Akhi Ayman – What Made Me Change

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes how his mother is a woman who came to visit him in prison and claimed to be in a bag. He refuses to admit to his mother and refuses to admit to his father's beliefs. He refuses to admit to his father's "weaker" and "weaker" clothing, as he describes his mother as a woman who came to visit him in prison and claimed to be in a bag.
AI: Transcript ©
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People People say to me what What made you change or made me change

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it's not prison itself is seeing my mother in her modesty even it's

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on the server hijab is a lot more distance in today's day and age

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hijab is just a heads up no hijab is from head to toe. But when I

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say modesty, everybody knows that every part of your body is covered

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with clothing that is more than just my mother came to me and her

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mother is a woman of a bag that came to visit me in prison when I

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saw her being searched because she was getting searched to make sure

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she's never been in when I saw that I said, I can never let my

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mother go through this. I made an oath to Allah not not not right

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there. When my mother left me, I went back to my soul, I went

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straight to Sage this Allah I am never going to come back to my old

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sick and twisted I'm never going to try to this piece. I'm going to

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fail you to my best of my abilities. And I said to myself,

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the Wi Fi Allah I don't I don't feel Allah the way he deserves to

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be free. Why worship Allah, I don't. I don't worship Allah the

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way he deserves to be worshipped. Why? Because the dunya distraction

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