Adnan Rajeh – Seerah #21

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The history and importance of Islam is emphasized, including its importance for personal growth and social acceptance. Depth of acceptance and sharing experiences is emphasized, along with the "egotiation period" between the Prophet Alayshi Parah's death and the implementation of physical harm. The importance of learning and educating oneself is emphasized, and safety and integrity in the oil industry is emphasized. The pandemic may affect the industry, but safe and responsible work practices are necessary. protecting employees and their workforce is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa salatu wa sallim wa barik ala de you know Habib in Medina Allah early he also the he Jemaine.

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It's been what now six months

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it's been around six months since I gave the last clo halacha. Wow, these are fourth time around.

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I never I didn't buy now we should have been done Subhanallah it's how things ended up playing out.

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But I'm very happy that we're back again. And then I can share with you the stories of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and

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I guess

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I No offense to people who are older, but I look forward to seeing the younger ages

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in the room more often. So if you have your kids or young people or younger, who wants to attend, please, you know, bring them not that the Clos is directed only towards them. But I know that when I was when I was growing up, that was what really stuck with me when you teach your child Abida and weed and Hadith and it's nice, but really what stays with them are the stories. These these stories that never get old. They just these never get old. And some people asked me why don't you continue after why you continue after. There's so much controversy regarding everything that happened after there really is the difference of opinion interpretation of actually what happened and how things

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happened and what it all meant. But what what his life was used to was and what it represented. What the Sahaba you know, went through during during his time alive on El Salatu was Salam is a different story altogether, is something that is that is unique, that is authentic, that is original that is real. The Quran was there, it was documenting everything the Sahaba were there they were documenting the Prophet, Allah salatu salam was interacting. There's nothing like it, there's literally nothing like it's and and to me, it never gets old I can this this is literally my 10th time doing it. I started when I was 16. And fourth time in the city and it never gets old. You never get bored of

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seeing the telling these stories and talking about what what actually happened and the lessons that come from it. And it talks about itself. Where are we now I'm going to do a quick revision.

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Because actually, I did spend an hour yesterday scratching my head trying to remember what the last thing I talked about was that I actually couldn't do it. I had to have someone take a look at the last halacha recorded and telling me what the last slide was. So I had an idea. So where we are right now we're at the end of year six, or middle of year six. Let's see of the prophets of Allah Allah wa Salam is prophecy. Now his hijra, so this is prior to him going to Medina, the prophet Alia salatu salam became rasool Allah became a messenger at the age of 40. We talked about the first 40 years of his life, how to use thought to assign the importance of those 40 years and what they

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actually offered him in terms of personal preparation. And then he was going he spends as a prophet 23 years, so he dies at the age of 63. So Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the first 13 of those years were in Mecca. And those are the foundational years, these are the years that I lay aside to some builds the core of what Islam was going to be not just ethically and morally, from a value perspective, but also talking about people. He built a group of people that he was going to work with it, his Salatu was Salam. Now, the beginning of his Dawa was the first three years they usually say that the first three years were secretive, I don't like the word secrets, because it was

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nothing. There was nothing secret about it, the moment you breathe, and came to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he, this was news. And people knew that this would happen, that there was no secret. He was just selective in terms of who he approached regarding our meaning he didn't make it a public issue immediately. He chose people. And we talked about those three years. And we talked about the people's people whom he chose, and why he chose them. And did he have a criteria that he used to choose these people and whether we would, you know, qualify or not, if we had lived back then with him, it was so dumb. And then after three years, he began, he went public, and once he went public,

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you know, the leaders of Quraysh could not afford to stay neutral anymore, because they were neutral about it up till the day, he made it public. They were like he's doing his own thing. He's only talking to a couple of people. It's not a public issue. We don't care. It's not a problem. The moment he went public about Islam, that is when the leaders, the elders had him take a stance because people would come to them and say, What do you think about what Mohammed is saying? So they have to have an opinion, they can't say, Well, we know they had to have an opinion. And unfortunately, the majority of them decided the opinion was going to be very negative, then opinion,

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opinion was going to be combative. Almost, though this has to end you have to stop this right now. So the years after that is 345 and six were the years of oppression. And I told you many many stories during the you know these Halaqaat about what the Prophet alayhi salatu salam had to endure personally on a physical level on a mental level and psychological level on a family

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level on a financial level on a social level, Allah the majority and the lion's share of oppression went to him out of here. So that was me had to carry it himself. And then we talked about the Sahaba of the Allahu Allah and the companions, and what they had to go through. And they showed you the names, and he went through the names of the men and women who accepted Islam early on what they had to go through and endure.

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And then I talked about a beautiful moment. Unfortunately, we did this last time, so I'm not going to do it again, even though I felt like I wanted to do it again, but I'm not. So it's not redundant. There is this spark of light or this beautiful, beautiful couple of days that happened towards the middle of the sixth year when hummus Edel, the Allahu Anhu. And I've been with him, and I'm honored to have accepted Islam within a week of each other. And even though he's only two people, and you may think, Well, you know, Islam is a 2 billion population, religion, people from all over the planet. And why is it only two people seem to have such weight? And that's exactly the point of the

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story. The two people have so much weight in this in this larger picture, that it actually shook everyone does, it actually put everyone out of their element? The elders of courage and the Prophet saw some of the Sahaba they all felt the impact of these two individuals accepting Islam. That's very rare, but not really.

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Meaning, you'll find this theme in every story in life.

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Every story there's always going to be individuals key figures, just one person or two that are able of leaving an impact that will last a lifetime. This is not something that is unique to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam story. But there had to be people like that that we pointed out and hamazon OMO the Sahaba would talk about in the last slide I put up before COVID came and wrecked everything was even Mr. Wood, or the Lavanya was saying my Xena dilepton had Islam or Omar

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for Allah Hema couldn't no no suddenly Imam Al Khattab had to Islam or Omar? We were we were humble and simple and weak until on what accepted Islam. We would never pray in front of the Kaaba openly until Islam. Muhammad accepted Islam, wala Khanna, Ema and hula Kennett, Islam who now sulla wear hijab to who found her.

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And even when they talk about him, the day of Islam was a victory. And when he when he was able to do his yoga was everything about him, probably Allah who I knew. And the same goes for Amazon another another quotations from other Sahaba. But the concept of leaving an impact of being someone who can actually have the weight of 1000s He's just being someone who's committed, when they finally accept it, when they finally figured out what it is that they're going to do with their lives. And they feel it, this is what I'm going to live for. You can feel the impact immediately. They never stop. The Prophet earliest lessons taught them that because he never stopped, you'll see. He will

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wear Quraysh out the elbow of Quraysh you're gonna see this especially the next couple of Hanukkah, you're gonna feel as if he has the upper hand, the way Qureshi is actually approaching this, it almost makes you feel that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is more powerful, or has more courage to play even though he's he is at a disadvantage. financially. He's at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. He's at a disadvantage in terms of army and people is in social weight and everything. You have to weigh up what he approaches it makes us it makes it seem as if it's the opposite. Because he he's he never stops. He's tiny. I used to sit down was so consistent, just kept on doing it. You

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could not stopped him, no matter how many times you knocked him down. No matter how many obstacles you put in his way, no matter how many challenges he just kept on doing it. He would just get up again and keep on going never stopping. And it boggled everybody everyone's like to ever get tired, even even his way he would tell him I let it

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get you don't you? Don't you ever feel that it's time to relax, sleep, it's nighttime and he's standing up in prayer. He was a mobile as I'm gonna know, the time of sleep is over. I slept in my first 40 years. I don't have no time to sleep anymore. There's too much to be done. And he just never gave up and never stopped never, never lost hope and just never stopped doing what he was supposed to do. So Allah Hadees

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so what happened? Where we are right now? We're at the point where Omar Hamza accepted Islam, so it's a nice, nice couple of days, but the Sahaba are tired. The Sahaba have been in during three years, some of them even more of of straight torture, oppression, persecution, from everyone around them. A lot of these Sahaba were very poor and weak to begin with, meaning they were slaves or servants or people who didn't have a lot of financial means. So they're already tired as it is. They don't have much you don't have much to go anyways. So when you look at all this, you wonder who wins? You see, I talked about the first martyr in the last time I give this Hanukkah the first

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Shaheed in Islam is Somalia, mental health or the Allahu Ana, the mother of amount of money.

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So the wife of Yasser, this was the first person to lose her life. She died.

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So you're talking about Somalia? Are you talking about kebab? Who was the lead on a bit of call? Are we talking about Bella as he lays in the middle of the desert with a boulder on his chest, talking about these people who who have been mistreated and persecuted for years, who want at the end, who wins at the end? You see, the person who wins is the one who you cannot force to leave their idea or their value. That's the person who actually wins. As long as you have not given up. As long as you stand tall regarding what you believe in, and you support your values and your beliefs, and you never give up and they can never scare you out of it. They can never pressure you out of it, then

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you win. Even if you are the one who was in jail, or mistreated or sick or removed from their country or whatever it is you're going through. If they fail to change your mind your convictions, your beliefs, your values, then you still stand tall, you still win. Fake currencies always fail. Fake currencies never win. Bothell never wins, but always loses. But sometimes it has a good fight to put. Sometimes it has a pretty good fight, and it can put up a good one and make it difficult for others to actually deal with it. But But, but buffalo buffalo never wins.

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The Companions never used violence. Just a few reminders before I move forward. They never use violence, at no point was Abuja * assassinated. No one went in vigilante masks and beat up Jonnie Abu Lahab. None of this happened. There was actually zero violence from the Muslims part. We don't talk about that enough. We really don't because we don't understand our own heritage. There was no violence for 13 years in Makkah at all, even though the only language that Qureshi was using and dealing with the Muslims dealing with the Prophet Alia Sato Semin, those who followed him was violence. They continue to use violence all the time, but he didn't have a strategy. Neither did his

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followers. I always wondered, in my mind, why he didn't totally take us away or take Paul, and make a small gang and wait for Mr. Fiat to come home at night one day, and just beat the living out of him. Why why it would have been a story to tell, I would have liked to tell you that story. But if I did tell you that story, there would be something wrong and something missing. And there would be a lack of consistency in what he was teaching on a historic to a Salam. This faith is not built on violence. The means of Islam is not violence. We don't use that. That's not who we are. If you talk about the wars of but that's not violence, it's not the same thing. Organized military combat is not

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violence. As weird as that may sound to you, but it's not. Because this is where two countries are facing off. Each country is trying to protect its people protect its weak.

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When someone brings an army and and move towards another, you can't say we're non violent. That means complete an eye on the elation of a race or a culture, a group of people, those who've done that in the past, that's what happened. But violence is when people were living in the same city or in the same country start to mistreat one another. When there is no respect for the law of the land, which is the problem, which is what the prophet Alia saw some time, they never used violence, very important point.

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The overall morale is low, the Sahaba are feeling down, you can understand that it's not difficult they weren't. I'm uplifted when I tell you these stories, but they weren't when they were living it. When they live these stories. You're number six, if we were to go back in time, they weren't happy. And of course, they weren't going to be happy. The number of Muslims was very low. Most of the Muslims were being persecuted and mistreated. The Prophet Allah, your thoughts on himself was under a huge amount of pressure. So the morale was low, people felt that this is not working. It's been six years.

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It's been six years and we still don't have anything to show for it. We haven't been able to make it this is how they're wondering, this is how well why can't we make any progress? Well, after six years, we're still at almost exactly where we were at the beginning. So the morale was low.

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So the profit I thought was,

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he came up with an idea.

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And this shows the importance within Islam, the importance of mentorship and togetherness, and working as groups, the spirit of the group, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam spoke to a young man by the name of Arkham Ibn.

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And Arkham is a very interesting, he's an interesting figure, this young man, he's going to, and his name will be always remembered by the house that he had. He had a house in Mecca, and he was part of a small tribe called Blue acid. They're a part of polish. And this house was kind of hidden in a way where people It wasn't on the on the route of others. So it was was nicely placed behind trees and behind a barn

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So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, We need a place where we can teach, I need a place where I can sit with all of you, and teach and speak and educate and listen. So that we can discuss so we can grow as a group because during the day, we're all doing our thing. And most Muslims at that time didn't we didn't have the ability to come together in large groups publicly was dangerous. That meant there was always a chance of them being mistreated or killed even. So outcomes that I have as you can use my place puts them at risk. But that's what he did. If you go to the the CLI, you'll find very little things about them. Very quiet guy.

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wasn't one of those loud people be running their mouths? No, I reckon was quiet. But he offered what he had. Not everyone has to sit on a chair like this and start you know, babbling away about anything. Not everyone has to do that. That's not everyone's job. As a Muslim. This because I do this has made me better than any Muslim doesn't make my role more important than any other Muslims roles at all. We all do our part

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individually and in groups, with whatever

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skills that Allah subhanaw taala has given us. Just because someone's face is more apparent doesn't mean that they're mean that their role is more important. That's important. It's something we have to talk about, because a lot of times he didn't have it, but he wasn't a great warrior. He wasn't a leader of Quraysh he wasn't a famous individual, but he had a house and he offered what he had. He offered everything that he had only Allahu Anhu which means he did his part he played his part he does his job, which means he will be rewarded and fully on will PM, maybe others who you know more who didn't do everything that they could aren't going to get the same amount of reward. It's

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important that you remember all that he offered his house by the way in Mecca, and he performed his you know, with the Prophet Alia site to restaurant and he was there for about your lunch duck, the name and enter book.

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He was there and he lived throughout Albuquerque Khilafah. He was with Abubaker for the whole time, and he's stood by Omar for his kidnapper. And he stood by Earth man and he stood by Ali and he died during the death of Malia Obioma when he lived well into his late 90s.

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But you don't hear much about him because he's not that type of guy. doesn't talk much. He's not a public speaker. Flashy but doesn't mean much. In comparison to someone who did everything he could with what he had offered his house. The profit is thought to assembled later. Once they went to Medina and he with many of the Muslims he would buy a home

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because a lot of time i By the way, when he went to Medina he had nowhere to live.

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He didn't he left with nothing. So he was living in the masjid for a while. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam used the Muslim Muslims Many gathered money and he bought a home and he said that's yours, welfare and leader Erica FEMA.

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I would have an appreciation of what you offered back in Mecca you offered your home, the least we can do for you is offer you a place to live with the Allahu Allah. So we offered the house

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there's an eye up there before I move forward.

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Just as a reminder,

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about little today is very, very influential.

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Today or the date we're living in an era where it's difficult even to to speak the truth or to live the truth or, or to even Yani side by the truth is very difficult. Allah subhanaw taala SUTA rod says something very important he says nzlr Muna sama ima.

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He descended from the sky water for Salat o dia to be heard everywhere. And without water valleys would fill up into rivers

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for Salat odia to be fodder for Tamela cielo and as the livers are moving forward Zemba della Robbia the server is moving forward and with it on on the surface. It's all this for the you know, for the lack of a better word, this gunk is just this. I used to work it we used to work. We used to have a piece of land so we would irrigate and then you can always hit the water moving from one to the other. And on the surface of the water. Are these dead leaves in this white stuff. I don't even know what it is. But it just gunk. It looks ugly on top. It seems to be on top. It seems to be the thing that's apparent to your eyes. You almost think that's what's happening. But that's not really what's

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happening. You see what's happening is what's going on under Fattah. Melissa was ever the Robbia women you could do in LA even nerdy but Elliott Inomata in Zerbo MyTheo in the Quran tells you and by the way, whenever you're taking gold, you're trying to make gold as you put gold in extremely high temperatures. At the surface. There's this gunk as well as kind of black like substance that the person who is who's actually making the golden or whatever they're making, they take it off and they throw it away. It's on the tops on the surface always they're on top that always floats to the surface as if it's the most important thing but underage is the gold. So it's it's a different

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thing. It's the same idea here, Cavalli cleobury Bula who will help our belt and this is Allah, saying this is how I give the example of righteousness and falsehood button for Amissah do for you.

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As far as that goes

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Go on top of the gold or on top of the water, it's worthless. It's meaningless. It gets lost. It does nothing. It looks ugly. It seems like it's on top. But it doesn't mean anything. Well, I'm a young fellow nurse for yum was goofing around. But the water that's running under the hawk that's running under it, that's what's going to irrigate the land. And it's going to go deep into the soil, and height is going to come from it. So don't be fooled by the sediment that you see on top and say, Oh, this water is worthless, because there's some gunk on top. No, it doesn't mean anything. Bothell is always like that. It's very flashy. It seems like it's on top. It's not. It's not never was never

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will be. Just as lack of people who believe in luck today, there's lack of people who believe in it. There's lack of people who practice it, there's lack of people who will support it. That's all it is. That's all it ever was. How do we know that because of this story, the reason I tell the story, if you want to break it down into just one concept is this never stopped doing the right thing. The right thing is underrated. Doing the right thing is an underrated concept. You don't think about enough? We think about a lot of things. We put in our minds a lot of other issues that we believe have importance of weight. What about the way we're going to look in front of people? What about our

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reputation? What about peoples? What about what about doing the right thing. It's always been about doing the right thing. And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam lived that in the Sahaba, who were with him live there, and some of them died for that. But that's why we have this story to tell. It's because of that concept. They were sitting down a lot of them. It was a training and educational course and throughout the CLI every couple of Halaqaat. I will take a couple of minutes and show you examples of the Sunnah of the Prophet Allah, your thoughts on with Teach. We don't have good documentation of what they talked about in that house. One of my Annie, one of the things I've

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always asked Allah subhana, Allah to revealed is I would like to, I would have loved to be there just for an hour. I can't imagine what went on in that in that home. Imagine that prophet is thought to steal me sitting there. And then we'll come and nine and Eileen is available, and foster a mental health club and Khadija all these people are in this room. You're talking about the names that we got it we celebrate, these are the names we're sitting in that house, and the Prophet Alia salatu. Salam is exclusively speaking to them, teaching them, He is building a network, he is building a relationship. He's building a foundation of Muslims, he's me, he's making sure that mentorship is a

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part of deme. Because mentorship is

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you can't learn to stem from a book, you can go and try. But you can't, it won't work. If you decide the only way you're going to learn about Disney is by reading books. Well, we'll see in 10 years where you are, it doesn't work. Islam is a mentorship built religion, meaning one person teaches the other who teaches the other who teaches the other, who mentors the other who educates not only by speaking but by living. The Prophet Alia Sampson was was there every day with them as an example of how he lived his life, and explaining to them these sorrows that we take for granted that all our children know well, we're gonna go through a couple of them quickly, sort of thought, why is this

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important? This is the first time they would ever hear this sort of was revealed around this time around the end of year six. And he's explaining that I can imagine somebody saw somebody typing the suit on to them and coming at some point towards the end of that page and saying, yeah, we'll do what as Allah is saying, in generika Califa turn around the first time they would ever hear that word in from the Quran. If you read the Quran from the beginning, you'll run into an ayah number 13 Total Bukhara you'll think that's where it's no the first time the Sahaba heard this word was in sort of sod speaking about Deadwood, though it is a very important figure because devil was a

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multifunctional human being. The award was a king. He was a judge. He was a prophet. He was a poet. He was a scientist. He was an artist, or the law who did everything. He was a father and a husband and a brother. He felt he fulfilled most roles that we can barely get one or two. And he fulfilled many of these rules. And there's a lot of misconception about him from other faiths. If you study you Judaism or Christianity, they have misconceptions that sort of fix those misconceptions at the beginning, and at the end said, yeah, they would all die would in Jalna, Califa. Khalifa, a successor, a steward, someone who would take care of something or take the responsibility of

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something in the name of someone else, that's what he left for means. That's what a Khalifa means. If I leave that I leave a Khalifa behind me why someone will run things will take responsibility of something in my name. So he's My khalifa, the brunt of it aside, some ran the affairs of the OMA when he passed away. He needed someone who's going to be his Khalifa, someone who would do the same in his name. And Allah Subhan Allah put on the planet Khalifa. Someone who would do his work Subhana wa Tada in his name, because Allah subhanaw taala the mighty hand of God won't intervene every time something goes wrong. As much as we would like to think that would be the case. But Allah subhanaw

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taala doesn't know who created the word. That's not how he created this universe, but every time something goes wrong, some in any divine intervention is going to go

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occur and ALLAH SubhanA gonna come and change the laws of the universe so that you and I get some relief No, we are, we are the means that Allah subhanaw taala will use to intervene you are someone's poor needs money. How is ALLAH SubhanA give him but as

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you know when we were kids I don't know if you used to watch cartoons as much as I did but they went when babies they would show you a pelican with a you know with a bright carrying a piece of cloth and a baby and and that's how people got babies. And as a kid, I thought that

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for a while, at least, it makes you think that if you're a poor allows you to give you isn't by dropping a sack of money into your home, no, someone's going to come by and give you a job or offer you something so it's going to be through a person. So you're going to be that meet those that mean of Allah subhanaw taala intervention which is our job which is the whole point of this, which is if you understand that you understand what Islam actually means.

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So he's told here in America, we've made your Khalifa Phillips back on being a nurse he will help you well at at W in Hawaii. So may you speak and judge with righteousness and may You not follow Daniel Huwa whims and desires may you stay on the righteous path. It was the first time they heard the word understanding that this is the job. This is the description of what you're here to do.

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Another example which talks about mentorship, everyone is going to be in loss except those who also will help you to also be sober, except those who are capable of listening to one another and advising one another we're not gonna make any progress in life if we don't have the ability to offer advice sincerely and take advice sincerely is a two way road if you're someone who only offers it then you're not doing this you know if you're I give a lot of advice if you give a lot of advice great you take advice made you listen to what people have to say. Are you interested in the narrative of others a father only gives commands that's not that's not advice that's not this is not

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what this means to also was a two way road both have to you have to be both listening and authoring at the same time. And that's the only way for us to actually move forward. These are concepts that will help our learning this is the way life is going to be totally my own. The concept of what it means to be a good person. I hate to love you because it will be Dean evangelical Lidiya your earlier team and while you're hot boil Tamil miskeen the Quran says the one who doesn't believe in religion is the one who will mistreat your team and will not help someone who was poor but you're like well not every disbeliever does that but that's what it looks like it as the Quran says that

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boasts so someone who does one and not the other isn't a fool isn't isn't someone who's

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an enemy of religion. For way too little mousseline so give warning a punishment to those who pray, what are you talking about? Waiting mousseline well is up for for those who are no formal Salim? Which one? Is your all of them? No, I let you know him and sadati himself gonna let you know on your own. Those who don't do it properly. Don't do it for the right reasons. We have now noun. So the withhold aid, those who withhold aid, you're praying Yes. Do you withhold aid? Meaning do you have the ability to help someone and you don't? That's what withhold aid means very simple. My own I don't just help someone needs help. Do you have the ability to help? I do? Did you withhold your

00:28:08 --> 00:28:13

aid? Yes. Then maybe read that source again, just for your own safety. Meet it again.

00:28:14 --> 00:28:50

Because that's what he's saying. subhanaw taala where you do love, they're going to be punished. That's what it means. You withhold aid. So this was called an American. If you took out that last idea, things would have been much easier. Take out the last idea. Oh, easy. Surah. Just pray Wait, right, and you're good. Just pray right? And everything is fine. Just don't do and what I mean, don't, don't show off in your prayer and don't miss it. And you are fine. But then these three words at the end will live in. They make it so much more difficult. Suddenly, we have known amount owed is put there. When you withhold aid. I always withhold aid. I can always be more helpful, but I don't.

00:28:51 --> 00:28:59

Well, then we did again, these are concepts and values they were being taught. They only imagined the Prophet Alia saw to some explaining these things to them.

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For example, certitude talks about reform. Look at the last last part on the right there. What is sure IMC he says in UI do in UI do il SL, Ah ha, Mr. Bhatt. This whole sort of talks about the prophets who came who brought reform to their people who tried to fix the problems, who tried to remove all the negative practices that existed within their times and in their places. And they were fought off and some of them were killed. And some of them were removed and triumph at the end of this huge sort of very long one. He says in worried all I want in the slide is just to bring reform is to make things better must apply to the best of my ability within the limitations of my ability,

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because not everyone can do everything right.

00:29:49 --> 00:29:53

Okay. And these are the lessons that we talked about. Now.

00:29:54 --> 00:29:56

I've always asked this question,

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and he just be just around this time before we move into the second phase.

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is the the,

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of the prophet Ali Asad, Simon fallacious standoff, because there are different phases, they went through a couple of different phases. This is an important one to me.

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When I tell these stories, a lot of these stories are physical, meaning I tell you a story about some of the sahaba. And this story is a physical one, meaning a lady or, or a man and Muslim lady who endured physical harm, right. And some of these stories are brutal, and there's blood in it and death. It's difficult to talk about, but that's what happened. They had to endure that that was their trial, the Sahaba is trial, that was their trial, they had to go with it. They had to endure, they had to endure physical difficulties. Now, the question I have is, what is our trial? Because there's definitely not that, or at least for most of it is, it isn't, at least for the people who

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are listening to me right now, is not physical harm is not physical persecution and repression that you have to endure. So if that's not the case, then what is it that we do injure? What is what is our role in history? Where do we come? Do we have a role? Or we just need

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extra time? And again, that's already over?

00:31:09 --> 00:31:39

Is it? Are we a waste of existence and waste of breath? Or do we actually play a role in history? And if we do, what is it? Because it's not physical? So in telling you these stories, you're wondering, well, well, where does this all work? Because this is obviously the, you know, the Sahaba had to go and had to actually suffer from all that. But where do we are not? We're not suffering from all this. What do we suffer from? That's a question that I grew up asking myself, it's the same question. I think, I think every Muslim should ask themselves, what is my role? What do I have to endure?

00:31:40 --> 00:31:51

Their generation offered physical mental perseverance? What type of perseverance does our generation offer? And what is it that we're supposed to do? Whereas our rule, this is my, I'll tell you what I think.

00:31:53 --> 00:31:54

I think it's knowledge.

00:31:55 --> 00:32:38

I really think it's knowledge, I think is raising awareness. I think it's education. I think we have means today, to know almost everything that we want to need to know. Like, never before in history, if I, if I if I talked to you about Phil poor about Hadith. And what the what the early Imams had to do in order to get to Hadith or, or authenticate it, or verify it, or share it or write it, it was very difficult. I remember a time when I was younger, where information was difficult to come by. If I wanted to know something, there was no internet. So how would you know something, you'd have to go travel to the city, and look for someone who may maybe knew about this, and ask them, and then try

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to verify whether what they said was truthful or not. And go ask someone else, and try to find a book. And books are high tech hard to come by. Today, we live in an abundance of information.

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There's everything you want to know is available. almost the entirety of the human experience of knowledge is right. All you have to do is just just punch in what you want. Just write it somewhere in Google, or YouTube, and you have someone telling you exactly what you want to know. But we just don't, we're not increasing the knowledge as Muslims, our understanding of Islam is, in many ways,

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worse than it was 405 100 years ago, we are so held back in terms of our understanding of our own faith, of our own heritage and history of our own identity. That, to me are what we need to do. Our role in history is that we need to learn, and we need to teach. And we need to educate me to be good role models. We take time out of our lives, to really educate ourselves. You can't say, I don't know much about Islam. You know, you can't afford to say that anymore. I don't understand much. I don't know much. I just need a chef to tell me whether this is right or wrong. That doesn't work. You can't afford to be that you have to know yourself. You have to learn yourself. You have to ask the

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questions. You have to listen to the arguments you have to figure things out for yourself. Because we just can't afford to continuously live the way that we are living right now. Where there's so much ignorance and there's so much narrow mindedness and we are fighting as Muslims about everything. Every year, every single year. There are five or six times during the year when a certain

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occasion occurs. And if you are someone who is on social media, people begin to fight every year it is like an anniversary. What time is it? No the 10th of June oh well okay, let's begin fighting. Let's begin fighting about the prophets I send them was birth let's waste another two weeks yay. Saying every negative thing we can about every person who doesn't agree with our narrative narrative or with the way we see things and once we're done that some other occasion will come up. Either it's our short or beginning of Ramadan. We have to fight about the heat. That is almost tradition. I almost don't want us to stop doing that that feels so just so us we have to fight about the healer.

00:34:56 --> 00:35:00

I mean, if we stopped doing that I would feel so lost in the world. If for some

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How we stopped fighting and what the beginning of ending of Ramadan, it would feel so weird that we all agreed No, something must be wrong here. We're not We're not yelling at it. We're not saying something No. And every couple of months there must be something that we have an anniversary of just disagreement on. I can tell you topics within Islamic faith that we have been quarreling about as Muslims for at least 808 years.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:42

I have never there are fights have been on for longer, that are much more political that I will talk about, but just issues within medicine that will jump out I'm not gonna get out of it was their understanding that we fight to their face have been going on for 800 years. I've never heard of a call that could go on that long. At some point, someone must get tired. Say, I mean, guys.

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We have nothing. There's Is there nothing better for us to do? We need to learn. That's why the dean is built on your clock. We'd need Educate yourself. Learn. Open your mind. Listen to others. Try to understand, find common ground compromise Where's where it's proper to compromise? And don't worry, it's not. But figure out what the priorities are, and what the issues that are less important are, let's not fight about this stuff that aren't.

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Our role is identity and knowledge. That's what I think you may disagree with me, that's fine. Figure it out for yourself. Because you're welcome.

00:36:22 --> 00:36:56

I think you would like to be able to say the following. I think you would like to be able to say Yo, if I had lived with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, I would have been like those, I would have been like Bill Allen, kabob, and Sumaiya and Fathima. Oh, it'd be like these people, I would have persevered just like them. I would like to be able to say that. So Allah subhanaw taala is answering the maniacal very simple, really, you feel like if you live back, then you would have done the same? Yes. I feel like if I had given been given the opportunity to prove myself, then I would have done the same. It's a very simple question. Well show me what did you do during the time that you were

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alive? So you can prove that you would have been that Muslim back then by choosing to live a certain life right now? You know, there is no unless you have a time machine, unless somehow you figured out how to go to the vertex of of timespace and take us back to be there, then you really don't that's not an option. But you can prove that had you look back then you would have been like them by being the person that you need to be right now. Persevere, know, with the hand that you were dealt right now. Their hand was gruesome to be honest.

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It's all fun and games until there's a sword shining somewhere in the horizon. It's not fun, then. It's very serious and scary at that point. That was what they were trialed with, we're not trialed with that we're trial with something I believe easier. Just learn and practice and teach and raise awareness to stand for what is right. And then you're welcome. Or you can you can very proudly and openly say yes, I would have been like them. I would have lived like them. And you have the evidence because look how I lived during my life.

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I stood by the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam by the Quran, by Islam by Muslims, by those who are oppressed by the needy all my life. And that will count for you.

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And then you can say yes, I would have been but someone I used to get this a lot when I was young. I remember talking to people, friends of mine complete slobs. Really? It's total slobs do nothing. Has is you lying back there, chatting, like if you were living back then it would have been Yeah, it would have fought with the brother, how do you know that? How do you know that? You don't know that. What you do know is what you're doing now. That's what you know. I would like to believe that if I had all of us live back then who would have been amongst those people with the portfolio. So it was fun. But it's not hard to prove.

00:38:44 --> 00:38:48

By doing the right thing now a lot of data on at least that's what I I believe we should be doing.

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This period is very a lot of fun. I'm sorry if the last part was a bit intense, but this part is called the negotiation period. The second phase, they tried physical harm. They went after the Sahaba they went after the Prophet alayhi salatu salam they put as much pressure as they could, they failed. So now they want to negotiate. Now they are saying alright, that didn't work. Let's try something else. So you can see they're running out of ideas. They're going, who's stronger here is a corporation the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam it's always the stronger idea. If you have the right if you have righteousness on your side if you have the stronger idea you always have the upper hand

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even if you don't have as many people even if you're weaker financially or militarily you're still stronger because you have the superior idea the product is awesome did so you'll see you could try all these different things trying to kill this off but they can't they feel it seems like they're getting you'll see the get desperate. Why are you desperate you guys oh number the Muslim is by far your all elders and leaders and and rich people. And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam has a modern kebab and below them so haibun Who does he have with Him? Very few people who have any style

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understood all very few.

00:40:03 --> 00:40:04

So they came to us

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and the known story so they come to a hotel in Abuja, Akbar. Will Sofia and I will walk to the earth by Maria Shaybah all these big names Now some will even the lira. They never come together on anything but they came to him upon him for call oh yeah about him in Melaka fina sin and Warszawa Obatala if you are someone who is very respected amongst us, you're an elder. And you have a lot of status. We respect you. We're in Nevena Kike for the learner, and your your your nephew has really is really harmless for lamina Web OS Nirma now

00:40:47 --> 00:40:57

well, photoblog Cobain and urbini He, he came and he started saying things about our religion, and about our beliefs. And we know about our way of life. He's causing families to break apart.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:02

So in their words, what is it what are they saying? What is he doing? What's the word that we use for that?

00:41:04 --> 00:41:05

In Arabic when someone does something like that?

00:41:07 --> 00:41:11

fitna is no, it's a fitna. You're causing fitna

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the Prophet alayhi salatu salam caused the biggest one of all, where it needed to be, where it needed to be caused, where it needed to be brought up, because the way of life at that time was not proper, because thoughts and values at that time were wrong, and they need to change. Not every time someone says something out, is it not every time is wrong, that every time that it stirs things up that it's wrong? No. The prophet is I'm stirred things up like no one else. So they came and said that terrible time for a code for play yerba Abu Talib halter, whom was out of the home. So we'll find him said a couple of nice things. And He fed them in somehow he got them to leave without

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actually giving them an answer. So after they left, they looked at each other and said, my imagination. I mean her What did we get from this meeting? Imagine a nice day. We got nothing out of this. We said what we wanted him somehow just got got his way out of it and didn't say anything. So they think they'll call them now we'll do it again. We'll go back again. Fine. I'll do it again. Look at these you're going to listen to the stories and wonder what's this how desperate they're getting for calling to hear about Taalib Janaka the edgy Malli fit Yanni polish. They came to him with someone whose name was Amara even in the lead. Even in Madeira, he is highly his younger

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brother. Amara was a strapping young man

00:42:33 --> 00:42:51

early 20s Very handsome, wide shoulders, great horseback rider had all you know one of those bachelors. So they brought him with me. So yeah, about finding generic behavior. You know? Why did you marry him? Why Sebby him what interview him?

00:42:53 --> 00:42:56

Nautica, yo, what are

00:42:57 --> 00:43:16

we give him to you in exchange for Mohammed about that? Take this guy instead of your guy. But he's younger, he's more youthful. He's more handsome. He has more ease this he has more potential take take when I'm out and give us Mohammed imagine amount. Yeah, house? Yeah, I want to use the word How insane is something like that? Call it

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a bluff for Canada. to attune and emunah calm, we have a viewer who will come with that who don't want to ever need to do. So you want me to take your son, so I can feed him and take care of him for you and give you mine so you can kill him. That's what you think is going to happen? Because I'm gonna be fine. I'm not doing this. What is this? Take them away.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:38

This is what actually comes. So they go, they have another meeting.

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So they come back again. This time they come back in a different way. This time they came back

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and in their eyes with a certain degree of evil.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:58

He had talked. You had agreed on what they're going to tell him. So they came to Bhutan. And they said yeah, about left, I tell you

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what's the neck and the Kufa Ibn a Kike. Anna will come to you many times, but asked you if you can silence your nephew. Now, an important part of understanding the seal of the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam

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is that I will call him he defended him and we'll talk about overtime in sha Allah. Maybe at the end, we'll talk about him a bit.

00:44:20 --> 00:44:30

But it wasn't something out of the norm. I used to belong to a tribe, like everybody back in that day did all people belong to families and try to try which is a big family.

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If you belong to a family in a tribe, you are entitled to their protection. You were entitled to their protection. It wasn't something that they offered you out of the kindness of their hearts. They had to protect you. Specifically if you did not kill anybody, or if you didn't break the law, the profit it is thought to us and I'm up to that moment. And of course he never did. He had not done he had done nothing that would cause his family to trade him in or to give him up. So when we talk about without him defending him, it's a great thing that he did. And he did it because his

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Father I told him take care of Muhammad for me before he died. But at this on the same on the same I'd say on that same note, they had to.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:23

People would have said many negative things about Bani Hashem. If they didn't, if they had given up on protecting the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, so not all of it is just luck. Or the assassin wasn't just weak No, he came from a tribe and they and he was entitled to their protection.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:29

So they come to him and say we've come to you many times asking you to stop this and it hasn't worked.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:56

What else I turned them into a Kike be my photograph Kobe in an Airbnb he I barely had tenure was tough for her Dina has come to us and he has cursed out a religion he has ruined you and your family ties. When now Allah He Nakula ima and Akufo Anna, were ima and the Tata tele Nahua. Er calm has yet heard.

00:45:59 --> 00:46:00

What this meant?

00:46:01 --> 00:46:14

They said look, either you stop him. He's your nephew. So you have control you need to stop what he's doing or else we will fight until one of our tribes is completely annihilated.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:27

Until burial hurt is a spiritual fight. But he Hashem until one of the two parties, no one's left until no one's left. So we thought it came to respond. You want to say something? So they got up. And they left.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:30

That as

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well tell you it was shocked by that. They disrespected him. They came it was disrespect. They came in spoke to him. They threatened him in his home. And then before he could respond,

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they left.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:49

So we'll call him felt shook. He felt disrespected but the first time

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he felt weak for a moment. So he called on it and his son

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said Yeah, feel it.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:02

For now ideally Muhammad go to call Muhammad for me.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:07

He'd been protecting him now for what for six years, almost six years.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:20

Around almost exactly six years. So he calls the Prophet Elisa to send the Prophet he knows what's going on. He's not naive to this so he knows what's coming. So he comes in he sits with his uncle. So his uncle says you have no key

00:47:22 --> 00:47:28

not to call Maka the umbrella meow gap. You've come to your people with something no one else has done.

00:47:31 --> 00:47:39

What could have sold temporary memory coloration you know what's going on in operation family law to have mini Mala

00:47:40 --> 00:47:50

for neurology loosen, I'm an old man, don't overwhelm me overburden me with more than I can carry financial aid and the cuff I'm into fee.

00:47:51 --> 00:47:55

So if you think maybe you can cut down a little bit of what you're doing

00:47:56 --> 00:48:03

now in the books of sila, his answer Alia salatu salam, I'll tell you what his answer is. And then I'll tell you the authentic hadith that actually exists just so you know

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the difference but you know the answer you know what he says at that point?

00:48:09 --> 00:48:47

I almost see people pointing it out to me in the known story he says yeah, um, know what are shims and Yemeni will come on Vichy. But there's actually there's no authenticity to that to that narration, but I still believe it. It's okay to narrate what actually exists in the books of Hadith to have authenticity is what he said up there. Hello, Hola, hiya, I'm Merner Allah, Allah Delica min come and Testa Illumina. Shamcey be Sharla that I can't stop doing this, just as much as you can't light a candle from the sun. Just like you have no access to the sun to actually light your candle, I can't stop doing what I'm doing. I mean, this is not a choice for me. It's not a choice. I am not

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making this choice. This is what I do. In the Hadith, that you know that if you put the sun in my right hand, and you gave me the moon in my left, I would never stop doing this until either he saw success or lost my life. And I think that's fine as well, because he said something similar to that in different places.

00:49:03 --> 00:49:11

And I know, you know, he said the earliest one to say but the question is, the question that I have for myself is can we understand what that means? Do you feel that?

00:49:12 --> 00:49:53

He didn't just say it, he wasn't just selling words. He isn't running his mouth. He actually believed that that's when he lived there. The question is, do we live the same life? Is that our commitment to Allah subhanaw taala His Word? Do we feel that we belong to Islam to the point where nothing can ever stop us from doing the right thing for continuously working for it, defending it, spreading it, learning it, practicing it? All the time, my secretary Salalah Holly he was and then he was silent for a moment, while Becca and he cried. Tears ran down his face for months off. And then he left. I've always stopped at that story where they said he stopped and he cried. And he

00:49:53 --> 00:49:53


00:49:55 --> 00:50:00

Why Did he cry? I don't know. I have a few theories. Maybe it's that fee

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feeling of complete abandonment in life.

00:50:04 --> 00:50:17

If you've ever felt that you know what I'm talking about, if you've ever felt completely abandoned, where there's nothing and no one there for you, literally, you've exhausted every resource. You've spoken to everybody and now you feel like you stand alone.

00:50:19 --> 00:50:58

It's a very ugly feeling. I hope no one feels it will lie. But if you felt it, you know how difficult it is that moment where you're completely alone. He was for a moment there. Alia salatu. Salam, he felt alone. He's everyone is giving up on him. His own tribe, His own uncle is telling him don't do this anymore. But his answer was very clear out of your salatu salam, I will never stop, period. I can't stop. I was given a message Gibreel speaks to me. What are you talking about? This is not there's no option here. It's not like I'm choosing what I don't know. This is what I do. I was I was given this very heavy message to carry, I will continue to carry to the last day I have.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:03

There's no there's no other option. You do what you need to do my uncle, but this is what I'm going to be doing.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:06

But he cried.

00:51:07 --> 00:51:10

Because it hurts I just thought to ascend was not beyond

00:51:11 --> 00:51:53

expressing his emotions may not be something that you understand clearly. He expresses emotions. expressing emotion does not mean that you're weak, does not mean that you've given up I'll give you an example. There's a man by the name mill for the for the 11 year old for the kind of hobby that Halloween he was called the worshipper of the to have them he would go six months in Mecca where he would pray and teach and then go six months in Medina, very, very pious, very very knowledgeable man wrote very a lot of books. They're actually still exist, they still exist today. So this man, he was a teacher. He never smiled, ever. He was an extremely serious teacher, one of those just very, to

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the point never, never joked around, you're gonna come out or you know, you're testing. We never saw a smile in our lives, had a terrible human hover over 30 BNI. So one day he was sitting there, and someone came and told him your son in Iraq died

00:52:12 --> 00:52:24

Bacala in Melilla, he were in Iraq as your own. Then he smiled. He smiled. For Joe who will be one of his students came difficult day after day. I should own our army.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:47

to Malmo to look for the past 20 years I've known you, you've never smiled in a public space. And then you hear your son dies and you smile for color 52 And you're one and nurse and knee circlip on your OB. So that was I got scared that maybe if I don't people will think I'm objecting to the

00:52:48 --> 00:52:57

the choices of Allah subhanaw taala of Allah subhanaw taala the predestiny of Allah of losing my son No one you know, losing a child is probably the worst and most difficult thing a person can go through.

00:52:58 --> 00:53:31

But is that the Sunnah of the profile you thought was the ultimate said no. I might have said that Dean reacted because he has some maybe emotional insecurities. But he did what he thought was right at that moment, but the Prophet Ali's thoughts it wasn't like that. The Prophet sallallahu it was like Mr. Lim, his son Ibrahim died, and he sobbed. He saw to the point where it was said had done Taylor Swift Allah, the whole Medina is crying and you have to realize that Allah, Allah and Nicola Bella Xiao in that you know that that demand will learn who you are the Robina when Allah Theologica Ibrahim

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said yes, the heart can go in a moment of emotion and the eyes can carry tears, we can cry, but we know we only say that which pleases our Lord. And we I'm very sad that my son died. So he would cry He would solve it's fine. expressing your emotions is fine. He did all the time on East Jerusalem, he had a very quick tear. He didn't bother him, didn't belittle his manhood and a Hustla to us and didn't make him less of a brave person. Because what he said, was always what pleased Allah and what he did was always the right thing. And at that moment, when his uncle told him, I need you to cut down a bit and he felt abandoned, he cried because it hurt. Because he felt alone. But that didn't

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mean that he was objecting to Allah, it didn't mean that he wasn't gonna continue doing what he did. So he went to him. And then somehow we don't know actually the details of why have we thought about that and thought for a while. He said, Yeah, I think he's done. Come Come here. It is a penalty Mohammed ago call Muhammad back again. So after he goes and calls the Prophet alayhi salam, he comes back for Kalia Mohammed, Emily Emmerich will call you mash it for Allah healer, otaku karma hate. And then he said some poetry

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I don't memorize their poetry very well. He said a couple of verses of poetry to the Prophet Alia. So I'm telling him to do what you need to do basically, say what you want to say. I will stand by you till the day I die.

00:54:54 --> 00:54:59

Baptism and the reality is, you smile hamdulillah something something good came up this

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

But the negotiations were hard. What time is it?

00:55:03 --> 00:55:05

Okay, so you should what time did we start?

00:55:06 --> 00:55:07


00:55:08 --> 00:55:11

Okay, good, good place to stop. So

00:55:12 --> 00:55:15

I like this is the place to start because the story I can start with next time is,

00:55:16 --> 00:55:17

is a lot of fun.

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The period I'll be talking to you about is the period of negotiations. They tried with the hotel and it didn't work out. They negotiated with Abu Dhabi, they didn't get anywhere. He's, he's continuously he goes on to continue to protect the profile. So that was them. So now they're going to move to negotiating with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam himself, and you're going to see how bankrupt they are, how they run out of ideas so quickly. And how the Prophet Alia started them seems he and the Muslims that they have the upper hand in these negotiations, and we will learn many lessons from that. And next time I'll tell you the story about emetophobia. Because the people, the

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elders, the seventh rate, elders of Mecca will have a very secret meeting in Dublin the DUA and they will choose the most elder men in Croatia, which his name is Abu Walid Al Arabiya, and they'll tell him you will go and speak to Mohammed on our behalf. So far, the communication has been through Abu Talib. They haven't actually communicated with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam himself, they just say sending messages from different venues, but they haven't actually spoken to him. So now they're told we're going to speak to the Prophet alayhi salam himself, so we're going to send out about with the complete package, they have a number of ideas that they're going to offer and speak about with

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the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, I will tell you about the story in sha Allah. Next week, there will also be a lotta Allah after Isha Subhanak Allahu Morbihan. decrescendo Allah Allah and I still refuse to break was that Allah Allah Xena Muhammad in one early he was such a big man

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