Ali Albarghouthi – The Will of ibn Qudamah – Episode 02 – Beware of the Thieves of Good Work
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The speakers discuss the importance of not wasting time and not wasting it, as well as the sh Harting of shameless actions and the need for people to be recognized. They stress the importance of showing off one's true intentions and avoiding promises. The speakers also emphasize the need to be mindful of one's actions and not give back, as well as the importance of following the Prophet's audio messages and not giving back to others. They stress the need to be mindful of one's actions and not giving back to others, and stress the importance of following the sun and not wanting to give back.
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Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah
we started
last week
we'll see you to begin your freedom and not this year we'll begin with Santa or the advice of Madame and makisi. And we continue in Sharla today
so after you talked about
I don't know if you remember what we talked about last time but after he talked about seizing the opportunity of being in this dunya and not wasting it, and in fact that every breath that you take
is an invaluable, priceless wrath because with this breath with this second with this minute, you can purchase an eternity in heaven.
And so you cannot really put a price on this particular thing like in a minute.
If you take advantage of that particular minute repentance takes a minute
right beginning of Salah takes a minute and Nia for sada takes a minute. And Nia for Hajj takes a minute. So the whole world he can if you think about it can change in one minute. So in one of those very valuable minutes, you can purchase the hereafter buy it by Jenna, salvage or save yourself from hellfire. So he's taking seize that opportunity.
And then he moves on.
And he wants to address before he goes back to talking about how you should come closer to Allah azza wa jal because he told you, this is what you should do. But he also wants to tell you, what could corrupt it. Some of the obstacles that stand in your way he calls them off, see that will amend the corrupters in validators of deeds will see that to Lama he says whatever is most at llama be aware of.
Because he could be doing this is the problem is that a we may not be doing anything. I'm not praying, I'm not fasting, I'm not coming to the masjid. I'm not putting my hijab on I'm not raising my children, right. So I may not be doing the things that I'm supposed to do. But then when you start doing them, you're not done.
You're not done because you have to watch out for what the things that come can come and attack your deeds and take them away, take the reward of that deed, take the benefit of that deed. So the shaitaan is not going to leave you alone till the very last breath. They famously famously right. And when I met him 100 Bahamut Allah was dying, and his son was beside him. And I you know, as you as you pass away, you go into consciousness and out of consciousness and out of its while he was not conscious, but his son was trying to, you know, comfort him or tell him see that either in the law.
And so, I don't know Hanbal was saying about Lisa, but he said Not yet Not yet. On he was unconscious. Then he won. When he came back to consciousness. He asked him Sonny says What are you talking about?
And he said, the shaytaan was in front of me. He was unconscious, the sheet fun was in front of me. He could see him because once you move out of consciousness, you're in a different realm. So he says the Shavasana was in front of me. And he's saying Yeah, my foot 20 foot 10 Yes, yeah, man. You have a skate me. I escaped my hands you you got away you got away. So I was telling him Lisa, Lisa but not yet because what I still have some life on this earth lace about until your life until you're so leaves completely. You have not really escaped the sheath on the sheath and will come and stand in your way so yet you wouldn't do anything, if you start doing him present different types of
obstacles. So it says what's the lucidity Rama so that your action is not corrupted and validated. And in fact, your effort is not is not is not wasted? So that you will miss out miss out on the rewards from Allah azza wa jal, even though you've tired and you toiled and you're trying to do something, but you're not getting the reward from Allah. So he says, What are these new Siddhartha Rama he's going to talk about three, but these are main ones, he says from in Delhi, Korea. So among that is Rhea. Rhea is showing off comes from Rukia that you do some things so that you will be seen, so that you'll be mentioned so that you will be admired. He says well, Anna Ulema, Amanda Tina's for
in the hardships so that you will do something so that people will praise You.
People will honor you people will respect
So it's not for Allah azza wa jal, you want a different type of return
the mathematic Tina's, I want people to respect and honor and praise, he says for in the hardship. So this is shift.
Is it ship absent?
So, Pamela, and the problem with that is that it's not an apparent shift
that that their parents took is easy. You know why it's easy?
Because you know it, somebody's circling the grave and asking the saints ship. Good. You know that if somebody has an idol in their home, and they're asking it good, that's shit. Somebody's relying on the spirits of the ancestors or whatever shit, okay, good. Now we know it's shit. This one who is there next to you to tell you that this is shit.
There's no one. And the person praying next to you and the person right next to you and you're getting that sadhaka has no access to your intention.
He doesn't know. So that's the hidden ship.
And a lot of zolgensma through the prophets of Allah, hollywood silan. In the Hadith, he says, and he quotes it here Miami, Ramadan, Ashoka v. Mercury, fertility Ashoka, one uninhibited. He says if anyone does any deed, and he associates includes others with that deed with a la jolla saying with me, he puts others with me in that deed. Then he says for whatever the short it is for that other person for that other entity? Well, I mean, I'm innocent of that thing. And he
describes himself as the best partner. The best partner mean, what is it? I don't want any of this thing. Any a law surgeon is not equal to anyone that you would make him a partner in your deeds. He's greater and above everybody. So saying, Yeah, Allah, this is for you. And for him. At the same time, Allah says I don't need it. Let it all be for him. If it's not completely for Allah, that action is not going to be accepted. So it's hidden. So if you don't watch your heart and you don't want your intention, it will pass. And you'll think as if Well, that's that's the regular sedan, my regular a bad and regular hedge, but it's not being given to a lot. It's being given for someone
else. And it's being given for someone else. That is not something that Allah loves or rewards for. And he says, oh, fortnight's will Mora in a saga who fears he will be lonely and he says and the person intending and working for praise and recognition may not even get that.
So that he gets nothing out of it.
That is, think about it this way. If you work for Allah azza wa jal, your return is guaranteed or non guaranteed 100% shall be in in the 100% in that intention is there. If you change that intention and make it for people, is that reward guaranteed? No, you may get it, or you may not get it, you may get it and lose it. Right? You've never tasted sometimes your limitations. So he says, so is thinking about it, you may work for people, but never ever get what you want from them. So then eventually you get nothing for a heap of equilibrium.
And here it tells us about a story. He says that there was this man who used to show off with his deeds.
So in the
commentary on it or in the appendix, not not appendix, what is it called? footnotes? Sorry, thank you. So in the footnotes, you know, the editor adds the full story. So it says that this person says about himself. He says, I used to worship Allah zodb like the first person coming to the masjid leaving from the masjid. And he admits what I was doing is that I wanted people to recognize me and know me. I wanted them to praise him. But he's saying that whenever I would come and leave, people will say the person who's showing off is here the person who's showing off is here has come has left has spoken to us known as murai has known as showing off, even though that intention was not
verbalized, but it's in his heart. He says he was known as showing off. So he got tired of it. He says two years and then I got so tired of it. Then one of those nights I prayed at night and says yeah, Allah, I'm tired of this From now on, this is going to be for your sake. I'm going to pray. I'm going to do all of these things for you.
So he says that he when he went to federal, and he came into the masjid two people were talking and then one of them says that one was showing off he has come in his companion said no, he has stopped that
says no he had stopped.
Meaning that the the moral of this story, whether it's happening, and so these stories, it doesn't mean that they actually happened 100% of the way that it is said is another study. It says it's reported it is said so doesn't have to be that. It's a
intact. But the moral the benefit of this story is what is that if you hide something on the inside, what does Allah do with it on the outside?
shows it
so that Allah closes you close to you with what you have internalized. If it's good, then it's good. If it's evil, then it's evil. Not necessarily that everybody will recognize it or recognize it at once.
But eventually it's going to be like that. So a person hides a loss in his heart. Allah azza wa jal will make it so that people when they look at this person, people with eyes, people with living hearts, so have made to make that exception. People with eyes, open eyes and living hearts, when they look at that person, they will feel comfort.
And they'll recognize that sincerity they're never going to be you're never going to be when you look at a person certain that he is sincere. That's why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that whenever you praise someone, what are you supposed to say? Now several one was a gala. luchador we suppose we think, as far as we know, he is this and that. But we're not going to vouch for him. Right? We're certain certainty because only a lot has zildjian knows the inside of this person. But
a lot as the good will spread the good name of that person, if what is inside this person is sincere, allow include this person externally with his internal state. And the opposite is true. And that's what that story is saying that he was hiding in sincerity people knew him as insincere. And then when he hit sincerity, or fostered or created sincerity in his heart,
people knew him as a sincere person. The moral of the story is not Oh, just keep waiting for people's praise. No, is don't worry about it.
don't anticipate it, don't work for it. But rather, work for Allah as urgent and leave the rest for him. Whether they praise you or not.
It does not matter and it should not matter and should not affect whether they praise you or not, like you or not. In fact, if you follow the path of Mohammed Sall, Allahu Allah, you early was alone, you must face opposition and criticism. You must didn t face it.
Yes or no? Yeah, he faced it. So if you say I'm going to follow Him, you can see I'm going to follow him but he I'm going to be immune from being attacked or critiqued. Or Please don't say anything bad about me is not going to happen. It means that you only follow him partially. And keeping yourself safe. If you follow completely. You have to be criticized. Again, don't seek criticism. Don't say okay, I'm just gonna kick this person right next to me and yell at that, sir, because no one is, you know, attacking me. So better bring this attack that I feel validated. Also, that's not the right way. You just do what you're supposed to do. And then whatever it comes, comes from Allah azza wa
jal, you deal with it as it comes. So he says here, from azada, Allah, Allah, Allah Benita, that this person who switched from showing off to sincerity, the only thing that he did is that he switched his intention, the deed is still the D. The message is the message that Allah has the halaqa the speeches, the speech, that certifies the sadhaka, the only thing that is switched is that intention, you've just switch it and you become close to Allah soldier. So he says that is one.
And he says will mean that he can.
And of the corrupters and and validators of the deeds is self admiration,
which is related to pride.
He says Papa Drew, yeah, and then mood lee jones Rahman, Horace cross, so he says it's reported, right, just the same. It's reported, it is said that the person who's proud of himself and feels that he deserves and muddly means really that he has a station and has reached a high level with a lot of children and he's not afraid anymore. That's right, I deserve.
So he says in Medina, Joseph amadora, said that his actions do not go above his head, meaning that they are not accepted.
Talk about it. And he says, and it's reported also, that Allah azza wa jal said to Mousavi said and he says Moosa said, say to those who are worshiping but they admire themselves at the same time. If so, with subtle meaning you've lost and they're worshipping Allah, but they admire their worship. He says, You've lost your losers, and say to those who have committed sins, but have repented, received the good news as you anticipate the best from Allah zildjian What is the difference between these two?
The one who has sent and repented What does he feel about himself?
Does he feel
That Allah owes him stuff.
Yeah, no. But he feels that he's very deficient, very powerless, and that he is completely dependent on Allah's mercy and without that he will go to hellfire. So he has rid himself of any glory
of any power and assigned all power to Allah has his origin because he has seen and continues to see that he's a sinner. So Allah has dogen loves that loves what loves the fact that you read yourself of
eye and trusting in your own power and trusting in your own knowledge and trusting in all of this, rather than trusting him rather than relying on him. So to those that that category says if you're like that, if you're humble like that, Allah loves you says anticipate the best from Allah azza wa jal, whereas the other category are those who worship Allah but they're proud of what they're doing. Not I'm not saying happy with what they're doing, they're proud of themselves. It's natural that if you pray, you'd be happy with your Salah. finding him said that I've been able to pray, give sort of a happy that you've been able to give sadaqa go to Hajj or finish a book happy. That's nothing wrong
with that urge is to admire yourself, meaning that you start seeing that you're better than others that you have like a definition of urgency is for you to believe that you have something that others don't.
I have what others don't. So I prayed so much Allah look at my salon, look at my taqwa. I have what they don't have. And it's connected to pride and pride. Kip follows immediately. Because when you admire yourself and see or think that you have what others don't, immediately will think that you're better than them. So this is,
and this is in a sense, a sense, a schilke. But not for the sake of people, it's for the sake of yourself.
So they say that what job the one who admires himself doesn't even need to be around people. Potentially, hypothetically, you could be the only person on the face of this earth. And yet be proud of yourself. Thinking that I've done so much that I deserve gentlemen. I'm old.
And I'm safe from hellfire.
So you see yourself as great on this earth.
And some of the sort of had said, he said they said that, that I would miss the young lady
worship throughout the entire night. And wake up full of regret is better than I worship the entire night. And that worship would admire in myself because of what I had done.
So see the difference here? You worship the entire night or you do something beautiful in the masjid think of the possibilities you clean the masjid you're teaching people put on you are giving Dawa, you're doing this and the end of it. you admire yourself. Okay, well, the data that I gave was wonderful, right? That argument and counter argument. That's brilliant. And you begin to think it's me. It's me. Not a lot. It's me, me, me.
So and of course, if it's you, you, you and me, me, me, of course others start sinking around you and you start rising. And you start believing that that? No, of course you know, of course I'm the best Dahlia. And if something bad happens to you start saying why would Allah do that to me? I mean, I'm this and that, and I've done this and that? Why would you do that? Do that, to me, that's admiration of myself. This is the third. So you could be worshipping Allah. You could be doing a lot of good things. And the shaitaan will come and say okay, how can I stop this person?
say he's gonna he's gonna pray he's gonna pray he's gonna fasten it and how can I stop them? Instead of making this for a lot less and make it for other people? I can't do it for other people. Let me make it for his own self. So I'm going to do it because I'm better than everyone else this is
and out here like react if it makes sense showing off at me if it makes us with a deed invalidates
if you're working for your own glory, right? That typically they say it happens after the deed itself. But if it happens during the deed, it can also invalidate because the intention has been derailed has been hijacked rather from Allah zildjian is for myself.
The citizen what it says then avita now, mostly how nadina 100. Ama nanometre party mostly homogenous bhaja. So it's better to do
Less and be regretful rather than do a lot and admire yourself for it. And the best is to do a lot and attributed all to Allah has his origin attributed all to Allah has ended and that is how you should think about it. If you say to yourself, well what's the cure to
is to say to yourself, who made it possible for you to pray?
powers from Allah zoton insight and intelligence is from Allah, all abilities from Allah money is from Allah, everything else that you have is from Allah, this other person that did not do what you do or cannot do what you do, a lot can easily write, take whatever you have, and give it to them.
So it's not you. It's not like indigenous to you that all of these abilities are mine, Allah gave them to you and he can take them away from you. Second of all, if you look at your deeds with admiration, self admiration, versus the other who does not admire his deeds, you'll find that he is better than him.
Third of all, in reality, you're deluded, you do not have things that others don't have.
We have some unique talents. Okay, we have some unique talents, and you should take advantage of them. But you don't have something that others don't have. If you're a good speaker, other good speakers, if you're a good diet, or have a good diet, if you're a good author, there are other authors. So it's not that you are better than everybody else. If you died tomorrow, life will go on, you'll be missed for a couple of days, the life will go on. So you're not the be all of it all.
So the shaitaan will try to make that reality for you, but it's not reality. So if you think about it, you'll find out that it's all delusion.
In shell, so when you trust trust in Allah azzawajal don't trust your own ability Allah did he give you things and talents skills? To trust these? A lot did give them to you but don't trust these. Trust Allah, Isaiah who give you these things, that he will help you use them for his sake?
Because if Allah leaves you, let's suppose for instance, you're a good speaker. Okay? But if Allah says is not going to assist you, will we be able to convince anyone to do anything? If a man does not open their hearts to accept your words, will they accept any of your the words? And if your advice so you know that even with the talents that you have, you're helpless without a loss. So don't trust what you have? Trust Allah and when you do something, rely upon Allah don't rely upon yourself. He says, And the third thing 123 third thing, the halal Muslim, belittling and looking down at other Muslims
connected to
and in mind yourself, is that you start seeing others as beneath you. He says, Let everyone know Selena what Otto Nana and NACA hired me, for in Nevada, Obama, Obama, like he says, Do not think that you're better than another Muslim, because this may be also it could invalidate your deeds could invalidate your deeds.
The prophets of the law, I knew it was in themselves. B has been very elimina Sheree and Jackie Ross, our Muslim, it's enough evil for someone to look down at his Muslim brother.
You know what it means it's enough evil. What does that mean? It's enough evil for someone.
It's a little bit or a lot.
It's a lot and it's enough for you have evil of sin to carry on your shoulders to be found in your book, that you are looking down on others on items. That's enough evil
and so tantalizing today and our reality.
In our world today, it's the reality of Williams.
Even you know, it has become institutionalized somehow, that it is the reality of a lot of Muslims, that if you're not from my country, but from another country you believe
it's true, you're beneath me somehow. Or if you're not my color or my shade of color, you're beneath me.
If you're not following the same method, even this person does not know what this method is and does not know what that method is you are beneath.
And if you do not speak you know my language or my particular accent or my particular AR beneath me. And if you are not have not reached an educational level that is equal to mine then you're beneath me and and so on and so on and so on. So all of this is a disease.
And sometimes I'm telling you, it's a national disease national, and you go online and you see what people write and how they react to each other. It's a national disease, not an individual disease but a national disease and also
Maybe an old magazine that they look at each other this way,
even though their Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying that when you do this, you've carried enough evil on your back.
Enough evil on your back that we're gonna break your back when you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala. Here.
He tells us about a story and again the story, the moral of it is important whether it happened exactly it has happened or not, it does not matter. But the moral of it, he says that he sadly is Ceylon came out, you know, in a car on a trip. And he has this disciples within his close disciples within, and they passed by this fortress and there was a thief in it. So that thief when he saw a prophet of Allah huaqing, a prophet of Allah huaqing, right, imagine another shave, not a Willie, I know the shape of shapes, a prophet of Allah.
What working? And then he saw the disciples, like the Sahaba, right, walking, he saw that he says, Who are you, you wretched person, you know, and what you're doing and all of this. You go on you brought people, when they're when they're passing by and you frighten them and you kill people, and you're so wretched. So he came down, repentant, regretful, and he followed them, but he wanted when he wanted to follow them. He said, I not honorable enough and dignified enough to walk right beside them, I'm going to walk, walk behind them, sinful filled with sin. So as they were walking on one of visits, disciples looked back at him, because he's saying, who's who's following look back? He
recognized who that person is.
So when he recognized him, he says, Who is this dog? Who's walking behind us? Right? Like an insult, right? Who is this dog who is this nothing that is walking the dog behind us. So Allah has revealed to Isa a Salaam, what this person said, and what isn't, wasn't his heart, and what that person endured and what was in his heart, that he was repenting. So he says, say to your disciple, and to that former thief,
begin to teach a new because all your past deeds are gone.
For the person who has been a thief, Allah accepted your repentance, and your newborn, and for the disciple, because of the way that you thought and said, all of your past deeds are gone, Stockman.
So all the good that you've done is gone. And for that person, all the bad things that you've done are gone. So it says you so just to affirm that what I said in the beginning, it's a moment, it's a minute, but it's a minute that is very significant. It can take what you've done, the good things that you've done, and throw them away. Or it could take the bad things that you've done, and cancel, it's a minute, and with a minute, you can purchase gender, or you can lose it.
And so he wants you to tell you through this story is that your attitude towards another Muslim, it doesn't matter who your parents are, and how much money you have, and what country you live in, and what your neighborhood is, and where your children go to school and where you went to school and etc, etc, etc. It doesn't matter. When you look at other Muslims and you think that they are below you, you've committed a sin.
And you must think now if that person is not a partner in that sin is not does not think the same way that I'm thinking, at least as far as I know, he's better than
I know about my sin, but he does not have that. He's better than I am.
So and,
and this is connected to analog to that is if you want to be the best of people,
you have to think that you're the worst worst of people.
So he says one of the NBL bonus or one of the prophets openly said he
said to his people, he says bring the best, the best person that you have that you think lives amongst you bring bring the best person. So they selected a person and they brought him to and he says this person is our best. So he told this person, go and bring me the worst person in your town.
Okay, so you're the best. They said, vouch for you. You're the best. Go and finally the worst person in your town and bring him. So he goes, he comes back. What does he come back with himself? He says I didn't find anyone worse than I am. It says they were right. You're there. You are their best. As long as you think that as long as you think that you're the best. Right? And I hope it's not confusing, or as long as I'm thinking I'm the worst. I'm the best time the best now. Right? I hope it's not confusing. No, you're not. As long as you think you're the worst and you continue to think that you're the worst. I don't want it to be a demoralizing belief meaning I
The worst I'm helpless, I'm hopeless. That's it for me, right? You sit home or you do nothing, I cannot, not going to pray. I'm not going to fast and I get I'm the worst I'm given. Don't give up on yourself. It's not that type of belief. It's like, with all the good that I've done, I'm still the worst. Why are you the worst, were all the bad things, good things that you've done. Because you notice you're aware of that, okay, I prayed but not good enough.
And I did give sort of cover isn't enough, and wasn't with a good intention. So you're aware of all of your sins, all of your sins. But for other people, you don't know their sins. And even if there is a public or an apparent sin, you don't know about what is inside their hearts. And maybe they have repented, and maybe they will repent later. So to you, these people are better than yourself. Because as far as sins, when you compare them, you have more sense than they do. And maybe you have they have excuses that you don't know about you have don't you don't have them, you know that you don't have excuses, right? But they may have. So in the scale, you'd be the worst. As long as you
think that then there's hopefully not going to see the best you there's hope for you. If you think that you're of the best people in the masjid or in the neighborhood or in the city or in the oma. Okay, as your your problem. There's a problem there. And that's the way that the seller is. I don't recall the exact person from the seller. So Fiona 30, possibly or someone like that, he said, if someone at the door of the message, I shared that with the wonderful 34 it says if someone at the door of the masjid were to cry out and say, let the worst person come out immediately. It says no one will race faster to this person than I do. No one will reach him before. If someone actually
said that it is I'll be the first person to run to him. Not because I want to show off that hey, yeah, I know, it's because he truly believes that there's no one worse than he is. Because the more close the closer you get to Allah zildjian and his glory and majesty and what we owe him and how little we're doing, the more that you discover that you're actually terrible, right or deficient. See if keep doing more.
That's the motivation you'll keep doing more and
then he says and then this is the fourth one min musi data man what will corrupt and invalidate the diesmal halophyte too soon contradicting the sooner contradicting the sooner. He says only Delica mohalla to sooner decode an affair than our decoder, he says opposing and contradicting the sooner in saying and indeed and in belief.
So think about it
contradicting the cinema is set insane. And indeed an in belief Yanni, you can contradict this sooner, just by the fact that if the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says a hadith and your heart says No, you haven't even said anything.
And you haven't even done anything but your heart says no.
That still is a contradiction, right?
You need to struggle with your heart to reach a stage when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says something. Your heart says yes.
And if your heart does not understand it, you'll say yes. And alone will make it Clayton later when I apply it.
alone will make it plain to me when I applied. But Rasulullah he said this
imagine him you know as as one of the AMA I think it's a Suki. He says you know imagine if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was right standing right next to you. And he tells you this hadith and you're going to tell him No.
Let's think about it. Like when it comes to you and it's authentic. I'm not saying that is weak honey that is authentic Bukhari Muslim, the six books you know, our, you know, Muslim, pig books. And it's an authentic hadith authenticated sahelian. And it's right there in front of you. And you're going to say no to it with your heart. Are you going to say no to mozzarella? And he was.
So don't contradict the center. Because once you take that path, once you reject it with the heart, the tongue will follow. They say that headache does not make sense that headache is this that relief is that
and then the limbs will follow the body will follow. So he says don't contradict it. He says because the prophets of Allah audio sent them he is the guide. That takes us to the straight path. Allah says we're in la calidad de la se la to you guide to the straight path. So he says the one who disagrees with that guide, because he's the guy the one who disagrees with the guide and takes another path. He will be misguided. He'll go straight. He says but he is sooner. But follow the sooner. Do whatever it does and stop wherever it stops.
Simple and there's a saying at the end insha Allah that is beautiful, I will emphasize it.
He says don't go beyond the sooner photography DNA and you will exaggerate in your religion. So he gives an example he had like in West USA, in a salon
being obsessed, that's an obsession when it comes to the hotter meaning that some people have that. And it either comes, you know, from some psychologic, psychological
disorder or just an obsession, wash your hand three times, and you say three is not enough. A fourth one, a fifth one. It says the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is teaching you how to purify yourself three, if it was enough for him, it should be enough for you don't add to it anything else. So some people can become so obsessed, or if they wash themselves become so obsessed with it, and that becomes a disease. Or to think that Oh, the prophet said that this something is fine. To me, you know, it's not bad until I brush it until I clean it until, you know, sometimes, for instance, you know, people would be reluctant to play or to pray on sand, to pray on grass to pray on a carpet.
You say? Well, you know, but you blog gods may have walked on this carpet. Let's see. God's may have walked on this carpet. Okay, me. Have you seen him? I mean,
you don't know that. So as far as you know, this is for him. In fact, in fact, if you want to add something to it, you know, at least at one point in the message of the Prophet salallahu audio was in at one point there would be dogs, right? Right. Because it's like an arch open, the doors are open and there'll be dogs in Medina. There'll be dogs come in and out. But it was made what they were pebbles and sand in it, it cleans itself.
So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not Muhtar Kent live and this religion is not is not a religion of the caliber of being obsessed and over obsessed. Yeah, maybe we have a personal sense of hygiene but that's different than perhaps a
different number. Right? So he says don't do more than the prophets of Allah audio signal.
Right? What he did do it and what he did not don't do it and this is the saying that I wanted to emphasize I was with a man named dharani Rahim Allah He says, either Allah, Allah if you want to do something either Ramadan Terra Nova if you want to do something and you believe it to be an obedience to Allah zildjian for in what are the key is to not wild Africa if the sooner has come supporting it
do it otherwise don't
if the sooner has come with support for this thing that you want to do that you call it an obedience then do this thing if not believe it and don't do it. You see how simple this is?
And also how difficult it is because when you come to people and even ourselves and you know you take this as that scale that means on balance if as soon as supports it you will do it if not then leave it if you do this a lot of our disagreements about what is soon and what is bigger than what is allowed and what is not allowed or go away if you just apply this principle
that the prophets of Allah audio is sitting them do it or not if he did it then do it if he did not believe it
because if it was good he would have told you about it
if it was good it would have told you about it because what is the last panel with data say about this religion and maybe we've talked about this before and he oma commanded to lacantina come today I have completed this religion for you What is a complete religion if there is no space to add anything
outside there is no space like this on a water bottle is full what is mean water bottle is full there's no space in it any more to add any other liquid if you say but I'm gonna add in more there is no space so when this religion is complete, you say I want to add something more it doesn't fit. And by the way, if you add something in what do you have to do?
Yes Who said that? Mashallah. No the kids
the kids are wonderful if you put something in you have to take something out that's exactly what happens without without without Suppan alone Yanni.
Definitely, has been definitely happen. Without any doubt, you get to put a bit of iron, you're going to put something that Prophet did not do definitely you will notice of something that he was doing will go up will be forgotten.
Because there's competition between between these two acts. So he says if the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is doing it, then do it if not the safest and the easiest way for you is to be okay.
And these are the four things that he Rahim Allah talks about, he talks about showing off, admiring, admiring yourself
looking down at other Muslims.
Also following the sun, and if you think about it, if we just apply these, because this is talking about doing it for the sake of Allah has zildjian not for the sake of people or the sake of yourself, respecting and honoring other Muslims, and that includes a lot in it manners. And also following the son of Hamlet, sallAllahu wasallam, if you follow these four,
you'll see that a lot of disagreements will disappear. A lot of the problems that we have with each other will disappear as far as our problems come from this. Yes, either we're working but we're not working for the sake of Allah agent for self or for this group or for this message, but not for a loss. So if we make it for Allah, and then we get according to the prophets of Allah, Holly, we send them this way. And you also you accompany all of this with good manners. You've got it. You've got it.
I can move on to the next chapter.
Or 845. Let's open it up for questions and see if there are any questions inshallah, or if you're tired than mine, and you say,
835 is the adanya. So let's see, shall we have been fasting so I also don't want to push it. So let's see if you have questions.
Getting over
the lesson, first thing that comes to my
reading and learning between them
when you share it.
So hey, it's so I mean, she's so brother's asking about how to maintain a sincere intention when you're sharing, especially on social media and what's up. So you're sharing and sometimes you really want to benefit people and for them to learn, but also you're waiting for that response. For that phrase, just like a latte, right? There was a wonderful thing you sent and we learned from it.
Maybe the one of the best things for to happen to you is for people to stop sending you any replies, right? And to test yourself, and to see are you Am I going to keep sending them things, even if they don't send me anything back.
And that will test in one way, right? your sincerity and your intention. Because if you want to, if you want them to learn, if you want to teach them something, you're going to keep sending it inshallah, even if they don't connect, not gonna see Thank you. And some people do learn and do benefit, but they just forget to say thank you on reply, and
praise whoever sent it. So, yeah, I mean, accustom yourself to the fact that I'm going to send it, and people are not going to reply, and I'm going to keep sending it even if they're not going to reply. Right? accustom yourself to that. And with time and Sharla, maybe with time, that anticipation and expectations will go away, will never go away completely. Because once you receive a praise of come back, they will come back again, right? Because it's human nature. And that's our test. We'll come back to you have to struggle and fight with it again. And he said, No, this doesn't matter. This does not matter. And by the way, I mean, one good thing may be to counter people's
He says, Ask yourself, right, Mashallah.
I see so let's question Mashallah, you should be designated for me questions all the time.
Okay. So, say yourself, are you going to believe every good thing that people say about you say to yourself, talk to yourself? Are you going to believe every good thing that people say about you? I know we're saying no, we do. Come on. We do. We believe every good thing that people say about us, they say if you're going to believe every good thing they say about you are you going to believe every bad thing they say about you.
So if you did not accept their judgment in the second case, why would you accept their judgment in the first case? They exaggerate in both. When you love someone, you exaggerated phrase, human. And when you hate someone you exaggerate their critique.
can you modify all of this by saying exaggeration exaggeration, right? If it's truthful, it's truthful, but exaggeration, exaggeration, so don't accept all praise because some of it is false.
Don't accept all criticism because some of it will be also false.
So if someone gives a gift because that person gave them a gift before, do they get the? Do they get it to him?
Is that right? Do they get it?
at him for trying to match gifts? So I'll try and show to understand it. So if someone gives a gift, because that person already had given you a gift, so I'm thinking I'm sure the question is that exchange, what about that exchange.
So mocha is good, rewarding a person, right for a gift that they've given you, is actually good. And in fact, and say it's from son of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. If he gave, if somebody gives you give back, you give back something. And the benefit of that the benefit of that is that one, it increases the love that you have for each other. So he gave you something, give something back increases the love another also, you're both equal. You're both equal. So you don't feel or you don't believe right? That he is sort of your beneath this person or he is higher, because he's always giving me and I am always the recipient, right? So there is no minute there is no favoritism
or he there were no favor of someone over another. Hope I'm explaining this, right.
So you want to be the type of person in sha Allah that gives gifts and if he is gifted, he also gives gifts in return. Right? So this is good inshallah.
I'm hoping that that's what the answer the The question is asking for. If not just explain it in sharp
do always have to match it exactly. In price. No. Oh, no, no, no, you don't have to if it's within your means you can match it. But it doesn't have to be like that. It can just be a gift. I guess, you know, in proportion to your means in proportion to your income. But it's a gift that's coming out from you to this person. That's what's important.
No, slave. So if a gift giving is like that, where I'm writing down exactly as you said in weddings, the amount of what they gave so that when they would their daughter or son gets married, I will give the same amount. That seems more like business. Right? That's not gift that's not idea. This is business. So you gave me I'm going to give you back right here $10 or $10. This is this is what it is. That's not really a gift. It's just custom and cultural have made it that we're exchanging money and go, that's it. But a gift is not that a gift is coming from a heart to another heart for the sake of increasing blood for the sake because you love this person. And when they give them
something nice, that's what a gift is. And it should be done without expecting anything in return.
And one of the meaning is to let them notice
over what allows them to sit to his profits and allow it to send them without them don't do not get one of the meaning of it while attendant do not give seeking more in return.
So this includes everything I'm giving a gift so I would give a get a better gift. Or I'm praising someone so that he can praise me. Right. So you don't want to do that do without any anticipation as much as you can without any expectation of anything in return. This is how it should be.
So hey, so one of the drivers that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam recommended that you save a lot of money over the weekend. oceanica kawana, Adam II ally secure protection that I would commit ship with you. While I know it was the futile kalimera and I seek your forgiveness for what I do not know because then sure it could be at two levels as we say one that you note and you're conscious of and one that you do not even notice. So here is asking a lot as well than the one that I know unnoticed and conscious of your a lot allow me not to do it. And the one that I'm not conscious of not aware of your love for so that is one way absolutely do is a good protection from
Shekinah was
wonderful. So now wonderful that you felt that now, if you're doing something and you feel react coming into your heart, you have to find it. So it does not invalidate the deed. Once it goes in, as long as you're fighting it, as long as you're struggling with the shape on on yourself, you'll find inshallah, so keep pushing, keep pushing and keep pushing.
Now, if it's understood, so you're talking about that gift being a contribution, to assist with the wedding, and they will return that contribution when you're going through your wedding. If that is the understanding of it, meaning I'm assisting you, and you can assist me bad. That's fine, inshallah. It's not any a gift, because I'm expecting something back from you. So it's not an idea, right? But it's an assistance, okay. And it's sort of like mutual assistance, I'm going to help you and you're going to help me, that could be an actually done for a lot of xojo. You could be rewarded for it. Because they need help, and you're assisting them could be rewarded for it in Charlotte,
slack alone. Think of it as alone. It's not a gift. It's a gift. It goes without conditions.
You are getting better.
But still.
no, no. That's why it's terrible, right? When it happens this way. It's terrible. It's like you're embarrassed or shamed into giving something as different you're not giving it out of free will? Or goodwill, you shamed into it. So this is like theft. This is like theft. Really. Right. So but I mean, somehow you have to conform to the custom because it's gonna ruin your reputation. If you don't give sometimes you have to do it. Just protect your own reputation.
If it's voluntary, yeah, if it's voluntary, and Michelle wonders, nothing is good.
I'm sorry. Can you just louder a little bit them, sorry.
So we're talking about gifts being given exchange between spouses, and we're talking about after divorce. Know, the person who received the gift is the owner of that gift. So the husband gives the wife gifts, these are hers. She gives the husband things this is his so the gift, because this is the league, right? The gift is that you become the owner of this gift. And that is it. Right? That is that there is custom involved. But yet, if there is custom involved where this custom says, you know?
Yeah, and but you'd have to examine this custom, but the general rule is that if this gift is yours, you're the owner of this gift. You don't have to give it back.
So we're good.
I'm sorry.
What I would recommend, I mean, my own recommendation is that don't expect because this will keep your heart clean and happy. And then if someone gives something and 100 and they gave some things so that you don't feel that this person is better or this person is closer to me, just because this person forgotten that person gave, right. So keep your heart as clean as you can. I'm not expecting anything from anyone, but if they give it handed in, that's it. That'll be easier to
hold on. I don't know if what I'm saying is easier. I'm just saying that's my recommendation along play.
Fair satanic along behind the shadow stuff