Ali Ataie – Jesus for Muslims

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The holy grail is the title of Jesus, and its use in Christian and Muslim psychology is important. Its historical significance is discussed, including its relation to the Bible and its use as the holy spirit. Tr Non-offering Christian's essence is a common belief among Catholics, Eastern settles, and historic Christian Christians. The message of Tr Non-offering Christ's essence is that it is a statement of those who disbelieved, who said Jesus is Christ, the son of Mary, but the Messiah said it was the greatest commandment. The title is a formal statement of individual's beliefs and is not a actual Christian source.
AI: Transcript ©
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Critique of Christianity

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becomes superfluous,

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becomes unnecessary.

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Now, when we look at Thomistic and Vasiliian

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virtue theory, in other words, Catholic

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and Muslim virtue theory.

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Yes, there are similarities and in fact,

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total agreement in major areas.

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But that's a true theory.

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For example,

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both Aquinas and Ghazali affirm the cardinal virtues

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courage, justice,

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temperance, and wisdom. Imam Ghazali calls these umaha'atul

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Both confirm Aristotle's method of habitus that one

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can acquire

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one or more of these virtues

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by disciplining the self.

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Many aspects of Muslim and Christian psychology are

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also similar or the same. This idea of

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emptying the soul or

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the of advice,

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adorning the soul with virtue,

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via illuminativa.

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There are clear parallels here.

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However, both theologies

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cannot be true

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at the same time.

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Principle of contradiction.

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Is God

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or he is not. It cannot be.

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And the same,

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it is raining

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or it's not. There is no third option.

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Principle of the excluded

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Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, is either

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God or he's not. No third option.

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And Christians don't believe that he's a demigod

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or half god. They believe that he's 100%

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They believe that he's 100% -and

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in light of the so called holiday season.

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Christology. The term, Christology basically refers to what,

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in this case,

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term Christology comes from Christ and logos.

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It is the study of the Messiah, study

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of al. Messeer Ades, and when we see

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study of

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Ade Es Salaam.

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And when we study Christology, there is what

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I call positive Christology

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positive Christology, which has two aspects

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for the mental note takers in. You can

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file this somewhere.

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Deal with what he is. What is I

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say that I'm referring to his very essence

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or nature.

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And then who he is

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referring to his particular identity.

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Therefore, there's also negative

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the Christians got right. There are things that

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that there are things that the Christians got

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There are also things that they got wrong.

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Here's the key.

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if our modern society considers it politically incorrect

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or socially uncouth

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to pass judgment on another person's religion or

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world view. These woke sentiments do not change

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the reality that there

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woke sentiments do not change the reality

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that there is truth and false.

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And that the Quran purports to reveal

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the truth.

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Man is a man. It can never be

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a woman,

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no matter how much you want to be

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a woman if you're a man. A woman

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is a woman.

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Truth is truth.

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Falsehood is false.

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The Quran says,

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The truth has come.

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You have to pardon my voice. I'm a

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little bit ill.

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The truth has come with a capital t,

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not my truth or your truth.

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The truth has

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alaihi wasallam, he repeated this ayah when he

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was smashing

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the idols. Sallallahu alaihi wasallam. He repeated this

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ayah when he was smashing the idols

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at the Kaaba in imitation of his forefather,

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the great iconoclast,

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our master Ibrahim Mari, it's a

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according to Imam Al Razi and Imam Al

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Tabari. This eye, more generally refers to the

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coming of the Quran. The more generally refers

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to the coming of the Quran,

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the coming of the final messenger Muhammad,

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and the establishment of Al Islam

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that it is the truth.

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It is he who has sent his messenger

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with guidance

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and the religion of truth.

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So let's begin with the first words of

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according to the Quran.

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We are told that when Mariam

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brought the infant

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carrying her carrying him in her arms

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Now, think about it. What can she possibly

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say to defend herself adequately?

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How can she talk herself

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out of this situation?

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By the way, there are some popular Muslim

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preachers and speakers

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popular on the internet.

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Don't even affirm

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Risa Islam was born from a virgin birth.

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This is something that the Quran clearly

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This is something that the, that Islam has

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in common with Christianity.

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This is something that the Quran has in

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common with the new testament.

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This explains the shock of her people

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when they saw the little baby.

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Oh, Mary, you've brought an amazing thing.

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Because they knew that she was unmarried.

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Elsewhere in the Quran, we are told that

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when Jibid Alaihi Salam came to Maria Maria

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Salam and gave her glad tidings,

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She said, how shall how shall this thing

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be when no man has touched me?

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And Jabeena Salaam's answer wasn't, oh, in a

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year or so,

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you're going to conceive a child with your

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Even so, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala creates whatever

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he wills.

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Whenever he decrees a matter, he merely says

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to it be and it is.

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So Mariam Alaihi Salam, the Quran says,

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that she merely pointed to

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indeed I am the servant of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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He has given me the revelation and has

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appointed me a prophet.

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And he has made me blessed, wheresoever I

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am. He has commanded me to pray and

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charity as long as I. And he's made

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me kind to my mother and not arrogant

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and then blah. And he's made me kind

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to my mother and not arrogant and then

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blah. Well,

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And it's made me kind to my mother

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and not arrogant and unblushed.

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So peace be upon me the day that

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I was born, the day that I die,

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and the day that I'm raised to life

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He says he points out 2 things here.

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He says that number 1, that Isa alaihis

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salaam was given the ability

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to speak with intelligence,

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with articulation as an infant

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in order to defend the chastity

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and honor of his mother.

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This is his first miracle in the Quran.

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His first miracle in the New Testament

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is mentioned in John chapter 2

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according to this source turns water into wine

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at a wedding.

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Allah in direct contradistinction

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to the Christian position

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that Jesus is a divine incarnation, meaning God

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in the

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Quran continues.

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That is Jesus, the son of Mary.

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It is a statement of truth about which

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they are vainly disputing.

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Imam Al Furtubi here, he says,

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depicting him as a human being, a Bashar,

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in all respects,

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yet endowed with revelation from Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. A human prophet. This is similar to

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how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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commands the

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to reveal about himself.

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Say, I am only a man like yourselves,

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but I receive revelation.

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The same phraseology

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is used for Isa Alaihi Salam.

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Christ, the son of Mary was no more

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than a messenger.

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Many were the messengers who passed away before

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him, and his mother was a truthful woman.

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Very interesting statement

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in the Quran.

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They both ate food. What's the argument here?

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That both of them, Aesalehi Salam and Mariam

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Aesalehi Salam, they're both dependent

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human beings.

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But with respect to Allah,

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well, who are you to earn more? What

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are you to

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He is the one who feeds

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and is never fed because Allah is an

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independent deity. Is an independent

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It's a reality. Salaam is a human profit.

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And this goes back to what I was

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saying earlier about the what and the who

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of Islamic Christology.

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What is a Isal Alai Salam essentially?

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A human being, a bashar.

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Who is he in particular?

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A prophet,

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a Nabi, a Rasul, a messenger.

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This is in direct opposition to the Christian

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to the Jewish and Christian narratives

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about Isa Alai Salam.

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profit on the other.

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The Quran affirms a middle position, if you

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He is a human prophet.

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Oh, people in the book don't go to

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extremes in your religion. And this eye is

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specifically with regards to crystology.

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Very interesting.

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There's an apocryphal saying of the prophet, sallallahu

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alaihi, sallam. Some of them is is a

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lot of weakness in this in this hadith,

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but, many of the ulama mentioned it. That

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not only did Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala compare

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Musa, Alayhi, Salam would say,

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but he compared to Isa, Alayhi, Salam, would

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is quoted to have said in

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which again is a very weak source, but

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very interesting. He says, 2 groups of people

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will be led astray because of me.

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The one who loves me so much

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that he lets his feelings

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get the better of his intellect.

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And this is the way which he leaves

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the truth.

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And the one who hates me so much

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that he lets his feelings get the better

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of his intellect.

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So he leaves the truth. Very interesting.

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So he is a human prophet, Isa Alaihi

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Salam. Now, interestingly,

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with in the accusative,

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with Qul in the nominative, Marfur. Both readings

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are authorized and authentic.

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It's a function of the 7 Ahruf of

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the Quran.

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If the latter,

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then Qulul Haq refers to Isa himself.

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That he, Isa,

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is the word of truth.

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The word of Al Haqq.

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Who is Al Haqq?

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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That is

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the word of God. This title is honorific.

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Since he was an infant.

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Thus, he is the word of God in

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this figurative and honorific sense. Just as the

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Kaaba is Baytullah,

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Not in a literal sense.

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In its honorific and figurative sense. An idafa

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of takrim

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and tashrif.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created Isa alaihi salam,

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and body and soul by willing his existence

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the divine

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and there he was.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says,

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala

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says, It is

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not befitting for Allah

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to beget a son or take a son.

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Glory to him.

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Whoever degrees a matter, he merely says to

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it be and it is. And then Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala quotes,

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Inna Allahu Rabii wa raku fabuduhada Siratal Mustaqim.

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Indeed Allah is my lord and your lord.

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This is a straight path. The Surah al

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Mustaqim according to Imam al Razi is between

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the tashbir, the anthropomorphism of Christians who have

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who have, made Allah a creature

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and the and

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transcendence of the Jews who have who have

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the divine sifaat of Allah

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This is a brilliant analysis

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by Imam Arazi, Barham Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala did not beget a son.

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That is to say, beget

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a son, a wallah in the physical sense,

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which is a Mormon belief,

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nor did he beget a son in the

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metaphysical sense.

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This claim that Allah generated or caused

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a sun from its very essence in pre

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Trinitarians are Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant.

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They claim that God is 3 distinct persons,

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Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

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who all share or participate in God's essence.

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Three particulars. One universal,

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co substantial.

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The second person, they say,

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incarnated into human flesh

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Iisalei Salam is essentially God

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yet in human appearance.

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God became man, they say.

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This is their belief.

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That's not all. They believe that God, in

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effect, killed himself

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in order to save people

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from his own

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This is why many Christians convert to Islam.

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In my experience,

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25 some odd years of interfaith work.

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This is a major reason why Christians

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become Muslim.

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Conscious won't allow them

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to believe that he's a

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who became man and was put to death.

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There's a tension internally they feel in their

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about such things.

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What is the Quran response to such things?

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It is a statement of those who disbelieved,

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who said, that indeed Allah is Christ,

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the son of Mary.

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But the Messiah

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Oh, children of Israel.

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in partners

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with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala,

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whoever says Allah shares his essence

00:17:49 --> 00:17:51

or attributes with other

00:17:51 --> 00:17:52

persons or hypostatic

00:17:53 --> 00:17:53


00:17:54 --> 00:17:56

however you want to frame it,

00:17:56 --> 00:17:58

Allah has forbidden such a person Jannah.

00:18:01 --> 00:18:03

And his final destination is the fire.

00:18:06 --> 00:18:08

There's no one to help the unbelievers.

00:18:08 --> 00:18:10

Now, we can't judge individuals

00:18:11 --> 00:18:12

because we don't know their hearts. We don't

00:18:12 --> 00:18:12

know their past trauma. We don't know their

00:18:12 --> 00:18:13

ends. We don't know their

00:18:14 --> 00:18:16

we don't know their ends, but we can

00:18:16 --> 00:18:17

certainly judge beliefs

00:18:18 --> 00:18:19

because we have ada foregone.

00:18:20 --> 00:18:21

This is the name of the Quran.

00:18:25 --> 00:18:25


00:18:26 --> 00:18:26

or incarnationalist

00:18:27 --> 00:18:28


00:18:29 --> 00:18:30

is not even,

00:18:30 --> 00:18:33

something that does not even agree with statements

00:18:33 --> 00:18:34

in the Bible.

00:18:35 --> 00:18:37

In Mark chapter 12, a man comes to

00:18:37 --> 00:18:39

Isa alaihis salam. This is a Christian source.

00:18:40 --> 00:18:42

He says, which is the greatest commandment?

00:18:43 --> 00:18:45

Isa alaihis salam, he quotes the Torah.

00:18:46 --> 00:18:47

Deuteronomy 64.

00:18:47 --> 00:18:50

Musaddi kalimabayni yadayamina Torah. The Quran tells us,

00:18:51 --> 00:18:53

Isa alaihis salam confirmed the theological aspects of

00:18:53 --> 00:18:55

the Torah for the most part.

00:18:56 --> 00:18:56

And Islam says,

00:19:01 --> 00:19:02

in the Hebrew.

00:19:02 --> 00:19:04

If I were to translate that to Arabic

00:19:04 --> 00:19:05

word for word, Isma'a'

00:19:06 --> 00:19:06


00:19:10 --> 00:19:11

He is Allah.

00:19:12 --> 00:19:12


00:19:13 --> 00:19:16

is and are exact cognates.

00:19:16 --> 00:19:17

This is the word

00:19:18 --> 00:19:18


00:19:19 --> 00:19:20


00:19:20 --> 00:19:22

in a Christian, txtra.

00:19:23 --> 00:19:24

Means 1.

00:19:27 --> 00:19:28

1 means 1.

00:19:28 --> 00:19:30

Man means man.

00:19:30 --> 00:19:33

Moon means moon. Stars means stars.

00:19:33 --> 00:19:35

Not 3 in 1.

00:19:35 --> 00:19:35


00:19:38 --> 00:19:39

Don't say

00:19:39 --> 00:19:40


00:19:42 --> 00:19:43

It is better for you.

00:19:46 --> 00:19:47

Your God is

00:19:47 --> 00:19:48


00:19:48 --> 00:19:51

And after 10, a Jewish lawyer comes to

00:19:52 --> 00:19:54

and he says, Good master, what must I

00:19:54 --> 00:19:55

do to gain eternal life?

00:19:56 --> 00:19:56

That is

00:19:57 --> 00:19:58


00:20:03 --> 00:20:05

Out of his out of his humility,

00:20:06 --> 00:20:08

Isai Islam does not even accept the title

00:20:08 --> 00:20:09

of good,

00:20:09 --> 00:20:11

let alone God. And And then he says

00:20:11 --> 00:20:13

to the man, follow the commandments,

00:20:14 --> 00:20:16

and you shall enter the life. Salvation is

00:20:16 --> 00:20:17

through following

00:20:17 --> 00:20:18

the commandments.

00:20:19 --> 00:20:20

This is very different than what you hear

00:20:20 --> 00:20:21

from Paul

00:20:21 --> 00:20:22

and for most Christians.

00:20:23 --> 00:20:25

Christianity, by and large, is Pauline,

00:20:26 --> 00:20:27

Greco, Roman, Christianity,

00:20:29 --> 00:20:30

and Roman,

00:20:31 --> 00:20:32

in order for you to be saved,

00:20:33 --> 00:20:35

you must confess with your mouth

00:20:35 --> 00:20:36

Jesus is Lord

00:20:37 --> 00:20:39

and believe in your heart that God raised

00:20:39 --> 00:20:41

him from the dead. That's not what Eisai

00:20:41 --> 00:20:44

Le Salaam says according to Mark Chapter 10.

00:20:44 --> 00:20:46

's Christian. He says, follow the

00:20:46 --> 00:20:46

commandments. And then 2 chapters later in Mark

00:20:46 --> 00:20:47

chapter 12,

00:20:51 --> 00:20:52


00:20:53 --> 00:20:56

God with all my heart, soul, and strength.

00:21:08 --> 00:21:12

And that's Islam. Imam Arasi said, what is

00:21:12 --> 00:21:12


00:21:16 --> 00:21:17

And that's Islam.

00:21:18 --> 00:21:20

Imam Arazi said, what is Islam?

00:21:26 --> 00:21:29

Worshiping the creator and showing compassion and mercy

00:21:29 --> 00:21:29

towards his towards his creation. People say God

00:21:29 --> 00:21:30

in Islam is not loving.

00:21:31 --> 00:21:34

People say God in Islam is not loving.

00:21:35 --> 00:21:37

I don't know it or on their reading.

00:21:38 --> 00:21:40

Ar Rahman Al Rahim.

00:21:41 --> 00:21:44

You know what this means? The indiscriminately

00:21:44 --> 00:21:45


00:21:46 --> 00:21:47

and the intimately loving.

00:21:49 --> 00:21:51

And that translation doesn't begin to do it

00:21:51 --> 00:21:52


00:21:54 --> 00:21:55

This is mentioned

00:21:56 --> 00:21:58

twice in the first three verses

00:21:58 --> 00:21:59

of the

00:22:02 --> 00:22:03


00:22:06 --> 00:22:07

3 ayats mentioned twice.

00:22:08 --> 00:22:09

What do you want it to be in

00:22:09 --> 00:22:10

every eye?

00:22:11 --> 00:22:13

Also, in the total, numbers

00:22:14 --> 00:22:14


00:22:15 --> 00:22:17

I teach this to my students. Three words,

00:22:19 --> 00:22:20

in Hebrew.

00:22:20 --> 00:22:21

God is not a man.

00:22:22 --> 00:22:24

This is what it says.

00:22:26 --> 00:22:27

God is not a man that you should

00:22:27 --> 00:22:30

lie. The Christian response is, well, Jesus was

00:22:30 --> 00:22:32

God, and he never lied. But that's not

00:22:32 --> 00:22:33

the meaning of the verse.

00:22:34 --> 00:22:37

According to Rabbi Abahu of Caesarea, the meaning

00:22:37 --> 00:22:39

is whoever claims to be God,

00:22:40 --> 00:22:42

whatever man claims to be God, he is

00:22:42 --> 00:22:43

a liar.

00:22:45 --> 00:22:48

Interestingly, there's no single statement in any canonical

00:22:48 --> 00:22:51

gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John or

00:22:51 --> 00:22:54

is reported to have said, I am God.

00:22:54 --> 00:22:55

It doesn't exist.

00:22:55 --> 00:22:58

Also, in Hosea 119, it says it says

00:22:58 --> 00:23:00

that God said to the prophet Hosea,

00:23:03 --> 00:23:06

in the Hebrew, indeed, I am Allah and

00:23:06 --> 00:23:07

not a man.

00:23:08 --> 00:23:09

These two entities,

00:23:10 --> 00:23:11

God and man

00:23:11 --> 00:23:12

are mutually

00:23:12 --> 00:23:13


00:23:13 --> 00:23:16

God is God and man is man. There's

00:23:16 --> 00:23:17

so much more to say.

00:23:18 --> 00:23:19

But I'll leave it here for the sake

00:23:19 --> 00:23:21

of time and the sake of my voice.

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