Adnan Rashid – Hadith in South Asia
![Adnan Rashid](
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The history and success of Islam is highlighted, including the rise of the Hadith version and the printing industry. The rebellion against the British during a chaotic period and the use of "has" in British language is discussed, with some advising students to study and practice their claims. The conversation also touches on the history and importance of Hadith's science, including the rise of the school of Islam and the influence of the Spanish centers on the writing of the book "Art." The "monster" factor is also discussed, with some people claiming to be from the area and challenges faced in teaching Islam to people. The lack of respect for black people and the difficulty of finding sources of information on history and contribute to the field are also discussed, with some advising students to study and practice their claims.
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So as horrible Hadith was the title or al Hadith, or the title used for the scholars of Hadith, in particular,
who were the scholars of Hadith people who collected the traditions of the Prophet salallahu Salam, anything to do with the Prophet salallahu Salam Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah my bad bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Rama are Sol Naka Illa Rahmatullah aalameen. Alcala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
tolerable, tolerable element for either an ala kulli Muslim How come a call or a salatu salam, respected brothers and sisters?
I am honored to be here with you today You're most welcome is Akuma Lokeren for two markers. Imam Al Bukhari and by
the virtue of this name,
the name of Imam Bukhari, we will talk about
the school of honor Hadith.
Its history in
Islam, or in the Muslim civilization, and
by extension in the subcontinent, in particular, the Indian subcontinent. So very quickly, I'll present a summary of the School of Al Hadith, or the people have Hadith. In other words, who are they where they came from? And what was the job? And how did they end up in India in the first place, and when did they actually emerge in India, as a denomination or as a school of thought.
So as horrible Hadith was a title, or a handle Hadith was a title used for the scholars of Hadith in particular,
who were the scholars of Hadith, people who collected the traditions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, anything to do with the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
his life, his actions, his instructions, and
anything to do with his life, any information that came to these people, they would memorize this information, then they would transmit this information to the future generations. And then later on this information that actually originates from the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam was collected by a group of people called us herbal Hadith.
This group mainly emerged in the second century of Islam.
And they could trace back their
lineage, you can say spiritual Elmy, knowledge based lineage to the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So everything they had to present or represent was from the prophets, Allah Salam, or was about him.
So who are these people? The first people to transmit this knowledge of Hadith were
the companions of the prophet as harbored Rasool Radi Allahu anhu, Maji mine, they were the first people who transmitted this knowledge from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as they received it. So the Sunnah we have today, what we call the Sunnah, the way of the Prophet.
And what is the way of the Prophet the way of the Prophet is his tradition? What he said, what he did, and what he confirmed, or what he affirmed? This is what we call sunnah.
So now is the way of the Prophet.
And this way, is extracted from those three
sources, the way of the Prophet, the words of the Prophet, his actions, and what he affirmed to be correct. So this is pretty much for now. So the Sahaba companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
they memorized this information that was given by the prophet and the Sunnah actually comes directly. Its authority comes from the Quran itself, Allah subhanaw taala. He revealed in the Quran, that whatever the Prophet teaches, is your deen it is part of your faith. It is instruction that comes directly from Allah subhanaw taala serotonergic. For example, how do we leverage on the regime wama Antigua en el Hawa in Hua Illawarra, your new ha that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam does not speak from his desires. Rather, he speaks from
Revelation. So when he gives a calm,
when the Prophet gives religious instructions, on moral values
or on worship
or on beliefs, then this information is coming from Allah not from the mind of the Prophet sallallahu sallam,
but just because it comes from the mouth, the blessed mouth of the prophet Sallallahu Sallam or from his blessed actions.
This is basically why we call it the Sunnah or the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Also, Allah subhanaw taala stated in Surah Nisa we are told our will to be live in check on the regime. So, let him Yeah, are you a Latina Amanu to Allah wa to Rasool only lamrim income for internazionale, Shane, for a duel alive or soul.
Or you believe obey Allah, obey the messenger, obey and obey twice do Allah will do rasool and then the third option is we're only Omri Milcom. And those who are in authority from you, the verse starts with the words yah, yah, Deena Manu. Oh, who you believe and that it says men come from you. So, your authorities from you. Now the Allah ma have explained that authority could be in two forms, one is temporal political authority. Basically the leaders thought the rulers, the second authority is the Alama the scholars okay. Then it goes on to say the verse For Internazionale che in and if you differ with each other on a matter who, the believers and those who are in authority, if you
differ with this could be your rulers, this could be your scholars, okay. If you divert different with each other on a matter then the final authority lies with Allah and His messenger, the verse is very, very clear on this. So, the authority of the messenger SallAllahu Sallam comes from Allah, whatever he teaches, as beliefs, as practice, or as morals and ethics is directly from Allah. Then the Quran also in Surah normal
points to
a phenomenon, what we call an extra Quranic material, not the Quran itself, an extra Quranic material, it goes onto the verse goes, goes as follows out to be leveraged on the regime, or unzila, ileka Decra little by ear Ali NAS man Zilla la him, we have oh Mohammed revealed the vicar upon you, so that you may explain to them what has been revealed upon them. So this is a reference to an extra Quranic material, which we know today as the Hadith literature that explains the Quran. There are parts of the Quran that simply cannot be fully understood without the commentary, or the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam. So the commentary and the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam as a model to
us is the Sunnah. And how that information was transmitted to us is the Hadith. And authority of hadith is directly affirmed confirmed in the Quran itself. Allah tells us about it. Allah wants us to follow it. Allah wants us to believe in it. This is why it became a very important
aspect of Islam. So we had among the companions of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, a halal Quran, or the Quran.
People who mastered the sciences of the Quran, the reading of the Quran, the preservation of the Quran, and the transmission of the Quran. And then we had another group of companions of the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem, who were Halal Hadith.
Who were protectors collectors and transmitters off Hadith.
Who are the Quran? People like Obi been calm.
Ali been call him they'd been tbid
Abdullah bin Massoud. These are the people who specialized in teaching the Quran. And there were many, many, many more. Who were the Sahaba the companions of the prophet who specific
li collected memorized Hadith
Abu Huraira
Abdullah bin Omar and as the Malik, Aisha
Jarvan Abdullah, I will say that for three
of the loving muscles has been mentioned already
many. So these the names you have just mentioned are the major narrators of the Prophet sallallahu his life, his sayings, his acquired his actions is Amahl and his takari his affirmations these are the main people who transmitted from the Prophet Aisha and Malik Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah bin Massoud Abdullah bin Abbas. And the list goes on. Many of them are young people. So they are memorized this information directly from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and transmitted it. So these transmissions from generation to generation came to later Imams.
So if we jump straight to Imam Bukhari, and if we skip other Alma of Hadith, or scholars of Hadith, who took knowledge directly from the Sahaba and transmitted it to the next generation, we can go straight to people like Imam Malik, who was from the third generation. Imam Malik was born in 94 Hijiri.
And he had taken Hadith knowledge from his teacher NAFTA.
NAFTA was a student of a Sahabi called Abdullah bin Omar, the son of Osama bin Khattab and Abdullah bin Omar, he delivered. He received this information from the Prophet and delivered it to now Fair enough. He gave it to Malik and Malik gave this information to one of his students called Abdullah the use of Abdullah the use of then transmitted this information to
Mohammed bin is Mariela Bukhari. So this is how we know that the information Bukhari transmitted in his collection comes directly from the Prophet via a chain of men transmitting this information to
him from the Prophet directly from the Prophet. So between Imam Bukhari and the Prophet, there are chains with three people. There are chains with four people, there are chains with five people, there are chains with six people and seven people. Okay, so for example, the shortest chain we find inside Buhari is basically
there are three people between Imam Bukhari and the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, how does the chain goal Imam Buhari he narrates from his teacher he states had Dasani or had Darth Anna.
We were told or we were taught by murky Ibrahim Ibrahim,
who was taught by his teacher is either Hebrew or be obeyed, who was taught by his teacher salamat Abril, aqua, who was taught by the Prophet salallahu Salam, we call them Filati. Add these reports that number up to 25. Inside al Bukhari, we call them Filati. So these were the people known as Hubble Hadith, people who spent their lifetimes collecting the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, from different parts of the world, many of the imams in the late first first century of Islam, when the Islamic
domain had been consolidated, the power of the Muslims had been consolidated. Remember, in the time of
America, the Muslims, the Sahaba, they fought two great powers simultaneously, the Persians and the Romans, and both of them were defeated the Romans once and for all in the Battle of yarmuk, the Persians once and for all defeated in the Battle of qadisiya, these were the most important battles in the history of Islam as far as the Islamic expansion is concerned.
After his expansion doors are open to North Africa and the east,
in the East, Central Asia, so the Sahaba and doubling were busy consolidating their power in these territories in these regions. This continued during the reign of the first four killers and then later on during the reign of Maha via or the Allah one and during the army
period. This was the process that was taking place where the Sahaba Amin and the Tabata in the first three generations are busy consolidating power. Now after Muslims had consolidated their power from Spain to China, the largest stretch of land ever ruled by one group of people. Now there was a need to collect the knowledge. Now there was a need to canonize
the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
Okay, so people started to not only memorize the Quran in large numbers, they were already doing that. They started to transcribe
copies of the Quran from earlier examples from earlier manuscripts. Similarly, many scholars students started to travel throughout the Muslim world. Why did they have to travel because the Sahaba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam were spread. They were scattered throughout the Muslim civilization. So they went in all directions, specifically with one goal to collect the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from them. Even the Sahaba themselves travelled. To collect this knowledge from another Sahabi there was an incident
whereby Jabir bin Abdullah,
one of the great greatest narrators of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he heard about a report,
which was with a companion of Rasulullah Salam, his name was Abdullah Quinonez.
He heard that he is in a sham
in Damascus, and he has this hadith which goes as follows Yasher Allah na Malkia Murata.
Okay, on the Day of Judgment, people will be reserved, resurrected naked he heard about this hadith. So Java, Allah, he decided that he wants to go and collect it. He prepares a camel and he travels for one month, one month he travels. He goes to the door. He goes to the House of Abdullah Quinonez knocks the door or seven comes out. Who is it? I am? I'm Jabra de la. I've come from Medina. Can you tell your master to come and
speak with me?
when Abdullah Quinonez hears the news he comes running to the door John Barrowman Abdullah without wasting any more time.
He tells him I have come to collect the Hadith of the Prophet What did the Prophet say about the Day of Judgment people being resurrected naked? Abdullah bin raised there then add the door tells him kala Rasulullah Samento Samento Rasul Allah he's Allah Allah rasool Allah is Allah Salam. Paul, I heard from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he said Yasha Allah Hanna's yarmulke Moroccan people will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment naked, Abdullah jabbing rodilla having taken the Hadith directly from the source itself. Here's a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. I'm gonna go back to Medina.
This is how they serve this field, what we call the field of Hadith. Similarly, many Dobbyn and savitar been traveled throughout the Muslim world, even if later on people like Imam Shafi people, people like Imam Muhammad been humble. He traveled extensively throughout the Muslim world to collect Hadith from earlier sources, people who had taken Hadees from the third generation or the fourth generation, and then from people like Mr. Muhammad, later on his students, they took inspiration and they started to collect it, they started to collect these Hadees
from a number of different sources, so we as a result got six main sources of Hadith. Okay, they're called se hasta se ha Sita, six authentic collections. Okay. Talk Moses Bukhari sahih. Al Bukhari because the criteria of Imam Bukhari was very, very strict.
The second in importance as a Muslim, and then the four remaining four without
a sermon on the site, Fernando Timothy and Hebrew Amaya, they follow.
And then many more collections are made many, many more collections major and minor collections of Hadith were made in this period. So these people who spent their lifetimes
collecting and authenticating information that was attributed to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they were called as harbored Hadith.
Also known as Al Hadith, the people of *
These, these are the people. This is where the title comes from, or the people of sunnah because this is sunnah.
And their job was simply to receive information from earlier sources, authenticate
its veracity and then document it for posterity, so that it can be delivered to future generations. And this tradition by the way, continued for the centuries to come.
Every single Muslim center or capital or powerhouse became
a center of Hadith learning and at least teaching. For example, every single private capital in the Muslim world Cordova.
Damascus, number one, firstly, firstly, Medina. Medina was the main source where the scholars came from,
then Damascus,
then Cordoba in Spain, many major Hadith scholars came from cassava. People like Bucky Ben mclubbe.
It blew up the bar. Okay.
And the list goes on. And also Baghdad, Baghdad produced one of the greatest number of Hadith scholars, our Iraqi friend is very happy to hear that
they're in Central Asia.
Every single major Muslim capital, summer Condon Bukhara.
They became,
they became even human. Okay, so now, we had we had the Rezac ehsani. Okay.
Who was from Santa, we had major Hadith scholars who collected Hadith literature, in their own
territories, so that people can have access to authentic knowledge about the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam. So very often, these scholars of Hadith, due to the staunch
attachment to the Hadith literature, they were troubled, every time a new group
was to arise.
A new cult let's say, or a new understanding of Islam, let's say was to arise, who would stand in the way as hobbled are these other Hadith, they would stand for the Sunnah this happened repeatedly, every single century, every single capital, whenever a fitna arose, who stood in the way, when I say fitna, I mean in terms of beliefs, and practices. When new beliefs were introduced in the name of Islam,
new beliefs, anything new, when it was introduced,
to Muslims in the name of Islam, who would stand up
as humbler these the people of Hadith, they would stand up and they would say, Hold on a second. We don't find any precedent of it in the life of the Prophet salallahu Salam, this was their defense. Their defense was every time you are introducing this idea into Islam, bringing you evidence, evidence has to come from two sources, either the Quran or the Sunnah. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam either is called,
or his AMA, or his Dockery.
Whether it is from his saying, from his action or from his affirmation, bring you evidence, and these people would bite their nails, they would get very angry and become enemies of us Harvard Hadith and this is why Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani Rahmatullah lay a great scholar of the humbly fic and also a mystic, okay, who is almost worshipped by some people, unfortunately, and he is free of these, the this worship, okay. He wrote in his book on here to Polly been that the greatest sign of the ahlul Bidda. The greatest sign of Ahlulbayt are the people of innovation, people who want to introduce things into Islam in the name of Islam without evidence and support. The greatest sign of
such people is that they are enemies of us harbored Hadith.
They don't like the people of Hadith, and who are the people or at least these people are the closest to the personality of the Prophet salallahu Salam, because they study his life day and night the entire life is studying
the life of the Prophet, his character, his actions, his words, and his affirmations that
So the so they are the closest to the character of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so they know the Prophet more than anyone else. Because they are specialists. They specialize in preserving his knowledge. So these people every single day and age, they were to stand up to fitrah and innovations This is why Mr. Mohammed bin humble one of the greatest Imams was tortured for 14 years by three powerful Caylus Alma mon el martes him and Anwar
these three a Basset Kaylee's who were superpowers by the way, they were charging tax.
They were taking tax from the Romans, the Romans are paying them tax this is how powerful they were very powerful people. Imam Muhammad stood in front of them did not give in or did not give up his position.
Because they came up with a new idea, a new belief. What was that belief the Quran is created by the Quran is created. Mr. Muhammad said, you have just come up with a new idea. Can you please give me the evidence
and then the Khalifa would get angry. I'll mortise him in this case, and then he would send him to the dungeon to be lashed. So he will be brought back after lashing.
Now, he will see ya mural McQueen, give me anything from the Quran and the Sunnah. And I will surrender. I will accept this is my standard. This is my criteria. If you have nothing from the Quran and the Sunnah, then don't force me and he was tortured and imprisoned collectively, because he went repeatedly to prison. He came back after 14 years like he was he spent 14 years collectively in prison. There are many more examples like that, because of their attachment to the sunnah to the literature called Hadith. So, now, this knowledge, it was spread throughout the Muslim world about India, I want to very quickly talk about India, how this particular understanding or this particular
denomination or this school of thought how it came to India. India has a very interesting history with Islam. And Islam came to India in you can say
three periods. First period was the Arab invasion of sin.
And this happened during the OMA yet period when Mohammed Al Qasim came and took sin from the dead Hindu king called Raja Dyer, and established the government of Islam in Sindh. So the Muslims remained in sin for nearly 300 years. Without going into details. What version of Islam these Muslims are following is a very interesting question.
Mike question would be when
these Arabs came,
sent by a Georgia producer, the governor of Iraq, led by Muhammad Al Qasim, his son in law, a young man when they came into sin
and the year was 92 eatery. This is about eight years after the Prophet Salah Salem. Imam Abu Hanifa is 12 years old. Imam Malik is not born yet. Imam Shafi anima Muhammad will be born another 5060 years later.
What version of Islam was the following? How are they praying the Salah
and mashallah Kovarik Allah we have plenty of evidence to know that they were following what they had learned from the Sahaba and 13 Because some of the tambourine were with them.
In fact, it wouldn't be difficult for me to believe that many of them were tamarine Because they were praying in the masjid of Iraq. Some of the Sahaba were still alive in the year 92. Honestly, Malik was alive or the Allah one in the year 92. He was alive, right? So these people were following the earliest version of Islam, which was basically the Quran and whatever sunnah, whatever information of the Prophet they had received Salah lawless Allah
and then the Arabs rules
first of all my years, then the baskets, the rules sent for nearly 300 years. Then came the Smiley's. Somehow it Smiley's managed to take power from the Arabs in Sindh and the road from Bhutan is smiley capital in the Indian subcontinent was Malta there Sultan Mahmud ghaznavi. From the Lord. He came and he ousted or defeated the Smiley's and thus the weeds worship
Have a they will they follow the Shafi school of thought because most scholars at the there's no record we're shuffling. Okay, so that's the weeds are Mahmud ghaznavi Sultan Mahmud ghaznavi. Having taken Matan, he established his capital at Lahore. So Lahore became the first Muslim capital in north western India. And this is the first time Muslims have come from the North. The first incursion or excursion,
if you like, into India was from sin, the Sindh province currently Pakistan. The second incursion came from the north from Afghanistan, this place called Ghazni,
then the cousin of is ruled for nearly 200 years from Lahore. And then came another dynasty called the whole ridge. Led by Sultan Why is the Dean Mohammed bin Salman lorry, also known as SHA butene Muhammad Ghori.
SHA butene, was the name given to him at birth and why is the Dean was his title he ruled by so this little tan came into northern India and defeated a very powerful Indian king who ruled much of the North he was a Rajput king, his name was pretty Raj Chohan he was defeated finally, and then was established
a capital of Islam and Muslims
in Northern India called Delhi, Delhi.
So, the knowledge of Hadith
and what had the theme flourished in the city of Lahore. During the ghaznavid period, we find many names of scholars who were active at Lahore teaching Hadith. And many mistakes were also there many Sufis, one of them was
Ali Bin Osman Hijri, also known as
incorrectly erroneously Dadasaheb. Okay, we should not give that name to anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala only Allah is data data means the giver, okay? Data means the giver, okay? So his tomb is in lower, he basically came to lower during the rest of the week period. So
many more at the scene, we're also active at the time. But when the capital moved to Delhi after the horrid invasions in Delhi, the capital was established, and then came afterwards soon after the Mongol invasions. I'm, you know, moving very fast skipping a lot of details because the topic is not the history of Islam in India that I covered yesterday at a different venue. Today I want to move on to the emergence of us herbal Hadith or other Hadith in the Indian subcontinent. Okay, so now, moving very fast forward, let's say Mongol invasions came, and many scholars mistakes for kaha and scholars or Hadees. They ended up in India in Delhi. Why? Because they had to leave their homes. Due
to the Mongol invasions, the Mongols came in destroying every single town on their way. They were burning, pillaging, killing human beings and animals. Everything that came their way was completely decimated. So the Mongols decimated Central Asia, all the cream of the crop from Central Asia, okay, all the points, philosophers, intellectuals polka. Seen everyone ended up with Delhi as refugees, they really became a powerhouse. This is what gave rise to the civilization of Islam in Delhi. So Delhi became the center of Islam. Or you can say the the center of Muslim power in the Indian subcontinent. This is why daily Sultan's they ruled large territories with a lot of power and
wealth. In fact, if you go today to Delhi, you can find some of the monuments built by them stand to this day, the remnants of the masjid called Quwata Lai slum, Masjid Otto Islam still stands the standard photo Minnaar still stands there you can see it was built nearly 800 years ago by the daily photons. So the year you need to keep in mind for this period is 1200. This is the beginning. This is a new beginning of Islam in the Indian subcontinent. But you see, a lot of the scholars, intellectuals, philosophers, those who came from Central Asia and Afghanistan, they were Hanafi
they were Hanafi since the abassi period. This is how the Hanafi school of thought came to India, the Indian subcontinent
And the Hanafi scholars are mainly mostly interested in studying fic
and elbow Kalaam and later on the Hanafi is of the Indian subcontinent and
centrally adopted the motto at the Aqeedah the Moto moto review on Aqeedah that's why the Indian Muslims today, the majority are Hanafi. And this was the case throughout. There were occasional influences that came from outside
Hadees strictly speaking, Hadees influences or the influence of Al Hadith was felt at the time of Mohammed bin torlock. Mohammed bin tabula CO was another very powerful Delhi Sultanate ruler. How do we know this? At the time of Muhammad and Talak there were many debates taking place at his court. Some of the students of shithole Islam, Abraham Tamia from a sham had traveled to India. And when they came to India, this was the time when Mohammed bin Tullock a very powerful ruler was ruling and one of the Indian historians His name is colleague, Ahmed Nizami, he has even written written an article on this very point, the influence of a blue Tanea in the Indian subcontinent, and this
happened that time and the Sufis were using karate, and singing, to attract Hindus to Islam. A lot of these Sufi tariqa are very dominant in the in in the daily territory or the territory ruled by the daily sultanate saltpans.
And the names are basically quadriga Modine Olia, before him, it was quite interesting, these people they are, they are brought a new tradition with them to basically sing
moral poetry with music, and attract the Hindus to Islam. So this was a new method of attracting people to Islam or their version of Islam. People like modernism, Medina, Alia, were directly challenged by the Allah Ma, who had some influence, possibly from the thought of Scheffel Islamic Potamia, that this method is not correct. Because you're using an Islamic means to attract this believers to Islam. So this this is not acceptable. His argument was that if people are accepting Islam and music is so important to Hindus, if we're using, let's say, a halal version of music, right, what's wrong with that? But the all of our say, No, this is not the way we bring people to
Islam. This is not how you do Dawa. And this was because of the influence of Scheffel Islam in Potamia. On the minds of the Allama in Delhi at the time, they had already heard about him, it is possible that they had even read his writing some of his writings had already come into India. And then at this very time, a very famous Muslim traveler, came to Delhi What was his name, the Marco Polo of Islam
ignoble quota, who had traveled from Morocco, Punjab, all the way to India, ended up in India and Mohammed and tomalak made him the Maliki Adi of Delhi
even though there were no Maliki's to, to accommodate, in Delhi at the time, it was predominantly everyone was pretty much a Hanafy right, but he was made a market party, by the way, no more quota attributed a lie to a blue Tamia in his book in his Rayleigh in history. He claimed that I saw a blue Tamia in the mosque of Damascus and he descended from the member and he said This is how Allah subhanaw taala descends.
And the scholars later on proved that Hebrew Bertha was not even in the city when April Tamia was there. And when Hebrew Tamia was not there, that's when he visited the city of Damascus. So they attribute this to his memory. Maybe he had a slip of the memory. Maybe he heard this life on someone and repeated it in his travelogue because he wrote his travelogue from his memory. He was in Delhi when Muhammad intoxalock was ruling and his record of Delhi is very, very interesting. You can go and read it in Java fast forward.
Many dynasties come and change there is a lot of turmoil and the Mughals come to power during the Mughal period. Some scholars, they decide to study the science of Hadith. Okay, one of the great names we have is Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhammad is a Dalloway who had studied Hadith
He says and had written works extensively on this and commentaries. You know, he wrote commentaries on, Buhari. Now this had an impact on some mines, when people started to study sahih al Bukhari
and the Sunnah of the Prophet, the most authentic so now the Prophet salallahu Salam, they realized that there is a direct conflict between what they are reading and what the hadith is saying. So they could not reconcile this became a problem. Many scholars started to realize that we need to study Hadith more and promoted more, at that time share Abdul Hamid Dalloway, he laid the foundations. Then came people like Shah Abdul Rahim, who was a great scholar in India at the time, who was deeply inspired by the works of Sheikh Abdullah Dalloway. He also
took part in compiling this great compendium of Hanafi fatawa called Al Fatah, Al India, also known as Al fatawa oliguria. Okay. Shabda Rahim was a great scholar and he had a son called SHA, Allah Allah. This is now this is where things start to change. This is where attitudes towards the Hadith literature, or the science of Hadith or the sciences of Hadith start to change. Now, due to the major emphasis of the Hanafi scholars on fake on Elmo Kalam and Montek logic, and false Abba and MA to really Aqeedah had these sciences were neglected, or the study of Hadith was neglected neglected for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. So one of the first people you come to realize or come to
see who revived the knowledge of Hadith or its appreciation in the Indian subcontinent was a man called Shah Wali, Allah, a deli. Okay.
And he was inspired by his father sharp the Rahim, who had taught him Hadees also the tuxedo, the Quran, and also to some of initially he was
basically following the normal if it's a normal Islam of India, the normal Islam of India at the time was Sufi Islam. Pretty much most Muslim scholars were touched by the sum of Sufism and its practices Cholula was no exception. As a young man, he was initiated into the Sufi tariqas okay, that he took from his father and Hadith and to share, his father died when he was a young man 17 years old. So, he had to take the responsibility to start teaching Hadith and tafseer from the
the mustard of his father
and when he starts teaching,
he goes deep into the sciences, then he decides that he has to go for Hajj and not only for hajj, he has to go and study Hadith with the scholars of hijas the Arabian Peninsula, okay. So from 17 to the age of 29, he taught at this Madras are called Madras or Rahimi,
mothers or Rahimi, which was named after his father's job the Rahim so he leaves the madrasa and he travelled in 1731. He was born in 1704. In 1731, he travels to Hejaz,
he goes to Hejaz, and he spends 14 months in Hejaz, learning the science of Hadith from
his teachers.
And he has many dreams
while he's there,
beautiful dreams, where he's getting all sorts of inspirations.
he was given inspirations
about himself that you will revive Islam in India.
You will be used, you will become an instrument. For example, Reeves he had was that one of the grandsons of Rasul Allah says, I'm Hassan or Husayn, I don't know I don't remember exactly which one. He came and He gave him a pen. He gave him a pen and in one of his dreams that this is a pen for you. So what does that denote that denote that he will write things that will change the course of Islam
in India in the Indian subcontinent, so he received
used knowledge from the scholars of Hadith. Most importantly, about pi here, I'll call the Abu Tyrell Cody was his teacher of Hadith who gave him a jazz art who gave him certificates permissions to teach Hadith. So sha Allah Allah having spent 14 months, nearly two years in Hejaz returns to India, he had some companions with him to one of his companions was his cousin called Shehar. Sheikh polity. He said holy Allah before hijas and what do you love? After Hejaz were two different people
he had completely changed after he came back study having studied Hadith with the Allah ma. And when he came back, he realized that the science of Hadith, or the knowledge of Hadith, or the method of us harbored Hadith, the method, the way of Allah hadith is the solution to all the shake the bed and an Islamic practices adopted by Muslims in India.
So, he came back and he wanted to change the situation of the Muslims of India, because the Muslims of India had pretty much become mushriks. They were going to graves.
They were worshipping graves.
Okay, they had beliefs that were not Islamic. They were heavily influenced by Shia Islam, heavily influenced by Shia Islam, Shia, she has taken a lot of people because of ignorance. So sha Allah decided that he will now start working on Hadith literature and produce commentaries. So for that reason, he wrote Al Mustafa,
his commentary on Walpa of Imam Malik so that people can start appreciating Hadees more and then he went on to
writing other books that basically promoted the knowledge of Hadith. He even started to challenge some of the basic content conventions of so called Sufi Islam in India. He even wrote a book directly condemning these under Islamic practices and Bedard. The book is titled Albula hornbeam in Albula, hula mobian, he put down a dialogue, there is a dialogue between himself and another person who likes to go to graves, and basically, literally bow to graves. So in this dialogue, he shows him how these practices are absolutely absurd and they are kept they cannot be Islamic.
So basically, after this period Shaohua Lula wrote major works on Hadith, and he himself became a Muhaddith, a scientist of Hadith, a master of Hadith literature, he was a Muhaddith. Okay, someone who had memorized many, many books of Hadith himself, so he started to teach Hadith actively. And then he put down his theory for Islam in India, in books like her Giotto, Allah Hill Baliga and is Allah Tala, Yvonne ilaha illallah wa. This was a new beginning. This was basically planting the seed of the School of Hadith in the Indian subcontinent. And what was it about? He was saying, all your beliefs and practices have to be according to the Quran, and authentic Sunnah of the messenger of
allah sallallahu sallam, even if you are honeybees, and your Fick contradicts
the Sunnah of Rasulullah Salam, you must take the Hadith over your school of thought. So he gave me an example in his book herget Allah al Balega. He said, the issue of ruffle your den, which is a freaky matter, you know, raising your hands before Raghu and raising your hands
after a coup.
We call it ruffle your den. Okay. He writes about it, that the evidence for ruffle grn is overwhelming. Those who do it are better than those who do not do it. But if you avoid it for some reason, due to some pressure or some threat, then it is permissible to avoid it. Because it's so now rasool Allah Azza Salem, what was he referring to? He was referring to the staunch Hanafi scholars of India, they could not tolerate another school of thought coming in, in some places does not tolerate it to this day. If you start to preach
another school of thought Wallahi I have face to face with myself, okay. In some places you go and you tell people
Look what you are practicing. Okay? We understand that it comes from your folk Aha, it comes from your elders. You've had these practices for centuries, but they are not from the Sunnah of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, the prophet never practiced them. He never taught them. He never promoted them. Why are you indulging in them? And the first thing he said to you Wahhabi?
Gustavo Rasool Yeah. The one who hates the Prophet, you don't like our practices, you must be a hater of the Prophet salallahu Salam, but they don't understand that this is because of the love of the Prophet sallallahu. Salah was saying this is because of our loyalty to the Prophet salallahu Salam is because we don't want to compromise on his teachings. That's why we say these things. Those who say things, these things are those who talk like this. They talk like this because they have loyalty. They have love for Rasulillah Salam, what it Allah says in the Quran,
that if you love me, for those who
follow the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so if you are following the prophets of Allah Salah in what he said and did and agreed to, is that a bad thing? In fact, the Prophet himself SallAllahu sallam said, mana Amina Allah, Lazar alayhi, Bruna
for who or
anyone who does an action, and there is no injunction from us on this action, then it is rejected. That action is not Islamic, no matter what you call it. Call it what you like. painted green. Yeah, no problem. But it doesn't become green. Yeah, it doesn't. It doesn't become a valid Islamic practice. This is exactly what shower your love was teaching him his companions.
There is a story very famous about him. I don't know how authentic it is maybe a legendary story, but I would still tell it. Okay. There was a man who came to see sha Allah.
And he prayed will refer you to them in his masjid. And he even said, I mean very loud, you know? Because it's in the Hadith literature. So people grabbed him. And it happens to this day in places like Pakistan and India, by the way, people grabbed him. He said, How dare you do this in our Masjid? How do you shower Allah came quickly and rescued him. No, no, no, leave him leave him. You know, maybe he is not. He's not very learned leave him.
So that man he said to shower you Allah, that you are the reason why this happened to me.
You are the reason why this happened to me Shaolin Allah said, I am the reason you're alive.
He said, I'm the reason you're alive. These people are not ready. These people are not ready. That's why an hajat Allah al Balega, when he says that if you avoid it, for some reason, for whatever reason, then it's permissible. Okay, but he's saying the evidence for for your dad. So this is a tricky issue that he used to make the point, that hadith is to give it to be given precedence, not the fatwa of your Imams and your malanez and your shares, Hadith Hadees authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, it takes precedence over all your opinions.
We will put all your opinions aside, if there is a statement from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and it is authentic.
Bless that's it. This is exactly what his son did. Shah, or disease having taken inspiration from his father, he went further.
And he started to you know, in fact, someone asked him a question about
Fatiha you know, paying Fatiha behind the Imam, the Hanafi the dominant opinion in India was that you do not prefer to have behind the Imam full stop. You do not pray Surah Al Fatiha behind the Imam. Okay this was the dominant opinion in India. So Shah Abdulaziz was asked about this. He said in this the Shafi school of thought is correct because of the Hadith sahih al Bukhari what does he do? He gives the reference of the Hadith al Bukhari la salata, Lee manlam, Nivola McRobbie Fatah handle kitab. So these were issues people were addressing at the time and then the grandson of Shaohua EULA, he completely declared himself to be free of the schools of thought. His name was Shah
Ismail Shaheed Rahmatullah LA and this for this reason he was very much despised by many Sufis and Hanafi scholars.
I'm not saying these things to have a dig at a school of thought or a people I'm just stating facts as they are. sheis men Shahid wrote books against Buddha using Hadith. He had memorized six books of Hadith by heart. He was a great scholar of Islam. In fact, once he gave a fatwa and someone came to shove the resist to confirm that facts more from him, shall resist that if it's my, my nephew has given this fatwa that it is my fatwa. Because his level of knowledge is same as mine.
So he started to now this was the first emergence of us herbal Hadith, or other Hadees of people from that persuasion in the Indian subcontinent, sha Allah, Allah laid the foundations in the Indian subcontinent. We are talking specifically of the Indian subcontinent. And then in the 19th century,
two generations after shower Lula delahey Many scholars, they started to read his writings, and they started to dig deeper, they started to go deeper, and they started to indulge in literature authored by great scholars of Hadith and Isobelle. Hadith from other lead, by the way, fertile body, fertile body who knows what fertile body is. Okay.
The Shara of sahih al Bukhari. Yes. It is a commentary of sale Bukhari okay. It was non existent in India.
It did not exist in India, because there was no desire to read it in India at that time. So, it was brought by some scholars into India for a better appreciation of sahih al Bukhari, so that we can properly practice it. So, that's why people like say it in the zero Santa Dalloway, who was you can see one of the first teachers of as Hubbard Hadith, or 100, Hadees, in India, who said that we don't have to follow any school of thought rigidly. None of the four School of school or schools of thought are bow binding upon Us, but we have to respect them for their services to Islam. His opinion was that all the knowledge, the schools of thought have collected for us the Hanafi, the
Shafi, Maliki and humbly scholars, the knowledge they have collected for us is precious for us. It's very important, we can take much knowledge and inspiration from it, but it is not binding upon any Muslim to follow a particular school of thought, because the earliest version of Islam is what the earliest version of Islam is following the Quran, and the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam without any school of thought binding to binding you to a set of ideas or a set number of opinions is that clear schools of thought basically kind of had set opinions,
set for power, that could not be challenged by the followers of that school of thought, but how these literature kind of freed
people from these set boundaries set by Imams and their students.
And that's why
Hadith in India, they became very, very popular because the idea appealed to many intellectuals and educated people, they started to read the Hadith literature directly, and started to read the commentaries and realize that the best position or the earliest version of Islam, Is this Islam. Okay, the Hadith version, or the way of the US have a hadith because it takes us back to the earliest generations, because it makes Hadith of the professor Islam the ultimate authority over any other opinions, okay. And this is a valid position to hold. This cannot be condemned. In fact, if, if it's, if it's okay to say that it is the earliest and the purest version of Islam, without
corruptions, without interpolations, right, or without any opinions added into Islam in the name of Islam. So this is why people like say, the zero China Daily, they started to teach now he was a student of Muhammad.
It's hard had this day Louie who was a grandson of Shah Abdul Aziz. So he was a great grandson of showery Allah, who had taught Hadith in Delhi Seda zero Sana della we succeeded him when he left from Makkah. Mohammed is Hawk had this Adela we decided to leave daily for Mecca. He made hijra, so you know zeros and Delhi succeeded on his Gandhi or his mustard. And he started to teach Hadees for the next 50 to 60 years, he taught
1000s upon 1000s of scholars in India and beyond. His authority became so strong that people from outside of India are writing letters for him to give fatwas. So here the zero Sarah
deli or Mahadeva deli became one of the greatest scholars of the 19th century one of the most learned men. In fact, people started to call him che called Coalfield, cool, which is a very big title. And we should not give this title to any scholar of Islam. But that's what they started to call him because of his deep knowledge of Hadith and other sciences. And it was at his time when he was teaching. The Indian Mutiny took place of 1857. It was a very chaotic period period of turmoil with the British ruling, and he went through a lot of trouble during this period. Many people they attacked him for saving a British woman's life. He saw many
Indian soldiers who had rebelled against the British in 1857. Who knows about the War of Independence, the 1857 Okay, okay, in 1857, the Indian soldiers, Hindus and Muslims, they rebelled against the British colonial masters, because they were hired by them. So nearly 300,000 Men rebelled against the British employers. And they started in the city of Meerut.
And then this mutiny spread throughout northern India.
And then these mutineers came to Delhi and took the last Mughal King, albeit a king in name only. His name was barbershop suffer, he was only a point, there was no kingship in him, okay, his kingship or his kingdom was only his harem of women. Basically, that's where he ruled. And he was appointed. He was a romantic point. Later on, it became a tragic point, you know, when he was captured by the British, so they forced him to lead the revolution. He didn't want to, they forced him. He was not able to do it. He was not qualified to do it. And many of his princes or his sons, they took part in this rebellion as well. So these soldiers,
these soldiers, they started to kill women and children.
Instead of fighting the British, the colonial armies,
the Soldiers and generals and majors and colonels and their contingents. Instead of fighting them, they started to go for the families, so many of them, Hindus and Muslims, they started to attack women and children.
So many Allah Ma, who were around at the time, including season zero, Sara del V, when they saw this happening around Bailey, they said, This is not jihad. feasable Allah, don't call it jihad. feasable Allah, this is not jihad.
This is why you do not fight. Then he found an injured British woman called Mrs. Leeson, in a bush. He was walking around daily, and he heard you know someone in pain morning. So they got close to this lady, and they found an English lady. They're injured. She had bullet wounds.
So Sheikh decided to take her to his house and hand her over to his women so that they can take care of her. But he said we cannot take you right now because it's daylight. If we are found with you, we will be killed by mutineers as collaborators or traitors.
So we will take you when
it's dark, she's injured, she's she has bullet wounds, and then they come back after the sunsets. And then they take this woman into the house. And she remains in this house for four months and later on when she gets well. She is handed over back to the British.
This was done by say zero Sara del V, one of the greatest scholars alive in India at the time.
Many people started to use this against him. But what did he do? He did exactly what Islam commands.
You do not harm women and children. He was a teacher of Hadith. It is in Sahih al Bukhari Kitab al jihad. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, if you've he saw a dead woman on the battlefield, the Prophet saw a dead woman on a battlefield. He said Do not kill women and children. Specifically, these are the words of Rasul Allah says Allah and say the zeros and then we had thought Buhari multiple times to his students. He knew so he took that woman. And then I found I did personal research myself into the British sources on Mrs. Leeson, what happened to her later on? And she told her story, which cannot be found in the Islamic sources where this was mentioned. What does she
did in his biography. In the British sources, we find that she lost three or four children before she herself was shot to her children was shot dead in front of her and there was an infant in her arms. That infant was also shot by these rebels. And the bullet went through the child into the mother.
This story was not told to say it's up saying the zero Senate data we he had no idea this had happened to this woman, because he, I'm assuming assuming he didn't know the English language, and they didn't know this woman didn't know how to speak Persian or odo.
There was another very great scholar of Hadith, who became a pioneer of the School of oral Hadees. He was a king and a wob called Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan. His story is absolutely mind blowing fascinating. I have delivered an entire lecture actually on both of these personalities. You can go on my YouTube channel and find a lecture on say urinary Rosanna Dalloway, and also novasure de hacer con el cologix. Okay, these two scholars were the pioneers of Hadith sciences in India. So one of the greatest scholars will say you had a zero center deli, another great scholar who came from Yemen to India to teach Hadees who was brought by Navab Sadiq Khan, because he was a king, he could afford
it. So he got one of the greatest scholars of Hadith in Yemen alive at the time, his name, his name was check for St. Ben marginal and sorry Al Yamani, who was from Hodeidah in Yemen, he brought him to Bhopal, the city of Bhopal in India. And there he started to teach Hadith. And then these big major commentaries on Hadees that came from India, two major commentaries of Hadith from Asita. The best commentary on Bihar is what?
For Tilbury the best commentary on saya Muslim is one
NaVi the Shah of Imam NaVi the best commentary on Finnell of Abu Dhabi is what
our Ma my booth, ordered by one of the students of St. Ben Muslim Lazar Imani, and the best commentary on Timothy.
Law was he also authored by Chef Abdurrahman mobile referee, a student of Chef and Ben Mossville and saris Yamani, and also say the zeros and this is the fruit of these scholars of Hadith in India. In fact, India, the Indian subcontinent because of sha Allah and what followed, produce some of the greatest scholars from the school of Al Hadith in history. In fact, today in the world, the shortest chain of Hadith that goes back to the Prophet SAW Selim, it goes through Chava EULA,
amazingly, not to Morocco, not from Saudi Arabia, not from Central Asia, not from Malaysia, oni India, Delhi Shaohua, Lulu, the shortest chain, Sara Ali, going back to the Prophet salallahu Salam the shortest chain goes through showery Allah del v.
And then later on the other Hadith scholars became very, very numerous, having been inspired by saying the zeros and Adeli and was a de casa con el cologix, who was a king and also a great scholar who wrote over 200 books, their works inspired
an avalanche of scholars who adopted the same school of thought, and they started to promote it within the 20th century, and many, many great scholars are born in the Indian subcontinent. Those who followed and some of them they are still producing works, they are very elderly, and they still follow the school, the school of how these other bodies, this is the connection, this is the line of Hadith that came to India. And what you need to remember is that as we know the school of Allah these from the Indian subcontinent, it was born in the 19th century, in its current form, okay. Although the persuasion
and the idea, and the approach and the attitude is the earliest form of Islam, no doubt about that, okay, but it was really ignited, revived in India after an absence of centuries by Shaohua Lula, his son, Shah, Abdul Aziz, and then his students like
Shah, Ismail Shaheed, and people who were inspired by them directly, like say in the US and Delaware and Nevada Dickerson, Han, and whatever they did, and the result and the fruits are those commentaries you mentioned audel, Mabou and tophatter, lousy and a plethora of
books in the overdue language. One of the greatest scholars who died recently not long ago, who did some great work on Elmer Rachel, who studied the history of math history is a man and he himself became an authority and the Hadith literature was shared Zubair elisee who passed passed away not very long ago, less than 10 years ago, he has written plenty of books on Hadith literature from angles that were not touched before him. So, this is a very brief summary of the history of antibodies in general and the history of allergies in India does not come along and for listening, if you have questions, if you if I have failed to touch upon a point that you want to raise, please
do bring it to my attention and I will try my best to address it Docomo loca animal listening Allah Allah gonna pull out from the reliable army over to you have questions inshallah
So, question is from
India what
is happening
India prior to this was
during the Soviet period for 200 years Yes, Indians or Shafi Yes, Indian muslims or muslims in India at the time was shuffling. Yes. So,
as a result
of that
kind of
what were they?
What were they before before happening
in terms of
like the Arabs who came in the south and sent because, look, Islam came for two or three directions. The first direction was sent via Balochistan CG Stan. Okay. The second direction was ghaznavi invasions. Okay, from the north, okay, from Afghanistan. That was a Shafi enterprise. Okay, so Sultan, Mahmud resonably, and scholars at his court were sharp. Okay. They were heavily influenced by Persian Shafi scholars, okay. Because they were in Persian territory. This was Persia. Okay? Persians are shuffling. Okay. Central Asians were Hanafi. This is because of Dr. Bassett appointment of Hanafi scholars in these territories as called Art. So the passage when Ali Abu Yusuf was, you
know, what, Chief Justice, he sent out many copies to these territories, and then they established the Hanafi school of thought in Central Asia specifically, that's why Ottomans are Hanafi that's why the Mughals are Hanafi that's why the Delhi Sultanate was Hanafi okay.
sorry, India, in India. Yeah, yeah. When the game
They were they were you can say proto, they will proto
archery. Yeah. Because the Shafi scholars at that time are predominantly adopting
archery Akela. So they were predominantly archery. They were a Shire, okay, because this is the fourth century Hijri.
And because of ghaznavi, it's the gardener is brought this with them. Yes. In the end, yes, absolutely. Same. So whatever the political powers brought with them, whatever version of Akira, and fic It was basically made dominant. Okay. The only exception is the School of Allah Hadith. It was organic. It came with the scholars, it came with the Allah ma. It didn't come with the rulers. Okay, so the school of Allah Allah, this was not imposed on the Indian subcontinent by the rulers. It didn't come with the political systems. Oh, yeah. On the subcontinent? Yes. Any more questions?
Anyone could, yes, please, might be more of a question. There's a vast majority of stuff leads into the lessons of dp or SE.
How many of this is particularly true? And for what generations do these people adopt these last names? Because, like, for example, I will say this a beat these are the descendants.
If they don't have anything to prove it, they shouldn't claim it. Okay, if they found the ancestors to have used this title, then they have grounds to do it. For example, my ancestors, they put Karachi next to the names. Okay.
So I am Karachi but what branch of Quraysh? What family? We don't know. I have to I don't have a chance to prove that I haven't looked into it. Okay, so what is five plus seven eight generations our ancestors I put the word Cora She next to the name right corner she means from the tribe of courage, okay. But likewise there are too many say it's too many code bases every single neighborhood in Pakistan has has more seniors than there are people unfortunately. Okay. So, a lot of these layers are actually not you know, look, I believe. The true side is the one who follows the messenger of Allah Allah Allah Allah.
You cannot be pure in blood then I will have an Abu Talib Yes. Aura Bucha Hall. Abuja Hall was pure. Karachi. Harsh not Hashmi. He was one of Masoom Abuja Al was mumble room of zoom Okay. Abuja Alia no Ebola was Hashmi, Abu Lahab topbet yara bIllahi min warthog ma Ghana and Humala who has finished his descent his blood, his line from Ibrahim and his smile and radar and all those people did not help him. Didn't help him. So claiming to be saved and doing all those dodgy and,
and stupid things. You know, nowadays in Pakistan, in some places you claim to be sad that you put on few few rings on your hand, colorful rings, and you become the sales of then you want everyone to come and touch your kiss your rings and touch you kiss your just because you say here, you you might be one of the biggest Jahaz in the neighborhood. You might even be a mushrik
This is the jungle which is found in our communities. Unfortunately, sales are okay. And no no one no one knows whether he's actually an original CEO or not. Okay, even if he let's say even is a direct descendant of the professors. And if he's committee chair can build what's the year? What's the year? Okay. The professor was alone, you know, was more beloved to him. Bilal. Bilal was more beloved to the professor Salam than a disbelieving cousin of his his or one of the or disbelieving
you know, uncle of his ask the prophet who was better, who was more beloved to him? Black Billa Well, the reason why I use the word Black is because they were looked down upon at that time, why the Arabs the Arabs looked down upon the black black slaves because of slavery. Right? And the Prophet raised him to such a higher rank that he put him on par with some of the top you know, Adam, Bilal was the same man after the Battle of buzzer he was attacking have been over here OMA Yemen calls
over here because was who? The purest of Arabs. And he was one of the leaders of the courageous and Bilal had the audacity to attack him.
Why? What gave him that adversity, the equality of Islam.
So this, you know, sorry, I took you anthropology into theology. Okay, so I do
know, now unless they can produce a chain, or NASA or Shudra. We call it Chandra, going back to the processor, even then, what's your claim? Are you trying to prove, okay, you are a direct descendant of the Prophet, but you don't pray you're drinking? Or in some cases, you got the big, you know, colorful turban on your head, and you're taking money from people just because they like you. You say it without anything. So this is a big problem in our communities, unfortunately. Okay. Follow the Prophet and his teachings, not people, not people. Okay. So if even if someone descent is descended from the province, doesn't make him anything special if they don't follow the prophets,
Allah saga. Yes, please.
Can I have some water?
Scholars right now I'm focused on teaching.
or preferably in Arabic, although doesn't have to be well, these are very short books. You can even study them yourself. You don't need a scholar to teach the physical Eman or the luxury rock. Yeah. So
recently, yeah, it's an amazing book. Yeah, absolutely. How much is in a small book and I always recommend it to you. early on. Amazing. These are very small texts. Anyone can read them with translation. Okay. And you don't need scholars to teach them to you. Yeah, if there is something you don't understand and you want to confirm, can go to scholars and ask them and there are many, many major scholars of Hadith in Pakistan.
But unfortunately, they're not very active. They're not on social media. They don't take selfies and pose in front of mirrors. Okay.
So that's why we don't know them. You know, we think nowadays a scholar or someone worthy of listening or share sob is someone who is basically who's got 100,000 Or two 300,000 subscribers, that's when they become sheiks. Okay. This is a very wrong way of looking at things. The real gems are hidden. Okay, they are hidden. You have to go and find them. If you are serious about oil, get out to Mauritania, go in the desert. And then when you find scholars, they'll they'll, you will think Subhanallah all of these people are a bunch of imposters, all these social media super superstars and celebrities celebrity shakes, I'm not going to say names. Okay, and put me in those
as well. Okay. Yeah, so we are a bunch of Pretenders, okay. The real knowledge is not with people like me and others who are walking around. I mean, I'm sure there are exceptions. You know, Sheikh Mohammed who mashallah to Baraka lies a great scholar, okay, he has a lot of, of Hadith. We have some scholars in Saudi Arabia, great scholars, Allahu Akbar. Okay. Some of them are very elderly. They don't teach any more Sheikh Sheikh Abdullah mashallah bad mashallah great scholar of Hadith, Allahu Akbar, we have shed a shadow Huck Ansari in, in the Indian subcontinent, Pakistan, okay, who is alive and check masala in Pakistan? Okay. Many, many big names. These are very quiet down to
earth, humble people. They're not very public. They don't even like to come on TV channels. And, again, the ones you see on TV channels are not all necessarily, you know, interested in, you know, Allah may Allah knows, you know, Allah knows the sincerity. We don't know how sincere they are. But there are great scholars, you have to find them. If you are interested, you will find them. How does it I mean, when you want to do a PhD, what happens? What's the first thing you have to do when you want to do a PhD? What's the first thing you do?
Find her supervisor, and how do you manage to find a supervisor you always managed to find one
or you find a supervisor for your MA degree your ma dissertation right or not and right, right or wrong? Somehow we find these people but when it comes to Dean, we start scratching our heads. Which who were how when? No, no, no, no. Get out. You will find people you will find people just like Salman al Farsi. Salman al Farsi did not give up he found the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was looking for him. He found him. You found him? salat wa salam. Anyone else? Yes. Yes, please.
So when it comes to history, manual research.
Most of the time find like two opinions like two different opinions. So
when it comes to like, early Islamic history, maybe we can wait by with canes and things like that. But when it comes to later, or you select like one source from another, you can have different opinions on the same issue. No problem. Opinions is not an issue. You can have, for example, two different angles, two different perspectives. It's not an issue. No problem with that. If you have to power to opinions on history on a historical event and its details. This is not an issue. This This gives you nuances. If anything, okay. Yeah.
Yes, yes. Chef, canola America. He was from the Alberta the scholars. Yes. Or the Indian subcontinent? Yes.
He was born in the 19th century and died in the 20th century. Yes, yes, indeed, anyone else?
And there are many men, many, many big names like that, who produced that level of scholarship. There is no doubt
that the true
you know, the great standard we had in the 19th century of scholarship has unfortunately gone down. We don't have the same in depth.
People like shakes do barrel is a
were an exception. Or people like shake Atala Hanif Bucha, Yanni, not many people know him, okay. He was a great scholar, one of the greatest scholars we produce, another scholar was shared with the audience in the share with the audience in the Russia he, he was a great scholar of Hadith. So again, the people of knowledge the people of LM, the people of Hadith that know these names, they know who they are, but the common man is not aware of them. Because these are hidden gems. These are great scholars. They are only known to those who are interested in the knowledge of Islam. So these names I just mentioned check but the Odeon Cindy chef Paola had Hanif Bo Gianni and Chef, the barrel
is a they are recent scholars like in the 20th century. Okay, and many and the reason why I mentioned these names is because they produced literature. It is one it is one thing to be a scholar
and just be a scholar, for the sake of being a scholar. It is another thing when you produce research, it is your research you
work that you produce that determines the magnitude of your contribution. Okay? If you have produced books,
chunky volumes on Hadith literature, and commentaries, then you are truly a scholar. That's That's what determines your your credentials. Okay? Anyone else?
We have
Allahu Akbar when I was going to mention it, which one?
Where is it?
Where there's one, Allahu Akbar. I mentioned Allahu Akbar.
I mentioned chef Attala Hanif Bhojwani. Now, I am pretty sure most people here haven't even heard that name ever. And look at this. Look at this. Look at look at what he produced. This is how we know. This is how you know who's a scholar. This is a commentary on southerners underside. talakad. Basically, he wrote notes on sunnen and SI and Chef Ben bars. Sherman bars on Saudi Arabia when he saw this. He praised it immensely. He said this is a scholarship of high,
high level. Okay, so Allahu Akbar.
This is the first time I'm seeing this book, by the way. I've heard about it, but I've never ever seen it. Allahu Akbar. I've met his son met his grandsons in Lahore. They manage this shop called
Al maktabah. Salafiyyah mashallah Tabata Allah. So this is one of the so this this is how you know, scholars they're not out there delivering speeches, taking selfies on social media, posting pictures with this and that this ruler, this king, this governor, okay, I'm not trying to insult or have digs at people. Okay. Well, these imposters and I'm not saying they're gonna fix I was a biller. I'm saying imposter imposter is like, they love to be called shakes. Yeah. But if you ask them, What have you produced? Where is your knowledge? Where's your help? Okay, they don't have anything. These are the real checks. People who produce literature, knowledge and research, okay, these are the
people and with substance, not just gibberish. They I mean, I know some people. Okay, I'll name him title Kadri.
Professor Tyrell Kadri. Okay, he has produced Purdue produced. Okay, I'm being very clear on this. Okay. Because I don't think he's writing those books.
Hundreds of books, hundreds. And when you pick them up, and you see the quality of research, so it's not become I have a bias against him. I read. I tried to read everyone with sympathy. I tried to read I try my best. Okay. But when I read his books, I don't find any thing. You know, like that. That's inspirational. Yeah, because unless he quotes a hadith on the professor seller or something like that, yeah, you can find that with anyone. Right? But independent research, you're independent research your own mind your own, your own contribution is not there. So you can produce five books, and they are quality, heavy substance original research.
Something that hasn't been done before. Or you can produce 500 books and you are just producing gibberish. Nothing new. Nothing consequential. Nothing substantial. Okay. This is very, very important. Yes, go ahead. And you want to Yes, please. So sorry.
You're part of IRA and you're giving dollar globally? Yeah. Many of the brothers here actually part of the dollar. Yeah.
And what Misia would you give them as a dime. But those? Thank you so much for your question. Well, I would say after seeking knowledge.
The greatest thing in fact, I would say, if you seek knowledge of Islam, and in particular, the science of Hadith, and you are not doing dower to non Muslims, you have not you have not done justice to your knowledge.
Okay, and this is why I speak to those people who call themselves al Hadith.
In particular, I'm talking to you your claim is very high.
Your claim when you say we are Hadith when you claim this, this is a very, very bold claim. It comes with responsibility is like claiming that I am you know,
you know, just to give you what other Iron Man, that's it.
Yeah, I am Iron Man.
And then you see a child running on the road and you don't do nothing to save his life. Yeah.
And next time you come to me and say am I
Man, I'm gonna say To * with your iron.
It's useless. It needs to be melted. Yeah, right. Just like that if we claim to be 100 Hadith, and if we don't indulge in a deep study of Hadith literature, this is the first point I want to this is the first point of advice. Okay. A balsa Tayto of our Tamara hemogram Kehoe ha ha Deray Montessori for Tao those of your ancestors but what are you okay we claim this descent, this legacy that we are under Hadith, how many of our how many of us are actually studying Hadith
which scholars teaching us that's the first point having studied Hadith if you are those fortunate ones who have given your time to let's say, start with on the tilaka Bloomerang minor books, short books, small books, and then go on to you know, one of the site setup or go to moto Imam Malik START study with the scholars, Shara is commentary and then make your way up to Buhari then if you have done this, or if you are on the way to do it, or if you are indulging in it, then you have the right to claim I am one of the other Hadith.
I am one of the it's like claiming I'm a doctor.
And you're not doing anything to do medicine. Right? You're not even studying medicine. I'm a doctor. I'm a doctor, you keep claiming I'm a doctor. Okay, just because you did it for you then just because you say I mean loud. Just because you do all these things, the that make these people distinct? No, no, no, no, this is not what makes you out on IDs.
As horrible Hadith are those people who are servants of Hadith, and you serve Hadees by studying it, number one. Number two, if you have studied this, the first thing you will realize is that you must call disbelievers to Allah because if you study the Hadith of the Prophet and his life, the first thing that comes to mind is the prophets life.
His sacrifices, he was stoned in five. He was strangled in the Kaaba by aka Bobby married, who put a cloth around his neck and he twisted the cloth. He was strangling the Prophet was going to die salatu salam until Abu Bakr came to rescue him for what for what? Over Lula? ilaha IL Allah
so if you claim to be 100 At least you don't study Hadith number one and you don't do Dawa. Don't come to me and tell me Arella these sorry, I'm not gonna accept it. And you don't have to convince me anyway. Who am I? Okay, but me personally, I find it very funny when people say I am Salafi, Salafi, following the Salaf.
But who is the best of the soul of the Prophet? The Prophet was stoned giving power to non Muslims. He was told who is the best, the best of the solid for the prophets, the prophets.
Allah tells us the story thread 1/3 of the Quran 33% of the Quran is their stories for what Dawa.
So this is a very bold claim. Remember these two things I mentioned before you claim to be 100 Hadees. And it's a very beautiful claim. A very big claim a very big sense of responsibility. But indulge in these two things. Take the Hadith very seriously, study it, not only read it and put it back on. studying and reading are two different things, study it and then practice it how Dawa number one is Dawa number one is Dawa. If you don't do Dawa to non Muslims every single one of you then stop claiming it direct I'm sorry if you don't like it, but this is the way it is. sha Allah Okay, I think we should now go to Asia. Time for Asia is upon us. We're gonna play Asia and then
after Asia I'll be around and inshallah we can continue with our discussion Subhanak Allah, masha Allah Allah Allah antenas dar
salam ala wai that catered for
the Quran
mean meaning? Well now haul up onto an engine.
Here move on