Ahmad Saleem – Muslim Legends #3 Ahmad al-Frq al-Sirhind

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary ©
The Mughal Empire is a culture that has a "we" mentality, which makes people feel the culture was for love. The Seroj movement has a "we" mentality, which makes people feel like they are part of the "median" approach to Islam. The importance of writing is discussed, including the importance of "median" and "median" methods used by Jehan gear. The history of the fatwa book and its use in various languages is also discussed, as well as the importance of writing in relation to one's personal life and the potential for writing to change one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah neuro,

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And today, our focus is going to be that we're looking at someone from the subcontinent, which is India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. And those areas in Sharla are. So as usually is the case, what we do is we give the setting. So you need to, like for us we need to understand. So we can kind of visualize, we don't have Netflix here, but we could visualize that. What was the state around that timeframe that we're looking at? Off to Omar, and then from there, we can actually better understand. So we're talking about around the 1500s, mid 1500s 1550. You know, the Mughal emperors are in power.

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So there's a Mughal empire. And this story takes place within the Mughal Empire just for you to understand how great or how vast the Mughal Empire was. It has mentioned that the rule of Amara, the Allahu and it went from Medina all the way to the you know, Sham, and, you know, the Philistine and all those areas. His rule was around 22.

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No, his rule was around 2.2 million square miles. Whereas the rule for these people were around 3.2 million square miles. So it was a massive dynasty. Right. And this dynasty came into existence in the late 1400s, when Ottoman Empire was at its peak, and they had sent somebody by the name of Barber. Right barber basically means a vicious lion right now.

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Right, so they sent a lion. His name was Baba. And they sent him over there to establish them on Empire. So the story is not about Mughal Empire, but you need to know that that mall that empire was there. Now, the person who was in charge of the Mughal Empire at that time, was Akbar. Right? The Emperor Akbar. Very famous, his name was Akbar. And Akbar was known. He was very much like Trudeau.

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Okay, I'm serious. He was very much like Trudeau. Right. So one of the things that Kabbalah said, All religions are equal. There is no right and wrong. You can follow wherever you want, everything is going to be okay. As long as you don't want nobody, you're going to be all fine. So that was one of his claims. He said all religions are fine.

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The questions in the end

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questions in that awkward was a Muslim, but he left the religion of Islam and the practices of religion of Islam, as you will find out right now. So one of the other things he stipulated is he mandated that anybody when he they say a law who Akbar in that Allahu Akbar, I am the Akbar.

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Right, so yeah, so people had to believe that when they say Allahu Akbar, he is the Akbar.

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You know, Allah and then I am Akbar. So you must believe in that. He also created something that time forcefully he would force people into doing such that for other than Allah, Who do we do surrender to?

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Who? Yes to Allah subhanaw taala. Are we allowed to do so is different to anybody else? No, we cannot do stuff for and you know, we can do it anyway. Can you do a sister to the sadhaka? Box? No. The blue box? No, we can only do it for for Allah subhanaw taala. So he did something which was that Azimi, which means the scissor off of respect, and honor.

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How did that work? He created an arch. So think of Abdullah and, you know, me or anyone?

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Anybody below five feet here?

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In height?

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Yeah, yeah, no.

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So and you know, what he did is like you're walking into the king, he created an arch. And pen of like the arch you have at the back, but it was five less than five feet. It was like four and a half feet.

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So how would a person enter? Like somebody like me, you'd have to go like this.

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So he would force people

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to do such they're like that. Those who refuse no problem, you're going to have to enter through an arch. And you're going to do that. Right? This is important. So he mixed between Hindus and Muslims, everything was you know, lovey dovey, kind of like what we have. And he said, Oh, we can't slaughter cows. So he banned the slaughter of cows because our Hindu friends are gonna get really hurt with that. Right? So he started walking away with and very similar to what we're seeing today. Right?

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People started leaving the belief in the hereafter. Well, what do you mean here after are we gonna know man, we're gonna live live one

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It's live your life man, you only gonna live once. You know, have you heard that? Right? You live it up, man, what's wrong with you? Right? You only going to live once. Why are you why are you what are you up so uptight and religious, you know, let it go. Right? So he said Life After Death is nothing and people accepted all of this and he changed the face of the people. Now,

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the prevalence, the issue that all started was, they started having an an altered or an adulterated form of a Sufi order, which was nutshell Bundy Sufi order, which a lot of people in Pakistan follow today, Pakistan, Turkey and all of these they had a Sufi order and they followed but the they went so far away from the practices of Islam and faith, that it had almost nothing left of Islam. As one of my SHFC says, you know, we call them Sufi Goofy's right Sufi Goofy's, like what does that mean? That you meet you know, is that your there are some of these centers here, you drive and you fully and you go in there and you're like, Oh, so it's like, Oh, we love you. Everything is all about

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Allah. So what about somehow there's no such thing we are just for love. These are called Sophie cookies. Okay. So whenever you see something like that is like, oh, Red Alert. Sophie, goofy alert. Right? So they all of them, they became Sufi Goofy's? They're funny. They're funny. Yeah, she finds it funny. So they became Sufi Goofy's in a sense that they were just completely off the path. Then what actually happened was, at that time, two movements started.

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And these movements are important because they have traces of people, you know, people that have been affected by these movements in your school. Okay. So, the first movement that started was a movement called the bhakti movement. Right, the bhakti means Bhagat and all of this means Love, which means we are all for love. And it was started by two people RAM NAND and RAM Naja, two people RAM Nanda RAM Naja, they started this movement. Then what happened is they had 12 disciples, these people they had 12 disciples, one of the 12 disciples was Guru Nanak, who was the founder of Sikh religion.

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Okay, one of the founders was Guru Nanak. Now Guru Nanak happened to be living in India. When in the Muslim rule at that time so called Muslim rule. That is why it is mentioned the Guru Nanak even went for Hajj he actually went for * free tried out Islam he tried out everything because it was all love right like nothing there's no right and wrong. You're right. You want to go for Hajj you go for Hajj no problem where there will be no problem you want to do this and do a poor job of it no problem everything is good right so this love and it was kind of like what we're going through today right like this is all about laser What are you talking about right and right there's no right and

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wrong it's all like you're right it's your right my right is my right we're all right. Right until we're not

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and then the second movement that started was called Sol Sol Henkel which means we will have peace with everyone.

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We are not at odds, we are not at peace with everyone. So we're not gonna say you are wrong we're not gonna say you're you know, we're a we're gonna love you but more importantly we're just gonna live with peace with you. So you cannot tell me what I was wrong. You cannot tell me what's right. I will love you for being a human being who cares about your religion? Kind of sounds familiar. Right? Very familiar to what we're going through.

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And then but yes

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your teacher said that you can dress up for Halloween. Good teacher. Most teachers don't say that.

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Oh, you can dress up like a different religion. Okay, cool. So Akbar was not done with messing up with religion of Islam. So he said, You know what, I'm going to create something new. It was called DNA Akbari, or the Ilahi the deen of Akbar or the dean of Allah.

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And he needed some share to stamp. No, this is hot. He needed some Quran and Sunnah and ayat, so they had two scholars on payroll at that time. Abdullah Fazal, and Faizi two scholars who were the Grand Mufti is or government most things at that time, and they said whatever for example, Akbar is like I want too many more than four woman no problem we'll get your Quran and verses and we will get you all the evidences that you can do whatever you want, right. So anything you wanted,

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they will go back and they will figure and turn and twist the words of Rasul Allah and Quran to make a point. Okay. Very similar to what's happening today in our world, right. Then another thing that that he focused on, this is a very scary thing, and we need to be careful about it.

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A belief. I mean, a lot. A lot of people follow it today, but you never know it can come back with the way we're going in the world is going it's very soon it should, you know, it will make a reappearance now, which is called why that it would. Right. So it's a very long philosophical discussion and I intend to bore all of you with it. Not, okay. Simple. The creation and creator are one. It's a false belief, which means, if you look at the creation, you will find the creator in the creation, right. So he came. So so this was what was the prevalent belief this was started by somebody called Immanuel Arabi. You know, and, you know, he's the guy you find in the article

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series, if you've ever seen that they've been Araby, the same, we will never be had that belief that you know, and again, what led to him that's a completely different discussion was right and wrong, and what was his words, and then they'll say, you can understand his words, for an average layman. When you say, you will find Allah in the tree, they get confused. They're like, What do you mean? Allah is in the tree, so I should just worship the tree. Right. And that's what started happening. People started worshiping things with this belief. So this is now you understand what we're this is the era we're living in. Now comes

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our hero of the time.

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So you keep this in mind, as I'm telling you the story, it is important for you to have this background. It's a very short background of, you know, 500 years and 10 minutes, but you will understand. So a brief history shift, said Hindi, the one we're talking about today is shift, Ahmed said Hindi, okay. And basically, he was born on June 26. June 26 1564, in a small area in Suriname in East Punjab, okay. Mohammed said Hindi that was his name. He's actually the full name was a bull Baraka but the routine I have met

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the father of Berkat and badeen, the moon of the deen of Allah, you know, the light of the deen of Allah. And Muhammad said Hindi said Hindi because he was born in the place said Hynde,

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he has two main titles that are known by if you ever read a books, I was actually found just right before you guys came in, I was reading a PhD thesis that was written on Oxford by a person on him like you know, his beliefs and stuff like that. So he was very influential, so much material. McGill University has PhDs written on him, like his influence was phenomenal.

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So he starts off and sorting so his two names are imam or Bernie.

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Right. Like for example, you have sailed Buhari, right? So you know, Suhail Buhari, but you know, you have different names Abu Bakr for example, right his name is Abu Bakr, but that's not his real name. What is your name?

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That's a homework for you guys. What's the real name of Abu Bakr?

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What's your name?

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That's a hint

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that's a hint. You can go look him up. Okay, so, he had a name Imam Rabbani, and the second name was Majid Al Thani. Now what that means what the reviver somebody who revives el Sunni means the second millennium, ie after the 1000 years of the death of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he was born in 980 990 Hijiri around that time, right when we're about to enter into the second millennia of the Hijri calendar. Question. You have a question at the back. Well, you have a stretch

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stretching all right, stretching is good. Stretching is good. Now

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his education you have a question

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Abdullah in something Yes. That's a really good name of the live in something. Right? He there's Abdullah bin something there is a blue live in everything. There's Abdullah Abdullah, but nothing these are all really good names.

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Yes, so his education where did he get his education he learned to read. He read and learned Quran from his father. So his primary education was from his father. Then he went to a space in Pakistan today to modern day Pakistan called CL code. Okay, CL code. What is the L code for those of you that are from Pakistan? What is the L code known for in the world today?

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Leather Goods, yes, sports goods and leather goods. All the footballs that are used in the World Cup are made in soccer World Cup are made in sound court. Right it is known for it is the top exporter of leather goods around the world. So very high quality leather, factories upon factories in tanneries upon tanneries and lots of sports goods. A lot of

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These companies Adidas and stuff, they've got their their primary source of sports equipment coming out of sale code. Yes.

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Or you went to a factory and sell good, nice. What did you see?

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You saw the footballs remain nice. And the cricket bats Okay, nice. Mashallah. So he learned he went to sell coat and he learned under a share of his time at that time Allah Maulana Jakob Kashmiri, and he learned Hadees. And so he became a scholar around the age of 20. And another narration, it mentions that around the age of 18, he was giving fatwas to the public. So he had become a full Mufti at the age of 18. And another nation 20. Ie people were coming to him to ask him about knowledge matters of the that's how knowledgeable he was, at that time. And he died in the age 1620. Sorry, on 10th of December 16 24. Okay, in the same town of Sutherland. Yes.

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You do the math. He was born in June. I was born in June Yeah, June 2615 64. And he died in 1624. So I will lose the viewers

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who can do that? 1564. And he died in

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almost 70. Yeah.

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So next part.

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So what was what were some of the challenges that he faced at that time, and I'm telling you this because a lot of you are going to face the following challenges. So his challenges of his time and the challenges that we face today are very similar. That's why I think his story and if you have time, there's a lot of English books written you can find books in Amazon, Amazon that are written on him. Make sure you pick up books that are written by Muslim authors, because a lot of the the orientalists that wrote book books upon Him, they made some wrong conclusions and they're not very authentic because they're they're trying to convolute the historical viewpoints or Muslims. So pick

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up a book, if you want a reference and stuff I can give you a few. So his fundamental challenge was how do you reform a religion when people have walked away from so far from Deen people are doing you know, such that to human beings, people don't believe in accurate people have started, you know, the, this whole

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emphasis on if you've been to if you know, if you're from Pakistan and stuff like that, you know, and even, you know, certain parts of Africa where like, when I when I was in Ethiopia, and all these countries, you'll find that this this belief of like, you know, these are these are highly spiritual people and they can do these supernatural things grommet, right, I can lose Chroma $100 it will come right from my hand, right? These type of things, right.

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People started believing in it so much, that you had a lot of Sufi Goofy's doing these goofy stuff. And people were paying for it. People were coming. I mean, you have this today. Today, today's day and age. I mean, having said that, we as Muslims, we believe in that we believe that, you know, it's part of our tenant of faiths as a Sunni Muslim, that Allah subhanaw taala can choose any of his pious person and have something supernatural happen on his hand. But it's by the choice and will of Allah. The problem with these Sufi goofy Kurama are like they're doing it at will. Right? That's the main issue. It's not at will. It's by the will of Allah if he decides then it can happen.

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Okay, so we don't deny that it's part of our faith that Allah subhanaw taala can something can happen. Supernatural ending we see this all the time, right? We see this all the time car accident happens. The car is fully crumbled, the guy comes out without a scratch. But what just happened? According to all the scientific facts, and according to the physics and everything, there was no possibility for this human being to survive. Just recently, you know, my wife told me like, one of her, you know, somebody that she knows, they had a heart attack. And their heart stopped for one hour and 30 minutes, and then it came back.

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And it came back.

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Right, it came back. So it is you know, that person passed away later He was survived he went to the hospital the Subhanallah he passed away I think couple of days ago, but it's amazing like doctor was like how the heart had stopped for almost one hour and 30 minutes. How did he come back? Right things happen. So supernatural things can happen. That's part of our beliefs, but a believing that if supernatural thing happened and if miraculously, what is your name?

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What's your name?

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Alena. So if you're not Alina is sitting in she does just one hand and right next to hostnames this blue box of soda and then this starts flying and then the soda called Box opens and then the money starts floating and if she does something like that, right

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What would happen to you guys?

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But like, you know, she's a saint. Right? We need to all worship her. Right? That's if you didn't have the belief in Allah subhanaw taala. That's what people started doing. Right? So they will do some supernatural stuff. And the people are like, Oh, this is the guy I need to connect to call us, I am not going to worship anymore. The second issue that he faced at that time, was that this whole concept that Isaac explained to you why to root the issue that there are leaders were completely messed up, they started believing in things that you know, Allah is found in every single thing. The third thing that is happening is focusing. So the Hindus and the Muslims, they started intermingling

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so much, kind of like what is happening today to us Muslims and non Muslims, because we live in this society, there is almost this assimilation into this country in the society. And again, Muslims have no problem assimilating, but we need to have spaces where we stick to one another as Muslims, environments like these very, very important for us to keep our identities alive.

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And one of his biggest challenge was, how do I separate the two because now, people don't see Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, they don't see them as separate entities, everybody is seen as one. So he started a reform movement, where he brought this idea of the two nation theory, which is Muslims are a nation

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irrespective of what language we speak, in India, because India has more and more than 222 languages, despite whatever the languages we speak in that India, Pakistan in that region and Bangladesh, we are a nation because we're Muslims. Right? And that is very important for us as Muslims to live here. When you're in high school, and you see a Muslim, no matter what happens, right? You may be really good friends with somebody who's a non Muslim, but that Muslim is 1000 times better in the eyes of Allah subhanaw taala than your best friend who happens to be a non Muslim. Why? Because we are one nation and that other person is not. That does not mean you

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disrespect that person that does not mean you show hate towards that person. But we have to be very careful. Many times when we go through, you know, with my children, when we go through the Quran and stuff like that so many times Allah subhanaw taala is warning us from taking friends who are not Muslims, like almost every Jews, every two, three days when we're reciting Quran, there's a verse that comes, don't take friends, don't take friends, don't take friends. There's a reason for that. Right? Because we are a nation.

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On the other hand, we should, especially in Canada, the thing that unites us all, we all come from different backgrounds is likely to hate Allah, Mohammad Rasool Allah, and that's what he had to do. So he said, I'm going to separate and I'm going to I'm going to present this to nation theories that Muslims are a nation that was the seed of Pakistan.

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That ideology of the two nations that Muslims are a nation and others are from different so we are a nation that led to further down the road I'm good and that philosophical onslaught and then you know, said what's his name? The one who started the adequate University.

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So, say you damage rates or say murder, he took that idea, and then he formulated it, but where was the root of this ideology that came from it came from that fact that when when you know ceramics or Hindi, he saw that when we do not as Muslims living in non Muslim lands, if we do not behave like one nation, we will be eaten up by that nation.

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Right? So it's very important to have good Muslim friends in school.

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Right? And I always tell people, I spoke about this in my hotbar today, I always tell people that you know, when you're looking for a friend,

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you choose like you're at seven, six or seven. Nobody can say I'm you know, mashallah Alhamdulillah out of 10 I'm, I think, 12 in my religion, right? If you see if you see that Sufi, right? You have to run away from that person, right? Only they can say that, right? Because they don't have religion, they don't following, but all of us we need to get better in our religion. So you befriend the one who you think is at 10

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That should be your friend. And you less those friends who are at one and two. And we all know that we have friends that you know, I'm here and you're like, oh, man, this guy is like way far right? Like he's gone too far. And we know those that like, Oh, this guy's too uptight and too conservative. That is your Savior. The other one is going to take you somewhere that you don't want to go.

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Then a very interesting

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Are you guys getting this?

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Are you guys are you getting it? Yes, maybe? Alena? Is that your name Alina

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Are you getting it? She's the youngest right? How old are you?

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Five, where's our six?

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We have a six year old to where he has in his ear.

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Just left okay. So we have 56789 all age groups mashallah telling yes Mashallah. Now this is a really powerful incident that happens. And I want everybody to, to pay attention to so what happens is

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a cupboard dies. And I had said Hindi chef Muhammad said Hindi which I did funny, he is not liked by people in the society. Okay? He doesn't nobody likes him. He's no, he has nobody, literally, nobody likes him, because he is raising concerns about what is happening to the Muslim.

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So one thing we all should learn away that when we started reforming, even when we started reforming and fixing our lives, when we start fixing other people's lives, there are going to people there are going to be people who are not going to like you. That's the part and parcel of this, right? Because you're getting closer to Allah. And shaitan does not want you to get closer to Allah. So shaitan attacks you from your closest friends and families.

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And when you fear that you're going to lose them, you say, You know what, it's okay. I can sacrifice getting closer to Allah, I can just be close to.

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So he had no friends, and a very interesting incident happened.

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Again, so he wrote a letter, right, and I'm gonna come to his books, and it's very important, and we're going to talk about some of his books. So he wrote a letter, and most of his reform was through letters, okay. He wrote over 536 letters, 292 people, okay. And these letters, as you know, we're not like letters of furniture, you know, I ate a burger today. And I went and have fries and then we had Dairy Queen, I'll meet you tomorrow, we will go tomorrow, Instagram updates. It was nothing like that. These were letters that talked about some heavy stuff. So he wrote a letter to the king of that time, Jahangir? Akbar had died and Jahangir had taken over. So he's wrote a letter.

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And in that letter, he actually washed him like, properly. He's like, What is wrong with you? You are a person 123 I mean, they're younger kids here. I'm not gonna say a few things. But you know, his tone was very harsh. Okay. Right. He's like, he's like, you don't even deserve to live. Like, those were the words. Guess what happened? They're like, oh, we need we need this Majid column. So when they called him

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up the fumble, and Maulana Abdul Favell and moderna Faizi, who were part of the Mufti of that time, they said we are not going to he they said there is no way that ammeter Hindi is going to enter your palace and this arch that you have built he is going to do such that through it, we have to decrease the height of arch so we have to force him to do sister.

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So what happened is, he said if he doesn't, then we will have more than 50 Pawan you know people who are wrestlers, 50 wrestlers, they will be on standby.

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And they will be ready to force his head down to do since the to junk.

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Okay, so he enters

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How does he enter anybody knows the story?

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No, he enters with so So imagine this is the arch. You know, you know, what's that? That the again, this is this is this is more cultural. But you know, some of you would know that.

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There's a Mexican dance where they have the stick and then it goes keep doing like what is it called? What is called Limbo, Limbo. Yeah, and then and then they keep blurring the stick, right? Like lays limb is called limbo. Limbo.

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See, I know about it. I don't know what it is. Right. So that's, that's, that's good. So kind of like that. You know how you have to like bend over and then your legs go first. And then you know, you can go like like this, you have to go like backwards. So he said, If I'm going to enter, my legs are going to be the first thing that are going to enter. So he entered his legs and he went backwards and any entered. So

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these people that came, they were like, you know, the wrestlers. Jahangir ordered and he said you're going to take his neck and you're going to force him down. This is where we believe in the Kurama. We said you know, the Kurama of Olia is something that is part of our belief, but they have to be religious, they must follow the Sharia. They can't just be you know, not praying like I met one person. Like I was invited that Nika and you know, after the Nikka I saw these, you know, the religious people, they were all wearing this topis and stuff and green, whatever, and they were all dressed like

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Like me, right and they're sitting and motive Salah happened and none of them got up to pray. So one of the uncle's he said, you know you must have prayed you should pray. He's like well I prayed I prayed in Medina. I was like Sufi Goofy's. Right. So remember that. So he's right, that I'm like what they prayed in Medina and other ones like I was in Makkah, actually. So the true story, this is in Canada, right. So these are the people that are still there. That's not a Kurama. Right? This was so 50 people trying to force his neck down and Allah protected him. And they couldn't

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50 men, they were trying to hold him down. And he said, this head of mine will only prostrate in front of you, if my Allah wills

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it will either prostrate to Allah, or it will be chopped off from this body. There's no two, there's no second option. Okay, so this tells us what that many times we have to take a stance against tyrants stance against what more is morally wrong. And sometimes it will be difficult. But Allah's help is going to come to us. So he refused to do that. John, you threw him into the prison? No, what happened in the prison? He didn't stop his whole process of writing letters. He kept writing letters even through the prison. Right? So I said he wrote 292 influential Muslims of that time, his letters were written 292 influential Muslims of that time. Now, what happened after this? Yes.

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So, you know, they didn't like you know, he was a scholar too. So obviously, they didn't imprison him in his ended the shackle him and stuff like that they gave him respect in the prison because they knew that he was a scholar. So they had a dub, and they had not like the prisons of Noyon and all of the other things that you know, okay. So it's not like that. So the prison him, he was writing letters through the prison. And one year later,

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John, he realizes that, okay, this, I've done a big mistake. You know, he was very remorseful. And he says, I'm going to bring surf Sir, I'm an indie back. Then he paid him a handsome amount of money. And he said, I'm sorry for what I've done to you. And as a matter of fact, I want you to become my advisor.

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And that's what you Hamid said in the wanted, right. So all of his 50 years of effort 60, I've actually summarized the whole 50 years and 20 minutes, right. But all of that effort came down to that moment where he became an advisor to Jehan gear. And then he started working on the influential fixing the system, the political, I'm not I'm not even going into that, like how he reformed the political system. He created the three pillars of the Islamic political system, which was then later used by Malaysia, Indonesia to establish their political empires. So again, it's a it's a very big story. I'm trying to summarize it, but again, he became very instrumental in reforming.

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Now, the most beautiful part of this entire story is not this, it is that

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almost 100 years later, there's another person that comes by the name of ILM gear,

00:33:18 --> 00:33:19

right? So

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John gear dies. So ILM gear is born in 1699. And Jehan gear dies in 1620 1637 years and then Adam gear eventually rains, you know, a few becomes 20 years of age or 30. He gets power, he actually gets power earlier. So I am Gil.

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And his advisors were people who were the disciples as you know, people who were following the Sufi, the corrected Sufi order of moksha, Vandy, and would fit and knowledge and Sharia, they came down. And then when they came down, they started influencing ILM gear. And then ILM gear he set forth an entire

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body of 500 scholars, and he gathered them together. And he said, We need to create one copy of this this fatwa, this reference that people an aroma of the entire subcontinent that entire region have a one standard Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, all of this combined, they are going to use that one fatwa as the primary source of guidance. What is that fatwa called?

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fatawa ilm, the

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by his name fatawa LM girI. Today that fatwa is published in English and translated portions of it, not entirely, and it's published in other many, many languages, Persian, Urdu and stuff like that. It's still available. It's like 1213 volumes.

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What's really sad is I witnessed as I witnessed

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with them

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My own eyes and event where Dr. Idris who's the resident scholar here, he used to pray in a particular masjid. And in that particular Masjid was this fatwa book. And that Masjid had taken on the ideology, the extreme ideology of, you know, you know, denying the existence of any, you know, the four schools of thought, and they had gone into an extreme ideology. And they were still, you know, practicing that. And as part of cleansing their library, right, they found this fatawa ILM guilty. I still remember it was a red and white book, it was 1314 volumes. And I remember my father in law, he said, don't throw this away, give it to me. And they said, We'd rather throw this in the

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garbage then have you misguided from it. Right. And sad reality was these were the people who were from India and Pakistan. Right? And that's what happens when you are so ignorant about your own history, that this is the book why you're a Muslim today. Right? You just don't know. Right? You're so ignorant and lost in your own philosophy and whatever you believe in that you don't know that your your parents and forefathers are Muslims, thanks to this person and that one particular book, right? And this is something I witnessed, like if somebody else has witnessed it, so, you know, we were there in the masjid. And this happened, and it's a masjid in Mississauga, right? So it's so sad

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that people just when you disconnect from your faith and religion, and specifically in history, you don't realize the value of things that you have. And so he wrote that book. But our LM girI in that was a particular from the 500 scholars there was a scholar by the name of Milan is Dean. Now Mulan is Dean was also given the charge of writing a curriculum that could be taught to the masses. But it could also be taught to the school systems that they need school systems, the madrasa system that exists today. And because of that, if you ever go to an even parts of Africa, they're parts of Sudan, they're parts of Somalia, they still use the DRC. In his army. That word does in his army

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actually comes from that ilm, Gears Council one ILM who actually wrote the syllabus. And that syllabus is an eight year syllabus for somebody to become a master of Islamic sciences and at least a good Imam. And that person is army came in today. All of these different facts were in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, you have the SATs, you have the Deobandi, you have the real me no matter what segment, they all attribute, they have made some changes to that curriculum. But all of that the roots of it go back to this effort. And the roots of all of this Adam gives effort go back to ceramah Hindi and his reform, which eventually 100 years later came into fruition that we saw.

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Now, some of his books.

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His most famous book is called a it's called Mach two, but Mach two means something written and you know, he had written you know, those Mach two bots, those Mach two bots are basically that is found in three volumes, you can get them in one one volume to the first volume, the first volume is called data even if, right, the the house of awareness, and the book talks, it has 313 letters that he wrote to different people, which primarily talk about awareness, your awareness and connection to Allah subhanaw taala, you will have mighty far you will get to know about Allah subhanaw taala with those 313 Why do you think there are 313? What is it? It is connected to what but the battle of

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other 313 related to the Battle of butter? Then there are 99 letters. Imagine these, like for the younger people and for all of us, these are his status updates.

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Right? You know, when we read Instagram, Twitter started after these are his status updates, there was no other way of, you know, letting the other person know what I'm thinking other than writing a letter and sending it to them. Right? Then he had 99 letters that are written in there which was called neural holla it's the light for the creation. Why 99 me?

00:39:25 --> 00:39:45

Why 9999 Names of Allah, right 99 Names of Allah and names of Allah subhanaw taala are a source of light for all of us. So he made that 99 And there are hurtin 114 114 letters that he wrote that are called mad if I told him

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right, which is the awareness or the knowing of Quiddity or mad if things that must be known. How about exotic like things that the way they should be?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

So knowing how things should be known, okay? And they were 114 It's connected to what?

00:40:08 --> 00:40:29

The Quran 114 Sutras of the Quran, right? And these are all compiled in that. Now in this all these letters that he wrote there, he overall used over 300 verses in those letters, and 330 370 verses from the Quran, and 300. So he had these from body, Muslim and all this he has.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:50

Now the first letter, he writes, the first letter, he writes, because he recognized that the society had mingled, everybody has started living together, there was no right and wrong, as I had mentioned, now this were you going to benefit from the intro that I did? Right? All of that? What do you think was the primary cause of their

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descendants from the religion? Why were people away from the religion? The historical background that I gave you? What do you think was this one read one thing that they forgot? That was important for them to know?

00:41:06 --> 00:41:16

Make a guess. What do you think is very important, why? What was the most significant event in the life of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam

00:41:18 --> 00:41:19


00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

What was the most significant what changed his life?

00:41:27 --> 00:41:28

What was the event?

00:41:30 --> 00:42:02

The the revelation, ye right revelation that ye right? When you disconnect humanity from this concept that we have a message from Allah, you have an existence of an atheistic society. Atheism is on the rise, because they have disconnected that there is no such thing as anything that can come from God to us. So imagine back then, his his hikma that the first letter he wrote was on atheism.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:38

Now, I mean, those of you that read or do, you'd be able to actually go and read this, it's like, it's filled with the I'm very bad in order to like, I downloaded a PDF to read about his odo I started like, halfway, I'm like, sitting there and reading, reading, I'm like, You know what, but this pace like, you know, we'll have to do the lecture in two weeks. So then I went to English sources, and some Arabic sources and stuff like that. But again, so much about his life has been written in order to sources if you happen to be a speaker for the reader, or for the read in that you will really benefit. So the first thing he writes, is why humans are in delay.

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Why it comes from Allah.

00:42:43 --> 00:42:53

And this is the only Wasseypur This is the only connection only way for you and me to know right and wrong.

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Society, your teachers, your humanity, your feelings cannot tell you what is right and wrong.

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It's only Allah and the way that tells you what's right and wrong. And then the next thing, he wrote another book, right, he wrote another book, which is called importance of Ebola. The importance of No, it's translated as actually, it's actually the it's called it's baton, woo. He wrote that book when he was 18 years of age. Okay, if you read that book today, you need another scholar to explain to you what is written in that book, because it's so like, deep with logic and philosophy at that time, and he he said, Nobunaga is prophethood. And having a messenger is the most important thing that Allah has sent for our protection, and perfection of this religion.

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So if we don't recognize the existence of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam as being the most important entity in our lives, then we are really far away from our faith. Then the second next letter that he wrote letter number 141, you know, I mean, they're just picking up different things. So in letter number 141, the summary of the letter he says, that those who claim that they follow a particular Sufi order, so he's talking to the people who claim that I follow us with the order. He says, the fact that you say that you have prayed in Makkah and Medina is not part of our Dean.

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Dean constitutes is that you follow the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Right. So you imagine like he's he is somebody from the Sufi order, who was actually negating a lot of the practices that are found in the Sufi orders today.

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Then he says,

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in another letter, he says, In life, there are only three things that matter.

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In knowledge, we're MLB and you act upon it.

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And if you don't have the third, there's no benefit of the first and the second era.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:40

US, you do it for Allah, not for me, not for you not for you, no, you practice you follow a command of Allah, you follow a particular command of Allah not because you are forced by somebody not because somebody tells you not because you are you feeling this way or feeling that way we do this only for Allah. Right, our feelings don't have that significance in front of Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to its command, His commands, then he also redefined the whole concept of Buddha at that time. So he, you know, a lot of these people, they started innovating things in the religion. So, you know, say sorry, Ahmed said Hindi, he said, he said, bids

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are of two types. We all know that. But I have to say, yeah, there are two types of innovations in the religion, things that are good, for example, that are we right, that's, that's a bitter, and O'Meara the Allah one said Nirmal Buddha, how beautiful of an innovation that is that, you know, he instituted that we had today the entire world press that, are we together, right? So it's a great innovation. It's an innovation that got us closer to Allah subhanho wa taala. I mean, this is a false understanding that people have that every bit is going to lead you to you know, blah, blah, blah. That's not we have so many examples. compilation of the Quran is a bit, right, by definition,

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it's a bit I didn't happen at the time of Rasul Allah syndrome, right? But again, who determines that the ruler might determine what is right and wrong, then average li men can say, you know, my, today I'm going to light a candle in the middle of the Sahara that I'm going to pray and I'm going to let you know some of my chest burned with this candle. This is a new Buddha, right? You can do that.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:37

Two minutes. Okay, inshallah? No, it's 823 right. 830.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:41

Inshallah, so,

00:46:42 --> 00:47:04

after that, you know, he redefined Vidal. And then he said, If you do a particular thing as an innovation in the religion with the intention that it is good, and that particular good Buddha is leading you away from your religion, you stop that action right away and you go back to the main source, you go back to the source of the Sunnah of Nabi SallAllahu sallam.

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Now, again, there's more that I have here, but again, we'll pass on some of the we already talked about two of the books that he wrote one of the last books again, there's an entire chapter of him, fighting against the onslaught of the Shia ideology entering into the subcontinent. And he wrote a book called Raja Raja Raja failed. How do you defend against, you know, the philosophical onslaught of Shabbat? Again, that's a completely separate discussion. In the end, we ask Allah subhanaw taala that, you know, we, we benefit from these personalities, and we go home and we ponder, we read up because 50 minutes on one hour is not enough to cover a life of person who lived 60 years, many of

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these, you know, our, our, you know, scholars of the past of such nature, they might require sometimes a full weekend horse and we still would hardly you know, as you touched the tip of the iceberg, right? It's just so much there for us. That PhD that I was looking at is 280 pages. That's just one PhD on him. He has I think over 2526 Different PhDs written like every person discovered something new and he was given a PhD for it, Inshallah, so Inshallah, next week, we're going to do another

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particular luminary from Africa. So I'm going to not going to tell you guys that name. We will be releasing a video about that shortly, inshallah.

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