Adnan Rajeh – Recitations from the book of Prophetic Descriptions #1

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a book that is difficult to read and describes a woman who recites it every night. They will recite every night a hadith and then read the whole thing. The recitation is not complete and may have issues with the hadith. They will recite every night a hadith and then read the whole thing. The speaker also recites a hadith in a book about narration and the language of the time, while also reciting a hadith in a book about narration and the language of the time.
AI: Transcript ©
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We'll start inshallah ta'ala a series for

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this week and probably a few weeks to

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come as the custom of all of the

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scholars that I have learned from within Damascus

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specifically whether they are the scholars of the

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Hanafi Madhhab, Maliki Madhhab, Shafi'i or Hanbari

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they all within the month of Rabi' would

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recite from And this is a habit and

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a custom that you find literally in every

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single masjid all across of Damascus throughout every

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single year it brings itself back year after

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year and they rarely ever read the whole

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book within the month or so but they

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would read from it and then the year

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after they would read a little bit more

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from it and they keep on reading from

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it as a way to remember the Prophet

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ﷺ within the month that he was born

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in but also the month that he passed

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away in ﷺ and what exists between the

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day that you're born and the day that

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you die is your life basically so what

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we are celebrating or what we are thinking

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about here what we are focused on is

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the legacy of Muhammad ﷺ, his life, the

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life that he lived which was khair for

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us when he was Imam al-Shafi'i

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in the Kitab al-Risala, the very famous

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book that he wrote called al-Risala he

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says the following he

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says radiAllahu ta'ala on Imam al-Shafi

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'i in the book al-Risala that was

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not even designated for this purpose but he

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says to

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obtaining it within our lives ﷺ and when

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you're offered a reasoning within time to remember

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something like this you take that advantage and

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Ali ﷺ should be remembered and praised and

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learned from at all times at every opportunity

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and every moment but I won't be talking

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about Hajj for example until Ramadan is closer

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and we take this opportunity to talk about

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him ﷺ so what I'll do is I'll

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recite every night that I'm doing this hadith

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from this book that was gifted to me

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by my brother Shaykh al-Janabi two years

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ago and I've been waiting for the opportunity

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to do from it I know these are

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hadith but I like the barakah of reciting

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I won't recite, if you have this book,

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al-Shama' al-Muhammadiyah it's written by Imam

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al-Tirmidhi, sahib al-Jami'ah Imam al

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-Tirmidhi is the known scholar of hadith who

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has probably one of the most, if not

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the most famous book of hadith it outfames,

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by the way, for scholars, Sayyid al-Bukhari

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it's not more authentic than it but it

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outfames it in terms of the amount of

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study and effort that was put into gathering

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it and bringing it together Imam al-Tirmidhi

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is a scholar of his own accord, of

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the highest level so what I'll do is

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I'm going to recite every night a hadith

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I won't recite them all, I'll start with

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the first and then I'll skip a few

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and read another one what is agreed upon,

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and this is on the authority of my

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teacher, Shaykh Nudin ibn Atil Allah on the

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authority of his teacher, Shaykh Abdullah Sirajuddin, rahmatullah

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alayhi that every hadith in this book is

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a hadith worthy of recitation all the hadith

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in this book can be recited, they can

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be conveyed none of them are of a

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level of weakness where they should not or

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cannot be conveyed or explained to people a

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weakness of a hadith have different degrees and

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have different reasons for why they are weak

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and not all a hadith that have weaknesses

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should not be conveyed or should not be

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explained because sometimes maybe the sanad is daif

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but the matin isn't meaning the chain of

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narration may have weakness but the actual and

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those of you who attended my hadith course

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will know this that when you study a

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hadith you have to look at two things

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the sanad, the chain of narration and the

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matin, the actual wording sometimes you'll have a

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sanad that is correct but the matin there's

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something wrong with it and vice versa and

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this is left for scholars of hadith to

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study and to give their opinions upon it

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and almost every hadith in this book is

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worthy of conveying and explaining and contains nothing

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that requires for us to shy away from

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so I'll start with the first hadith and

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I'll recite the whole thing because I think

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there's barakah in doing that this is the

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wording of Imam al-Tirmidhi Malik ibn Anas

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of course is the imam malik of the

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sahib al-muwatta and the imam of the

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maliki madhab which was called Rabi'at al

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-ra'i back in the day, one of

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the great scholars of Islam in the tabi

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'i period he heard Anas and this is

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the hadith obviously every hadith in this book

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is narrated by Imam Tirmidhi because it's his

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book but they're also narrated in other books

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and this hadith is in Bukhari and Muslim

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and it's the wording of Anas describing the

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prophet and he says the following فَأَقَامَ

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بِمَكَّةَ عَشْرَ سِنِينَ وَبِالْمَدِينَةِ عَشْرَ سِنِينَ وَتَوَفَّاهُ اللَّهُ

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تَعَالَى عَلَى رَأْسِ سِتِّينَ سَنَةً وَلَيْسَ فِي رَأْسِهِ

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وَلِحْيَتِهِ عِشْرُونَ شَاعَرَةً بَيْضًا he says indeed the

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prophet was not tall to the point that

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he stood out of everyone who was around

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him so if you saw him in a

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group he wasn't tall to the point where

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you saw him standing out but he wasn't

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that tall meaning he was so tall that

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it was obvious that everyone else was very

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short to him, he wasn't like that nor

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was he shorter than the people that he

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stood around if anything whenever you saw him

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standing with someone he always either leveled up

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or seemed a little bit taller and you

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saw him he was not white, pale in

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his color nor was he very dark skinned,

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he was something in between and his hair

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was not extremely curled and difficult nor did

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it flow as the hair of women does

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Allah granted him prophecy at the beginning of

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his 40th year of life he lived in

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Mecca for 10 years roughly see the sahaba

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didn't care about the fractions it was either

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10 or 20, it didn't really matter they

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didn't care for the change that existed between

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years Arab till this day don't my dad

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has been 60 for the last 25 years

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he's been 60 years old may Allah grant

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him a long life inshallah and all of

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you and your parents as well so Arab

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don't care for the change in numbers so

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Anas is just saying it in general and

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I love the way he summarizes it he

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lived in Mecca for 10 years he lived

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in Medina for 10 years and Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala took him away from us

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at the beginning of his 60th year and

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the day he passed away and within all

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of his hair on his head and the

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lihya on his face you wouldn't count 20

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white hairs and that's Anas's description I will

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share with you every night inshallah a description

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of him for this week it will be

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just describing his face and the way he

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looked so that if you don't have a

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visual image of him you can build a

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visual image of him just think of something

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extremely enlightened and extremely beautiful and you'll get

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it Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala took him away from

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us at the beginning of his 40th year

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and he lived in Mecca for 10 years

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and in Medina for 10 years and Allah

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subhanahu wa ta'ala took him away from

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us at the beginning of his 60th year

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and within all of his hair on his

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head you wouldn't count 20 white hairs

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