Akhi Ayman – Alhamdullilah For Our New Brother In Islam

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
The speaker is discussing the importance of witnessing a dealings of Islam. They mention the need for proof of worship and the profit of sharing truths. The speaker emphasizes the importance of witnessing and sharing experiences to build a relationship with Jesus.
AI: Transcript ©
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if you say I shall do, I shall do and, and La La ilaha illa Illa

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Illa Allah, Allah, what else should I do? Or should

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I shall do and Mohammed Muhammad Abduh, up to one or soon What have

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I done? I turn your bear witness bear witness there is nothing

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there is nothing worthy of worship and truth worthy of worship except

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Allah except I've done. Witness a witness, Mohammed, Muhammad, peace

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and blessings patient is the profit is the profit a messenger

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of Allah a messenger of Allah

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