Akhi Ayman – The sins we do in private effect the rest of the ummah

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the need to stop doing scenes that are happening to Muslims around the world and start with oneself. The message is that Muslims need to stop doing the scenes that are causing harm and start with updating their own conditions to prevent future events.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum. Warahmatullah wabarakatuh Allah, just a quick

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reminder Inshallah, you will already know what's happening to

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our brothers and sisters around the world. But most importantly,

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there's floods, there's earthquakes, there's killings,

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there's tortures, is rapes, all of these things that have been

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happening to the Muslims. This is a sign that we ourselves need to

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change within ourselves. We need to stop doing the scenes that are

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we are doing publicly and and in secret.

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And we need to start with ourselves. Allah subhanaw taala

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says do not change he would not change the condition of the people

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until they change the conditions of themselves BIOS so by all

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means, change your conditions within yourselves in order for the

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OMA to be victorious in sha Allah, Thailand.

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