Adnan Rajeh – Performing Dawah – Outreach #17

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The upcoming fourth Hadith is a message that is not encouraging people to do things, and emphasizes avoiding negative things and bringing people closer to Allah's teachings. The speaker warns against being a victim and advises against praying too much and doing things like disclose one's behavior. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being mindful of one's behavior and caution against spreading peace and being a booster of others. The speaker stresses the importance of focusing on one's priorities and not giving up on others, and reminds people to be careful with their behavior and not to be a victim.
AI: Transcript ©
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in both Imam Bukhari

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and Muslim rate

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to us by Abu Amr, and

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this is the last Hadith that I'll narrate regarding the concept or

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the important significance of outreach or Dawa, is what we've

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been talking about over the last three to four weeks. I think this

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is the 14th or 15th Hadith that we've narrated within that theme.

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And I'll end inshallah with this one. And this is, this is a final

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This is different than everything else I've narrated, because it's

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really not necessarily encouraging you to do it, but it's putting a

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little bit of a fear factor in all of it, because I think that's

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that's important,

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and What he says with

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Allah any

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lubina Fulani shop. So

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So a man came told the prophet Allah, he said he didn't come out,

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he didn't volunteer. This most likely, the prophet Abu Asmaa had

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talked to him about something, or asked him, Why are you always

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late, or why do you miss certain days with us? It was a like, I

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said, and this is something we've talked about in other themes,

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where the masjid was the center, and, you know, attending in Asia

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and Fajr specifically was a big deal. The prophet Ali assalam

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would watch out for his Sahaba and see who was coming who wasn't,

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because that's where they touched base with each other. The rest of

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the prayers in the day was whatever you could like. If you

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could make it for Maghrib or Bucha, amazing. If you couldn't,

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you were working somewhere, far you were traveling. But Maghrib

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Isha and Fajr were two important the ones that the touching base.

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So when someone didn't show up or didn't come, the prophet Ali,

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someone would ask. So apparently he must have asked this man, where

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were you?

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But he said, I come late sometimes because he pointed out one of the

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Imams. And, like I said, and all of the Hadith that you know,

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whenever there's something negative, the scholars don't point

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out the person. They don't use the name, so they didn't say exactly

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what was it was most likely mu item in Jabil, all the Allahu,

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Anhu Allah, this Hadi does not point him out specifically, so he

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doesn't, he does and he I come late because he the Quran praise

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Isha late, and then reads a lot, and I don't get to go home to get

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to sleep, so I come in late. Now whether he's honest with that or

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not, it doesn't make a difference. That's what he said.

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Rasulallah, shadaban, FEMA, were a lot in waha, mean da Ali Kelim,

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I've never seen the Prophet. Ali Sal give a mug Allah, where he was

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more angry than I saw him that day. That was the day I saw the

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most angry when he gave a Mawlana. Faqad, yahan NAS in namah, amongst

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you are munafirin. And then he talks about the Imam Asmaa,

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specifically, those of you who will lead

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people and people in prayer, may they not take too much time and

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make make sure that they they have a proper balance for it, because

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amongst them, or amongst the people who are following them, is

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the elderly, is the sick, is the person who has other things to do

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and needs to get out on time. So make sure that ithagus Don't,

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don't take, don't make it too long. But the word that he used,

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here's what I want you to think about when we talk about the

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concept of dawah. He said in naming amongst you will be people

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who will repel others from the way of Allah, Subhanahu wa on time.

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You are amazing. It's not about you. This hadith was, this hadith

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is on the schedule from three weeks ago. Has nothing to do with

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your Imam at all. The poor guy is he's going into himself slowly as

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I talk. It's not about you at all.

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I should have probably led the prayer I was going to tell this

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hadith afterwards

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in namin. Some of you will be repellers, just like it's as

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important as it is for you to perform Dawa and bring people to

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this way of Allah subhanahu amongst us, there will be people

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who will repel others from the way of Allah subhanahu wa, be careful

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of being someone like that. If you're not able to bring people

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closer to Allah subhanahu wa, do not be a repeller. Do not be

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someone who repels people from the way of Allah they want to come in

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and you are standing there with your Yani with the with the fake

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smile and the lack of knowledge and the biased opinion and the

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lack of etiquette. And I've been speaking to people and the bad

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habits and bad behavior, and you repel people from the way of Allah

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subhanahu. Be careful. I run into people sometimes, and I sit with

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them in heart to heart, and I tell them, your best act of dawah is

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that you never perform dawah again in your life, with your with your

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tongue. This is the best thing that you'll ever do for the sake

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of Allah. You never speak to someone about about dawah. Do it

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with your do some don't speak. You don't you don't know how to speak

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to people. You don't know what to start with. You don't know how to

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go by it. You lose your temper you're talking about. You don't

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have the proper knowledge you were you.

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Rate you understand things in a brainwashed fashion. That's not

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helpful. You have to stop because you're making it worse.

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It's very rare. But I, I've had to sit down with someone say,

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honestly, you just have to cut down. Do your dawah through

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service, do your dower through, through good character, and

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through taking care of someone else and being, being there to

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help them. But maybe, maybe hold the hold off with the with the

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with the knowledge spreading peace.

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Because the prophet Ali solami said, oh, people, amongst you will

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be munafi. There will be amongst you those who think they're doing

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well and they're not see this imam who was in this hadith that is led

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people, and was reciting four or five pages in Asha, reading the

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Quran. He's like, I'm going to make them listen to the Quran. He

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repelled people he didn't want to. Whoever did this was not someone

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who was like, I want to repel people from the way the prophet.

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He wasn't no hashalam of the Allah. He was someone who wanted

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people to be closer to Allah, but he doesn't have that wisdom of

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knowing how to do it. So he repels others. It's a lack of wisdom and

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lack of knowledge and lack of knowing how to do things, and not

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to know what the priorities are and what to start with and how to

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deal with deal with others. Be careful and beware. As I talk to

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you about dawah, bringing people to the house of Allah, making them

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love Islam, beware the possibility of you repelling them is there too

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so tread carefully. Sunnah has all the Hadith that I shared with you

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over the last three weeks, do all of these things. Do dawah with

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your words and with your character and with your with your face, with

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everything that you have do Dawa, but be aware and be careful from

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being someone repels someone from the way of Allah, Subhanahu, the

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Prophet alayhi salam, was never seen when he was speaking so angry

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that he was that day, because that's a big deal for you to for

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you not to know the importance of this, and for you to make that

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mistake, and someone was wanting to come close, and then your words

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and your actions made them never come back again.

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And it's just, it's just very sad when that happens. And I see it

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too often, I see it too often. It's too late, usually by the time

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I see it, it's too late. I can't I can't save the person anymore. But

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what I say, they won't listen. They've been mistreated so many

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times that they don't want to hear me, that they don't have the they

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don't have the mental space to listen. And what do I say? They

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will lie. That's not how Islam is. I swear to you, that's not how he

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was. Ali Isla to us, I swear to you, if you met him, you would

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have fallen in love with him, and you would be a good Muslim. Please

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listen to me, but it's too late. They've already been repelled so

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many times they don't want to hear they don't believe me, and it's

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too late. We have to be careful. You have to be careful, and that's

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how I'm going to conclude this series of Dow. I hope you found it

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inshallah beneficial, and may Allah use us for calling to his

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way Subhanallah, and utilize us as tools that will bring people

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guidance. Yahweh, Shaykh, Han timata, Abu Asmaa, Odin Oli

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Allahu, Anhu card ja araj, Nabi ye sal Allahu, alayhi wa sallam,

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