Holy Land, no one other than God, by means of the
Messiah can reestablish a Jewish nation, kingdom or homeland. They
must wait patiently for the Messiah. And the Messiah will only
come during a time when Jews as a global community, move towards a
Shiva or Toba. And this is what the rabbi's teach. They further
say that in every generation, there's a potential Messiah. But
if the army said if the Jewish people are not returning to God
and returning to the Torah and devotion, then God will not raise
that Messiah that would be messiah will die and the next generation
will come. Eventually someone will come the religious Zionist will
self fulfill this eventually, this person it seems will likely be the
Mercy had the job or the imposter Messiah, predicted by the prophet
Mohamed Salah Larissa, Allah Who annum but then we know that our
master the real Messiah, as it is to them, Jesus the son of Mary,
peace be upon them will return. And what does the Quran say? Verse
159, of Surah number four, in Al Kitab in law unit, Nabil couple of
that basically at some point, every single Jew and Christian
will believe correctly in Jesus, peace be upon him, which means
what they're going to become Muslim. So this is really the
determining factor when when the to future Messiah has appeared,
the imposter Messiah and the true Messiah, the true Messiah will
oppose his highness. According to the Quran, you know, Jesus peace
be upon him was taught the Torah and Gospel directly by God. And of
course, when he returns, He will know Arabic he will know the Quran
and Sunnah. And so he will convince multitudes from the good
and just people of the book that he is the true Messiah.
Probably the greatest Jewish theologian and philosopher of all
time, Montes wrote something called the 13 principles of Jewish
faith. We talked about these last time as well. It's called the
Schiller Shazza era Manetti who didn't, we went over these. This
was an essential creed or Akita that that he articulated in his
Mishnah Torah. Principle number 12. He said, I believe with
complete faith in the coming of the Messiah, and even if he should
tarry, I nonetheless will wait every day for His coming. So the
Jews are under a 2000 year divinely mandated diaspora. Okay.
And in the Quran, Allah subhana wa Tada says whatever that and cuts
of Allah Allah him
untestable don't lie to him, I lay him will Jala I've ever home for
dunya if Allah had not ordained exile upon them, he would have
severely punished them in this world. So this is what all Jews
believed prior to 150 years ago. This is traditional Judaism. They
must remain in exile any attempt to reestablish any land any land,
through military means in lieu of the Messiah, is viewed as
rebellion against God, this is cool footage and God will severely
punish them any land even if there's some uninhabited island,
the size of a soccer stadium football stadium in the middle of
the Pacific Ocean, the Jews have no right to it whatsoever.
According to the traditional orthodoxy, the Fed ADM, not these
Zionist so called orthodox. I mean, they're heretics in reality
from a traditional standpoint.
The Fennec Diem also cite what's known as the three oaths, right
the shadow Shavuos. And this is very, very important. I mean, this
has fallen on the tongue mode to both 111 A, but it's based upon a
book in the Tanakh, the sheet of Hashem, the Song of Songs. So, so
all of these writings are considered sacred and inspired by
traditional Judaism. So the three O's are drawn from the Tanaka in
the Talmud. Okay. And from our perspective, yeah, there's truth
in both there's truth in both the turnoff and the tone, but there's
also things that are questionable, there's things that are
apparently false.
So the set ideen they charge the national religious Jews and kooky
and Zionist with breaking these oaths. Okay. The first two oaths
relate to the who deem the Jews and the third to the going in the
So oath number one, we will not return on mass to the Holy Land.
Okay, in other words, Jews cannot make any attempt to end the exile.
This includes establishing some temporary Jewish state or Kingdom
outside of the holy land. The Jews must continue to live in exile as
long as God wants and how do they know when enough is enough? Well,
Dotson says Messiah. So remember when remember what Rabbi do
Schinsky said to the UN we express our definite opposition to a
Jewish state in any part of Palestine. Oath number two, we
will not rebel against any nation. Okay. In other words, Jews must be
loyal citizens of any host nation, even if they are being oppressed.
Okay, the traditional Orthodox, they say that if some oppressive
Gentile King is oppressing and humiliated you because you're a
Jew, you should thank Hashem thank God at that moment, thank God that
you are being oppressed and not the oppressor.
And oath number three, the nation's will not oppress the Jews
excessively In other words, it's never going to be too much to
handle. It'll never justify a premature man initiated ending of
exile and return to the Holy Land. Nothing justifies ending the exile
without the mushiya be famous sutra, my rabbi yo Teitelbaum, the
founder of the Satmar Hasidic dynasty. He said that the
Holocaust was divine punishment for violating the three O's God's
punishment upon European Jewry, for scientism. And that's his
opinion. So this is very, very serious business, or the Orthodox.
Okay, the traditional orthodox. Now according to the Quran, when
the Sahaba suffered a calamity and Musa at erode, some of them said,
and they have like, how could this be? Where did this come from?
Well, what's the answer given by God? Well, who I mean NDN Fujiko,
that this is from your own selves. And that's God's response. That is
to say, because of your disobedience, and these were
Sahaba these were the best generation. And these were people
much better than us, Hey, don't nest colony right now. Don't get
the wrong idea. This is this is not victim blaming. Obviously,
this does not absolve or exonerate the, you know, the Mushrikeen the
idolaters for what they were doing to the Muslims. No, they were
wrongdoers. They were oppressors. There were persecutors, there's no
doubt, there's no question about this, this does not give a pass to
the oppressor. But Allah subhanho wa Taala first and foremost
reproaches, the Muslims for their disobedience. Again, God sets a
high bar for us, right again, and like a Kaffir, what's going to act
like a Catholic but a Muslim is held at a higher standard. So
Allah subhanaw taala is training us to be self reproaching. And
then the eye ends by saying in the law adequately Shana put it in
Mazziotti said, Surely God has power over everything, including
the giving of assistance, and the withholding of it as he punished
you for disobeying the direct command of the Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon him. And notice also there were Sahaba who were killed
at erode by the machete king who did not disobey the Prophet. All
right, as we stated the actions of a few can affect many. So this is
not some, you know, repackaged Original Sin doctrine, right? No,
I'm referring to the consequences of sin. And again, we find
commensurate ideas in traditional Jewish theology. Again, this is
the Sunnah of Allah with the believers throughout
History, one of the most famous anti Zionist rabbis. I didn't put
him on the slide here. His name was Rabbi Yeastar. Ale Mayor
Kagan, Mayor Kagan, and he was a great holocaust. He was like a
jurist. Right. He died in 1933. The famous quote from Rabbi
Yisrael Merrick Merrick Hagen. He said, quote, The Zinus are the
dead limbs of our people, which cause the entire body to rot.
Right, the Zinus are the dead limbs of our people, which caused
the entire body to rot. In other words, these scientists are making
trouble for all of us. Their fitna is affecting all of us. Right?
So this is a crucially important spiritual practice to be self
reproaching. Right, not to self victimize. Right. And here's a
photo of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum founder of the highly anti Zionist
Satmar Hasidic dynasty has many many disciples, including Rabbi
Yaakov, you say we look at these faces and you compare that was
many designers, you look at this man's face, you can see as you see
humility there you can see, even, you know, a man who was not
arrogant. Compare that to the the proud Zionist, aggressive kind of
assertion. You look into his eyes and see humility. That's my take
away. No, that's true. That's true. And I encourage people to
listen to his one of his students, Rabbi, Jaco Shapiro, who is doing
his rounds in the, in the in the podcast, and you see that same
type of humility. Also David dove advice, material carta
International. You just see this this this sincerity, this humility
that you don't see with the Zionists? You're absolutely right.
The traditional orthodox they cite a passage in the Torah, to
demonstrate the importance of upholding the three O's in our
time. Right. So this is found in the Book of Numbers, right, the
fourth book of the Torah, or Pentateuch, so Genesis, Exodus,
Leviticus numbers, the fourth book, so this is numbers 1440 to
42. For the notetakers. Of course, the book of Numbers in Hebrew was
called the midbody. But midbody means in the wilderness. So this
book narrates the events of the 40 year wanderings in the Sinai
desert. We're told that some of the Israelites under Moses wanted
to leave the wilderness prematurely, without God
permission, and enter the holy land. So God decreed 40 years of
wandering or exile, but some people of Moses wanted to end that
exile immediately, and marched into the Holy Land. Right. So some
of the people said, I'm quoting here, he named who Valley new
Alhambra calm Asha Amara tonight. Here we are, and we will go up to
the place, which the Lord has promised. In other words, they're
saying we're not going to wait any longer. We're going now this is
taking too long. We're gonna go now. And that continues by the
amount of Moshe and Moses said, lamb mazet attempt Overeem FP, I
don't know, why are you disobeying the Lord's command. But he looks
it's like this will never ever succeed. Leaving exile early and
entering the land. And reestablishing the land without
God's permission, will never succeed. Okay, it continues. This
is now verse 42. He says, Moses speaking, I do, do not go up.
Meaning don't make Alia don't go to the Holy Land. Why she ain't
deny be Killbuck him because the Lord is not with you. And so anti
Zionist rabbi, so this day continue to tell Zionist Jews that
this blasphemous project of theirs called Modern Israel will never
succeed, because the Lord is not with you. So in our terms, there
is no tofield from Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. So remember what
Rabbi Duchesne sqeeze predecessor Rabbi sommerfield said, Dr.
Hertzfeld comes not from the Lord. He's not from the Lord, or from
the site of pollution.
And here's another verse, this is Deuteronomy 3130, Deuteronomy, of
course, the fifth book of the Torah. So here God is speaking to
the Israelites through Moses. And God says, For I know, and this is
also something that's pointed out by anti Zionist, traditional
rabbis, for I know that after my death, you will utterly corrupt
yourselves, and turn aside from the way which I've commanded you,
and evil will befall you in the latter days, because you will do
evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger to the work
of your hands, right? Very interesting. They will do evil in
the latter days.
So it's very important then to draw a distinction between
traditional Judaism and Zionist Judaism. Okay, the latter I also
refer to as radical Judaism. Zionist Judaism is radical
Judaism. Okay. There are many Jews today who describe themselves as
Orthodox. Like, you know, Ben Shapiro of the daily wire. Dennis
Prager, of Prager, you. If they're Zionist, they're radical. So for
me, the terms Zionist and radical are interchangeable. A Zionist is
a radical. Now what do I mean by radical so the
English word radical in its origin, it means to pertain to the
root of something right? And the word radical has different
meanings depending on its context within a discipline. So, in
linguistics radical has a certain meaning and geometry it has a
certain meaning in medicine and botany, even in slang, right, but
what does the term radical mean in the context of religion? So, for
me radical something that is radical in a religious context
constitutes a drastic and highly significant departure from the
normative tradition. And by normative I mean what the
Scriptures clearly say, and their most apparent meanings to plain
and obvious meanings of the text, right what is more come wha there,
this does not deny that there is an inner meaning to the text and
Eastwood Tarik meaning, right. So for example, Imam Al Ghazali. He
says in the Moscato Anwar Al Quran, Eva Hirono. Barton, the
Quran has an exoteric and esoteric dimension, but the apparent
meanings take precedence, okay. And these apparent meanings cannot
be denied. So there's exoteric exegesis, and there's esoteric
exegesis. But the problem with esoteric exegesis there's a danger
in esoteric exegesis is that it becomes Eisah. Jesus, what should
have if one should violate the clear and obvious verses, right?
Of course, exegesis means to take something out of a text that's
already there. I said, Jesus means to put something into a text
that's not there. And it goes into the famous joke is what many
Christians have done with the so called Old Testament, the Jewish
Bible, when they don't practice exegesis, when they read, say,
Isaiah 53, and other passages, they practice ECGs as well, I see
Jesus, I see Jesus all over the place actually reading him into
texts, not reading him out of the scriptures. In other words, it's
it's pouring into rather than actually doing authentic
interpretation. Yeah, they're just shoehorning their Christology into
a text and violating the clear meanings, what's known as a shot
of evocative meanings of a text which is impermissible, which is
really bad theology. So that's what I mean by normative, What do
the Scriptures say in the plain and obvious meanings. And by
tradition, I mean something that is widely known and long standing
among the Scholastic community. Therefore, a radical is someone
who advances a drastic departure from the very root of the
religion. So in recent years and the Academy, we've seen the rise
of something called Radical hermeneutics, right? These are
interpretations of Scripture that fly into the face of centuries
centuries long established theological and moral orthodoxy
like an LGBTQ reading of the story of a lot, a feminist reading of
this sort of medium. These are interpretations of sacred texts
and arrogantly dismiss the work of 1000s of scholars over hundreds
and hundreds of years. And these were scholars who are grounded or
rooted in the foundational principles of their respective
faith traditions. And not only are these radical hermeneutics
dismissive of traditional scholarship, but they're also
dismissive and derisive of the scholars themselves, and they
often vilify and insult. So a Zionist reading of the Bible is a
radical reading of the Bible. Okay.
Now, we should know that there are hundreds of 1000s of traditional
Orthodox Jews, who vehemently oppose Zionism on both theological
and moral grounds. They accused Zionists of hijacking Judaism,
their their motto is yahoodi Lhotse, only a Jew is not a
Zionist. So they actually anathematize Zionist Jews they
make took fear of them. They believe that there's a fundamental
incompatibility between Judaism and Zionism. Rather than the
modern state of Israel being a Jewish nation. They call it an
abomination. So one such organization is called Natura
carta International. Their leaders are aligned with the Muslim
community on this issue of Palestine. They even attend to
major Muslim conventions and events. There's also some tomato,
there's Shomer ammonium, not to mention Jewish voices for peace.
So these are these are good people. These are just people. Do
we agree with everything that anti Zionist Jews say? No, of course
not. They're Jews, and we're Muslims. We have differences and
those differences matter. But I encourage listeners to look up
some of these very courageous rabbis and they're really
courageous. They're truly courageous. Okay, Rabbi dove
advice. Robert F anon back. Rabbi Avi neiger, Rabbi Jaco Shapiro I
mentioned that earlier Rabbi David Miva ser.
And remember that Allah Subhan Allah to Allah says in the Quran,
he lays who salah? I mean, I think the Kitab right, I mentioned this
last time as well. Just another reminder that they're not all the
same. The people the book, we don't lump everyone in the same
category, because Allah himself doesn't do that in the Quran.
Right? So it's important that we look at the Quran holistically.
Right? The Quran says yes, it says lethargy then that shut the nurse
a DA attorney Latina
I'm gonna get hooked while at the National Zoo, you will find the
most severe among mankind in enmity towards the believers ie
the Muslims to be the Jews and the idolatrous okay but Allah subhanho
wa Taala also said women call me Musa OMA to me I do want to bill
Huckabee I don't. And and other people of Moses is a community
that guides by truth, and x with justice. All right, so I can't
stress this enough when it comes to the issue of adult kitab. The
Quran requires something called the depth border, a deeply
reflective and penetrating intellectual engagement. So the
Quran is like a Joomla Wahida. But even his yami said, the Quran is
like a single sentence take it like a single sentence. When we
approach the Quran holistically. Be very careful about blanket
statements. The Quran is nuanced, we must be nuanced. The Quran is
wise we must be wise to put on makes distinctions. We must make
So just a quick review here. So this is what happened.
Essentially, Zionist ideas were adopted and appropriated by many
Ashkenazi Orthodox Jewish Jewish leaders starting in the early 20th
century. And these ideas continued to grow in popularity among their
segment after World War Two. So these Zionist ideas were sort of
dangled in front of their noses, until they finally succumb to
them. Unfortunately, they did not have the Istio karma that was
required of them by their own long standing tradition. To resist the
temptation to have is the karma means to stand upright, right for
the religion to be uncompromisingly principle, right?
So this is very, very important. To be a principle person, we find
this in the Quran first stuck in come out with Milt that God
commands the Prophet, be upright as you have been commanded.
And so Zionism became something of a radical reform movement within
Jewish orthodoxy. Among the Ashkenazi, the European Jewry.
According to the non Zionist traditional Jews, known as the
Fetty, Dean, both secular Zionist and religious Zinus stake highly
radical positions. In other words, they violate long standing
established principles of Judaism, the real world consequences of
which, by the way, are identical, the ethnic cleansing and genocide
of Palestinians, the secular Zionist, again, violated centuries
long understandings of what it meant to be a Jew. What is the
Jew? For secular Zionist the essence of Jewishness, is to be of
the Jewish race. That's it. Religion is not essential. The
Torah is not essential. God is not essential. If you have Jewish
blood from other side, even if you're an atheist, can make Alia
to Israel and contribute to the displacement of the Palestinians.
Come move to this kibbutz in the West Bank and terrorize the
Palestinians. So those are the secular Zionists. Right? But what
is the radical position of the religious Zionist people like
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook and his meta Casa Rob and his son, Yehuda
So, continuing with our review, for these religious Zionist
designers movement constitutes what's known as the beginning of
the redemption, that is to say Zionism as a means by which God
will bring about the Jewish redemption under the Messiah. For
the traditional Orthodox, this is the great blasphemy, right? Why is
that? Well, because or, according to the religious Jewish Zionist, a
Jew may no longer remain diasporic, he can now reject this
idea of a divinely decreed indefinite exile. What's the
result come make Alia to Israel and contribute to the displacement
of Palestinians can move to this Kabuto in the West Bank, and
terrorize the Palestinians same result. But it gets even worse. So
according to the radical religious Zinus, God promised the Holy Land
to the sons of Jacob. And as we said, it is it is the duty of his
descendants not only initiate a return to the Holy Land, to seize
the Holy Land, but to implement the various bellicose mitzvot
commandments in the Torah, that are particular to the Holy Land.
And then we said the Davidic Messiah will come and rule from
Jerusalem. So when I say that the radical religious Zionist want to
implement the various bellicose mitzvot, or commandments in the
Torah, what mitzvah What am I talking about? Well, mitzvah
number 528. To commit head em of non Jews from the river to the
sea, that's genocide and ethnic cleansing, mitzvah number 604, to
exterminate Comelec, whom high ranking Israeli officials have
explicitly identified as a Palestinians, wholesale genocide
of men, women, children and animals. So this is radical
Judaism. Traditional Jews have different ways of dealing with
these myths vote, right so let's use a lot they're not the same.
And I'll come back to this later inshallah. So hem and Comelec.
This is very, very important. I've talked about this last time, we'll
come back to this. It's very, very important. But here's just a an
image of some anti Zionist Jews
during a demonstration,
and then here we have Rabbi dove advice on the left of the Torah
carpet International. And then on the upper right, we have Rabbi
Jaco Shapiro. He's a subtle rabbi at
Students of tidal bomb and below him Rabbi and Hernan back also of
material carpet International. Okay.
So at this point, I want to give the audience a brief and basic
history of modern Palestine. Okay for the sake of context now
obviously there's a lot that I leave out. And much of this most
of your audience probably already knows, but for the sake of this,
we're learning you know, let's keep it basic. I'm certainly not
an expert in the history of Palestine or the history of the
politics of Palestine. But we'll do the best, our best with our
limitations and ask Allah subhanaw taala first Baraka until faith.
The expert here is really Dr. Dr. Hadden Bassiana. co founder as a
tuna and UC Berkeley professor. He's probably the best in the
world. But also I recommend Dr. Rashid LEDs book here. It's called
the 100 years war on Palestine, a history of settler colonial
conquest and resistance 1917 to 2017. Dr. Felitti is the the
Edward Sati, the chair at Columbia, so I'll be referring to
Dr. Felitti often.
Let's start in 1917. This is where Dr. Felitti starts. So in 1917,
the British Empire under General Edmund Allenby, right a staunch
British Zionist, conquered Palestine from the Ottomans and
gave it to the Jews to be their homeland. So this is called the
Balfour Declaration. Most people have heard of this. They wanted to
create, quote, a national home for the Jewish people. Now Arthur
Balfour was the foreign secretary under the Prime Minister David
Lloyd George Balfour, by the way it was highly anti Jewish. Now,
this is a lot of news. This is This is news for a lot of people.
Okay, a lot of people don't know this. Balfour did not want Jews to
live in England. In fact, many British Jews outright outright
denounced his declaration, because they saw it as a means of
ethnically cleansing the Jews living in Britain, which had
happened before. A few times, Britain had a history of expelling
Jews. Also in 1905, when Balfour was the Prime Minister, the
British Parliament passed the aliens Act, which was designed to
keep Jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in the Russian Empire from
entering Britain. Right so Balfour was highly anti Jewish, the
British you know, they did what they did for strategic
imperialistic reasons. The British already controlled the Suez Canal,
but they also wanted to control the shortest land route to India,
right, which was from Haifa, to bust it up. Right, in other words,
the shortest route from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf.
And here they build roads and they build the oil pipeline and air
bases. And so Zionism was a useful tool for Britain to carry out its
imperialistic aspirations.
Nonetheless, Jews from Europe began pouring into Palestine,
British Mandate Palestine, which obviously cause tensions between
the indigenous Arabs and Jews, and the newly arrived European Jews.
Of course, the vast majority of the population, some 94% were
Arabs, and the land was called Palestine. The Arabs tried strikes
and boycotts. They were brutalized by the British, in the 1920s and
30s. Various various Jewish militia groups sprang up in
Palestine, okay groups like Hagia Anna, and ear goon, and these
groups were terrorist groups, okay, even New York Post, even
Winston Churchill call them terrorists. I mean, Churchill, in
my mind was also a terrorist. I mean, he carpet bombed hundreds of
1000s of civilians in Germany. Now these groups have gone in an era
goon they would commit political violence, atrocities, murder,
massacre, and absolutely terrorized the Palestinians. At
some point in the late 30s, British interest in establishing a
Jewish state began began to wane. Okay, so it was no longer in the
strategic interests of the British to to help the Jewish cause. So it
was the eve of World War Two, the British assumed that they would be
fighting in the so called Middle East, and so they didn't want to
further agitate the Arabs. And so the British began to restrict
Jewish immigration to Palestine. This was after the Arab Revolt of
1936 to 39. And the British articulated this in the famous
white paper presented the parliament in 1939. So the white
paper said that in 10 years, an independent Palestinian state
would be established with a with an Arab majority, and that future,
Jewish immigration had to be according to Palestinian consent.
Now, your goon didn't like that. Right? Not Not one bit. So your
goon by the way, was actually trained by the British. So what
did your goon do? They blew up the King David Hotel in 1946. That was
the headquarters of the British, so they killed Muslims, the Jews
and Christians. They killed men, women and children. 91 people
killed about 50 were injured. So a terrorist attack.
Here's some interesting facts and then I'll come begun. The former
Prime Minister of Israel was the former head of the air
goon an Ariel Sharon, another former prime minister was once a
member of the Hagia not, in the Hagia Anna after 1948 became the
IDF, the Israeli Defense Force. So let me think about that one.
That's like I always use the analogy that's like the kk k, the
Ku Klux Klan becoming the American police and military. Many of them
actually did. Another interesting fact a very little known fact. So
here on the slide, here's a coin that was struck in 1934. In
Germany, so we have a Star of David on one side and a *
on the other. So the Zionists, the Nazis were actually working
together in Germany during the beginning of the Third Reich.
Okay, so Hitler is the Chancellor of Germany in 1934. Why were they
working together? Well, they shared a common goal. They both
wanted Jews to leave Europe, in this case, Germany. So the Nazis
were Zinus. You know, how we say today we say, Zionism, and Nazism
are two sides of the same coin. Well, here it is, there are
literally two sides of the same coin. I just thought that this is
quite shocking to some of us in the UK, we had a mayor of London
here by the name of Ken Livingstone, a few years ago, who
made the very point, he alludes to this fact that you are mentioning
now, in an interview, and he was hounded out of office, he was told
that this is a lie. This is anti semitic, this was fake news. This
was false. It never happened. And at that point, I already knew what
you're saying. And I knew it was it was a fact, I'd seen these
coins. And yet, the point being is actually you cannot say this
publicly. It is so dangerous, that you could be a senior politician
and a respected political leader in office and actually be banned.
And now he's cast into the wilderness. It's very sad story.
So this is not just historical data, there's actually even to
speak of this is problematic at best in a country that prides
itself on freedom of expression and liberty. Unbelievable. Yeah,
An Inconvenient Truth. Right. And here in German, in German, it says
a Nazi travels to Palestine, right, Dara and Griff. That's the
name of the newspaper. It's called the attack. So basically, if you
bought a subscription to this newspaper, they would give you
this coin as a gift.
Yeah, another one of these things that people don't want to talk
about. They want to sort of shove down the rabbit hole and flush it
away. And but this this is important, we have to study
history in October 1953, of the IDF led by Ariel Sharon attack to
the village of tibia in the West Bank, and massacred 69 civilians,
mostly women and children. The attack was condemned by the US
State Department of the UN Security Council, Sharon escaped
judgment for his crime in this world at least. Now backing up a
little bit, just kind of out of order. In June 1919, you have
article 22, of the covenant of the League of Nations. So this
covenant declared that the Arab areas that had been under Ottoman
Empire, and were now made mandates under European powers, that these
areas would eventually be made into independent nations and
receive self determination. So this happened to every other Arab
state under European mandate except for Palestine. So this
happened in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon and Jordan. The
Palestinians never received self determination. Roshi, Dr. Rashid
Khalidi he said, The Palestinians were denied what under Article 22
was allowed to every other Arab state under European mandate.
So settler colonialism right is a type of conquest. Okay, so
inherent within European settler colonialism is the dispossession
of the indigenous population. Okay, either through genocide,
like what happened in America or Canada, or ethnic cleansing,
forced expulsion. Ethnic cleansing is inherent in Zionism. So that's
a quote from Halevi. himself. Ethnic cleansing is inherent in
Zionism. Ethnic cleansing is part and parcel to European settler
colonialism. And Hertzler was no exception to this. I mean, he
wanted to drive away the Arabs Hertzel was European to his core.
The Balfour Declaration never even mentioned the Palestinians and
that was the point they're not a people. According to the Zionist
Palestine was apparently a land without a people. What they mean
by this what they meant by that, was that a people worth
considering also Dr. Benny Morris, right Dr. Benny Morris, former
professor at Ben Gurion University in Israel. He's the author of
several books. He said that the idea of transfer was inbuilt and
inevitable in Zionism. So transfer is an Orwellian euphemism for
expulsion, also known as ethnic cleansing, inbuilt and inevitable.
And then, of course, the revered Oxford professor Avi Shloime. He
said, quote, Zionism is racism. Now, when we look back at Islamic
conquest, we see something different. Okay. The indigenous
were allowed to live in their homes and practice their religions
and customs. The Zoroastrians survived in Iran. The Christians
survive in North Africa to this day there
Millions of them. The Jews thrived in Muslim countries for centuries.
And if they convert to Islam they convert if not, they pay a tribute
tax if they can afford it. And they're guaranteed protection for
the Muslim polity. This is called vme status, genocide and ethnic
cleansing are completely against the principles of Islamic
conquest. We have this concept of added kitab. Okay, protected
minority status. Were there injustices committed by certain
Muslims? Yes, but these were in breach of the Shetty out. By
contrast, ethnic cleansing is inherent in Zionism. To quote Dr.
Halevi, again, ethnic cleansing is in the DNA of Zionism. As you
commented, last time we spoke well, Olivia also said that
protected minor protected minority status was completely
contradictory to the aims of Zionism because the point of
Zionism is not to have go in. That's the whole point not to have
Gentiles. Now, I want to say something about the view of some
of some non Muslims regarding the term Zionism Okay. Some Jews and
Christians identify as Zionist, but say that Israel is just not
doing Zionism. Right. Right. So it's similar to like, what many
Marxists say today? You know, they love Marxism, but they say, you
know, Mao and Stalin, they didn't do it. Right. Right. So with
respect to Zionism, we can't forget that inherent within
Zionism inherent is the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous
population. Its inherent Zionism is a quintessential European
settler colonial project. So essentially, what these
revisionist apologists want to do now is to give this term Zionism a
makeover. You know, oh, Zionism is just about protecting Jews from
violence. That's what they'll say. No, it's not. That is not Zionism.
Zionism is evil. We can't allow these revisionist to redefine the
term Zionism because by doing so, they will gradually remove the
historical and justices associated with this term from human
consciousness. If there's a movement that wants to protect us
from violence, by proposing a homeland for them, that is done
ethically, morally, non violently, then they should not call that
Zionism because that is not Zionism. We all know design as a
means and we cannot allow them to obfuscate the muddy the waters. We
should not accept this, this Orwellian reeducation. I mean,
they should call their movement, you know, the Jewish homeland
movement or something like that. And as Muslims, we don't have a
problem with the Jewish homeland movement, per se. We do have a
problem, however, with Zionism, right? In 1947. The British just
kind of threw up their hands and left Palestine. They left
Palestine to the United Nations. It's a un problem now. Right? So
the US sorry, the UN partitioned Palestine now in 1947. The Jews
constituted 1/3 of the population, most of them newly arrived, yet
they were offered 56% of Palestine. The Arabs who were the
majority, and I lived there for generations were offered 44% So
neither group found this favorable, even though the Zionist
Israelis publicly agreed with a Partition Plan. They did not want
an Arab majority within Greater Israel. They wanted a Jewish ethno
state and Arab majority totally contradicts this. So here's
Balfour on the right, this is the partition here.
David Ben Gurion was quoted as stating he's the first ever Prime
Minister of Israel. He said after the formation of a large army in
the wake of the establishment of the state, we will abolish
partition, and expand to the whole of Palestine. Okay, so Israel's
agreement was largely tactical, they always had it in their minds
to expand and take the whole of historical Palestine from the
river to the sea. Now starting in March 1948, these Israeli militia
militia groups, these terrorist factions that were trained by the
British they put something into action called plan dalot. Right,
so plan D dollar means d out of state email Dalit. And again, I
highly recommend reading about this and Elon poppies book the
ethnic cleansing of Palestine. What did plan dollar do? It
displays 750,000 Palestinians. It forced them to leave Palestine
or forced them into Gaza, which of course became a huge open air
concentration camp. There's a retired Major General of the IDF.
People can look look this up. His name is gira Island, Ei, LA, nd E
or Island. He's also the former head of the Israeli National
Security Council. In 2004. He called Gaza a concentration camp.
So we have a top security official in the Israeli government referred
to Gaza as a concentration camp and this was before the blockade.
Of course, Damon David Cameron, the former prime minister of UK,
called an open air prison.
According to Norman Finkelstein, in 2003, the respected professor
at Hebrew University Baruch Kimberling, described Gaza as
quote the largest concentration
Shouldn't camp ever. And now in 2024, actually, according to
Finkelstein, Gaza is quote, a death camp, and Finkelstein's
parents were sent to two separate Nazi death camps. And his father
was at Auschwitz. So he knows a thing or two about concentration
camps. So in plan dollar to 1948, just want to say here because I'm
still angry about this that no live in the West beat United
States, the European Union or United Kingdom has condemned
what's happening there. In fact, they will all of the
aforementioned have given diplomatic and political cover for
the actions of designers on the people of Gaza. And this is not
hidden. Now. We can see it every day on Twitter and other social
media platforms, that the whole place is been flattened, just like
Dresden was or other German cities during the Second World War. It's
been flattened deliberately, as a policy, and the West as a whole
has given political and diplomatic cover for this. Indeed, more than
that your country and the Britain and elsewhere are giving massive
amounts of money and arms to do this. So the West is complicit,
not indirectly, but I would say directly with genocide as we
speak. I mean, it's extremely, it's a world historical moment, a
moment in history, in my view. Yeah. No, that's true. And yeah,
we're gonna get to what's happening right now. It's
it's very, very, it's maddening. It's,
you know, it's unprecedented. It's almost like what I said last time,
it's almost like the world is under a spell or something. Yeah,
we'll try to piece it together as to why that is.
So going back to the Plan Dalet here in 1948. In addition to
750,000 Palestinians being displaced or forced into Gaza, 500
villages were destroyed. And there were multiple reports of massacres
dozens upon dozens of them, indiscriminate killings of men,
women and children. At Derry, I've seen that Haifa Jaffa, Israel
declared itself a state on May 14 1948. This is called the Nakba.
And then the UN formally recognized Israel on May 11 1949.
Now, something else happened in 1954 that I think we should be
aware of, we should not again, we should not forget these moments in
history. This is something that was thrown down the rabbit hole of
history. It's called the Lavon Affair, okay. And this was named
after the former Israeli Defense Minister Finn hustle avant, so
this was an attempted false flag operation. Okay, of course, the
legendary originator of the false flag operation was Nero, the fifth
emperor of Rome. With died in 68. Nero wanted to build a grand
palace for himself in Rome, but could not get approval from the
Senate. So he ordered some of his goons to basically start multiple
fires around Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus. Nero
blamed the Christians in the city for setting the fires and this led
to this horrible persecution of Roman Christians. Christians were
thrown to animals to remain into streetlamps. And of course,
according to some accounts, Nero stood on a tower overlooking the
burning city, playing his fiddle and singing a song about the fall
of Troy. Although this latter part is most likely a legend. So the
Lavon Affair was an attempted false flag operation, codenamed
Operation Suzanna, you know, people should Google this before
it's gone. It carried out it was carried out by Israeli spies in
Egypt in 1954. So the Zionist Israeli agents in Egypt planted
bombs in busy civilian areas in Cairo, and Alexandria, where
Americans and the British would often visit like movie theaters
and libraries. The plan was to commit terrorism by killing
civilians, especially Westerners, and then blame Egyptian Muslims in
order to cause tensions between Egypt and the West. The plan fell
apart, the Zionist spies were caught, and then they confessed
the Lavon Affair really amazing. So there's a common talking point
that Zionist apologist use to justify the crimes of Israel. And
I want to briefly address that, so 19 So after 1948, the Jewish
population in Arab countries dropped dramatically. Okay, so
800,000 Jewish Arabs, Mizrahi Jews, left the Arab world and this
is true, okay. The Zionist claim is that all of these Jews were
ethnically cleansed from these countries. Okay.
And here, I recommend the scholarship of Dr. Avi Shlaim. So
Dr. Shlaim is an Iraqi born Jew, who migrated to Israel when he was
a child. He's a scholar of Mizrahi Jewish history and Professor
Emeritus at Oxford. Now, according to Shlaim, the number one reason
why there was such a massive exodus of Jews from the Arab world
was the rise of nationalism. So first Jewish nationalism, that is
to say Zionism, the creation of the State of Israel, and then Arab
nationalism. So a large percentage of Arab Jews left the Arab world
because they had a desire to live in Israel, their desire to make
Alia. So unlike what the Palestinians suffered during
planned Dalit, a forced expulsion, a large percentage of Arab Jews,
hundreds of 1000s of them left voluntarily to live in Israel and
It's actually sort of the public record that Mossad itself is the
Israeli intelligence agency actually encouraged for example,
Jews living in Egypt to emigrate to is Israel. So the there was an
actual operation by the Israeli state as well as get Jews is a
Mossad, the key role in that? Yeah, yeah. So that Yeah, and I
mentioned that as well. So that was one consequence of Jewish
nationalism. So voluntary Alia, to Israel by Arab Jews, another
consequence of Jewish nationalism was a strong Arab nationalism. And
it's, it's true that many Arab Jews suffered discrimination,
injustice, and violence in Arab majority countries during this
period, the late 40s and 50s. This is true, we have to own it. A
major backlash of the creation of Israel was that a cast aspersions
upon the Arab Jews living in Arab countries, and this caused much
resentment between the two communities. But this was no
excuse for violence against innocent Arab Jews. So I'm not
some apologist for these Arab countries. I condemn the unjust
policies and violence committed against Jewish communities in the
Muslim world. Such treatment of Jews was contrary to the Sharia,
and contrary to the historical treatment of Jews in the Muslim
world, but the reason why we don't hear a Zionist condemning Plan
Dalet is because as we said indigenous ethnic cleansing of
Palestinians was inherent in built and inevitable in Zionism,
Zionists will always justify violence against indigenous
indigenous. We condemn violence against Jews, they justify
violence against Palestinians. Now Shlaim also said that when he was
a child in Iraq, okay, before Israel, the common sentiment among
Iraqi Jews, was that Iraq was their home, that the Iraqi Muslims
and Iraqi Jews viewed each other as friends and neighbors for
hundreds and hundreds of years. But when he went to Israel with
his family in 1950, he said that the Ashkenazi Jews in Israel, the
ones in charge of Israel, view the Misaki Jews as inferior that
anything Arab was seen as backward and primitive. This is something
that he never experienced in Iraq from Muslims. Dr. Shah, who
muddied at Dartmouth also talks about this, that there was a type
of systematic what he calls de Arab possession of Mizrahi Jews in
Israel by elitist Ashkenazim. All right, and a lot of people don't
know this. But in 1971,
a group of Mizrahi Jews in Israel formed an organization called the
Israeli Black Panthers, right? It's because there was systemic
discrimination in Israel against Mizrahi Jews, by European Jews by
Ashkenazi Jews. Now, there is one more important thing that Shlaim
says that we need to know. In 1950 1951 Five bombings occurred
in Iraq, okay. According to Shlaim, overwhelming evidence
suggests that at least three of these bombings were committed by
Zionist agents operating in Iraq. Okay, the purpose was to create
sympathy for Arab Jews, and to accelerate immigration to Israel,
as you said. So Israel had a problem a population, they needed
more and more Jews to come to Israel. And Shlaim says that this
was not a one off. I mean, to quote him exactly, he said, it was
part of a pattern a false flag operations and quote,
and he cites the Lavon Affair in Egypt. And so God only knows what
was happening in Morocco and Tunisia and Libya, etc. You know,
Shlaim also called this cruel Zionism. Why, because design is
they help turn the Iraqi and Egyptian societies against their
own Jewish populations. They created a hostile conditions for
Jews in these countries, Jews who were innocent, and that had no
interest in Zionism. So much of the Jewish exodus from Muslim
countries during the 1950s was due to hostile conditions created in
those countries by Zionist terrorists committing false flag
operations. This is just a fact.
I think, in the West, we find it very often, the idea of conspiracy
theories is mocked and ridiculed. Only people are stupid or gullible
or low intelligence believe the conspiracy theories. And I think
there's a political motive behind people actually discrediting this
because what you have said is actually based on facts, which
should checkable in the public domain, even though these are
actually conspiracies in the any sense of the term, I think, and
they are part of the historical record and unknown to be true.
The very idea of a conspiracy is mocked in the West. But I think
there's a political reason why now there's a conspiracy funnily
enough, what why they are mock just so that we're not actually
aware of what's going on around us in the world. So the very idea is
discredited, but it's true. What you say is based on fact, it can
be checked, obviously, yeah, yeah. I mean, people don't want to be
called a conspiracy theorist, because it's one of these these
thought stoppers, right? If you're a conspiracy theorist, you know,
is they want you to stop thinking? No, we should, we should always
think we should always do research. Don't let people
intimidate us. Yeah, and check the facts, go back into the historical
record and see if if I'm making this up if, if this is, you know,
some sort of fairy tale or if this is actually what happened. It's
definitely if you should check what you're saying, but it is
fact. I mean, I was familiar with these things. They're definitely
now moving ahead to the 1967 War. So Israel, through quote, a
preemptive strike, took control of the West Bank, Gaza, the Old City
of Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula. So I
believe he calls this a surprise attack, actually, Israel gave back
part of the Golan Heights and the Sinai, but continue to occupy
Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. So according to
international law, it is illegal to acquire territory by war. So
the UN passed Resolution 242 in 1967, calling for Israel to
withdraw from the occupied territories immediately. That was
56 years ago, 37 years ago, Israel has yet to comply. Religious
Zionists like to call this victory, a divine miracle. Right.
So they have this sort of this, this legendary, romantic sort of
way of telling the story in the midst of all of these hostile
Delilah Fein Arabs, the tiny, scrappy, underdog nation of
Davidic, Israel miraculously defeated his enemies, and its
total propaganda. The truth is the Israeli military was infinitely
superior to all her Arab neighbors put together, Israel was actually
Goliath. And this is amazing here and in the midst of the 1967 war
on June 8 1967, Israel attacked the USS Liberty. Again, most
people don't know about this. This is absolutely factual. What was
the USS Liberty and unarmed American naval ship and
international waters flying the American flag. It was a
coordinated attack from the air and sea. The Liberty was clearly
identified by Israeli pilots as being American. There's no doubt
about this. It's not mistaken identity. There are recordings
despite clearly identifying the ship as American by reading out
the ship's whole number and seeing the American flag. Israeli pilots
fire to the ship from below. and Israeli missile boats fire
torpedoes from I'm sorry, fired.
They fired from the ship from above and Israeli missile boats
filed torpedoes from below. So 34 American sailors were killed,
another 174 were injured. So that's that's more than two thirds
of the total number of sailors. And here's a an image of the USS
Liberty. So the American government they tried to cover
this up, they tried to hide this event from the press and from the
American public. And to this day, to this very day, survivors and
relatives of survivors meet once a year to read the names of the
deceased and try to understand why their greatest ally in the Middle
East intentionally and callously attack them. You know, the most
likely reason is that the USS Liberty was a spy ship. And as a
spy ship it was listening in on Israel's war plans. So even though
America was their ally, Israel didn't like the fact that America
was listening in on their plans, I guess. So they tried to massacre
everyone on the ship. Very strange.
Throughout the 70s and 80s,
Israel continued to build settlements and occupied
territories. In September 1982 Defense Minister arrows terone
ordered the massacre of about 3000 Palestinian refugees and Lebanese
civilians at the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut,
Lebanon. There was torture and mutilation there was * over
three days. The UN called this quote an act of genocide. The
Israeli military along with their ally, and extreme right wing
Christian militia group called the phalange were held responsible,
Sharon resigned, but then became the Prime Minister nine years
later. So it's very strange how that happens. Now, according to
led in the 1980s, the PLO shifted two things the Palestinian
Liberation Organization, they shifted their aim and their means,
as he puts it, okay, so they shifted their aim. That is their
goal from one Palestinian state from the river to the sea, with
Arabs and Jews living equally to two states, Israel and Palestine,
Palestine along the June 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the
capital of the Palestinian state. So the Palestinian Authority made
this major concession. They also shifted their means from armed
struggle to peaceful negotiations. So 1988, the PLO openly accepted
the terms of UN resolution 242, passed in 1967, which would give
the Palestinians a state along the 67, the June 67, borders and East
Jerusalem as their capital.
Now, during this time in the late 80s, Hamas also emerges Okay, and
the aim and means of Hamas was different than the PLO. So the aim
of Hamas initially at least was the whole of Palestine, one
Palestinian state, and their means was armed struggle or armed
resistance and Israel by
The way just as a point of fact, helped create Hamas and funded
Hamas. Israel wanted Hamas to oppose the more secular PLO. They
wanted to create internal turmoil among the Palestinians to play
them against each other, divide, divide and conquer they learned
from the British so many years ago. So Israel has, has never
wanted a two state solution. And so Israel didn't like the PLO
moving in that direction. So Israel funded Hamas for 20 years
and then fought them for the next one, two years. Now, Ron Paul, an
American congressman, he once said, on the floor of the House,
quote, Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel, because
they wanted Hamas to counter act Yasser Arafat and quote,
often or co-head, a former Israeli Government adviser, he said,
quote, Hamas to my great regret is Israel's creation and quote, so
who suffers on all of this innocent people civilians from
both sides. Meanwhile, Israel uses the the presence of Hamas as a
pretext to commit atrocities in Palestine. Hamas has become this
perennial boogeyman that Israel can just shoehorn into their
narratives, and presto, ethnic cleansing genocide, it's all good.
In 1993, the famous Oslo Accords were held. Now here, Zionist
apologists always say, Oh, the Palestinians were offered a state
in 1993, during the Oslo Accords, and yet they rejected it. Right.
The Oslo Accords were a sham. And I'll tell you why. The stated goal
of the accords was to create an autonomous Palestinian state where
the Palestinians had total self determination. But this was a
sham. According to the Oslo Accords, the occupied West Bank
could be turned into three zones, zone A, Zone B, and Zone C, Zone A
would be given to the Palestinians, the Palestinians
would have civil and security security control over zone A, Zone
A was about 18% of the West Bank, Zone B would be 20 22% of the West
Bank, and zone B, the Palestinians would have civil control, but
Israel would control the security. Now in both Zone A and B, Israel
could still conduct their raids whenever they wanted. So even in
Zone A, where the Palestinians were in so called Full Control,
this control could be overwritten whenever Israel wanted. And then
Zone C was 60% of the West Bank, and Zone C would be under full
Israeli control. So in reality, all three zones will be under
Israeli control. So this was the so called autonomous Palestinian
state. This was where the Palestinians would have so called
self determination. Now, this was a sham. This was a con job. You
know, what about the Palestinian refugees? Do they have the right
of return? What about East Jerusalem? Interestingly, in the
30 years since the Oslo meetings, the number of Israeli settlers in
the West Bank went from 100,019 93 to about half a million today. So
in 30 years, it tripled. And now they have assault rifles, the
settlers and the Palestinian territories continue to this day
to be under occupation and continue to shrink, and
Palestinians continue to live as second class citizens in their own
country. And second class is a big understatement. And the occupied
territories of Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. It's
nothing short of apartheid apartheid accord Tibet, Selim,
which is an Israeli human rights organization, Amnesty
International Human Rights Watch. Its apartheid. According to the
Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Jimmy Carter, Palestinians have no
rights in the occupied territories. They're treated like
animals. They're called animals. All right, and just a few weeks
ago, the idea for passing out assault rifles to Israeli settlers
in the West Bank like candy. Now on November 8 1995, the Israeli
prime minister, who signed the first round of the Oslo Accords,
except for being he was assassinated by an Israeli
terrorist and Jewish radical named Yigal Amir. Okay, now Amir
justified his actions religiously, he appealed to something called
Dean roe def, the law of the pursuer
and I'll tell you why I'm mentioning this in a minute
inshallah. So this is a law mentioned in Sanhedrin 73. A in
the Talmud, but it's based upon Leviticus 1916 It says do not
stand idly by the blood of your brother. In other words, if you
see a person pursuing to kill another person, you're responsible
to put yourself in harm's way and prevent the pursuer from
committing murder. And if necessary, you may have to kill
the pursuer the road if you must intervene to save a life even if
it means taking a life you cannot stand idly by. So the rabbi's
mentioned the story of Moses peace be upon him to demonstrate this
right so he intervened. The Egyptian taskmaster was beating up
the Hebrew slave. Moses intervened and ended up killing the Egyptian
but the killing was justified because the row death the Egyptian
would have killed the slave. So an Amir's mind itself would have been
was endangering Jewish lives by recognizing a so called
Palestinian state. So
So his defense in court was that Rabin was a row deaf. So his his
defense was rejected. So there are Jewish extremists who consider it
a murder rubble offense, if some Israeli officials even consider
working with the Palestinians. Interestingly, Zionist Orthodox
Jewish professor, Geoffrey alderman, he argued that since the
Gazans have voted Hamas in every Gasan is a row deaf and must be
killed because they held an election. The same logic
apparently as Bin Laden, every American is fair game. The
difference is 70% of Gazans are either refugees or children of
refugees, who held an election while living inside the world's
largest concentration camp. And 50% of Gazans are children who
never voted for anyone.
According to influential Zionist orthodox rabbi, Yosef Misra, he,
all Palestinian children erode phim because when they get older,
they're going to be terrorists anyway, so Israel might as well
kill them now. That's his logic. And then you have this absolute
psychopath. Rabbi Manis Friedman, who says very similar things he's
highly celebrated in the Jewish community is over 400,000
followers on his YouTube channels, very popular. He's the dean of an
institute of Jewish Studies, Manis Friedman, total psychopaths
Destroy their holy sites, killed her women and children. There are
no civilians, this type of thing. And then he claims to have
knowledge. He claims to have knowledge of Islam and his own
Islam. Moses is the first prophet is what he says.
I'll just mention this quickly. This is not on the slide. But
there was also the so called Camp David summit, right in 2000. Right
Bill Clinton, who'd Barak Yasser Arafat, again, a sham, you know, a
horse and pony show? No Palestinian autonomy, no
Palestinian self determination. Hillary Hillary Clinton is of
course making her rounds now. The Palestinians were offered a state
and 47 and 1993 and 2000. The Palestinians are constantly
rejecting a two state solution. This is a major Zionist talking
point. Okay, according to Norman Finkelstein, every single year for
decades, the UN votes on a General Assembly Resolution. It's called
the peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, the
peaceful settlement of the question of how he always says
just Google it right. This resolution will give the
Palestinians I state on the June 1967 borders and the conditions
will be based upon international law, not Israeli law. Every year,
the whole world votes in favor including Palestine, and only
America, Israel and a few small island nations voted against it.
So Israel does not want a two state solution. Israel recently
the Israeli ambassador to the UK, said clearly that Israel does not
want us to state solution. She said absolutely not. That's an
exact quote. Netanyahu himself openly said that he's proud that
he prevented a Palestinian state. Mark regolith senior adviser to
Netanyahu recently reminded us in an interview with Piers Morgan,
then in 1993, even ravine Yitzhak Rabin said that the Palestinians
should not be given full authority over their own state. That ravine
famously said less than a state, right? So even a more lefty
politician like Rabin said, No, I mean, we already knew this, but
regolith reminded us recently. So they all admit this, Israel does
not want a two state solution they want so what's the alternative?
What are the remaining options? Aparecida genocide on February
25 1994, in Israeli terrorist, and Jewish radically in Baruch
massacre 29 Palestinians who were worshipping at Mr. Ibrahim in
Hebron and Helene in the occupied West Bank. This happened it's a
lot of budget during Ramadan. 29 adults and children were murdered,
and another 130 injured. This is called the Cave of the Patriarchs
massacre. Goldstein was born in Brooklyn. He moved to Israel in
1983. After becoming radicalized, he was a member of a radical
Jewish movement called the caulk party. Okay, it was founded in
1971 by Rabbi Mira Kahana. Okay, so this party was banned in Israel
in 1994 and declared a terrorist organization. Goldstein was a
student of Kahana Kahana wrote a famous book called The must go. He
also coined the phrase never again. So Khanna exploited the
Holocaust as an excuse to advocate essentially, for another
holocaust. Kahana was assassinated in 1990. Now, the majority of
Israelis today condemned Goldstein for being the terrorists that he
was, but a minority of Jewish radicals praise Him. They continue
to make annual pilgrimages to his grave site. To this day, someone
who killed prostrating children. The eulogy on his tomb reads the
following the reviewer Dr. baru, Kapil Goldstein son of Israel, He
gave His soul for the sake of the people of Israel, the Torah and
the land, his hands are clean and his heart good and quote. Wow. So
essentially, Goldstein was a suicide bomber right with an
automatic weapon. I mean, they knew that he would
they would kill him on the spot. Disturbingly Goldstein's ideology
has recently made a major comeback. So communism is gaining
popularity right now and so called Israel. There was a far right
party in Israel called otzma Yahoo dt. It means Jewish power. Okay.
And 2022 the leader of this party was Itamar Ben Revere, who is
literally a convicted terrorist. And he became the Minister of
National Security under Netanyahu, Netanyahu. Right. So of national
security and in Israeli government today, yes. Is a member of this
party, which follows the traditions of this terrorist
struggle. Yes, yeah, he's a devoted communist. And get this
Ben Revere used to have a picture of Baruch Goldstein hanging in his
living room. Right. This is confirmed the man who committed
the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre. Goldstein is his hero.
So Goldstein's ideology is now the mainstream in the Israeli
government. So these people they want to incite a religious war, a
religious holocaust of Arabs and Palestine. And here's something
alarming. I just learned this actually, throughout 2023, large
groups of religious Jewish settlers regularly make made trips
to the hunter machete, the so called Temple Mount, to perform
collective Jewish prayers on the platform. Okay, on the day before
October 7, over 1000 settlers gathered in the southeast corner
of the Temple Mount and prayed as a group. So this is a major
provocation. So there's great fear among the Palestinians that one of
these settlers will do what Goldstein did, inside message them
OXA, God forbid luck a little along. These are communists,
right? But how did these communists justify these actions
religiously? Like scripturally? I mean, it's one thing to say that
Jews can end their exile and return the Holy Land and pray on
the Temple Mount. It's another to say that they can kill with
impunity, the Arabs that are there and I'll come back to this.
Let's just continue here with the with the history in 2006. free and
fair elections were held in Gaza and Hamas one now according to
Khalidi, Hamas, his platform was much more moderate, at least what
they were saying at the time. And Hamas agreed to a coalition
government with Fatah, which is the other large faction of the
PLO, the President is Mahmoud Abbas. So this would have
authorized Hamas to negotiate with Israel on the basis of a two state
solution. Israel, US and UK refused to negotiate. Right? It's
all Israel in reality. I mean, the US and UK just kind of obey
Israel, like good dogs. Why did Israel refuse? Because, again,
Israel does not want a two state solution. Israel then imposed an
illegal and satanic blockade on Gaza. And here we are. So here's
right in his grave, all right. Gosh, and then here's a mare Cana
right, the founder of the cocktail party, the Communist Party,
teacher at Baruch Goldstein,
coined the phrase never again, wrote they must go. And of course,
here's Ben Revere, current Minister of National Security
under Netanyahu and devoted Khan is convicted terrorist. Right,
right behind him. It's my Yeah, who did Jewish power?
Now, a question we get all the time is, Do you condemn Hamas?
So we should ask the person asking us this. Do you condemn Israel? If
they say no, ask them why they don't condemn a nation that
commits a textbook case of genocide. According to the
definition of genocide offered by the UN, we'll get to that. If they
say Israel is just defending itself. We can say well, why can't
Hamas defend itself? They'll say Hamas kills civilians. So Israel
on a much more massive scale. So here's the answer. I condemn the
killing of civilians, period. I don't care who does it. It's never
justified. Now on October 7, October 7 was not an isolated
event. It didn't happen in a vacuum. I think we can certainly
understand why Hamas did what they did. But don't condemn, sorry, but
don't condone their actions of killing civilians. We certainly
condemn it. Understanding is not condoning. Okay, so white
abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, understood why Nat
Turner did what he did during the slave revolt in 1831. But he did
not condone it. So what do people expect? I mean, young young men
born in a concentration camp, or raised most of their lives in a
concentration camp. You expect them to lie down and die. Young
men who have lost their family and friends to Israel's policy of
mowing the lawn every few years. Young men who are starving, can't
find work, drink polluted water, feel constantly humiliated. What
do you expect? You can't tread on human beings like this? And expect
no response and these are human beings, they're not animals, and
to the 2008 and nine Operation Cast Lead 2012 Operation Pillar of
Defense 2014 Operation Protective Edge. These were high, high tech
massacres in Gaza committed by the IDF. Israel calls these mowings
Long in hundreds in some cases 1000s of civilians killed mostly
women and children. What do you expect? In fact, compared to
Israel, Hamas has shown incredible restraint. When you really think
about it. Now people say why can't the Palestinians just practice
peaceful resistance like Gandhi? Right? So I encourage people to
look up the 2018 2019 Gaza border protests. Okay. These were
peaceful demonstrations led by Gazans at the border wall for 18
months. This is also called the great march of return. The IDF
murdered hundreds of unarmed Palestinians peacefully
protesting. They targeted journalists, women, children, the
disabled. Okay. On May 14 2018, the 70th anniversary of the
founding of Israel, Israeli snipers killed 62 Palestinians in
one day on armed Palestinians. These were peaceful protesters.
These murders this massacre in reality, was condemned by the UN
amnesty Human Rights Watch but sellin Israel doesn't care.
Israel's response to peaceful protests is murder. Of course,
what the JFK say in 1962. Those who make peaceful revolution
impossible make violent revolution inevitable. The Palestinians
throughout their history have shown incredible forbearance. They
are forbearing people.
Now this point, I want to turn to the topic of Christian Zionism.
And again, there will be a bit of repetition from our last podcast.
So again, these two words Christian Zionist, they should
never be in opposition to each other. Right? This is, this is
oxymoronic. It's jumbo shrimp. It's a four sided triangle. Now,
first of all, we know that Theodor Herzl himself met with Pope Pius
the 10th in 1904, and asked for the pope support for Zionism. And
the Pope said absolutely not. That was in 2000. That was in 1904. So
part and parcel to design this project from a religious from a
Jewish religious standpoint is the construction of the Third Temple
on the so called Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Of course, the first
temple was built by Solomon and 1000 BCE was destroyed by
Babylonians. In 580 600. Ebenezer, the Second Temple was built around
550 Sorry, 515 BCE, and destroyed in 70 by the Romans under General
Titus, and now Jewish Zionist wants to build a Third Temple.
Now, traditionally, the Jews for the last 2000 years have believed
that when the Messiah comes He will build the Third Temple right
the de Tomic dosh beta Democritus. The difference between the Zionist
Orthodox and the Haredi orthodox is that the Zionist wants to take
the initial steps to hasten the coming of the Messiah, which
includes seizing the land and purifying the land. As we said,
the Haredi believed that they must wait patiently for the Messiah
before doing anything. Okay, so the construction of the Third
Temple is mainstream traditional Judaism. The difference is the
circumstance under which the temple will be rebuilt.
So there was a story of a rabbi, he actually lived, he was a
Zionist, he lived in Israel. And then after a few years, he
realized that, you know, we're, we're oppressing these people in a
major way. And then he turned anti Zionist, and the thought that came
to him was that you know, that David has become Goliath, that any
soil has become a pharaoh. Right? You know, at least at least the
original Pharaoh did not kill the women and girls. Right? This new
pharaoh slaughters indiscriminately. So if Israel as
a new pharaoh, then Christian Zionist are the new Cora and hum
on Kowloon and Hamas. That is to say the money in military that
supports the pharaoh that one of the largest and most influential
Christian Zionist organizations in the world is called Koofi,
Christians United for Israel, led by a loudmouth preacher from Texas
named John Hagee, why is it blasphemous? Right? Why is goofy
Cooper? Well, before I get to that, here's an interesting piece
of trivia. Up until a few years ago, the executive director of
Koofi was a man named David Brog, who was the cousin of former
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
Very interesting, the executive director of Christians United for
Israel was Jewish, the cousin of the Israeli Prime Minister, when
you can't make this stuff up. So in the New Testament, Jesus
Himself, of course, is the new temple. Now, I don't believe this.
I don't believe that. He Saudi Saddam is the new temple. But this
is what the New Testament teaches. This is what Christians are
supposed to believe, given their canon of Scripture and, of course,
their problems with their canon, no doubt.
But I want the audience to see what I'm doing here. I'm taking
the Christian scriptures as they are, and examining them visa vie
Zionism because that the Christian scriptures, that's their agenda,
that's their proof test. So the Quran says, To be Kitabi comingled
to Saudi, bring your book, bring your scripture if you speak the
truth, right? Does Zionism hold up to scrutiny? When we examine the
planet obvious meanings of the Christian scriptures as they are?
If not, then Christians must abandon theirs.
Mind is if they want to remain true to their scriptures.
the Gospel of John, of course, begins with the prologue, the hymn
to the logos were at the beginning was the Word, the Word was with
God, the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt
amongst us. And I quote the original languages here because
this is the key to understanding I mean, we said that Arabic is
missed out loom, the Arabic is the key to the sciences, when sacred
language is lost the integrity of the religion weakens. Okay, today
there are Christian pastors who don't know a lick of Greek or
Hebrew or Latin. So that's a big problem. Right? So, John one chi
Lago sucks I get to talk chi as Cain Olson, and who mean? So
literally, the Word became flesh and tented himself tabernacled
himself, like, isolation tabernacles, it really brings out
the Jewish
context powerfully. That is literally what it says, and and
you know, and dwelt among you would never get that from an
English translation. I mean, you miss so much of what's being said
there. In other words, what the author is saying here is that
Jesus is the new temple, the new Mishcon that houses the Sheffy.
Now the presence of God, right, Destroy this temple, I raise it up
in three days, it took 46 years to build this temple. How are we
going to raise it up in three days, and then John says, But he
spoke at the temple of his body. So this is very, very clear that
Jesus is the new temple. And so for Christians who support the
construction of a Third Temple in Jerusalem, is essentially to deny
the New Testament Jesus because Jesus replaces the temple.
According to the New Testament, the New Testament, Jesus never
uttered a single word about a third temple. But he just spoke in
great detail, I can mark 13, of the destruction of the Jewish
Temple in Jerusalem at 1770. Rather, it's there in Matthew 24,
and Luke 21. And that this is a prophecy that it will be destroyed
by the Romans. So I mean, it doesn't condemn it. You know, this
is the end of the temple. Exactly. Yeah, you're right. He
emphatically predicts the destruction of the Second Temple
never talks about third temple. So now then, we have Zionist Jews
rebelling against God's decree of exile. And we have Zionist
Christians rebelling against Jesus's pronouncement that he is
the new temple. I actually call this the double Kufa theology of
Judeo Christian Zionism. For Jews to end the exile and break the
three oats is kofler according to traditional Judaism, that's one
call for that's one disbelief for Christians to support the
construction of the Third Temple when Jesus is the new temple is
call for according to traditional Christianity, double goofer
theology. And of course, here's, here's a quote from the Catechism
of the Catholic Church. We looked at this last time as well. Christ
is the true temple of God, the place where his glory dwells. This
is what every Christian used to believe.
Of course, here is Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of
I mean, you see his loud mouth, but if you listen to him on
YouTube, and I have he really is loud mouth, actually, he's, he
really is a very outspoken guy, and he has a set of bewitching
charisma. I think that he spreads over his followers actually.
I mean, Master communicator. I mean, you cast the spell over his
audience. Yes. No, it's I mean,
I mean, you can get a degree in homiletics. Right. The art of
preaching? Yes. Even if there's very little substance of what
someone's saying the way that they say it. Yeah, enticing?
Okay, so Christian Zionism is a betrayal of the New Testament
Jesus. So Zionism is a betrayal of the old times Old Testament
teaching and design ism is betrayal of the New Testament
teaching. And we mentioned this last time as well that in John's
gospel, the author of the Gospel of John, he moved the day of the
crucifixion up one day,
to the day the preparation of the Passover. Why? Because this is one
of the Lambs of the temple were being slaughtered. And then we
have the Roman centurion, impaling the Crucified Johanna, and Jesus,
and Blood and water gushed forth from his side, and we said, Well,
what was the significance of that? Well, at that very moment, the
lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover in the temple and the
priests would open a side gate, and it would wash the blood out
with water, blood and water would gush forth from the side of the
temple. So we see what John is doing in his gospel, he is
depicting Jesus as both a sacrificial lamb and temple. Jesus
is the new temple. Again, I don't agree with this Christology, okay.
However, if Christians would just follow these teachings, founded
their own books, they would not they would not have any reason to
morally, theologically, financially or militarily support
the modern state of Israel. And of course, the world would be a much
better place, and then we can talk theology, Christology, and the
historical and textual problems of the New Testament canon. That's
another conversation. Christian Zionism is utter blasphemy,
according to the New Testament. So this is what we have to help our
Christian friends and neighbors and possibly family members to
realize so here's another one here, John, First John 222. Right
Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ. And then
it says who taught SDN ha and decrease us this is the
Antichrist. The one who denies that Jesus is the Messiah is the
Antichrist. Again, just to reiterate, this is a New
Testament, not my opinion, not the Quran, not the Hadith. This is a
New Testament, okay?
There's this well known Palestinian Christian pastor and
Professor living in Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank. His name
is Reverend Dr. moonda, Isaac, and he's quoted as saying they and by
that he means Christian Zionist, the Christian Zionist have turned
the Injeel the good news into our nightmare.
I wonder how many I wonder if Christian Zionist know that every
morning at 330 in the morning, a Palestinian Muslim unlocks the
door of the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Right, his
name is deep Judah.
The key has been in his family for hundreds of years. Centuries ago,
the Christians entrusted a Muslim family with the keys to the
holiest site in all of Christianity, because they knew
that the Muslims will be just with them. I wonder how many Christian
Zionists actually know that.
Okay, according to the clear teachings on New Testament that
Jews are no longer the chosen people exclusively. Okay, the New
Testament advances replacement theology, right? covenantal
supersessionism. So supersessionism is this idea that
the Christian church has superseded the nation of Israel as
God's covenant people. Okay? Of course, this is not a total
replacement, because Jews can still believe in Jesus and must
believe in Jesus if they want to remain God's people. That's
traditional Christianity. Now Christian Zionist love the quote
this verse, Genesis 12, three, okay, this is their, you know, we
say bread and butter. I don't know if you use that expression, and
oh, you know, UK first, actually, and then you borrowed it.
That makes sense. Yeah. 12 three, so this is where God says to
Abraham, I will bless them that bless you and curse him that
curses you. So Christian Zion is take this to mean that they must
bless Abraham in his chosen seed the Israelites. Therefore, if they
don't bless and support the modern state of Israel, that God won't
bless them. So this is what they say, where are they getting this
from? A blasphemy called dispensationalism. This is not
biblical, they were hoodwinked. And the history is fascinating.
And we'll get into it in a minute in sha Allah.
Of course, Paul of Tarsus was a supersession as to his very core,
right? So listen to what Paul says in Galatians 316, about God's
covenant with Abraham, in Genesis 12. And Christians, again, are
supposed to believe the New Testament writers, not you know,
John Hagee, or John Nelson Darby or CI Scofield. So this is what
Paul says, The promises are spoken to Abraham and to his seed, right.
And of course, the Christian Zionist will say, Yes, of course,
amen. But Paul continues, Scripture does not say and to
seeds, meaning many people, but to your seed, meaning one person who
is Christ. So that's Galatians 316. In other words, according to
Pol, God and Genesis was only referring to Jesus Christ as being
Abraham's seed. Only Jesus and the Christians who believe in Him are
blessed it not to disbelieving Israelites, and certainly not the
modern, genocidal, blasphemous state of Israel, not Tel Aviv that
hosts the largest Pride Parade in the world. 100 miles away from
Sodom and Gomorrah, right? And despitefully use the rainbow as a
symbol of their degeneracy and rebellion. Of course, the rainbow
was the sign of the covenant that God made with humanity in Genesis
chapter nine, not that Israel. So according to Paul, God in Genesis
was only referring to Jesus and the Christians who believe in him
This is New Testament. But Paul's not finished. He goes on to say,
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male or female, you're all one in Christ Jesus. If
you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed and heirs according
to the promise. So that's Galatians 328 20. This is called a
conditional statement. If you look in the Greek it says a day
homemade cookies do a epsilon Yoda is a conditional particle in
Greek. It's very clear this is a conditional borrow. If you belong
to Christ, or to Abrahamson St. Then you are Abraham's seed, and
heirs according to the prompts. What does it mean to belong to
Christ? It means to believe in Jesus, it's very clear what Paul
is saying. So Christians are the new chosen people. According to
the New Testament, you're only chosen and blessed. If you believe
in Jesus. There's another one here, it's not on the slide here.
But first Peter two nine. I saw this later. So this is you know,
apparently Peter talking to Christians, but you are a chosen
people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession,
so he's talking to the Christians.
And here,
here First Thessalonians, 214 and 15.
Paul is writing to his Christian congregation in Thessalonica. This
was in the mid 50s In the first century. For you brothers and
sisters became imitators of God's Church.
Use in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus, you suffered from your own
people the same things those churches suffered from the Jews
who killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out and
plead displease God and oppose all men. So that is Paul of Tarsus is
not the Koran is not the Hadith. I'm sure that Christian apologists
can defend these things. But why is it that we never hear these
defenses? We are always on the defensive, you know, explain the
verse of the sword. Explain the so called Why Why feeding verse
explained polygamy? Explain the jizya explain Jihad explain this.
Explain that. We're always on the backfoot. So I think we need to
rethink our strategic engagement, the public discourse. I mean, I've
been answering the jihad question for over 20 years. If people don't
know what jihad is by now, then God help them. Right.
So now we have a few questions right. It's time for us to ask a
few questions. Romans six in Hebrews 10. Paul says that Jesus's
sacrifice for sin was the be all end all sacrifice.
So Jesus is the ultimate temple, the ultimate high priest and the
ultimate sacrifice. This is New Testament Christianity, yet
Christian Zionist fully support the Third Temple, where both the
priests and sin sacrifices will return one day, according to
Jewish Messianism. How can the followers of the New Testament
support this and call themselves Bible believing Christians? They
can't Christian Zionism is indefensible from a biblical
perspective. So we need to ask a Christian Zionist are the Jews who
wrote the Talmud, still chosen and beloved by God, are the Jews that
wrote the tongue would steal the apple of God's eye, who cursed and
slandered Jesus and his mother in the Talmud. And I might have
referenced this last time as well, a book by Peter Shaffer, published
by Princeton University Jesus,
where we're told what the Talmud says about Jesus and Mary, of
course, we have this famous, can I just, can I just interrupt here?
This is the book I do actually recommend it quite strongly Jesus
in the time about Schaefer that you're recommending is an
excellent book highly, some excellent, critical reviews on the
back scattered throughout the time that the founding document or of
any jazz and we find quite a few references to Jesus, and they are
not flattering. And this matters, obviously, for a bunch of reasons.
But your point? Yeah, sorry. Yeah. I know that, you know, Ben Shapiro
was was on Joe Rogan's podcast recently.
And Joe Rogan says So you believe that Jesus was just a prophet or
something. And he said, No, he was just a Jewish guy who tried to
start a rebellion against the Romans and was killed for his
trouble. A lot of Muslims and Christians were offended. I mean,
it's offensive. Jesus was just no failed insurrectionists who died a
criminal's death? But let me tell you this, what Shapiro yeah said
was the G rated version of what his Talmud says about Jesus.
However, just for the sake of balancing my comments, and being a
bit fair here,
and I'm not defending the Talmud, obviously, but we have to put his
comments about Jesus into context. So the rabbi's who wrote these
things, were reacting to the New Testament Jesus, okay, as well as
the Jesus of Christian faith and not the historical Jesus of
Nazareth, not the real Esau, thy stuff. So this is really
important. The New Testament Jesus, the Jesus of Christian
faith, claim to be God. So this is absolute blasphemy. from a Jewish
perspective. It is the height of q4 numbers 2319. I always try to
quote this at every podcast we do, pull, let us know because if God
is not a man that he should lie, right, the New Testament Jesus,
the Christian Jesus committed blasphemy. So the Talmudic rabbis
felt compelled to offer a sharp critique. But rather than using
more academic and historical arguments, they opted for
extremely depraved ad hominem attacks. So So Coven covenantal
supersessionism was also the teachings of Christians throughout
the centuries. John Christendom Augustine of Hippo, s, John
Calvin, Martin Luther, the early church fathers from the east in
the West, as well as pioneers of the Protestant Reformation. All
were advocates of replacement theology, to a certain extent,
Martin Luther, the spearhead of the Protestant Reformation. He
wrote, he wrote a treatise called on the Jews and their lives, and
you will be shocked to your core what he says about the Jews, you
won't believe your eyes. I mean, Luther lost his mind. Just despite
Luther being the main force of the Protestant movement. Most
Protestants are absolutely right to reject his hateful, anti Jewish
rants and he was anti Jewish. However, Christian Zionist
Christians are absolutely wrong to reject Luthers main contention
that the Jews who disbelieved in Jesus as the Messiah, are no
longer chosen by God. Why are they wrong? Because this is the clear
cut teaching of the New Testament. So here's the bottom line. Zionism
is cool for according to the New Testament, and according to
traditional Christianity, and the Gospel of John Chapter Eight,
Jesus tells the Jews, it says, hope that you will die away and so
no longer scribes and Pharisees, he tells the Jews that if they
were truly Abraham, see, they would do the works of Abraham. In
other words, the true seed of Abraham or those who follow
And then he says, No, you are children of your father the devil
because you seek to kill me. Abraham did not do this. That's
the New Testament Jesus, the Jews who disbelieve in Jesus or the
seed of Satan. According to the New Testament Jesus, it was it was
New Testament passages like this that prompted the Talmudic rabbis
to say what they said, you know, beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees says, The New Testament Jesus. This is a teaching of the
New Testament. That's not the Quran or Hadith. I don't agree
with his teaching. And I don't believe that the historical Jesus
of Nazareth taught these things. But why is it that we almost never
hear Christians defending these things? It's time for us to ask
them, Are they embarrassed? Are they afraid? I mean, do they
consider these teachings indefensible? Maybe Jesus was
being hyperbolic here. But we don't hear anything from them. Do
they consider these teachings? These these statements anti
semitic? If so why did they continue to believe in them? We
need to get clarity we need to ask them.
Okay, good stuff.
Let's go here. So yeah, here's here's a notion of losing himself.
Yeah, this, this man is the spearhead of the Protestant
Reformation. This is not some nobody. And this is one of his
more mild quotes. And then the Nazis Of course, love this guy is
one of the defenses, or one of the leading Nazis, the Nuremberg
trials in the 1945. He was nearly following the great German
reformer Martin Luther, this actually became a defense of Nazi
ideology, that they were actually just following in the footsteps of
Martin Luther. And that was not an unreasonable statement to make in
that context, because they weren't actually. Right. You know.
The Council of Florence is the 17th ecumenical church council, is
very clear that the Old Testament sacrifices, that is to say, the
ceremonial law of the Israelites is dead and deadly. That's the
phrase used by Catholic theologians, it's dead and deadly.
In other words, the sacrifices are done with their death are
abrogated their men Sue, and it is deadly for the South, for the
salvation of Christians, if they bring back those practices,
because it is tantamount to denying what Jesus did it is to
deny that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. So we see what Zionism
does, then it takes the promise that God made with Abraham in
Genesis 12, and it skips the entire New Testament, okay? It
skips Jesus completely, and applies it to the modern,
murderous apartheid state of Israel is just pure blasphemy.
Now, obviously, I don't believe that Jesus was the ultimate
sacrifice. You know, I think respectfully, this is a gravely
mistaken theology. But again, this is not the point. You know, New
Testament believing Christians are supposed to believe in this. And
if they truly did, they would not support Zionism. Right. They would
not be war hocking for Israel in supporting genocide. At least it
wouldn't have, you know, blood on their hands. Now, how did the
Christians get to this point? Before I get to the brief history,
it's important to touch upon the the geopolitical implications of
Christian Zionism, because millions upon millions of
Christian Zionist supported the invasion of Iraq for theological
reasons, because it was in Israel's best interest. So what is
Israel's best interest? Well, it's all laid out in the Yinon plan
written in 1982. Okay, it is in Israel's best interest to
destabilize and weaken the Arab nations that's, that's around
Israel, Greater Israel Eretz Israel hash lemma. What is greater
Israel, from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq? Just read
the you know, in plan, it's all available. You know, all of this
is is public. Of course, the American public was sold a pack of
lies about WMDs, you know, absolutely disgraceful. We have
these Christian Zionist leaders and preachers on television with
millions of followers, stoking hatred for Arabs, hatred for
Muslims, offering these half witted and ridiculous, futuristic
interpretations of Biblical verses in the book of Revelation, which
they claimed are referring to Saddam Hussein, and Iraq and
Babylon the Great and these types of things, total nonsense, the
mother of harlots, all for the glory and protection of Israel at
war hocking for Israel by means of bad theology. Right? This is a
murderous ideology. Christian Zionism is a murderous ideology,
who said that Dr. Stephen sizer, Dr. sizer, is a Bible believing
So he wrote a book called Christian Zionism, roadmap to
Armageddon, and that's exactly what it is. It's a roadmap to
Armageddon. He has another book called Zionist Christian soldiers.
So as theists of normative religion, we don't want we don't
want Armageddon, right. We don't want to see the fitna of the end
of days. It's the worst fitna in human history. You know, the
prophets had shelter, fitness and utility. It's the worst type of
tribulation. No one but a psychopath wants to hasten that
fitna. So how design has become so popular among American
Protestants? Okay, in 1831, an Anglican preacher named John
Nelson Darby, okay was one of the primary organizers of a non
denominational Christian
movement called the Plymouth Brethren. Okay. So this is what
happens when church tradition is ignored. interesting historical
tidbit here, the parents of Aleister Crowley were devoted
members of the Plymouth Brethren. At one point even Crowley himself
as a child. Yeah.
Crowley became the founder of famous, famous for being very,
very conservative, small sect, you know, very kind of exclusive as
Protestant group. So there may have been some reaction from
others so far. Yeah.
So then yes, I think probably manifested, you know, the polar
opposite of that. Exactly.
Yeah, so extremism breeds extremism. So Darby is considered
to be the founder of something called Modern dispensationalism.
Again, here's just a
image of Darby here, died in 1882.
Okay, so what is modern dispensationalism? So basically,
it's this notion that the Mosaic Covenant and the Christic
covenant, okay, are two valid co existing covenants, they're both
valid. This is also known as Dual Covenant Theology. In other words,
Christians do not need to convert Jews. Jews already have a valid
Jews are still the chosen people, irrespective of their belief in
Jesus. So this is radical. Remember my definition of radical
in the context of religion, a drastic and highly significant
departure from the normative tradition? This is drastic, that
Jews have a valid covenant. So think about the theological
implications of this for Christianity. I mean, this this
implies that Christ only came for the Gentiles, not to Jews. That's
the implication. And it actually directly contradicts the New
Testament Jesus, I was not sent button to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel. Also, Christ is not the savior for all, but only
for the Gentiles. So John 316, For God so loved the world should
should really read, For God so loved the Gentiles, that He gave
His only begotten Son because the Jews don't need him. At least not
yet. So let's get the Derby's dispensational doctrine. So
according to Darby sacred history is divided into seven
dispensations, right seven periods of time, that demonstrate how God
deals with humanity, right. So the final three are the most relevant,
right? So he calls these innocence.
This is from basically the creation to the fall, conscience,
this is from the fall to the flood, civil government from the
flood to Abraham, promise from Abraham to Moses. Now, number
five, very important, the law of Moses, this is from Moses to the
cross Moses, to the crucifixion, then what he calls grace, this is
from the cross to the rapture, we'll talk about that. This is
also known as the sick, sorry, the Church Age to the sixth
dispensation. It's called grace, also known as the church age. And
then the seventh one is called the kingdom, also known as the
millennium, when Christ will rule from Jerusalem after his part
Lucia. Alright, so what is this last dispensation the kingdom? So
the kingdom, also known as the millennium is the literal 1000
year future reign of Christ from Jerusalem? Right that Christ will
rule the reconstituted, physical, ethnic Jewish state of Israel. So
national Israel will be restored according to Dharti. According to
Darby, the Old Testament prophesizes, not so much the
church age, but really the kingdom, the millennium, where
Jesus rules the National Jewish state of Israel.
So according to Darwinian eschatology, the rapture will
occur this is based on First Thessalonians chapter four. So
this is when the church is sort of removed from the earth the
Christians are taken up, right. So if you're Christian, you don't you
don't want to be left behind. Right? There's a famous book
series movie series called left behind.
So there's the rapture, and then there's going to be a horrible
seven year period, known as the tribulation. This is apparently
described in Matthew in Revelation. This is a time of
massive and widespread evil upon the earth during the tribulation,
the Antichrist emerges, who will sit in the temple, apparently the
Third Temple This is what Paul says, and he will declare himself
God. Now this is unique in Darby such that Christians will be gone
before the tribulation, right? They will be raptured before the
tribulation. This is called pre trib eschatology. The rapture is
pre trip, right? So there's pre trib, there's mid trip and post
trip eschatology, right in other words, the rapture is either
before in the middle of or after the tribulation. Okay, so for
Darby Christians will experience none of the evils of the
Tribulation, then the Persia or Persia The Second Coming occurs,
okay, the second coming of Jesus, then you have the kingdom or the
millennium, which will manifest so the second coming is pre
millennial, right so
The Second Coming is prior to the kingdom. Now, there used to be an
opinion among Protestants that the Second Coming was postmillennial,
that the kingdom would manifest by God's grace before the second
coming of Jesus, which meant that basically the whole world was
about to repent and accept Christ through Christian evangelizing,
and then the world would sort of welcome Jesus with open arms. This
was somewhat popular up until the 20th century, then you had World
War One and World War Two, the Holocaust. And now almost no one
takes that position. No one takes the position that the Second
Coming is post mill. Okay. So for most Christians throughout
history, just to just to get away from Darby here. So for Catholics,
for example, for Catholics, the kingdom is already here. So the
kingdom of God and church age are essentially synonymous for
Catholics. This is traditional Christianity, that Christ is
ruling over it right now. So they take this language of the
millennium to be symbolic, right? It's not a literal 1000 year
earthly reign. It's a spiritual reality. We're in it right now. So
this position is called a millennialism. Okay. Now, the book
of Revelation states, however, that Satan will be bound during
the Millennium. So how is Satan bound right now? According to
Catholics? Well, Satan is bound in the sense that he cannot prevent
people from receiving the gospel. Okay. So this is essentially the
the Catholic position but the language of Millennium is
symbolic. Also, there's no rapture in the Protestant sense. So for
Catholics, when Christ comes back, he won't rule for 1000 years he
will come back and judge humanity, the nations immediately the
righteous will be taken body and soul into heaven. We can call that
a rapture if you like. The evil ones, including Satan and his
demons will go to *, or what the book of Revelation calls a
lake of fire. So going back to Darby, Darby, advanced a pre trib,
pre mill, dispensational, eschatology. So again, what does
that mean? The Rapture will occur before the tribulation. And the
second coming of Jesus will occur before the millennium, the literal
1000 year kingdom period. And the millennium is the return of
national physical Israel. Okay, so Darby was also a Dual Covenant
dispensationalist. What does that mean? Again, the Mosaic Covenant
and the Christic covenant are two valid co existing covenants, they
are both valid right now. Then, when Jesus returns to rule over
national Israel, all of Israel will believe in him. And so
there's going to be something of a reversal. So when he came the
first time, they sort of oldest believed in Him, when He comes the
second time, they'll all sort of believe in him.
Now, this is really important. Darby was famous for saying that
the Bible must be rightly divided. Okay. What he meant was, that much
of the New Testament does not actually apply to Christians, but
only to Jews. So remember that the fifth dispensation goes from Moses
to the cross, right? That's the law of Moses. In other words, from
Moses to the crucifixion, from Moses to the crucifixion,
salvation is through adherence to the law of Moses. So according to
Darby, the earthly teachings of Jesus found primarily in the
synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, were advancing the
Mosaic Covenant. Because Jesus lived during the fifth
dispensation. You see, Jesus had not yet been crucified. But in
Paul's letters after the crucifixion, Paul was teaching the
new covenant in the sixth dispensation. It's because I don't
want to get into polemics about this, because it's obviously a lot
of this extremely on Islamic. But why just an obvious point to make
for everyone everything is, why did Jesus bother preaching this
stuff, only to have it abrogated and old rendered, basically
obsolete when a guy comes along and never met Jesus couple of
years later, preaching entirely different message. It's a bit of a
waste of time, what what can just Jesus had preached what Jesus
clearly was not a Christian, he didn't fan Christianity that came
after his lifetime. So it just is a very odd religion as to me.
Yeah, no, you're right. And orbia. He actually said, there's two
gospels. Yeah, it was a teaching. So there are basically two
versions of the gospel, one for Jews, which is essentially a
reinforcement of the Mosaic Covenant. And one gospel for the
Gentiles, which is what Paul wrote about salvation through belief in
the death and resurrection of Jesus. In other words, for Dharti,
Jesus was teaching both dispensations one while he was
alive in Galilee, and Judea, and one through his so called apostle
to the Gentiles, Paul of Tarsus after his resurrection, both
covenants are valid side by side. So in Matthew, for example, Jesus
says, follow the commandments and you shall enter the life, right?
Follow the mosaic mitzvot. That's the Mosaic Covenant in the fifth
dispensation. But Paul says, If you confess with your mouth Jesus
is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.
You will be saved. Romans 10 Nine
That's the Krysta covenant in the sixth dispensation. Now, I think
that Darby was actually onto something. I agree with Darby that
Jesus teaching
evokes. You've heard it here first first. Yeah. So yeah, I mean,
we've been saying this for years, right? But it's not because there
are in fact, two gospels are two versions of the gospel. It's
because Paul's Gospel is a false gospel, a pseudo gospel. This is
why Paul's enemies, according to his own letters, were Jerusalem
based apostles and men from James James, of course, was the brother
of Jesus, successor of Jesus, the Nazarene for 30 years, Paul was an
unauthorized, freelance self proclaimed Apostle of Jesus, or as
the Ebionites used to call him the apostate. Paul. So Darby rightly,
in my opinion, incorrectly saw that Jesus and Paul were teaching
two different things. But here's the problem. Darby was a
Christian. So he had to somehow reconcile this contradiction. As a
Christian Darby believed that the New Testament, the Gospels, and
all of the Pauline corpus were true and totally accurate. So that
is the real problem. Right? So Darby solution was the claim that
the New Testament advances two covenants, one for Jews, and one
for Gentiles. So that's not the right solution. I mean, the right
solution is to take Jesus for Paul, and then compare the
Christology of the Quran with the Christology of the earliest
Christians and become Muslim basically, because there's an
amazing agree ability between the earliest Christians and Islamic
Christology. So for Darby, God, in effect, right, put the Jews on a
timeout, right? You didn't replace them, you put them on a timeout,
you say, you know, go to your room, right? When the Christians
have a six testament dispensation, or raptured in Christ returns,
then God will turn his attention back to his chosen people, Israel,
and Jesus will rule over them as king, the king they always wanted,
and they will finally believe in him as the true Messiah. So those
Old Testament passages that describe the future kingdom will
finally be fulfilled. Now Darby is dispensationalism eventually found
its way across the pond, as they say to America, and the American
named Clarence Larkin. Okay, absolutely fell in love with
Darby, his doctrines, he wrote a book called dispensational truth.
This book is famous for its sort of elaborate and highly perplexing
charts and symbols, you know, sort of sort of Darby illustrated it,
so to speak, to make it a bit easier to follow, apparently, but
it's still very difficult to follow. At least that was his
intention. Now, another American Pastor James Hall, Brooks, okay.
also fell in love with Darby. Brooks was in St. Louis. Now,
there used to be an annual Bible conference called the Niagara
Bible conference. And Brooks was often the keynote speaker, so
very, very gifted speaker, very eloquent. It was at this
conference where Darby and dispensationalism became more and
more popular via James Brooks. So Brooks had a popular preacher
friend named Dwight moody, right. He would later established the
Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, or Bible is their middle name, as
Bart Ehrman always says, well, but actually went to the Moody Bible.
And I've actually been there myself I mean, I have physically
been in the buildings I've often been Chicago love the city. And I
as a tourist I popped into if you can actually go in I rented the
big chapel and which was empty because it wasn't doing a service
or anything. So but no, but urban actually was a student.
Yeah, and moody also became a Darby and dispensationalist. Yep.
And then moody befriend befriended a man named Cyrus Anderson
Schofield. Okay. So Scofield was a morally questionable lawyer and
politician. He was accused of multiple charges of theft of
bribery, forged forgery,
extortion. He was a deadbeat husband and father, a self
described alcoholic turn Christian minister, so he abandoned his wife
and children. Okay, and anti Zionist Christians, anti Zionist
Christians who don't like Scofield, they often quote First
Timothy five, eight. First Timothy five in the New Testament sounds
like this. Any man who does not provide for his relatives and
especially for his own household, has denied the faith and is worse
than an unbeliever.
Anyway, Scofield became an ordained pastor in Dallas in 1883.
In 1888, he wrote a treatise called rightly dividing the word
of truth. Okay. And he started calling himself a CI Scofield di
D, right, that is Doctor of Divinity although there's no
record of him
getting from seminary, he awarded himself his honor how
to give himself an honorary doctorate. Kind of like what what
Dartmouth College did for Dr. Seuss, right?
At least Dr. Seuss admitted he wasn't a real doctor. So in 1909,
Scofield wrote his Scofield Study Bible. Yeah, it was by Oxford. So
this Bible, the scope and Study Bible, had a massive, massive
impact on American Protestants and evangelicals. So it's no
exaggeration that this Bible turn millions of American Protestants
of the Christian Zionist, made a change a generation of preachers.
So his Bible is essentially a King James translation, but with a lot
of his own strange commentary. Okay. And at some point, Oxford
has actually given up these Bibles for free, right, amazing, but it
was his commentary of Genesis 12 three that I alluded to earlier.
God's promised to Abraham that really changed the whole game.
This was the game changer. Right? So God say to Abraham, I will
bless them that bless you, and curse those who curse you.
Scofield wrote in his commentary, quote, wonderfully fulfilled in
the history of the dispersion. It has an heir invariably fared ill
with the people who have persecuted the Jew. Well with
those who have protected him, the future will still more remarkably
prove this principle. Okay. After Scofield it became ubiquitous
among Protestants, that Christians Oh, unconditional and
unquestionable loyalty to the Jewish people, because they never
cease to be chosen by God. This is all derived from schofields
commentary. So you see this almost doggish Christian loyalty to
ethnic Jews. And this extends to the modern murderous state of
Israel because eventually Jesus will rule Israel, that's Jesus's
future kingdom, according to Darby. In other words, Christian
Zionists are bound by their religion, to defend Israel. Okay.
But as we said, in light of the New Testament, the book of
Galatians, in particular, this is a grave misreading of the text of
Genesis 12. Right, Paul comments on this, on this covenant that God
made with Abraham, and he says, it's only limited to Christians
and those who believe in Jesus, Jesus and those who believe in
Jesus, in other words, Christians. Now, according to the New
Testament, the church is the new Israel, the church is a new Zion,
which canon does include some ethnic Jews, but belief in Jesus
is without question, you have to believe in Jesus. Okay, the
Sinequan on of being chosen by God is having belief in Jesus.
According to the New Testament, the Last Supper, right, the
pronouncement and initiation of the New Covenant occurred on Mount
Zion on Holy Thursday, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of
Pentecost occurred in that same room about 50 days later on Mount
Zion. So both the establishment of the New Covenant as well as the
proclamation of the New Covenant happened on Mount Zion in
Jerusalem. So we see what the authors of the New Testament are
saying, the Christian Church is the news ion. When Thomas Aquinas
wrote his hymns praising Zion, he was praising the Christian church,
not some future secular Jewish ethno state.
But how did Scofield do it? Okay, so in 2005, Joseph Canfield he
wrote a biography about Scofield called the incredible Scofield and
his book. So according to Canfield in 1901, Schofield joined an
exclusive men's only secret society called the Lotus club. Now
Canfield suggests that someone highly influential within the
club. He thinks another lawyer named Samuel Anta Meyer, basically
promoted and financed schofields Bible project. In other words,
Scofield had powerful American Zionist bankrolling his project.
Okay. Schofield was the textbook definition of what's known as a
useful idiot. So this is someone who is used by powerful people to
do their bidding, without really understanding the consequences of
his actions. In 1948, when Israel became a state, Darby and
dispensationalism, through Scofield exploded even more in
popularity among Western Protestants. Right. So, you know,
Israel has been restored, just as Darby said. This was further
vindicated. This just further vindicated. dispensationalism. And
so Christian Zionists were saying, you know, we better be nice to
Israel, or else God will curse us, according to Genesis 12. Three,
coming from Schofield notes. We better be nice to Israel, because
it is Jesus's future kingdom. Right. But what did Paul say the
Antichrist will sit in the Third Temple of Jerusalem, the
Antichrist, the Christ, no, the Antichrist. One of schofields
students was named Louis chafer and Schaefer founded the Dallas
Theological Seminary in 1924. He was the president of the seminary
until 1952, a very famous alumnus of Dallas, Dallas Theological
Seminary was a man named how Lindsey I think he's still alive
and live.
Lastly, let's say check, so 1973 He wrote a book that you know, as
you know, took the world by storm. Yeah, power of 30. I call it the
power of 30. Harry Potter's
totally late, great planet Earth. This is Alia. Tie is a
If someone needs to compile a list of your witticisms, and publish it
in a book, I'm sure it'll be a best seller. Yeah, that's what it
was $30
Right, millions and millions of copies were sold. It was a there
was so many here. It was a global bestseller. hugely popular and
completely bonkers. Yeah, exactly. They even made it into a movie. It
was narrated by Orson Welles. But you know, basically the Bible
through a Darwinian Darwinian, dispensationalist. Lens. That's
what it was. Oh, how Lindsay, by the way. In 1979, he said that
Jesus would return in 1988. Right. So this was based on a statement
in Matthew 24, right, Matthew 24, this generation will not pass away
until all things be fulfilled, the present generation will live to
see it all. So according to Lindsey, apparently, Jesus was
speaking of the restored Kingdom. In other words, within one
generation of the restored kingdom, Jesus will return. So one
generation is 40 years. So 1948 the the restoration of national
Israel, also known as the Nakba, plus 40 years, one generation
equals 1988. So it's never happened. Ironically, in the very
same chapter of Matthew 2436. Jesus says that of that day,
knoweth no man.
The angel is not even the Son. Not even Jesus will know. I've just
checked on the web Wikipedia, by the way. He was born on Hollins.
He was born November 23 1929. And he's still alive is 94 years
Yep, you're right. He never died. He says and died. Wow. Amazing.
Yeah, so
there's something else called the new Scofield Study Bible. Okay, so
the new Scofield Study Bible, published by Oxford University in
1984. They added this clarifying comments so check out this comment
here at the bottom of the slide. For a nation to commit the sin of
anti semitism brings inevitable judgment. Now, we know that the
New Testament Jesus said that the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit. But in today's zeitgeist, we're
constantly told that any critique of Zionism is anti semitic. So
anti Zionism is a form of anti semitism. This is what we're being
told, which is the sin now this other thing, by the way, which is
saying the Bible anti semitism is exactly yeah, yeah. So so that so
then Christians, right, who read that note from Schofield must only
conclude that anti Zionism is the unforgivable sin in the sight of
God. So to restate what Schofield said, for a nation to commit the
sin of anti semitism, a form of witches, anti Zionism apparently
brings inevitable judgment. In other words, if you criticize
Israel, if you criticize Zionism, you will be punished by God.
Right. Now, here's something crazy, a Newsweek writer named hen
magic. This is recently from the Tel Aviv Institute, I wrote an
article called calling for a ceasefire is an anti semitic
demand. Let me say it again, calling for a ceasefire is an anti
Semite, anti semitic, calling for the end of the genocide is anti
semitic. So let me get this straight, telling these Ashkenazi
Jews in Israel, the majority of which are not actually Semites to
stop slaughtering actual Semites is anti semitic. This is you
really couldn't make it up. It's so sick and bizarre. You really
couldn't make it up. This is the clown world we're living in. So
here's a Scofield you know, add a circle because that's
good. Yes. You just doctorate at Harvard? Hoho. Yes.
Yeah. So in his commentary of Hosea 110 Schofield wrote the
following the expression my people add me in Hebrew, is used in the
Old Testament exclusively of Israel, the nation. So he's just
wrong here. This is demonstrably wrong. Isaiah 1925, Boto, I mean,
it's right, bless it be Egypt, my people. So a factual error, and
it's commentary of Genesis. This is what Schofield said. He said.
He said, The Palestinian covenant gives the conditions under which
Israel so he means physical Israel. The Palestinian covenant
gives the conditions under which Israel enter the promised land of
promise. It is important to see that the nation has never as yet
taken the land under the unconditional Abrahamic covenant,
nor has it ever possessed the whole land. This again is just
simply wrong. Read Joshua 2143. So the Lord gave Israel coded edits
in Hebrew, all of the land he had sworn to give their ancestors and
they took possession of it, and settled there. So Scofield wants
us to think that this is still an outstanding promise that God has
yet to fulfill his side of the deal. It's amazing. Now, no, so we
say no, he gave them the land. They
Every build and so God kick them out and they must remain an exile
until the Messiah comes. This is traditional Judaism.
Scofield set to dispositions and restorations have been
accomplished. Israel is now in the third dispersion from which she
will be restored at the return of the Lord is King and quote, so
according to Schofield, the future kingdom will be given to the Jews.
But in Matthew, Jesus says to the Jews, that kingdom of God shall be
taken away from you.
So Christians need to ask themselves Scofield or scripture.
But then the problem becomes if you go with scripture, there are
problems with the integrity, the preservation and accuracy of the
text, the only real solution is become Muslim. Well, hey, this is
Islam as the only solution for them.
Now, for this slide, entitled useful comparisons, I would simply
request the audience to watch our last podcast entitled radical
Judaism and the attack on Gaza, from like the one hour 14 minute
mark to the one hour 21 minute mark. So this is where we examine
the military campaigns of the Prophet Mohammad, civilize them,
and the conquest of Mecca in comparison to both the Bible and
Modern Warfare. We also looked at Alicia and the two bears compared
to the Prophet Muhammad. If we looked at the so called IHS safe
the verse of the sword, chapter nine, verse five, its proper
interpretation application. And finally the dangers and
consequences of blood libels. So I would refer the audience to go
back there in sha Allah. Okay, so what is hidden? Now, we covered
this as well in a previous podcast, but I want to reiterate
some of these points because they're really, really important.
And also they the verses and information appear now on the
slides and make it easier. So this is a war policy mentioned and
explicitly described in the Tanakh several times. It's called Hidden.
Okay, so we have to know this word. It's in Exodus, Deuteronomy,
Joshua for Samuel, etc, etc, all over the place. What does Fetta
mean? These are academic sources. These are used in seminaries the
Strong's Concordance, we see here to band devote, utterly destroy,
dedicate for destruction exterminate the BDB the brown
driver Briggs Hebrew English lexicon, this is still used in
seminaries. I use this when I was a seminarian head on to
exterminate the massacre of all inhabitants. gesenius, which was
used before the BDB to extirpate, which means to eradicate,
eliminate, to utterly destroy. Okay, so we saw this as well an
example of him, Deuteronomy, 2016, and 17. So your God is telling
Moses, that the cities that God gave to the Israelites as an
inheritance of the Promised Land, all living things in the cities
must be exterminated, low to high, yet coalition, according to the
Hebrew you shall save a life nothing that breathes.
And then continues, you shall utterly destroy them, namely, the
Hittites, Amorites, the Canaanites, etc. So total
extermination, explicitly ordered by the text, genocide explicitly
ordered by the text. It's plain and obvious, meaning you don't
have to twist and turn it. This is what it says on the surface. Okay,
here's a description here of the conquest of Jericho. You know, we
know that we know about the conquest of Mecca. What about the
conquest of Jericho? By a hurry? mu f called a Shabbat? Yeah, so
the Hebrew says and they the Israelites utterly destroyed,
exterminated, committed Kadem okay. All that was in the city.
both man and woman, young and old ox, sheep and donkey with the edge
of the sword. Okay. So everyone is annihilated. Right? Women,
children, toddlers, babies, animals today they use bombs, of
So, you know, show me where the prophet muhammad sallallahu Sallam
ordered the killing of women and children. It's nowhere it was
never the practice of the Prophet to target civilians in wartime.
Certainly never women or children. This is just something that's
known as monuments to water. It's, it's mostly attested. It's just
simply known. Any Muslim who does anything like this is in violation
of the clear teachings of the Prophet.
So this is called henna. Okay, so here's the point. The wholesale
slaughter of innocent civilians as a policy of war is sanctioned by
Jewish and Christian texts. Deuteronomy 20, Joshua six First
Samuel 15 are Jewish and Christian texts. Now a Christian apologist
might say, no, no, no, Deuteronomy 20 is not is not a Christian text.
It's a Jewish texts. Okay. It's in the Old Testament, not the
details. So this is a tactic. This is an obfuscation. So Christians
claim that there's one God, right. And that is the same God and both
Testaments. Now, the Marcia knights people can look up Marcion
but he was a Christian preacher, leader in you know, the end of the
first century, early second century who said there's actually
two gods, but Christians don't believe that anymore. They believe
that the God of the Old Testament was a
was the same God is the New Testament. And who is this God?
The God of Abraham. So Christians claim that this God is a Triune
God, so he's a trinity. Alright Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Trinitarians also believe in something called the doctrine of
parry courageous. Okay, so here's a word for the notetakers Perry
core races. This is the inter communion, or sometimes it's a
interpenetration of the three persons of the Trinity. petticoat
asis, a Greek term, it means that they are inseparable in action.
And of one mind, this is absolutely
traditional, classic Trinitarian.
Theology. Yeah, inseparable and action. In other words, when they
act when Father, Son, and Spirit act, they always act together, and
they never disagree. Therefore, God, Father, Son, and Spirit
ordered him in the Old Testament. The son here also known as the
logos, incarnated into the flesh of a man named Jesus of Nazareth.
So there is no escaping this. There's none of this Oh, that was
the Old Testament. And that's not a Christian. No, it is a Christian
text. It's in the Christian Bible. It's the same God, this cannot be
Now, this is an extremely important question, how do modern
rabbinical authorities deal with these hidden passages? So it's
really three ways. And again, this is a bit of review. But for the
sake of seeing these notes in the slide, let's review it. The
normative Jewish opinion, okay. Is that indeed, this mitzvah? So
there's 613 commandments in the Torah, the whole much from Genesis
to Deuteronomy, right. 613 minutes vote. Number 528. According to the
numbering of my manatees is the commandment to commit him leave
none alive of the seven nations. It says and this is taken directly
from Deuteronomy chapter 20, verse 16, okay, in those seven nations
of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, the parasites, the HIV
AIDS, and a group called the Giga shites. Now, as we said, Abraham
and Ezra, and Hezekiah, and Minoa, and many others maintain that this
mitzvah number 528, was only limited to the generation of
Moses. Okay, so that's very important. This is according to
the traditional understanding that seven of the seven nations was for
that time at that place, and never again, it's like a one and done.
And the reason is, because these groups are gone, they no longer
exist. So while the 613 mitzvot, are believed to be perennial and
perpetual, right, the transhistorical there's simply no
application for this mitzvah because these groups are gone. And
my monitor says, Even if descendants of these groups remain
until today, mixed among other nations, as long as they're evil
culture has gone their idolatry, their child sacrifice, their
debauchery, their immorality, then the mitzvah remains fulfilled, and
there's no application. So this is traditional Judaism. Okay.
And of course, we mentioned last time as well, most critical
historians don't believe that such massive extermination campaigns
ever really happened. But what matters is belief. And the
Orthodox take these stories, literally, they believe that to be
historically true, as in most eminent Christian scholars, from
Augustine, to Aquinas, to John Calvin.
Yeah, I mean, someone like Origen of Alexandria. He thought these
hidden passages were figurative, but he's certainly not among the
majority, or he's, he was all figurative that was is allegorical
method, isn't it? And he was an alphabetized. Anyway, I mean, in
fact, Harrison allegedly was a heretic, second Council,
Constantinople, posthumously anathematized.
Okay, so I want to mention this as well. Most apologists, however,
will defend these stories, as you know, they'll say that,
the living the living beings were marched for him because they were
just evil. And apparently the babies were evil. The donkeys and
cows are evil, as we stated last time, or if they're clever, right?
If a Christian apologist is clever, they'll say it's like what
Hitler did according to the Koran. We'll hear this a lot in the
Quran, chapter 18. Soon as we can have, he killed the boy because
the boy would grow up into a tyrant. However, this is a false
equivalency. And I'll tell you why. Clearly the story of Shiva
and Musa and Moses is teaching a theological lesson. There's no
hokum. There's no legal injunction in this story in the Quran. It's a
lesson on theodicy, and the greater good argument. So Moses
was justifiably outraged because his actions were not normative.
Because there's actions were essentially moral miracles. These
are called the political identity. Right? There are physical miracles
and there are moral miracles. You know, I don't decide to travel by
walking on water, because Jesus peace be upon him could walk on
water, I'll drown. So there was operating on the level of hotkeys
of reality, right to demonstrate that sometimes the wisdom behind
things that happened in the world they're out
sort of our control is veil from us exactly operate on the level of
the Shetty. Ah, so exactly right so this lesson is about we don't
really know about the unseen you know, the the hidden motivations
of God. We don't know the whole picture we have the pixel but not
to us. Hamza has also has wonderful phrase. But of course,
in passages like one Samuel 15, in the Jewish Bible, which does
command genocide, the killing of women, children and babies
explicitly, we are actually told the reason that is because their
ancestors are not the people being targeted, or went against or
fought against the Israelites as they came out of Egypt centuries
before. So this is not a valid comparison, right? All this other
level of history where there is sort of collective punishment for
their descendants. Exactly. We have nothing in our city are the
orders was to kill children or civilians, right? There's nothing
the story of pillar teaches a theological lesson. It's very
clear from the context. And as you said, it's very clear from the
context of the Bible, that these are at time, these are actual
mitzvot. These are commandments that commit them. Now, the second
opinion, okay, so that's the first of the traditional opinion, this
is a one and done right. The second opinion says that fidem in
the Holy Land will happen one more time, but only when the Messiah
comes, we have to all wait for the Messiah. Okay. And then the
Messiah will begin the process of the RE gathering of the Jews
establishing the Jewish state, he's going to fight the middle
Hamas or deny the wars of the Lord, etc. The third opinion is
the opinion of religious Zionism. Okay. There has been a consistent
and sustained sentiment among religious Jewish Zionist Jews,
that the Palestinians of the modern day Canaanites This is a
very common sentiment among the religious Zionist, therefore,
given this notion of how that how Gula modern Zionism being sort of
this, the beginning of the redemption, it is the religious
duty of the government of Israel to wage a war of extermination
against the Palestinian people. And this is what we're seeing
right now. Right? This is radical Judaism.
So I encourage people to look up goosh m&m, the Coalition of the
faithful. This was an ultra nationalistic, Orthodox, Zionist
movement, so called orthodox Zionist movement founded the 1970s
in Israel by students if you had a kook, who was a director of the
metaclass HaRav, and son of the son of the infamous rabbi, that we
mentioned earlier, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook. So in the minds of
these religious Zionist, the Israeli government has a religious
duty to implement mitzvah number five's 528 and utterly destroy the
Palestinians in some form or fashion. They believe that the
coming of their mushiya can be hastened through continued
aggression, conquest and settlement of Palestinian
Territories all of this aggression will culminate in the coming of
their Messiah as they see it. As an organization goosh mo neem no
longer exists, but their ideology has permeated government officials
in Israel goosh and Winnie muscle champion, what's known as the
greater the Greater Israel project. Okay, so this idea that
it is the religious duty of the Israeli government to fully annex
all Palestinian territories as they can as they constitute
Greater Israel. So America, Hana and Baruch Goldstein were staunch
advocates of Greater Israel. And of course, the political party
known as how they could. It's full of extremely dedicated religious
scientists in Greater Israel advocates. liquides chairman has
Benjamin Netanyahu, who has also been the prime minister of Israel
since 2009. And so he's surrounded by these radical Jews. Here's
something interesting. It was widely reported that when
Netanyahu was the Israeli ambassador to the UN in the 1980s,
the famous Red Bay of the Assad has Habad Hasidic dynasty,
Menachem Mendel Schneerson, told him told Netanyahu that he will be
Prime Minister of Israel when the Messiah comes. And then in 1990,
and this is actually this is documented you guys find this on
YouTube. Schneerson is sort of commanding Netanyahu, they're
speaking in Hebrew that he's commanding Netanyahu to to do more
to hasten the coming of the Messiah. Right. And then, you
know, obviously, we're trying, we're trying a few things when
trying, your son died in 1994, by the way, many Zionist considered
Greater Israel to be all of the land between the two rivers,
right, the Nile and Euphrates. So this is based on a passage in
Genesis chapter 15. So Gaza, West Bank, you know, Golan Heights,
that's the tip of the iceberg. Greater Israel is half of Egypt,
all of the Levant and half of Iraq. And the Israeli flag might
actually depict this, some say this is, you know, conspiracy
theory and but if you look at the Israeli Israeli flag, you have the
two blue lines, the Two Rivers than a Star of David in the
So the radical Zionist Jews believe that they can use divinely
sanctioned violence, to essentially prepare the land for
the Messiah, the coming with the gulag, the Messianic redemption,
make us move Get the ball moving before his arrival. They can start
the process the Messiah will finish it so this is him. Set him
now in 2024.
I mentioned this last time, but I want the audience to actually see
the language of Article Two of the
of the UN definition of genocide here. So Ross Segal is a professor
at Stockton universities and Israeli journalists. He
specializes in Holocaust and genocide studies. In his expert
opinion what Israel is doing right now is a quote textbook case of
genocide, textbook genocide and he cites a un definition of genocide.
Ilan papi calls it incremental genocide. So Zionist apologists
will say, Oh, that's ridiculous. This is not genocide. If it was
genocide, Israel will just kill everyone right now. Right.
Besides, there are a million Arabs who live in Israel right now prop
Israel proper outside the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, no
one's killing them, right. So such ignorance fails to recognize that
genocide is a process. It took the Nazis years to get to the final
solution. These things don't happen overnight. So here's
Article Two of the UN's Genocide Convention. So genocide means any
of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole
or in part, a national ethnical racial or religious group such as
killing members of the group causing serious bodily or mental
harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting on the
group conditions of life calculate to bring about its physical
destruction, in part or in whole,
or in whole or in part, imposing measures intended to prevent
births within the group, forcibly transferring children of the group
to another group. So Israel fulfills all five, one of these is
genocide, according to the UN,
five for five.
Now, Dr. Siegel also points out that there are two essential
elements here that qualify this as a genocide. Okay, so number one
special intent with dehumanizing language. And I'll get to some of
that. And number two conditions to bring about the destruction of the
group that is to say, the dynamics of violence on the ground. So you
know, things like cutting off food, water, electricity,
destroying hospitals, destroying ambulances, mosques, churches,
refugee camps, abandoning babies and hospitals. According to
Pompeii, every 10 minutes a Palestinian child was murdered. So
there's the rhetoric and the reality, and the capacity, right,
and all three, all three are present. So Israel uses the
language of genocide. It implements the structures of
genocide, and it has the capacity to commit genocide. So speaking of
special intent,
with dehumanizing language, here's that that infamous quote from
defense minister of Israel you, you asked a lot, and he said this
on October 9, I've ordered a complete siege of Gaza Strip, no
electricity, no food, no fuel, everything's closed. We're finding
human animals and we're acting accordingly we will eliminate
that is called Hidden. Right. So we must get to know this word and
educate people.
So Zionism as deployed by Israel, is radical Judaism. And radical
Judaism is just terrorism. I mean, people shouldn't forget the
persecution of the Palestinians. at the hands of radical Jewish
elements goes back to 1970 is way before October seventh 2023. It
didn't start on 10 723. Right. That's like saying, you know, the
the Nat Turner slave revolt in 1831. Started black white conflict
in America. I mean, it's just asinine is stupid.
You know, Galante called the Palestinians human animals. Right.
Now, there is a consistent teaching in Orthodox Jewish
that there is an essential difference between Jews and
Gentiles. Okay, so this cannot be denied. Okay. None other than
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, one of the fathers of religious Zionism
infamously advanced the opinion that the difference between a
Jewish soul and a boy's soul is greater than a difference between
a human soul and a castle.
You even find this idea in Jewish writings, that Jews have two souls
once called the nephesh of the hermit, and once called the
nephesh elderhood, in other words, a Neff sort of Bohemia and an
absolutely LAHIA that Jews have a beastly and, and divine soul or
angelic soul, while well whereas the go in the non Jews or Gentiles
only have a beastly soul. So this is something that many Jewish
authorities teach. Even Rabbi Lewis Jacobs mentions this in his
book of Jewish theology.
So here's it, I have the Quran that tells us the difference
between traditional Judaism and radical Judaism, right? That if
you murder someone it is as if you've murdered all of humanity.
And if you save someone's life, it is as if you saved all of
humanity. But then Allah subhana wa Tada says,
Indeed, we sent Messengers with clear signs, but many from them
after this are extremists, right that's a difference.
between traditional Judaism and radical Judaism
there's even more evidence of the special intent of genocide
straight from the mouths of Jewish radicals. So the IDF official IDF
spokesman Danny magari. Right. He said the emphasis is on damage,
not an accuracy. So we have to ask the question, is this defensive?
This is minimizing collateral damage. This is surgical, and
discriminatory, as they say as they claim no, the intention is to
maximize collateral damage, he admits it. So one more time the
emphasis is on damage, not on accuracy. This isn't some, you
know pundit on Fox News. This is the official IDF spokesman saying
The former Prime Minister of Israel Neftali Bennett, when asked
about Palestinian babies and hospital incubators, who need
electricity to survive? This is what he said, Are you seriously
talking about Palestinian civilians? We are fighting Nazis.
I'm not feeding electricity or water to my enemies. just
Isaac Herzog, the President of Israel, the president. Again, this
is not some nobody. This is a President of Israel. It's not
true. This rhetoric about civilians not being aware not
involved. It's absolutely not true and quote In other words, there is
no distinction among Palestinians all the Palestinians are aware and
involved in terrorism is what he's saying. We can slaughter them on a
mass murderer often Ari Israeli politician and Knesset member the
children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves.
And this is a woman speaking what happened this woman Zionism had a
big door Lieberman, Israeli politician Member of Parliament,
he tweeted, I mean, can this be any more clear? Right? There are
no innocents in Gaza.
And of course, he was Craig McIver again recently resigned UN
official. I just wanted to show the quote
to the audience here that wholesale the current wholesale
slaughter of the Palestinian people rooted in ethno nationalist
colonial settler ideology, in continuation of decades of their
systematic persecution and purging based entirely upon their status
as Arabs and coupled with explicit Statements of Intent by leaders in
Israeli Government and military leaves no room for doubt, no room
for doubt that it's a genocide. This is why he why he resigned.
He continues, what's more, the government's United States United
Kingdom, Europe, as you said, are wholly complicit in horrific
assault. Of course, America gives $4 billion a year, Israel recently
Biden approved 15 billion Israel to be used for genocide, tanks,
missiles, white phosphorus.
And of course, America was the only veto the euro. Exactly UN
Security Council resolution for a ceasefire, and it was the US
uniquely and solely or globally that actually vetoed this
as unique responsibility for the genocide. Exactly.
Now, when radical religious Jews equate the Palestinians a modern
day Canaanites, what is the deeper significance of that? You know, so
we need to know some Bible or the Bible is the key to understanding
what religious Zionists are doing right now. Right? This all goes
back to Genesis chapter nine. It's called the curse of Canaan. So in
Genesis nine we're told that sometime after the flood, you
know, Noah got drunk and stole federal law, God forbid and passed
out in his tent, he was naked, his sons Shem, and Japan, cover their
father's nakedness, but ham did not. And when Noah woke up, he
said, curse it became a servant of servants shall he be unto his
brethren? Right, so who is Canaan, the son of Ham, the supposed
progenitor of the Canaanites? Now, the general consensus of biblical
historians today maintains that the book of Genesis was written
hundreds of years after Moses, peace be upon him. Genesis was
written by multiple authors across multiple centuries around 1000
BCE, starting around 1000 BCE. So you know, we talked about this in
the past the documentary hypothesis, a supplementary
hypothesis. In other words, Genesis was written during a time
when the ancient Israelites were engaging militarily with the
ancient Canaanites. Okay, the people who are indigenous to
ancient Palestine. So this story about Noah and the curse of Canaan
was written to serve as a piece of political propaganda. It served to
insult and to humanize the Canaanites to make them easier to
enslave and kill. This was not written by Moses. Right? The point
was to say even no accursed these people, Genesis 19, same thing.
We're told that two daughters of Lot, got their father drunk, then
assaulted him, and we've got pregnant.
The son of the older daughter was named Moab, the son of the younger
daughter was named Ben Ami. The author of Genesis then says Moab
is the father of the Moabites that you see today. And then Annie is
the father of the Ammonites that you see today. You see, the
mobiles and ammonites were two tribes that were fighting the
ancient Israelites. So Genesis 19, serve to bastardize and slander
those tribes to justify Israelite aggression again,
Islam, you know, these Moabites these Ammonites, they're all
descendants of *. They're all illegitimate people don't feel bad
about acting with violence towards them. That's the point. Right? And
we have,
you know, the Zionist, religious Jews, they point to Genesis 21.
Right Sarah saying, you know, banish this woman, this bonds
woman and her son, I don't want him to inherit with my son Isaac.
Right. So we're looking for an Abraham agreed. So we're supposed
to banish these Ishmaelites from the promised land in earlier in
Genesis, right. When Hagar ran away, God told her go and submit
under the hand of Sarah submit yourself under the hand of Sarah.
So in other words, you can live here but you have to be a slave,
or you have to leave though this is what's happening so far aside,
or its ethnic cleansing. This is how they interpret these verses.
Okay, two more minutes vote Mitzvoth 604 Cut off the seat of
emelec that is destroy them utterly committed head on against
emelec 605 Lot out the mention of Amulek but don't forget to like
Also don't forget to like so both of these were taken from
Deuteronomy 2519. So extremists messianic Israeli settlers often
invoke Amalek as a justification for the massacre and displacement
of the Palestinian people.
Of course, Comelec was the first nation to fight against the
Israelites according to the Torah Exodus 17. They're also called the
Amalekites. And we said last time also that First Samuel 15, King
Saul was ordered by God, to commit him against the Amalekites to
exterminate their men, women, children, animals total
extermination, King Saul failed, so, a Moloch.
Continues. Now the Torah also says
at the bottom of the slide here, from Allah Adonai, the American
dollar the Lord will be at war against homiletic from generation
to generation, Exodus 1716. Madore. Door means generation at
dinner. In other words, forever, perpetual warfare against Comelec
the Lord declares perpetual warfare against Comelec. We said
that according to traditional Jews, since it is impossible to
identify who is a true Amalekite this commandment simply cannot be
fulfilled, okay. And my monitor is limits the application of the
mitzvah to destroy Comelec to a Jewish king, that at some point in
the future omelette becomes manifest, only a Jewish king that
is to say, basically, the Messiah can fight against them.
And other authorities argue along similar lines. In the meantime,
Jews must destroy the omnic within, as it were, the satanic
impulses that want to pull us away from God in His commandments.
However, among Jewish Zionist is this idea that um, like refers to
any enemy of the Jews in any generation? So here they're
talking about a mindset of Comelec right. Traditionally, it was who
is Amelie, you know, sort of Jeanne illogically. But now, it's
the mindset, the mentality, the culture, it continues perpetually,
what they say the middle it the middle of the sea fat abama, like,
the characteristics of Comelec.
So as we said, the Romans were almost like of their day, the
Nazis were the AMO, like, they have to find an omelette, and
every generation. Okay, so when we hear the term Comelec, we should
know that it is a dog whistle. What is a dog whistle is a coded
message that only a few people can understand. But now we understand.
So here's the quote from the former director of Israel and
authority Benzi, Lieberman. He said this in 2004. He's the
director again, these are people in positions of power. There's not
some guy on the street in Tel Aviv. The Palestinians are Comelec
we will destroy them. Now we understand what he means he's
invoking them genocide of the Palestinian people. And this goes
back to plan dollar 1948. So these religious extremists drunk on
messianic fervor are trying to inaugurate their messianic age
with a massive human sacrifice.
Of course, there's Bibi himself. You must remember what Amalek has
done to you. That's the dog whistle. And then he also made
this appeal to Israel's 3000 year legacy going back to Joshua Ben
noon. Interestingly, he starts at Joshua. According to the Tanaka,
Joshua noone implemented him upon the ancient Canaanites. Now
interestingly, Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro, who was an anti Zionist
rabbi and follower of the late Rabbi Teitelbaum. He said that
there is no street according to him. There is no street in
Jerusalem named after Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Moses. Okay. The
naming begins with Joshua.
The reason according to him is because religious scientists
believe that Judaism actually started with the seizing of the
land, not with Abraham, not with Moses, not with the covenant at
Sinai. No for them. Joshua is essentially the founder of
Judaism. So Netanyahu mentions Joshua, not Abraham or Moses. Of
course then Yahoo also infamously claimed that Hitler just wanted to
Jews, but when Hitler met with Mufti Hajj, Amin al Husseini, the
Grand Mufti of Palestine, the Mufti convinced Hitler to
exterminate the Jews. This claim is beyond lunacy, to quote Norman
Also he perpetuates this idea with Jordan Peterson Oh, Palestine was
a land with other people with a blatant lie.
What else is a tourist say about Comelec?
Well, here it says you must blot out the very mention of Amalek
from under the sky.
So right now, in western public discourse, any defense of a
Palestinian people is being branded as supporting terrorism,
and being anti semitic, anti defensive Palestine. Of course,
this makes sense if the Palestinians are deemed as the new
Comelec. Simply mentioning them is blasphemous for the Zionist but we
will not be silent.
The house in America passed Resolution 894, which makes anti
Zionism anti semitic American politicians are scared to death of
offending Jews. Meanwhile, over 20,000 Gazans have been murdered
include, including 10,000 Children, 2 million displaced, the
Gazans right now are slowly starving. They're living in
extremely close quarters with limited water, which means that
disease is about to spread. This is all a strategy of war deployed
by Israel deployed by Israel and they admit they're weaponizing
starvation and disease the lot and then give your admit this. This is
a war crime.
And of course, as we've said, also the Zionist release fake images,
fake recordings, we know that they deployed the Hannibal directive.
God knows what they will eventually do with AI. We have
this Israeli actress pretending to be a Palestinian Muslim nurse in
Shifa Hospital, with fake tears. Speaking English with a Hebrew
accent, horrible acting, it's all trickster ism, we were told that
there was a command and control center under a major hospital
total lie.
You know, the Jerusalem Post went with this narrative that
Palestinians are using dolls, fake dead babies, this was debunked.
They retracted the story.
But no apology. These are real babies, real human beings. Israel
has to manufacture consent because truth is not with them. And I want
to stress this again, just read the book of Genesis. Just read the
book of Genesis, the person of Jacob in the book of Genesis is a
master trickster who has additional divine support and
sanction for his repeated deceptions. Again, this is the
torah This is not the Koran This is not the real Jakub at ASA.
Genesis was not written by Moses, according to a near consensus of
historians and scholars, the Hebrew Bible, it's a shocking
reading Genesis, I reread it again, recently, what you say is
true. I don't know these patriarchs are very immoral
characters as portrayed in the current Bible. Of course, it's
very shocking, actually. Yeah, it's very, very shocking. You
know, so I mean, obviously, there are elements of truth within his
pages. But it's depictions of Prophets, you know, Jacob, Noah, a
lot, in particular are not accurate. And of course, Jacob is
called Israel. So from the very beginning to the end of his life
he's tricking people is deceiving people. And we mentioned also even
Jacob son Joseph gets in on the action at the end of the book of
Genesis, he deceives the Egyptians and enslaves them. There's not
mentioned in the Quran because the Quran corrects these narratives.
Right? So as we said, I'll just repeat the statement from last
time if one of their greatest patriarchs described in their most
sacred book, who is also the namesake of their nation was a
master trickster. Then what do we expect from Zionist Israel? Of
course, the motto of Mossad, Israel's national intelligence
agency used to be this they changed it but it used to be
tobacco to say like America by deception, you shall make war. So
by deception, you shall wage war or make war. Right. This is not
like a horrible. This is not like in war, you can deceive your enemy
know, by deception, you may wage war, you may start a war.
Okay, now what actually happened October 7, how many Israelis were
killed? So we were told was 1400. Then it said no, actually 1300 And
so it's actually 1200? Maybe 1100? Were atrocities committed? Yes,
atrocities were committed. Were babies beheaded? Highly unlikely.
It is highly, highly suspect that women were sexually assaulted.
This is most likely Israeli propaganda, intended to tug on our
heartstrings and deployed to justify the murder of Palestinian
women. Right? No people were burned alive and tortured. Their
babies were thrown in ovens. There's no evidence of this. Even
the Israeli newspaper edits said there's no evidence of this.
Israel has lost all credibility, of course, they never had
However, there is evidence that Israeli Apache helicopters filed
fired Hellfire missiles at cars and it's really tanked shelled
Israeli homes, causing the death of many many Israeli civilians.
At kibbutz bury an eyewitness named Yasmine Porat, an Israeli
woman said that she saw the IDF kill Israeli civilians and Israeli
military veteran named Aris XR said that he saw Israeli
helicopters in Israeli tanks firing on Israeli homes. And what
about these release hostages? You know, why were they so pleasant
and nice with their captors, shaking hands and smiling, saying
As they were leaving
he seems to have been broadcast very widely on social media is
absolutely short. Yeah, the little girl blowing a kiss.
Oh, they had Stockholm Syndrome. This is what they're saying. Okay,
why don't the Palestinian hostages and detainees have Stockholm
Syndrome? You know, Palestinian hostages are returned broken and
Why do we rarely hear from these released hostages? The reason is
because they're first hand testimony contradicts the Israeli
And the horrible aspect of this is that I've heard otherwise decent
and moral people defend Israel's genocide in Palestine.
You know, they'll say this is not the same as Hiroshima or Nagasaki
and Hiroshima, the express purpose was to target civilians, but in
Palestine, the Israeli military says that they don't intend to
kill civilians. It just happens on accident. So it's okay civilians
are killed on accident. So this is absolute nonsense. So according to
that logic, Israel could kill in theory, 1 million children and
say, Oh, that wasn't our intention. Oops, that was an
accident. Even CNN reported that up to 45%. Okay. 45% of Israeli
bombs are dumb bombs. What is a dumb bomb? It means they're
unguided. 45% of 30,000 bombs, which is twice the force of
Hiroshima, 40, almost half of twice the force of Hiroshima or
unguided. So this is indiscriminate. Even Biden called
this indiscriminate, you actually use that word. And this is a war
crime. Now, check this out. If this doesn't convince people, I
don't know what will. What did you say, by the way? I mean, there's
the obvious answer, people can see the footage on Twitter and
elsewhere. That just reminds me of bombed out cities during the
Second World War II, we mentioned Dresden and film, which was fire
bombed and completely desert, you can see the ruins of vast areas of
cities. And that's what we see in Gaza. I mean, the idea that this
hasn't happened is absurd, because we can see the evidence and that
there's no like, it's it's not like this street corner, that
road, that neighborhood, it vast, vast areas are simply flattened.
And that for me is is simply the answer. We don't need to argue
what I'm not saying you shouldn't argue for it. But that That for me
is enough evidence. No, I mean, I think for any sensible, logical
person, who's you know, who's a decent human being? It looks at
the evidence on its surface. It's very clear what's happening here.
But here's here's something that
if, again, if this doesn't convince people, I don't know. So
the IDF shot and killed three Israeli hostages, okay. One of
them have red hair. What were they doing, waving a white flag? And
they wrote SOS on a wall in Hebrew while screaming in Hebrew, and
they still got shot and killed.
So how is this being surgical? And discriminatory? The IDF murdered a
mother and daughter outside the Catholic Church and Gaza. They're
walking to the bathroom, the pope called the terrorism after 20,000
killed the 2 million displaced now the pope calls it terrorism right.
Now, how is this being surgical? And discriminatory? It isn't. It's
clearly indiscriminate. According According to Human Rights Watch
for hospitals remain out of 32 in Gaza, attacking the hospitals of
war crime, there's only four to 32 left. And according to Human
Rights Watch, no justification has been found for the bombing of
hospitals. None. Now, Gaza's population breakdown is roughly
50% Children 25 women 25 Men. Okay.
That is almost exactly the breakdown of those killed by
I mean, it's like it's like 4527 27. What does that mean? That
means the killing is indiscriminate. And Finkelstein
says, and if you overlay the demographics of Gaza, with the
casualties of Gaza, it's basically the same. That means that it is
indiscriminate. Right, so and he said, no other conflict in the
world is even close to this.
So this is collective punishment, collective punishment is illegal
according to international law. Israel violates the principle of
proportionality, the principle of distinction, the principle of
precaution, how many laws at breaking, Finkelstein said quote,
they are using October 7 as a pretext for the final solution to
the Gaza problem. And quote, Chris Hedges
As he said that Israel's goal is to turn Gaza into a moonscape.
Exactly what you were describing, what does it serve? As a wholly
credible? Wholly credible? Yeah, exactly. That's the goal is to
annex Gaza turn into a parking lot. So they keep recycling this
human shields argument. Right? Again, this is their bread and
butter. So first of all, Israel uses human shields, okay. They
allow settlers civilians to live on occupied territories stolen
land, right next to Israeli military bases. They are putting
these people in harm's way. They are using settlers as human
shields. Let's analyze analyze Israeli logic here. So let's
pretend that someone commits murder and runs into your house,
okay, and hide somewhere and that the police know he's in your
house. And so the police call you and they say get out of your house
because we're going to blow it up.
And you say, hey, wait a minute, why would you destroy my home? We
have nowhere else to go. Why don't we exit our house and you can send
cops to find this guy, pull him out and arrest him. And they say
no, your choices, leave her house, so we can bomb it, or stay in will
vomit. So they bomb the house. And then the police blame the murderer
for your death and the death of your family. He was using them as
human shields. Right? How stupid is that? This is just asinine. I
mean, these people are clowns. The human shields argument is Israel's
tactic for justifying genocide. That's all it is.
I'll and I'll end with this deception is everywhere. The
Western media is gaslighting the world, the oppressed are depicted
as the oppressors and vice versa. David is seen as Goliath. Goliath
is seen as a David. Right? It's very strange. Now this is a
supplication I mentioned last time that I want people to see I want
people to see the Arabic so they can pause. They can if they don't
have it memorized and memorize it. This dua is so crucial for us
right now. Right, that Allahumma haka, Hakan, what is opener at ba
right? The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, Oh, God, show us
the truth as truth and give us the ability to follow it. I didn't
know about the the Battilana What is Open HDHD Nava
and show us false it is false that you have the ability to shun it.
This is very important. I mean, and then these two Hadith I quoted
last time as well. The first one is in the Sunnah of odo would, the
Prophet said, Let him know here's the jaldi and Posterous I keep a
distance from him, I swear by Allah that and I will come to him
thinking he's a firm believer, and not following Him because of
confused ideas she will have. So this is what we're talking about
earlier. It's like how can you know seemingly logical people just
fall for this nonsense? You know, isn't it just clear that that
what's happening here, where they're being confused, these
shoes will have these heretical ideas, confused ideas, you know,
these these muddy waters that people are being
exposed to. So may we never see the actual the job but the culture
of the job is already here. We must protect ourselves and of
course, here is
a statement from a companion of the Prophet I sent him I will read
around the loved one Anhu candidates with Ally Salah love
Islam, I will either be Jahannam or either Bill Kabul or mercy had
the job that the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, used to seek
refuge in Allah from the punishment of *, the
punishment, the grave, and from the posture Messiah.
And the prophet of course, is teaching us by example. So we need
to protect ourselves against the Antichrist. There's there's a
Hadith of the Prophet said, dua see lateral movement, that the
that supplication or prayer is the weapon of the believer. And
there's some weakness in the chain, but it's true. So I request
from the audience that they pray for the people of Gaza, pray for
their souls. Many of us are completely powerless to do
anything when we can't change anything with our hands or our
tongues. So what do we do? Well, we hate the oppression in our
heart. It's the weakest of faith Vatika it's awful Eman. The
Prophet said it's the weakest of faith, but it's still faith. It's
still something right. So give charity gives give sadaqa do extra
prayers. These are not insignificant. I mean, Allah looks
at the intention and sincerity. A lot can work miracles, Allah is
Mukunda veliko rupees a change of hearts. We know that a man in the
inner circle of a pharaoh was a secret believer a lot of change
his heart, may Allah change the heart of the Israelis? Right? May
they see with clarity what they're doing and stop the repression. And
you know, it's it's, it's so not to be optimistic, we should be
optimistic. The Prophet was optimistic, and inshallah in the
next generation no one will dare attack Muslims like this, like
what like they're doing right now. Because we'll be more organized
will be a united front. Muslims are coming together right now over
Palestine. Muslims are making Toba and rededicating themselves to
Allah and His messenger. There's a spiritual revival happening right
now as we said Palestine is the epicenter. non Muslims are
converting to Islam right now, due to Palestine. So remember what we
said the beginning of the podcast, our state in the world will not
change until we realize it take it to heart that Allah only Allah can
help us that when we turn to Allah subhanaw taala with all of our
being from the bottom of our hearts, then our conditions will
improve. When we realize that
The only opinion that matters is Allah's opinion, then we'll see
change and nothing else is really going to help us. Right? We must
have obedience to Allah and his messenger cling to the Quran and
Sunnah. Right? And the very pillar of this religion is the prayer,
right? If the shahada is you know, the tent or the canopy, then the
pillar that holds up the religion is the prayer, right? And so lots
are a matter of being. So don't leave the prayer. It's very
important. And then we have this do also learn this dua encourage
the the audience, this is our weapon Allahumma inni. I will be
coming I'd be Johanna I mean other will cover Amin fitna till Maria
when Muhammad Amin shall refer to him as he had the job. So Oh god,
I seek refuge in You from the punishment of *, and from the
punishment of the grave, and from the tribulations of life and
death, and from the evil of the tribulations of the imposter
Messiah. Now, I did have, I mean, fear, I had one more slide. I
mean, yes, thank you. And these are just some FAQs. I want to just
do very quickly here. We have a little bit of time,
and then we'll and then we'll be done inshallah. So these are
questions that
I've been getting recently
that I just want to sort of share my thoughts on for the sake of the
benefit of the audience, inshallah. Tada. So the first
question is,
advice. So you have resigned this apologists that will say, why
don't Arab countries taking Palestinians, they'll say
something like, even your own Arabs don't want them? Something
like that. Right. So this is a very common tactic.
horrible thing to say, Well, yeah, I mean, I mean, Finkelstein said
that this was Hitler's argument about the Jews. Right? Why did the
European countries want the Jews before the holocaust of America in
the UK? shut its doors, the Jewish integration? So we can answer this
question in several ways. So first of all, according to the United
Nations Relief and Works Agency, 3.5 million Palestinian refugees
were taken in by Jordan, Lebanon and Syria alone. So Muslim
countries have taken in Palestinians, millions of them.
But there's another side to this by taking in Palestinian refugees.
You know, every time Israel decides to mow the lawn, these
Arab nations would be indirectly complicit to the ethnic cleansing
agenda of Israel. You know, Zionist, propagandists want to
guilt trip Arab nations for not being an accessory to the Israeli
policy of ethnic cleansing. You know, why should they take in
millions of refugees, Israel needs to stop displacing Palestinians.
That's the problem. That should be the focus, they need to stop
displacing Palestinians. So again, let's imagine once a week, okay,
it's imagine once a week that the police come into my house and beat
up my children. And so I go to a judge, and the judge says to me,
Well, just have your kids move into your neighbor's house.
Is that really the solution? No, tell the police to stop their
injustice. And my neighbor would say no, tell the police to stop
there injustice stop eating up, my kids stop displacing Palestinians.
That's the problem. The third aspect of this is that many
Palestinians they don't want to leave, they want to stand their
ground with honor. That's their country. That's their home.
Zionist propaganda is essentially what Palestinians to ethnically
cleanse themselves.
And finally, can these countries even provide what it takes
logistically to support 10s of 1000s of refugees? So that's an
open question.
The second question is, does Israel have that? Does Israel have
the right to defend itself? So here's an analogy that I think
vividly captures the answer to this question. And I borrowed this
analogy from another Muslim speaker. But I think it's very
well done. I think it's very vivid and strong. So So imagine that you
can, you can only see a man and a woman from the waist up, right?
And then suddenly, this woman, seemingly out of nowhere
unprovoked, attacks the man and starts tearing out his face, and
she starts ripping pieces of flesh off his face with their
fingernails. Does that man have a right to defend himself? Yes. So
let's say that he starts fighting back and he ends up knocking her
unconscious. Well, she attacked him right? He has a right to
defend himself. But then you see their lower half and he was *
her. Does it even matter to you now that the man has a right to
defend himself? Do you even care? Of course every individual human
being has the natural right to self defend. This includes both
Palestinian and Israeli civilians. But how can we speak of Israel's
moral right of self defense? Or the legal right of self defense or
the IDs, moral or legal right of self defense when it is Israel in
the IDF? Who are the oppressors, the aggressors, so no, Israel has
no moral right to defend itself. Israel has no moral high ground to
stand upon. Did the southern states have a moral right to
defend themselves against the Maccabees? You can ask a religious
Zionist when the Maccabees rebelled against the oppressive
will have their Greek overlords and took back the City of
Jerusalem and the temple. Did the Greek southern cities have a moral
right to defend themselves against the Maccabees? A more contemporary
example would be apartheid South Africa, when the ANC and Nelson
Mandela were attacking the apartheid government was surely
the apartheid government had the right to defend itself. And we
must respect the right of the apartheid regime to defend this.
We condemn Nelson Mandela. And by the way, the United States and
Europe did classify Nelson Mandela as a terrorist. But now no one on
the planet I think outside loony Nazi circles, perhaps, thinks that
Nelson Mandela was a terrorist, or that other declerck and the
Apartheid South African government had any moral rights defenders. I
think the analogy is, well, we have other analogies, but as you
have done, but I think that that's one that I like most because many
people are waking up to the idea that that Israel is actually an
apartheid state as well. Yeah, no, that's, that's right. The Great
Awakening, it's happening. The third question here, are you anti
semitic? Okay, so this is a very ambiguous question. We shouldn't
let people get away with ambiguities. So here I would ask
where does the word Semitic come from, you know, like, what is the
etiology of the word Semite? Yeah, but most people have no idea.
Right? So it comes from Sam or Shem, the son of Noah, so who are
the Semites, Jews and Arabs are Israelites and Israelites? Now as
Muslims? We believe in prophets and the old as Amina Rousseau.
Right, the five most exalted prophets, right, four out of five
of them are Semites. And these are the most beloved human beings to
Muslims. So how can I be an anti Semite? So what they really mean
what they really mean is, are you anti Jewish? But here again, we
need to clarify how we're using the word Jewish as an ethnicity or
religion. If as an ethnicity know that stupid, hating people for
something they had no control over is stupid. And I'm not stupid.
Racism is stupid. Okay, they'll say, Are you anti Judaism? Right.
So here again, we have to ask what you mean by Judaism. i My anti
traditional Orthodox Judaism, no traditional Jewish Orthodoxy is a
respectable religion that believes in reveres the God of Abraham, and
joins people to righteousness as a deep tradition, spiritual
tradition. And my anti radical Judaism, yes. Why? Because radical
Judaism has incorporated Zionism. And Zionism is an inherently
violent and murderous ideology as well as blasphemy from both
traditional Jewish and Christian perspectives. Okay, now, at this
point, they might say, anti Zionism is anti semitism. So we
should respond. So all of these hundreds of 1000s of anti Zionist
Jews are all self hating Jews. Why do they hate themselves? Why do
they suck them out in the natural Carta? And most of the Hasidic
Jews of the world hate themselves? You know, are these anti Zionist
Jews not real Jews? Right, so these are questions need to push
back a little bit, because that sounds awfully anti semitic to me.
Right? So don't let people get away with ambiguities. The fourth
one here is aren't Jews, indigenous to Palestine? And this
is related to this horrible, ridiculous argument that Jews
lived in Palestine 2000 years ago. So they have a right to the land.
Yeah, in the north of historical Palestine, 2700 years ago, there
was a kingdom called Israel. Now, there was a Muslim woman in the
Bay Area in California here, who, who came, came to one of my
lectures and she said, I have these two Zionist friends who say
that, you know, Jews lived or 2000 years ago, so they should have
that land. Right. And at the time, I didn't think about this, but I
thought about it later. I was gonna tell her that I want you to
that, that
a group of indigenous alone, these are me walks, these are like
native tribes. They came to their house in in the Bay Area in
California. They showed up at their house, your friends houses,
these Zinus and they said, you know, forget about 2000 years ago,
200 years ago, this was our land. So get out of my house. What would
your friends say to these moonwalks, these annuities? They
would call the cops, right. So we can play these games all day long.
Right? Well, the Canaanites were there before the Israelites. So
the Canaanites were indigenous to the land. Right. And the
Palestinians have genetic continuity with the ancient Panama
the Canaanites. So guess what the Palestinians are indigenous to the
land. But then who was there before the Canaanites and before
them and before them? So the word indigenous must be understood
within the framework of colonialism? So this is the
answer. So if right now the Chinese invaded the US, let's say
and rounded up groups of Americans, look their homes and
put them in specific designated areas. Those Americans would be
quote indigenous to the land in light of the Chinese invasion and
EF f
ethnically, they would be European it would be Arab, the Indian to be
Jewish to be Asian, African, Chinese, etc. When the settler
colonial project began in historical Palestine under the
British, the Arabs were 94% of the population who had lived there for
generations. The Arabs are indigenous End of story. And the
other thing is the Arabs did not expel the ancient Jews from
Those are the Romans, the Arabs, that is to say the Muslims allow
the Jews back in. The Arabs did not destroy the northern kingdom
of Israel and 722 BCE. That was the Assyrians. The Arabs didn't
destroy the southern kingdom of Judah and 586 BCE. That was the
Babylonians and the Arabs that document the Holocaust. Those were
the Germans. And the last question here are the Ashkenazi real Jews.
So here I would
recommend the the work of Professor Martin Richards, Martin
Richards, so he's one of the Archeo geneticists, okay of a
research group at the University of Huddersfield in England. Okay,
so this was a research project conducted in 2013. And so this is
an article summarizing the research for the University
website. So I'm quoting here, the article. It's not, it's a couple
of paragraphs long, that won't take too long. So he says that
it's usually assumed that their ancestors we start with the
Ashkenazi European Jews migrated into Europe from Palestine in the
first century AD, after the destruction of the Second Temple
by the Romans with some intermarriage with Europeans later
on, but some have argued that they have a mainly European ancestry,
and arose by conversion to Judaism of indigenous Europeans,
especially in Italy. Others have even argued that they were largely
simulated in the North Caucasus during the time the hazhar Empire,
whose rulers turned to Judaism around the 10th century AD,
archaea geneticists argued genetics sorry can help solve this
dispute. Y chromosome studies have shown that the male line of
descent does indeed seem to trace back to the Middle East. But the
female line which can be illuminated by studies of
mitochondrial DNA, has until now proved more difficult to
This would especially be intriguing. This would be
especially intriguing because Judaism has been inherited
maternally for about 2000 years, we have settled this issue by
looking at large numbers of whole mitochondrial genomes, sequencing
the full 16,568 bases of the molecule, and many people from
across Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East. We have found
that in the vast majority of cases, Ashkenazi lineages are most
closely related to southern and western European lineages, and
that these lineages have been present in Europe for many 1000s
of years. This means that even though Jewish men may indeed have
migrated into Europe from Palestine about 2000 years ago,
they brought few or no wives with them. They seem to have married
with European women, firstly, along the Mediterranean,
especially in Italy, and later, but probably to a lesser extent,
and Western and Central Europe. This suggests that in the early
years, the diaspora Judaism, Judaism took in many converts from
amongst the European population, but they were mainly recruited
from amongst women. And here's the conclusion. Thus, on the female
line of descent, the Ashkenazi ame primarily trace their ancestry,
neither to Palestine, nor to FAS area, but the Southern and Western
Europe, translate that. And that explains, by the way, why
many of these even all of the Jewish, Israeli politicians, and
leaders just looked like Europeans, to me, they didn't even
know who they were, and you saw them walking around London or New
York or Paris, you think, Oh, well, they're just Westerners. You
wouldn't see them as, oh, there's a sea mites in the Middle East or
something, you wouldn't have that. respond like that? Yeah. Well, let
me just give my quick translation here of that article. Done.
Translation, the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews are not actual
Jews, by the definition of Judaism, the Torah, the Talmud,
and by definition of Israel's own Law of Return, let me say it
again, the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews are not actual
Jews, by definition of Israel's own Law of Return. They are not
Semites. That means that the vast majority of the quote Jews who
made Alia to Israel from Europe, who did not believe in the
religion of Judaism, many were atheist, were not actually Jews.
So the State of Israel was essentially founded by a bunch of
atheist European Gentiles. This is the state that 10s of millions of
Christian Zionist support
and that is the end.
That's an extraordinary ending, as well. And of course, I think you
said earlier on that the what what is a god do in traditional
orthodox circles was a Torah observant person right some upheld
the commandments of God and that was always been my understanding
inverted commas a real Jew if you like, but, but it this is even
more disturbing that they claim to be Jewish when in fact, one's
ancestry is overwhelmingly European. If
Strawberry. Thank you very much for that last point about the the
evidence was it was at University of Huddersfield. Did you say
autofill? Yes. Extraordinary. I didn't realize that they produced
such work. Very good. Excellent stuff. Well, thank you very much
Professor Elia Thai for your extraordinary work and sharing
some fascinating historical facts. This is not speculation.
Everything you said is based on actual reason and documented
evidence. So thank you very much, indeed. Thank you for having me.
And we'll leave it there. So until next time, salaam alaikum.