Adnan Rajeh – Humbleness #07

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history and accomplishments of the prophet Alayhi sallam, including his reputation for being the same person as the first one, his actions to change political and social fronts within Arabia, and his most beautiful description of Ali radiGenerationuaysu. They also discuss the negative impact of current affairs on society, including the belief that money is just a source of wealth and that individuals are not the ones who ultimately end up losing their prosperity. The speaker describes a famous Arabic man who describes himself as the world's master of the beast, Ali, and describes him as the master of the beast. They also discuss the concept of "hasn't" and how it can be used to assert one's position.
AI: Transcript ©
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the theme of humbleness is what we're going

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to continue with, today and public Sunday and

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then move on to something else next week.

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And this is very famous. You know this,

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and you've heard it before. I'm just narrating

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to you formally so that you've, kinda kinda

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know the background of it.

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And it's a hadith that is a morosel,

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and it still has a regional generation despite

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And a man came to the prophet, alayhi,

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salatu, salam. This was at the end of

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the prophet, alayhi, salam's life. This is towards

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the last maybe year or so.

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So this man came to him, alayhis salatu

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wasalam. By then, the prophet, alayhis salatu wasalam,

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had built quite the reputation.

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Reputation within Arabia fluctuated obviously throughout his.

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For people who knew him, he knew he

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was the same person at the beginning, same

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person at the end. But for people who

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they would hear different things about him, alaihis

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salazar. But towards the end of his life,

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he had built a reputation that was always

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almost mythical

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because of what he was able to do

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with such a in such a short period

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of time. And the impact that he had,

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not on not just on the political,

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realm or the on the political, fronts within

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Arabia because, the Arabs never had any political

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or order or anything that was similar to

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it. Aside from, the Kaaba, the and Quraysh

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kinda you leveraging that to keep the the

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peace within the Haram. Outside of that, things

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were pretty much, open. The prophet alaihis salami

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was able within a very short period of

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time to change that completely, and now there

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was unity within this, within the peninsula.

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And there was leadership. And not only did

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the political,

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front change, but also the ethical and the

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social change. I mean, the prophet brought forward

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a way of thought and a way of

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life that the alabs were not necessarily,

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familiar with or accustomed to, and he and

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it became the norm. And it and it

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actually elevated people's status. Usually usually, you know,

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we talk about prosperity, we just talk about

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the financial prosperity. Alright? And it's interesting when

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you look at the prophet, alayhis salatu wa

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sallam's, accomplishments,

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they weren't really financial. Like, he didn't really

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leave behind him a lot of,

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he didn't leave high buildings and and and

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and a lot of wealth. He when he

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he when he left was wealth of thoughts

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and wealth of of ideas and wealth of

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ethics, which is a whole different thing. And

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I and and it's in talking about that

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today, it's almost like it's almost it's ludicrous.

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And talking about it is almost

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unheard of and no one's even listening to

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you. Because that's the the only the only

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prosperity we care about is the financial one.

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We will vote in Iblis if you will

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give us a good economy. This is what

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we have been been been approved across the

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globe. We don't care who's who's who's who's

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ruling us as long as the economy works

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well and that we're making money, which is

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very unfortunate because that's not how you actually

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end up running.

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Money money came for the Muslims. It it

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changed. And he told them, don't I'm not

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worried I'm not worried about you having wealth.

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Money will come. It's not fakar that I'm

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worried about. I must actually, I'm worried about

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what you're gonna do when Dunia when the

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the gates of Dunia just open and you

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end up really rich. Will you have enough

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values, principles to know how to deal with

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it? Or will will it beat you? Will

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it just basically yeah. Will your values and

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principles get get,

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buried under all the money that you end

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up having? So it's something to think about.

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Anyways, the prophet alaihi wasalam had was very

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well known. That's what I'm what I'm trying

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to say. So this man came to him

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and he stood be and he stood in

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front of him

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and he stood in front of him alaihi

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salatu wa sallam. And he just had

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this this moment of of heba where he

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just he he revered the prophet alaihi salatu

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wa sallam and just felt very nervous and

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scared. Another narration

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is a very known Arabic term if you're

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I don't know if you've heard this before.

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and is the meat between your jam and

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your katif. So it's the and this is

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when someone gets nervous, this is what they

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start to yeah. They need to shiver. And

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that's where you feel, you know, the anxiety

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happens there.

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Make him very anxious. So he stood there

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and he was shaking. He wanted to speak

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to the prophet alaihi sallam, but he was

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so in such reverence of this man that

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he had never met before. He heard so

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much about it. Now he's standing in front

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of him

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and this is how he's described by the

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way. Sayidna Ali has the most beautiful description

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of the prophet

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like number 1, the most the best. There's

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a lot of descriptions for him, but this

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one is my favorite

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It is how he described him Ali radiAllahu

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Who saw him at the first time will

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be in fear and in reverence of him.

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And then if you spend a little bit

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time, you get to know him, you fall

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in love with him. Is

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perfect. Anyways, this man stood there and he

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just he got this fear. So the prophet

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alayhi wasalam saw him and he so he

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came to

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He said, take it easy. I am not

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a king. I am I am nothing but

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the son of a lady from Quresh who

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used to eat beef jerky in this in

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this open in this open land.

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Is land that has a lot of small

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pebbles and it's open. That's what Mecca is

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really aside from the mountains. It's just an

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open open land. So he's telling him,

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why why are you scared? I'm I'm not

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a king. I'm just a guy. My mother

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used to be poor and she used to

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take meat and put it in the sun

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and turn it in turn it into we

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we we call this, you know, beef jerky.

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So that it was what khadid is. It's

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basically meat that that you don't have enough

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money to buy fresh. So you put it

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you take whatever is left and you put

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it in the sun until it turns, yeah,

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dry, and then you kinda use it later

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on, put it in in in cooking and

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you use

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it later on. A lady from Quresh that

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used to eat,

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feed her kid about, in this in this

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open pebble filled land.

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And he is the master of the sons

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of Adam on the day of judgment. And

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he'll carry the the the the the liwa

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of of of of praise.

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And he's the only person who is permitted

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to prostrate under the Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala's

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throne while all of us stand.

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who he is

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is not something that we do not know

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nor did others know. But that's how he

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saw himself

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This is actually how he saw himself. See

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the difference between real humbleness and and and

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and, fake humbleness is where you say something

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about yourself, but you really believe something different.

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He didn't believe something different

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He saw all of these things that I'm

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talking about. He is the man who he

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he is the 1st person to speak on

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the day of judgement. He is the one

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that who carries the he is the one

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who who performs the intercession. He is the

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one who who who moves the the doors

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of Jannah for the first time. He is

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the one who who intercedes for Allah to

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remove people from Jahannam. He sees that all

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the responsibilities

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that he carries. He does not see it.

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Even when he says I am I am

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the the the sayid. It's not that this

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is something that I see myself, above anyone

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for. It's what it's the responsibility Allah gave

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He sees it as responsibility. That's how he

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understands it. What he see what he actually

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sees himself to be is just the son

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of a poor lady in Quraish that used

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to, you know, take pieces of beef jerky

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and eat it with him within this open

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The difference between real humbleness and fake.

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Don't fake it.

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They say fake it till you make it.

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I hate that term. It's such a horrible

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term, wallahi. But and for this specifically, it

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doesn't work. For this specifically, it does yeah.

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It it maybe it works for something else.

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Maybe for something else it can work. Okay.

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Fine. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking

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about. But for this, it for sure does

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not work. Fake humbleness is it doesn't work.

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You have to actually believe

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because it's the truth,

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not because you're lying to yourself. Because it's

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the truth. His truth,

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his truth,

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as he is a he's the orphan

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of a very poor lady who lived in

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Mecca. That's

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What is yours?

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If that's his truth,

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he had every reason to say something different

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to this man. And if he did, hadith

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would be fine. If he came to and

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told him, yes, you should be scared because

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you don't know in in the presence of

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whom you are standing, I would have loved

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to narrate that hadith as well. And I

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would find that hadith just as beautiful because

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carries that status, but he didn't because his

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that was his truth. Your truth has to

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be something similar. Because if it isn't,

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then then it's

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then you're in trouble. If it's not

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you can tell people whatever you want, and

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you can what's your truth? What's how do

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you truly see yourself, feel who you are?

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Is it as simple as he did?

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And he is.

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What what can we

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what do I sit here and what what

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I say, you can't describe him

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in a way that will be appropriate for

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his status. There's nothing I can say

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because he is number 1 in the eyes

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of Allah What is what what can someone

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like me say about something like that?

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The dirt under his shoe was too much

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for me to be able to describe him.

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I thought it was appropriate. But that's how

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he saw himself. So that's how he's seeing

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himself then.

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I should I should know how I should

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see myself.

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the is 315 here. I will be inshallah

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trying to give it at the, encampments at

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over at the, what is it, concrete beach,

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I think it's called. So if you have

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time and you to show up there and

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and support the students and support

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