Ahsan Hanif – The Virtues of Good Friends
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The speaker discusses the friendship between Islam and friendship, which involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are related to one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are related to one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are related to one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are related to one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are related to one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are both members of one another. The friendship between Islam and friendship involves a friendship where a person's email drops if they are both members of one another. The brother is asking, What do you say if someone says they love you for the sake of Allah? The Sunatera is to reply and say hubback Allah, Allah, the Bab attorney fee
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smilla rahmanir rahim
Allah number two who want to stay in who want to stop futile who want to do what you lay? Well not all the winner him in short all the unforeseen a woman see RTR Marina may you have the local philomel de la mejor Fela hardy Allah, Masha Allah Allah in LA LA hola Shadi Color Eyeshadow and an OB and I will see you Donna Mohammed Abu hora solo so sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka who are early he will be he will seldom at the Sleeman kathira I'm about to find nostoc ohad, easy Kitab la junta Allah, wa Pharaoh had the Hagia Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Michel ohmori matassa to Hakuna Matata timbira McCullough lepidopteran Lala Hakuna Okanagan. Now
there's a famous Hadith in which the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about the example of a good companion and a bad companion and it's a famous Hadith and I'm sure most of you if not all of you have come across before. It is on the authority of Abu Salah Sharia and correctional behati and Muslim that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the example of the righteous companion. And the example of the evil companion is like the example of the seller of musk and the example of the iron Smith. As for the seller of Musk, if you go to him, he will either give you some of his perfume, he will put some on you or he will sell you some of his perfume, or at the
very least you will leave with a pleasant fragrance from his place or from his shop. And as for the iron Smith, that either he will burn your clothes or he will blacken them, or you will leave with a foul odor that comes from him.
So in this beautiful Hadith the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlights a number of important points. The first is that each and every single person has friends, does no one except that they have some kind of friend. Some friends are closer than others. Some people have different levels of friends. Some people have acquaintances and friends that are very close friends. But people have friends, people will hang around with one another and as humans, we're a sociable
creation. We need to interact with others we can't live in isolation. And so people will always move around with one another, they will have friends, whether at work whether personally whether at home, whether casually or professionally, they will have friends. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is highlighting that there are friends. The second point at the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highlight in this hadith is that there are two types of friends, the one who is righteous, and the one who is evil. And each one of them has an example in this hadith. As for the righteous friend, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spoke about the righteous friend being the
one who if you go to them, at the very least, you will leave with something which is a nice fragrance. At the very least you will leave having some gain some benefit from them. And here is an important differentiation between the two types of friends. One is the friend that we normally have, and the way we normally look at friends in our society, the way that we are, is that we look at a friend or someone who will have a good time with me, someone who can have an enjoyable time with someone that you can chill out with. Someone that will cause you to love someone that you can go and eat in a restaurant with or you can go to the park with and so on and so forth. You play football
with them or cricket, this is the way we view friends. But when looking at these, a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam friends in Islam has a different meaning. And the friendship that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam speaks about in the in the ahaadeeth in insomnia and that Allah azza wa jal refers to in the Quran is a friendship whereby the two people that meet increase in a man this is an important differentiation. So a true friend, according to Islam is the one who when you meet them, he helps you to increase in a man. Like for example, in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he spoke about the seven people who will be granted shade,
on the day that there will be no shade except the shade of Allah azza wa jal, Yama, Yama, when the sun will be close to the heads of people, and the people will be drowning within their own sweat. seven categories of people will have the shade of Allah and from amongst them is or Giuliani to her bath in law. Each terminal he
fora parli. To men who loved each other for the sake of Allah, they gathered upon this love. And they departed upon this love. When the scholars come to this segment of the Hadeeth, defining these two individuals, what makes them so unique? What makes them so unique because all of us have friends that we love. But not all of us fall under this hadith. And that's because this hadith refers to a friendship whereby when a person meets his friend, he will automatically increase in a man
that a person helps them to increase in a man. And so you meet your friend, and by the time you leave, you have gathered in a man you have increased in a man
Sorry to interrupt with the police are on little green lane, and they're giving tickets to all the cars that are parked on as if you've parked there, please go move your car, so.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith is referring to those two people, that when they meet, and then they depart, the man has increased. And this is an important differentiation between the friendship that we normally have with our friends, and the friendship that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is referring to in these ahaadeeth. The two examples that are given, one is of a person who is a seller of musk. And normally when you go into a perfume shop, normally in the Arab countries anyway, and even here, they have testers, why you at the very least you can try some on, so you gain some actual benefit. So likewise, when you go to this
righteous companion, and you sit with him, he will remind you of Allah, Who remind you of the Day of Judgment. He mentioned to you a verse of the Quran, something interesting that you read the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or will advise you with something or encourage you with something. And so you've gained something, which is a solid benefit, or the son of must will sell you something. So for example, the friend will say to you, why don't we go together and perform Umrah? Why don't we go and perform Hajj? Why don't we go and pray together in the masjid, and so on and so forth. So you take away not only his friendship, but that friendship leads you then to the
worship of Allah azza wa jal or at the very least, you will have left having increased in your Eman just as you might leave from that person having had a beautiful fragrance that fills your nose. And so Likewise, the good friend will at the very least, raise your Eman. So just simply by seeing them, you raise yourself in a man. And this is why Abubakar and Rama rhodiola and Houma after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they would go and visit certain people that would remind them of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they're buying the Eman would increase. So for example, they would go to more a man who was
more a man was one of the people that read the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he was young, and so she was very close to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so after his death, they would say to one another, let us go and visit Omar Ayman, she was an old woman. And so they would go and visit her and simply by visiting her they would increase in a man simply by visiting her they would remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they would begin to cry. Likewise, on the opposite hand, you have the evil companion, the one who if you go to him or the one who if he comes to you, then he will give you some evil some harm. He'll encourage you to sin and disobey Allah azza
wa jal will encourage you to do something which will lead you to cause this to lead you to disobedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Or at the very least, you leave having decreased in aemon
or not having increased or decreased, but you just stable. And so there's no actual benefit in terms of our theorem in terms of your hair after there's no actual benefit that you gain from this type of friend.
In another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he also highlights the importance of good companionship. And the hadith of authorial rhodiola and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I'll Maru Allah Dini Holly, for nombor hadoken Manu hollyn. Indeed a person is on the religion of is Helene. And Helene is a Bosom friend, your closest of friends, or Colleen is the one that you're always with. You're always working together, you're always sitting together, you're always visiting one another. If one of you goes on a journey, the other one will accompany you and so on. And so far, this is the closest type of friend that you have. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said you are on the religion of your holiday. So let each one of you look as to who he takes as
his close friend, and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that indeed if I was to take a saline, then I would have taken Abu Bakar as my saline. But rather, the believers are brothers one to another. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if he were to choose a clean, he would have chosen the best of creation after the prophets and messengers of Allah. And likewise Abubakar on one hand, this close companionship. That's why they were constantly competing with one another constantly with one another. And this is why earlier on the Allahu, and at the death of Rama rhodiola one he would say, that I used to hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, I and
Abubakar and Homer went, I went with Abu Bakr and Omar or I came with Abu Bakr and Omar or I sat with Abu Bakr and Omar. So these three were very, very close. And so this hadith is referring to that type of friendship. When a person has a very, very close friend, then a person will follow on to their will follow a person and that religion that they're upon, on what they the character that they have, or the habits that they possess. And this is mentioned in a different part, or in third two in a different part of the Quran in two verses. Allah azza wa jal refers to this type of friendship. Allah subhanho wa Taala. In surah Tzu, he mentions one verse and in Surah, two for Khan
he mentions two verses, and all three verses are concerning to men, two men that lived at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the verse in Surah tzora Allah azza wa jal says Allah Yama, even Baba humulene
Turpin indeed the Collins the close friends, the bosom friends, on the day of judgment, they will be enemies one to another, except for those who have Taqwa except for the pious. So those friends who are close in this dunya if that friendship is not based upon taqwa, if it's not based upon a man, if it's not based upon righteousness, or it's based upon evil, or dunya, and so on and so forth, on your mukaiyama, that friendship on last, but rather it will turn into enmity. And the scholars of Tafseer mentioned that the way he will turn into enmity is when that person is held to account and that person has been punished, he will say, it was my friend. It was because of him. It was due to
him, that I was misguided or that I disobeyed you over law, or that I did such and such harm act. And so the friendship that they had in this dunya where they wouldn't part ways on Yom Okayama it becomes enmity and the verses in Surah Furqan. Allah azza wa jal speaks about the person who will say he speaks about the person who will say, well, you're my volume or Allah your day. Your
tomorrow, Rosalie Sabina, your way later Later, Neelam phoolan and Halima. He speaks about a person who will come and Yamanaka Yama, and he will bite upon his hands in regret and remorse. And he will say, Woe to me, if only I had taken and followed the way of the messenger. If only I had follow the path of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam you're away later Later Neelam fallen and kalila. Woe to me, had I not taken the path of my close friend. So this person on Yom Okayama will be so regretful so remorseful, that he will be biting down upon his hands, he will be eating and chewing his hands, because of the remorse that he feels. And this is due to all these verses were revealed,
due to the story of two men during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Makkah, and these were two disbelieving men. One of them his name was lockbar, even Abby more youth, and the other one was ommaya even if both of them were disbelievers. Both of them lived in Makkah, at the beginning of Islam when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was stationed in Makkah, one of them rockburn he used to go and sit with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they were both disbelievers. But he would go and sit with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he would listen to him, listen to what he preached, listen to
the verses of the Quran that he recited, even though he was a disbeliever. The other man was Amaya. Nicola who was one of the leaders or the chiefs of orange. They were both very, very close friends, or may have been the Hall of one day, and he was the one who wouldn't sit with the prophets of Salaam. He grabbed he passed by a group of the leaders, the nobleman, the chiefs of orange, and they said to him that your friend, your friend, rock band, has become mad. The Prophet Muhammad
Has bewitched him. This is why he keeps coming to sit with him. This is why he goes to listen to his words, to his sorcery to his magic. He's become bewitched.
Now omiya was a very close friend. And because of his close friendship with rock band, even though they weren't speaking about him, they were speaking about his friend. It had an impact upon him. And as a chief of Quraysh, he didn't want to be known as someone who hangs around with someone who has been bewitched, or someone who has become mad. Someone who has been impressed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So omegamon Tanaka one day, and he said to him, the word Chihuahua Joker, haraam, it is haram, it is not allowed for me to look at you. Not allowed for us to meet ever again. Unless you go to Mohammed, and you spit in his face.
Why did he say this? Because he wants to show the Muslim King, that Akbar hasn't become bewitched, that his closest friend hasn't become mad. That is not impressed by the prophets of Salaam. He just happens to sit by him. And one of the ways to prove this is for him to do something so disgusting physically, that the people have arranged, the leaders will become happy. And so he went and he said to him, we will never meet again, until you go and spit in his face. And so Raka he went, and the next time you saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he spat in his face. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about these two men, that both of them will be killed, both of them
will die on will die, and they will not accept Islam. And on the day of bother, both of them were killed. And so these verses were revealed concerning these two individuals. Lhakpa was a man who wanted Islam, he wanted to, oh, maybe he didn't want to stamp he enjoyed the company of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he enjoyed listening to the verses of the Quran. And the only reason that we went and spat in the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was because of his close friend, because of what he said to him, because of the threat that he made. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the Hadith, is saying that look at your the religion of your close
friend, because you will follow Him, you will do as he does, one of you will influence the other.
In another beautiful Hadith. We have the reward of righteous companionship. I will either resell Fulani, who was one of the scholars of the turban when he said that I entered the mosque in Damascus. And as I entered the mosque, I saw that there was a young man and this man was sitting in the masjid. And the people would keep coming to him and asked him questions. Or if they differed amongst themselves, they would go to him and whatever he said they would accept a man young in age. And so he became impressed this man from the tabulating, he became impressed with this young man. And so he asked the people who is this and they said it is more of evening Jebel rhodiola one the
famous Companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he says that I went home that day. And I came back the next day, wanting to arrive in the masjid before.
But when I arrived in the masjid, I saw that he was already there. And he was praying. And so I waited for him to finish praying. And then I went up to him, and I said to him, oh, by Allah, I love you for the sake of Allah.
And so I looked at him and he said, Do you swear by Allah, that you love me for the sake of Allah? And he said, Yes, I swear by Allah. And then a second time you said, Do you swear by Allah, that you love me for the sake of Allah? And again, Abu Idris wobei Allah, and then a third time again, he said, Do you swear by Allah, that you love me for the sake of Allah? And again, he said, Yes, I love you for the sake of Allah. So then more iron said, verily, I did this with the Prophet sallallahu Allah He will send them and he said to me, that Indeed, Allah azza wa jal says that my love has become obligatory upon those who love each other, for my sake, and those who sit with one another,
for my sake, and those who visit one another, for my sake, and those who strive for one another for my sake. And so this is a beautiful Hadith showing the reward of good companionship. Loving someone for the sake of Allah having this good companionship that Allah azza wa jal has obligated his love for the people who love one another for the sake of Allah, and those who sit with one another for the sake of Allah, those who visit one another for the sake of Allah and those who strive for one another for the sake of Allah.
This goes back to the original Hadith. But we mentioned the definition of friendship in Islam. Because in each one of these characteristics, the prophets or Solomon saying that they do it for the sake of Allah. So it's not just that you go and see someone because you missed them, you haven't seen them for a long time, you have news to catch up on the some gossip that you need to hear, but rather it's for the sake of Allah, sitting and visiting and loving one another, and striving one another for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
In another example of how companionship can affect someone else, there is the famous story of Roma rhodiola, one
Rama rhodiola one when he wanted to perform his role, he gathered with two other men. One of them was by the name of iosh, even amuro, br and the other one was by the name of his Sham, even Alas, so there were three of them. And so they came out the day before they wanted to migrate to Medina. And they chose a spot a few miles outside of the city of Mecca. And they said to one another, that tomorrow we will come here, and from here we will meet and then we will make our way to Medina, and this is the appointed time. If no one arrives at this time, then it means that the people of Makkah have imprisoned him. They've held him back, and so the other two should continue. Don't wait for
him. If someone's not here at the time, he mean something went wrong. And so the other two should continue. Until the next day they came and two of them turned up or Marathi. Allahu anhu was there and I ash was there. As for his Sham, he wasn't able to make it. The people of Makkah found out his plans and they imprison him. So Omar and I ash they left and they came to Medina. And after they arrived in Medina wants they were at Oba the place where now you have Masjid about
two men from the relatives of ash came behind them. One was Abuja, the famous leader of aurash. And the other one was al Hadith, even a sham and all three of these men, Abu Jahan and an Hadith and I ash, all three of them were first cousins. I actually was the only Muslim. So they came to him and they said, Oh, I ash and armor was present. They said, Oh, I ash, verily Your mother has sworn that she will never comb her hair ever again until she sees you. And she's made another oath. She swore that she will never ever seek shelter, meaning she will stand in the sun until she sees you. And so have some mercy upon your mother and come back with us. And so once she sees you, she fulfills her
oath, she goes back into her house because she's an old woman, then you can leave.
And I ash, obviously hearing this about his mother, he became upset. So I'm one of the Allahu anhu said, our iosh you know that these people are only saying this to you to get you back to Makkah. And once you're back in Makkah, they will make you leave your religion. So are you ash said she is my mother. She is old and she's weak, our go and visit her. And then I'll come back. Omar said to him, No, look at the the righteous companion, who doesn't just advise, but it's advice that see that he has, that he sees the benefits of advice that will benefit him, not only in this world, but in the affair as well. I'm going to say to him, that your mother, if she doesn't call my hair, she'll get
lice. And once she gets lice, tential definitely coma her. And if your mother continues to stand in the sun, then when the summer heat comes upon her, she'll go inside, she won't be able to withstand the heat. So either way, she'll break up complete or fulfill her vow. Either way, you're okay. I actually said no, I need to go and visit my mother and then I'll come back. So I almost said to him if you must go then take my camel because my camel is the fastest camel that the people have. And if you ride my camel you can ride Abuja, Hill and will Harith so if you find that on the way there up to something, they're plotting something, you can outrun them. And so I actually took the camel of
Amara Viola one.
And I actually actually said to Mr. De Allah one that I want to go back because I have some money. And I'm going to say to him that I will give you half of my wealth don't go back half of my wealth, he can have a look at the way that the righteous companion or righteous friend what lens he will go to, in order to protect someone from disobeying Allah in order to protect someone from harm. He is going through all of this through all of these steps. I ash refused. And so he took the camera of tomorrow, and he made his way back to Makkah with Abu Johanna not harder how
Wait on the journey. Abuja Hall said to iosh I'm an old man. And my riding beast is not very good. It's not very comfortable. My riding beast is too old is to need a commentary me. And it's a very uncomfortable trip. Why don't we swap? You take my camel, I'll take yours. And so I actually agreed. And so once he swapped camels, then they overtook him, and they chained him up, or they put ropes around him, and they took him back to Makkah. And once he arrived in Makkah, he found out that his mother hadn't made any oath. And then they made him leave his religion. They made him leave his religion.
Many years later, the Allahu anhu says, when the verse of the Quran was revealed, only arriba the alladhina sora for Allah and foresee him latok not on or off Mattila in Allah hockfield Luba Jamia in photo Rahim. say to them, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, all my servants who have oppressed themselves, do not despair from the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, he is oft forgiving, Most Merciful. Amara, the Allahu anhu said that when these verses were revealed, and I heard them, I thought of iosh. So Pamela, look at the righteous companion, many years later, or more of the Allahu anhu is hearing verses. And he thinks of that man, who is no
longer a Muslim, he is a non Muslim, but he thinks of him, I ash. And so he wrote down these verses, and he sent it to yosh. When I asked for the money, I actually took these verses he received them, and he read them. He says that I wasn't able to understand what was intended by them, or was intended by Allah. So I made to add to Allah, Allah, allow me to understand these verses. And then the next day Allah azza wa jal allowed me to understand that if I return to Islam, that Allah azza wa jal would forgive me for all of my persons. And so then he took his karma and he went back to Medina and again, he accepted Islam. Look at this beautiful story of Rama rhodiola one and the way
he is righteous companionship with this man, I ash and I actually is not a famous companion. He's not someone who's very well known, but because of his companionship, but the role model the long run, look at how not only our benefited him in the initial trip of hedgerow had he listened to him, but I'm one of the Allahu anhu also becomes the source of saving him from the fire of *, by the permission of Allah. Many years later, he still remembers him. And so the true friend, the friend that is righteous, the fender is pious doesn't give up. The friend that is with you, even though you have mistakes even though you have sins He never dispelled and he is one that will leave your side.
No Is he want to expose you, but he will remain patient and he will continue to advise you until
and he will continue to advise you until insha Allah Allah azza wa jal guides him
in another beautiful hardy in another beautiful story. You also get
the statement of Abdullah bin Miss rhodiola one I'm delighted Mr. Wood rhodiola who I knew he would say
to those people that would come by him after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he Judas Bina NAS de de man and Sarah. Let us sit together so that we can increase our Eman for a short while. And this was the way that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were that when they saw other companions, they would want to increase in Eman. When they visited one another. It was to increase in a man when they sat with one another. It was to increase in Eman And this was the way of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In another story you have Amara the Allahu anhu. Again, what he would do during the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi
wasallam with one of his best friends, one of his companions, they would take turns they would alternate between each other in going and spending the day with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. almoradi Allahu anhu would say that I had a friend and we would take turns spending the day with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. One day I would spend the whole day with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and my companion would go and work. And in the evening, we would meet and I would tell him what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said or did that day, and then the next day, I would go and work and he would spend the day with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and then in the evening, he would tell me what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said or did and this was the companionship that Amaro the Allahu anhu had as well. Likewise, you have the companionship between Abu Bakr and Omar
There are many, many examples of this. And they don't need to be mentioned. But they had such a strong companionship, that they would compete with one another in gaining guardians, competing with one another, to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is what a righteous companion does. A righteous companion knows his friends. He knows that when he's down, he needs to raise his Eman. He knows that when he's committed a sin, He needs to encourage him to repent to Allah, he knows that he needs to encourage him to perform righteous deeds to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And generally, when you look at these texts that I've mentioned, and especially the practical examples,
from the lives of the companions of the Allahu anhu, you will see that when it came to choosing a friend, then they will look at a number of affairs, they will look at a number of points, and a number of characteristics and attributes that they would have in this good friend. The first attribute that they will look at, is always having someone for the sake of Allah, having this companionship and friendship for the sake of Allah, not because of business, not because the person is good to chill out with not because the person is someone who's going to lighten your mood. Even though these things are allowed, but the main overriding factor would be erased for the sake of
Allah, that with this person, I will come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala This is why when you look at for example, Mm hmm. Shafi, even though they will teacher and student, they will companions as well. And they had a close bond and a close relationship. And this is why Mr. Muhammad would say that I have never stopped making dua for Mr. Musharraf in every prayer that I make since I met him. So I know that is a true friend, a righteous companion in every prayer that Imam Ahmed is making from the duels that he makes in that prayer is one for Imam Shafi. Even though he's 1000s of miles away, even though he rarely sees him, but this is righteous companionship. Just as Rama remembered
his friend I ash, Emma mahamudu would remember Emma Masha three Rahmatullah Allah Hema.
The second thing that they will look for is that that person be a person of intelligence. A person who has intelligence, a person who wasn't he sees you and the situation that you're in, he knows how to deal with it. He knows how to increase your Eman. He knows how to bring you closer to Allah, a person who is intelligent. And the Arabs have a famous story amongst themselves. A story about having someone who's unintelligent someone who's a bit dumb as a friend. And it's not a true story. But the story is that a man was walking through the woods, walking through the jungle, and he came across a bear. He came across the bear at the presumption that the Arabs have probably still have
probably had was the bears are big, and they're slightly done the Stoke creatures. And so the story goes that he found this bear in the middle of a jungle, and the bear was trapped, he was caught in a trap. So the man was hesitant. He didn't know what to do, should I feed the bear, because if I feed the bear, the bear may attack me, or shall I leave the bear and just go? sure if we chill or not. And then eventually he looked at the bear, and he felt sorry for the bear. The bear was trapped. It was whimpering. It wasn't happy. He knew that he had been caught. And so he freed the bear. The bear became a static, it became overjoyed. And they made an oath to himself, that I will go and protect
this man, this is my best friend. And not only will I return the favor that he did to me, but I will protect him from any harm and evil. I am his best friend. And so the man and the bear continued to walk in the jungle or in the forest or wherever they were, until eventually the man he becomes tired. And so he sits down under the shade of a tree. And he says I'm going to sleep. And so he goes to sleep. The bear looks at the man, and he says that I have promised to protect him, I won't sleep, I will stay awake, remain vigilant, remain on guard and make sure that nothing harms this man. After a short while, a fly comes and he begins to buzz around the face of the man. And the man keeps
waking up. He's disturbed. The Fly lands on his nose. He wakes up he swatted away, the fly goes comes back on his ear, and he's being disturbed. The bear is watching this and is becoming agitated and angry. I made an oath and a promise to protect this man. And this fly is coming and harming him he can't sleep peacefully. So I need to repay the favor that he done. And so as the fly is upon his forehead, the bear goes and he finds a big rock
and he brings the rock back and he thinks to himself today Now I will repay his favor. So he lifts the rock
He aims at the fly, and he throws the rock on the man's head. And obviously, what happens next I don't need to go into. So they mentioned the story as someone who even though he may have a righteous intention, even though his intentions were good, just like the best intentions, because of his unintelligence because of his lack of intelligence, he does more harm than good. And so the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would choose people of intelligence, they will choose people who would advise them. So the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never will you see them. Now advising one another one, one of them does one. For example, in one
below an amount of vinyasa and so Haim and Solomon are Pharisees some of the week companions, they will sitting next to each other, next to one another during the time in Makkah, they were sitting with one another, and Abubakar radi Allahu anhu came, and he sat with them as well. And as they were sitting above Sophia, and he walked past them. So one of them said about above sofian that our souls have not yet struck the neck of the enemy of Allah.
I will swords have not yet struck the neck of the enemy of Allah. Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu became upset. And he said, How can you say this about the leader of crush, I was suffering at the time was on a Muslim. Prabhu Parker is protecting him because of his status.
So those companions became upset, so Abubakar on the Allahu anhu, went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said that this is what took place. This is what they said about Abu sufian. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said to Abubakar, perhaps you have heard them, perhaps you have made them sad, go back and ask them to pardon you. And so he went back and he asked them, to view them to pardon him. And so there are many incidents like this, where the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, if they saw that something was wrong, if they saw a mistake happening, they would advise one another, they wouldn't just remain quiet. Likewise, they would also
remain patient upon the harm of one another. The differences that they had amongst themselves, sometimes they disagreed in certain affairs, if they remain patient upon this. For example, I'm one of the Allah one who was known to have disagreements with Khalid ignorable, either the Allah one, he wouldn't agree with him on a number of offense. And so there was this disagreement between them. But Khalid al Walid rhodiola, who I'm on his deathbed, he said that by Allah I know that Amara, the Allahu anhu only did what he did to me, because he saw that there was benefit in it for the Muslims. He saw that there was benefit in it for the oma so holiday minimal, he never took it personally. But
he remained patient upon the harm that may have occurred to him. Likewise, they would choose people who would encourage them to do God, encourage them to come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And there are obviously many other things as well, that they would mention.
Likewise, some of the things that they will do is that they would actually mention to one another, that they loved one another. And this is something which people don't do enough that we don't do enough, that when you love someone for the sake of Allah, you tell them that you love them for the sake of Allah, just as that man went to Mojave bingeable and he said to him, I love you for the sake of Allah, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in authentic hadith collected by Buddha, wood and telemovie, that indeed, if one of you who loves his brother, then let him go and tell him, if one of you loves his brother for the sake of Allah, then go and tell him and so this is
from the attributes of a good companion, that he comes and he tells you, that he loves you for the sake of Allah. Likewise, from the attributes of a good companion, is the humility that he shows towards you, his humbleness towards him, and his companionship with you, is based upon love and humility and humbleness is not a one of pride and arrogance. And this is why Allah azza wa jal says to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran, Warfield Jana hatherly, Manitoba, are coming in and lower your wing to those who follow you from the believers, meaning Humble yourself to those who follow you. And this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with his companions. And
even though he was close to them, no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has a much higher station, but still Allah azza wa jal is ordering him to be humbled with them. And this is why they would say you that when people would come and they would look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sitting with his companions, they wouldn't be able to tell which one of them was the Messenger of Allah. Nothing differentiated them
They sat and they would sit equally. And no one could tell that this is the king, or this is the prophet or this is the leader, but rather they all look exactly equal. One of the other things that they would do the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that they wouldn't think evil of one another. They wouldn't think evil of one another. But rather they would make excuses for their brothers. And they would accept their excuses if they made an excuse. So if they saw something, which didn't make sense, they would make an excuse. Or if they asked for something, and that person said something in return, he made an excuse. He excused himself, they would accept this,
and they wouldn't think evil of one another. For example, when Ahmadi Allahu anhu went to Abu Bakar radi Allahu anhu, asking him to marry his daughter hafsa. He said, marry my daughter have some Abu Bakar said no. And he didn't give him any reason. He rejected one of his closest friends. And so then he went to Earth man, and he said Mary hafsa and he said it was man said I don't need to get married again. I'm not looking to get married. And then after a few days, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam asked for the hand of hafsa robiola, Abu Bakr radi Allahu anhu came and he said, Omar, perhaps you were displeased that I said no to you. Sorry, he remained silent. He didn't say
no, he remained silent. Perhaps you are upset that I remain silent? And so almost said yes. He said I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speak about hafsah. And I didn't want to say yes, in case the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to marry her. But if he had refused, then I wouldn't have married her. So they would make excuses for one another, and they wouldn't think evil of one another.
In conclusion, I want to leave you with a beautiful Hadith, a hadith which is collected in the Sahih Muslim on the authority of Abu huraira rhodiola Guan, and this is a beautiful Hadith that shows you the rewards of having righteous companionship. Those people who will encourage you to come closer to Allah to commit to perform acts of obedience, to learn about your religion, to perform that which Allah azza wa jal loves. This is something which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned in this beautiful Hadith, on the authority of Abu Dhabi, Allah one. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that Indeed, Allah azza wa jal has angels upon the earth. And his angels, their only
role is to go around the earth to roam around the Earth, looking for the sittings of remembrance, the settings of knowledge insha Allah sitting like this, where people come and sit with one another, to learn about the region of Allah, to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala to study their religion. These are angels who go and they seek out these settings and this is the only role that they have. This is why Allah azza wa jal create them. And so each time they come to a setting, they gather around the sitting, and they place their wings next to one another, until they surround the setting. And then they continue to come on top of one another. So once one ring is established, the next ring
begins above that ring. And they continue to sit among amongst one another. And they continue to ascend like this, until they reach the heavens of the dunya, the lowest heavens, the first heaven, the heaven that is closest to the earth. And they continue and remain in that position, until the people disperse until that remembrance has finished until that lecture has finished, and then the people depart. And then they continue to ascend, they are sent back to the heavens, they go back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Allah azza wa jal says to them mean energy to Where have you come from, even though Allah azza wa jal has more knowledge of this, but he asks them this question, Where have
you come from? And so the angels reply, that we have come from some of your servants, a group of your servants upon the earth, they are gathering together and they are saying Subhan Allah, and our hamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar, Allah ilaha illa Allah and they are seeking your forgiveness and they are asking from you. So Allah azza wa jal says to these angels, and what do they ask about? What are they asking for? And so they reply, Allah, they seek your Jannah they ask for your paradise. And then Allah azza wa jal asks his angels have they seen in my paradise? And they say no. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What about if they were to see it? How much more would they wanted?
Were they to see it and then the angel say Oh Allah, and they see
refuge in You. So he says subhanho wa Taala. From what do they seek refuge? And they reply from your fire. And then he asks, have you seen my fire? And they say no. And then he says, What if they had seen my fire? How much more will they seek refuge from it, if they had seen my fire, and then Allah and then the angel say to Allah subhanho, wa Taala Allah, they seek your forgiveness as well. They are asking you to forgive them. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says, bear witness that I have forgiven them, and I have given them that which they have asked for, and I have saved them from that which they seek refuge in.
And then the angels continue and they say Oh Allah, but there is also amongst them an individual. And this is the point of the Hadith. There is also amongst them, an individual arrived.
A slave who has many ills, many mistakes, many sins. Margot Robbie him for jealous. He only sat with them, because he walked past and saw them sitting. So he sat down, meaning he never had the intention to attend. He never came out because he had the intention to seek knowledge, or because he wanted to remember Allah, but he just happened to be passing by. And he heard them speaking. He heard them gathering, he saw them gathering, and so he sat with them. And so Allah subhana wa Taala replies, and he says, bear witness that I have also forgiven him. Indeed, these are a group of people who who ever sits with them will never despair. And this is in the Sahai of Muslim. And what
a beautiful Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. The righteous companion is the one who advises and encourages his friend to come and attend lectures to learn about his religion, to remember Allah. And by doing so, not only is he forgiven, but he is granted paradise and saved from the fire. And even if that person is a person of sin and evil and mistakes, simply by coming and sitting with this righteous companionship, Allah azza wa jal also gives him the same reward. And he says about this group of people, that whoever sits with them will never despair. May Allah azza wa jal make us from amongst those who are righteous companions, may he makers form amongst those who
seek His forgiveness, and may He cuantas paradise and save us from the fire, however, will no one will not allow someone to be the Muhammad Ali was
just awful affair Shia brothers if anyone has any questions.
We'll have a brief q&a now if there are any questions in Sharla.
The brothers asked me spoke about having friends, is it allowed to have non Muslim friends, it's allowed to have non Muslim friends, like we said that there is a differentiation between the two. The friendship that we're talking about here is the friendship or when you meet that person, you increase in a man. But that doesn't mean that you can't have friends outside of this as well. Just as the Muslims, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they had friends from the non Muslims as well, they would still go and they would meet with one another. Like I mentioned yesterday, the hook by the Saudi bin Morales, he would have a companion in Makkah that he would go
and visit and when he would come to Medina, he would visit him. But this is a different type of friendship. And that's why I mentioned at the beginning that it's important to define friendship here. And the friendship that we're talking about is the one where a person's email increases and Allah knows best.
The brother is asking, What do you say if someone says they love you for the sake of Allah? the Sunnah is to reply and say hubback Allah, Allah, the Bab attorney fee. May Allah also love you because you loved me for his sake. May Allah also love you because you loved me for his sake.