Adnan Rajeh – The Significance of Masajid -5

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the theme of Masajid and how it relates to the idea of being safe. They stress that the message is not about the time spent, but rather about the way people are treated. The speaker warns that anyone who is in the "error of judgment" area should be banned from coming to the "slow of judgment" area, and that anyone who is in the "error of judgment" area should be respected.
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to narrate to us by Abu Darda

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The theme is the significance of Masajid. I've

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narrated a couple of hadith about that, and,

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I'm gonna rate a few this week as

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well. And And this is what Abu Darda

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said. This is what he said.

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He said, oh, person who's listening to me,

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may Masajid be your home.

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Because indeed I've heard the prophet I heard

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the prophet

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say the following.

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Indeed, Allah

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has guaranteed

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for the one who makes their

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and safe passage upon the on the day

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of judgment.

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On the day of judgment, you're both safe

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and you have safe passage upon the Silat.

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You'll make it across the Silat until the

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day in in into Jannah. If Mas'ajid become

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your home. What does that mean? Means this

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is not that you the this is this

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is very important. It has nothing to do

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with the time you spend.

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It has nothing to do with the time

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you spend. It's the way you see it.

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It's how you treat it.

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For a Mercedes to be your home, how

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do you deal with your home? You make

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sure your home is clean. You make sure

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your home is welcoming. You make sure your

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home is functional. You make sure your home

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has everything that it needs, and that those

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who are there, the guests there are also

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taken care of. That is what it means

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to make Masjid your home.

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If you spend all day and night in

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the Masjid

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and you don't go to your job and

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you mistreat the people in the Masjid and

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you abuse the Masjid resources, this is not

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talking about you.

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You need to be removed from the Masjid.

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If you're coming to the Masjid and you're

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prioritizing the mess being in the Masjid over

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your family, over your over over what you

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need to prioritize in your life, then you

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should be banned for coming to the masjid.

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But if you make the Masjid your home,

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that means you feel towards it that way.

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You feel responsible for it. You feel ownership.

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You come to the message. You don't wait.

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You don't complain about stuff. You come if

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something is broken, you fix it. If something

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is required, you offer it. If there's a

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gap, you fill it. If it needs money,

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you give it. If it needs cleaning, you

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clean it. If it needs whatever whatever it

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is. If someone's a guest in the Masjid,

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you make sure you you feel responsible to

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make sure that they feel welcome there. That's

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what it means. And if you do that,

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then Allah guarantees for you

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to feel safe and to make it on

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the until

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And I can't imagine

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this hadith is nothing more beautiful than what

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he's offering here.

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What he is telling us is guaranteeing for

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us, there is nothing that is more valuable.

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There's nothing that's more valuable than on the

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day of judgment, you not

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standing there in fear.

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And for when you stand in front of

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those tavat that you make it to the

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other side.

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Those are the two things in the day

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of judgment that you will

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be the most difficult.

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Because when you come to the Surat and

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whether you're gonna make it to their side

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or not. And the fear that is just

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filling that day, Allah grant you that safety

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and the safe passage of their side. May

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Allah grant us all of those. Allahumma'amin and

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allow us to make our homes in the

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way that he

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