Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 40
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The speakers discuss upcoming days and events in the Islamic calendar, including the book "IT" and upcoming class of the book "IT." They also touch on animal rights and the use of " aside from" in religion, as well as cultural and political topics such as racism and hate. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding mistakes and staying in one's lane to avoid becoming evil. They also discuss the use of negative language in religion, including caulif consuming, and the potential negative impact it can have on the community.
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Hamdu lillahi mento who when a star you know when it's the Pharaoh
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Woman seek the TR Molina
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well as Shadow Allah, Allah in Allah who was the hula Sharif
Why should you know Mohammed Abdullah who are Rasulo who Salewa to La he was salam one its meaning Kathira
am balgo fit in the halal Keramik Alam Allah he will Halal Houda Houda Rasul Allah He Houda Rasulillah his Allahu Allah He was
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Today inshallah is going to be the last class the 40th class of the book that we've been dealing with the 40 Hadith of
the Islamic personality.
Today, today's date is the 31st of October 2019 that corresponds to the Islamic calendar of Ruby and a will.
And it's the third day of Ruby Oh, well, Leila to Joomla. Tomorrow is going to be joining Shala adswood
And we ask Allah azza wa jal to put all of our efforts and all of our attendance and now Morzine of Huseynov yomo Qiyamah and give us tofield Inshallah,
to practice called to be upon what we've been doing for these 40 Odd weeks. The last Hadith that we're going to mention an effort of Abdullah ebony was rude may Allah be pleased with him. The hadith is the hadith of jab it had been Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him that was collected by the Imam Muslim, tremendous Hadith. And they'd be useful Allahu Allah, he went on it was setting them setting the Shavon cut ASA.
And yeah, Buddha who I didn't know so Luffy Jazeera Telara.
When I can fit the Haish beno,
the shaytaan, a bliss has given up all hope that he will ever be worshipped in the Arab Peninsula.
He doesn't think he doesn't believe he's given up hope that people will worship him. And that just Jazira Telara. But what he will do and what he feels he can do is that it will make problems between the people, he will create a Tajrish. A Tajrish means animosity, enmity, ran core hatred. People are fighting, they're not getting along for one reason or another. You can imagine some of the racist football hooligans who want to fight the opposing fans have another team and want to kill each
other, harm each other, that stylish.
That reaches what everybody here is going through with somebody from this OMA could be from your family. People just don't like you.
The Irish is what happened in Birmingham the other day, with some person who's on the bus threatening people. If you get off this bus, I'm going to stab you. And everybody just sat on the bus as they were hostages. That's Dinesh, it can come as a result of words that are spoken, someone says the wrong thing out of pocket as a result of that people fight. I've seen on social media, how people come together in order to get married, whether it's black, but that blood, things have been
negative transpiring between the girls side and the boys side even could be relatives. And on the day of the Nika on the day of the walima. They start throwing plates at each other.
That's the Irish. So we have a tight reach between neighbors, neighbors can get along. And the situation is escalating pretty soon someone's gonna get killed. To that degree.
To which between tribes the whole tribe is against another tribe. We have that situation in the Arab world, in Yemen and other than Yemen. This tribe is against that tribe. This family is against that family and tarnish.
The tissue diaries between the husband and the wife and that's the worst one, the one that shaytani loves the most. As the Prophet says Allah Allah who it was salam ala shaytaan sins out his insaan his helpers every day.
To make fitting in the facade and the earth, they come back at the end of the day, and they meet shaytaan on his throne wherever that is. We're not going to disbelieve in something that the prophet has told us about salah while he was sending him the X each shaytaan from the shayateen What did you do today? He said I made a person do this. What did you do today? I made a person do that. What did you do today? I made a miss a lot of fajr What did you do today? I made her not where he died. What
did you do today what you did today until one of them says I caused the man to split from his wife you say you You the one you did a good job you come sit next to me.
So tomorrow is going to be Joomla inshallah today's Joomla would come slot to Joomla This lesson will be packed to the brim like sardines is going to be packed in sha Allah and the messenger tomorrow are going to be people have drama with their wives. People have drama with their wives, husbands mothers brothers, sisters Besut dabish.
And this is where shaytaan nos is going to happen that there's going to be problems a tidy ish up to live now bass may Allah be pleased with him and his father, God and now ha Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a diary is banal, banal.
Rasul Allah has prohibited us from allowing there to be reached between animals. This hadith clearly makes haram dog fighting, like we have in certain parts of the Muslim world, where people raise dogs and train dogs, pit bulls, dopamine pitches in order to fight each other. It's popular in America.
Also, cockfighting you know, the roosters fighting each other, and they fight each other to death. He didn't allow that
person has rams, the ram that has horns and other RAM doesn't have horns, and he puts them there to clash heads. It's your responsibility as a human being who's the Khalifa over those animals to stop that from happening. So that's an indication of number one in LA slam their animal rights. But we're not going to put the animal rights over the rights of human beings.
Remember, some years ago, some zoo was transporting some giraffes. They were sitting down in the truck. The driver he wrongly estimated the size of the giraffes and the bridge went under the bridge. Giraffes has hit the bridge, they both died. The whole world was upset over the fact that the drives died.
And they were killing Iraqi children over million people kids died in Iraq. You know, we're not going to put animal rights over human rights. But in our deen, how many times the prophets say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who's Campbell is that you're overburdened and the Campbell is complaining about you. You're working them too hard. You don't give them drink. You don't give them water, and you don't give them full, let the camel go. He supported human rights and he supported
animal rights. And he mentioned in the Quran to vertical data with a third Khurana, Benny Adam, we have honored Adams children. And I'm going to give more importance to some animal over human being. That's how it is in the mentality of some people in the West.
That people of color many times people of this religion many times their blood doesn't matter. Their blood is less than in significance than the blood of animals. I call it Harlan the Hadith shows. If it's not permissible for you or AI to allow roosters to fight. We are not allowed to let dogs fight and clearly we can't have a tight leash between ourselves something that's impossible, something that's haram
or an AMA Well, Islam is 20 there's some issue a scowl with this hadith needs to be understood because I hope you're sitting there and saying but if a shaytaan has given up hope of people praying in the zero Corrado, we know the waka there are people worship Allah worship other than Allah and the Jazeera
and the Arab Gulf. They are Arabs. They are Muslims, people who worship of Allah, some of them went outside of his land, and some of them still inside of his land, because they worship the share.
They have Hulu when they share. They believe the share can help they make dua to the unseen slaughter for other than Allah have fear from other than Allah basta Walker. We know that for a fact. People go to Mecca and Medina and they make dua to the Nibi of Islam somebody was sending them with this month being rebel a well, the 12 of rebel a Will they claim and believe and say that the Prophet was born on that date sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So people were making preparations to
make Schick under the name and the guise of his deen and in addition to that, there
Some Hadith he mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lied to Musa to HUD torbett alert will observe
your mood piano will not be established until the people start worshiping a lot and Urza again.
Another Hadith similar to Salah give her boo Leila when the hara that the commissar the hour won't be established and Dana night won't disappear until the people start making shit with Allah. Another Hadith mentioned that the women from the tribe of DOS, they will be shaking their hips at one of the idols, they're in wherever they're going to be living in the world. So how did the Prophet say in the Hadith that we're dealing with today, Jabba did not DeLand, may Allah be pleased with him and
his father? How did he say that at least gave up hope of being worshipped in the desert or tonight up and over here? The Prophet said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people are going to worship a Latin Erza no problem. No problem.
Some of the scholars gave the first interpretation and that is that all of the people who pray will never do something like that you'll find some people will do it. The hadith said shaytaan has given up hope that people pray are going to make Schoodic a worship of Allah.
So some scholars like Eben hedger, unless Kalani said, this hadith inshallah is referring to all of the people who pray we'll never do that. Like the hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Len touched Tamiya uma Tiana balada my ummah will not be united, and something that's wrong. You will have some of them saying this thing, whatever it is some of them doing this thing, but all of my own mess impossible for all of my ummah to agree to something that is wrong. You will find some
of this OMA same music as halal. You'll find some of this music saying you could smoke weed, you'll find some of this ummah who was saying that whatever they say, but it's Homer won't do that first interpretation shattered Islam Muhammad the blue side of it, you know, they mean Rahmatullah Lee, he gave another interpretation. He said that the Hadith means and Allah knows best that che thorns run shaytaan thought, when he saw that Al Islam spread during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam what Dukkha nuns feed the lay of wager people came into this religion in droves and great multitudes, everybody became a Muslim, and they Jazeera Toronto, everybody became a Muslim shaitan looked at that situation and he thought, those people who pray the Muslims here, they are never going to make shift. That's what he thought, because everybody came into a snap. And it gave him the negative interpretation as it relates to him. You can't get these people to make sure. But Allah
allow that to happen. That's the position of pinging of a chef and what they mean. And there are other opinions like, one of the meanings is the Companions won't make shift when other people after the companions and that they may make sure they made disbelieve in Allah, because when the Prophet died SallAllahu wasallam many of the Arabs apostate and he went back to worshipping God, the guys in the idols of Quraysh.
Many people passed him he went back,
Allah Quran, the hadith is authentic. And the emphasis of the hadith is on the danger of infighting Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam down to rugby, wasa alto ferrata phytolith notation where men and women I need more men were men, men and women Annie Wahida asked my lord to ask for three things he gave me today and give me one. One of the things that he didn't give him I asked Allahu Taala and like you're calling but Myrtaceae deed and Boehner whom I may do all a lot, do not allow my ummah,
the people my ummah, to have infighting and to be fighting each other. And Allah didn't give me that.
As we mentioned many times, the Sunnah and the weight of the Sunnah, that is the way of a Najat. So people understand that, that the way that companions practice this religion is the way that Allah azza wa jal wants to religion to be practice. Not everybody believes in that. But the people want to be on set a fear, they believe that they say that we say that we believe that. So inshallah the people that said Fe are the closest to the truth as it relates to theory theory. The way that
companions practice this religion is the best way. But if you look at the seven Salafi people in the
world today, Salafi people all over the world are fighting each other. And every other group of fighting each other, every group of Muslims who are saying the truth is with me they have internal problems between their own groups and masajid and the problem becomes even more pronounced against other groups. So I'm saying to you right here right here said if you Inshallah, you will sell if you Inshallah, what to sell if here, taking the Quran and the Sunnah and understanding and practicing
the way the Companions day that's it, nothing more.
We have more than 123 or nema.
Why are we fighting like this?
Why are we fighting like this, this hadith, what I can
attack Irish Boehner who he doesn't like him, he doesn't like him. He doesn't like him. And people get close to Allah with this behavior. And Salafis don't have a monopoly on this. Every group has that. As Allah mentioned in the Quran, called law has been validated for at home. I'm here to say and I was screaming on top of a mountain. Set a few people this is your way from the boulat, you are practicing Wallahi Billahi to lucky they got out of a shape bond because you don't agree with
someone our brother Mufti Munir is coming to this country soon he shot a lot and people start jumping up and down. He has to clarify his main head you got to what the man made a mistake like you made a mistake.
The man making a mistake like the global Good thing you make mistake and you make mistakes you people talking about is to reach between the people. I make a mistake. People want to crucify you. What is that from? It's not from the Dow it's not for my class. It's this issue of a shaytaan reach Baynham. That's it. And it's at the expense of the dial on the dean. real issues to be dealing with. And all we can talk about says one of our Muslim Brothers, he makes some mistakes he gets caught out
they make some mistake. It gets so bad between the people who are giving Dawa students of knowledge giving Dawa. The man is considering suicide because he's under so much pressure. Thinking about suicide. He shouldn't think about suicide. It's better than live to fight another day. He's thinking about suicide. But there's still people who still want to expose him still want to destroy him.
and protection of the Manhattan the Sunnah. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? You're gonna encourage that behavior for the man to kill himself. Because you hate him so much because you believe is the story whiny?
This stuff that whiny is a sickness. And it's one of the things that shaitan loves the most. He loves it. He loves it a lot. So my call here throughout these 40 ahaadeeth that we've been dealing with is you brother stay balanced beyond this keytab in the Sunnah and understand that the self of the Ummah with moderation and also with humility. Don't be of those people who have a role to impress with themselves and intolerant, want people to be destroyed. Yes, everybody makes mistakes.
I get all these students here we have all these people, let's come together one hour, and let's go fishing for the mistakes of the DUA, who I don't agree with. We're going to come out with a lot of stuff people shouldn't be talking about prove that shouldn't be talking but we say no. You stay in your lane and give down you stay in your lane, you stay in lane, I stay in my lane, and we let this die. We'll go for it. But at that age, big, muscular.
So it was from the hikma of the chef Arielle Halaby, a to Haish che who authored this book used to be in the eyes of some of those chefs who criticize him used to be the greatest thing since sliced bread. But now when he doesn't bow down and give it the program of people with that mafia mentality, he becomes an evil person who calls to the unification of the religions. Come on. This is to hedge your mind on people. You're pressing people.
15 years after statements and actions you still attributing things to people. It's not sincerity when it's not sincerity. We got to get back on track with what this Dow was all about. And that is increasing the higher for the people and decreasing the evil in the arm.
As relates to the religion of Islam, the quani Allah azza wa jal has legislated many things to get rid of this Dinesh. He has allowed us to lie to make a slide between people to make peace between people for the sake of keeping this community keeping families keeping marriages together.
Allah subhanaw taala has legislated in this religion in this religion, that if something does happen, you have the opportunity and the ability. Don't give salaams for three days, calm down, cool down
But after that the best of the two of you is the one who comes and starts the salons. Because you have a son, you're not waiting for him to be first. So you got to be deferred that's been legislated to keep the dot age out of the equation. So many issues. Don't meet Heba don't make the NEMA love for your brother, what you love for yourself and on and on and on. And that hadith by itself, as we mentioned many times, it will eradicate a lot of the drama. None of you truly believes into love for
your brother what you love for yourself. If you don't want him having a bad opinion about you, based upon ven speculation, suspicion, bad opinion, they don't do it to him. It's simple as that.
If you make a mistake, how do you want people to treat you then treat him the same way when he makes a mistake.
So as it relates to the issue of a tight leash, you brothers are sitting there the last thing that we can afford in this country with some of that debt the debt that we have in front of us these challenges, there is no time for this it's time for beneficial knowledge turned into a calling to a defending it. As for the peanut will call under this guy's in the claim. This is knowledge, his selfie and just what I did, this is Calum ferric and yomo Kiama. Everybody is going to get what he
deserved. May Allah make it easy for you guys? You millennials, I tell you now being on the Sunnah is not like what being on the Sunnah was 1520 years ago, I came from Newcastle today. I'm doing a program up in the north in Newcastle this week. They have this thing is called
Black History Month here in the UK,
where they acknowledge the efforts of what people of African descent Afro Caribbean descent what they've done in this country one month to honor that, because there's still a lot of racism in this country. So a group of Muslims out there came up with the bright idea. Let's honor Malcolm X, that tremendous Muslim personality, they're from America, Malcolm X Rahmatullahi. Isley, I don't claim that Malcolm X had a lot of knowledge. I don't claim that I don't claim that he was from the AMA.
But I do say this, as it relates to African American leaders in America, that man's personality has stood the test of time as it relates to how he had courage and belief in the principles that he stood for.
And they want to airbrush him, they want to airbrush him out of the books of history. And that's because when he learned real Islam, and he went to Mecca, and then he came back to America, and started calling African Americans to the real sunnah. And not the coffin, the shitcan the racism of the Nation of Islam. But when he learned to slam me, hijacking back to America, started calling to the real Islam. That's when they killed that man.
Wow, while being appear, I told them no, today is my last day I have to go to Birmingham, because I don't want people coming to the class. We canceled this class. And we have to do it next week. So they have to come to Birmingham. With this being the last class of this hadith, this book. I encourage you to brothers.
Avoid those people who are in your mix. No, they want to talk about as Poulin and I land chef, they said that Sheikh said this. And don't be of the people who sell this stuff out with this drama that's going on with people drama, receiving text messages about people's personal issues, and they get everybody involved in this stuff. And we start washing our dirty laundry out in public. Who does that in his right mind. Allahu Taala is a Satir. And he loves a sitter. Allah from his name is a
Satir he covers things and he loves for things to be covered. He wants you out to be covered. He wants those things that should not be seen to be covered. Lady has a problem with her husband, she goes out and she starts talking about those issues to her friends. No. They must know something about his brother, cover your brother, whoever covers his brothers for lack of your thought normal Qiyamah you expose your brothers for and it doesn't have to be exposed Allah exposure fall and so
panela the people are making up stuff about people.
The last hadith of 20 is an ethic the last Hadith of the book. It's not the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but is the effort of Abdullah Ibrahim A screwed May Allah will try to be pleased with him.
Abdullah scrolled was sitting with
his students from the tab and even in the XML question. Kay for become either let me set config
Yeah, the movie Hello Kabir where your boo fi has surreal
We are terrible. Hannah's suna forever. Who year at minha shaitan. Kill. Who'd you read to sunnah Carlo Medaka Abdul Rahman Khan, either careful read Quran ACOEM were Colette fuqaha ACOEM were careful read O'Meara ACOEM will collect Omona or come to me set a dunya Well, to me settle Arcada Yamuna dunya how is the time going to be for you people, the companions have just died. And you took the religion directly from the Companions, Abu Bakar made it they told you about the meaning of the
ayat of the Quran and they told you how to read the Quran. They told you about the many things that happened with them in the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when he went to the wharf better and overheard when he went to Hajj, they told you about the details of his life. We saw that and we're giving you this information as if you're seeing it with your own eyes. You're not 1400 years removed from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, where the Hamza told Watson Boehner who would be in
a coma. We the companions are telling you what he did, where he walked, how he did everything is as if you were seeing it. Now like the people here right now. We believe in it.
We trying to grasp it. We don't have the language we were not there. There are a lot of factors and variables between us and Him SallAllahu wasallam that make us so that our European is not going to be like the opinion of the companions and the Akina, the tabby written by default. So how is it going to be when the fitna engulfs you people meaning this ummah, the fitness is going to engulf everyone and that fitna, the older person will become infirm. And the young person the older person
will become infirm like he's crawling, weak. And the youngster the youngster will grow in that fitna, the scholar said the meaning of that statement from Abdullah animus old man lobby please when is the old person he grows old and innovation? He's 6070 years old, and he's believing in Jeremy and
he's believing the prophets birthday SallAllahu it was selling them in the vicar that they make 5567 And you come to New say, Where's the devil for that? He says I don't know. So I found my father's doing. He takes food food. His wife makes food. He takes that food and puts it out on the back porch on the stet
and the last Thursday of the month, and he believes what and then he brings the full back end and they eat the food.
And he grew up on that that's inside of him. And then when one of his sons or daughters gets the religion and she puts on his death, he died. The sun starts to grow as being tried to practice it. The mother or the father will always say you were happy. My son is well happy he went straight. The other relatives say your son is extreme. Your daughter is a Wahhabi because they want the Sunnah. So the old man grows on that. And the young person from a very young age, that's what he's drinking.
It's like the person who has a baby. And after having a baby, his wife says I don't want to give my baby the pure milk that Allah put inside of the woman's body to help that baby the baby to grow and develop in the best way when everything is okay. But just for no reason. She says I'm gonna get my baby cow's milk milk from the outside. I don't say that that's haram
but why give the baby that kind of milk when you're gonna give the baby the pure milk of the mother? The kid is growing up I manufactured religion. What are fat
kissing his eyes believing in nonsense. Abdullah needless Oh said How was the time going to be when it gets like that. And then the people going to take these things as the Sunnah. If anyone changes it, it will be said the Sunnah has been changed, and my Masjid
since the minister was built, they do the two events on Friday. The two events have been legislated as we mentioned many times by Mr. Rudd, the Allah on on Friday, he will send them whoever in the marketplace. It will make the event in the marketplace before Joomla 45 minutes or hour before the Joomla after that when it was time for Joomla Rama will come out and say cinema they come they get the second event. So if you're going to do that event right now, no problem. Do it like that. Sin a
first in some way with the people may not hear the event. And even if they don't hear you just going out there you'll be practicing it the right way.
But what we do in our messages we believe doing those
Two events the way we do it, one of them and then the second event, it shouldn't be done like that. So if you come and you have the ability to change that people are going to say he has changed the sooner
he changed the sooner
you combine the prayer, vote on us and for rock out for Raka because it's raining because it's no because late people will say he has changed the religion.
That's our Ummah today, the innovation has become the Sunnah, sunnah has become innovation. Tauheed has become ship ship has been come to heat. The truthful person is rejected disbelief. The one who was a lie is the one who's believed that I might have been put down and the people will not threaten them. I've been put up. How was that time going to be? When those people heard that? They said, I've loved it, man. I'm too old. When is that time going to come? Because clearly they didn't see it.
When is that going to happen? He said it's going to happen when these things happen. Number one, if your Quran become meaning, if you have people who recite the readers of the Quran, a lot of people can read the Quran, but they don't know the meaning of the Tafseer.
Today this brother, our Imam and our chef, zakat Allah, He made some mistakes in the recitation of the Quran. That hardly ever happens. Bartok Allah Fie, Wiley Kulu. I mean, that hardly ever happens. We have people in the suffering Hamdi that we have other who fall they corrected him. But he's a brother who not only knows how to read the Quran, may Allah accept it from him, but he's a person who understands the Quran. And we know that based upon the data that he gives from the member, in
order to do and in English.
But as for the people, they just read in as the Prophet says, Some Allah who it was sending them. The Quran, like the ko adage, it doesn't go beyond their necks
doesn't go beyond the next whole cell to feed and killing people because they don't have fissile the religion.
And right now, those Quran is similar to social media, social media and the culture of social media. Everybody is a party. Just put the regular people aside, just look at the many people given down on what they're giving Dawa to and how they're getting down. And I don't have a problem with a person who wants to give Dawa. Just stay within your means and your knowledge. But people step out of bear means out of the way.
Put this one up, put that one down, took for you to be tough, see it whatever Halal haram at what not like that? He said so if the recite is a mini and the fuqaha. The fuqaha Feck means comprehension and understanding those people who understand become a few. He said if the O'Meara become many, and the Omega, a few, the Amara, the plural of emir, the scholar said this is not talking about the Emir who's over Qatar and Kuwait and over this country, they said that the umara
he are talking about the leaders of innovation. Those people will call into innovation. The people who the people listen to them from the total Sofia the share, he says something that is clearly Cofer, and the people going to follow it and believe it, someone will come and reject an imam via Jews and non Jews, he'll reject it.
And it's clear what he's saying is wrong. But because people love Him and obey Him and follow Him, they will say, Oh, it's okay. He's just given another interpretation. That's the meaning of the OMara.
Those scholars of the past able to buck by the other than them. They said, You know, if rich people, rich people and the leaders, if they are the ones who embrace and try to spread innovation, that's when the regular people from the community follow that stuff. Because rich people, they make trends and they influence people and people in positions of authority, they also they are trendsetters, people listen to that. So if the Omarama become a lot, people who are listened to, they obeyed when
they are peddling their innovation, and the Omana the Amin trustworthy people, they become a few. And if you recall, we dealt with the Hadith of the Royal Navy, that the Royal Navy that they're away with as the man who is ignoble he is insignificant, but he's talking about the affairs of the people. He's not a mean, the Omana the mean, they're the people know what they're talking about. The thing is inside of Bukhari and Muslim, it's really insane to boycotting a Muslim. What he said is
really a true authentic hadith. It's not horrified. Just all of these stories, people coming up with stories. We don't have time for stories all the time. We need to learn our religion. We don't want storytellers they said that the story tellers are the destroyers of the religion. I need to not be tolerated did not let
People give stories in the masjid during this time, because people will sit and there will be many. And the guys is talking about stories about he flew over there and he flew over here and they walked over. And people were just mesmerized black Kedem but they weren't learning halal and haram stopped that will help you for doing something like that.
And then the last point he mentioned, roughly along I know is that if people search for the hereafter, by miserable reward or miserable praise immediately price miserly price. The price of the dunya a person is looking for the hereafter. But he's looking for it through the dunya like what has become quite common in the culture of a rakia a Rocky is from this Dean.
A rakia is from this Dean. But how many people give rakia are doing it and just taking advantage of the people and just taking the money? Rookies from the wasa ill from the means in the ways in the Sobel accessibile. To the hereafter to Allah's pleasure. And also to people she Fabian Allah, but how many people are using it in the wrong way?
How many people use it in the wrong way? So rookies from the Dean read the Quran. It's from the Dean given Dallas from the Dean. I want to give Dawa, but I just want money, that's all I want. I'm gonna warn about him and him and him and him because they are
in competition with me. If I shut them all down, I'm gonna get all the money.
Mom messaged me as the die. If I get everybody to listen to me and I shut him down. Don't listen to anybody else. Send me my three shifts.
Not like that. Yeah. Nobody has a monopoly on this Dean and this dollar, not your shift. Now my shift not you not me. Let the height of this Daleville Islam go forward. You know, this thing with Malcolm X people said, contacted me and said, If you give a talk about Malcolm X, that means that you a black nationalist,
black nationalist Well, what does that mean? Well, what are you talking about? Yes, I'm African American, I'm proud of my heritage and who I am, I didn't come into this religion, to be an Arab or Pakistani and come into religion. Remember, when I came into Islam, in 1986, there was some African American brothers from Jamaica to believe.
I met those brothers. And they understood and they thought part of being a Muslim is you have to start acting like
Arabs or people from Pakistan agents. And some of them started speaking broken English. They knew English, they started speaking broken English. Right away, I knew there's a problem. I didn't come in Islam to become somebody else, and take on somebody else's culture. Not at all.
Not at all. So you can give Dawa to Afro Caribbean people who can give Dawa to non Muslims who come to those talks up in the north in the university. And other than that, they hear about the social issues, the broader social issues that everybody is trying to deal with in terms of addressing them and Raticate that's an innovation come on, come on. What are you talking about?
Brother wrote to me and told me when I get my talk, I gotta say, Oh, he will be told he will hear tone he will smell was referred to an audience of non Muslims. And if I'm not doing that, I'm not calling to toe heat. What are you talking about? Who understands that Tao in Islam is like that. The Sunnah is like that had to nurse
talk to the people in a way that they understand what you're talking about.
So this hadith when he finishes the book, the effort of Abdullah Dyneema, scrolled, Radi Allahu Anhu and the Hadith of Jabba Abdullah he robbed the Alon who I repeat in our reiterate, let's feel like as a relates to this issue of being people who are helping to sustain and maintain this hatred that the Muslims have between themselves. Nobody here is responsible anyone other than yourself, your children, your wife, be in control of those people. As for what other people are doing, just try
your best not to be of the people we're putting in this nonsense in this problem. Once again, before we take your cue your questions in sha Allah azza wa jal want to remind you brothers when this brother comes, move the money. I encourage all of you to go and support and to benefit from the brothers knowledge may Allah azza wa jal accept it from us from you and from him. If you guys have any questions, put your question forward. Hi, Linda. Come shake
you got to give me a break man. I'm coming from Liverpool to hear back to Liverpool. I need to breathe right now man.
Last time we finished the book and the time before that we finished the book. The students mashallah they made a nice soon and we used to go out to eat would you guys that's why we asked you guys are we going out to eat tonight? And you're dying?
you guys have any more questions man? For the eyes, your leg doing?
That's a good question, my brother, that's a good question. When we talk about being united, we are not talking about being united, just based upon the word unity. We cannot be united with people who
are believing and behaving in a way that doesn't allow us to be united. So if a person is cursed to the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, we can't be united with them if persons extreme is radical, trying to kill them blow people up can be united with that individual person is going overboard in politics.
With what these Germans bring to the table, all of them can't be united with the hardcore said if he can be online it with people bring it to the table drama. We talked about being united based upon the principles of this religion.
And when we talk about a fish, these problems, it's not talking about, you can't make an amateur model for the named monkey enjoying the good and prevent the evil does that say we're not saying that? We're not saying that we have to give advice. And we have to prevent the evil with our hands if you have the ability to prevent it with your tongue if you have the ability to hate in your heart if you don't have the ability. So when I saying like Martin Luther King Jr. said, We shall overcome.
And we start holding hands with, you know, the Rainbow Coalition. And then we have the rainbow of the LBGT behind us and we're singing together. We're not talking about that. We're talking about practicing our religion. And part of the religion is a doubt Allah refuting people but refuting people with knowledge with a dip. With hikma nobody say you can't refute. Right here in this audience. Someone picked up something that I said that was incorrect. You have every right right now
to bring that to mind teach it. Provide us with knowledge. It was with hikma is with edit. But when you do it without knowledge, you create the Haish. When you do without edit, you create the Hareesh. When you do it without hikma you create a tight leash.
So we look for, you know, an under my roof, we want to get to the Acura it's a good thing to do to the Acura but you're using it for something that they're doing.
You're doing it in the way that you're doing it to smash the brother out. So you try to embarrass him. You write things you write a refutation, refutation is from the religion, but your goal objective is to embarrass him
to talk bad about them and you fall into his honor. So that's a good point. I think it's a good point. And we always have to remember we always have to remember this and that is a Tahitian wedding. If you are involved in a trade with people, then what happens is, every Thursday, every Monday your DS go up to Allah. Allah accepts everybody's DS on Mondays and Thursdays. And he forgives everybody for what they did.
Except two people. The two people were fighting each other and they have to hitch the melodica will say, otaku, Allah will say otaku haven't had to yesterday, we these two until they make peace, a Tajrish. You and your wife, you and your father, you and your wife's father and so forth every Monday and Thursday, that's weekly, every day every day
Fajr time and answer time, these go up every day those angels come down every year, in the month of shotgun. Allah forgives everybody for what he did the whole year. Except those people they're shocking that he has ongoing drama with his Muslim brother or this family or this or that. So that dog the believes in the Quran that they asked Allah. Well, I told you I'll feel Kullu Bina Grillon Levina Ave. Oh Allah, Lord don't allow us to have hatred and animosity and ran core to those who
believe and that's another amazing thing.
That the non Muslims are free from the activity and the energy of many of our brothers and they own brothers and are free from the harm the Muslims and are free from the harm. Now Muslims are free when you meet non Muslims. Nice. We have Rama we're easy with them. Very gentle. Don't even mess with them. You
The whole Dow is just regurgitating things about people that keep people busy with this time each, so there's no problem with that. Good question. Any more questions? 20.
Another thing I want to mention to you, I know some of you brothers are training, mixed martial arts. And I encourage that something you should do come to Liverpool. We have some brothers up there who come from where Habib comes from, and they were trained by a deep, they all got cauliflower ears, and they pretty serious. But the beginning of this, Doris, I wanted to mention, you know this thing about Allah's Prophet sallallaahu, Selim prevented us from having the animals having Tabish
mixed martial arts, when you're fighting people professionally, something you shouldn't do.
That's daanish.
To box, but especially mixed martial arts, that's the Riesz even though anger may not be in the equation is competition, but that whole process of trying to pulverize and destroying and decimate someone and crack his head open, break his bones, it's not from our religion, training for it. So good idea, so that if anybody's stepped to you, and they stepped over the line, you'll teach them a lesson and protecting yourself, you have the right to do that. But being in a profession, doing that
as a professional, it's not permissible. Go ahead
if you have ate some birds and what happened
they have what
if a person has a lot of signs, he doesn't pay attention to the signs that are in front of him.
As Allah mentioned, describing the numbers under the Quran and the monastic corner and people who are you know, turning away from the truth as you said, he said that they are deaf, dumb and blind. If you brought them all the if they're not going to believe them. If Allah Tala came down from the sky himself, they wouldn't want to believe Allah azza wa jal. So it's a case of the heart being blinded, and Allah knows best for the Yaquis since they
say it again.
Concerning wrestling and grappling the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was a prolific wrestler, and a story of his wrestling or O'Connor, the man who became a Muslim as the as a result of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam out wrestling him is a well known situation. Prophet Muhammad used to wrestle used to wrestle for training and needs to wrestle as recreation as well. There's another Hadith whining I want to bring to your attention that comes to my mind concerning a tarnish. Some of the scholars
said the Hadith was weak. Some of them said that it's authentic and unbanning said it was authentic at one time did he change his mindset is weak, but still some scholars say it's Huson Allah Allah that hadith of Abdullah bin amor even asked may Allah be pleased with them. When the Prophet told the people there's going to be a man who is going to come these from the people that agenda and that man came carrying his shoes and is was dripping with water like I just mean we'll do. The next
measure is Abdullah bin Ahmed us went to him and said, Listen, I had a problem with my father, we had a misunderstanding. Some of the scholars who said this week this hadith is weak, they say is weak because Chaman ERATION and because of this, Abdullah even I'm going to ask told a lie, and a time that is not permissible. It's not one of the three times you can tell a lie. I had a problem misunderstanding my father, I don't want to go home and stay at home tonight. Is it okay? If you
allow me to stay with you say sure. You stay with them three nights in a row. During those three nights that man didn't get up and make any tahajjud he didn't do anything special. He didn't do a lot of stuff. After three days, Abdullah ibn AMR Abraham said to him, you know, that day you came to the maintenance when I saw you and I spoke to that day, and as you're gonna stay in the house, he said to have a problem with my father. So how is it possible? The question now is that a companion
can say that a companion would do that. It's like speaking bad about the companion if you believe that, plus the chain of narration has some issues. But as I said, some of the scholars of Ellis lamb say that chain of narration passes the grade, and it is I sent, I don't have a problem with my father. But instead, the Prophet said about you somebody was sending you a man from the Jana so I just want to come to see what she was doing.
When and when I came, and I stayed with you for three nights, I didn't see you doing anything special. You didn't get up for tahajjud you weren't faster you didn't do any special. He said I don't know why he said I was a personal agenda. But I will tell you this.
There is no Muslim that I know in this community, no Muslim, a person who says to shahada tame the heavy weighty kitty Mala Ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, and he fast we praise no Muslim
that I know that allow anything to be in my heart against them.
My heart is free from having envy from having hassad act hatred for any Muslim. Show me that person in this measure this
show me that person Salamis come out to the companions, and man will come to tell them about a love a man to complain about what he did. He took my money. He didn't do me right. So Allah put his hands up and say to the people something Allahu alayhi wa sallam, don't tell me about each other. I want to come out to you and my chest, my * is clear. Salim don't come and tell me. He was drinking. Don't come and tell me he stole the money. Don't come and tell me. He did this. He did that. Because
once you hear that about people, when you hear that about people, people change the opinion. And in our society, all you have to do is tell someone new to the community. You just say whatever you want to say. And that person because of the color to deem that person doesn't know there's a min Hajj in this religion in Persia can be number in for the pain you know, you have to ascertain. It says if we think when people talk is revelation from the sky soon as they say we believe it.
And then as a result of that we start hating people these wise a deviant man is a brand spanking new Muslim, he just started practicing. Allah guided him as the southern fuse to say from the greatest net mon Allah from Allah is for young person or person who's not an Arab new Muslim to come to a person of the Sunnah. So he gets with people trying to in the Sunnah and right away they start saying don't go there don't listen to him Don't miss don't miss that. And he creates in his heart he
for people
planted in the sea that aren't that hatred.
Anymore questions a whiny philosophy for the remand.
And he said
that's a good question and he mad and it actually reminds me of the hadith of Abdullah agony, Massoud will have to live in must Oh, tell the people how is it going to be when the fitna comes to you? The tabbing didn't sit down and just stop they said, When is that? They will ask questions to get further elaboration and clarification. And they got that from the companions. Who when the Prophet was say something southern lady was saying they would say to me is Allah who is the Roy
vida, and they were asked questions. He said I made dua to Allah the brothers question is, what are those other two things that the Prophet may do are for Allah gave it to him and didn't give them that one? Anybody know, one of them was one of them, my brother
this OMA will not be destroyed, the lack of the Ummah won't come as a result of a flood like it happened during Nora, Noah's time. Salawat Allah He was salam wanting, what's the second one?
Anybody else know the second one? For the
the job, the second one, he made dua to Allah not to allow this ummah to be destroyed in its entirety by the non Muslims. So the non Muslims will subjugate people in Palestine, and in Syria, and in Iraq, and then Kashmir, and here and here and here, but they will never be able to subjugate this whole ummah will never happen. Your hammock Allah it happened here happened there, but they will never be able to subdue the whole ummah. So the first one, this ummah won't be destroyed by
flood, tsunami a hit Indonesia in those areas, a lot of people will die, but other people won't die in other places like it happened and no one everybody was killed. Second issue is the OMA won't be overpowered, overwhelmed by an outside force. I like gave him that. But the third thing he asked for, don't allow the failing of my ummah to be fierce. Allah didn't give them that. That is from the color of Allah with wisdom that is with Allah. And he said many Hadith, what happened to the degree
the murder were murdered someone and he doesn't know why did he murder them? And the one who got murdered doesn't know why was he murdered? He doesn't know why did you kill him?
he said it would be so bad that the person will kill his uncle, son, his own cousin, first cousin kill them.
When the Companions heard that they say Yato so Allah, will the people have their intellect during that day? Will they be like using your mind? He said know the intellect of the people that they will be taken away from most of them it's going to be mental illnesses during that time. We ask Allah subhanaw taala whenever even NAFTA and the makers of those people shallow truth one word indeed those people who have suffered on our Dow in southern Iran, the keytab in a Tauheed high there was
some low lows southern robotic I didn't maybe you know, early was hobby edge marine Subhanak Allahumma indica or shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa strikethrough