Adnan Rajeh – The Significance of Masajid 4

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of being on the bus and purifying intentions when coming to the church. They stress the importance of being sincere when coming to the church and not purifying things in the church. The speaker also mentions a recent event at MSG deletion for aRepresentative's name.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah glad tidings of something beautiful. Meaning if you are able

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to compound as many good intentions as possible when you

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come to the house of Allah subhanaw taala you will walk away

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with benefits from all of them. Like if you come to the masjid and

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the intention is Salah, then you will find connection with Allah

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subhanho wa Taala if you come with the intention of Salah and to

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learn something, then you will also walk away with a connection

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and something that you learn. And if you came to the masjid with the

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intention of Salah and to learn and to connect with some of your

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Muslim brothers, they will do that as well. And the more good

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intentions that you compound that you add upon one another when you

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come to the masjid, the more of these that you will walk away with

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when you come to the masjid.

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And the Buddha would and others who narrated this hadith would

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title it

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Bible and also fill it yeah and Eden masjid, or Tala LLC and then

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at an email message it is the importance of being sincere with

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your intention when you're coming to the massages. Because whatever

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it is you came for, is what you'll walk away with. So if you came

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with a different intention, if you came to a masjid and the intention

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was not the right one, there was something that was spiked in it or

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there was any some degree of of ostentation, or some degree of

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something wrong and then then you will walk away with that. That is

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what you'll get out of it. So when you come to the masjid when you're

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on your way to the house of Allah subhanaw taala I'll take a moment

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and just watch your intention for a second why am I going and add as

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many good things as you can to it. And if there is something in it,

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that's not pure, get rid of it. Like if there if some if you're in

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on demand you're going and there's a part of it, a part of you is

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doing it. It's not the right reason. Yeah, I mean, if you're

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young and you're forced to go because parent took you or you're

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going on it because you need to talk to someone about something,

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then purify your intention, like the goal was I need I need to get

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this this one thing from someone that purify, find a way to fix it

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so that you will come to the missing you get everything out of

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it, you can still come with the intention of benefiting from

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taking picking up something from someone that's fine, but make sure

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you take a moment and purify of why you're doing it because the

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more good intentions you have, when you come to the house of

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Allah the more Allah subhanaw taala will grant you as you walk

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away. So it doesn't have to be it can be many things and masajid are

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versatile places. There is Salah, and there is and there is a

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connecting with Muslim brothers and sisters and there is Yachty

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getting out of the house and there is taking a walk and there's a

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there's a lot of different things that you can you can benefit from,

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from from coming to the house of Allah, those intentions within

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Allah let me grant you a nosleep or a certain amount of each of

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those good deeds when you when you walk into the masjid and walk out

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of it and I think the Prophet I know you made it very simple

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fella. Hello, whatever you came in for is what you're going to get at

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the end of it. So make sure you take the time to revise of why

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you're doing what you're doing. And I think I find that to be very

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beneficial. I hope I hope you find it helpful as well. You already

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email more than any here we send it in person and I'll be right on

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top of the Allahu Anhu God but I also realize that Allahu Allah you

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earlier this month at MSG deletion for who will have Saqqara Sula,

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he's of Allah. Allah Allah. Allah Allah was in limbo about like I'd

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be you know, Habib, you know karate or you know Muhammad while

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earlier so he was like Malachy

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