Adnan Rajeh – The Unlawfulness of Harm #09

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning early on and being mindful of one's own actions is emphasized. The speaker advocates for being careful with negative hadiths and offers advice for Tonight. The message is not a message and one should be mindful of one's own actions. The speaker emphasizes the need to be careful with what one says and why they say it to avoid harming others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Of the unlawfulness of harm is just tonight

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and tomorrow inshallah, then I'll move on something

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else next week inshallah ta'ala. And I hope

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inshallah this is helpful and, you know, you

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can share some of these hadith with your

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children and and this is something has to

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be taught early on. You have to learn

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this early in life that you are not

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to harm people, that you cannot afford to

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cause any form of harm. Even if it's

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something simple, even if it's psychological, even if

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it's just yeah. I need something that is,

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in passing that people forget about quickly. Any

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form of harm is is just not permissible.

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and I and that's how he lived his

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life alayhi salatu wa salam. And that's why

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he taught the Sahaba to live. And I

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Yani, I rank this in the top 10

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hadith that everyone should should learn in their

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lives. It's gonna be because it's very profound

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and it's very very meaningful.

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And it can be used to explain multiple,

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concepts. I and I'm using it for this

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one here because I think it, it it

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relates to. And this is what he said

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And this is the narration of, you know,

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Muslim and the narration of is a little

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bit different. And there's

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some very

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variations here.

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And this is just a very scary hadith.

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Like, It's extremely scary but it's also very

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It works both ways. So he he says

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the following. Indeed,

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the servant of Allah will will say a

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that has within it something that is pleasing

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to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. And the servant

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will say it and will not notice or

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remember or pay attention to the fact that

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they said it. It'll be something that they

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say that they don't even pay attention to.

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Like, they forget about it almost immediately after.

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Meaning, if you bring them and say, yeah,

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you said that, they'll say, I I I

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don't even remember meeting that person. They remember

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saying this word. I I don't I don't

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think so. I don't think, oh, if it's

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in the book, then I must have done

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it. I don't remember it. And it's and

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it's some within it, there is something that

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pleases Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala He finds himself

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in being elevated to status as in Jannah

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that they didn't think was possible. Right?

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Someone someone standing by and and then you

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just go up and say something nice. Someone

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who's having an absolutely horrible time. Someone who

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just go hit who just hit rock rock

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bottom and you took, like, a split second

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of your day and said, you look there's

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nothing nice about them. Something nice about them.

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And you walked away and you forgot that

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you ever said that. Within 10 years, you

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have no recollection of ever doing and even

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you probably don't even remember meeting this person.

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But it meant so much to them, especially

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when you're talking to youth, especially when you're

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talking to children and and younger people. Oh,

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a young person will remember

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remember who encouraged them in their lives. And

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if you're if you're of the age, you'll

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you'll know. You'll go back and you're you'll

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be able to remember that. Quran, they and

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it it didn't do much. Like, the person

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that you remember to have a a positive

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influence on you, they didn't do that much.

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It was just a few times where they

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said a few nice words and it just

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it's it's resonated with you. It stayed with

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you. It stuck with you. And and this

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is the example of that's the positive. That's

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the good piece. So yeah. But that's not

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why I'm telling you this hadith. No.

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I'm narrating this hadith with the other part.

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This part you can do, you don't do

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it. They'll still fit. It's up to you.

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If you care, you don't care. I don't

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I don't, honestly, it doesn't matter. But it's

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the second piece that you have to know.

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And indeed, the servant will say a word,

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that has within it something that displeases Allah

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and they don't pay attention that they even

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send it. They will be falling in jahannam

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for 70 years.

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They will find themselves falling for 70 years.

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Just falling.

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Why am I falling? Because of the word

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you said to Fulan.

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Who is Fulan?

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Oh, you met him on

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July 11, 2024.

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You you said,

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who is this person? I've never seen this

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person in my life.

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I don't even remember. I never said that.

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I didn't whoever wrote this is lying. I

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I didn't I I've never said this. And

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then they they play the footage back for

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you. And you and you see the footage

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and you still don't remember.

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Because who's going to remember every single word

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they say? No one does. No one has

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the capacity to do that, especially we don't

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pay attention to it.

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If your if your threshold of harm is

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not high, if you don't care a lot

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about this, if you're not sensitive towards this,

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then you can say something that is can

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be absolutely devastating to someone. You can say

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something that's harmful, that's that's disrespectful, that's rude,

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that's hurtful. You didn't mean it at the

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time because you didn't care.

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And but it left such a it left

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a a mark on that person. It hurt

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them. You pushed them. You put their head

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your hand on their head when they were

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already down. You shove their face in the

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mud when they are just fallen. You you

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just and you didn't care. You didn't think

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of it. You forget about it completely. You

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find yourself

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Be careful. Be careful. This is what he's

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If I were to say this, you wouldn't

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accept it from me. If I said this

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if I gave the meaning of this hadith

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myself, you would have rejected it and throw

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it back in my face. He said it

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so you have to listen.

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He said it. He said that you'll say

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That you don't even pay attention to it.

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You're like, I didn't pay attention to it.

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It must not matter. Oh, it matters.

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Oh, it matters.

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If it harms someone, oh, god doesn't matter.

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It matters a lot, so be careful. Be

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careful what you say and who you say

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it to and how you say it and

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why you say it. Be careful. Be careful

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of causing harm because the first one is

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beautiful. Awesome if you're that type of person.

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You walk around encouraging and saying nice thing.

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But if you're not that, which is the

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majority of people aren't, by the way, way,

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like, just so you know, in case you

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think you are, you're not. We don't have

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anyone like that in our community. They'll set

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those they stand out like a sore thumb.

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The person who walks around just saying nice

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things to people. We if we had 5

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of them, Yani, we would have a better

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society. If you had 5 Muslims, just 5

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Muslims in this community who walked around looking

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for good things and to compliment people for,

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we would have a different society You have

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no idea how far a good word goes.

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We don't have those people. We don't have

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them. I can tell you, Biyani, but I've

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been here for 10 years. They don't exist.

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Inshallah. Maybe next generation will learn and they'll

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do that. But don't be the other one.

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Don't be number don't be the second guy.

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Don't be the second guy because that's that

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is just devastating.

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That you end up yeah. You're basically you're

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calculating your hasidat and say you're barely making

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it. And then one word you said, you

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can't even remember you said it. You have

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no recollection of this mockery,

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of this moment of a laugh

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at someone or or a comment that a

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remark that was a little bit demeaning or

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a remark that just didn't wasn't thought well

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through well and it hurt someone and you

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find yourself, you're on, why am I falling

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this far? What did I do?

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I I I didn't

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and that doesn't scare you, then I don't

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know what will. But it scares me, and

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I hope it scares you. And that's what

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he taught alayhis salatu wa sallam because we

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lived. You know that he did that he

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did that right before the end of his

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life? You know, and

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he stood there and he said,

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If I took any of your wealth, come.

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I have whatever I have left, I'll give

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you from it.

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If I've ever hurt someone physically, come take

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take it take it from my back now.

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If I've if I've hurt your integrity, if

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I've taken you from your blood, come do

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it now.

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He said don't forget don't don't be afraid

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that I'll carry a grudge.

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It's not a part of my who I

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am. I don't I don't carry grudges.

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But I hope to meet Allah and I

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and I owe no one anything.

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I come and I no one no one

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has anything to ask me for. No one

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can say that I owe them something in

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my life.

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That's how he lived. That's how he lived.

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And if he lived like that, then I

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don't know what I'm gonna say about myself,

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but I hope that hadith is is helpful

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Tonight, tomorrow is 3:15. I don't believe that

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there's a khutbah at the encampment because there's

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no more encampment. So, yeah. I mean, just

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in case you were going there

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