Ahmed Hamed – Forgiveness of Allah Almighty – Embracing Forgiveness

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The host of a ch tacked discusses the importance of forgiveness in Islam, which is a way to be forgiven. They emphasize the need for forgiveness in order to be successful in life, and ask the Prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi wa sallam to grant forgiveness to all Muslims.
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Karim. While earlier he was happy he Ultramarine all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa taala. We praise Him we seek His help his support in all our matters. We send peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, upon his family, his companions and upon all those who follow him up until the last day, my brothers and sisters, welcome to Juma What about summary, the topic of today's chutzpah in Dubai is all you who who hope the forgiveness of Allah subhanho wa taala. Islam is a way of life that teaches us values, values that are so important
values that bring hearts together, values that can actually benefit us big time. And one such value, my beloved brothers and sisters, is highlighted in today's hotbox and that is forgiveness. And forgiveness has two aspects in Islam, forgiveness that we seek from Allah subhanaw taala and this is something which is really really important especially and particularly in this beautiful month of Shabbat and we need to actually constantly seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala and preferably that we fast and seek the forgiveness of Allah subhanaw taala so that we can actually be forgiven in this beautiful month of Shaban. The other aspect which is with relation to all the
people around forgiving others is something that is closer to Taqwa as Allah Allah is, he says in the Quran.
To forgive is nearer to piety, taqwa, and SubhanAllah. What that means is, when we forgive others, we actually gain Taqwa those who have Taqwa of Allah, those who are conscious of Allah, those who are mindful of Allah, who knows the benefits of forgiving others, they actually forgive others. forgiving others is something which is so important and so much needed in our lives, my beloved brothers and sisters, that we cannot, you know, enumerate the blessings of forgiving others that we can get from Allah subhanaw taala forgiving others is something that number one benefits you Yes, when you forgive others, it actually benefits you because when you hold grudges, when you hold
enmity when you have hatred of others, you are the first victim who will be impacted negatively. Therefore, it is imperative that we should actually forgive others. You know, Sheikh Zayed Rahim Allah, he said something beautiful, he said, Forgive, forgiveness is obligatory when Allah the Creator, when he forgives others, who are we not to forgive others? Subhanallah what that means is we do so many sins, we disobey Allah, Allah Beleza yet, Allah Almighty is always ready to forgive. To those who repent sincerely. We should also forgive others. Allah Almighty says in the Quran in surah to know, Allah Almighty says, Forgive, overlook their faults. Don't you want Allah to forgive
you? Subhanallah if we want Allah to forgive us, we need to forgive others. Imagine how many homes have been destroyed? How many families have been separated, because they don't have the quality of forgiveness? How many relatives relations have been broken? Why? Because they don't have the quality of forgiveness, uphold forgiveness, my beloved brothers and sisters, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gave us the good news that those who forgive others even if they are right, Allah subhanahu wa Tada will build
a palace in the surroundings of Jana SubhanAllah. how great this virtue of forgiveness is My Beloved brothers and sisters. Let us uphold this beautiful quality of forgiving others in our lives on a daily basis because a believer as the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, A believer is such that he will not shun his brother for more than three nights, which means we should take proactive, you know, steps to ensure that we mend ties with our own family members, with our own relatives with friends and with others. Let's be free from hatred, evil and
And wrong thinking about others. Let us uphold positive thinking about others so that you can feel positive and you can actually live positively We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us this beautiful quality of forgiveness, forgiving others for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and, and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala so that we can be successful in this world and happy in this world and in the hereafter. We ask Allah Almighty to grant goodness and wellbeing to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Allah Yan, the president of the UAE likewise, we ask Allah Almighty to bless all the rulers of the Emirates We ask Allah Almighty to protect this beautiful nation, the UAE
from all kinds of evils and harms. We ask Allah Almighty to have mercy on all the Muslim lands is their matters, released the issues that troubles their hardships, and give them relief? We ask Allah Almighty to grant guidance to the entire humanity wha Hilda Awana Anil hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen