Adnan Rajeh – Appreciating Hajj #03

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of the Hadith, a series of hadiths that focus on prophets and their experiences. They share a story about a deceased Iranian witness who performed the Hadith and showed the prophets their holistic nature. The speaker also discusses the importance of understanding the history of the Hadith and sharing it with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is the hadith. Hadith is now in

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collection of Imam Muslim narrators by Ibn Abbas.

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And it, Ibn Abbas is telling us something

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that happened when the prophet was

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requiring a umrah or a hajj.

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The narrators,

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aren't clear on it. And this is the

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series or the pre hajj series that I'll

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be going through, maybe 8, 9 hadith inshallah.

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But we don't have that much time, by

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the way. We're coming quite close to, we're

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closing in on on on the,

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on the beautiful timing. And my my goal

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within this series is to share with you

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a hadith that look at Hajj from a

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from from a a perspective of prophets

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and looking at different, ways of maybe of

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There's a track of Ibrahim Al Khareem and

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his family alayhi salatu wa sallam and the

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and the track of Muhammad salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So you can look at Hajj and there

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are 3 different experiences that you can you

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can actually take from if you perform Hajj.

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And you can and if you do all

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3 and you understand all 3, you'll even

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Hajj can be extremely, extremely profound if you

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just do 1. If you go there just

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just following the footsteps of just one of

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these 3 groups, you would you would benefit

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imagine if you did all 3. I wanna

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share with you some of these hadith that

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will help us understand that. And I shared

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with you too so far and talked about

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Adam and Hawa alaihi musaahu alaihi wa sallam.

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And today is a little bit different.

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And this is what this is what Ibn

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Abbas, told us.

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He he he came by a a valley

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on his way. So he told the Sahaba,

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which what what valley is this? It's got

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this is the this is the what this

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is the the name of it.

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So I can almost see Musa Alaihi Salam

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as he's coming down from the mountain into

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this valley as he raises his voice with

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Talbia when he was doing his Hajj. And

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this is what I explained to you last,

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the hadith is a Muslim.

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There's almost no disagreement on the fact that

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all the prophets after Ibrahim alaihis salam performed

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Hajj. There's almost no disagreement on that. Before

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Ibrahim alaihis salam, there's some disagreements, and I

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pointed out to you my opinion on the

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matter yesterday and the day before. But almost

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there's no disagreement among scholars. After Mus after

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Ibrahim alaihi salam, the majority of scholar the

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of prophets that were that were sent within

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the region performed some

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some some pilgrimage towards Kaaba. And this is

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the example of Musa

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It's not a, a valley, but on a

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on a slope within the ground that has

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an an upper, like, a a a higher

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spot afterwards. So it's a slope and then

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a higher spot. So he came upon this

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he What is it called?

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They gave the name of it.

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He he described

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he said, I can almost see Yunus alayhi

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salaam with with a suf as well. He

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has a, he's wearing a a a a

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a jubba that is wheel that is made

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from wool, and he's sitting on a nakajada,

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meaning meaning a

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a a a large a large she camel

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that has a has rains from leaf,

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from from a certain type of fiber

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as he's performing his talbiyah.

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So the point of him doing this for

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was to show them that you see where

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you're walking here, the prophets before you walked

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This is not just Ibrahim alaihis salam and

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And I'll tell you the hadith of in

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in the next week. But it's also other

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prophets of

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that performed this pilgrimage and they walked in

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these lands. And they and they did and

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they said

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to Allah

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as you are today. And that is the

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and that is the beauty, that is the

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profoundness and the authenticity and the originality

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of the pilgrimage of Hajj. Knowing that not

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only did your

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did your parents build this house, but all

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of the great prophets of god, all the

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messengers of Allah

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walked to these tracks

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and went to that house and did their

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as you are as well. And if you

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understand that and appreciate it, then your connection

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towards what it is that you're doing will

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be on a different level altogether.

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And I think that's a piece that is,

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a little bit, distance from us. Like, we

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we distanced our we distanced ourself from ourselves

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from the other prophets of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. And the and the fact that this

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house was not just for Ibrahim and Muhammad

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No. The other prophets of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala knew of it, and they performed pilgrimage

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to it, and it has that level of

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originality and that level of unity and uniformity

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amongst the amongst the human race that I

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think is worthy of, of sharing with you.

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