Ahsan Hanif – Quran Tafseer – Page 47 – Allah Forbids Usury
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The speakers discuss the use of sadaqa in Islam, including the quote from Sayid Ali feerinless about giving sada melan to those who spend in the way of Islam. The usury contract is that individuals cannot afford to borrow money from others and must pay the cost of borrowing money and using it. The importance of balancing behavior is emphasized, and the use of beads and money in the past is discussed as a means of making money. The speakers stress the importance of setting up prayer and avoiding small talk, and caution against giving too much information and giving up on one's views.
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You're gonna shave on
cinematic Muhammad Allah He or barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Kleber to clean water or dwelling in Bali meanwhile shadow Allah either in LA Allahu la sharika Allahu Allah will you know will ask you in worship and then the Vienna Muhammad Abdul oversold almost I mean will almost certainly will send him a radical anti Cobra Sonica Muhammad Anwar the early he was a big marine and welcome to another episode of relative seal page by page inshallah Tada today we are on page 47 of the Quran, which is towards the very end of Surah Baqarah in the third jewels in the previous episode, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned to say number of verses that
extolled the virtues of sadaqa and spending in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah azza wa jal mentioned a number of the etiquettes of giving as well as a number of parables and examples of Allah azza wa jal set forth concerning those people who spend in the path of Allah subhanaw taala. And no doubt, as we know giving sadaqa spending in the way of Allah azza wa jal sacrificing some of your wealth, to please your Lord and Creator to help the poor and the needy and other people who may require some of that wealth. It leads from the greatest acts of worship that a person can perform least because it is something which shows your willingness to sacrifice for the sake of your Lord,
and to submit to His command subhanaw taala. And it is also something which helps the community at large. And one of the major objectives of the Sharia or one of the major foundations of the Sharia is built upon brotherhood, and upon this communal obligation that we have towards one another, the societal contract that we have with one another. And that is that we help those who are less fortunate those who are in need those who require our assistance.
In the verses that we're going to cover today, or in some of them, at least, Allah subhanaw taala will not speak about the opposite of in many ways of charity. If charity is something in which you give, you don't expect anything back, as we said before, the best form of charity is one that is done with the purest of intentions in which you don't hold any favor over the recipient, you know, follow up your act of charity with any word hurtful, or harmful words or actions, in many ways, if that is the spirit of giving, and helping. Then the verse that we're going to begin with today is in many ways, opposite of that and that is the issue of interest or usually Riba, Allah subhanaw taala
says in verse 275,
there will be law he ministry upon the regime, a Lavina coluna de Bala yaku Munna in Pomona, the battle che upon Amina illness, that it can be unknown corner in MLB room is not Reba wahala Allah who will be our house, Ahmed Reba.
Beef to have a woman said if our amuru Allah, woman are deaf,
equals humble nerdy, whom we have called it one, Allah subhanaw taala that gives the example now those people who take usually and how they will be in the agreement on Yama, Yama, when Allah azza wa jal resurrects a person and we know from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the usury and Riba is from the major sins that a person can partake in. And in some a hadith is referred to as one of the several movie caught the seven destructive or deadly sins. And that is because Riba is essentially when you are not doing something out of the goodness of your heart, but in many ways, there is oppression upon the vast majority of people who usually are not in the
position to be able to give out money to borrow money to, to, if you'd like give that capital out to others to benefit from. And the Recipient is in a situation where in often cases, they are in need of money. But the contract that they're in, which is the usury contract, is that the person will now add interest upon the amount that they have borrowed. And this is just one of the forms of usury. There are many different forms, but just so that we can understand the concept that we're speaking about, they will ask for something back, which is more. So someone who's genuinely struggling, can't really afford much money needs to borrow 100 pounds, they borrow 100 pounds because they don't have
100 pounds, that 100 pounds for them is difficult to see what you accumulate or to earn. So now they've borrowed 100 pounds, and they've been told that you can have it for two weeks, but when you give it back you must give it back as 110 and if you don't give her back in two weeks as 110 Then after a month it will be 120 and if you don't give it back as 120 Then after six weeks it will be 130 And so this person was struggling to get the one
100 in the first place now must add 1020 3040. And this continues on and on and on, until they are able to pay it back. And if they don't, it just continues to burden them with debt, and more debt and more debt. And so this is one of the ways in which usury is there for something which is difficult for many people. And as we know, in the societies that we live in, especially those of us that live in the West, whether it's the capitalist system, in terms of the way that the economy runs, we know that there are many people who are suffering in terms of the debt they've accumulated via their credit cards and via their loans and agreements that they've made. And because of that,
they struggling financially, they can pay the minimum amount that's due, so maybe they have to be 2030 pounds a week, they pay that amount, that's something which they can do, but all the while that money is accumulating interest. So now rather than the 1000 pounds that they borrowed, then they're paying 1200 pounds 200 pounds more than they could initially afford anyway.
So Allah subhanaw taala describes the Riba in terms of the way that that person who partakes in Riba and there are a number of people all of them are included in the contract, whether you're the one who's taking the money, or you're the one giving the money, or you're part of the contract. All of those people are from the people that Allah azza wa jal and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cursed into terms of Riba. He says Subhana wa Tada. Those who take usually will rise up on the Day of Resurrection like someone tormented by shape and touch camellia Kumu leather, yet a couple who shape on women and mess, meaning that they won't be able to work study, someone who's possessed, or
someone who's drunk, for example, who's under intoxication, severe levels of intoxication, often called walk in a straight line. When they walk, they can't keep the equilibrium or the balance because of the way that they've become intoxicated. Allah azza wa jal says that these people who partake in rubber, on normal piano when they stand, they will be like those people who are unbalanced. Those people who can't walk straight those people who can't go in a straight line. And that is the day in which people will need that balance as we know, when for example, the believers go oh, the people go on the bridge that Allah azza wa jal will place upon jahannam. It is something
which is finer than a strand of hair sharper than the tip of a sword. You need your balance on that day. So Allah azza wa jal says that it can be unknown, called enamel bead or Mr. Diva. That is because these people say and as we know, in our time, there are people who come with justifications as to why usually is good or it's beneficial, or it's okay, but it's not such a big deal. And so this is the reasoning that they give in MLB, or mystery bap, buying and selling transactions. Trade is like rubber, it's one of the same thing, you will make your money when you buy a product and someone sells the product to you and you buy it from them. And I causeway making money from in terms
of the usually, the difference between the two is that when it comes to buying and selling products, you're paying for something that you return, its value, the value that it's that that's given to it. So for example, if a book is worth 10 pound, you pay the 10 pound because that's the value of the book. No one says to us 10 pound by next week, you have to give me another 10 pounds in three weeks you have to give me another SKU by the book is finished. It's done. But when it comes to usury, you're saying to that person No, you're going to take for me 10 pound and 11 and return 15 and return 20 in return. And so it's not the same as buying transactions or or buying in that way. Allah
azza wa jal says well, Allah Hoon bear, well how Rama Riba and this should be sufficient for the believer, irrespective what people may say economically financially those people who may benefit from these types of transactions that they are usually the minority as opposed to the majority, Allah subhanaw taala that says, it is enough that Allah has allowed trade and forbidden usually, that's enough for the believer. It is something which Allah azza wa jal has made haram. We know that it is from the cursed sins, the major sins in the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the believer, that should be enough.
And that is what Allah azza wa jal then says, From injera, who morellato Mira beef and Taha fella who must sell off our Muhammad Allah, whosoever on receiving Allah's warning stops taking usually may keep his past gains, indeed, Allah will be his judge. So if someone has done this before they accepted Islam, or when these verses were revealed in the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, they were people who used to engage in this practice before it was made haram. Then those people they can take their profits and keep them. Allah azza wa jal says that was before they knew before they became Muslim before they had knowledge. That's a different issue. And that is why the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his farewell Hajj in one of his famous sermons. He mentioned that indeed, every single type of usually contract is not abolished. No more in Islam. And the first such usury contract that I will abolish is the one of my own uncle and I best Ibn Abdul Muttalib Radi Allahu Allah, because those Quraysh will cease to partake in this is a way of making easy money. If you're someone who has a great deal of water
have, you have a good deal of wealth? It's something where you make money and that's why people put their money in banks into those types of in accounts in which there is usually that has been accumulated it is interest that is being made on it, because it's an easy way of having your money sit there, and it's just making money for you. But that is something which Allah azza wa jal has forbidden. So if it's done before the remainder of Allah came to me and before you knew before you accepted Islam, then it's okay. What happens in the past days in the past, well, Allah forgives it Allah has affair is with Allah, woman either. But whoever goes back and continues to partake in it
for Allah equals Honbu. Now, then those people are the people of the fire, whom fear hottie don't, they will remain the ring and that is what makes it a major sin. A major sin according to the majority or some of the scholars of iStan is any sin in which there is a threat of punishment that has been attached to it. Allah's curse, Allah's Anger, Allah's wrath, Allah's punishment, the punishment of the fire, anything, any sin that has an attachment of it, to a threat of punishment, that is then considered to be a major sin, Allah azza wa jal may punish anyone for any sin. But if the sin alongside it, you are told Allah curses such people, those are the people of the fire. Those
are the people that Allah is angry with, and so on and so forth, that 1010s In from any type of ordinary sin into what we consider to be a major sin.
In the next verse, Allah subhanaw taala in 276 tells us one of the reasons as to why
rebar and usury is something which Allah azza wa jal dislikes. Allah subhanaw taala says, you don't have Allah hood riba or your be sadaqat Walla Walla, you hit buku Littleford. In fe, Allah subhanaw taala says indeed Allah blights usually, meaning you take away from it any type of blessing that blesses charitable deeds with multiple increase. Indeed, Allah does not love them grateful Silla. One of the major harms of usury is that Allah subhanaw taala even though this person is taking more wealth and making more money, seemingly on the outside, Allah azza wa jal is removing any type of blessing from their wealth and from their provision. And that is more important to the believer, the
blessing of Allah azza wa jal is more important to the believer, even if the amount is small, the blessing of Allah is more important to the believer, than the greater amount that is devoid of any blessing. And so when you earn something which is halal, which is pure, which is good, then Allah subhanaw taala places blessing in it, and there is blessing in it that you see, and not necessarily blessing in terms of it becomes more than money or wealth or quantity, the blessing in a way that your family benefits from it, and that you benefit from it and the inner peace and tranquility that you find as a result of it, as opposed to those people who just take money, by hook or by crook,
halal haram. They don't care. They just gather, gather gather, and they may have more in terms of quantity, but in terms of the inner peace and blessing and tranquillity in terms of the blessing that they see for themselves, their family and so on. They will find that that has been removed yum help Allahu Riba. Allah says the Riba is something which will take you away and blight your wealth and take away any type of blessing from it.
So Allah subhanaw taala in the next verse 277, then tells us the one of the greatest ways of remaining steadfast upon his path subhanho wa taala. And that is that Allah azza wa jal says in the Lavina M, and we're Amuro Sani Khartoum upon Masada. Well, I almost saw that there was the third room in the rugby Morocco for an early modern zone. Those who believe and do good deeds. They established the player they pay there's a cat, all of them will have their reward with the Lord, no fear for them, nor will they grieve. One of the greatest ways of staying away from the Haram Allah azza wa jal tells us in this verse, and sometimes in the Quran, you will find that Allah subhanaw
taala mentioned the topic, the beginning of the topic, and the end of the topic are the same. But in the middle of those verses, there is a verse that doesn't seem to be directly related. So Allah azza wa jal may sometimes in the middle of a story of one of the prophets, interject something else, a issue that doesn't seem related to the theme of the story of the Prophet of Allah for example, and you will find examples of this numerous places in the Quran, Allah azza wa jal often does this, when this happens in the Quran, when you have this introduction, where Allah subhanaw taala has placed a verse that is not about the general theme or subject that is being discussed, you should stop and
pause and reflect upon this, because there is usually a very important principle that Allah azza wa jal is bringing to your attention, that in this general story, the theme the subject of benefit that you should take one of the greatest ways to achieve it is not being mentioned in this particular in this particular verse, because of the principle that you can derive from it. So for example, here these verses
thought about rebar. The verses before the two verses before have spoken about interest in usury Riba and the verse after this, we'll go back to the river. But in the middle of this Allah azza wa jal now says those who believe, do good deeds established the prayer gives us the cat, they will have their full reward. What does that have to do with riba? Allah subhanaw taala is essentially telling us that one of the greatest ways of staying away from any haram, any major sin is to stick with that which Allah azza wa jal has told you from your obligations, and in particular, particularly, the two obligations that Allah azza wa jal have the two pillars of Islam, that Allah
subhanaw taala mentions in this verse, and that is establishing the prayer and giving this occur. Allah azza wa jal loves those who established the surah and Allah Azza delivers those who give this occur. And Allah subhana data from the blessings that He bestows upon those people is that he keeps them upon the straight path keeps them away from that which is haram. If you're a person who's diligent in your Salah, who preserves your surah you make sure that you pray at the correct time. You make sure that you have made will do correctly, you make sure that you're someone who tries your best to pray for example, in congregation in the masjid if you're a man, you make sure that you pray
your Salah in the way that the prophets of Allah what he was telling us to offer his you're diligent when it comes to your Salah, it's something which is your major preoccupation of the day, you make your day revolve around your Salah, as opposed to making your Salah we move around your day. Hear from those people who puts in the time and effort and you're conscious of your sada and you put in the care and attention towards your prayer. Allah subhanaw taala tells us elsewhere in the Quran in the salata, 10 her and fascia you will Moncure that indeed the salah prevents you from evil and sin, but it is for those types of people, not the person who's not do who doesn't give it its due
diligence and care, but then is reminded or praised later waits for the time to elapse. And so those people don't really find the great benefits of Saara, they don't really find the way that the salah should impact them in terms of the character and their belief and their action and their worship and so on. However, those people who are diligent in their surah Allah azza wa jal promises them that it will keep them away from haram. So Allah azza wa jal says yes, usually, these types of of sins like Riba are very enticing. They're very beautiful on the from the outside, they seem like they make sense, because why would I want more money? Why can I put my 10,000 pound into account and over
time, make a couple of 100 pounds with it just sitting there? Why can't I use this money and make more money just simply by borrowing money out to people and getting more in return? But Allah subhanaw taala is saying don't do so. It's going to take away the blessing is going to bring Allah's curse and wrath is going to give you punishment from Allah subhanaw taala stay away from it, but rather focus on that which is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal and that is the you should use your wealth in the way that ALLAH SubhanA data is pleased with your splendor upon yourself, your family in the way that is halal, and give some of it in Sudan charity to those who are less fortunate than
you. Establish the sada give the second What do you have in return? A Jerome and Daraprim you will have the reward of your Lord and the reward of your Lord is left as a general reward. Allah doesn't specify one or another. Because Allah's rewards are many, and they are plentiful, and they are great each and every single one of them. And if you focus on that reward, then what you may lose in terms of wealth or money or any other type of worldly benefit, it becomes less and less significant to you, because you're focusing on a greater price. And that way to price is the love of Allah azza wa jal, the reward of Allah subhanaw taala the safety that Allah azza wa jal gives us he says, what a
homophone are they him? Well, I don't know there will be no fear upon them, nor will they grieve.
In verse 278, Allah subhanaw taala then says, going back to the issue of rebar and usually you will live in Tacoma hover the room, but to hear me in a Reba in tune meaning or you will believe beware of Allah fear Allah be conscious of Allah, give up any understood outstanding views of usually, if you are truly believers, Allah subhanaw taala and that gives the expressed man that makes the Rebbe haram and that is that Allah azza wa jal says, are you who believe in Allah, who fear Allah will conscious of Allah and constantly aware of them Subhana wa Tada leave any type of Riba? And Allah azza wa jal says here ma Bucha, Yamuna riba even outstanding small amounts of riba let alone
starting a new contract, engaging into a new transaction of Riba and so on. That's like the major thing Allah saying even the small remnants of Riba, the small, outstanding stuff that's remaining leave that and Allah azza wa jal often does this in the Quran. Because if you're told to leave the small stuff, then clearly the major stuff should be well out of bounds. Allah is really saying leave even the small stuff them
Most people aren't, aren't even really cognizant of they're not really aware of they don't really focus on people focus on the big stuff they ignore the small stuff Allah azza wa jal is saying when it comes to riba stay away even from the small stuff in quantum meaning, if you are truly believers, and this verse Therefore is the command from Allah azza wa jal that outright very clearly and plainly tells us to stay away from Riba. So for someone then to come and say, No, it's okay in one way or another. And I know that there is discussion over some issues, and scholars have given feta fatwas and so on. And you should take make due diligence and go to those scholars when you have
those questions. When you are engaged in something, for example, and you need an Islamic verdict and go to a scholar that you trust in terms of the Eman in their knowledge and speak to them and ask them concerning that issue. That is maybe the exception to the rule. Or maybe there are certain circumstances that are unavoidable depending on where you live in what your circumstances may be. But the general rule is that you stay away from it. And that's why it is something which is very important as a general principle in the Sharia that yes, they may be exception to some scholars may give exceptions for one key set or one case, the factor that is given for that person, that
individual and this circumstance that you went to the squatter with the question, and the chef answered the question, he's speaking to that individual. Now what we do is we take that fatwa that was then put onto YouTube, or onto a website or some type of q&a platform, and we think that it applies to everyone. But my circumstance may not be the same as the one who's asking the question, his issue may be slightly different from mine. I can't just go and extrapolate from it and say, well, it's okay for everyone. Because that's not how that type of photo works when someone goes to a an individual scholar, and so to understand the question and its context, and then to take an answer
is extremely important, because we want to be safe when it comes to our religion when it comes to our worship of Allah subhanaw taala and fulfilling our duties. In verse 279. Allah azza wa jal then says indemnifiable Then will be hard to be mean Allah He was already well in Tibetan Fela Kumar also am worthy cumulatively Moon Our Allah to the number one, if you do not meaning stay away from me by the previous command that Allah azza wa jal gave in the last verse. If you do not stay away from it, then be warned of war being waged upon you from Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. This is the only sin in the Quran and the Sunnah, in which, in which the one who perpetrates that
sin or commits and performs that sin is under the threat of a war being waged upon them by Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah declares war upon them. And imagine if Allah was to declare war upon you, then what possible chance of success Do you have? How can you possibly defeat ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And so this shows you the gravity of the sin that is usually that is so easy to conduct and become part of Allah Azza did his thing to do it. Allah azza wa jal will wage war upon you. Do you want to be an enemy, a combatant and upon to Allah and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or in took them but if you repent and turn to Allah, La Cumbre also Malecon your
wealth your capital is yours meaning Allah azza wa jal doesn't say to you from the wealth that you earned in a halal way that you have to give it away in sadaqa, that you can't use it and you can't benefit from it and you can't buy stuff and luxuries with it. No, it's Helen, use it in a halal way. Fella come also America, use that wealth to invest us in business to whatever you want to stay away from the few things that Allah has made haram subhanaw taala a lot of the Munna Allah to lemon use it without suffering loss, or causing it to others. Allah doesn't want you to become poor, Allah subhanaw. Taala doesn't want you to become someone who's destitute, doesn't have money, penniless,
but at the same time, don't cause harm to others, you want to be want to be the one that's in that type of debt. If the tables returned, none of us would want to be in that situation where we're every week having to pay more and more and more, because we can't even pay for the initial amount, let alone the interest that is accumulated. Don't be fooled amongst those people that doesn't like it for themselves, but they wonder upon others. And that is why it is one of those things which go against the embodiment of the Islamic spirit, the Islamic spirit is that we love for others what we love for ourselves, I will never want my mum, my dad, my child, my friend, to be in that situation
myself to be in that situation. So then why would I want others to be in a similar situation? Don't they have parents that have children? Don't they have dependents? Don't they have other problems and issues that they're dealing with? Why would I place them in a situation where now they're in even more debt when they couldn't even find the initial amount of money. People don't borrow money, usually speaking on on a small level, individual level, because they have the money sitting in the bank and they just want to take it from others. It takes a level of humility and humbleness and a level of shame to go to someone and ask them to help you financially. And so therefore beware of
these issues.
In Western or HLRs origin says we're in ganadores watin funnel the rotten Ely, Minnesota, South Dakota you
Hola como in Kung tanaman, Allah azza wa jal houses the way that the Muslim should be. And he says that if the data is in difficulty, then delay things until matters become easier for him. Still, if you were to write it off as an act of charity that would be better for you if you only knew, rather than taking more money, when it comes to debts, I borrowed someone 100 pounds for a 110 back. That's the way it should be. How should it be that if that person can't even pay the 100 pounds, because I'm not asking them for more, you get I borrow your 100 you pay me 100 back we agreed three months, after three months, he comes to me he says, Look, I just can't pay this. I need more time is
difficult for me. Here's 30 pounds, that's all I could save that the 70 I will need more time. This person isn't missing around. There are a person who's lazy, that are a person who is trying to just sit at home and live off the sadhaka over the people and so on. This person is genuinely trying, but the circumstances or the circumstances that is the person that we call mercy or in Islam, not the person who isn't working or not trying was just messing around or delaying you for no good reason. Those people the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that they're sinful. And he mentioned their punishment in the Sunnah. Anyway, we're talking about people who are genuinely in difficulty.
Allah azza wa jal says that if someone is in that difficulty, difficulty for Nadira, give them more time, that is the way that they believe it should be. And Allah azza wa jal will forgive a person who did very little good in the dunya as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but one of the good aspects that he did have in his character is if he borrowed money to someone and a person couldn't pay him off, he would give them more time. And if they still couldn't pay off after a while, he would just say, You know what, it's okay just take it or he would say, just give me half back and I'll let you after the half or something similar. So Allah azza wa jal will forgive him for
all of his sins, because Allah will say that I have more right to that characteristic that he does, that you forgive that you pardon that you overlook that you are gentle with people and that you're good and kind towards them. And that is why Allah azza wa jal says so give them time will enter Sadako and if you're even more charitable, than that is better for you. Let them half off, let them a quarter of three quarters of two thirds of passing to pay what you can give the rest away or just say to me it's okay leave the rest I don't need that money back home did Allah's as original has given me enough and you want in general I can see your genuine situation is that you're in that type
of difficulty? And that is why Allah azza wa jal concludes this we conclude this page with verse 281. And that is the statement of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada what whoa yo man to Jarwin Fe in Allah Matoba furcal known FC Mecca Saba to a hula hula moon. Allah azza wa jal says beware of the day when you will return to your Lord, for every soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and none will be wrong. This according to a number of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and scholars of his stamp was the final verse to be revealed of the Quran. And that is Allah azza wa jal, it says here fear the day that you will return to Allah. It is easy when you're looking
just in the lens of the dunya. To want more, to be very difficult and harsh with people to say to them, No, I'm not going to give you more time to repay me, or I want more in return or whatever it may be. Allah azza wa jal says, always remember that you will stand before Allah. And if you feel that day and you're conscious of standing before Allah subhanaw taala and that you will be repaid in full in terms of your deeds, whether good or bad, then that will make you stop and pause and think, again, in terms of what it is that you're going to be doing. And that is why Allah azza wa jal mentioned this verse here and when it comes to the way that we deal with the people and their
situations, and the difficulties that they may be facing, if you are kind and good towards people, Allah will be good towards you. And if you are difficult with people and harsh with them, then Allah azza wa jal may be harsh with you. And Allah subhanaw taala is the one who knows best. May Allah azza wa jal bless you all and inshallah to Allah until our next episode Baraka low freecom. Was that Allah Allah Allah be the Muhammad and what are the early he was happy it's been set up by Allah he will