Adnan Rashid – The efforts of Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi

Adnan Rashid

The efforts of Shah Waliyullah Dehlawi by Shaykh Adnan Rashid

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The transcript discusses the history and importance of Islam in India, including its rise, decline, and rise. It provides brief updates on various topics such as the rise of the Hoxar classes, the Hoxar nationalist movement, and sharia law. The transcript also describes various topics such as the rise of sharia and the influence of sharia law on people's behavior and their experiences. The transcript ends with a brief recap of the day.

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			Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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			brother and sister in Islam, today we will coming out weather shifts and land Russia to give us a
talk about the efforts of Shah when he will get their way and share his money there we in spreading
debate and sooner in India during the British Raj, check a non Russia has been to Cambridge to some
extent and Mr. Nicklaus before and to just give you a little bit introduction about him. He has
worked with IE RA, and presented on Islam Chairman amongst many other attributes, and inshallah we
welcome our brother Adnan Rashid.
00:01:11 --> 00:01:23
			Thank you for that. Brothers solara manga Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. I'm
very pleased to be here. Once again, in much of the class Cambridge,
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			and Alhamdulillah I can see that this machine is trying its best to educate the community and
organize events for the community established Salah
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			Koran, studies, and other things. And I encourage all the brothers and sisters watching and
listening to support the machine in Cambridge because there are not many institutions like in the
city, in DC in the city like this particular one. So Allah subhanaw taala has explained or described
the virtues of donating towards good causes in the Quran in a number of different places. And the
province of Eliason specifically talked about facilitating
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			the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, he stated that anyone who builds a Masjid as big as the
nest or Assad sandgrouse you know, the the nest of a sandgrouse, or a small bird is as big as this,
possibly it can fit into my two hands, the Messenger of Los Alamos, anyone who builds a Masjid as
big as this
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			will have a house in Geneva. And the house in Geneva is not your house in
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			the house in Geneva, Allah has for you is something unimaginable, you cannot imagine the magnitude
and the size and the luxuries that house has for you. So
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			a little effort in helping to build a machine to expand a machine will effectively get you the
pleasure of Allah and by extension, a house in general, according to the prophets a lot is some of
them. So brothers sisters, this must be means expansion, the community is growing, the needs are
growing, the children need more support and more attention for that much you need your support. So
please support the machine and the expansion will cost some money. So do as much as you can. And if
you want to talk to the brothers in Cambridge who are responsible for this machine, please do get in
touch with them via the online links the website and you can see the links in the video below. And
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			Melis counselor reward you for your support, desire and love and masala sisters desirable location
for attending this talk. Today we will be talking about a very, very important figure in the history
of Islam.
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			Very well known to scholars around the world, whether those scholars are teaching or studying in the
Hejaz region or whether those scholars are from Egypt, or whether they are from the far east or from
a model, which is Morocco, or even even in Central Asia. This particular personality is very, very
well known among
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			the students of knowledge and scholars and to the people of the subcontinent because he was the
Indian subcontinent. He was born there in Delhi.
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			And his name is
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			Sha What do you love? This is the common name he's known by, although his name is kotoba been been
abderrahim his father was shoved under him who was one of the greatest scholars in India alive at
his time. And he was one of those people who took part in it.
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			piling a huge compendium of
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			fatawa based upon the Hanafi thick.
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			So India has a very interesting history when it comes to Islam, Islam in India or the Indian
subcontinent before partition, because now the Indian subcontinent consists of three countries
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			if you want to actually Lanka that makes it four countries okay, but mainly it is Pakistan, India
and Bangladesh, this region, all of it put together was known as Hindi, in Arabic.
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			And in
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			the English language, it is commonly referred to as the Indian subcontinent. So, before the
partition of 1947, after the British rule ended,
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			this region was one region, one country previously governed by Muslim kings for almost six
centuries. So, the rule of Islam started in the early 13th century,
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			when some of the Turkic
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			slaves who became kings
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			we are to slave dynasties in the history of Islam. When I say slave, I don't mean actually the word
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			as it is understood in the western history or Western world, because when you use the word slave,
what comes to your mind, black people enslaved from Africa, taken across the Atlantic, put into
slavery in plantations, branded as animals sold at will and family split, now they have no rights,
they have no
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			human existence at all in those conditions. So this is what comes to your mind. But in the Islamic
context, it isn't it is a completely different picture. So, these were servants bought
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			in from Turkic tribes in Central Asia by Muslim kings to serve as army personnel. And these forces
are these armies. So we are two dynasties, one was in Egypt called the member of dynasty and one was
in India also called the member of die dynasty. The Egyptian member of dynasty is very well known,
very well studied. But the Indian mount of dynasty which was possibly far more powerful, and
expansive than the Egyptian dynasty is, unfortunately under studied or underdeveloped even by
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			So, we're talking about India today. So in
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			the year 2000 1206, man, one of the Afghan kings
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			attacked northern India,
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			and his name was Mohammed bin Salman, should have been avoided. He came from a place called the war
in Afghanistan. And he had his servants with him who were originally Turkic, they spoke the Turkish
language. They came from the Turkic steppe region, which is in Central Asia today, what we call the
Asia Central Asia which is marvelous. In Arabic, we call it maharana. The allameh understand it, as
maharana beyond the river, beyond the river means literally the river oxus Akio This region is also
known as transit Sonia. Okay. Trans Estonia literally in Arabic means maharana have all the Land
Beyond the river river oxes divides Central Asia from the region we know today as of Aniston, and
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			the rest of the Indian subcontinent. So these people came from that region, and they became the
Kings after Shahabuddin Rory died in the early 13th century, one of the servants name as Kotaku
being a book, who was Turkic came to power and he was a servant, a slave of Chavo delivery. And now
begins the slave dynasty of India, also known as a daily Sultanate
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			or they are also known as a Latina daily, okay, these people were governing India for almost two and
a half centuries. So they started in early 13th century 12 or six to be precise, and drove 10
portably in a book
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			playing Polo.
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			He fell from his horse and he died in Lahore and his bird in Lahore in Pakistan. Then a man called
ill took mesh succeeded him
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			Government for a very long time till 1236 So, from 10 to 1236 we have this man called Sultan, Sudan
shamsudeen hilltop mesh, whose government
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			northern India and this Sultanate became known as the Delhi Sultanate and many more Salatin came
afterwards, such as
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			futon, we also have Dean Baldwin, these are very Turkish names, you know, those who not heard the
Turkish language culture, you know, these are very balvin you know, a buck or a buck, you know,
these are very Turkic means, so, so Don Baldwin, he governed for nearly 20 years, with a lot of
power, a lot of strength. And at the same time, Mongol invasions started, but dad, at this time was
destroyed by pelaku con and a lot was happening on that side of the world. So, long story short,
this is a complete the introduction of the situation in India of Islam. So, after Sultan bulgan,
came another dynasty called the fugees. And one of the most powerful kings was Chopin allowed in
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			Fiji, who governed a large chunk of northern India and he even carried out incursions into southern
India, and it became very rich. So this is why from this period, we find a lot of coins, a lot of
coins and silver, in copper and in gold, because he became very rich. Suddenly, he got his hands on
so much gold and silver. So he started to mint currency became very, very rich, very powerful. And
then came a tablet dynasty, who was one of the most powerful kings from the dogleg dynasty was
Mohammed bin Pollock.
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			Do you guys know even before
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			the rush law of urban Maputo, very, very famous work, you know, when this Moroccan or magrabi
traveler in the mid 14th century 1300s traveled from a labyrinth and he crossed so many countries.
So from the western side, we have Marco Polo, very famous, yes. And from the Muslim world, we have a
very, very famous is recognized very famous, and what he described in it is very interesting. He
went to India, at this time when Mohammed bin formula was governing India and he described some
interesting facts about this king and the way he governed and he was even appointed as a party by
one of the total of the Maliki Fiq in India amazingly.
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			So we move on, after the talks came on a dynasties such as
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			the Save dynasty and the low D dynasty, and then eventually the Mughals, they invaded India. Now
these moguls are not the Mongols, although the term model is a personalized version of the word moon
goals. Okay, a Mongo, but the Mongols and Mongols are two distinct people. Mongols are the early
Mongol hordes which attacked the Muslim lands. Okay, they caused a lot of devastation. They were
attacking India for a century. A lot of people know about Angel loot, the battle between sayfudine
old photos and the Mongol army two years after Baghdad was destroyed in 1260. And Muslims are
victorious against the Mongols. A lot of people know about this battle, but what was happening in
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			India was not many people know, Muslims protected India,
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			these Muslim kings, this Turkic dynasty, the Delhi Sultanate protected India, from the Mongols for
over a century, for over a century for 100 years, Muslims with their armies of fighting the Mongols,
protecting India, if the Muslims opened the doors to the Mongols, the history of India would have
been different today. Like it is different in other parts of the world.
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			So Muslims fought the Mongols back never allowed them to enter India.
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			And they lost the sons princes, you know one of the value that the man who was going to succeed his
father after they have been bourbon, the one woman I mentioned would govern almost 20 years from
1266 to 1286. His Son, Prince Mohammed, died fighting the Mongols near Lahore.
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			And there's a famous quote, in Persian language known as Castro, who was there in the battle he was
with the cape Prince and
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			The prince was surrounded by the Mongols and he thought the Mongols are only coming with 3000 men.
So any someone who wrote wrote a note to him with intelligence that the Mongols 3000 Mongols are
coming to attack Lahore. So instead of writing 30,000 he by mistake wrote 3000 Okay, so this mistake
cost, the life of where you live of India, the prince and he's also known as Shaheed Prince, the
martyr Prince, so he thought okay is only 3000 I'll go with a small army. He went there and he
realized it were 30,000 mongrels facing so many people lost their lives, including the prince
himself, and they also been bumped and never recovered from that pain. He never recovered. He died a
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			very sad man because of this loss. He loved his son very much moving on. So the models are different
to mongos. So models the first emperor, who was who invaded India, in 1526. His name was a European
mamma Baba. He was a direct descendant of Paco Timo link, also known as timberlane in English
language, or mood lung in Persian, which means literary Tamerlane. He had a problem in one of his
legs. He was injured in one of the battles he never recovered fully and he used to, you know, he was
a lame person in that sense. So, he was a great conqueror. He followed the ways of Ganga scan,
instead of following the progress on the lysosome and he caused much devastation in the Muslim
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			world. He nearly killed the Ottoman Emperor.
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			He nearly destroyed the Ottoman Empire and captured SOCOM by his eat in a metro and he also invaded
India in 1398. Long story. So barber comes to revive the legacy of his great grandfather, Timo he
wants to be like him. So they know he wanted to be like Genghis Khan. And Baba wanted to be like che
mode, his great grandfather, and then he caused much devastation, but he governed this northern part
of India daily and his surroundings and surrounding area for about four years, he dies in 1513, Sun
Moon comes to power and then the Mughals continue.
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			So, more things.
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			The peak of the power was during for rains or for kings. So barber only governed for years he died,
he died young,
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			then came to power his son home on my own, this was the rise of the mobile Power BI he only governed
for 10 years and he was ousted by one of his generals, and of one general known as for Econ, also
known, also known as share sharp, The Lion King, who govern for five years and then another 10 years
his sons govern. And then homayoun was able to come back in the Persian support the Iranians, the
safavids, supported by us and he was able to take back his power and months later, he felt from his
library and he died,
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			then comes to power, his son, jalala, Mohammed Akbar,
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			and some scholars called him Oxford
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			because of his apostasy from Islam, his initial days are very good. He's to pray in the masjid is to
put the slippers on the alumni in front of them the emperor of India, this is how much respect he
had for the Allah. Okay. So he had a very good start, but then some irresponsible Allah, Allah, so
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			people who were not very straight about the dealings.
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			Unfortunately, he became very disappointed
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			with these Allah and he blamed Islam for this because he himself was an illiterate man. He never
studied. He didn't know how to read and write, he couldn't read books, or he was a very electric
man. So he was easily persuaded by people who had the ability to speak eloquently and praise Him,
you know, flatter him with flattery, and he would easily be persuaded by them. So some people, he
was surrounded by changed his mind and put some strange idea ideas in mind, in his mind, and he
started to come up with his own religion. This is a very superficial picture, by the way, for
details, you have to go and study the books of history. I'm giving you a very quick summary so that
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			we can go on to showing you love. Basically, this is the background what's happening in India. So
during the time of Akbar, Mohammad Akbar, who effectively apostatize from Islam, and initiated his
own religion. So what he did was he mixed Hinduism, with Islam with Christianity with Jainism, all
of them one Moroccan, you know, one buffalo religion, he said, this is the true religion.
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			And then he started to kill the Amazon started to execute them exile them, he had a policy anti
muslim policy.
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			And amazingly, in Western media or in the Indian media now, he is hailed as a very generous,
tolerant, progressive thinking, King. But he was far from that if you study history, actually,
according to the sources, we've come to realize that he committed atrocities against not only
Muslims, and Muslims as well.
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			And because he was
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			not in love with Islam, he is hailed as a hero. But the on the other side, we have another Emperor
which who will we will talk about in due course, because he was very, he was a very firm Muslim, he
is painted as a villain.
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			And this is not only in the British historical works written during the British period, even now,
today, these Hindu nationalists who govern India right now.
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			The BJP version of Islam, they paid the Muslim period as very dark.
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			But hamdulillah some very objective historians, not Muslim historians, by the way, some historians
from the west and even from India, they are challenging give you a bunch of liars, you know, you're
painting the history as something else. It is not that what you're saying.
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			So, October caused a big problem for the Halima. And for the Muslims in India, what do the Muslims
do now?
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			Because he is not actually you know, when the state is behind you, when the state power is behind a
system, that system naturally becomes very powerful. So his ideas
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			were being promoted, and Muslim scholars felt themselves cornered, very, very cornered.
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			So he died in 1605, having governed nearly 50 years,
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			and this was the peak of the mobile period, he conquered many labs.
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			And he subdued many people, he had a harem of 300 wives.
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			Because he wanted more than four wives. He had a discussion once.
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			And you know, he had a place called about the foreigner,
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			the place of worship, not much about a foreigner, he made a place in his palace, where he would
bring scholars from different backgrounds to come and argue in front of you, in front of him. And
this history is actually narrated by one of the scholars known as Bala Abdulkadir by the evening,
who himself witnessed all these things taking place in front of his eyes, he was there, he narrates
the story as to what happened, what caused awkward to go crazy. What caused him to apostatize. So he
would have Sunni scholars, Shia scholars, Hindus,
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			Buddhists, Jains, all kinds of this mishmash of people sitting in front of him debating with each
other about the reality of law. And this man himself who's sitting as a judge is electric.
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			He doesn't know
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			any books, he hasn't studied them. He used to get them read to him, no doubt, we have references
that he would get people to read the text to him in his court. So he would listen to the text, but
wouldn't be able to read them himself.
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			these debates caused a lot of confusion in his mind.
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			Because, you know, if your opponent is more eloquent than you are,
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			then you You look like you're the one losing the debate, right? Even though you may have the app on
your side, the truth on your side, you look like the one who's losing the debate. So there were many
eloquent people who are upon the battle, and they were confusing, awkward. So Alucard by the unique
who was there in South, he explained all this in his pie. For mom talk mom talk of a very
interesting history wrote in Persian language, it is available in all the translations, I don't know
if there is an English translation of it.
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			So, anger causes big problem, his son, Jahangir came to power. So we will be jagi to govern for
almost 22 years he died in 1627. His time was also very, very peak morals are very powerful. They
are expanded
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			into India
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			on a huge magnitude.
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			So john deere, he had to disown a lot of his father's policies, because the allama rose against this
idea of new religion. One of them was chef, Mr. Hindi, who was Sufi by his affiliation. He was a
belong to the Naqshbandi school. And he stood up against this oppression, this anti Islam activity,
and he wrote many letters to court officials to lobby them
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			To to revive the spirit Islam inside them like what's wrong with you people and he wrote works
against non shallowly Sufi ism in India, he Sufi ism in India had many dimensions, many categories.
Some people were completely out. They were mystics, they were not Muslims, they were just mystics,
you know, they believed in everything, like a couple became now the Emperor himself is supporting
that kind of view. Why wouldn't people follow that? Okay, when the court the king himself is
actually following that view, it's like in England, what happened in England, King Henry the Eighth.
In the 16th century, he broke away from the Catholic Church, Britain was a Catholic country.
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			There were no Protestants, there was no Church of England in Britain. Before the 16th century, the
king changes his religion, because he wants to divorce his wife.
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			And he can't get around during you know, the pope is not supporting him. There was a lot of politics
involved at the time as well, big story, big picture. Again, there's a long story we want to we
don't want to go into that. So he changes his religion within within 70 6070 years, the population
also converts
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			and things like this happened. This is why the alumni had to rise in India. So things started to
change slowly for good. Jackie slowly disowned some of the policy of his father. Then his son, john
Gibson came shajahan
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			he changed some of the policies of his father and he became more Islamic, you know, Sharia and
started to support Allah sort of started to find Modarres, religious institutions, and Islam started
to come back.
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			Now, shajahan had two sons very quickly, this is very important for you to understand why when he
was facing what he was facing, very quickly, because usually my thumb he, my introduction is longer
than the lecture itself.
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			But it's very important this information, such as Johan who
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			governed from 1627 to 1658, when he was deposed by son Aurangzeb alamgir shahjahan had four sons,
two of them are more important than than others. One of them was his name was Dara shikoh
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			biologico was,
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			to put it in simple terms to simplify things. He was on the path of Muhammad Akbar, geology,
Muhammad Akbar, who was trying to make a new religion and Borussia Chabot, he used to mix with a lot
of Hindu philosophers. He would sit with them take a lot of knowledge from them, and then he would
take a lot, not a lot of knowledge from the Sufi, some of the Sufi,
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			you know, Prophet propagators in India, he would sit with them and he would take a lot of ideas from
them. So what he started to do, he wanted to like Akbar, like before him, he started to mix Hinduism
with Islam. And then for that purpose, he wrote a book called much about Bahrain, much more Bahrain,
the meeting of the two seas, when two seas in this book, he argues that Hindu philosophy and the
Sufi mystic philosophy, which is originally Islamic, that's what he said, is actually coming from
the same source. They are both the same thing and they say the same. So Hinduism like Islam, Islam
is like Hinduism. So we are all from the same source. So you try to mix the two together to Allah,
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			who had already studied the time of Akbar. They knew what happened and the fitna the Muslims have to
face at that time. They suddenly woke up, just upon Allah, this man and shajahan The king was
favoring this son more than the others because he was the understand. And he was the closest to the
Father. So the father kept him very close to him in the court. Do you understand he would send them
like as governors into other provinces. One of them was orange, a Mohave been orange, orange de la,
the most Islamic out of all of them, because he surrounded himself with all ama, so each mobile
friends would have his own independent court, it would be like a moving country. So there is the
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			Emperor in Delhi or an agora in India, and he would have front so each son would have his own court,
his own entourage of 1000s of people surveillance with women, men, children, his wives, his
daughters, then his sons, the sons of the prince, and they have their own entourage. And they have
their own funding from the state coming to them. Because the moguls are the richest people in the
world, the richest state at the time of orange ape who would become king after his father, john 25%
of world's GDP. GDP was in India. He was the richest King in the world.
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			richer than the English, the French and even the Ottoman Empire
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			or of the army. So these princes Shah, John's four sons, they would have their own. So orange they
had surrounded himself with the Armani was very, very religious, very deeply involved in religion
studying himself with a point, you know, very learned in religious sciences. So the Allah supported
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			So Allah said, this is our man, he shouldn't become the Emperor, not Dara shikoh. Because if you
become the Emperor, the same situation will be repeated what happened at the time of the love of the
Mohammed. So they supported it. So a rumor spread when shajahan became sick in 1250. So 1658 1658,
that shajahan is dead.
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			It was a rumor, he was fine. He was well, he was not dead. So orange, they knew that his brother
older brother died ushiku, who was already conspiring against him for a long time to get him in
trouble with the Father. So the father had a very tense relationship with his son out there, not
with data who was already in the court. So Don ushiku was not a military General, because he will
remain to the court. He was one of those soft boys who grew up in the court with all the luxuries
around him. Orange, there was a battle hardened General, he was thrown in the middle of the, in the
battlefield at a very young age. So he was fighting in Afghanistan in production, and darker in the
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			south. He was moving all around India, so he knew his country well, and that's the advantage you
took in the Civil War. So after the lowest read, the four sons fought each other cut the long story
short, okay, that ushiku lost the battle. The other two also lost.
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			One of them was called
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			shujaa, who basically left India with his family going to us Burma, so he disappeared in the jungles
of Burma, he didn't want to fight or flee because he knew he was gonna, and the other one. His name
was moron, but he was also killed by orange live in a battle. And Chico was caught running away from
India going towards Iran, at the border was brought back to the trial was conducted. He was put on
trial for apostasy and for promoting, you know, wrong ideas in the name of Islam, and Allah mangled
the fatwa that he must be executed. So by the orders of the Anima. And the king, he was executed in
all nzme To this day, is accused of, you know, killing his brother unjustly. But when you study the
00:32:36 --> 00:33:00
			period and the other mogul kings, you come to realize this was the norm. Every mobile king who came
to power, he had to kill off his brothers to suppress rebellion, because every they didn't have a
system, they didn't have a proper system of succession. So now what is it comes to power cut the
long story short, India becomes the most powerful entity in the world. Within the time of orange,
00:33:02 --> 00:33:20
			he becomes the most powerful mobile King, why? Because the finances and finances he had with him and
the land he had conquered, he conquered almost 95% of India, he was the only King possibly after
Mohammed bin Bullock, who governed the largest chunk of India,
00:33:21 --> 00:34:04
			the only Muslim King to have governed the largest chunk of India. So he governed from 15, sorry,
1658 to 1707 49 years, 50 years, very, very long period. In his time, a lot of good things happened
dollar mark came to rise. India became very peaceful. Hindus Muslims coexisted, or they gave a lot
of important positions to Hindu generals who were those who were loyal to him. So people when they
accused him of bigotry and intolerance, they are a bunch. This is what the modern scholars are
bringing up that why would he have because he had more Hindus employed under his government than all
the previous mobile employees put together?
00:34:05 --> 00:34:26
			Because they were good at finance. The Hindus were good at keeping, you know, what has changed is
still the same. Yeah. Some of the Hindus from from the region of Gujarat, they're very good at
business. Right. So orange is a good point that he knew the qualities of people and he employed
those four qualities in you know, when necessary,
00:34:27 --> 00:34:49
			in his time, was born, a man called Shah Abdur Rahim, the father of Sharia law. And this was the
renaissance of Islam. Islam was very powerful. In India at the time, scholars studied many
modalities or supported many people studying the text. You know, there were great scholars alive at
this time, such as chef
00:34:50 --> 00:34:59
			Muhammad, Shaikh Abdullah, Huck, Mohandas Adela. We have a lady. He had written many commentaries in
Makati, c'est la vie. He co wrote a country called bases
00:35:00 --> 00:35:15
			But they see Ropati, he shouted Bahati, which was in Persian. And there were other scholars who had
started a lot of good work. So orange they, he asked a group of Roma to compile a collection of
Fatah, for the use of the
00:35:16 --> 00:36:06
			people of the country Muslims, because India was possibly 99%, hanafy 19. I want to be safe yet.
Maybe they were 1% apart from the western coast of India, where we had a people called the white or
the Yemenis, you know, who had come for business from Yemen, that western coast was inhabited by the
Yemenis. They were Shafi they were Sharpies, but the rest of India was happy northern India was kind
of he it followed the path or the tradition of the people people have malware on the heart or
Central Asia, because the moguls who came from their or the Delhi Sultanate, they brought the school
with them. So, this fatawa for the collection of a tower which was sanctioned by orans it was called
00:36:06 --> 00:36:07
00:36:08 --> 00:36:17
			oliguria also known as fatawa, to India, okay. And it is the largest collection of
00:36:18 --> 00:36:51
			rulings on Hanafi Fiqh in the world. To my knowledge, okay. It's the largest collection of about on
the Hanafi Fiqh in the world. It was written in Arabic, by a number of Allah, of course, there is a
lot in it, we don't agree with we are other police. There is a lot we don't agree with, but we
admire the struggle and the passion, or the ultimate at the time and the king to help and serve the
nation because the people are happy. So if people are happy, you're not going to give them a movie
written by everyone Kodama, they're not going to accept it.
00:36:52 --> 00:37:31
			If you give them a new item, he you know, the shop have more time or Malik, they're not going to
accept it. So they will only accept from halophila and they were very rigid. So there was a very
strong presence of Sufi ism in India, very, very strong in the DNA of people flowing through the
blood of people, because the people came from the Hindu background. Okay, so they were very
spiritual naturally, you know, so they want to some mystical tradition, some gifts, you know, they
wanted these practices, these spiritual dimensions of Islam and if they didn't exist in Islam, they
made them up in some cases. That's why some of the Alomar wrote works in India condemning non
00:37:31 --> 00:37:51
			shadowy or non Islamic Sufi ism, that sometimes cause blatant shit. like going to the saints and
asking them directly is thalassa is tagata directly from the man in the grave, you the amount of
money in the grave, please bless me with a child, my business is down,
00:37:52 --> 00:38:37
			etc, etc. And the people started to do that the Alma road people actually love him later wrote works
against that practice. So shout there he was asked the father of Sharmila to take part in the
writing compiling on this tower, he refused, he said, I don't want to take any part in it. But then
his mother forced him to accept. And then he started to, you know, assist in the compilation of this
power. And then he disagreed with the allama dealer on ama on certain issues. And then he was asked
to leave the committee, and he left and the government or the Emperor tried to give him a grant of
land, and he refused. He said, No, I don't want anything from God. So he lived in very humble
00:38:38 --> 00:38:40
			position. And then
00:38:41 --> 00:39:08
			he taught his son showery long was born in the year 1703. Now we talk about Sharia law. Sharia law
is very important for a number of reasons, because he initiated a revival movement of Islam in
India, at a time when the Indian subcontinent was going through a huge political change. The
political climate had started to change by
00:39:10 --> 00:39:13
			or after the death of orange in RMB.
00:39:14 --> 00:39:19
			So, Shangri La was born in Delhi in the year 17, or three.
00:39:21 --> 00:39:32
			And orange died in 1707. So Shalu la kotoba been under him was four, at the time when
00:39:34 --> 00:39:47
			orange died, the most powerful mobile Emperor. So in his young age he had seen obviously if he
remembered, or his father told him about the glory of Islam in the days of the year.
00:39:48 --> 00:39:49
			He knew about it.
00:39:50 --> 00:39:59
			And his father was very, very loving to him. In fact, showing love was born of the second marriage
of his father. His father was 60 years old when he took
00:40:00 --> 00:40:01
			The second wife,
00:40:02 --> 00:40:04
			and he expressed his desire
00:40:05 --> 00:40:40
			and when people criticized him for that you're 60 years old and you're taking another wife and he
said, Well I have been he had a vision from Allah subhanaw taala that I am to have a son, who will
have who will achieve great things in the future. So, one of his disciples gave his daughter to him.
So from this bond was born with a lot and another brother is called Allah, okay, known as Allah. So,
two children are born, what do you allow was taught after the age of five by his father in his in
other religious sciences, in montek.
00:40:42 --> 00:41:18
			And Hanafi Fiqh and also taught Sufi ism by his father's, in the School of Natural bond are nothing
but the school he was initiated in that school by his father. So, he gave a lot of love to his son
shafter, he, he gave so much love to his son, that his son became deeply involved in Islam, because
he taught him to love. They didn't beat him up. He didn't, you know, teach him Islam, as if it's a
punishment, you know, like we teach our children today in massage, then they come to the machine to
learn the root root, or you're going to get beaten like that.
00:41:19 --> 00:41:50
			Like this, some of the some of the teachers that teach children like this, why would they love
Islam? If you teach them Islam in this way? If you are beating them up for not knowing the subject,
or they're Deus? Hmm. Why would the love Islam show when you love makes a point of this, that I
loved Islam, because my father made me fall in love with Islam, the way he taught me, the way he
gave his love and compassion and attention and respect, most importantly, respected as well.
00:41:52 --> 00:41:55
			And by the age of 10,
00:41:56 --> 00:42:06
			from five he started by the age of 10, while your wife is reading, complicated works in Persian
language, he has been taught the Arabic language.
00:42:08 --> 00:42:16
			And when he reaches the age of 14, still a very young boy, his father insists that we should rush
your marriage.
00:42:18 --> 00:42:28
			And is why do you want this child what you allow is only 14. He's studying, and he's such a good
student. We want to get married so quickly. He said, I have my reasons.
00:42:29 --> 00:42:32
			And you know, we believe that Allah subhanaw taala.
00:42:34 --> 00:42:46
			Sometimes he opens doors of the unseen, aligned forms his people, whether in dreams or whether
through inspiration, online forms people about certain events.
00:42:47 --> 00:43:27
			And we have many examples like this from the province of Iceland and the Sahaba. Okay, well, we call
this era of Eros movement, you know, so, he said, I am a reason. So they got married at the age of
14, first marriage of what you love, and then they realized why this happened because soon after the
marriage, many people started to die in the family. many deaths happened. And if this marriage did
not take place at this time, his marriage would have been delayed for a very, very long time because
so many people died in the family. And his father himself died shabda him When was the last 17 years
old? In the year 1719 1719.
00:43:29 --> 00:43:43
			What do you love was 17 when his father passed away, and before his father passed away, his father
gave him the jhaza now, shop there he met established a mother assigned daily called
00:43:45 --> 00:43:48
			a mother of subterranea. Okay.
00:43:49 --> 00:44:19
			And this was School of religious really learning how to learn self learned, and he would sit in the
lectures of his father listening to the fear of the Quran. Okay. And there was a very close circle
of special students of shabda Rahim who were advanced students, only the most advanced students were
allowed to sit in that circle while you law was allowed to sit in that circle because of his
sharpness and we will see why Allah blessed him with this in due course very quickly inshallah.
00:44:21 --> 00:44:30
			So, showery Allah, he took over from his father the responsibility of teaching Hadees and Tafseer
and mother.
00:44:32 --> 00:44:37
			And his father gave him the Java to do so. So from the year 1719
00:44:39 --> 00:44:43
			to 1731, how many years is that? 12 years
00:44:48 --> 00:44:59
			12 years, shall you love, study 12 years. Study, thought studied thought study thought anyway.
00:45:00 --> 00:45:08
			astron asita obviously, you know, the Arabic language his father had already taught him in has
mastered the books of fic. The Hanafi school is already been mastered by him
00:45:09 --> 00:45:34
			and the Quran and he started to write a translation of the Quran, which was tied to photography
photo raha but for Rahman, and he, he faced a huge opposition. Some of the people in India said
don't translate opera and he said no, if you don't translate the Koran, these people are so dialed
involved in Shere Khan this golden beta, they involved in all kinds of things. How will they ever
learn about Islam?
00:45:35 --> 00:45:45
			If they don't read the Quran in their own language, because they don't know the Arabic language
which is clear. The Persian language is the language of the Muslims in India at that time
00:45:46 --> 00:45:50
			Let them read the Quran in their own language so they can actually appreciate the word of Allah.
00:45:51 --> 00:46:11
			But if he faced opposition, he still continued with his translation which is a huge achievement.
Then in 1731, having taught having studied in depth, he started to feel the urge naturally or from a
loss of Allah to go to Hejaz for Hajj.
00:46:13 --> 00:46:40
			He wants to go to the Arabian Peninsula. Now, very quickly, what's the situation in India what's
happening when showery was going through all of this, the background the political background, the
Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb is dead by 1707. When shower utilized for Yes, after his death, there is
chaos. Chaos. His son Babu Shah defeats all his brothers income to power, bi Lucia is inclined to
00:46:42 --> 00:46:47
			is inclined to share them strangely enough, being the son of orange,
00:46:48 --> 00:46:57
			the champion of Arizona, he is inclined to shares and he was so inclined to shares in the he issued
an order in India that every member
00:46:58 --> 00:47:03
			must read or every amount on the member on Juma must read Alia Osceola,
00:47:04 --> 00:47:32
			part of the hotma Ali Patiala. So when this issue came to Lahore, you know, do you know anyone
anyone's been to Lahore? Those of you who have been to LA you know this big when you enter Lahore
from the old road, not the motorway, the old road, what we call the GT road or the grand grand trunk
road, yet when you enter Lahore from the old road, the first thing you will see loud is the badshahi
00:47:33 --> 00:47:35
			Okay, literally
00:47:36 --> 00:47:37
			a Muslim
00:47:39 --> 00:47:55
			mother here is are you gonna call it an Arabic? Yeah, the king's Mosque, the badshahi Mosque orans a
volunteer completed as much as in 1674 when he had been on the throne for a few years, and this must
be this will lie is a gem
00:47:56 --> 00:48:35
			of architecture in the history of Islam. You just have to go on Google badshahi Mosque Lahore, it
was one of the biggest massages in the world for a very long time. possibly one of the big, possibly
devious machines in the world because a courtyard can easily take 100,000 people in Okay, it's a
huge mistake. So when the issue of calling obtain the word Are you Osceola and muscle in the
blockchain Mosque, the people of Lahore rebelled against the king Reza colosse. We're not gonna
we're not gonna, we're not gonna change your religion. You're trying to change our religion. We're
not going to the Imams, the automa of the mosque, they went against Bahadur Shah who was the son of
00:48:35 --> 00:48:43
			alternative Allah gave. And barbershop he commanded turn the guns towards the people. I mean, you
know, what we call the cannon?
00:48:45 --> 00:49:15
			guns, turn them towards the people and start fighting. But his son, his son came to him. He said,
Don't do this. This is going to cause a country wide rebellion and you will lose your power. Don't
fight the people leave the people leave the religion don't change the religion. And then he said
okay, no words in this format or in this message. So he abandoned the idea in Lahore hamdulillah.
But then he died soon after, after his death.
00:49:16 --> 00:49:59
			There was chaos, internal fighting among the princes to take the throne. Eventually, man called folk
car came to power from 1712 to 1719. He governed and he was very close to the father of chavela
shabda haimo would advise him on government affairs and trying to try to bring him closer to Islam
as much as possible. The Mughals that were conditioned had declined now. They were heavily involved
in drinking, singing, dancing, they are learning parties, they've completely lost the track. They
completely have completely lost the plot as they say, right. So now there is chaos in the country
because of the central weakness in the government. What
00:50:00 --> 00:50:02
			happens, finances start to suffer.
00:50:03 --> 00:50:31
			Finances start to suffer. When finances start to suffer, the army stops when the army is not paid
what happens? The defense of the country is weakened. When the defense was weakened, external power
started to rise. The Sikhs in Punjab, they started to destroy the countryside, started pillaging
villages, and destroying crops and buildings, and in many cases a lot of oppression took place.
00:50:33 --> 00:50:59
			Then came to rise, and other people call the jobs as a nation of Hindus who rose and they started to
cause a lot of devastation in the land, Muslims government successfully then another menace, which
came to rise from the south, from Maharashtra, in southern India, not completely solid, but it's
mainly Southwest.
00:51:01 --> 00:51:15
			These people were known as Moroccans, or mahatama. writers, they also rose and they started to
foster ideas to invade dei altogether and take it in a completely wipe out the Muslim government
00:51:17 --> 00:51:19
			for six centuries,
00:51:20 --> 00:51:54
			five centuries, from 1200 to 1700, from column 100, to 1700, no one could imagine in the wildest of
dreams to think of Delhi, because most of us have strong and powerful now has come the time that
everyone is looking at the cake, and they want a slice of the cake. And sure will you live now
realize what's going on. The moral condition of the people has declined because the political
condition of the kings and the court has declined
00:51:56 --> 00:52:14
			and the Muslim power is declining. So now we've seen all of this and he wants to travel to hijama
for Hajj. In 1731, he leaves Delhi with his companions and he goes to Hajj, it comes to a place
called Seurat, which is a port where you take the ship to Japan.
00:52:15 --> 00:52:19
			And the journey was very difficult for him. There are many details in his biography,
00:52:20 --> 00:52:41
			which he has written in South Korea, and fossati. In this he puts down a lot of things about his
experiences in life. So it's called an unpopular opinion where he talks about his father and his
love for his father. It talks about himself as well. It's like an autobiography.
00:52:42 --> 00:52:59
			So the journey was very difficult. So he eventually ends up in ages. He stays in jobs for 14 months.
Look, this person is very cool. In 14 months, he studies with Allah Ma. He covers the entire text of
multimer Malik
00:53:00 --> 00:53:07
			with a shake and macaco she was the law who was an authority on the Maliki fic. And it takes a jazza
00:53:08 --> 00:53:27
			Mata from the shape to teach her this. Then, in Medina, there is a giant of a shape of Hadees from
the Shafi school, his name was chef our target Allah could be the shortest chain of deeds in the
world today, right now as we speak in the world,
00:53:28 --> 00:53:41
			in the Muslim scholars or among the Muslim scholars, is through shower uma and I will title for the
this is a challenge. If anyone can produce a shorter chain, what we call Southern hourly,
00:53:42 --> 00:53:48
			going back to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of Hades and Hades I'll stand corrected.
00:53:49 --> 00:54:17
			If anyone can produce a shorter chain amazingly from India, out of all places in India, and this is
why a lot a lot of the Olimar Dr. alama they accept they admit that the service of Hades which has
been done in India, we cannot find other examples of it in the Muslim world after the early one
defeat the later disease. For example, people like Shere Khan man robotic foodie, who wrote
00:54:18 --> 00:54:18
			a giant
00:54:21 --> 00:54:53
			commentary on sanitarium as he is absolutely amazing. It was so amazing that when chef Mohammed
Ibrahim Ali shake, the teacher of Sherwin Basel ally, they heard about it or read it. He sent a
letter to him to give ijazah to Sheikh Mohammed Ibrahim, he sent a letter to share a Birdman Mubarak
curry, who is in India, asking him to give a Java to this chef who descended from Sheikh Mohammed
Abdul Wahab to give him ijazah, Cadiz the mostly of help.
00:54:54 --> 00:54:59
			Or Damascus if I'm remembering, remembering it correctly, wrote a letter to shake up the man who
bought a quarry to give him a job.
00:55:00 --> 00:55:32
			Cadiz after this country. So, there is another commentary on without written also by other Indian
scholar named Chef shamsul. azeem Abadi. And this commentary is known as Odin Mahmoud. He also came
from the same group of Allah who were teaching in India, the size of police. This is another topic
in itself completely, which will take us take us on a different tangent, but javelina is always
there. Shaolin was always in the middle, standing in the giant, who facilitated all of this.
00:55:34 --> 00:55:36
			He was not like the later afternoon he is not out
00:55:37 --> 00:56:23
			yet know the alexandar split into different groups in India. After shower you love daily shower, you
know died in the 18th century in the 19th century, and Asana split into few major groups some close
to some, not others, far from it. One of the schools that came to rise was 100, Hades, the school of
Hadith, who did not follow any school of thought blindly, they did not follow Hanafi school or Shafi
school or homily or Maliki school, they directly followed the evidence Sasa, for example, authentic
police and this tradition was actually initiated by Charles blind. So, he is the one who brought
this open mindedness to India previously, you could not talk about
00:56:25 --> 00:56:28
			you know, even roughly then in a mustard in India, you could get killed.
00:56:29 --> 00:56:59
			And there was an incident which happened in the time of Chava Illa. I will narrated later on remind
me, if I forget, so, very quickly Sharla goes to HR and he starts to study in with I start to start
to study with these giant allamah. So Sahadeva is covered, which will be within 14 months. Allah put
so much Baraka in his time, that within 14 months, he was able to do all these things and he was a
very deep, he was designed a bit you know,
00:57:01 --> 00:57:39
			there are who used to contemplate a lot on the Quran and his connection with the Quran was very,
very powerful, very strong. in Makkah, he wouldn't move from the Kaaba, he sat next to the Kaaba
listening to the automatic knowledge from them. And during that period, Allah blessed him with a lot
of visions and dreams, he has so many dreams, you know, getting messages from the unseen. And some
of these dreams he has documented in a book, or visuals he has documented in a book called for you
to haramain for you to Harmon literally means the blessings of
00:57:40 --> 00:58:32
			the two mosques, the blessing of the two mosques. So he received many visions and some of the
visions actually, one of the books he wrote later on, titled projectile, projectile lion Valletta,
which is a giant work about this book, Nawab Siddiq Hassan Al cologix, stated that in the entire
history of Islam, a book like this has not been written. So Pamela does a very big statement. That's
a very big because it's a very unique book. It took a very unique angle. It's in Arabic, it is
available in all due Arabic. And in English, some translation is also available in English.
maaseiah. Kate, her son man, is a woman. She has translated showery loss for jolanda into English
00:58:32 --> 00:59:02
			language. You can find it online, it's a very expensive print, unfortunately, it's over 100 pounds,
the translation published by ej, bro, but you can find a cheaper version of it from Pakistan, which
I did on vanilla. So you can find the same book for four pounds in Pakistan, same print, you know,
it's just a matter of being able to buy books from different publishers for cheaper price. So this
is this is the testimonial.
00:59:03 --> 00:59:04
00:59:05 --> 00:59:54
			He said he said that in the history of Islam. A book like this has not been written because Bala is
a very unique angle shower, you got took a very different angle to the book. What he did was he
explained the Assad of Sharia, He justified Sharia because at his time, a lot of questions because
there was so much political trauma like we have today. There was so much look, Syria, Philistine,
Libya, you know, all of this turmoil in the Middle East Egypt, yet people start to question Islam.
Why is this happening to us? Why is Allah do this to us? Why is this masiva Why is this killing? Why
are they suffering? So Pamela, in the times of turmoil, people start to you know, those who are weak
00:59:54 --> 01:00:00
			among those who have little connection with Alaska, they start to ask the stupid questions Someone
has to ask
01:00:00 --> 01:00:16
			have them write showery law. He wrote this book to answer these questions for his time. People are
asking questions. So the book is very philosophical in his approach, yet within the boundaries of
Sharia amazing job, you have to read it in order to understand what I'm talking about, what Nawab
Sadiq has
01:00:18 --> 01:00:33
			meant by his statement. So when he stated that Allah had inspired him, during this journey of ages
to write this book, The thought came to his mind that he must compile a word like this.
01:00:34 --> 01:01:03
			So he spent 14 months collectively in Medina and Mecca, taking a lot of knowledge from the Alomar
different automa. More so from checking of the law and check of a vital COVID took ages from them
and others. So no doubt me He studied and other texts of Hadees partly studied, and 14 months later,
he returned should occupy records he died a year after Sharla returned as an active alive to give
this authority to this man so that he can go in India and spark a revolution well like a jeep. Yeah.
01:01:05 --> 01:01:18
			at times when he would be teaching a nice to be student when you walk forward is only allow 13 1731
He is 27 or 28 years old, young man 2728. But when he's teaching
01:01:19 --> 01:01:29
			with an older man in his 70s or 80s, teaching her these two are 20 years 28 year old young man, he
said about what you love,
01:01:30 --> 01:01:37
			that I gave him the authority in words, he gives me the authority in meaning a lot more.
01:01:38 --> 01:01:59
			Because when I read the Hadees What do you love, he explains the meaning to me this is a sheriff who
has taught these all his life this is all shot this young man was his connection is alive His
Messenger and His love and His contemplation, the level of his contemplation and the number was so
deep that shaped his teacher checkable dialog or the sadness about Charlene locked.
01:02:00 --> 01:02:05
			So, having conducted his studies in 10 studies, it comes back to
01:02:07 --> 01:03:00
			because we back to India, when it comes back to India. So pengelola whatever, he starts to teach
completely differently. His methodology, his modus operandi has changed. His cousin who was William
shed ashik quality. One of his cousin's his uncle son, who accompanied him as a companion. And this
magic ashik polity is the man responsible for collecting shower laws works. And he is the one who
made them available for posterity, like valuable Java, you know, who collected the works of image a
mayor of London, Shere Khan Islam, it was a student, mainly, it was this effort, collecting the
works on the shape and making them available for the posterity, just like that Chef ashik polity was
01:03:00 --> 01:03:12
			the one who took a lot of this knowledge collected it even his letters, even his letters he wrote to
other people were collected by him. So he came back and share ashik of polity. He said, that
01:03:13 --> 01:03:56
			shower lot changed completely when he returned to India after this experience. After chaos, his
content changed his delivery chains. And after returning, he started to write these books. So one of
the big biggest contributions to the history of Islam or to the literature of Islam, he made was
this book called pajetta linebarger. amazing book on Muslim philosophy of Muslim metaphysics if you
want to call it that, he explained Islam rationally for the masses, and this book is so powerful
that anyone who reads it the automatic Kabbalah microphone, and the Hejaz region, they were shaken.
There was a panel that is a very powerful book, a very unique angle he took and he was very close to
01:03:56 --> 01:04:05
			everything. Yeah, some scholars even believe that NYU law there was a Moroccan there was a mixture
of Allah bizzarri and ebrahimian.
01:04:06 --> 01:04:47
			So, he had the mysticism of Al ghazali, you know, the philosophy, the philosophical mind organizzare
and the shery mind or the textual mind of Tamia. So he brought the text of because he was exposed to
the works of shekel Islamism, Jamia and ages, so when he was taught in Hejaz, he came to know this
giant of theology, check on Islam if the team here and then also Mr. Rosati and other ima he started
from and then his works reflect that very much very powerfully. Other words he wrote were on for
example, sort of see he wrote a book titled unfolding, unfolding Kabira hold
01:04:49 --> 01:04:56
			on a suit of t. Then he also wrote risala and insaf. fi solvy flf.
01:04:59 --> 01:04:59
			I don't remember the name
01:05:00 --> 01:05:45
			But this rissalah is on the causes of differences of opinion among different schools. So, when he
came back, he came back a very open minded man, he was not a rigid hanafy like he was in the past.
If you see his early works and his later works, there is a huge transition from one a lot of ages
and only a lot of post ages. So after Hejaz when you law has changed, his mind has opened a line
opened his mind to realities he couldn't understand previously. So he starts to write openly
unistrut starts to support other opinions. For example, one of the first things and the most
important things he does to open the minds of the Hanafi is in India were very rigid in the view and
01:05:45 --> 01:06:33
			sound to this day unfortunately, are very rigid and they don't want to listen to the the real or the
strength of the elite. The Elite he wrote shabalala wrote a commentary on on water of Mr. Malik.
Remember he took authorities motto from chef de la in Hejaz comes back in he writes a commentary
called Mustafa in Arabic and masala sorry, Mustafa, almost number one in Arabic, and one in Persia.
One of them is known as moussaka, the other one is known as the samba, okay. And both of these
commentaries were made available to students and their minds opened. So he started to, for example,
support non Hanafi opinions, because he found these to be very, very strong in favor of that. So
01:06:33 --> 01:06:50
			what happened was it his mustered A man came a scholar from another part of India. And he came and
he did this along with refer to them. This was asking for trouble at that time. So people grabbed
him who kind of period is this? We're doing
01:06:51 --> 01:07:00
			the crazy. We do. So the grabbing, and then we're gonna beat him up. So what do you love was not
president though most of the time, and he came back and he rescued me. So
01:07:01 --> 01:07:02
			what's wrong with you people?
01:07:03 --> 01:07:22
			And they asked him that he's praying in a strange way. He said, No, this is not leaving. This is
also not leaving and pray like this. And this man, when he was alone with what your wife said, you
know, all this and you don't teach people this? Or you don't do you don't do it yourself in the
masjid. He said, If I did it myself, who would save you today?
01:07:25 --> 01:08:06
			He said, If I was myself doing this, I would have been killed. I would have been killed by the
people of India, you know, the people are very rigid in the school, they wouldn't didn't want to
hear anything. So what do you want in this book? A gentleman by like I mentioned, he said, people
will do I refer you then with this. Whatever it is, before you go into Roku, and after you stand
from Roku, you raise your hands on your shoulders, this will refer you that yes, is that people who
do it are better than those who do not do it. Why? Because the evidence is overwhelming. But then he
also said that if it causes fitna if it causes problems, if it you know, if it if it causes a
01:08:06 --> 01:08:42
			commotion, then it is possibly better to avoid it. That's the opinion he followed, but later on his
grandson sheis manager he went to the next level and he said colosse we have to do it is Sunday. So
no, we have to do it. We have to practice it. But his life is another topic in itself. We will not
have time to cover. The life of Shah is Vijay he and his son shot the disease giant giant all of
them while you lie some of the disease and then his nephew, smile. He died in 1831 fighting against
the Sikhs
01:08:43 --> 01:09:04
			in the region of Pakistan today, because he believed that the Sikhs were oppressing the Muslims at
the time. When Jeet Singh, Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the king of Punjab government from the shower
to have been one of the biggest Empire Sikhs I've ever covered systematically and these people from
Delhi from the School of the negros and they came around from
01:09:05 --> 01:09:53
			behind the seats from Bashar when they started to conquer land from the Sikhs. And then they were
betrayed by some of the bassoon tribes unfortunately, and they lost the battle of Bala court in
1831. Shai spreadsheet the grandson of Shangri La, and his mom is a meal. So your damage aid also
killed the battle was lost, but the movement continued. And then in 1857, the mutiny people came up,
and then eventually it ended up as the independence of Pakistan in 1947. But the point is going back
to Charlotte, this man has served his people immensely to make the final points about his life and
his importance. He wrote books on all necessary topics of his time. For example, another issue which
01:09:54 --> 01:09:59
			arose at that time was there was a very strong Persian influence in India. Very
01:10:00 --> 01:10:11
			Very strong Persian Shia influence in India. Okay, Shangri La wanted to tackle that. He wanted to do
something about it. So what he does is he starts to write a book.
01:10:12 --> 01:10:19
			Because the main issue of confusion in India at the time the debate was about the legitimacy of
three qualify
01:10:20 --> 01:11:09
			for a sonata who overcome America's man, the Shia scholars are proponents at the time. were arguing
that their legitimacy is in question, or they will not make it to medical alpha. Legitimate Khalifa
was only aluminum because it because he was appointed by Mohammed salatu salam, and that's why he
was legitimate, so many confusion or confusion arose from this problem. So when you look and also
some of the Shia states, one of them was Ahmed was threatening Muslim existence because they're
excited with the maracas mulatos window attacking Muslims. Mehrotra, as you know, I talked about
them earlier that when they were attacking Muslims, the state of our government by asking a bola
01:11:12 --> 01:11:51
			initially, and later on one of his sons, if I'm not mistaken, subtitle john, who had allied with the
Waratahs and and the jobs and the jobs to attack the daily kingdom, the kingdom of moguls because if
the kingdom Mughal falls, the Sunday power, effectively false, so shall we realize that politically
now, the Shia entity politically is threatening the existence of Islam and Muslims are the Sunni
Muslims in India. So he took on this task to write this book titled is Allah Toluca lava tilaka.
01:11:52 --> 01:12:04
			So this is again an encyclopedia of information originally written in Persian. Now fortunately for
us, recently, very recently translated into Arabic by one of our
01:12:06 --> 01:12:07
01:12:08 --> 01:12:19
			May Allah bless him, Chef Muhammad Bashir Sal Coty, he has translated the entire text from Persian
into Arabic of this book.
01:12:20 --> 01:13:05
			And I recommend those of you who know Arabic language, you must read this book is our tofa on
khilafah. Tila qualifies two volumes in Arabic, translated directly from pleasure and this book can
be found it is available in Pakistan and you can get it from there. inshallah. So, he wrote this
book and it had a huge impact on the minds of the people who had competed on this issue. It
clarified the issue Subhanallah people did not have the time showery love for this, then his son
also wrote a book on the similar issue. Top Five is Nigeria, which was dealing with the issue of
Shia shewhart in India at the time, and sharp disease, the son of Sharla, when he wrote his book to
01:13:05 --> 01:13:26
			fight Nigeria, he writes in the Macondo, that there is not a house which is not influenced by Shia
thought, in India. For that reason, I want to write this book to clarify the picture of the Sunni
opinion on matters and Al Hamdulillah. That book took the Shia circles by storm and almost over 25
responses were written.
01:13:27 --> 01:13:45
			There is a Shia scholar from India, he has passed away not very long ago. His name is Dr. Abbas
Louie. He has written a book on Charlie law and childhood disease. And when he wrote a book, wrote
his book on Shark disease, half the book is dealing with Nigeria
01:13:46 --> 01:14:13
			discussing it and refutation about it. So Sharia law had a huge impact on educated minds, the
intellectual side of the Muslims, and also on the masses, there was a huge movement and madrasa
rahimian 1000s of students came to Cadiz knowledge from him and went back to the towns in India to
spread all over India. So Islam as we know it today in India, as we know it today, in India, Islam
in him
01:14:15 --> 01:15:00
			goes back to one house, one family, one madrasa, one neighborhood. It is Mother salvinia, the man is
showing you love Dylan. He is the one who revived or possibly he, Reese resuscitated Islam in India,
because Islam was facing a lot of problems in him at the time. And politically, he served the
Muslims in a number of different ways. He wrote letters to Muslim kings and powerful logos to do
something about the situation of the six of the jobs and the Waratahs. So because the Murata has a
pillaging Muslim villages and Muslim cities, and now daily have been plundered, Delhi itself had
been attacked by the maracas and
01:15:00 --> 01:15:17
			Learn of the city to such an extent that the people of day very civilized very, very, you know, very
civilized very soft, very nice people, literary people educated people, they started to think of
suicide, how suicide
01:15:18 --> 01:15:23
			they started to gather a woman and they wanted to kill them before the mulatos get their hands on
01:15:25 --> 01:15:55
			Show them not all these people not to do that this is not from Islam, and think of the situation of
saying, When Illuminati Pilate, look what happened to him at Kufa in Karbala, what would happen to
him, he didn't kill his woman. He knew these people are gonna get their hands on them. He didn't
kill women or children. So don't do that. To protect them or protect the owner. Don't do that. Don't
do this. So he protected lies like that. This is how much threats Muslims are facing. So what does
she does he sit around and with his head in his hands and
01:15:56 --> 01:16:13
			what do we do now? mid barbecue and the machete? We do that? Like most Uzu Mashallah tomato
lemondrop this is what's happening there. mcda brothers and sisters need to help make do I know he
didn't do that. He started to do what he could do. In his capacity, he started to write letters.
01:16:14 --> 01:16:34
			He started to write letters to people like Najib bola, are very powerful rohilla Nawab in northern
India who governed the state of Oroville country. Then, then his arm of Ducker, he started to write
letters to him. And then the king of Afghanistan that was the decisive blow.
01:16:36 --> 01:16:50
			The kingdom of God Hassan, who had already invaded India a number of times. So he said to him, that
you're the only man alive today in the world, who can save the Muslims of India from destruction.
01:16:52 --> 01:17:27
			The Muslims of India from destruction, if you don't come to rescue, Allah will question you. And
then he explains the political situation of India in this huge letter is a long letter, which can be
found in a collection of letters collected by colleague of mine Nizami and the book is an older
primary is called showery lack of calcium up to box and the letters of chavela can be found
translated into will do from pleasure in this book, and the letter he wrote to amateur abdali or
dharani amateur Durrani, also known as avid shopper Ronnie is a huge lecturer.
01:17:28 --> 01:17:38
			Whether I'm a giant varied India as a result of that latter or not, is is another question
altogether and historians have debated but in 1761, Najib bola
01:17:40 --> 01:18:35
			Nizam from Tucker, Atma Cha, three armies get together Muslims, so nice. And they fight developers
in a place called panicles 1761. And they break the back of the neurotoxin. For the next 20 years
mulatos are not able to stand up on the knees. 100,000 writers were killed in this battle. And
another 100,000 ran with the lights 1761 and a year later 1762 shower a lot a lot he passed away he
died in Delhi in his birthday. And he did his services to Islam politically, literally. You know
islamically name it he was there to serve the Ummah he did what he could in his power. And he stands
as a projected of the 18th century clearly in the eyes of the major Olimar this oma and this Homer
01:18:35 --> 01:19:11
			can never pay him back for his failures and we should as an oma pray for his forgiveness me alumnus
and forgive his mistakes because he made mistakes, no doubt he made mistakes. But he spoke against
benign check, which was rife in India at the time, against great worshipping, showered in law spoke
against it, although it was not easy to do. So in India at the time, he tackled the Shia Shabbat,
which was not easy at the time. He wrote letters to Kings of different states to come and rescue the
Muslims not easy at the time. So Allah protected him all the way.
01:19:12 --> 01:19:26
			And after him came his son, sharp disease who took over from him and and he also has a very, very
unique history, which we can discuss at another stage in the future is Akuma locker molesting
Assalamu alaikum.