Adnan Rajeh – Performing Dawah Outreach #8

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The story of the prophet alayhi wa sallam is described as a false lie, but the speaker notes that Jesus's faith and experiences led him to perform the job. The conflict of interest between the man and his partner is also discussed, with Jesus ultimately doing it because he was enjoying alay His presence. The conflict of interest between Jesus and his partner is also highlighted, with Jesus ultimately doing it because he was enjoying alay His presence. The importance of da absorption to the partner's personality and views the world is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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And the theme of outreach to your dawah

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is what I'll be continuing to cover over

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the next week or or more.

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And this is a very famous story,

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but, you know, within it is just a

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point I want to make with for you

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inshaAllah about how the prophet saw someone by

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this Qala, called Qala Anas.

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The prophet

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there was a boy

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and the word hulam

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does not necessarily mean

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under age. Hulam can go from anywhere from,

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you know, 13 to

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to 19, basically. You can use the word

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hulam. So this could be someone who is

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of of of of of the age of

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being an adult today, easily. And the Ravalli,

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alayhi salatu wasalam, would often throughout his life,

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have people who would do certain things for

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him, especially when he got older, especially, you

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know, towards the end of his life to

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have someone young to kind of do errands

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or help you out with around the house

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stuff or even when he's traveling or doing

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things. And this young Jewish boy

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lived beside the Prophet

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and he needed a summer job or something

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of the sort. So, he would go and

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he would help the Prophet, alayhis salawat wa

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sallam, for something

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in return. So, one day this boy got

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sick or this young person got sick. The

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prophet alayhi wasalam went to his house.

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He wanted to

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visit someone who was who was ill. It's

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a sunnah of the prophet, alayhis salatu, to

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do something like this.

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So he sat right behind the this boy's

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head. He The boy is lying on a,

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on a bed. He went and he sat

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beside him right right where his head is.

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Not not far away.

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Looks at him and he say and he

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says, Islam. And he take the shahada.

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So the young person, the young boy, he

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looked at his father, the prophet alaihis salam

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after he after he said that. So the

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father said,

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Oh praise be to Allah that he was

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saved from the fire. Imam al Bayhaqi adds

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in his in his in his narration of

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his hadithqala,

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All praise to Allah that he used me

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to save this young person from, from the

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punishment of the fire. A few points I

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think this is how you are interesting. Number

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1, the prophet alayhi wasallahu alaihi wasallahu alaihi

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wasallam. Well, this is Yeah. And he had

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someone from a different faith

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do actually work with him or work for

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him or be in very close contact with

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him alaihi wa sallam. There was nothing weird

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about it. He didn't say, Well, a young

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Muslim is ola to do this. No. It

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didn't matter. It didn't matter what the deen

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this young person had if they wanted to

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do something or work with the Prophet alaihis

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salatu wasalam or makes it. He didn't matter

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to him alaihis salam. He didn't discriminate alaihis

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salam based on the fact that this person

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was from a different faith, and they have

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a bad record with the Prophet alaihis salam

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up to that moment. After that moment, they

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had a pretty bad record. Yeah. Between Banu

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Nablil and Banu Qurayyal and Banu Qaynu Ka'a.

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Yeah. Things did not go very well. However,

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he still worked with the Prophet alaihis salam.

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He had no reason. Number 2 is that

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when he got sick the prophet alayhis salam

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actually went and performed ad al mereb. And

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this is a younger person who works for

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him alayhis salam. It was not a relationship

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of kin or a relationship or friendship. This

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was just someone who who did certain jobs

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for him alayhi salatu wa sallam. When he

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heard that he was sick, he went and

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he visited him alayhi salatu wa sallam.

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The 3rd piece is that he took the

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and he took the opportunity to perform

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dawah when he would offer the opportunity. Meaning,

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the reason the meaning the the the fact

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that he performed dawah at that moment means

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that all throughout his interactions with this young

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person, he was thinking about this alayhis salatu

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wastan. That's what this means. In order for

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him to go and actually do

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visit him when he's sick. And then to

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do this means that the whole time that

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this boy was working with the Prophet alaihis

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salatu wassup. In his mind, he was hoping

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that he was able at some point to

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offer dawah to him. Right? But why didn't

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he do it when when he was working

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for him?

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Well, there's this conflict of interest first of

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all, and there's a power differential there too,

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and and maybe it wasn't the right time

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or the right position. But now this is

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a situation, this is very appropriate for him

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to do it because this kid, as far

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as he can tell, was on his deathbed.

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He got very ill back then. If you

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got a simple infection or you picked up

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a virus or you picked up some, and

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the kid did die. And this boy he

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passed away. He didn't, he didn't make it

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from this illness. So the prophet had to

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do it then because he had no other

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chance that this was the last chance he

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was gonna get to perform dawah, and it

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mattered to him. It mattered to him. He

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was he was he was he was he

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was he was enjoying alayhis salatu wa sallam.

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That Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala used him to

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save this person from jahannam.

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There's all these little gems for us in

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terms of his personality and how he saw

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the importance of dawah.

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Even someone like this who's a peripheral human

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being. You know, There's a lot of peripheral

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human beings for you. People that you don't

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really They're

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just there to do something. They have some

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value in terms of what they do for

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you. But they don't matter outside of that.

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Go home and think about them. You'll come

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up with them. There's like a bunch of

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people in your life that they don't really

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matter aside from the one the one thing

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you need from them. They do it for

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you and then they're done. It doesn't nothing

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else really matters. You're not interested outside of

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that. There's no interest. You don't have time

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for different reasons. You can you give yourself

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all these, you know, all the different reasons

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in the world. This was a peripheral person

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in his life, alayhis salatu wa salam. The

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whole time in his mind he's like, how

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do I when do I perform dawah? Waiting

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and he sees the moment, alayhis salatu wa

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salamat the right time and he performed dawah

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When can I do it in a way

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that's appropriate?

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That's not offensive. That's not disrespectful. That's not

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going to push them away. That's not gonna

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make it difficult for them to say yes.

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Where they

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are open to accepting it.

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Even those I I in my opinion, it

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was a huge gamble.

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He's in his house, the father is there.

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This could go horribly wrong.

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This could go horribly wrong. This story could

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have been very different. But he's like, Oh

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he's passing away?

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He's passing away. This is my last chance.

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I can't I can't wait anymore. Like I

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can't wait any longer for a better situation.

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This is the lie He's going to die.

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I have to give it a shot even

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though even though it may not work. As

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the dawah

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to see if it sticks. Just see if

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it works. I don't know. He's probably he

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would probably at least I'm hoping for a

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better moment where he could where he could

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offer this dua with him. But there's no

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this is the last moment so I have

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to just try it. Either it works or

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it doesn't.

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And it worked out. And, the person was

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saved. And just keep that in mind because

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this, you know, this shows you aspects of

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how he saw the world and he saw

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it was something that I think is valuable

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to us.

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