Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 7
Ahmed Hamed – Reflection on 40 Duas of Rabbana – Our Lord – Part 7
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The speakers emphasize the importance of history and the mercy of Islam in creating Islam. They ask people to be mindful of their mercy and be honest with their words. They stress the need to protect from evil consequences and forgiveness, while also asking for guidance and help from others to achieve their goals. They stress the importance of praying for oneself and others, being mindful of one's actions, and trusting Allah. The speakers stress the need to ensure everyone is protected from suffering and kill, and to practice praying for themselves and others.
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Karim. While early he was hobby of mine, my brothers, my sisters, welcome again to our new session which is going to be in sha Allah the last session of the series Rabbana our Lord will hamdulillah I am sure we have been benefiting from the, you know, teachings of the Quran Subhana Allah which helps us to be able to be connected with our Creator which we have kept as an objective for the series. When hamdulillah we ask a lot of Blizzard to benefit us in order to learn it to you know, implement it in our lives in sha Allah. Let us continue my brothers and sisters the journey of
this beautiful cities robina Our Lord insha Allah today we shall begin with an ayah from Surah
Surah number 40 ayah number seven, in which Allah beleza he says the following.
loss of Haida hota Allah says which we need to ensure that we recite and remember, in sha Allah, the translation of which is our Lord, You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge. So forgive those who have repented and followed your way and protect them from the punishment of hellfire. So kind of such a powerful again, we are asking our Creator, our rub our Lord, that indeed, he has encompassed all things in mercy, and this is so true Subhana Allah, we see the element of the mercy of Allah azza wa jal in everything and everywhere Subhana Allah, if it was not from the mercy of Allah, I wouldn't be talking to you, you wouldn't be listening to me, if it not the mercy of Allah,
the love that you and me have towards each other, the families have the love to be towards each other, the siblings, the parents and teacher, the parents and the children, the you know, spouses, the children, the you know, friends and relatives, then the element of love, would not exist, if it was not from the mercy of Allah azza wa jal, even in the creation of Allah, even in the animals, in the birds in every creation, we see there is a there is an element of love, affection, and that is out of the mercy and that's just 1% of the mercy from a lot of binaries that was shared in the entire world to the entire and complete creations. panela so it is the mercy of Allah that has
encompassed everything and Subhana Allah we know the Hadees and kotse, in which a lot of Buddha he says the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Allah said that he will overcome, you know, his anger, by the mercy Subhana Allah, the mercy will prevail, my anger, my brothers and sisters, that's how Allah is Allahu Akbar. He is extremely merciful. The need is to understand the mercy of Allah and love and fall in love with Allah. Such a beautiful creator, Allah is Subhana love. And we are acknowledging the fact that, you know, Allah has mercy and compassion, all things, along with his knowledge. So Allah knows what's there in the past, in the present the future, what goes on in your heart and mind
what goes on in people's mind. So Allah is all aware. He knows each and everything he is the alarm, Luke, he knows the matters of the unseen, he knows what goes on in our hearts and minds. So we are asking a lot of binaries that indeed, our Lord, You have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge. So forgive those we are asking Allah for what forgive those who have repented, we are asking a lot of but for those who have repented to forgive them with this is, indeed my brothers and sisters, that we pray for others as well. And Allah will help us as well. In the process of asking others, Allah fulfills ours. Repentance as well. And this is again, you know, it invites us
Attention that how important and how powerful repentance is. You know a lot of Blair is a he is always ready. He is always ready to forgive us. We have to make it possible by putting an effort to turn to Allah to return to Allah. Allah is with the sincere Toba with the sincere repentance and this seeking of the forgiveness of Allah to Allah, it is so beautiful, it is so beloved Subhana Allah He, he just does not forgive people, but he loves to forgive people who repent sincerely. So we are asking Allah, you know, by acknowledging the fact of His mercy and knowledge, we are asking a lot to forgive those who have repented. And number two, we are asking a lot of binaries and follow
your way. So those people who follow the way of a lot of Bonanza, they definitely deserve the mercy of Allah, they definitely deserve the forgiveness of Allah subhanahu wa taala And finally, we are asking a loss of Hannah who are to Allah to protect them from the punishment of the Hellfire handler, so many things. Number one, we acknowledge Allah's mercy and knowledge, right, there is nothing hidden from Allah and there is nothing which doesn't have the mercy of a lot of ways without which the whole creation, you know, even we disobey even we do not, you know, follow the way of Allah still Allah as Mercy is prevailing, you know,
around us to panel law. So we are asking Allah and acknowledging it, that all law is you have encompassed all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who have repented and followed your way. And finally, we are asking a lot to protect them from the punishment of the hellfire. This is the top most deal of you know, that we have to have for everyone, my brothers and sisters, you know, asking people's you know, freeness the kind of, you know, freedom from the Hellfire Subhana Allah, this is the most important door that you and me can give to others May Allah forgive everyone and freedom from the punishment of the hellfire.
The next draw is from Surah. Al Horford number 48 number eight and nine in which Allah is the Virgin, he says the following
kind of like Panama What a beautiful What a beautiful Panama we are. We have invited again, an attention from Allah Subhana Allah to connect to him and ask Allah Subhana Allah for certain things which are so essential and so necessary for us, in order to be happy forever span a lot. And the meaning of this the hour from suruc offers from 40 an hour eight and nine is as follows. I will Lord and admit them to gardens of perpetual residence which you have promised them and whoever was righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their offspring. Indeed, it is you who is the Exalted in Might devise and protect them from the from the evil consequences of their deeds, and he
who you protect from evil consequences, that day, you will have given a mercy and that is the great attainment, Allahu Akbar, my brothers and sisters the need is to recognize the meaning and reflect upon it. We are asking Allah subhanaw taala to admit them to gardens of perpetual restaurants. Now, this is very, very important for us to understand as well. You know, the the Jenna is forever, as Allah says in many, many places Holly Dena Fie her Avada
You will live in for ever. So gender is not temporary it is permanent. It is forever Subhan Allah. So we are asking Allah our Lord and admit them to the gardens of perpetual residents, you which you have promised them. So a lot of promises Jenna for those who are righteous Allah promises Jenna for those who have patience, a lot of promises Jenna for those who have consciousness of Allah, we have dako of Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot of promises guidance, Allah promises Jenna for those who who follow the guidance. Allah promises gentle for those who are inclined towards Allah subhana wa tada who does Toba who does repentance to Allah. Allah promises Jenna to all these people, my brothers
and sisters, and it is a promise of Allah. And we know what the law he haka Allah promise is truth. So there is no way that Allah does not, you know, follow up his promise to handler. So Allah or Buddha is teaching us to ask our Lord and admit them to gardens of perpetual residents, which you have promised them and not just them, and who ever was righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offspring, their children, their progeny, somehow and Allah, what a powerful dua and we continue to ask indeed it is you who have who is the Exalted and might a lot of beleza. He is indeed, Aziz and he is someone who is mighty who is exalted. sapan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is
an Hakimi is absolutely wise. So we acknowledge and we praise Allah by the names and the attributes that he has taught us in the Quran, that He is Allah Aziz, meaning he is absolutely mighty. And he is an Hakeem meaning he is absolutely wise he knows when to give, who to give, how much to give, away to give, you know, and and everything he he does things with perfection subpanel and that's our job, our Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, we are asking and mentioning this Indeed, it is you who is the Exalted in Might the wise, so we are further asking the line protect them from the evil consequences of their deeds, and he whom you protect from evil consequences that day, you will have
given him mercy and that is a great attainment. So my brothers and sisters, we are asking a very powerful dragon by saying that, you know, asking a lot to protect you know them from the evil consequences that may cause them to danger that may cause them to harm that may cause them to get into jahannam into the Hellfire but we are asking a lot to to help them and to protect them from the from the cons from the evil consequences of their deeds panel and we are asking a lot to protect them and have mercy on them. And that is indeed if Allah has mercy on that day, that person will be saved and that is indeed the great attainment my brothers and sisters we need to ensure that we
recite it will remember it, we recognize it, we reflect on it and we relay it, we share it with others as well so that they may also benefit themselves in sha Allah Bismillah he tied up the next ayah is from Surah Hashanah surah number 59, iron number, iron number 10, in which Allah Subhana Hua Tyler, he says the following
Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded
us in faith and put not in our hearts any resentment towards those who have believed
this is something which we have to you know, recite and remember my brothers and sisters and and and ensure that we recognize it and we reflect on it. What we are asking again and again, you know, is to forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts any resentment towards those. What we realize my brothers and sisters, is that we want to be clean Subhana Allah, we want to have a pure
Heart, we do not want to have anything which is, you know,
bitter in our hearts, we want to have a very beautiful heart that is free from anger, free from, you know, both free from wrong thoughts or wrong feelings for anyone Subhan Allah, you know, this is something which is very, very important for us because it's only the pure heart that we'll get into Jenna, it's only the pure heart that will be accepted by Allah subhanaw taala. And this is a very important practice to pray for us and for others as well. You know, some handle up a lot of times we pray for just ourselves. And that's not the attitude of the believer, the believer he prays for himself and for others as well, because he knows the power she knows the power of praying for
others, that Allah will appoint angels who will pray for them Subhana Allah so we need to ensure that we practice this beautiful You know, a DA and ask a lot of forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts any resentment, any anger towards those who have believed definitely, this is a practice that will help us all and we need to share it to others as well so that people also start praying for themselves for their for their own forgiveness for others as well and not have any anger not have any kind of wrong feelings for anyone in the heart and one key practice every single night just before you sleep make sure you forgive everyone so that you've
you sleep a very calm, cool sleep inshallah with a pure heart, who knows we will get up tomorrow morning or not. So let's have a pure heart and and sleep so that we may be raised up as a pure person insha Allah be vanilla he dialer
The next
is from Surah hash surah number 59 and mutton, the last portion of it in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he teaches us the following
loss of Hannah who attalla is teaching us Our Lord, indeed you are kind and merciful.
My brothers and sisters the need is for us to call out to Allah, by using his name's Subhana Allah, we need to ask Allah by calling out with these names such as our roof and Rahim Subhana Allah He is extremely kind and he is extremely merciful. Now what we need to realize and recognize and reflect on when we, you know, go through these doors of a very significant factor which we need to always consider my brothers and sisters is that Allah is giving us these names and attributes to connect with him, you know, a lot of blood is that has so many names and attributes behind Allah. And through those names and attributes we actually recognize who Allah is, we actually get to know we
are creating an awareness from our own selves in our hearts and minds about Allah by using these or by understanding these names and attributes. Indeed, my brothers and sisters do and we are asking someone to forgive, he should have the ability to do so. And who is more evil than Allah? Because you know, we we are asking in so many is of this kind, the forgiveness from Allah, the repentance from Allah for the sins that we commit for the shortcomings that we have for the limitations that we acknowledge for the, for the wrongdoing that we do intentionally or unintentionally, we have wronged ourselves big time. So how do we, you know, actually rescue ourselves? These are the ways how we can
actually rescue ourselves by connecting by turning back to Allah who is a roof and who is a Rahim. Then you actually recognize and reflect the meaning of a roof. It is extremely kind, you know, you can not imagine the kindness that Allah subhanho wa Taala has, there is no limitation of the kindness of Allah and scores. Allah is
Extremely and Entirely Merciful and such a mercy that has no end soo Han Allah, a lot of Bonanza is, is teaching us my brothers and sisters, the beautiful thing and that is to recognize him to get connected to him to acknowledge the names and attributes to understand the meaning of it, to reflect upon it and also very important to share it with others. Let people know that Allah is our oath is extremely kind. Let your father your mother, your siblings, let your children let your husbands and wives let your family members friends and relatives, let them know who Allah is, he is our roof, let them know who Allah is, he is around him and let them let us give hope to humanity. Let us give hope
to humanity, he is extremely kind and he is extremely merciful. This introduction of Allah or reintroduction of Allah subhanho wa Taala can actually men their lives Subhan Allah, and we will become the reason for their happiness be vanilla, with the help and permission of Allah subhanaw taala what a significant role that we can play that you can play that I can play in our society that can spread prosperity, peace, joy, happiness, pleasure, love, affection, compassion in the society, this is what we actually require. We have to be the agents of God, we have to be the ambassadors of peace, we need to ensure that we ignite attention of the people of the humanity so that they can
turn to Allah before they return to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The next ayah my brothers and sisters, is from Surah monta Hina surah number 60. And number four, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following
Allah Subhana Hua to Allah, He says, and teaches us another powerful law, and that is our Lord upon us. You have we have relied and to you we have returned, and to you is the destination. What a powerful Do
you see we belong to Allah, come out of that perception that we belong to this world, no way, our forefathers, then they didn't, you know, live for long out their forefathers they didn't live for their long, and you know, span Allah, we have to attest to the fact again and again and remind ourselves that we do not belong to this world, we belong to Allah and to Him, we shall be returned, we are here for a temporary purpose and the purpose being to worship Allah and we will be tested for sure. So we need to actually do what we need to rely on Allah. And that is what we are acknowledging in this Dr. robina la katakana, what he lake and obtener la kalama see, our Lord upon you, we have
relied and to you we have returned and to you is the final destination. This is the acknowledgement and the reminder that we have to have, and we have to recite and we have to remember we have to reflect and recognize and we have to share it with others, that you know, there is no you know better way than to rely on Allah subhanaw taala who is better my brothers, my sisters, who is better than Allah Himself, to be relied upon, to have trust upon, right. So we need to trust Allah completely passionately, you know, the convincing or behavior that we should have towards Allah, in terms of his trust as well. It should be should be a you know, far superior than anybody's trust.
Subhana Allah, so we are asking Allah and we are acknowledging Allah, our Lord upon you, we have relied and to you, we have, you know, return and to you is the final destination. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us and bless us with the talent with the ability to rely upon Him, we acknowledge that indeed we are going to return to Him. We indeed ask Allah to make us you know, someone who is pleasing to Allah in this world until until our death and we we asked a lot to help us and ease our destination that we are going to go back to Allah to get the money.
See from Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, the need is the need is that we trust Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and Subhana Allah, the beauty and the benefit of trusting Allah Subhana Allah is that you become so relaxed, Allahu Akbar, when you play your part, when you play your part to the best of your abilities, when I perform to my best abilities, the best way is to ask Allah meaning we pray Allah subhanaw taala for its success, and finally, we'll rely on the last panel, Tyler, what is the outcome, we actually don't care because we trust Allah and we will accept the decision of Allah, those who have trust in Allah, they never feel those who trust Allah subhanaw
taala they are always at peace, those who trust Allah subhanho wa Taala they are always successful, those who trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala they're always, you know, successful and happy. Those who trust Allah subhanho wa Taala they're always beloved to Allah subhanaw taala so my brothers and my sisters, we have to ensure that we rely on Allah subhanaw taala and remind ourselves that we have to, you know, we belong to Allah, and our final destination is to Allah subhanaw taala so the journey that we have, we need to make the best we need to fulfill the objective that why we are here, and that is to serve a loss of hands Allah to worship Allah subhanaw taala and as I said,
worship is anything and everything that we do, which pleases Allah subhanaw taala you know, is a worship of Allah beat, you know, prayer five times a day, you know, all the fundamentals of Islam, being good to our parents, being you know, responsible to our families, being good and fair and just in our dealings, that is all kind of worship to Allah subhanaw taala May Allah, Allah is a help us all to practices and to help us to rely upon him in sha Allah.
The next ayah is from Surah moonta Hina surah number 60 ayah number five, in which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says the following
Allah Subhana, Allah invites our attention to
ask Allah, our Lord, make us not objects of torment, torture for the disbelievers. And forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, it is you who is the Exalted in Might, in and the wise,
what we need to recognize and reflect on this are my brothers and sisters it's very, very powerful. Again, Subhan Allah, if we do our that comes from Allah subhanaw taala, in terms of teaching us to ask Allah and this is again a mercy from Allah subhanaw taala this deity teaching us again and again, what to ask Allah, you know, perhaps we wouldn't even know about it. If Allah didn't mention about these things from Han Allah. Allah is so kind and merciful that he has taught us what to ask, knowing full well that we wouldn't be able to do so if Allah didn't have mentioned in it, right. So we are asking Allah subhanaw taala as taught by Allah, or our Lord, make us not objects of torment
for the disbelievers. So not my brothers and sisters. Obviously those people who are you know who have enmity, who have you know that, that that grudges for the believers, we are asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect us from them. This is something which is very, very essential for us to ask Allah subhanho wa Taala and we are asking Allah to forgive us and we are acknowledging to again, great attributes and the qualities of Allah, that he is, you know, Allah Aziz and Al Hakim, what quality requires for for Allah subhanaw taala. For us to be able to be protected from the torment of this world, and the Hereafter is his exalted and, and and you know, powerful qualities to handle up
and that is what you know, we seize upon love, whenever a lot of Bonanza, he ends, the ayah with the qualities in the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala It is very, very relevant. It is very, very meaningful. For us to be able to be saved. We have to ensure that we ask a lot, who is indeed alive.
Geez who is Exalted in Might, and that is the power of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is wise as well. So he knows when to do what had a lot. So, we are asking a lot to prevent and protect us from the torment of the disbelievers. And we are again asking Allah to forgive us. And we are acknowledging the fact that he is the Exalted and the might, my brothers and sisters, let us again, recognize this and reflect upon it and relate and share it with others as well. There are so many people who are, you know, in fear, who are afraid, who are, you know, oppressed, who are, you know, in some kind of, you know, trauma Subhanallah for them, this becomes a recipe of happiness, the rope
of rescue, the motivation for them, to be able to connect with their Creator, Allah azza wa jal, let us share this draw again, with everyone my brothers and sisters, to be able to help them come out of that fear come out of that, you know, any kind of trauma that they are going through, and any kind of torment, that they may, you know, feel that they may have from anyone and and they may also ask Allah to forgive them, and they may also acknowledge that Allah is Exalted, and might
another douar that comes from surah
darim surah, number 66. Iron number eight, in which Allah azzawajal which is the last draft of our series in sha Allah is a lot of Isaiah he says the following
a loss of power Subhanahu wa tyla, he says, which we need to ensure that we recite it, we remember and memorize it, we recognize the meanings of it, we reflect on and ponder over it, and we relay and share it with others, a loss of Hannah hota Allah He says, or a banana at milaana neurona welfare Lana in Naka, Allah Qureshi in Cody, our Lord, perfect for us our light, and forgive us. Indeed you are over all things, competent, powerful. What we need to realize my brothers and my sisters is, this is something so important for us to understand that we ask Allah to perfect for us our light, meaning which we you know, always fear of and that is darkness. We want a lot of Eliza to perfect
for us our light, you know, to make sure that we are always guided to make sure that we are all pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala we are asking Allah Subhana Allah to forgive us again. We are asking Allah Subhana huhtala to you know pardon us and to to accept our repentance and to make us among those who are to were being who are the people who repent to Allah constantly Subhana Allah and we are acknowledging the fact and that is in NACA Allah Cooley Shane, Paddy, indeed you are over all things. competent. My brothers my sisters are very powerful reminder for all of us. We we as many times fail to realize we really and sincerely failed to realize that Allah is Alka de he is all
powerful and he is the one who is having the power over all things. That's what we say in NACA, Allah Cooley, Cooley your means everything could only Shay in a body and that is the
power of Allah subhanaw taala that he is competent, over all things. Let us get back to Allah. pray to Allah. Get connected with our Creator, who is all powerful. Let us ask Allah for the goodness let us ask Allah for the welfare. Let us ask Allah for peace. Let us ask Allah for center for settling our affairs. Let us ask Allah to remove the problems. Let us ask Allah to grant mercy. Let us ask a lot to help us. Let us ask Allah to be to give us strength. Let us ask Allah to help us be independent. You know from everyone except Allah. We let us ask Allah because a lot of Blairism
He's competent is powerful over all things. My brothers and sisters never ever think never ever feel never ever have a kind of a mindset that Allah cannot do this and that Allah does everything what he intends Subhan Allah, so we have to go back to the most powerful one and that is Alka de. That is Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is the beauty of fate when we believe in Alka de He is the one who is all powerful when he is the one who has power over all things, who can, you know, harm us when Allah is with us? And who can you know save us if Allah is not with us? Subhana Allah so my brothers, my sisters, always keep Allah on your site. Always be the one who asked Allah subhanaw
taala alone, who does not associate anyone with ALLAH subhanaw taala Whatever you need, whatever you want, just ask Allah. Go in the sujood and get that closeness with Allah and ask Allah make a practice whenever you need anything whenever you want anything, just go and pray to the God being the sujood and ask the one who is Alka de colo to Allah Ya Allah Do I need this in this Fulfill my desires? fulfill my needs? fulfill my warrants? Yeah Allah who is better than you
to give anything and everything Subhana Allah so my brothers and sisters, let us make sure that we we please Allah, always in our lives, let us be submissive to Allah. Let us be humbled to Allah and let us ask Allah Urbana tackable min inaka under Samuel Delaney Allah accept from us whatever we have little effort that we have done May Allah bless each and every one of you may Allah bless the organizers May Allah bless every one of us and to be makers among those who will be in the highest levels of general will be in the company of Rasulullah Islam witnessing Allah subhanho wa Taala Davina and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen