Akhi Ayman – Allah Controls EVERY Action & Part Of Your Life

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 talks about a briefing where Allah wanted them to come to, but Speaker 1 doesn't want to talk about it because they want to soise them. They talk about a roof over their head and a mouth to speak from an Intah. Speaker 1 is unsure of what to do with what was given them.
AI: Transcript ©
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You woke up today because Allah went to your briefing because

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Allah wanted you to you came to the masjid because Allah wanted

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you to so why are you going to do with what Allah gave you? This is

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a gave you you got roof over your head you got eyes to see but is to

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hear from you got a mouth to speak from an ephah What are you gonna

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do? you humble yourself in the eyes of the people, but most

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important as of Allah's Panama time

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