Akhi Ayman – A message to the reverts! DUA is key Reverts

Akhi Ayman
AI: Summary ©
Speaker 1 discusses the upcoming battlefield and the upcoming return of Roe. They express fear that someone, possibly a controller or uncle, could die for it. They also mention a character named replacements and defend the upcoming novel.
AI: Transcript ©
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So this is a big shot to reverse Roe. Understand you've become a

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Muslim. You've come to the deen of Allah. And you're scared that your

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mother, your father, your uncle, your auntie, whoever it may be,

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that could die upon go for it make dua for them, because guidance

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only comes from Allah. Because if they if it was the guidance of the

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Prophet Muhammad salah, Salah McKee, His own uncle would have

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taken shahada

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but his uncle was one of the biggest enemies to him.

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Abuja * when it comes to the battlefield, and let me show you

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try and put this in your head and put this in your heart. Abu Jihad

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was the one that got killed by a 13 and a 14 year old. I'm not

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telling you to go and grab your match bow and we're about to ride

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out now.

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We're about to go and put in some work. We're about to go and defend

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the Muslims novel

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