Adnan Rajeh – English Tafseer Halaqah Surat Al-Taghabun #4

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of knowing personal and private things, especially when it comes to the prophet Alaihi Sallam's use of the phrase "untoward." They emphasize the importance of not seeking to be exposed to things that are not important to oneself. The speaker also warns against backbites and suggests that people should be cautious when they do so.
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Collection in Abu Dawood and his Sunan with

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the authentic with an authentic chain of narration

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to us by Abu

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And he tells us the prophet alaihi sallam

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got on the 1 day and said the

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following words, and the theme of unlawfulness of

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harm is still recovering

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here. And this is a heavy 1

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and not the language, but really just the

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con the topic or the concept the way

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he says it, Alaihi Salatu wa sallam, as

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he gets on the and he says this

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thing. Most likely what he's referring to here

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is that he he spoke on the mimba

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outside of Jumuah, which he did

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that's a topic for another day in terms

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of, you know, how that's done or how

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that can be done. But but

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would go on the mimbar sometimes outside of

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of Jumuah

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to address the public and call people to

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listen. Meaning there were times where the the

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Muslims were required to come and listen

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outside of Jummah that happened. And he did

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that frequently enough alayhis salaam. But again, talking

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about that is a whole different topic. I

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don't wanna get into it. But anyways, he

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got in the and he said the following

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Oh, those

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who have stated

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the the words of iman with their tongues,

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but iman is yet to enter their hearts.

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So it's a heavy

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it's a little bit of a

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pinch he's giving alayhi salatu to certain people.

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And of course, something had happened that led

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up to him saying this, but but

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don't backbite

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and don't follow their

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follow their don't search for their flaws and

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Don't look for the aspects of their lives

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that they want to conceal from the eye

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of eyes of other people out of shame,

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embarrassment, or just privacy.

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Don't follow that. Don't look for it. Don't

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try to find something out about someone that

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they don't

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want you to find out or they they

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put in some effort for you not to

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find out. This is important. We all have

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that. We all have aspects of our personal

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lives that we don't want everyone knowing about.

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Don't go looking for it. Don't go asking.

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Don't try to find out things about others

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that they don't necessarily want you to find

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There is a there's a

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I I'm not gonna talk about the origin

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of it, but there is an innate

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desire within the nafs to do so.

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You are programmed

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within your nuffs to want to do that.

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It's a part of your

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Why is it a whole different story? How

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to get rid of it is a different

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thing. But it's there. Just knowing that is

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important, I think, for you to know that

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that's a part of who you are. We

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like to know things about people that are

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personal, that are private, that are especially if

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they're bad especially if they're bad, like specifically

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if it's bad. If it's something negative, it's

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something that is is a flaw or shortcomings,

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it's extremely juicy. It's just you can you

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can taste it and it's like it's like

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better than ribs. People people want it. People

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want to know. So don't allow yours don't

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follow into that because it'll feed into it

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because it's there. So the prophet alaihi sallam

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and he said these words, those who act

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like they are believers. They say it with

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their tongues, but it's not in their hearts

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yet because the mean meaning that they're not

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practicing it yet.

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Don't backbite.

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Don't speak about people

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behind their backs and don't don't look and

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search for their privacies and that we should

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Said because the 1 who does, the 1

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who seeks

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the flaws and the privacies of others, Allah

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will go after his.

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And the 1 whom Allah goes after his

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he will expose him within his own house.

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Within his own house, you'll

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like he'll he'll expose you inside your home.

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I forget about being exposed outside your own.

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He'll expose you to inside your house, you'll

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be exposed.

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This is a very, very heavy hadith

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and is a very important 1 as well.

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Be aware of this is harm. Beware of

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saying bad things about other people. Beware of

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trying to figure out something about them that

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they probably don't want you to know.

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And you have no business knowing. Because if

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you do that, then Allah

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go after yours and then you'll be exposed

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within your own house. There's no way you

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can run away from him.

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He'll he'll he'll get it out. And that's

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not how we function. And all the harm

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that he talks about, alaihis salaam, the majority

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of it, it's not physical, it's not

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steal and all that because that he talks

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about simple stuff stuff that are psychological. Things

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that are that go that we don't even

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think about. You know? Because we'll we'll we'll

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we'll share a conversation like that easily. Oh,

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you're it ended up he ended up I

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always knew he was, yeah. Yeah. We always

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knew that. And

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we say these things where we beware, beware,

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beware of backbiting, beware of of of going

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after people's

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we all have them. We all have something

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we don't want people to know.

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It's a part of being a human being.

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If you don't want Allah going after that

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and and exposing it, then, then don't go

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after others. I hope that was a benefit

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