Adnan Rajeh – Recitations from the book of Prophetic Descriptions -19

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of praying during the night to protect from punishment and the study on the Prophet alayholder Ahafsah. They emphasize the importance of practice and flexibility in praying. The speaker also references a quote from a different chapter about praying during the night and not waking up in the morning. The importance of focusing on the spirit of what is being recited rather than just the mechanics of what is being recited.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, walhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,

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Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barak ala nabiyyina

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muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in,

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we continue inshallah tonight reciting a hadith from

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al-shamail al-muhammadiyya al-imam al-tirmidhi,

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and I'm going to recite three ahadith inshallah

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quickly, right after we have, so from now

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on after isha there will be lectures, the

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IDA, the Imam of the Islamic Academy will

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have lectures after isha and the masjid for

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most of the night, so every year it's

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the same issue, whenever isha gets early we

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ask people inshallah after the khatira to pray

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sunnah swiftly and then do their witr or

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do their qiyam at home or socialize in

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the lobby so that the shukh who are

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giving their lectures can give their lectures in

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the main hall inshallah ta'ala, some days

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there will be even lectures in the extension

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so you may not have that option, some

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nights, I think tonight you have that option

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but some nights you may not, alright, so

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the chapter that talks about how he slept

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alayhis salatu was salam and the hadith, I'm

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going to choose one hadith from this chapter,

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so the prophet alayhis salatu was salam when

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he slept is how ibn aazib described this

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to us, he would lie on his right

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side and he would put his right hand

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under his right cheek alayhis salatu was salam

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and then before he slept he would say,

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oh my lord, protect me from your punishment

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on the day that you resurrect all of

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your servants and there are multiple hadith or

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multiple wordings of dhikr he would use alayhis

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salatu was salam before he went to sleep

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and he would sleep in different methods as

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well alayhis salatu was salam, sometimes on his

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right side, sometimes on his back, sometimes on

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his left side, he would often advise not

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to sleep on the belly even though there

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are some narrations that he may have done

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that in his life alayhis salatu was salam,

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in general his sleep alayhis salatu was salam

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when he did it he saw himself as

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he respected the action itself and he respected

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what it meant and he understood that when

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you are sleeping part of your spirit goes

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back to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and

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either he holds it or he sends it

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back so he would say these adhkar or

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these invocations as a reminder to himself that

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is in charge

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and in control and you never know when

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you will put your head down for sleep

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and not wake up in the morning may

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant you long

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lives which is why he said what he

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said alayhis salatu was salam because he was

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aware of these possibilities.

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The second hadith that I'm going to narrate

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to you, I just want to make sure

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that I got the right one.

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Which one is it?

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There's many of these.

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I'll just read it from where I wrote

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it down.

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This is the chapter of what the Prophet

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alayhis salatu was salaam's ibadah was like.

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So I asked Aisha how was the ibadah

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of the Prophet alayhis salatu was salaam?

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How were the acts of worship that he

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And this is asked by Abdullah ibn Shaqiq,

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one of the tabi'een who learned from

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Sayyidah Aisha.

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She said

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Prophet alayhis salatu was salaam would pray a

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long night standing on his feet and he

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would sometimes pray a long night sitting down.

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And if he prayed standing up, his ruku'

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and his rafa' and his sujood and his

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jaloos would all be in the form as

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if you're praying normally standing up.

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And if he prayed sitting down, then his

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ruku' and his jaloos and his sujood would

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all be in the frame of him sitting

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down alayhis salatu was salaam.

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So he did both salallahu alayhi wa sallam

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ajma'een, whatever allowed him to do as

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much ibadah as possible.

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Rather than holding yourself to a standard that

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you can't hold yourself to and then not

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doing the ibadah altogether.

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So that's the flexibility of his mentality alayhis

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salatu was salaam.

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Instead of saying I either pray standing up

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or I don't pray at all, he'd know.

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I pray standing up and if I can't

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then I'll pray sitting down and if I

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can't then I'll pray lying down.

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And this is madkhalat madakhal ash-shaytaan on

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That's why people in Ramadan they don't show

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up for salah because they're tired.

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Well you can pray sitting down but no

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I won't do that.

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You're better than Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He would do this long night, he would

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pray jalis alayhis salatu was salaam.

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You're not better.

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Show up and pray and pray as much

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as you can and pray until you're tired

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and then go home.

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And you should pray every night.

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And this is not only Ramadan but in

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every night of your life there should be

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a small amount of qiyam for yourself.

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And if you can't do it standing up,

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do it sitting down.

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And that's how he thought and looked at

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these things alayhis salatu was salaam.

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The final one that I'll read to you.

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Ahafsah tells us about him alayhis salatu was

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The Prophet alayhis salatu was salaam would pray

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sometimes fissubha, meaning early in the morning, before

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fajr, meaning just before the day begins he

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would pray.

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And he would pray sitting down during that

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And he would recite the surah, when you

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read it slowly.

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You read it with a little bit of,

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when you kind of repeat what you're reading

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and you take your time.

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And she said, this is what Ahafsah says

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in describing it, حَتَّ تَكُونَ أَطْوَلَ مِنْ أَطْوَلَ

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مِنْهَا Meaning, the surah that he's reciting now

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becomes longer than surahs that are longer than

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it's because he's taking so much time reciting

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So sometimes you recite, you hear the shuyukh

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like Abdul Basit and Shaykh al-Minshawi and

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Shaykh al-Hussary, these great reciters, they recite

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very slowly and they repeat.

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The Prophet alayhis salatu was salaam would often

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do this in his salah, alayhis salatu was

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In his salah, he would recite and repeat

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and recite and taking time, taking a surah

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that's really short, reciting it to the point

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where you feel like this surah is ten

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times longer than surahs that are much longer

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than it's because he's taking his time and

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enjoying the recitation alayhis salatu was salaam.

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So he would do this.

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And the reason I'm telling you all this

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is because he prayed in different forms and

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different manners and different lengths, standing and sitting

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and reading slowly and reading quickly.

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He prayed in whatever way it meant something

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to him alayhis salatu was salaam.

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He prayed in whatever method that allowed him

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to connect to that which he was reciting

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because he was enjoying his time between the

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hands of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

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He was enjoying his time reciting and listening

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to the Qur'an that he was reciting

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alayhis salatu was salaam.

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And this is what we want to learn

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from him alayhis salatu was salaam.

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Not the technicals and the mechanics.

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Don't focus on the mechanics of exactly how

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many and when.

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Focus on the spirit of what he was

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doing alayhis salatu was salaam.

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So you can take that spirit and benefit

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from it or else it becomes meaningless to

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you because you can't always keep up the

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mechanics exactly how he kept them up.

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And we don't have evidence that he always

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kept them up perfectly in the same method

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every single night.

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We know that he loved to pray and

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that he did alayhis salatu was salaam.

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And he did it in whatever way allowed

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him to connect to that which he was

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I hope that was a benefit to you.

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