Akhi Ayman – Allah will not change the conditions of the people until they change the conditions of themself

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of fixing up the condition of people until they change the conditions of their parents. They mention a competition in a book competition and a potential embarrassment for someone who does not comply with rules. The speaker emphasizes the need to address these issues and change behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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slough knuckles Salam aleikum, WA flava character the show this is

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your back and as you can tell I'm in the so this is what happened

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was Sonia for for those who will be Muslim bad boys are not obeying

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Allah subhanaw taala and are not obeying their parents this is how

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you're going to be living man this is me I've got my books are

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handled by Islam and books competition comma has nothing

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really here man I'm saying even for me to free my half the printer

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with the toilet that's been heard

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that's me man and slot Fairman is look I will nothing here more so

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yes ma'am I believe in better than me. But I like to live simple

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handed I came here to do my time that's about it. But is it really

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fair that you have to put your family through that to come and

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visit unicel as you don't know, Allah subhanaw taala will not

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change the condition of the people until they change the conditions

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of themselves. So we need to fix up and change the condition by

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self being obedient to Allah be obedient to our parents.

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