Akhi Ayman – Dying As A Disbeliever

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is difficult to summarize as it appears to be a jumbled mix of disconnected sentences and phrases.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me make it clear to every single person here brother.

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Look around double, black. Why different shades?

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Every single one of us here because of one reason

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is because of Islam. Islam brings you here no matter what shade

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you're from, no matter what background, the lovely don't just

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committed that took shahada but this morning you could have

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committed a sin and woke up as a Kaffir and inshallah tonight if he

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was to pass away. If he was to return back to Allah, he's going

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to return back to Allah as a Muslim, Romanian you would never

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think that Allah guided him or today he was a Muslim as the chef

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mission. Tonight it could be the sin that you commit that we make

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sure we turn back to Allah subhanaw taala as a careful

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