Ali Ataie – Fasting is Not a Muslim Invention The History of the Fast

Ali Ataie
AI: Summary ©
The concept of fasting is discussed, including its use in religion, timing, and personal experiences. It is also highlighted in modern Christian culture where it is common. Fasting is a common practice among Christians, which reduces fat intake, risks cancers, and heart disease. It is confirmed in research that it reduces bad cholesterol levels and blood sugar.
AI: Transcript ©
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That fasting has been prescribed upon you just

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as it was prescribed upon those before you,

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that perchance they may have taqwa of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So, there's an axiom amongst the ulama that

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says, a thing is known by its objective,

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and the objective of fasting is to gain

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taqwa, therefore fasting is a highly exalted thing.

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we become conscious of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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through our fasting, And part of being conscious

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of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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is to be conscious of our fellow creature,

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our fellow man. And this increases empathy. When

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we fast, we

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experience what it's like not to have food.

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And people live like this on a daily

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basis. And when we increase our empathy, we

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increase in our compassion.

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And when our compassion increases, we become like

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the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, which Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala describes him by saying,

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You're almost killing yourself grieving over them, that

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he is harisun alaykum, that he's deeply concerned

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about us. So this is something that we

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need to inform our non Muslim friends and

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neighbors, that fasting is not something that comes

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out of thin air. It's not something that

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Islam invented, or that the Quran invented. That

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fasting has deep Abrahamic roots. In fact, the

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word for fasting in Hebrew and in Syriac,

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which are the languages of Musa alayhi salam

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and Isa alayhi salam respectively, The word for

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fasting is also som. It's pronounced exactly the

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same. It is an exact cognate of the

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Arabic. And this word is mentioned dozens of

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times in the Old Testament. For example, David

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writes in the Psalms, chapter 35, verse 13.

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He says, Ineti but Psalm nefshi.

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He says, I have disciplined or I have

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humbled my soul through fasting.

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Not only is fasting found deeply rooted within

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the Abrahamic tradition, but the Prophet

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typologies are also found within the books of

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Ahlul Kitab. Of course we know the events

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that happened during the month of Ramadan,

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during Leiratul Qadr. Allah says,

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that this night of power is greater than

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a 1000 months. We read in proto Isaiah

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chapter 2912,

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he says, The book shall be given to

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1 lo yada'asayfar,

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he doesn't know a book, meaning he's unlettered.

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And it shall be said to him, qira'

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which is the exact

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cognate of the Arabic iqra, present active imperative.

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Read and he shall answer, lo yada'ati safer.

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I don't know a book, I am unlettered.

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This is what it says in the book

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of Isaiah, chapter 29, verse 12. This lateratulqadr

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was prophesized in the books of Ahlul Kitab.

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Of course we know when the prophet

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when he went to Madinatul Munawara, and the

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Jews were fasting on Yawmi Ashura, he said

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Mahadah, in other words why are you doing

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this? And they said this is to commemorate

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the exodus of Musa alaihis salam from the

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Fir'awn and the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. He

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said we have a greater claim to Musa

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alaihis salam. And interestingly back then,

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the day of Ashura

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corresponded exactly

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with the 9th, with the 10th day of

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the 1st month of the Hebrew calendar, which

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is called Asarebi Tishri. And this is also

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known as Yom Kippur. This is the holiest

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day of the Jewish calendar.

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And after the Christian era, the Jews began

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to use a leap month every so often,

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every 3 or 4 years, to put their

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calendar more in line with the Gregorian Christian

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calendar. But Muslims continue to fast on the

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true authentic

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Yom Kippur. This is something we should tell

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our non Muslim

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friends and neighbours about. We read in Matthew

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chapter 4

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that he went to the wilderness just before

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the Injeel, the gospel was revealed to him.

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And Matthew writes in the original Greek, he

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That he fasted

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for 40 days

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40 nights. Isa

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We have to let people know that Isa

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fasted. This is a confirmed practice of Isa

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and of course devout Christians will fast during

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this 40 day period, which begins on Ash

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Wednesday and Good Friday, this is called Lent,

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that Isa also did. And of course, Isa

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is mimicking the fast of Musa

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according to the Torah, he fasted 40 days

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40 nights on Mount Sinai. Allah

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that we gave 40 nights to Musa

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in the great medieval Jewish theologian

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systematic scholar Namanides, he said that Musa alaihis

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salam during this time he neither ate nor

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did he drink. And this happened over a

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40 day period. So the number 40 is

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very significant

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in salvation history, and this is something we

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should inform people about as well. That the

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he was preserved from idolatry

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for 40 years before the Quran was revealed

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to him on laylatul qadr, which by the

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way again was prophesized in the book of

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Isaiah chapter 29. There's also an interesting document

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called the Didike. Didache means teaching in Greek.

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This was written around the time 100 or

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so of the common era. The Didache is

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believed by many pre Nicene church fathers, patristic

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scholars, as being authentically from the disciples of

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and many scholars believe it was actually originally

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written in Syriac, the language of Isai

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to the gentile believers.

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And what does it say? It says Christians

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are expected to fast 2 days a week.

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Christians fast 2 days a week. And of

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course the

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prophet he used to fast regularly on Mondays

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Thursdays as well. So this is something that

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we've inherited from our Abrahamic

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In Matthew chapter 6 verse 16 through 18,

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it's very very clear, Isa

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during the sermon on the mount, he says

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whenever you fast,

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don't be like the hypocrites who walk around

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groggy and they're tired. He says wash your

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head, anoint your face

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because your father in heaven And when he

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says your father in heaven,

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he means your spiritual father. This has nothing

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to do whatsoever with God being the literal

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father of anyone. This is still found in

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Jewish liturgy even today, when Isa alaihis salam

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taught his disciples how to pray. According to

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Matthew chapter 6, in the Syriac language, he

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Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be

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thy name. All of us. But this idea

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was corrupted by Christian theology, therefore we don't

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call Allah our

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father. But when it occurs in the Old

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Testament, it's meant to be like rub. He

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is our rub. He is our sustainer. He

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is our cherisher. So he says, when you

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fast, do it in secret so your father

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in heaven will reward you in secret. And

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this reminds us, of course, of the beautiful

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hadith Khutsi, which the prophet

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tells us that Allah

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That every act of the son of Adam

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is for himself except fasting.

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That is for me, and I will reward

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my servant. And the reward of Allah

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is manifold, without any parameters.

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There's no storehouses of Allah

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He gives and gives and gives,

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There are also health benefits of fasting that

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we should convey to our non Muslim friends

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and neighbors. Fasting reduces our caloric intake, It

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reduces the risk of obesity, which is the

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number one killer of Americans, even more so

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than heart disease, obesity.

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Also, it's confirmed in research that fasting reduces

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the risk of cancer and heart disease and

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diabetes. It slows the aging process.

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It increases the maximum lifespan of a human

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being. Doctor Mark P. Matson, who's chief of

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at the National Institute of Aging, he says

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fasting every other day, which is called intermittent

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fasting. Intermittent fasting. Of course, we know this

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as being the fast of Dawud alaihis salam.

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And the Prophet

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he said the most beloved type of siam

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to Allah

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is the fast of Dawood alaihis salam. Now

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we have this doctor Mattson saying that fasting

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every other day has major major health benefits

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and includes a significant reduction of bad cholesterol

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in the blood. May Allah

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increase all of us and accept our fasting

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for his sake.

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