Ali Ataie – Clarity in an Age of Confusion
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses various secret societies and their history, including the JFK assassination, the Jersey 5 or 4, and the Bohemian Grove and Tr) Commission. The segment also touches on the issue of transhumanism and the lack of empathy towards Muslims. The speakers emphasize the need to stop owning things and find out who is involved in the crime of the Boston bombing, and advise people to be reflective and do their due diligence before making a public statement. The segment also touches on the conflict between the two faiths of the modern state of Israel and the modern state of Israel, and provides advice on proper research and learning from deeper research.
AI: Summary ©
Thank you very much, for,
a your courage in pursuing the truth. The
911 truth movement is nonpartisan.
It's nondenominational.
These it makes it it consists of people
who want to know the truth as to
what happened on 911,
the ultimate blood libel against the Muslim Ummah
that is being used to justify
endless war.
So in this movement, there are blacks, there
are whites, there are,
Jews, Muslims, or atheists. So I'll say a
few things.
I'm not a an expert in on this
topic. I've just done some independent research, and
I like to share some of the things
that I've, discovered, some of the stuff you
already know. But as the Quran says, remind
the believers because,
reminders benefit believers.
Not false flag operations, as mister Jenkins had
mentioned, goes back 1000 of years. Probably the
first documented case of a false flag was
done by the emperor Nero, a Roman emperor
who died in 66 of the common era,
who wanted to rebuild
sections of Rome.
So he had his own men set fire
to those sections and then blame a religious
minority living in Rome.
And those that minority were the Christians,
so they were persecuted.
They were turned into lampposts. They were dipped
in wax and and hung in the streets
and lit on fire.
Hitler, of course,
notorious for the false flag operation,
operation Himmler, one of his generals,
who used to,
dress some of his soldiers,
in different Darb as communists, attack,
military bases,
in order to swing public opinion towards war
against Poland.
Hitler's men set fire to the right stag
parliamentary buildings
and then blame the communist justifying war against
the communist,
to the,
the populace.
Of course, we heard about 1898, the USS
Right? Remember the Maine to * with Spain?
The Gulf of Tonkin ex incident that didn't
actually happen.
Lyndon Johnson goes in front of congress and
says, our, quote, our boys are floating in
the water.
Total lie. Never happened.
3,000,000 Vietnamese are dead.
Americans are dead.
This is something that's happened. I called it
a blood libel.
The original blood libel was in Europe when,
the there was a rumor started
Jewish women kill Christian children, take their blood,
and use it when they cook the unleavened
And I think, well, that's just obviously false.
This spread like wildfire fire. It led to
exiles of Jews from European countries over and
over again. It led to pogroms
Jewish communities
that led to Holocaust.
You have something called the desecration of the
host. You find Christian art depicting this a
a rumor
that rabbis would sneak into the Catholic Church
and steal the showbread, which was literally literally
the the the flesh of Jesus according to
Catholic doctrine, according to the doctrine of transubstantiation.
They would steal this bread, take it back
to the synagogue, and stab it in order
to kill Jesus once again, a total lie
that led to massive,
persecution of the Jews eventually led to holocaust,
in Europe. For the notetakers, just a few
books that I recommend on this topic,
Webster Tarpley, 911,
Synthetic Terror,
Extreme prejudice, Susan Lindauer,
terror conspiracy, Jim Mars. He was in the
video that which that, Ken showed.
David Ray Griffin, the seminal critique
of the official conspiracy
theory. The official
story is a conspiracy.
19 hijackers taking orders from a man in
a cave is, by definition, a conspiracy.
That's called the New Pearl Harbor, crossing the
Rubicon, Michael Rupert.
So I just wanna mention a few things
here just sort of by way of, I
don't know, rapid fire, but,
several of the hijackers
are alive.
1 of them held a press conference
in Morocco.
His name was Waleed Ashihari.
The BBC covered it.
The American press ignored it.
The FBI has let has yet to revise
their 19 hijacker list
building 7 as we heard a 47 story
steel frame building collapsing into its own footprint
at free fall speed. We heard of the
leaseholder, Larry Silverstein.
That was his name. He,
was interviewed in a PBS
documentary in 2002,
where he said,
you know, the fire the the fire marshal
came to me and said, you know, we've
had so much loss of life.
Why don't we go ahead and pull it
end quote?
And of course to pull a building
and in demo nomenclature
means to bring it down by controlled demolition
And in fact the building was obviously rigged
it came down to free fall speed. It
was never hit by a plane
This was probably the command center. You know,
the CIA and the
NSA, the,
the Secret Service,
Giuliani, all of these people and entities had
offices in that building.
The evidence is destroyed on that day. It
could have waited a week or something.
But, no, it was it was taken down
the same day.
There was something in popular mechanics,
people who, believe in the official conspiracy theory
keep pointing out to the truthers that there
was an article in Popular Mechanics
apparently, they sort of prove from a engineering
standpoint that it's possible for a building to
come down like that. What people don't know,
and Jim Mars actually points this out, is
that there was this total housecleaning of Popular
Mechanics just before 911.
And the person that they brought in to
head up the new,
to head it up, the Popular Mechanics, was
a man named Benjamin Chertoff.
And, of course, we know his cousin, Michael
was the head of Homeland Security
during 911.
Michael Chertoff was on CNN one time, and
somebody called in and said to him,
when are you gonna do a real investigation
of 911? And he said, you know what?
What you just said to me is worse
than holocaust denial.
So this is something that they want to
frame as some sort of sacred narrative.
It's blasphemy. How dare you talk about that?
Right? We can't fall for that.
They wanna use these, like, thought stoppers,
conspiracy theorists, blasphemy,
holocaust. So you stop thinking, oh, I don't
wanna be a holocaust denier.
We can't fall for that. So Jim Mars
actually said that
they contacted,
Popular Mechanics,
and a a a reporter contacted them and
said, is is Michael Chertoff, like, related to
you or something? They asked Benjamin Chertoff.
He said, no. I don't know what you're
talking about. So then a reporter called his
right, Benjamin Chertoff's mother. And she says, yeah.
He's he's our cousin.
He's our cousin.
Susan Lindauer is one of these
whistleblowers, I guess you can say. We all
know about,
what's that guy in Russia?
Edward Snowden.
Right? Is it Snowden?
So Susan Lindauer was a former CIA agent,
and she actually,
has the dates as to when the buildings
were rigged. If you listen to her,
you can actually find it on YouTube,
where she says that in late August, early
starting at 3 o'clock in the morning, several
vans will pull up to the World Trade
Center Twin Towers, and they had security access,
go into the building and have and perform
maintenance on the elevators.
This could probably explain why there was nanothermite,
found in the wreckage. We'll probably talk about
that in a minute.
Something that's pointed out here, and I, recommend
taking or purchasing these that, Ken was nice
enough to bring to us,
that there wasn't a 9/11 commission form until
days after the event.
Whereas the JFK assassination,
and other things like that, it was basically
almost immediately.
And they appointed as head of the commission
Henry Kissinger,
who is sort of the master of the
cover up.
And then, of course, the Jersey what do
they call the Jersey 5 or 4 or
something like that, a group of, of women
who lost their husbands,
in the attack.
They, protested,
and then Philip Zelikow
was made the
the director. And, of course, Philip Zelikow is
a Bush insight man.
He authored a book with Condoleezza Rice.
And, of course, he made a decision decision
as to what gets into the 911 commission
report. And, of course, there is zero mention
of building 7 in the entire report,
not even a footnote
about building 7.
From a sort of mystical or spiritual standpoint,
you know, the numbers 9 and 11, you
know, they're these are sort of,
sacred or holy numbers for Satanists,
because 10 represents
perfection or God.
is near perfection. You skip over god, and
then 1 +1 equals god with an equal
as they see it. They also like the
number 13.
I'm not a numerologist, but these are things
that people point out that these secret cabals,
you know, that do these types of things.
It's not just about politics and controlling
resources. They actually believe in some sort of,
some some principalities of power, as Paul would
that empowers them. There there many of them
are part of secret societies that we don't
know about,
the Bohemian Grove where they go stand in
front of an owl and supplicate to it,
the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission. There's many
of these types of secret societies that JFK
said are repugnant to a free and open
According to eyewitness reports,
the planes that flew into the trade centers,
They were
blue, and they were military aircraft. That's so
describe the planes.
An hour or so later, they fall at
free fall
speed, 0 resistance.
Those buildings have 48 central steel columns. The
building is indestructible,
yet they fell at free fall speed, and
yet an FBI agent finds a passport in
the rubble in pristine condition.
That is called a Marjaza.
That's a miracle
or karama,
you know, technically.
Here's a passport. Muhammad Atta. What do you
The concrete was pulverized.
was found.
Shape charges were used or diagonal cuts,
at the bottom of some of the steel,
There was a river of molten steel under
the trade center rubble
that flowed for 8 weeks at 23 100
It takes
to melt steel
to the point where a building could collapse
at free fall speed. You need about 23100
That's that's the temperature, 23100 degrees.
It is physically impossible
for jet fuel
to get that hot.
It is impossible. It's just against physics.
It can burn at 1800 degrees maximum.
So the jet fuel was aided with a
which is military grade, only made in a
few places in the world.
There was a professor,
at BYU.
His name was, doctor,
Steven Jones,
and he wrote an academic paper
the presence of nanothermite
in the dust of the trade center.
He did not conclude at the end, well,
I think it was a false flag or
this or that group did it. He just
said his conclusion was, it is
mix jet fuel, put in some concrete, mix
in, you know, a few papers, a desk,
and a stapler, and mix it all together.
Oh, what do you know? Nanothermite.
That is impossible.
It's just not possible.
And, of course, billing 7, as I said,
is not in the official report. There's no
evidence of a plane hitting the Pentagon
at all.
There are thousands of cameras in and around
the Pentagon,
thousands of the most heavily guarded building in
the world. Have you seen a single
shot of a plane going into the Pentagon?
Supposed to be an 80 ton plane, a
100 ton plane flying 10 feet off the
ground, barreling into the Pentagon at 300 miles
an hour. Where's your plane?
It's a 9 foot hole in the Pentagon.
You know, this this plane has twin engines
that are 6 tons
a piece.
Steel and titanium,
What's the official story?
It vaporized.
A plane vaporized?
You know the Columbia is a space shuttle.
It was flying in space. It exploded. There
were discernible body parts of astronauts on the
earth in several states.
Human body parts do not vaporize in our
atmosphere, but a plane traveling 5 feet off
the ground with a 6 ton steel titanium
engine It's the building vaporized.
This man who flew this plane, apparently, Hani
he performed a 330
degree turn
while dropping simultaneously
7,000 feet at 500 miles an hour.
That is nearly impossible.
This man apparently couldn't handle a Cessna
in August of the same year.
So Hanulah.
Maybe he's receiving some sort of
inspiration or something. Marjizayani.
There was a document called, this is what
Ken mentions here too, September 2000.
There's a document called rebuilding America's defenses,
an organization called PNAC.
The program is a program for a new
American century.
The project for the new American century, Jizak
Al Hakaren. A,
a plan for establishing American hegemony.
They say, quote, we need a new Pearl
Harbor. We need full spectrum
Who's in this group? Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz.
All these people come into power later on
that year.
there's massive confusion
in the Muslim Ummah.
How do we interpret these types of things
in light of our eschatological
There's a hadith of the prophet
He said, sallallahu alaihi salam, he said there
will come a time upon the people when
the perseverance amongst them with respect to his
religion will be as if he's trying to
clutch onto a burning cinder.
Now it's very difficult to be patient with
respect to your religion of Islam during the
end of time. People are losing patience.
People need to work on on their relationship
so they can put these things. They can
look at these things through a lens of
faith and know what to do with them.
It's very important.
He said Indeed, this religion began as something
It will return
to be strange. So glad tidings
to the strangers.
Glad tidings to the strangers. They think it's
strange. Oh, you guys, you don't date. You
don't drink alcohol.
You wear this stuff on your heads, and,
you know, you don't party. You don't commit
fornication. That's strange for people, right? Be of
good cheer. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
said at the end of time, the Bukhari
and Muslim, there is going to be something
called Al Haraj.
Al Haraj. And the Sahaba said, Ma Al
And he said,
katl. Katl.
What is Haraj? And he said, massive bloodshed
massive bloodshed.
The 20th century, 100,000,000
have died in the 20th century. I thought
technology was supposed to
improve our lives, improve the human condition,
make us more,
This idea of transhumanism,
this marriage of biology and technology is really
draining us of our empathy. When we watch
fake death on video games and movies, and
then we actually see someone suffering, we can't
separate the 2 in our minds. We don't
have empathy anymore. We don't have compassion anymore.
We're not human anymore.
This is why massive killing and bloodshed,
This is why
massive killing and bloodshed. He said,
The one who is killing doesn't even know
why he's killing.
I told the story before. I was at
a junior college one time. I gave a
talk there. There was a non Muslim guy
there who was in the marines. He was
He heard my talk. He got it up
at one point. He was gonna throw the
chair at me, I thought. But then afterwards,
he sat down, and he and we have
some halal KFC,
and he was just listening
to the informal q and a. I said
something, I looked at him, he's crying.
So he said to me, you know, I
don't agree with anything you said.
But one thing you said I agree with.
I said, what's that? He said he said,
you said that
it is impermissible to despair of God's mercy,
and I agree with that.
And then he said, I have to confess.
I've killed many of your brothers.
Do you think God will forgive me? And
I explained to him, Tobah, God forgives everything.
If there's there's requisites,
god forgives everything. If it's sincere and there's
an Azima, there's a firm resolve not to
return to it, god will forgive you. He
said, yeah, but they were children.
So I said, why did you do it?
And he said, I was ordered to.
And I said, so what? Why did you
do it? And he said, I don't know.
I don't know.
Broke down. I don't know. I mean, 22
a day commit suicide. 22 veterans a day.
It's almost 1 an hour around the clock.
In Lafayette where I live, there's this hill
with these white crosses and the number of,
servicemen killed in action. It says 7,001.
That number is more than tripled of servicemen
killing themselves
in America, killing themselves, taking out their kids
murder, suicide.
This happens around the clock
every single day.
The killer doesn't even know why he's killing.
And then the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
The one being killed was in no eyes
killed. Like this thing I saw on
satellite television, a man in Afghanistan,
some remote place in Afghanistan, he leaves a
mosque to get some water,
a bomb drops on the masjid killing all
the children studying in the masjid.
They interviewed him. Why did this happen?
I don't know. They're looking for so and
so, name drop. Have you heard of him?
I've never heard of him. Why does that?
I don't know.
The one being killed has no idea why
he's being killed.
This is a fitna of our age.
You know, Imam Zayed mentioned something interesting. He
said since Sandy Hook, 90,000
people have died of gun violence in this
of them were killed by Muslims,
not 25%,
25, and that's 25 too many.
But the way that Islam is presented is
that Islam is violent.
It's Islam that's the problem.
Islam is inherently evil. Mahdi Hassan makes a
point. He's at Oxford. He says, you know,
if if there were 16,000
suicide bombers in the world, which there are
not, But let's just say there's 16,000 suicide
by a small town of suicide bombers in
the world. He said that's 0.00001%
of the Muslim Ummah, and you're gonna tell
me Islam is inherently violent? It's a non
sequitur argument.
You'll be laughed out in out of a
philosophy or a logic class,
laugh you out of the class.
You know that 73%
of American servicemen identify themselves as Christian,
and every so often,
there are lootings, there are rapings,
there's torture, there's bombings, unjustified invasions. Am I
going to say, oh, 73 percent? That's because
is inherently violent.
No. Of course not, even though it's 73%.
When point 0 0 1 percent of Muslims
are suicide bombers, if there are 16,000 which
there are not. Islam is the problem.
25 out of 90,000. Who's doing the killing?
Kevin Barrett says 6% of Muslims
of terrorist attacks in America are done by
7% by Jewish elements, 21%
by Catholic elements,
Latino Catholic, and the vast majority
by non Muslim white people,
the vast, vast majority. Just call it Kevin
Barrett. He's white himself.
Yet Islam is the problem.
Very interesting.
So we have to look at these things
in perspective.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi salam, he also said
people will belie a siddiq and believe a
People will belie
a truthful one,
and believe a
perpetual liar. Kadab is intensive,
someone who's always lying.
You have this guy going, I saw 1,000
and 1,000
of Muslims in New Jersey.
1000, quote, 1,000 upon 1,000.
Where did celebrating 911. Where did he see
Did he have, like were Muslims in a
football stadium or something and watching on the
big screen? And, yeah,
What what the heck is this guy talking
And the people coming out, yeah. I saw
it too.
I believe him. He's a good man.
1,000 upon 1,000. Right? In Hadith and Ahmad,
the prophet
said there will come a time upon the
people, but nothing will matter,
nothing will benefit.
Scott DeCarlo,
the arresting officer.
So here's what happened.
Across the river in New Jersey, there are
5 men
standing on a van videotaping
the attacks on the trade centers
before the first plane hit. They're standing on
their roof. They got their video camera.
Boom. Yeah.
Again, boom.
So these people in the apartment building,
they call the cops. There are some people
over here. They're videotaping this attack that's going
on right now. They're speaking Middle Eastern.
It was Middle Eastern, but it wasn't Arabic.
It was Hebrew.
So these guys were in a van called
Urban Moving Systems.
This is a front company
of the Mossad,
They were arrested by officer Scott DeCarlo who
has done 2 or 3 interviews in 14
Very quick. I don't really wanna talk about
it. I don't really wanna talk about it.
I don't really wanna talk about this. I
don't wanna talk about this.
or coached
by the FBI for months, released back to
Israel. They went on a show in Israel.
The guy on the show asked him point
blank, what were you doing there? Quote, we
were there to document the event,
end quote.
You can look it up.
We were there to document the event. I'm
just giving to you facts.
This is what happened. This is not an
urban myth.
This is what happened, the 5 dancing Israelis.
You know, the first Gulf War
is something that the video didn't touch upon.
What got us into the what was one
of the you know how they they wanna
pull on the heartstrings.
So here's what happened apparently. The Iraqi army
attacked a hospital in Kuwait.
Right? And
they took babies out of incubators
and threw them on the ground.
One of the nurses named Naira Asaba,
she goes into congress
with tears.
She's 15 years old.
They took the babies out
and they threw them on the ground,
and, you know, it's just it's terrible. And
then you have h w Bush. They took
the babies out of the incubators.
And so the American public is watching this.
They're going, oh, man. These Iraqi
you know, these are terrorists.
Well, turns out, Nayira is the daughter of
the Kuwaiti ambassador
who took acting lessons that were paid for
by the CIA.
children in Iraq are dead.
1,000,000 children
in Iraq are dead.
They find these containers in the desert. They
pick them up and fill them up with
water and drink from them.
You know?
Birth defects,
depleted uranium,
1,000,000 dead because of what this and she's
a child. She was coached, obviously,
living in DC.
She recanted. Yeah. Maybe her maybe her conscience
caught up to her. At least she didn't
have duping delight. You know? Like, they interviewed
the the daughter of this, you know, Iranian
lady that was supposedly shot at San Bernardino.
And she's like,
my mother said she might go away.
I lied about the WMDs.
Robin Cook,
Nafeez Ahmed mentions he was in the video
a couple of times. He mentioned that Robin
Cook spilled all the beans
about Al Qaeda.
He said, you know, Al Qaeda, you know
what it is? He said, it's a database.
It's a computer database
of soldiers that CIA and Mi 6 trained.
It's it's their names in a computer database.
That's called Al Qaeda
Al Qaeda.
That's the reality of Al Qaeda. Because there's
reality and there's fantasy
just like Santa Claus.
There was a guy named Saint Nick. He
was some Christian saint that lived in Egypt
or North Africa in the 4th century or
something. He was very kind to children. He
died, and he's gone. That's the reality of
Saint Nick. But then there's other Saint Nick.
There's this guy. He's got a long white
beard. He sits in a sleigh. He's got
8 tiny reindeer,
Rudolph in the front.
Rudolph with a red nose.
Flies around, goes down your chimney, gives you
gifts. He always miss my house because, I
don't know, I'm I'm a infidel or something,
I guess.
Oh, we missed my house. I was like,
what's up with Santa?
Man, straight racist.
anyway, that's so there's Al Qaeda, which is
a database that was trained by the FBI.
you know, he went down there. There's video
of him. You can find this on the
Internet. You guys are fighting for God. We're
gonna train you Brzezinski.
Look up that name, Jimmy Carter's national security
adviser and Obama's national security adviser.
Oh, yeah.
So there's that the real Al Qaeda, and
then there's the Al Qaeda where people, you
know, they watch television. That's the main form
of of not only entertainment, but apparently education,
religious pedagogy for most people. So they watch
these shows. You know, the Muslim next door
could be Al Qaeda.
The Muslims hate us
because we play baseball.
They hate baseball.
Our women drive.
That's why they hate us. They drive cars.
We eat hot dogs with our left hands.
They hate us.
Al Qaeda.
know, Robin Cook said, and he's recently deceased,
that it was a database.
He also said,
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, sudden death will
be common
And many of the ulama, they they mentioned
here like bombs and bullets.
In the 23 year ministry of the prophet
sallallahu alaihi sallam,
It's interesting because you have these neocon guys,
Pat Robertson, these right wing Christian evangelicals who,
when they talk about the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam, they say, oh, the prophet of death
and violent and so on and so forth.
What Hassan al Nadawi says, 1,018
casualties in 23 years in battle,
men in battle, 700 from the enemy, 300
Muslims in all of the Hazawat.
All of the military campaigns of the prophet,
all the casualties were 1,018.
Any people on TV condemning him, calling him,
you know, violent and things like that, these
are the same people who still to this
day will not admit that dropping a bomb
on 100,000
was wrong,
Subhanallah, the greatest one of the greatest crimes
against humanity,
little boy and fat man. This is what
Truman called them,
little boy and fat man.
I mentioned this in the one time I
was here. There was a man at the
battle of Uhud, a mushrik, an enemy of
the Muslims named Abdullah ibn Khamiyah,
who wanted to kill the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wasallam. So he's on he has his spear
in his hand. He's on his horse. He
sees the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam at
a distance. He charges towards him. A woman
comes and stands in front of him with
a sword. He stops dead in his tracks.
You will not kill a woman on the
This man who wants to kill the prophet,
who who is resolved upon the most evil
intentions in the history of humanity has the
has the decency,
the chivalry not to kill a woman on
the battlefield.
Yet you have so called 3rd 1st world
nations dropping bombs on sleeping populations of 1,000
of men, women, and children.
It's called realpolitik.
There's no ethics in this type of warfare.
Whatever benefits us, that we're that's what we're
going to do. We needed to end the
war. Well, no. That's you know, if you
read Truman's diary, it's very clear. The Japanese
economy was shot because of the oil embargo
that was imposed upon them by FDR.
They're not gonna they don't you don't need
to do that, but they did it anyway.
Human guinea pigs, we need to test these
weapons. We need to test it on human
Where was this project born?
The Manhattan Project, anyone?
Up the hill?
The Bohemian Grove.
The Bohemian Grove. That's where it was first
The Bohemian Grove. Please Google it.
The Bohemian
You owe yourself. You must know this.
Here's something interesting else also. The prophet,
said there will come a time when the
Ummam, the nations, this is in Abu Dawood
and Beihabi,
will invite each other to the slaughter of
like they're inviting each other to a banquet.
Of course, 1924, the Ottoman Empire was dissolved,
divide and conquer.
Today, 911 is used to justify invasion.
The president of the United States continues to
invoke it.
President presidential candidates continue to invoke it. You
have, you know, GOP
talking about, let's carpet bomb people.
The stand wants to be president. You know
what a carpet bomb does to a civilian
A carpet bomb. Are you serious? Are you
are you crazy?
Let's kill their let's kill their families.
This is what one of them said,
the blowing of the Trump.
Let's kill their families.
what is going on?
Is Ajit, when you think about it, people
round of applause, standing ovation.
Ajib, really, really strange.
911, the ultimate blood libel against the Muslims.
You guys hear about Operation Northwoods?
This is Declassified.
in the early sixties,
the CIA
his name was
Charles Cavill,
He organized an attack on Cuba called the
Bay of Pigs.
Kennedy did not send air support.
This made the CIA director very angry.
A short time later, the joint chiefs of
staff, they come to to Kennedy and say,
look. This is what we want to do.
It's called Operation Northwoods. You can Google it.
What's Operation Northwoods?
Basically, what we're going to do is we're
gonna set off bombs in the Florida area,
set off bombs. We're going to set off
bombs and blame Cuban terrorists
because you want public support. That's your issue.
Right? That's what they said to Kennedy. You
didn't send air support because you need to
get the public behind this type of thing.
So here's what we can do. Also, we
can we can have we can blow up
planes over Guantanamo Bay
and blame Cuban MiGs. What do you think
about that?
And Kennedy said, no. I don't I don't
I don't agree with them at all.
I don't agree with that at all.
So Kennedy goes to Dallas.
Right? Who is the mayor of Dallas?
Earl Cabell.
Earl Cabell, the brother of the CIA director,
is the mayor of Dallas.
November 21, 1963,
the mayor's office decided that they're going to
change the motorcade route of president Kennedy
at the 11th hour. We're gonna make a
right on Harrison Street and a left into
Dealey Plaza, the kill
Nobody knew this. It was not on the
That's why if you look at the rest
of that parade, the streets are
completely crowded. But in that little area, there's
a few people.
Of course, we have the
smoking gun, the Zapruder video that was actually
released in 1975,
which clearly shows that there was more than
1 shooter,
that the fatal shot
came from the front as Jim Garrison used
to say, the head of the president goes
back into the left.
The bullet comes here. He goes this way.
R Oswald is apparently up there in the
6th floor,
and his head goes this way. Brain matter
spills out onto the trunk of the car.
the house select committee on assassinations
declared, maybe it was a conspiracy.
Nobody knows that. The final government word on
JFK was maybe
maybe conspiracy.
The term conspiracy theorist has origins in his
That's where it started. Oh, you conspiracy theorist?
You say it was more than one shooter.
It wasn't that lone nut, Oswald.
That's where the term began
and began to become stigmatized.
The most corrupt people back to the hadith.
The most corrupt people will be given power
and honor.
Right? You have this guy,
you know,
Chris Kyle.
Chris, as I call him, Chris Klux
you know,
this guy who brags about killing 160
people, many of them women and children.
Read his book, The American Sniper.
Right? Read his book. What does he say
in his book? Quote, I hate the damn
I hate Iraqis.
F them.
I love war.
I'm quoting him directly from his book.
You know, bring his wife up to the
Oscars. Hey. This is the wife of
this scoundrel.
Here here she is.
Let's wave. Let's give her a a nod.
I tried to watch this movie. I was
in a hotel room,
and, they had free HBO.
I don't have HBO.
It's like HBO,
So I'm, flipping. Gotta be careful, though, with
that HBO. Right? You gotta be careful.
You gotta read the program.
So I'm like, oh, American Sniper. I've never
seen it before. I think I'll watch it.
I think I'm gonna watch this movie.
So the first sound of the movie, there's
not even an image yet. It's black, and
it's an Avant.
I threw the remote against the TV.
I left, and I walked around the building
a few times. Couldn't do it.
Just couldn't do it.
So I don't know. But this is how
people get educated. It's from movies like this.
This is how people gain their reality.
It's propaganda movies,
Right? We've seen it before.
Joseph Goebbels,
Hitler's propaganda minister.
What was his
main duty?
Make movies.
That's what he would do. He'd go to
movie theater in Germany
in the forties before the movie, the 15
minute thing on how great the Germans were.
Germany, the
light of the world.
People get in this state. Yeah.
Yeah. Read some of the tweets of people
that watch this movie, American Sniper. Read what
they tweeted.
I I wanna kill the first Muslim I
is what they're tweeting.
So what is really our opposition of this?
How do we take from the prophetic wisdom?
I'll end with this.
We need to really actualize
the Meccan period of the life of the
prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The ethic there is
assertive nonviolence, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, they
both say there's a difference between passive nonviolence
and assertive nonviolence.
Assertive nonviolence does not mean to become a
or to become cowardly or complicit in the
face of injustice.
Gandhi said the first principle of nonviolent action
is noncooperation
with everything humiliating.
The prophet
said, the believer is humble but is never
Never compromise
your principles.
He also
The companion asked him, give me some advice.
He said, speak the truth even if it's
bitter, and never be afraid of the reproaches
of human beings. Fear Allah. The greatest type
of struggle
is the word of truth in the face
of a tyrant.
This is from the prophetic wisdom.
We have to stop being afraid.
What are we afraid of?
This is this is the seminal moment of
our lives,
this this 9:11.
We have to stop owning things
As a human this is my opinion. We
own too much without evidence. The Quran is
clear when a fast sick, when someone with
a bad reputation,
when someone pulls off
USS Maine false flag,
the Lusitania,
the Gulf of Tonkin, when that
person or or or governmental body comes to
you with news.
What is?
What does that mean? It's a verb in
the in the reflexive,
and it's also intensive.
It means prove it to yourself
if what they're saying is true.
Don't just, oh, okay. Prove it to yourself.
We own all of these things. I'm sorry.
You know?
If it if it was Muslims. If?
You you need to you need to stop
owning things. Stop giving hypothetical situations.
We need to we need to find out
who's doing these things and speak the truth.
Because we keep owning things like this is
gonna happen over and over and over again.
Boston bombing first happened. The next day, they
brought some guy out, you know, this is
not Islam
and peace. And you know what I'm saying?
And, you know, I don't know what,
so look. What what happened? Did you see
did you see the black ops mercenaries
before the bombs went up? You see those
guys in the cargo pants and the punisher
hats and the backpacks. What are they doing
there? Who are these guys?
Are these the same types of guys that
we're seeing by Sally Abdul Magid
and Juan Hernandez
at San Bernardino,
a 3 men,
tall, well built, white, military fatigues with masks
on, opening fire, Multiple reports from eyewitnesses who
did not collaborate
are reporting the same thing.
She went on the she did an interview
on the CBS evening news. This is what
I saw.
3 3 shooters. 3 shooters were reported to
have seen were reported to have been seen
in Paris also
at the shooting at the nightclub or concert
or whatever. 3 guys got out, military fatigues,
shot up the place, went back in. Reminds
me of operation Gladio. Going to the supermarkets,
fatigue out, shooting at random.
too. Assertive nonviolence, a form of civil disobedience
that forces the oppressor to deal with us
as full human beings without the use of
violence on our part,
the way of Mohammed in Mecca,
the middle way between reactionary,
unmitigated violence
and impractical suicidal
it takes courage.
We have to you know, we use social
media, make things go viral.
You know, the testimony or the interviews of
the witnesses who saw
the 3 white men,
You know, they said that she tweeted during
the attack. That's a that's a neat trick.
Right? You're shooting an AK 47,
and you take out your phone.
Dear Baghdadi,
I make bayah to you. And, of course,
they say, oh, that never happened. Did somebody
put together the, you know, the devil's in
the details? Right? Somebody put together the timeline
and said,
that's unlikely. The FBI goes, oh, you know,
it didn't happen. Sorry. Made a mistake.
You know, if you thought that they had
ties to overseas terrorist cells, why not take
them alive and interrogate them?
Why were they handcuffed?
No security cameras in the building?
Where are the security cameras?
Why haven't I seen 14 funerals
of victims?
Have you seen 14 funerals? Have you heard
of funerals? No.
Why drive back to the scene of the
crime 4 hours later?
Why do they have military grade training?
Did she train while she was pregnant?
She's £90.
She's 411.
She wore all that body armor and her
AK 47 sidearm, and she's tweeting at the
other hand.
So I don't know.
Here's my advice.
If you're convicted of a crime, do the
time. Do not cut deals with the FBI.
They will liquidate you at some point.
Don't don't make deals with them.
Do not make deals with them. Do the
Pay the fine.
Read Trevor Aaronson,
the terror factory. He's talking about the FBI.
Trevor Aronson,
They provide the means and motivation. They prey
on Muslims with criminal records, mentally * Muslims,
young, stupid,
zealous high school students.
Give them a button. Push this button. That's
it. Give them everything else.
So this is our
stance, assertive nonviolence.
That we speak the truth. We offer people
an alternative.
We're not disrespecting
anyone. This is true patriotism.
Thomas Jefferson said dissent is the greatest form
of patriotism.
Mister Jenkins is a great patriot.
People who want
to know the truth
about their country
for the sake, the betterment of humanity, for
the betterment of its own citizens. If the
government can kill 3,000 people in broad daylight,
You can be liquidated at any time. We
ask Allah
to protect us, protect our families. We ask
to reveal the truth
and to show us the truth and give
us tawfiq to act upon it. Give us
the courage to speak the truth and not
to fear the reproaches of men. We ask
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala to give us a
tawfiq, the providence,
that we we speak the truth,
no matter what that truth may be,
that we actualize the greatest type of struggle
and speak the truth in the face of
a tyrant and oppressor.
We ask Allah to give,
his aid and his mercy to everyone around
the world that is suffering
and to,
to alleviate their stress and to give them,
joy and bliss and the Yom Al Qiyamah
Amin. This is why there's a Yom Al
Qiyama. No one's getting away with anything. Your
Bohemian Grove membership card does not work with
Rabul A'lamin.
You have stand judgment at his tribunal and
you're not going to be unjustly dealt with.
Everyone will be judged by Allah Subhanahu Wa
May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala make it easy
for the believers on that day.
Yes, sir. Go ahead.
No. I think there's something there.
There's secret society.
There there are very interesting,
they have very interesting,
connections with the occult
as far as their their rituals go.
You know, the the first
the shooting no. The the second one in
Paris happened
on on Friday 13th. Right? 11/13.
And they they like these numbers.
You know?
There's there's there's things in their mysticism,
that indicate that there's some sort of
power they get from from numbers and on
dates and things and certain dates and things
like that. So they like number 9. They
like the number 11. They like number 13.
So Friday 13th,
the origin of that is,
when, you know, king Philippe Labelle in France,
from by blessing of the of the Vatican
hunted down and killed the Knights Templars in
Paris, burned them at the stake. The ones
that survived that massacre, they fled into England
and began calling themselves a Freemasons. They became
the ruling party, and then many of them
came and founded America.
Right? So it's very interesting
that this shooting
in Paris happened on that day, on Friday
13th. These are sort of occult. There are
people that,
you know, it's it's something that you enter
and there are certain certain degrees of knowledge
that they bestow upon you.
Yeah. I mean, most of them are lower
degree. They don't really know what's happening at
the upper echelon, but, you know, they're they're
they're because of the Internet, now it's not
trying to be that's now trying to be,
you know, controlled by by different agencies, you
know, the the Google annual transparency report and
other things like that.
So there there are sort of whistleblowers.
One of them said that, you know, one
of the oaths that they take there's 3
books on the table. There's a book called
the Bible, there's a book called the Quran,
and there's something called the Libert Lages. And
you take an oath by the book that
you believe in. And of course, we know
what the Bible is and we know what
the Koran is. What is Liber Lage? It's
the book of the law. This is written
by a man named Aleister Crowley. He's the
founder of the church of Satan. And in
his book, he says very clearly, one of
the one of the quickest ways in which
you can secure power from demons is to
kill children.
This is what he says in his book.
So there's an occult satanic
element in the Freemason Lodge. Not all of
them but those who believe in this text,
they take an oath by it.
Then you have, you know, The Grove members,
these people who they go there once a
year in Sonoma County in Northern California.
It's very hush-hush.
You know, 2
weeks, only men, they fly in male prostitutes.
They put on these black hoods. They stand
in front
of Moloch, the ancient Canaanite deity,
and they bring an effigy of a of
a child, and they burn it to him.
This is what our leaders are doing.
are seen with black hood standing in front
of this owl.
There's pictures of Reagan, Thomas Keane,
George the Bushes,
I don't know if Obama's been there.
Clinton denies being there.
You have the Bilderberg Group. You have,
You have the Council on Foreign Relations,
CFR. Interesting.
What's that?
Yes, sir.
Peter's no. I know Philip Zelikow.
I don't know p Peter Zelikow.
Philip Zalikau.
Philip. Yeah.
Yeah. That's Philip.
Philip Zelikow, he's a Bush inside man. I
mentioned it in my talk.
When when the Jersey moms decided that
Henry Kissinger
was not cut out for the job of
director of the United Land Commission.
There's a big hue and cry. Right?
Eventually, it became Thomas Keane, but Philip Zelikow
was there as sort of the guy that
can control things, kind of the push inside
man. He's written books and articles of Condoleezza
Rice. They're very good friends. So So there's
someone who has a vested interest. He's, you
know, he's,
a lot of conflict of interest.
So he was the one that actually made
the decisions as to what gets into the
commission report. He was the one that made
the final decisions. And building 7, let's get
it out of here.
That's the smoking gun. That's the Zapruder video.
If people know about building 7, then the
entire edifice of this
government conspiracy theory collapses like building 7.
You know?
Yeah. Oh, let me go over here. Yes,
Yeah. That's true. To your point about, you
know, Israel not being
brought up, you know, the way that,
the the media,
criticism of Israel
is almost as if if you criticize Israel,
you are an anti Semite.
Right? If you criticize
the state of Israel,
then you are an antisemite.
And that statement is problematic on so many
levels because the majority of Semites are Arabs.
So they've colonized this term Semite. That's problematic.
Secondly, this is completely ignorant of the fact
that the vast majority of Orthodox Jews
are completely against the legality of the state
of Israel.
Orthodox Jews go to an anti Israeli
rally anywhere in the world and you'll find
a large group of bearded men wearing yarmulkes
with their sidewalks.
Or these people, they're orthodox Jews
that believe that Israel is an abomination,
a state
that is set up by gentiles
without the Messiah,
that is in in Islamic terms,
according to them.
So we can't be afraid of that
that conflation.
When we talk about Israel,
the modern state of Israel, we're not talking
about Judaism. Judaism is a faith. It is
a beautiful faith. It's very close to us.
We believe in the same God as the
God of Abraham.
God is echad. God is ahad.
He's very close.
Right? We can have a good dialogue with
our Jewish friends and neighbors. But when we
talk about Israel, we're talking about an apartheid
occupying army.
That's what we're talking about.
So, yeah, it's just one of those things
you know, because we've been indoctrinated
that we don't wanna touch it. Just like
911. Don't talk about 911.
Right? It's it's blasphemous. Like this one brother,
the Muslim guy came to me. He heard
me say something and he said, hey, my
friend died in one of those planes.
And I said, do you how do you
how am I disrespecting his memory?
I'm actually honoring him. I wanna know the
truth as to what happened to your friend.
Why is it disrespectful for me to say
to in to suggest that it was an
inside job?
How does that disrespect
your friend?
Touche. Yes.
Oh, sorry.
Yes. Yes. Amina.
Yeah. I think, you know, as as mister
Jenkins said, I think the CIA,
MI 6, you know, Mossad,
they have their tentacles and all of these
types of things,
ISIS included.
You know?
Just to put something out there for you,
you know, greater Israel,
What is Greater Israel? If you look at
the Israeli flag, there are two blue lines.
There's a star of David in the middle.
What are the two lines?
The Nile and the Euphrates, Genesis chapter 15.
Where is the Nile in Egypt? Where is
the Euphrates in Iraq?
That entire section is greater Israel. That's what
that's what the Zionists believe
God gave to them. So what's the quickest
way to remove all of these Arabs and
Muslims out of this area as you you
invent this false caliphate,
that wants to kill you. So you have
refugee population leaving those areas.
Right? And who's gonna come in and control
those lands after the defeat of ISIS?
So it's a very ingenious way of basically
ethnically cleansing
all of those lands between those two great
So, you know, even Fox News admitted. I
saw this on Fox News that one of
those beheading videos was fake. The shadows were
all off. It was so obvious that it
was fake.
You know, some guy over there with a
mask on.
This is JW Waters. I mean, this is
Johnny Jihad
and, the infidel. We will strike deep into
the underbelly.
Okay, bro.
Yes, sir.
Yeah. Yeah. So probably now.
Yeah. I I think I think there's a
lot of foolish Muslims that believe believe in
ISIS and actually join the ranks not knowing
who's, you know, who's behind the curtain. It's
the wizard of Oz.
Who's the wizard of Oz? Right?
Yeah. Exactly.
Who who's pulling the strings with ISIS? Where
are they getting these new Toyota trucks from?
Where they get these all these uniforms and
these Kalashnikovs? Where are they coming from? Who's
given them the all of that stuff? There
are Muslims who are foolish. Yeah. Let's join
the caliphate, so on and so forth, that
that believe this is a serious thing and
so on and so forth.
So that's unfortunate.
have to see the wizard. Follow the yellow
brick road. Yes.
Yeah. Yeah. That's that's the thing. Al Ajay
Latumina Shaitan. The prophet,
he said it.
Yeah, I mean, people can do what they
want, but, you know, my advice is people
need to calm down,
chill out,
and investigate. Do a real investigation.
Go to alternative news sources if possible. You
know, call the call eyewitnesses.
See what happened. Wait until we make our
statement. Don't make a statement the day that
it's happening. We don't know what happened.
ascertain the truth. Haste and impetuousness is from
the shaitan. We need to relax
and and do our due diligence before we
make any type of public statement.
You know, this is this is really the
the first time I'm actually talking about this,
in a mosque that's being recorded.
This is this is the first time in
14 years I'm actually doing I just kinda
talk to people, talk to my class, things
like that,
because I wanna do my due diligence.
You know?
we just need to chill out. Yeah.
That's it.
Yeah. It's it's it's very important,
to keep one's head, to be reflect reflective.
That's why, you know, I started out, you
know, just watching sort of videos and things
like that.
But you have to read text. You have
to read you have to read scholarly works.
Right? Read David Ray Griffin. Start with that
David Ray Griffin, a new Pearl Harbor. Again,
that's sort of the seminal critique of the
official story.
Get the perspective of an educated man, a
PhD theologian,
extremely brilliant man.
You know, when these things happen, also, there's
gonna be a emotional
response. We have to train ourselves. We have
to discipline,
discipline our nafs,
let have that moment pass so that we
can be reflective and do research.
It it it's just discipline.
And, unfortunately, we do have, you know, immature
people who will just, you know,
they will lash out and things like that,
and that's that's unfortunate.
But it comes down to discipline of the
lower self. That's what it really comes down
to. And unfortunately,
a lot of Muslims, they don't they don't
study these things anymore. They don't consider them
to be,
useful. There's no utility to them. You know,
tasquiatun nafsun. What does that do for me?
It doesn't make me money. I do my
prayers. I fast during Ramadan. You know, why
do I have to, you know, make zikr?
And, you know,
why do I have to do extra fast
and and, you know, be in the company
of the Moshiach? What does that do? It
just sounds too
strange and highly mystical,
but these things have a palpable effect on
the on the nafs and on the
and these things have to be
engaged in so that we can discipline our
lower selves. When something like this happens,
we can let that initial sort of emotional
wave pass and then actually do reflection and
real research.
Last question. Yes, sir.
Yeah. Yeah. Neo Khawarij. I totally agree. Neo
That's it. You know, the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam, he's he described them to a t.
And in in in some traditions, some of
them have weakness,
but, you know, if you read those descriptions,
you know, the black flags, the long hair,
flowing speech, and you don't see like an
elder amongst them. There's no Sheikh amongst them.
Know, they get in their vans, and they
get in these these tanks. They do doughnuts
in the sand and things like that.
Fire and brimstone theology, very,
exclusivist, just like the Khwarej of the past.
The prophet, sallallahu alaihi sallam, he said that
they recite the book of Allah but have
nothing to do with the book of Allah.
They are the worst of creation. It's very
interesting. Look at how he said this.
He said they recite the Quran, but they're
the worst of creation
And the ulema say why did why did
he do that? Why did he say that
after he said they read the Quran? It's
because according to the ulema that they defame
the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. They're guilty
of defamation of his character. When you have
your little flag over here that says the
prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam's name and you're
over here killing children next to his name.
That's a definite defamation of the prophet's
character. They're the worst of creation according.
So, yeah, many of the ulema say and
and, you know, the hadith indicate ibnutaimiyyah
compiles many of these hadith, 12, 13, 14
hadith that seem to prophesize
not only the Khawarij,
but they're coming back in waves,
that this mentality comes
in waves. Definitely.
Definitely, that's there.
There's no doubt about it.
So it's important to study history. Those who
don't study history are doomed to repeat it.
That's why people don't know about Operation Gladio.
People have never heard of Operation Northwoods.
People never heard the Gulf of Tonkin.
You know? Because we talk about a 911
inside job. Oh, conspiracy theorist, and then people
stop thinking. I don't wanna be conspiracy theorist.
Thought stoppers.
It's interesting you should ask that,
because on,
on November 11, 2015, you can ask my
I said something's going down today.
There's gonna be a terrorist attack today.
Was 11115
just looking at the numbers
and nothing happened. But 2 days later,
it's off by 2 days.
11/13, Friday 13th. I should have known. Oh,
yeah. Friday 13th. Of course.
The Mason's taking revenge. The Knights Templar is
No. I haven't.
Uh-huh. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, there's there's definitely a mystical
aspect in numerology. That's why it's it's haram
for Muslims
to to get into that type of of
study at at a very deep level according
to Imam Ghazali. Because look what it leads
to. It leads to sort of this black
magic. It leads to, you know, developing the
bomb. You know? Let's take math to its
logical conclusion and,
we're gonna use it to dominate the world.
Of course, Muslims and the machey have pointed
this out. We're not saying numbers are haram
doing math as haram. Look at Muslim history,
their architecture,
pioneers in science,
but we have to know when to stop.
And if people don't fear Allah,
don't believe in Allah, and they're all about
self interest,
then they're going to use these things for
And there's a whole science of numerology in
the Kabbalah,
and many of these things come from that
It's just, as a final word, we take
from the prophetic wisdom,
and we want to be assertive assertively nonviolent.
Don't be violent.
Right? But speak your mind.
Let people see an alternative.
Think about the human condition.
Don't lose your empathy.
Don't be addicted to, you know, pixelated
Your your is being drained out of your