Adnan Rajeh – The Unlawfulness of Harm #06

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a hadith from the prophet Alayedi about harms being a big problem and the importance of protecting people from it. They explain that the message used in the hadith is that people are harmed by the actions of others, and that the message of the prophet's point is that people are deserving of harm if they cause harm to others. The speaker warns that the message is not simple and that people should value their integrity and disrespect their disrespect.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm in a, collection called Al Hillia, and

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it has a reasonable chain of narration rate

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to us by Abu Dar al Ligefari. And

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this is a is is a heavy hadith,

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so embrace yourself a little bit. This is

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the, the theme is the unlawfulness of Harm.

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And as I I've explained a number of

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times over the last maybe

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over the last 3 years that the prophet,

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alayhis salatu wa sallam's words are always very

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well well chosen. They're very precise, articulate. They're

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very kind and tender. They're very tender. They're

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not heavy. Very rarely does he use heavy

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words. But when he does, he does it

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to, you know,

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to spark a little bit of interest in

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you and maybe some some extra attention to

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what he's talking about

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because he it's like someone who's always speaking

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in a certain tone and then they change

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it for a moment. It's just so that

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you, you know, they grasp your attention for

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a second. So he's always very tender in

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his words, alayhis salatu wa saba. Sometimes he'll

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use a very heavy word just to get

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you to pay attention. And in this hadith,

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it's 1 of those heavy ones. At least

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I think it is. Maybe you don't feel,

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but I I think it's 1 of them.

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And the Allah and I think he he

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he uses this you know, the way the

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the words he uses because of the fact

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that harm is just such a big problem.

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And this is what he said

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The person who harms Muslims in their in

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their roads.

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Meaning as they go in back and forth

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to their to to their, to to their

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jobs or to buy and sell it.

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Meaning, the road is seen as a place

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where you are out of your element. You're

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not in your house. You're not protected.

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You're you're in on route and you're basically

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in limbo for a for a little bit.

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And you need the road to be safe.

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You need it to be clean so that

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you can get there safely. You can't have

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people sitting around there watching you leave and

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watching your wife and watching your children and

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it's it's very it's very unsettling when people

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are harming you on on the roads. We

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don't have that problem as much here in

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in this country, but if you live back

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in the middle you know this is a

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so the prophet, alayhi, was saying, the person

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who harms Muslims on their on their ways

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to places or they put they put garbage

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on the road. So the road is is

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smells like

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like a like a laboratory

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or it looks like a yeah. You're walking

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into a a mizballah. It's it's so dirty.

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Or people who actually harm people on the

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way. A lady is going somewhere and she

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has to hear comments or someone's going somewhere

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has hear comments or someone has to, yeah,

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has to be

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looking in a way that is not appropriate

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or or watching what they bought or making

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them feel uncomfortable about themselves.

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Meaning they this person is is deserving of

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the damnation of the Muslims upon them. Meaning

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they this person is is deserving if the

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of it.

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And they and they wouldn't. But if they

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were to do it, this person deserves it.

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Deserves for Muslims to say

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may Allah damn them. May Allah curse them.

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Because it's it's it's but what's the harm?

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Again, every example I've given you so far

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aside from the hadith of yesterday that's a

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monumental hadith. All the types of harm the

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prophet, alayhis salaam, has pointed out are

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Right? Don't 2 people whisper and the 3rd

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person listen.

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Someone who's walking up going through groups of

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people who are praying, putting putting his trying

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to get upfront.

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What's the harm in all this stuff?

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What's the real harm? It's basically

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it's it's really nothing. Right? It's not yeah.

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It is. It is. That's the whole point.

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The whole point is you're saying, I saw

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him, I saw him, I saw him saying

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it. It surely is. This is real harm.

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It's it's it means a lot. Do not

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do it. It's a big deal. It's it's

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not something simple. No. Who told you it's

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simple? Who told you that doing hurting people's

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feelings and hurting their integrity and disrespecting disrespecting

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them is something simple. It's not something simple.

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It's a big deal and you'll be held

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accountable for it. So if you even if

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you throw garbage on the road that Muslims

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walk on or you sit there and you

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stare at people

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prying into their par private lives. Not this

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this is harm and this is something worthy

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of their damnation upon you.

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May Allah protect us all. This is how

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he valued

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this is how he valued the sanctity of

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human life, of human integrity, and of human

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well-being. This is how he valued it

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If we truly believe in him, we have

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to value it the same way.

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And, you know, there's no other way to

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understand what he's explaining here

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aside from that.

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