Adnan Rashid – Soleimani – Hindutva

Adnan Rashid
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The current president's actions are heroic for Islam and his actions as a military figure. The "immoralized" movement is a problem for the region, while the "immoralized" movement is a problem for the region. The speakers emphasize the need for people to be reconditioned and re educated, while also criticizing the language used in protests against the current regime and the use of hate language against Muslims. The "immoralized" movement is a problem for the region, while the "immoralized" movement is a problem for the region. peace is needed between Pakistan and India, and peace is needed between Pakistan and India.

AI: Summary ©

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			Blood Brothers podcast of five pillars of production.
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			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Dear brothers, sisters, friends and foes out there and
welcome to another episode of the blood brothers podcast with your host, Dr. Hussain. Today I have a
very esteemed guest, a very celebrated figure of the Muslim community. Someone who as a young teen
grew up watching the debates with the Christians. So I don't know what that means in terms of age
for our guests. And that is none other than my dear brother. We'll start with mon Rashid, someone
else comes along. I am getting old. You don't look at though. You are ripping the rails looking at
me as a beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Mashallah depends on looking at me. Do you do any
00:00:58 --> 00:01:03
			paintwork on the hair? No. So that's pure natural bless, natural beauty. Mashallah.
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			Alhamdulillah dama let me kick off today's podcast by setting a scenario.
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			You're on a boat trip on your own for seven days. And I'm going to give you two options. You have to
choose one. So think of a seven day boat ride on your own. Take
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			dude patio pink tea, good potty. Non or roti, roti, chicken or lamb. Lamb Hello Akira halwa books of
theology or books of history history.
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			Seven Days Mohammed Rahim Allah or even Tamia Rahim Allah.
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			Mr. Mohammed.
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			Mr. Mohammed Rahim Allah or sha Allah Allah, Allah we are Mr. Mohammed.
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			Mohammed Ali Jinnah or allama Iqbal Escobar, Dr. Zakir Naik, reductase ora
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			Dr. s Rahman Sultan Aurangzeb Ali Abdul Hamid Aurangzeb
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			very interesting quite those responses were I don't qualify every single one of those choices go
Okay, so I can select each one of those requires a podcast in itself Okay, so just very brief. I can
understand how Mohammed the dawn of the hungry the founder, he made it potamia Exactly. Why would
you go to the product so Gino is when you say Allah Mike Paulo's Amanda Regina was a big ball Medina
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			and a ball went to Jenna and invited him to get involved in the politics of Of course Jenna was
already involved but he had given up a ball inspired him to come back and lead the Muslims and why
it's not a matter of a doctor
00:02:50 --> 00:03:34
			because doctors forum and had a deeper knowledge of the Quran and Doctor night like and like has
both are very valuable Of course, but doctors I would say dr. oz Rama was a lot bigger scholar
theologically speaking than doctors I can I can now I presented Sultan Aurangzeb against Khalifa
Mohammed is also equally if not greater giant Yeah, of modern Islamic history. Is that because of
your Mughal history bias you chose? Potentially, yes. Partly because of that. And partly because I
believe orange Zeb achieved more than Sultana Muhammad as a ruler as a ruler as a ruler. Yes. Okay,
we can touch upon he had more control over his domain, then Sultan Abdul Hamid did really yeah,
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			orange zabe acquired territory didn't lose it. So talk to me, unfortunately, lost territory. This is
true. This is true. When I met you three, four days ago, at the time of the recording of this
podcast, there was the assassination of Iran's top military General qasem soleimani. By America. And
of course, it's caused a massive controversy and discussion in the region and beyond about whether
the death of this major general who's considered the second most powerful person in Iran, what it
means for the region. Now, there's an interesting thing that you said to me, is that was he a
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			giving from Iran to America to advance his agenda in the region? Can you elaborate on what you meant
by that? Firstly, let me clarify that there are two perspectives on general soleimani. One
perspective is the Iranian state perspective, not necessarily the perspective of the people. The
state perspective is that he was a hero of Islam. He fought for Iranian interest in the region. He
was heading many conflicts on the part of the Iranian government, in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, most
importantly, and for that reason, he was a hero for the Iranian regime, the current Iranian regime.
I separate the people from the region
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			Because the people
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			can differ with the regime. And many do, as we know, from a recent events that there were protests
in Iran, many 1000s were killed, depending on perspectives, again, depending on who's reporting.
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			It could be hundreds, it could be 1000s.
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			And at the same time,
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			people can be on the side of the regime. As we know, hundreds of 1000s turned up for his funeral. He
was clearly very popular among hundreds of 1000s of people. So that cannot be ignored. That's one
perspective that he was a hero. He did his job to the best of his ability. He gave His life The best
part of his life to the cause of the Iranian Revolution, which started in 1979. And this is one
perspective. The other perspective is the larger regional, if you call it the Sunni perspective,
okay? The Sunni perspective on this person is completely the opposite, that he butchered hundreds of
1000s of people in Syria. He's responsible for the conflict in Yemen,
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			which is causing hundreds of 1000s of deaths because of starvation because of
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			other limits, or other problems caused by war in that region. He was responsible for killings of
Sunnis in Iraq. And when I say Sudanese, I don't mean ISIS. Of course, the credit must be given
where it's due. Iran must be credited by for fighting ISIS, but there is a conflation with certain
pro Iran elements were fighting dies literally become the justification of cleansing Sunni towns and
villages, right? Well, it did, for some reason, unfortunately, in Iraq, and these reports cannot be
ignored, because this is not rhetoric, or this is not just these are not rumors, no human rights was
issued issued exactly on iraq deaths called Yeah, and they were it was more muscle, Amber's entire
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			town, the backlash fell on innocent Sunni inhabitants of Mosul and Baghdad, and even places like
Fallujah. Okay, people who had not nothing to do with war in general, and they were treated as ISIS.
But if you looked at the reality,
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			carefully, if you looked at the reality carefully, those people hated ISIS as much as anyone else
would do, right? So fighting ISIS does not become a justification to completely eradicate Sunni
influence or existence from Iraq. Okay. So these are some of the things he was seen to have done.
And this is the Sunni perspective, which I have come to, you know, read recently on online and
offline in newspapers and news reports. Many documentaries have come out since he has passed away.
So he has left two legacies behind depending on who's looking at him, the Iranian regime, or people
who support the Iranian regime perspective. And the other perspective is the largest Sunni world
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			world world word perspective where people see him as a war criminal, as a murderer as a mass
murderer. How depends how would you then respond to them in that case, when we've had the likes of
received a battle on who sent his condolences to Iran reportedly referred to slimani as a Shaheed?
We had Hamas Ismail Haniya who was there at the phenol himself and certain resistance groups within
part Philistine who have voiced their support and condolences. We've had
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			no real voice of opposition and condemnation for many Sunni leadership. Yes, from the masses. Sure,
yeah. The people of Italy were celebrating they were given sweets out even at all. Yeah, even the
Shias in Iraq was celebrated. Really? Yes. It was reported by Al Jazeera. There are people on the
streets of Baghdad celebrating his death she has these are not so nice, because there are Shia
people in Iraq who want Iran out. And Phil Amman is a death meant that this would potentially cause
Iran to leave Iraq, but we've not really had any vote the position that you've presented, which is
widely seen as the Sunni position, which by the way, I tend to agree with, right.
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			But nevertheless, playing devil's advocate, we've not seen any voice of Sunni leadership come out
and say this. Just to clarify, by the way I do not agree with any extrajudicial killing by anyone,
anywhere in the world. Yeah. So by that virtue, the the killing the assassination was an act of
barbarity. It was unlawful in my personal opinion, and i don't i don't i don't believe Donald
Trump's justification.
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			him for what he did. Okay. This man had worked previously with America. He Iran was an ally of the
US in Iraq. Both entities are fighting ISIS. Collectively, Iran was doing the dirty work of the US
in Iraq. So what if you made them turn them? What I don't I don't know if they have turned against
each other? I don't believe it. I cannot necessarily tell. But what do you what do you think
triggered the assassination of custom soleimani? This is a very good question. I don't always
believe what I hear on the news. I mean, I take a lot of the news I hear on mainstream channels with
a pinch of salt, one of the commentators
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			His name is Bashar from.
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			He's a very big Middle East. expert on Al Jazeera. I don't know if you know him one. I think his
name is Mohan Bashara name at the bottom of the Yeah, yeah, he came up with a very interesting
theory that this could be a reason why Iran would have a risk or respect in the region because Iran
was losing hold.
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			Its hold on power, because the people rising against the regime in Iran within Iran, as we have seen
by recent protests, and people rising against Iranian influence in Iraq. So this could be a way of
bringing the nation together, yes. Raising the nationalistic feeling of Death to America, Death to
America slogans. And again, and again, that unites the nation, hundreds of 1000s of people will come
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			at the funeral, and they will express their condolences for the family as well as the regime for
losing such a powerful man, such an important figure of the regime. And this will raise the feeling
of nationalism, and it will inflate the feeling of hatred against the US. And that would strengthen
the regime. By extension, this was a possible interpretation of the events. But I'm not I'm not a
conspiracy theorist. I'm just trying to make sense of it. Okay, that how can suddenly things go
better? How can they go? How can they go better? Like, what's the reason the 22 missile attacks
which killed North American soldiers, while my view is very much inclined to what some other reports
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			have stated that Iran intentionally, essentially fired missiles at a facility where they were there
was no that no one there, as if to deliberately avoid casualties so that the US does not retaliate
with a bigger, you know, attack, I think there's definitely more way more to this incident than than
what meets the eye. Right. There is no shadow of a doubt that Iran has played a key role in the
region, which in some instances, it was in absolute accordance with American policy within the
region, the full of party barn, the fall of Saddam, these are two wars, which actually strengthened
the Iranian government and its position within the region. However, we are still left with a wide
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			perception that Iran is the Bulwark and the rep, and then the symbol of anti imperialism in the
region. Right. And this is echoed by their support material and financial of the Palestinian
resistance, namely Islamic Jihad and Hamas. And there's still many Sunnis who subscribe to this,
this this thinking, for example, I was looking at the Pakistani press, and I was looking at
Pakistani commentators. And they were very mournful over the assassination of qasem soleimani, the
dawn the junk newspaper, it was mixed in Pakistan, the reaction was mixed, but there was a fair
amount of the liberal the liberal establishment. Yes, right. Qasim soleimani his assassination was
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			something that was bad and it should be condemned. So there is still this perception I even I say
that, I say that any extrajudicial killing conducted by anyone is to be condemned. So we unlawful so
we live, or we at least we claim to live in a civilized world, which is governed by laws,
international laws, and those laws cannot be transgressed. Just because someone is powerful doesn't
mean you can do what you want. They may hate someone, you may hate someone, but there is a due
process of law. We have to follow it. Isn't it frustrating that the lawmakers themselves are the
ones that always break the Yes. I mean, I was shocked when Trump said that he will potentially bomb
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			college cultural sites, which is absolutely shocking. This is what ISIS was doing. I mean, I was
really devastated when I saw ISIS, reading some of these historic sites being a story and being a
student of history, you can imagine what I went through right? Of course, the human loss is one
thing okay. But history cannot be made again. Okay, history. It cannot be reinvented. Okay, if you
have lost historical objects, if you have lost historical evidence, it is lost forever. You will
never recover it again, unfortunately. So I was devastated by that. For the US president to make a
statement like that. It was very shocking for myself, right. So
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			law cannot be break broken. You
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			can't break the law. When you feel that you hate someone, and you want to take action, and you want
to really hurt them by attacking the cultural sites or attacking the civilians for that matter, or
attacking hospitals, and, and, you know, schools and, you know, civilian institutions. This is not
this is not allowed. This shouldn't be allowed. In fact, the world should unite against such
behavior. Do you think Sunni's at least in Syria and Iraq and those who have felt the brunt of the
Iranian regimes policies in those countries? Do you think we should support
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			an American led war against Iran? I don't think we support we should support any power in that
region, we should support peace. Okay, harmony, we what we what we should ask for is
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			dismantling of arms,
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			foreign armies, leaving those lands, going back to the homelands, leaving this region to itself. And
let the leaders of these regions decide what the fate of the region is. We have too many players,
foreign players, testing their weapons on innocent people. We have Russia in there, we have the US
and they we have Britain in there. We have France in there. Okay. These are very powerful nations
with deadly weapons. And some of them actually testing the weapons on this region. We are not guinea
pigs, people of this region, the Muslims have had enough. So they must leave the region. And there
shouldn't be a war. We shouldn't take sides against anyone, no matter how much we hate, we might
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			hate one party, for example, against the other. And we might we might start thinking of supporting
one party against the other we shouldn't do that. Okay. Again, what's going to happen? The powerful
they won't suffer.
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			Trump will be in his office, the Iranian regime, the current Iranian political establishment, they
won't be harmed is the people is the innocent people in Iran, in Iraq, or in the middle, a wider
Middle East, they're going to suffer, they will be bombed, they will be stopped. They will be like
what's happening in Yemen right now. So this is why I believe Iran should pull out of Yemen, it
should pull out of Syria, it should pull out of Iraq, and let there be peace. Okay, I believe both
of these powers have caused immense damage to the peace of the region. Take Now, obviously moving a
bit more closer to home, India. Now, since Modi Ji has been in power, the India has taken quite a
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			nasty turn, right? where many of these sentiments these anti muslim Islamophobic sentiments Well, I
would humbly argue we're always there in Indian society has now become very apparent. And the ugly
underbelly of kind of a hindutva RSS kind of ideology has now become very apparent, especially in
state policies. So we've had the citizenship Amendment Act, which basically states that any migrants
or refugees from Buxton, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, that are Hindu, Sikh, Jain or Christian will be
given citizenship, explicitly excluding Muslims. Then we've had the National Register of
citizenship, which was rolled out in Assam
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			potential looking at 1.9 million people, predominately Muslims or Bengali, ethnicity that will be in
detention camps. Last year, earlier on, we had the revoking of Article 370, and 35, eight in
Kashmir. And within a space of a year, we're seeing all these kind of policies, what is the future
looking like for Muslims of India, which numbers more than Bangladesh and Pakistan? The future looks
very grim. And this is the future the founding fathers of Pakistan could envision, in the earlier
part of the 20th century, they could see this coming, hence the necessity of Pakistan. That's why
Pakistan and Bangladesh was created because those Founding Fathers could not trust the majority
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			Hindu rule.
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			Because it could go anywhere. It could go towards secularism, which it did for a few decades. Or it
could also go towards extreme right wing internationalism, Hindu nationalism, which is what we, what
we're seeing right now, the rise of Hindu nationalism, and Modi had a landslide victory. And
democracy has failed, unfortunately. I mean, it has failed globally. Are we saying democracy has
failed elicited by industry or are we saying democracy has failed because the Indians chose the
leader in landslide? No, I'm saying democracy has failed as a system globally. Okay. If this is what
democracy is, if this is what it does, then it has to be reviewed. Okay. If democracy brings people
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			like Modi to power, okay, someone who was accused of genocide in Gujarat
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			2003 if democracy can bring someone like Trump to power, who was accused of abusing women, and using
vulgar language against
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			minority women, disability brackets, he has hurt every single entity on the planet, but he's right
but he is representative of a large constituency of his photos. This is why it bol, the philosopher
of the East remonstrated Talalay in a very powerful stanza
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			that emerged from the nicaea much much better Razia fosh kiyohara Chung Donna sa colada hagarty
jabariya Jota Hakuna Matata is made bondo Coco Nakata, tolani kata translation, please translation
is that an Englishman, an Englishman, he exposed this secret to me, as not very often the wise
reveal it to others,
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			that democracy is a way of governing in which you count people, you don't wear them. So when you
start counting when a Philosopher's vote, or when a when a scholars vote is equal to someone to
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			some like this is same, what Plato criticized in democracy in his Republic, okay, Republic is one of
the best critiques of democracy, okay, it is one of the best critiques of democracy. This is what he
said that in a democratic system,
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			someone who has no knowledge has no awareness, his vote is equal to that equal to someone who is a
thinker, someone who has who is educated someone who's a philosopher, this is not fair. This is
absolutely devastating. And this is exactly what we're seeing right now. In this system, the current
system we have in the world, masses can be manipulated by newspapers, by power, by money by glitter
by spectacle, right. And they can be conditioned into voting for some of the worst people in the
society. And this is exactly what we're seeing right now. Okay, we're seeing
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			the the embodiment of that failure of democracy, it is in these people, if you could have the is of
the leadership of different Indian Muslim community, whether it be on amavi be political leaders, if
you had that is for five minutes. What advice would you give them? from your own perspective as a
historian as someone who follows the events of the region quite closely? In terms of I know, it's
very, for me to say non Rashid given action plan for the Muslims of India is quite crazy. But if you
could share some thoughts with the leadership of the Muslims of India, yeah, regarding the current
situation, what would it be without rubbing in their face? I look, there's a lot blackston because
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			I'm seeing that a lot. Yeah, I'm seeing a number of commentators and even lay Muslims who are funbox
on the Hey, look, this was the wisdom of Genesis urban Look, this is what Buxton was created, etc.
And I feel as to be, whilst you can appreciate that from a hindsight perspective, when Muslims of
India are literally being lynched up and down the country as they are to tell them by the way, guys
that these workbooks I was creating, I feel that's a bit you is rubbing salt in the wound, and it
could even make them entrenched even further in your practice. So you're also what could you
potentially tell the Muslims of India, their leadership with regards to I would tell them,
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			immediately unite, unite without delay, and
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			do not stop your movement. Do not be discouraged by accusations by misrepresentations of the regime
against the Muslims, and unite with the non Muslims. Because there are many non Muslims in India,
who are very moral, ethical, they're very upright in the politics, and they are the ones who are
defending the Muslims. Muslims have effectively become second class citizens after the passing of
this bill.
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			Now, by law, Muslims are now second class citizens.
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			That literally absolutely, if you are passing a law, and you you are completely ignoring excluding
an entire minority from a country from the largest minority, which runs into hundreds of millions.
If you are excluding them from a law, you are discriminating against them, based upon religion, they
become effectively second class citizens. People talk about ISIS, people are talking about Taliban
videos from the 90s where they were beating people in the streets, and there was so much noise about
that on CNN on NBC, Fox News, BBC Sky News. All of these international channels are running shows,
talk shows debates, on the barbarity of the of the East for market.
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			Absolutely, it hasn't stopped, right? There are lynching videos coming out of India, there are
people who are being killed and they are these people are not even hiding the faces those who are
doing the killings, right. They are killing in the name of Hinduism and they are not 123 as many we
are talking about hundreds of 1000s of people who actually sympathize with that view. India needs to
be reconditioned the minds of the people in India, they need to be reconditioned. They need to be re
educated because they have been radicalized. They have been they are Hindu ISIS. I'm sorry to use
the language but they are Hindu ISIS. They are Hindu Nazis. The current regime governing India, the
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			BJP regime, but what about the comparison? I know why you made the karma ISIS SP Franco is still a
fringe. Beyond fringe. Absolutely. This is mainstream. Yes. Unfortunately, that's the main story.
That's the problem. This is why it's more ISIS was never mainstream. This is an alarming situation.
ISIS ideology they fit the way everyone has been rejected been rejected has been rejected by 99.9%.
Whereas hindutva RSS BJP ideology is mainstream has a wide support from Canada. From the US. Why are
these people not okay, look in the West? Muslims are always taunted. Why don't you do enough against
extreme and we are screaming and shouting from our mosques from the pulpit from our scholars to our
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			lay people are saying Hold on. These people are your product. They have nothing to do with our
civilization. ISIS is not our civilization. I have not seen that from Hindu representative groups.
Gentlemen, openly celebrate. Yes. The it's like Hitler when he came to power in 1933. Yeah, okay.
Well, you can call it a sham election. You know, whatever. You know, it was a rigged election or it
was influenced.
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			Absolutely. He was very popular as a leader. That doesn't make him right. Yeah. Okay. Likewise, on a
bigger scale, unfortunately, what's happening in this case and the case of India and BJP governing
India. Okay. It is very clear. Some of the major players, some of the major ministers and
politicians are using extremely vulgar, divisive, genocidal language against the Muslim population,
if not others, okay. People like Yogi adityanath. Yes. Okay. The Chief Minister
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			of Uttar Pradesh, the largest province of India, that province alone has as much population as
Pakistan has, you know, it's over 200 million people in that particular province. He is governing
the largest population in India. He is clearly openly making genocidal statements, biased,
prejudiced statements. He's justifying his behavior justifying the police. We have seen the videos
coming out with police in this particular provinces going into Muslim properties, smashing cars,
Rolling Stones, Shadow shouting, *, terrorizing, terrorizing a population of millions, we're
not talking about a neighborhood, we're not talking about a town we're talking about. Millions of
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			people are being terrorized systematically by the state apparatus. We have
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			1000s of policemen walking into Muslim neighborhoods, smashing properties, cars, houses, windows,
walking into homes, beating people up women and children yet we have seen all these videos come out,
no one can do that. Thanks to social media, thanks to Facebook and YouTube and all that okay. All of
this has come out they cannot deny we saw what happened in Aligarh Muslim University, Jamia Islamia
University, where they were getting into campuses there was beaten up peaceful protests
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			recently as well, yes.
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			you know, they have come out some of the some of the actors they have come out and supported. So, a
lot of good people, more people are supporting Muslims and Muslims should take full advantage of
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			for the goodness of India, what do we want for India with the Muslims globally the oma What do we
want for India, India is a beautiful country, it is rich in history, Muslims govern India for nearly
1000 years parts of India and Muslims governed India with love. Although there are haters on the
other side who claim that India was devastated by Muslim invasions, India was mistreated by Muslims
Indian populations were devastated colonized looted of the rest Yeah, oppressed all of that, but let
me tell you something, just to just to you know, refute this particular claim. Muslims will pans
during the daily Sultanate period to a man looks right the the meme looks Yeah, India, right. There
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			were Muslims. And they were the most powerful entities politically speaking and militarily speaking
in India for almost two centuries. Okay, if not more,
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			the third
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			And the 14th century, both centuries, much of these centuries were spent by the photons, defending
India against Mongols against the Mongols. The Mongols invaded India at times on a daily basis,
sometimes monthly basis. Mongols did not disappear. So turn around so being Melbourne, right, he
lost his son in a battle against Mongols. his heir apparent, someone who was supposed to succeed his
father and he never recovered from this. Yes. So So Tom died in a grieving for his son, right? Then
came the hinges, okay? hinges for the Mongols. Okay. People can claim or they were defending their
own government their own power, but no, no, no, no, they were defending India you can't because they
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			were Hindus in the armies. This will. This was not a purely Muslim establishment. The Delhi
Sultanate had he had the Hindu generals fighting cyber the same with the Mongols.
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			The Mongols had Hindu, Rajput, and jaat. At times, generals fighting side by side with the Mughals
against the enemies. Okay. Some of the majors are the biggest generals in the mobile armies. were
worried too. So how do you counter the fact that was they were defending India against Mongols?
Yeah, foreign invaders that when they weren't doing that, though, too busy, isolating and
disenfranchising and oppressing Hindus. They weren't doing that they were they were oppressing
Hindus, why would they have Hindus in their armies? As generals? It's a good question, isn't it?
It's a question. If there were, were those Hindus siding with them? No. These these were times,
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			very, very disturbing times barbaric times. On civilized time. There were no international there was
no international law governing countries and kings and armies. Okay. And if you look at the Muslim
period, okay, comparatively, it was a lot more peaceful. When you look at the larger scale, okay, of
course, Muslims never had peace in this way. And it was
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			the Middle Ages were full of wars, rebellion, and there was no such period as a utopian view. No,
no, there's no Utah there is no utopia. Absolutely, it doesn't exist yet. But we have to see is we
have to see the behavior of the Muslims will pans comparatively against those who were there in
India, you know, for example, from a Hindu background, okay, because Hindu Hindus are the majority,
even then. So Muslims did not have this policy of pressing or suppressing Hindus. They never had
this policy. In fact, this is why some of the founding fathers of Pakistan having studied the
history of India carefully, they knew anytime, unfortunately, through the who have the power, who
00:32:41 --> 00:33:04
			would you regard as the founding fathers of Pakistan, beyond Mohammed Ali Jinnah? Who was the
founder, I would say, if you were to go back in history, I would say shower you laid the
foundations, okay. Okay. He gave the political theory, okay, to the Muslims of India, how to govern
effectively how to govern justly, very importantly, in his books like pajetta, Lyle baliga. And his,
00:33:05 --> 00:33:46
			you know, Encyclopedia called is on a lava lava where we defended the concept of a lava in Islam and
what an ideal khilafah should look like, you know, just because someone claims to be a halifa
doesn't make him a halifa. Like ISIS. Caliphate is not a caliphate. We don't accept it as a
catalyst. No. Okay. They claimed it, if you wear a badge, that I'm a surgeon, or it doesn't make any
sense. I mean, it does if you if you if you're a cobbler, okay, if you saw if you're someone who was
a butcher from an avatar, okay, and you claim to be a surgeon just by by the virtue of cutting
things out right? You don't become a surgeon you're a butcher, right? Likewise cholula he gave a
00:33:46 --> 00:33:52
			proper theory of proper Calif anyone else okay. At that time in India, just like
00:33:53 --> 00:33:56
			I mean, if you go back Of course, there are so many other individuals,
00:33:57 --> 00:34:40
			Tamia a mama llama worthy and a mom was already talking about more two more tools, the theory that
Buxton or there should be a separate state for Muslims to survive Sharla did not necessarily talk
about the separation, okay. He talked about the necessity of holding on to power to maintain peace
and justice. His view was that if Muslims governed by the rules of Islam properly, India will become
a peaceful about not only for Muslims, but non Muslims, okay. Allah had seen that time of orangey
when he was a child he mo duty was of a similar opinion, he believed that Muslims should remain as
part of India because eventually we can rule India like we have done for centuries, under a
00:34:40 --> 00:34:59
			democracy would be impossible because the British colonial establishment would leave democracy
behind because that's what they planned, although they were themselves grueling by dictatorship,
because colonialism is by default detention, right. But when they would leave India, they would
leave it as a democracy and therefore demographically, again, graphically more
00:35:00 --> 00:35:39
			Muslims would be worse off, and Muslims would have lost severely and these arguments that
collectively, Muslims of Bangladesh and Pakistan and what we have in India, they would have outdone,
the Hindus democratically and they would have been a big power this this argument doesn't work
because Muslims were and are demographically so sparse in India that they cannot effectively make a
change. To this day, how many Muslim MPs do we have in the Indian Parliament? We have nearly 300
million Muslims in India. And they all they are all divided. They are all divided demographically,
not necessarily ideologically, but demographically. They are all in different places. Okay. That's
00:35:39 --> 00:36:23
			why they come to they cannot have an impact. democratically, they have to vote for Hindu candidates,
those who favor them National Congress or BJP? Yes, exactly. They have to vote for them because they
have no other option. A Muslim candidate would simply not win because the majority wouldn't vote for
him majority is either on the side of Congress, which is secular liberal type Hindus, okay. Or the
extreme right wing ultra, you know, ultra nationalist Hindus voting for someone like BJP. So people
are very naive. And they claim that if Muslims were to be in a democracy, and I don't agree with the
Jamaat e Islami Yeah, Jamaat e Islami, or the scholars of the abandoned that we would have been
00:36:23 --> 00:36:59
			better off. No, I believe it. Well, people like a ball society. Jenna, they knew better than you,
but they knew what was coming. They knew our train was heading their way. And it was going to hit
them so hard that they would never be able to recover like was happening indeed, how much difference
have the Muslims unfortunately have made in India? Not because Muslims are incompetent? Not because
Muslims are incapable Muslims are purely due to opportunity, not much at all? No, because they are
marginalized, systematically marginalized from politics, so they can but Indian Muslims can easily
turn around and say, Well, look at the * state of Buxton. Buxton, itself is no, it's also
00:36:59 --> 00:37:44
			cannot be argued as a failed state. Okay, in Pakistan as a failure as failed a state it might be.
Okay. I don't I don't believe it's a failed state. It's a nuclear power, which is still standing
firmly on its feet. Okay. It's enduring all the challenges. It's surrounded by enemies. Okay. And it
has effectively you know, it's survived a very dangerous war in Afghanistan. Okay. Which it also
played a key role in Yes, absolutely had to for its survival. Of course, what do you do? There's a
Russian generals are saying we will have our dinner in Karachi. No. Okay. The point I want to make
is, Indian Muslims can easily pass it back to our brothers in Pakistan. Yeah. That you talk about
00:37:44 --> 00:38:22
			this great freedom of being Muslim or being a land for the park. How did 9071 work out for you when
your own brother split away from you? So how did that work out? Go speak to your brothers in Bengal?
How did the concept of an Islamic bookstore work out for them, your economy at the moment is in
tatters? You may be a nucleus state by a piece that you don't really have much control over when you
press that button. It's just there to flex your muscle against India, Buxton, we got Imran Khan
currently who initially appeared to be a breath of fresh air from previous administrations. But
nevertheless, he's going around with the begging bowl asking for money and handouts from So who are
00:38:22 --> 00:39:09
			you as a Muslim from Pakistan to tell us in these that way in tatters, and Milan is a dire situation
very good questions, valid points, all of them are valid points. And they may be true. Pakistan is
economically weak. Pakistan is politically struggling. Pakistan is not a model state for the Muslim
Ummah to follow no doubt, it has many weaknesses, many, many problems. Okay, I feel about coming.
Sorry, I feel a but yeah, but at the same time, at the same time, in Pakistan, you don't have
Muslims being lynched for slaughtering a cow. You have Muslims worshipping as the like, as divided
as they may be, or as divided as they are in Pakistan. There is sectarianism in Pakistan. There has
00:39:09 --> 00:39:44
			been Shia Sunni sectarianism in Pakistan. It has caused problems. And the recent past there has been
army brutality in the in the tribal areas, fortunately, yes, there has been some brutality, which
has caused some, but this brutality was against elements who were trying to completely dismantle the
state. They were completely, they were against the idea of Pakistan. They were trying to destroy the
country from within, and they were working for foreign powers. So in order to handle them, the army
had to Couldn't you can't just sit around, if you if you're the God of a building, and you can see
someone putting fire to the building, you have to do something right. And in the process,
00:39:44 --> 00:39:59
			unfortunately, not our military made mistakes. Not that I'm not a spokesperson with a military
that's fine, not a spokesperson for the Government of Pakistan. They have a lot of improved
improvements to do there's a lot to improve, but Pakistan still has is Islamic.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:27
			identity, Muslims can walk the streets of Pakistan without fear of persecution. Muslim Pakistan
basically represents the civilization of Islam in India which goes back 1000 years. Okay, which goes
Pakistan? I mean, sometimes it's funny to think about it I mean, I don't necessarily agree with this
kind of rhetoric and language but even the missiles if you look at the Pakistani military protests
Okay, what are they called the old the old named after
00:40:28 --> 00:40:32
			him heroes necessarily heroes I mean, I don't believe he doesn't have he
00:40:33 --> 00:40:41
			doesn't have he was necessarily a hero of Islam. He was a king who was doing what kings do what
exactly can you do and rate
00:40:42 --> 00:41:18
			accumulate wealth money and make yourself powerful and and recruit armies to become more powerful
likewise votaries they were doing the same thing daily so towns were doing this they were not we're
not saying they were angels. So when we try we when we try to remind him romanticize them and we try
we try to paint them as well. You lost wonder masala crying at night. They were not like that. Some
of them used to drink. Some of them will be but they had a lot of lira for Islam. You cannot take
that away from them. Okay, how do we know that? Look at the coins. Look at the coins, the language
on the coins. Okay. You don't have that language today in
00:41:19 --> 00:41:35
			on any coins from the Muslim world. You go to the currency. Of course Saudi Arabia is an exception
because the flag has the Shahada, which I should they should reconsider because the flag is being
desecrated and it's being used for you know different
00:41:36 --> 00:41:40
			kinds of things and and that disrespects the charlatan okay.
00:41:41 --> 00:42:24
			But if you look at the Muslim currency today, hardly any country has verses from the Quran or the
name of the the central uniting entity the Calif okay for example Delhi Sultanate coins okay we pick
them up you will have the name of the Calif battered killin mustache, okay. And Hakeem Bella, for
example, his name is there on the coins, and these guys are in they have never seen the bailiff.
Right, but to maintain the Islamic identity and their attachment with the wider Muslim civilization,
they represented Islam and Muslims, of course, in a very imperfect way in Indian, they were not
perfect. Coming back to the problems of Pakistan. Yeah, problems of Pakistan. They are there of
00:42:24 --> 00:42:52
			course that don't throw so the saying of don't throw stones in a in a glass house. Okay. I accept
that. But at the same time, if you do a comparison between currently India and currently Pakistan, I
can tell you with confidence in Pakistan, you will not see the lynching of Hindus. There are
hundreds of 1000s of Hindus in Pakistan in the province of Sindh. If a Muslim mob
00:42:54 --> 00:43:39
			was to attack, a Hindu village, you know, who would fight against them? Muslims, probably Pakistani
Muslims from all over the country would rally to support the Hindus. Okay, this rhetoric on Indian
news channels you hear that all Hindu girl was kidnapped, and she was forced into Islam. So what
they're trying to do is they're trying to hide the crimes, crimes that are being committed by the
current BJP government in India. Some of those crimes are genocidal, they are openly xenophobic,
Islamophobic and barbaric acts of violence against Muslims happening in India to hide those crimes.
What they do is they magnify one or two isolated incident isolated isolated incidents in Pakistan
00:43:39 --> 00:43:51
			for example, okay, it is true, they have been miscarriages of justice in Pakistan, possibly against
minorities, it is true it happens it is a huge country. But you what you will not find in Pakistan
00:43:52 --> 00:44:04
			is a genocide against the minorities for example, what happened in Gujarat in 2003? What happened
against the Sikhs in 1984? Okay, what is happening against Dalits? Okay,
00:44:06 --> 00:44:11
			or what is happening against Muslims now, where there is a mob
00:44:12 --> 00:44:30
			and a Muslim man is being tortured. People are standing by and watching the torture, sometimes the
police even prison, will you please present? You would never see that in Pakistan. Fortunately, I'll
give you proof of that. Recently, less than 10 days ago, there was a man who
00:44:34 --> 00:44:59
			basically incited violence against the Sikhs. And then conocido in Punjab, Pakistan, Pakistani side
of Punjab, okay. And it took a mob of Muslims. Of course, these people are very ignorant. They are
they are farmers and peasants, you know, work the fields they don't know better, okay. They were
unfortunately led by this person and he went to the Gurdwara, which is a Sikh holy shrine, and then
conocido which is
00:45:00 --> 00:45:36
			Close very close to Lahore. And this is where Grenada was born. Yes. Okay, that's the city and, and
they were shouting slogans against the Sikhs and they were threatening the Sikhs. He was immediately
locked up. He was picked up by the state. Okay, because it happened so quickly. You know, today
social media something has before the police arrived, cameras already live on Facebook and people
think that's nothing. Go and see what happened to him. Not only that the state action Imran Khan
tweeted about this, he said, he said the difference between us and what the Indian government is
doing is that we took action against someone who was trying to inspire or instigate violence against
00:45:36 --> 00:45:45
			the Sikh community and read the state protected the community. On the other hand, we have CMS and
prime ministers. And
00:45:47 --> 00:45:47
			you know,
00:45:49 --> 00:46:32
			of India, of India, making statements open, openly Islamophobic xenophobic statements against the
minority and not doing anything effective against lynchings and violence against Muslims. So So
thankfully, in Pakistan, we have security for Muslims. And for non Muslims, I am telling you, me as
a person, as a Muslim living in Britain, who happens to come from Pakistan, if there was violence
against Christians, or Hindus in Pakistan, live violence alone, even if someone's if someone was to
make speeches against Hindus, Sikhs, I would be one of the first people to arrive back in that
country and I would be making public you know, speeches, I will be organizing protests against such
00:46:32 --> 00:47:19
			elements, okay. In Pakistan, you do not have anything like that. So you hear on the news on in India
is all lies all exaggerated, magnified and just to hide their own crime. So I opposite the question
to you back again, back to why has the ideology of Hindu supremacy become exacerbated and
popularized of late, why has it garnered so much support? Okay, because it has, I can't even call it
a 5050 situation, I call it ignorance, ignorance, the masses, the poor people of India, living in
the rural areas. They're very poor, very ignorant about anything in life apart from the farming and
the villages wanting a Hindu Rasta. Is there any theological historical basis from your knowledge of
00:47:19 --> 00:48:08
			a kind of Hindu state a pure state? No. As I said, it's a very recent idea, which was instigated by
the British, the British divided Muslims and Hindus on communal communal lines to be able to govern
India, okay, they could they couldn't afford the Hindus and Muslims uniting against the British rule
and when they did, lo and behold, we had independence, okay. Even in the Indian mutiny 1857 you've
seen resembles Hindus and Muslims fought against the British to gain independence. So, the British
more than anyone else, understood that Hindus and Muslims have to be divided, they have to divide
for them to be able to govern India for longer and they created Hinduism. Now, you may be thinking
00:48:08 --> 00:48:47
			Hold on a second, what are you saying? But the British created Hinduism, I am seeing the British
created Hinduism Hinduism as an ideology as as an idea to stand against stand against Islamic
identity. Hindus are divided previously. Firstly, Hindu is a Persian word. It is not even a Hindu
word no Sanskrit. It's not it's not Sanskrit No, no Hindu is a Persian word which was used by
Persian chroniclers and writers, okay throughout the Mughal period and beyond, right. So, Hindus are
divided in to rajputs jots, okay.
00:48:48 --> 00:48:57
			baratas Okay. This is how they were called Brahmins, Brahmins. Okay, so, the Brahmins are basically
costs Okay, Brahmins
00:48:58 --> 00:49:38
			Kashmiri were sugar, these are fork cost shooters are the lowest cost who are doing the cleaning
work and all that and they will not see it from your reading of history and from your research or
knowledge of this area. Has there ever been a time in India where there was a purist Hindu rule?
Like Like we've never like if you speak to Muslims, you can say under qualified Russia Deen under
attempted it was attempted by the Murata. Okay, okay. The mirages were a devastating force in India.
Well, they celebrated now these days, they are celebrated for the wrong reasons. If you knew the
history of the monitors monitors, were killing as many Hindus as they were killing Muslims, but
00:49:38 --> 00:49:59
			otters are not India loving entity. In fact, we have evidence to the contrary that Muslims will
tans. They loved India more than the monitors. Absolutely. The Muslims will tans were seen as
outsiders. They were more local. They were more. They were more of more of sons of the land than the
burrata tomatoes are being celebrated now because
00:50:00 --> 00:50:13
			Bollywood movies and entertainment absolutely academia and they are not movies like in movies like
amateur Bunny, but yes, which is a recent production. Then Baji, Rama and Mastani. And then we have
00:50:14 --> 00:50:42
			even another movie about Allah allowed him to kill jivas padmavathi. Yes, but North Korea, okay. So
these Hindu rulers of the past, whether they're Murata or rajputs, are being celebrated erroneously
as part of this wider agenda, absolutely to give rise to this Hindu nationalistic feeling, and to
justify it somehow, historically, there is no historical justification. I'm a student of history. I
read scholars and I.
00:50:43 --> 00:51:23
			I told that line scholarly line I'm I hope I'm not biased and prejudice makes a massive claim says
the morata don't represent a sentiment of a purist Hindu states. No, they don't. Why because they
were destroying. They were there. Who, firstly we have to understand when we studied the history of
the mirages, yeah, who was fighting mirages, the Mughals were fighting. This is the misconception
after the Iraq war fighting the Murata Sava, the Mughals over the Mughals. Yeah. And so the Hindus
of Bengal, the Hindu, Murata has invaded bank wall so many times and they were simply coming to burn
villages to loot pollute and *. They were notoriously known for * not to spread hidden rude.
00:51:24 --> 00:51:51
			No, no, no, there was nothing about Murata that Muslim generals in the Battle of Pawnee but they had
a Muslim general on the site. Okay, yes. And ama job, daddy had Hindus fighting on his side. So
there was no Hindu. Of course, there was the religious sentiment that was used, okay, from the
Muslim side, which was predominantly Muslim. Okay. The abdali side, okay, I my job Dolly was the
leader. And they were people like Hafiz Ramadan,
00:51:52 --> 00:52:00
			the ruler of rohilla tans and then they were people like Xiao dolla, the ruler of the state of
Nevada was Shia, but he had joined
00:52:02 --> 00:52:41
			the Muslim coalition okay to fight against the greater threat which was the monitors okay knew what
would what it would look like if the monitors came to power in North India. So he fought side by
side with the the predominantly Muslim army against the monitors. Okay. And then we had an Ebola and
under Hassan ruder, okay. So the purpose was to somehow neutralize the Murata threat, even Chava.
Lula had written letters to all major Muslim players in the land, to highlight the chart and the
morata rise because what were they doing? They were simply
00:52:43 --> 00:52:51
			at that time they were simply taking land, they were burning, pillaging, they were Raiders, Murata
basically Raiders, Murata were not
00:52:53 --> 00:53:16
			established rulers they did rule from Puna right in the south or in central India, okay. They did
they had an empire there no doubt, but as far as North India or North West is concerned, they will
simply come in raid, pillage, burn, accumulate wealth and come back to the occupied Lahore. They
came very close to push our Morocco, okay.
00:53:17 --> 00:53:27
			But otters are occupied daily A times and they had committed atrocities, you cannot take that away
from them. baratas was the most devastating
00:53:28 --> 00:54:13
			force in Indian history. In the 18th century, they caused more damage to India than anyone else did.
I am saying this with confidence. Marotta has destroyed the Mughal Empire the moguls made India a
single entity. Of course, we will claim that Ashoka had done it before in ancient times he had
occupied all of India, he made it one of course no doubt, but recent times of recent history not
very far distant from us moguls who was closest to bring it to us again absolutely they united India
as one entity India before that was not one entity there was no such thing as such thing as India
there was no India there was no part Okay, the territory was there, but it was divided into
00:54:13 --> 00:54:55
			different principalities governing by different systems vidyanagar Empire in the south, which was
Hindu Yeah, okay. And Hindu in what sense different following different deities having different
temples, different system altogether to rajputs in rajputana, for example, in Rajasthan currently on
in this region, there were different to the Hindus of Bengal, and this will be fine. You know, this
is a there is a very interesting book written by Richard Eaton Richard M. Eaton, who was an American
scholar as he called on Indian history. The book is called a purge unite the persianate age, okay,
the purge in his age, and he discusses the history of
00:54:56 --> 00:54:59
			the Persian political authority in India.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:07
			From 1000 to 1700, for almost 700 years, and he talks about this, that how Hindu kings are invading
other Hindu territories
00:55:09 --> 00:55:20
			and designating temples of other Hindu kings, because temples are seen as symbols of power for those
respective things. So, once you demolish the temple, once you break the idol, or the Deity,
00:55:21 --> 00:55:55
			then that demo demoralizes, the army and the and the king and the king loses power. So Hindus were
doing this, right. So my daughters were doing exactly the same thing. They were going into other
Hindu territories, and they were fighting and at times they were signing contracts. And they were in
agreements with Muslims, they had peace with Muslim entities. So mulatos are not necessarily a Hindu
representation of power in India, in any sense. They did try to revive Hindu potpie. They called it
that we want to install our own Emperor in Delhi,
00:55:56 --> 00:56:14
			Visa v the models so that we can have a Hindu government in India, a Hindu Empire, they tried that
they even talked about it. But how Hindu were there is the question, how Hindu were they? They came
with a unique form of Hinduism, which was very, very devastating. I mean,
00:56:15 --> 00:57:01
			you would forget if you read about Murata you would forget about atrocities committed by Nazis. And
I mean, I know the comparison is wrong, it can be anachronistic, okay. But you would forget about
atrocities committed committed by ISIS and Nazis. And, you know, are they here? Are the Hindu
scholars and historians who say what you say? Yes. 100%? Really? Absolutely. Absolutely. If you read
all major, Hindu, I don't know how Hindu are they? I mean, they are secular Hindus, or the liberal
Hindus or whether the Hindu Hindu, I don't know how Hindu they are. But they have Hindu names. And
scholars who have talked about this. So So do you ever foresee a situation if the situation doesn't
00:57:01 --> 00:57:44
			get better? Yeah, for the Muslims of India? Do you ever see you can run you can watch a scene off
the right hand. Yeah. But do you ever foresee Buxton allowing some Muslims of India to come and
settle? Absolutely. Why not if they had to, but it would be very sad if they had to do that. And I
believe India is a beautiful country. It's a great country with great minds, great intellectuals,
beautiful people, beautiful cultures. Okay. We want India to flourish we want I'm speaking as a
Muslim, okay. And I am. I'm very certain that the majority of the Pakistani Muslims and Bengali
Muslims share my sentiment and disregard, we want
00:57:46 --> 00:58:17
			peace in India. If there is peace in India, there's peace in Bangladesh and Pakistan close okay. We
want India to be a peaceful apart, we want to be able to visit India, I want the borders to be
opened, there will be trade between pakistan india and Bangla. Imagine how rich these countries have
become. The only reason we do not have this trade or this cordial relationship between the
governments, not the people, the people love each other. Believe me if the borders are lifted, okay?
The barriers are lifted. Daily would be Lahore
00:58:19 --> 00:58:37
			within within two weeks, and Lahore would be in Delhi. Muslims in Pakistan, they would be driving
through the border from Lahore. They also it was it may also poses some threats. Why? If you have
peace, why would they be threat? They can't be peace because the two very countries were founded
upon the antagonism and
00:58:38 --> 00:59:17
			not necessarily it the bitterness came because of Kashmir. Not necessarily. two countries don't have
to be against each other, fighting each other till death. No, but they may. But the founding of
those respective states mistakes were based upon religious lines and therefore it poses an
existential issue why you can't have such as idealistic and unsure as good as it may be. It was a
positive threats of autumn bodies and terrorists and rogue agents and ISI agents and all kinds of
madness happening across borders. Now this is happening because of the problem of Kashmir. I'm
telling you, this all boils down to Kashmir, the Kashmir crisis, if both governments can sit down
00:59:17 --> 00:59:54
			together like Imran Khan has been saying repeatedly, that if we sit down and we discuss but the
problem is how do you discuss with someone like Modi? But now how do you talk to someone like Amit
Shah, Yogi adityanath? Look, let me just ask you, let me just ask you something very honest for you.
Yeah. How can a hand span of Kashmir ever legitimately be part of India? It could even be
independent or part of Pakistan. That's what I see. Yes. How can you ever be a part of India? Yes,
it doesn't make sense. I know it was annexed by force. Exactly. So you can only ever be an
independent consumer which is of late last 1015 years missing a lot more sentiments or a part of the
00:59:54 --> 01:00:00
			Kashmiri people decide to let them let let the International Committee
01:00:00 --> 01:00:07
			Which is mostly sleeping when Muslims are being brutalized around the world. Unfortunately, the
disturbed international community has become
01:00:09 --> 01:00:43
			Yes, it has become an insolvent people. When these global leaders use the term international
community, it is useless I'm sorry. When Muslims are being brutalized all over the world, this
international community is sleeping, okay? When when a donkey dies somewhere or when a dog I mean,
rightly so we need to make a we, we need to protect animals as much as we need to protect humans,
right? But there is more noise for animals, animals, raw animal rights around the world. This is why
Muslims need to wake up globally and they're trying to wake up. Mashallah, recently, the Kuala
Lumpur summit summit was
01:00:44 --> 01:00:51
			a breath of fresh air. It was very encouraging. The Muslim leaders are now realizing that they need
to do something about this because
01:00:52 --> 01:01:29
			unfortunately, unfortunately, there was a mistake. I don't think Pakistani government shouldn't
should have taken that course. But politics is a very dirty game. I'll be positive that way. We'll
take away 4 million labors of Foxconn from Bangladesh, and they will pull out the money that they've
that they've deposited to the Foxconn bank. And for that reason, Imran Khan did not attend. You're
right about that. But then Iran was there and Saudi Arabia does not want to sit with people. I mean,
regimes like Iran, the Iranian Iranian regime has completely devastated the region, but the Neo
Ottoman Sultan edelen was also Yes. So he was, I believe, I believe is a better politician, I
01:01:29 --> 01:02:02
			believe is a better politician. He knows politics. Okay. And coming back to his condolences sent to
Iran, for the loss of the general his politics. I'm sure he doesn't sympathize with what he had done
in Syria. Eve. I'm, I'm very sure Erdogan does not sympathize with the actions of Iran, in Syria, in
Yemen, and in Iraq, so even political So are you saying even reportedly referring to soleimani as
Shaheed reportedly, okay, is that also co set as well? Yes. Unfortunately, is politics so Sudanese
are into political Takia, then, isn't it?
01:02:04 --> 01:02:47
			I wouldn't call it the key is politics is politics, Donald Trump, okay? Or Dislike just like
President Reagan, okay? praising the Afghan Mujahideen as a factor and to an extent that they had to
make make Rambo three to glorify the Afghan cause, okay, these very terrorists were at that time
period that was political turkey on the part of the government, governments leaders always do it.
Okay. They always speak a language but they don't actually mean so back to Kashmir is why hence the
hence the claim that they are a bunch of hypocrites. Yeah, but if they are not hypocrites, and I'm
using inverted commas, okay, then how would they govern? If every single leader said his mind? And
01:02:47 --> 01:03:23
			what what is in his heart? Do you think it would be a leader anymore? People would you know, you
know, so? Do you think Trump's traits everything he I mean, what is now you're gonna say that I
know. He knew the answer was yes, he literally does tweet everything in his mind. I don't think so.
I think what he has inside him is far worse. The way he treats what what comes out of his mouth.
Yeah. So back to Kashmir, right? If you're saying that a lot of the antagonism and the friction and
the existential threat is because of Kashmir, how can I know it's a huge topic, a topic he touched
upon in a previous podcast verbrugge, Psalm 21, even the whole article 370 thing was happening. But
01:03:23 --> 01:03:42
			how can you ever sit down in a meaningful way about Kashmir, when you know the realistic sentiment
and outcome of the people of that region will either be bookstore independent and never India? Look,
it only makes sense as you clearly stated, any sane
01:03:43 --> 01:04:22
			person looking at Kashmir demographically would simply say it belongs to Pakistan or an independent
Kashmir. If the Kashmiris want tendance, then it should be an independent Kashmir because Kashmir is
clearly don't want to be governed by India, let alone a BJP government which is which has imposed a
curfew which it hasn't lifted still there. Unfortunately, this is a concentration camp and the world
is sleeping again. The international community doesn't care about it. They don't care about the
Rohingya. They didn't care about the Rohingya. They didn't care about what was happening to people
in Syria, what's happening in Yemen.
01:04:23 --> 01:04:45
			In fact, they are inflating the fire of war, they are actually pushing pumping money in weapons into
this region to inflate the conflict further, okay. So violence against Muslims is somehow
unfortunately, you know, tacitly approved off, it's approved, which is fine.
01:04:47 --> 01:05:00
			Not enough action should be taken against this violence, but violence by Muslims, rightly or
wrongly. Okay, we have both problems. Unfortunately, the top of the agenda is top of the agenda. The
Muslims cannot be radical.
01:05:00 --> 01:05:44
			The Muslims have no right to defend themselves when they do, even the legitimate movements when they
are actually fighting for the survival and example and resisting genocide. I'm talking about
Rohingya Muslims. They were facing a genocide. Hundreds of 1000s of women have been raped. Who
cares? in Bengali camps? Go and look at them. Okay, those women who have come as raped this, they're
pregnant. Hundreds, I'm saying hundreds of 1000s. Okay. Go and watch Al Jazeera reports, BBC
reports, BBC, which is seem to be relatively biased against Muslims, unfortunately. Okay. People
think that and I don't know how true that is. Their propaganda is far more sophisticated is Yes,
01:05:44 --> 01:06:06
			absolutely. This is the most sophisticated propaganda outlet in the world. Absolutely. Absolutely. I
agree. So, something needs to be done about Kashmir, Kashmir is a very, very disturbing case. And
the world is sleeping on it. And there are two nuclear powers standing against each other. As Imran
Khan warned in the United Nations,
01:06:07 --> 01:06:11
			you know, in when he did his speech, that it is not
01:06:14 --> 01:06:52
			a simple matter. You need to think about these two nuclear nuclear armed states. If they were to
fight each other over this territory, what would happen to the world? These are not the bombs of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These are this is different technology. Okay, this is different technology,
this is a completely different game altogether. Okay. The world needs to take it seriously, just
like the Iran, US tensions need to be taken seriously. And everyone needs to come down. Because
innocent people who die, I know what's going to happen, okay, America will come with this might with
all the weapons and all the missiles to try new technology on the people of Iran, the people of Iraq
01:06:52 --> 01:06:57
			and the people of the region at large. and Iran will retaliate, who will who will die.
01:06:58 --> 01:07:48
			We don't want that. We don't want war, we want peace. We want peace in the world. That's why we hope
that India comes to its senses. We hope, sanity, morality, and justice prevails in India, those
people who are supporting and backing the Muslim cause and it's not the Muslim caused by the way
this is a war This is a battle for the soul of India. These are the people are saying this is a
battle for the soul of India is the survival of India would does India want to become a Nazi style?
xenophobic, hateful, bigoted Miss already violent state is already defeated already? Currently, it
is unfortunately, or does India want to become a progressive, enlightened,
01:07:50 --> 01:08:07
			peaceful, inclusive state inclusive state that leads the world in, in all these areas, if he can, if
he carries on the way it is, if the trajectory continues the way it is, do you see the birth of
resist Muslim resistance
01:08:08 --> 01:08:39
			will take two arms to protect their communities. And I hope it doesn't come to that I really I mean,
I don't like to talk about war. I don't. I mean, I am not a pacifist, I believe in Islam, but not by
tality happens everywhere. Because it because we see that there were pockets of resistance amongst
the Rohingya, there were pockets of resistance amongst the resistance in Kashmir, Muslims will be
the victims, if anything like that happens in India. And I really wish, I really hope it doesn't
come to that. I really hope
01:08:40 --> 01:09:26
			that the current movement is successful. And this government is, you know, we get rid of this
government and somehow, I hope it is voted out in the next election in India and someone who is
sensible, comes to power so that we can resolve the Kashmir issue and then reduce xenophobia in this
politics of hate and communalism. Right? I really hope that I really hope it doesn't come to that.
But if it came to that, it's a big if then the Muslims will be the victims. Okay? Muslims are a
minority, they are scattered. They are very weak, economically, most most of the poor, the very
poor, and even the rich Muslims are very marginalized. They're very, very much cornered. So I hope
01:09:26 --> 01:09:33
			it doesn't come to that. Because Muslims will be the losers in this. Okay. But again, if someone's
coming to your house, to you and
01:09:35 --> 01:09:56
			your daughter in front of your eyes, you have to defend your daughter. You have to defend your
family. I hope it doesn't come to that. Yeah. Bringing the podcast to a kind of a close. You may you
said something earlier in the podcast you said how Hindu were the martyrs? So I asked you how
Islamic were the Mongols?
01:09:57 --> 01:09:59
			The Mongols with exception to it. Okay.
01:10:00 --> 01:10:19
			moguls were Islamic when it suited them with with again with the exception of orangette. Okay? Other
moguls use Islam to their advantage, for example, upper used Islam to his advantage and then he
abandoned Islam altogether. He apostatized and in fact he was then he jumped on this, but
absolutely, there's a consensus that
01:10:20 --> 01:10:34
			absolutely there is historical consensus on this. What do you mean what I mean, he initiated a new
religion called DNA ally. It was published on his coins. So if you look at his early coins from his,
from the early part of his reign, I wish I could you even reminded me too,
01:10:35 --> 01:11:16
			but I think what what we can do in the future inshallah we can do a podcast, assessing your coins?
Yes. Specifically, looking at some of the Islamic coins and history around them because there's a
lot to talk about, with numismatic evidence. Okay. A lot. You will see theology, you will see
politics in the coins Really? Absolutely. Because minting is a representative of the thinking of
accuracy in the quality of silver. Where did the silver curve come from the messages on the coins,
the propaganda, the name of the king? Why? The military element, aka coins minted on March, for
example, there are mints on March, the armies on the move, and the coins are being minted in the
01:11:16 --> 01:11:34
			camp. And there's a man called Lucifer Corinne. Okay, that means the the military mint, which is on
the move. Yeah. So those coins. So there's a lot to talk about coming back to the issue of how
Islamic with the mobile mobile's. So Jahangir, obviously made Toba Akbar son and he
01:11:37 --> 01:11:47
			too large to a large extent he disowned his father's legacy and became a Muslim. Right. But how
Muslim was he? He was a drunkard. He was into music. Okay, and
01:11:48 --> 01:12:31
			he was just just an Indian King. You know, when these bigots talk about morals being the embodiment
of Islam, they don't know what they're talking about. Even the first mobile em from barber was into
drinking. He can. He confessed to this in his barber nama in his memoir, personal memoir. homayoun
was an opium addict. Okay, if one of the reasons people believe you died was because he did
acknowledge what they were doing was sinful. Of course. Absolutely. They acknowledge this. And they
were very mystical as well. They were they had Islam in them. No doubt you cannot take Islam away
from any of them apart from Akbar, apart, they all had elements of Islam to the characters, all of
01:12:31 --> 01:13:06
			them. In fact, they had read over Islam, including Baba, look at his coins into Shahada on it. Okay,
how am I doing the same thing, right? Akbar had Shahada and the name of the for Caleb's. On his
coins, in terms of the governance then in terms of the governance for it, because they are governed,
largely Hindu domain. They did not impose Islam, on the Hindus. Islam was never imposed when people
said jizya was imposed on us. Yeah, that doesn't Of course, yes, yes, it was there. And they
applied. It, abolished it, and orange, they reinstated it, it is absolutely insane.
01:13:09 --> 01:13:20
			Partly, yes, yes. They were there. Of course, during the Delhi Sultanate period collude, were
partially implemented where it was possible. But the Mongols, the Mongols
01:13:21 --> 01:13:59
			is a very complicated situation. You see, most of them never got the chance to do it. Why? Because
their history was full of so much turmoil. Baba only gone for four years, he couldn't, he could
barely can consolidate his power, and my own government for 10 years. And then he was asked by his
general shall sorry, he was very Islamic, very Islamic. So within the Muslim domain, they had
Islamic principles governing them, okay. This these principles were not imposed on Hindus, Hindus
were simply left alone, to govern by their own systems. And they were vessels. They were vessels to
the morals, right. And they pay taxes to the Mughals like all other principalities, Muslim, the non
01:13:59 --> 01:14:15
			Muslim, when they became under the Mughal rule, they would pay taxes to the to the central Treasury.
Right. So as far as the Mughal household was concerned, they were governed by a mixture of Islamic
01:14:16 --> 01:14:57
			and persianate. protocol. I don't know if that makes sense. Yes. So I understand that you will have
to read some of the books because even the Ottomans Yeah, and we had this conversation not too long
ago. Yeah. Have I done a kebab and the Ottomans also had a number of Turkic values and principles,
which they didn't feel was in conflict with when we said Turkey, just to clarify for the audience,
not modern day Turkey. Turkey Turkey means Central Asia, Central Asia protocol. Yeah. Yeah. So there
were certain obviously tribalistic values and principles and that they didn't feel was in conflict
with their conception of Islam. So they kept those things as part of their systems in the same way
01:14:57 --> 01:14:59
			in which were nominally above the law and when they took over
01:15:00 --> 01:15:37
			the lands of punishing certain systems which they kept is in agreement with that. Yes. I mean one
example in the case of the Ottomans is the strangling of all the siblings Yeah, the fratricide yet
Frederick Frederick side element of the Ottoman, but the owner might justify that by saying that the
death of one Prince is better than the death because they what they were they were actually facing
devastation a lot of these princes would completely devastate the state fighting for now that policy
was born out of the Ottoman interregnum where Sultan Murat three sons went to war with each other he
destroyed the pastor after the death of budget yes well done by using his three sons bought each
01:15:37 --> 01:16:22
			other and then automatically Yeah, Ottoman Empire nearly crumble so Omar came and then they said the
look it's actually better to kill respective princes but later on later on, it was they realized the
band Yeah. Then they used imprisonment, exile or imprisonment as a better option. But this option
was absolutely barbaric, of course, and it came from the Turks rather than Islam. They tried to
Islamic Islamic, they failed. Okay. Even they found I mean, as barbaric or as uncivilized by our
standards, those times were even they had, you know, problems with this Hold on. How do we
rationalize this behavior fratricide, but in the case of the mogul, who also followed Turkic system,
01:16:22 --> 01:16:24
			it was originally Turkey.
01:16:25 --> 01:17:11
			Yeah, taco Persian. They also had concerns about water succession. Because when the Emperor would
die, the sons would fight it out. They would have to, and they had this slogan, this principle, they
lived by all the mobile princes, each Prince was an establishment in his in himself, you know, some
of the Mughal princes, the provinces, the government, we're larger than Pakistan and Bangladesh put
together today. For example, one mobile Prince would be given Gujarat is a huge region, another one
would be given that can that can is all of South India, then one would be the governor of Bengal is
huge territory, Asian autonomous rulers have is they were semi autonomous, they answered back to the
01:17:11 --> 01:17:22
			Emperor in Delhi or ogra. Okay. And they would have to obey the Emperor. And if they rebelled
against the Emperor, the Emperor would muster his might an army he would. And amazingly
01:17:23 --> 01:18:05
			you see Hindu generals, in the political and the military landscape of the Mughal Empire, all the
way, they are always present. They are never marginalized. They are never basically discriminated
against in the sense that, oh, you're a Hindu, you cannot get involved enough. I know, there were
Hindu rajas with their own armies, who join join the Mughal cause. And they were they were in some
cases, they were more loyal to the Mughals in the Mughals themselves, because a Mughal Prince is
fighting against father and who's fighting the prince, the Hindus, the Hindu kings, or rajpoot,
Hindu kings fighting the Mughal Prince for the Mughal Emperor. And he's losing his own in the Hindu
01:18:05 --> 01:18:35
			men to keep the Emperor on throne. These things are not known, unfortunately to the masses, they are
brainwashed, they're conditioned. This is why history, real history has to be taught. And you know,
historians are going through a lot a lot of trouble in India. True historians, objective historians,
they can't even speak their mind in India anymore. Okay, Audrey trash. The lady who has written this
recent book on orangey bottom gear and introduction to orange life. Orange zip
01:18:36 --> 01:19:14
			is a very good book is a must read for the Muslims of India in particular and the Muslims of the
world at large because our exam is somewhat more like someone who's actually consistently now of
late being demonized, yes, as an ISIS not even now not I mean, demonization of orange, they've
started during the British period, but it's happening a lot now. And that is revived in that
historical tradition, which was very bad. He was radical use extreme. He implemented Sharia law, the
oppressed Hindus did it. When did this narrative come about? Is the British period, the colonial
period, the British, particularly specific, specifically, systematically created this narrative to
01:19:14 --> 01:19:56
			divide the Muslims and the Hindus. So to get the Hindus to hate the Muslim past of India, they
created villains like orange zip and people thought, okay, are two of our heroes? Yes, absolutely
now, and then the Muslims inflated the legacies to counter that as a reaction to the other reaction
to that, but the truth is in the middle, the truth in the middle, the British narrative
Unfortunately, the colonial British narrative was adopted some early 20th century historians in
India such as such as juggernaut Sarkar, okay, he upheld that narrative of Oregon saves barbarity
and his, his extremism and all that. Okay. And then later on the BJP
01:19:58 --> 01:19:59
			government adopted that narrative
01:20:00 --> 01:20:06
			But the historians, the real historians, people, like for example, you know,
01:20:08 --> 01:20:19
			moody juror, for example, people like Richard Eaton. Okay, FF Richard. Okay. Order truck manies
Farooqi, okay? And,
01:20:20 --> 01:21:03
			you know, a fun hobby all these people, major Indian historians who have written on the history of
India and talking about Indian as well as Western historians. They are all unanimous on one point
that the BJP government's narrative of history is redundant. It is a historical, it is not history,
it is bigotry, that they are all unanimous on this. All major series historians, they don't see
history in black and white. History has trends. It has nuances, which bigotry and prejudice fails to
detect, unfortunately. So for this reason, we must study the history of the models more carefully.
And they were far more complex than one may think today. Are you saying are you then saying that for
01:21:03 --> 01:21:44
			the Mughals, the attempt to perhaps Islam eyes or implement Shetty and implement them was far more
difficult? Because they were a minority always amongst a majority Hindu state sorry, repeat the
question would you say what would you then suggest that the Ottomans were successful because for all
their faults and shortcomings, and when I whenever I discuss a topic of history or articles or
lectures, I always say that never do Muslims or should mostly present our civilizations as utopia
Would you agree 100% because you once you do that, yeah, there will be so many instances where it
was not a utopia, absolutely. Internal war, you know, unjust, we must talk about all the atrocities
01:21:44 --> 01:22:00
			committed by some of the Muslim kings because they happen. What we can talk about is the general
pattern of the Muslim civilization. Exactly. Okay. Comparatively, it was a lens by patterns and
themes. Yeah. an aspiration to rule by set the principles of patronage of
01:22:01 --> 01:22:13
			civilized pastimes, for example, Muslim kings in India repeatedly, you know, provided patronage to
art caligraphy scientific advancement,
01:22:14 --> 01:23:01
			copying of manuscripts, you know, all sorts of things, a monuments, architecture, okay. Some of the
most beautiful monuments in India are Muslim, Muslim monuments, you know, commoner is an epitome of
Islamic art. Again, I think historians would even testify that whether it is Mughal India or whether
it's a basket backdoored or made yet under loose, there was always an attempt to contribute and not
only but to uplift the intellectual standards of humanity, absolutely. 100% that was the general
pattern of the Muslim soul. Okay. But that said, the Ottomans from easily from late to mid 15th
century, all the way up to Hollywood means time there is an entire archive in Turkey, where there
01:23:01 --> 01:23:05
			was a strong emphasis in ruling by Islam ruling by Hanafi
01:23:06 --> 01:23:34
			Fiqh and his codification of Sharia, etc, etc, right. And there was a massive emphasis in the
Ottoman rulers, you know, re exerting themselves as a whole of all of the Islamic domains, etc, etc.
You said to me off camera a couple of days ago that that journey was starkly different for the
Mughals because of the demographic reality. Absolutely. Absolutely. mobiles were governing a
completely different world to the Ottomans. The Ottomans, were predominantly ruling
01:23:36 --> 01:24:12
			either mostly either Muslim, the Muslims or Christians in Asia, for example, Asia Minor, is
predominantly Muslim. By the time Ottomans come to power. Asia Minor is already close enough Africa
was lost. The Byzantines lost Asia Minor in the 11th century. Okay. The Battle of massacred yeah
1071 of the Celtics won the battle and Byzantines had to abandon you as a miner. So by the time
Ottomans come to power in 1299, if you want to put your age of minor guys we talk about modern day
and will Anatole Anatolian Anatolia, modern day Turkey, the landmass of Turkey right? Because people
think turkeys Istanbul No, it's an embolus.
01:24:14 --> 01:24:25
			Even the European side Exactly. So this was already Muslim. Right? So Ottomans were predominantly
governing a Muslim domain where it was needed for them to implement Islam. Okay. But with the
Mughals, Mughals were governing
01:24:27 --> 01:24:58
			and an immense landmass which is which was predominantly Hindu. So the the Mughals have Muslims have
always been a minority in this domain the government for nearly a nearly a century so what made
Aurangzeb Rahim Allah unique to all of the Mughal Sultan's okay what? Orange zabe did not enforce
Islam on the Hindus This is a huge misconception he introduced it and not forcefully convert anyone
This is a lie again peddled by BJP in spite.
01:24:59 --> 01:24:59
			You know
01:25:00 --> 01:25:31
			pseudo historians or pseudo intellectuals? Okay, Oren zabe, did not have a policy to force Islam on
anyone. He did impose jizya. Okay, which in my opinion was not pragmatic for him to do that, okay,
that caused problems. But why did he do that historians discuss it, he did that to punish the
rajputs for the rebellions. Because the rajputs they started to rebel against orangette. At that
time, they found him to be weak. He was involved in the south, fighting
01:25:33 --> 01:26:18
			some, some of the I mean, before I mean, orange, they moved to the south in the 80s 1680s. jizya was
imposed in 1676. Right, and it was done as a response to some of the Rajput rebellions in the north
as a form of punishment. He did this, okay. But he didn't want to convert the Hindus to a slum, but
he did have an issue, but he didn't actually funded temples. Did you know that? I didn't know. Yeah,
from the state Treasury. There are four months, okay. Okay. That's pretty crazy. It's online. Okay,
if you google orange funding temples, you will go to a website where you will see Persian documents,
original documents were refunded the repair or the restoration of temples.
01:26:19 --> 01:27:02
			And he did not I mean, when people say he was out to demolish temples, again, this is another lie, a
misunderstood misrepresentation of history. He didn't if you wanted to demolish all the time was in
his domain, there would be no template but he did seek to kind of minimize or at least abolish
things like the proliferation of drinking opium, music, public bike bathing, and within the Muslim
domain within Muslim market, this has to be clarified people think this all over the world with all
the Hindus we're still into In fact, a scholar she has written an article on suppression of music
during the reign of Warren's he has argued to the contrary, music became more of an you know, it
01:27:02 --> 01:27:24
			became more prominent as a pastime during the reign of orange zaev than ever before. Why? Because
more scholars, more musicians, more people were getting involved in music, during the reign of
orange one one of the incidents is cited very often to paint on zaev as a as an enemy of music in
India, okay, he couldn't suppress music.
01:27:25 --> 01:28:04
			Without within the Hindu community, Hindus love music. So he said these things he implemented in
Muslim demand within the Muslim domain, okay, none of this shenanigans in his court basically bowing
to the Emperor, they call it coordination basically about to the Emperor and you know, wave your
hand three times a abolished all that, that you do not bow to anyone other than Allah. Okay? He
lived a very simple life. This is testified to by European travelers who saw him in his simplicity.
His people like Bernier people, like mannucci, aki was a physician at an Italian physician who was
working within the mobile court at the time. People like Kevin as well, we have European travelers
01:28:04 --> 01:28:16
			who have traveled through the mobile world at the time, and they were completely blown away by the
might and the splendor of the Mughal Empire. The Europeans at the time, were so
01:28:17 --> 01:28:26
			shocked at the splendor of the Mughal Empire, that they had to come back and they had to tell the
people, you don't know what you're losing.
01:28:27 --> 01:28:46
			You need to trade with India. So that you can and then the Dutch East India Company, and the British
East India Company, and then lo and behold, that's another history for to see what happened. After
that. You must read William Dalrymple's, the Anunnaki, his new book, very, very powerful book, very
01:28:47 --> 01:28:48
			Although he
01:28:49 --> 01:29:29
			said negative negative things about orangevale, I'm giving this book for political reasons, because
he lives in India and he wants to stay in India. So we can give him the benefit of the doubt that he
was doing it for, for his safety and well being in India, because Audrey truck, who was also an
historian, and she has written this book on orange zip, she actually, you know, picked on this
particular issue. But why did you follow that redundant narrative on orange tape in your book, and
Aki which is well researched otherwise, but when it comes to orange zip, you're painting him as a
villain. Why is that and it is clear that he did that to to conclude on this specific issue. If we
01:29:29 --> 01:29:44
			were to have a comparative look at the Mughal Empire, and the Ottoman Empire and both Dola on both
states, I mean, look at the way in which they governed by the rules in which they governed in which
01:29:45 --> 01:30:00
			implemented both in the lands and domains but it was predominant non Muslim and Muslim. Would it be
fair to say, for whatever contextual reasons and nuances that the Ottomans, their, their governance
was far more Islamic than that, I would say all
01:30:00 --> 01:30:13
			Ottomans were more islamically driven then the Mongols were, I would say that I would accept that
you know why because the Ottomans are facing a completely different reality that expansion was into,
at that time.
01:30:15 --> 01:31:03
			non Muslim territory, and they justified they justified the expansion by using Islamic literature.
And we stood outside they had to adopt this Islamic identity okay to instill the passion within the
forces, okay. In India, that wasn't the case, because Indian forces are Indian armies are far more
mixed than in the Ottoman. So Indian, the Mughals are facing a completely different reality. So
perhaps it is not fair to compare the two. The both played immensely important role in the making of
the Islamic civilization globally and a lot of similarities. A lot of similarities are called
Persian heritage. They were both for hanafy Yes, they were both would identify themselves even more
01:31:03 --> 01:31:07
			through the Russian River. Yeah, they are both concerned and to be inclined, inclined, very much
01:31:08 --> 01:31:40
			similarities, absolutely, absolutely a lot of similarities. They were far apart from each other
geographically, but at the same time, they both dynasties are hugely important. And I begged them
Muslims to make a bed for the Muslims to wake up, because please wake up because many of the
challenges are relevant to our our situations today and please study to take inspiration from the
legacies that positive legacies and, and, and disown their mistakes completely not repeat them.
Because they made many mistakes.
01:31:41 --> 01:31:46
			They did many things that we cannot own today, we cannot say okay, these things are right. I mean,
01:31:47 --> 01:31:55
			so we have to wake up to our history, take lessons from the legacies, and take inspiration at the
same time, a man by sokola hair,
01:31:56 --> 01:32:02
			for your presence for your contribution for today's podcast, I find it very beneficial. It's always
a pleasure to discuss history, especially with you.
01:32:04 --> 01:32:16
			Every Blood Brothers podcast ends by giving three options to our guests. It was inspired by the
early call of the the Sahaba. And those who used to go to new land and say,
01:32:18 --> 01:32:28
			accept Islam pay the jizya is war. Obviously we don't do that without Muslim guests. And I don't
think things could be applied on a podcast in that way. But what we tend to tell those times
01:32:30 --> 01:32:41
			we may see those times again, you don't know maybe not in our lifetime. We may see those times.
Again, don't worry about the political correctness here. But usually I offer an arm wrestle or a
fumble. Or you have to try some bond with me.
01:32:43 --> 01:32:46
			Okay, I'll let you choose for the pan.
01:32:47 --> 01:32:57
			I would rather not arm wrestle. What do you think you'd be here? No, I think I am not what was that
the Baku? No, no, I hope? I hope not. What would it
01:32:58 --> 01:33:06
			look like? It looked is beechina and his leaf is Cora but it's not the tobacco this is this is to
revive the legacy of the moguls of India.
01:33:08 --> 01:33:20
			Brothers and sisters soccer for tuning in. Please share this video Like the video leave a comment
for our viewers from North America subscribe to the madman Luke's channel. And until next time.
01:33:26 --> 01:33:27
			BBs podcast
01:33:29 --> 01:33:30
01:33:38 --> 01:33:39
			he Yeah.
01:33:41 --> 01:33:43
			It's not much of a bond man. This
01:33:44 --> 01:33:46
			is only the leave and the Italia.