Akhi Ayman – Should Muslims Fear Death

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker describes their belief that Muslims should fade and emphasizes the importance of constantly preparing for death. They also mention their desire to see something only when they feel tired and pray to act like Islam only watching them. The speaker describes feeling distracted and worried about what others will say about them, but ultimately believes that their actions speak to their spiritual well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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I don't think any Muslims should fade I believe we should fade the

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state we die in and this is what we need to prepare for we need to

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prepare every single minute of the day like death is walking with us

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and is waiting for you to slip up. There was a time I said to myself,

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I'm going to act like no one else exists or Allah subhana wa Tada is

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paying attention to no one except for me check, I will. And I

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breathe and I live and I pray that Allah is only watching by the end

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of the night I slept very well said I like this feeling. Let me

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do it tomorrow as well. I like that feeling as well. She's not

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looking, not spending more time on my phone, spending time with my

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family and so on and so forth. But this is a mindset I give to myself

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just to see how I carry myself. I did it but the moment I fell back

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and started getting distracted, I realized I love that feeling and I

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fought for it. And I still fight for it. And I believe if every

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single person allocate it just one day to just say to yourself, you

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know what, let me act like Allah is only watching me other than

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everyone and you will see in your actions your soul tells you we got

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to step up and you'll see us

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