Ahmad Kutty – Daily Duaa May 5th, 2021
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The speaker discusses the importance of the name alcoholic in the creation of everything and how it refers to the creation of the soul. They also mention the fashioner's ability to create shapes and forms in a unique way to create something out of nothing. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not getting carried away from the process and not becoming overly proud and dependent on resources.
AI: Summary ©
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah homological hamdu Karma The eterna
alumna, whereas that
was salatu salam ala Sayidina wannabe, you know, Muhammad Ali
was a huge Marine. My dear brothers and sisters, it's my
honor once again to welcome you to another episode in our series of
dwarves to power up and we are still reflecting on our small
husana The Most Beautiful Names of Allah subhanho wa taala. In this
episode, we will reflect on three of the most beautiful names of
Khalid al Bari and Mazovia. We can call upon Allah small Rotella by
seeing Yeah, highly Thea Allah. Yeah, buddy we are. Yeah.
And then put our request whatever we have to ask Allah, we can put a
petition in sha Allah. So alcoholic means the creator
of the body, another aspect of the creation as he evolves.
The souls he brings the soul from the dead matter.
A wall we have the most severe the fashional so how do we explain
this? Allah says in surah 59 was 24 who Allah who had a full burial
was over the hula small,
your sub build a home office summer what you will love, woohoo,
we're Aziz Rocky. He is God, the Creator, the maker, the wall,
we're actually the fashioner unto Him belong the most beautiful
names whatsoever in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him. And
He the Mighty, the Wise.
The name alcoholic refers to Allah as the creator of the universe out
of nothing. This is very important. God alone could create
something out of nothing. And so far human beings make things they
may say we also create things, No, we cannot make things out of
nothing. We make things out of the material God has provided us and
the means he has provided us and the resources he has provided us
and the way that he has allowed us the choice he has given us. So God
alone is the creator out of nothing. And no one has the power
to do so to create things out of nothing. That's what Allah says in
surah 16 was 17. From a yellow common law, Yahoo Local fella to
the karoun is he who creates out of nothing like one who creates
We don't create out of nothing. Of course, we make things out of the
material God has given us so will you will not then reflect.
The name Al Bahria is another aspects of God creation, to refers
to God as the evolution of the souls it's by unison. And myriads
of life forms in the universe. We see it as we are using set making
this statement and millions and millions of souls myriads of life
forms are be are evolving constantly, constantly. Who is
doing this last one over to Allah and the name I will Mastandrea
another unique
quality of Allah Power of Allah, incomparable nature of Allah. He
as he fashions the creators into barriers of shapes and forms. Your
fingerprints are unique. No two freeing up pickup in the universe
are the same. Even though twins, they're from God. Bigger fronts
are not the same, never identical. And likewise, you know, a person
who made a lifelong research. Studying the snowflake said, no
two snowflakes are the same. No two stick snowflakes are
identical. So this is the meaning of almost severe, the fashioner
who gives shapes and forms in a unique way to things. So what's
our share in reflecting on these names? Number one, we ought to
reflect over these names and Harlock our body of software by
doing so we will be compelled to say Subhanak Ruby to Allah even if
all all those gigantic galaxies which God has created and evolve
and the be the life forms in them all
All of them glorify the entire universe and is being proclaimed
the glory
of God Almighty.
And we should also cherish faith in God supreme well and power over
our lives, so that we don't get carried away by our work, or
plants and intelligence. Of course, God has given us
intelligence and the means, we must exert them, but we must never
carried away get carried away by becoming overly proud and
dependent on what God has given us in terms of means and resources.
And we must never ever get lost in forms and appearances. They must
be able to see beyond the forms on appearance,
discern the power of Allah or our forms, director thought the power
behind these appearances and Forbes, this is wonderful
reflections for us. May Allah subhanaw taala fill our hearts
with a sense of all and, and reverence for the Creator. The
fashioner the Evolver of things I could have already had was tougher
Lolly welcome was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh