Ahmed Hamed – Empower Your Children Through Prophetic Parenting – What is Prophetic Parenting

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of "empowerment" as a way to empower parents and children through empathy and engagement. The concept of "empowerment" is viewed as a way to create a environment for parents to grow and empower children through empathy and engagement. The speaker emphasizes the need to ensure parents have an interest in empowerment and create a environment for them to grow.
AI: Transcript ©
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You empower them.

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You give them energy every single day.

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You give them the sense of growth in

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their lives, you know, and that is done

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as I said by appreciating, acknowledging them, giving

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them attention, subhanallah, giving them approvals, giving them

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that sense of affection, that love, that care,

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that compassion.

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And this is the prophetic way of parenting.

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The prophetic parenting was so empowering, subhanallah, that

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he used to be extremely kind to children.

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He used to be extremely engaged with children.

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He used to forget the entire home, being

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a rasool of Allah.

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He used to forget everything when he gets

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into home and subhanallah, we need to ensure

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that we engage ourselves with empowerment, the whole

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idea of education, the whole idea of and

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of creating environment, the whole idea of engagement

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is what?

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Is empowerment.

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We want them to be empowered.

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