Ali Ataie – Our World Needs More Love & Mercy

Ali Ataie
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the upcoming gathering for a gathering for children to benefit from. They also talk about the holy prophet's teachings and the importance of seeking out those who have been harmed. The speaker also talks about a young man's reaction to a recent talk and the importance of not pretending to be a brother to avoid offense.

AI: Summary ©

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			has blessed this gathering indeed.
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			We have in our midst,
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			our teacher, Sheikh Yahia.
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			And we
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			like all of you, I came here to
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			benefit from him,
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			So we'll be hearing from him shortly.
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			Just to let you know, Stav Yahya,
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			a very young age after he became Muslim,
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			he went and sought out,
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			the lovers of Allah
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			He's met and studied with Sheikh Mohammed Al
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			who's a living
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			of God. He's a saint of God.
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			These people are real. This is a pre
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			modern man who's over a 100 years old.
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			Who's living today. Has
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			spent time with him, learned from his hand.
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			I went to Moritane just to catch a
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			from this man.
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			was able to catch one glance
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			from him. These people are
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			We need to seek them out.
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			After which, studied Yahya,
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			traveled in different places
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			to the Levant.
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			Went to Yemen.
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			In Yemen,
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			there's probably the highest concentration
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			of Ahlulbayt
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			in the world.
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			These are
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			and physical descendants of the holy prophet Muhammad.
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			So Sheikh Yahya's house is literally 3 houses
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			down from
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			Saydi Habib or Ma'am Habib.
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			House across the street from that house belongs
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			the Habib Ali Jifri.
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			In between them, there's daughter Mustafa. This is
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			instead Yahya's neighborhood.
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			These people are descendants
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			of Imam Hussain alaihis salam.
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			The one about whom the prophet said,
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			Hussain is from me. I am from Hussain.
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			And Hussain is the son of Imam Ali
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			Karamalahu Wa Ta.
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			The one about whom the prophet sallallahu alaihi
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			wa sallam said,
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			If I am your master, this Ali is
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			your master.
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			And Imam Ali is the husband
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			of Fatima al Zahra alaihis salam. The one
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			about whom the prophet shalallahu alaihi wasallam said,
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			Fatima is a piece of my flesh.
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			Whoever makes her angry has made me angry.
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			Whoever makes me angry has made Allah
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			And Fatima, of course, is the daughter of
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			the one about whom
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			said to him
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			We did not send thee as except as
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			a mercy
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			to all the worlds.
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			This is the legacy we have
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			with us tonight.
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			So we have to appreciate that. We really
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			have to thank Allah for
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			that. Because this is what the world needs
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			right now.
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			The world needs rahma.
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			I was at a junior college
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			a few months ago, and I gave this
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			kind of academic talk.
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			And, the lecture was entitled,
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			the true Islam revealed, not my choice of
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			But that's what they wanted to call it.
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			No pressure.
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			after about an hour and a half or
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			so going back and forth with the audience,
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			I noticed there was this man in the
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			who seemed to have a visceral reaction
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			to almost everything I was saying.
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			Like he was bothered by it. And at
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			one point, actually got up, like he was
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			going to storm out.
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			And then, I don't know, somebody came and
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			talked to him. He came and he sat
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			back down. I'm thinking to myself, what exactly
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			am I saying here? Right? What am I
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			saying wrong? I mean, I don't know what's
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			going on. It seemed like most people were
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			enjoying the talk.
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			Anyway, so then after the talk, we had
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			kind of set up on the stage. We
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			shared some halal KFC,
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			and this brother was there. He's an honest
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			one, dad.
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			we're talking just kind of casually
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			and somebody asked me a question about the
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			mercy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. I said,
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			yeah, you should never despair of the mercy
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			of Allah. So I've been passing.
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			I look over to this man and he
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			is in tears.
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			He's in tears.
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			And he said,
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			you know,
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			I was in the marines,
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			I just have to tell you that I've
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			killed many of your brothers.
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			I've killed many of your brothers. And he
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			said, most of what you said tonight, I
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			don't agree with.
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			But when you quoted
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			when you said that last thing, just in
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			casual conversation,
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			Do not do not despair
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			of the mercy of Allah
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			He said, I lost it and I started
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			to weep.
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			And at that point,
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			I froze. But,
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			there was a young brother in the MSA,
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			19, 20 years old,
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			who said to him, you're our brother.
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			He said, I've killed many of your brothers.
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			He said, you're our brother.
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			And that's the attitude we need to have
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			with people.
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			This is the attitude of the best of
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			creation. This
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			type of mercy
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			that is,
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala said in the verse,
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			We did not send you except.
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			So this is an ifbat, bada nafiq. We
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			have an affirmation
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			after negation.
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			This is very strong emphasis in the Arabic
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			We did not send you except as a
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			And this is indefinite.
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			It's indefinite,
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			meaning that
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			the mercy of the prophet is
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			beyond our comprehension.
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			It's beyond our comprehension. We cannot even fathom
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			His mercy. He's the greatest manifestation of Allah's
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