Adnan Rajeh – Performing Dawah – Outreach #15

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of a person who is trying to push people back from the fire and eventually falls into it. They also talk about the speaker's belief that people are being held back from their actions by the Lord and the importance of understanding the potential impact of their actions on the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not overestimating the potential impact of actions and the need to be mindful of one's actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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So the Prophet 'alayhi salawwalaam says, Indeed, exclusively

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the example, the simile

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of myself and people

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is the example

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of someone

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who made a fire.

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And once a fire was made and it

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it was kindled and the light spread,

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Everything around it was visible.

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The different types of creatures that fall into

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the fire

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for different reasons that just are

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attracted towards it and end up falling into

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it, started coming and

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naturally falling into it. And the

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man is trying to push them back, or

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remove them, or get them to stay away

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from the fire. And he is trying to

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push them away, and they are finding ways

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to get around him. And he is pushing

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them back and they are falling into the

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fire anyways.

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And I am holding you back from your

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belts from Jahannam.

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is like Back in the day they used

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to wear like, certain types of,

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of pants that you would

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The top part would would, be

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flipped a couple of times over.

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Something that's very,

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thick. And that's the

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yeah. It doesn't we don't have this anymore.

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We have belts though. The belts are the

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closest thing I can I can I can

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I can bring you, but it's not actually

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a belt, but it's that middle part? And

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it's very it used to be very thick

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and quite,

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heavy. So if I caught you from it

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or you caught some it it it makes

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it difficult to move. So the prophet alayhi

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wasalam is saying, and indeed I am holding

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you from your belts.

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From back from jahannam.

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And some of you

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slipped through my fingers.

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And some of you slipped through my fingers.

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They just I I can't I can't hold

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on or I can't hold on to too

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many all at the same time and some

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some of you just don't I can't I

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can't hold you back. Alayhi Salaam.

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This is how he saw. This is how

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he saw his relationship

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with people

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around him alaihis salatu wa sallam. He saw

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it and it's a very simple

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equation. The formula was not complicated for him

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alaihis salatu wa sallam. He saw himself as

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the guardian. He saw himself as the person

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who was going to prevent

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all of the all of humanity from entering

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jahannam ul yadubillah. It was created. It doesn't

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have to be. It will be, but it

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doesn't have to be filled.

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And if it will if it does, it

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doesn't have to be with you. And if

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it will, it doesn't have to be you

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or those who follow him alaihis salatu wa

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sallam. If he has the ability, if he

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has the option, if he has the possibility

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to hold you back then he will. And

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that's how he sees his relationship with you.

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Just hold you back from jahannam as much

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as he can.

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He's going to exhaust all of his all

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of his, efforts and resources to try and

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do that alayhi salatu wa sallam. He says

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and you guys enter anyways. And I and

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I and you slip through my fingers I

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can't hold you back alayhi salatu wa sallam.

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And if

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we adopted just a fraction

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of that mentality from him, alayhis salatu wa

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sallam, recently if you inherited

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just a fraction of that mentality from him,

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alayhis salatu wa sallam, it would change your

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your world view completely.

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It changes the mindset altogether. You see

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things differently. You see yourself as blessed beyond,

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you know, beyond the ability to ever

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account for. Like

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the capability of understanding the magnitude of it.

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Blessed in a way that it'll never be

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possible to understand because Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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has guided you. And because you have been

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blessed to that degree, you look at those

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around you as people who

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deserve the blessing that you have as much

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as you do and those who you would

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like to make sure that they receive the

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blessing that you have.

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Then if Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala has granted

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you a path where you know that this

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path leads

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to paradise, it's a path that does not

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lead to jahannam and you're blessed to at

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least know it and to be walking on

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it whether you make it or not is

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in the hands of Allah, but you're blessed

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enough to know that this is the correct

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path and this is where it, then you

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want everyone to be on that path as

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And if you understand him alayhis salaat, that's

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how he saw it. He saw life in

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this very simple manner. So whatever it took

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to help someone,

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to help one of the people who are

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slipping into the fire to be held back,

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then he would do it, salallahu alayhi wa

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sallam. And there's no price too, too expensive

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for this.

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Nothing was too pricey for this. At least

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that's how we saw it, alayhi wa sallam,

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And if we are true inheritors of his

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legacy sallallahu alaihi salawat wa sallam ish min,

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then you inherit this mindset.

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You inherit this feeling that you have been

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blessed with this guidance.

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Hold as much as you can.

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Hold back as many as you can. And

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if we all did that then if you

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think about it,

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I love the way he used he used

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this phrase. He could have used any other

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If people did this, if I held you

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from that

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position and you held me and someone else

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then it becomes we become a wall.

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We become something that's unpenetratable

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because it's there's that strength and that unity

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and that interconnectedness,

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And we only move as a group from

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then on. We only move as a group

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from then on. We don't move as individuals

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where their energies are getting their energy is

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being lost into space because it's unsynchronized

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is not harmonious.

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It becomes we become a unit that only

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moves together because I see you that way.

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You see me that way. That's our goal.

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And I think it's something worth contemplating.

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