Adnan Rajeh – The Significance of Masajid -3-.

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The importance of following Prophet Muhammad's teachings during a spiritual practice is emphasized, along with prioritizing one's actions and family. The message of "has been there" is also discussed, emphasizing the importance of finding a place for men to go first before they go home. The message of "has been there" is still relevant to the whole of the world.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know Muhammad Yunus early he was such a big manual bad for the

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little drummer. Lady from Lima to move out like you send you a few

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Hello XL Romeo Salah T either CD or malaria Rasulullah Lee he was

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so happy human welcoming coleambally and Salah hiddenite of

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Jamal I suppose at night there's a lot of Balakian this night, as

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soon as you increase your salah upon the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa

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salaam from all good deeds. Yahweh Lima Ashima goofiness Nettie, he

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missed anything Hassanein and Abdullah even Jamar Amin Hapa WE

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ARE WE Allah one Houma god

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are you doing a collection

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with a reasonable generation married to us by a bola have been

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our and it's a very, it's a very simple how it is not. It's not a

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complicated one, there's not a lot of information in it, the theme of

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the significance of massages is what I'm going to be covering over

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the next week or two or three maybe. And I like this hadith

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because it doesn't really have a lot of like, I'm gonna just

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describe something that he saw that I think is significant and I

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think is worthy of of sharing with you. And Abdullah bin Ahmad was a

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observant Sahabi and he was someone who tried to follow the

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Prophet Allah your thoughts on every detail of his life, you

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know, he was not just, it wasn't just the big strokes, but also the

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detailed strokes just how he was early Allahu Anhu he would try and

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do everything. If you saw the Prophet Allah you saw somebody

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walking down a road in a certain way he would walk down that road

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in that certain way if you saw him stand under a tree for a second he

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was standing under the tree for the second time you saw him eating

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something you eat the thing you saw the Allahu Anhu and he would

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care he cared about the details in terms of following the Prophet

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Allah He saw somebody but he did have the big strokes in place. I

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think I think a lot of the problems with are the problem with

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with following the details

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it comes from when the person is trying to follow the Prophet Allah

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Islam in the details and is missing the big strokes. Like

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they're missing the big picture like the the person does not have

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the basic the basic amount of compassion does not have the basic

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amount of honesty of love of close like the basics that the person is

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harmful towards they're they're they're rude towards other Muslims

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or to their spouses or to when you're lacking the basics, basic

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dub of the Prophet Allah your assault on character, you actually

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repel people from following the details if you are following the

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details. And this is an important thing that when you try to follow

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him out of your slot to a setting you choose that you have to

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prioritize you have to prioritize you have to start with the weight

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you have to start with the basic Allah and Allah and then follow

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the family you saw him in the in the in the bigger picture aspects

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that he did. And then if after you do that, and you become you have

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that nailed down then you can start looking for the details. I

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think it's a beautiful, I think it's beautiful, but when you don't

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have the bigger picture, it's a problem because it makes people

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feel like it actually repels people from the Dean like you're

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doing it without even knowing that you're doing that so it's

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important to understand this piece and I just want to point that out

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because because I have no problem with people who want to follow him

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out he slaughters them in the details on the left here and the

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way that you will is beautiful but make sure you have everything else

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down like in the basics make sure you have the basics down as well

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when you're when you're following him either use them or else it

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doesn't end up looking good. Anyways, I mean amatola on who was

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the master of kind of following the these details and this hadith

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he says the following are the Allahu Anhu Salah Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in acapella mean ha Jetty Heba

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philia and Peter kalamalka that he saw the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa

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salaam praying on his way back from hedge fund his hedge and

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double file, thumb Medaka Palo Alto Medaka Rasulullah he said

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Allah Allah you early you said lemon Medina for an hour ha I know

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a birdie Miss Judy. Phil Medaka who the rock ice like I teen

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through Hmong solo for Isla de Gaulle and Afia fucka Lika

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Kearney, Austin, I even

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said the Prophet alayhi salam when he came to Medina, I mean, the

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rabbi prayed on his way back from he normally when he came to Medina

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knew he had already prayed the beginning of the hazing that he

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already had already prayed whatever prayer it was time for

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that he entered Medina last time you had prayed on his way back, he

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didn't need to, but he came to the masjid. He tied his camel to the

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outside of the Masjid. He entered, he prayed to like guys in the

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masjid and then he went home. And now I'm open, Your Honor, the

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great Sahabi the great Tabby, sorry, who Yanni narrated to us

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most of what Allah had been taught and did in his life said this is

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what Abdullah bin mo did every single time he came back to

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Medina. Every time he came back to me, he went to the message first

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and he prayed first, and they take from this hadith and this hadith

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is the way that it's mobile with the way that it's titled within

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the books of Hadith. By the 70 year old Mr. E either either

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either dairy he, what the person should do when they come back to

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their house or to their home to their country. The first thing

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that they do is they go to the masjid and they pray to Allah.

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This is what this is what the masjid was. The message it was the

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place you checked in first. Like you came back here you've been

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traveling for a while before you go home. You go to the masjid, you

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pray to a locker there and you check in make sure everything is

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there anything you need to know any new piece of information that

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you missed on your way back and eat something here and then go

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home because the message was the hub

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That's where you went, you went there first, you checked in with

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the email more with the mean. And you made sure that you found

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things out that don't. This is not an invitation by the way to come

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in and look for me. But the idea here is clear that the masjid had

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that degree of importance within the lives of the Muslims. It was

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the center of their city was the center of society, it was the

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center of life. So if you're a Muslim, a practicing Muslim, if

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you are traveling, when you came back, you fret to the message

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first you pray to like, you made sure everything was good, you make

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sure there was nothing that you had missed that you should know

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about that you shouldn't be doing. And then you went home, and then

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you went home, but the message that we came first, and I find

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that to be absolutely beautiful, like the concept to be absolutely

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magnificent. You think about it, you have a place like that in your

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life. Like if you're traveling and coming back, there's a place you

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want to go first. Sometimes if you're lucky is your home, it's

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your house. But for men, sometimes it's not. For me,

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permitted, sometimes it's not there somewhere else you want to

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go first, like there's a there's a shared space where the Shabaab

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come together, you want to go there first see people and then go

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home. Again, it's a part of the life cycle of a man like a male,

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it's always been night domestic became that Furman, during the

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Prophet it sounds time, like he he transformed, he got rid of all

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these other side places where people would like to go check in

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first and then go home, he made the mistake that place. So

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wherever you were, even if you're traveling long distances, you're

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outside of the city, you came there first and then went home,

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like many people will print a shirt before they go home, they

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have a place they check in first. Now, there's a room somewhere

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outside of our place, he goes sit there for a few minutes, like

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acid, Chai shorts, and then go home like someone, it's just the

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way men often need that it's a very common practice. The Prophet

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Allah installed and transformed this into the message, the message

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became the spot that everyone wants to go first, before they did

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anything, that's when you checked in, you checked in you find out

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you found out what was going on you. You were connected, not just

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to Allah subhanaw taala in the house of Allah, but to the people

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around you. You had your hub, you had your teachers, you had your so

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you had the people that you went and you connected with, and then

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you found your way back to your home because this was their home

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before their homes were their homes. I just think that's

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absolutely beautiful. I really do. Right. And I'm not saying that

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that's going to be the case for you. I'm not even calling you to

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do it only because it may not be appropriate. But I'm just saying

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that's how they saw the Masjid. If if the Muslim communities around

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the world and work hard, they can make the message that again, like

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that you can we can turn the message back into that where it's

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the center of the State of the City is the center of the

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community. It's the hub that everyone wants to go to first and

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then go home. And that would be just amazing. If the message

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became that became that center for all of us and it was for the

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Prophet alayhi salatu salam it was for a bit and for centuries

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afterwards it continued to be and one day inshallah we'll come back

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to being that again. Yahweh the man Why do people study he'd be

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sent in Hasson and Abdullah Hypno kidney Amara. Oh the Allahu Anhu

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man and now also what Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa early USA

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lemma, Salah Hina aka Bella feelin mean Hagerty here if you still

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To Medaka la sala Allah Allah He early he was a lemon Medina for an

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hour I know a Barbie Miss Judy he done Medaka Allah who felt like it

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here like it any thought amongst all of her either BD here on earth

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Yeah, Africa the Lika Cornejo SNA opener, Omar, Salah Sula, he still

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Allah Allah JoJo CyberZone Michael magandang Shinola Illa, heyland

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stock vehicle to vehicle so Allah wa salam O Allah, Allah you know,

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have you been

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