Virtues of Visiting Your Brother
Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 36
![Abu Usamah At-Thahabi](
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The Hadith of Islam is a book that elevates people's religion and gives them the ability to practice. The speakers discuss the importance of setting boundaries and the Bible's values. The conversation includes a doctor discussing the immune system's response to COVID-19 and how it can damage healthy immune cells. The virus is not immune system specific and can be infected from multiple angles.
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim
Al hamdu lillahi Meadowhall when a star II know when to stop the federal when our old will be lie him in show Rudy phocoena women, CVR Dr. Molina, MAN Yeah did you learn phenomenal the nella homing dude the little fella had the Allahu well I shall do en la ilaha illa Allah who the whole last year DECA well I shall do and Mohammed Abdullah who was who who saw the world to lie he was said mo I need screaming cathedra a mabamba fitna Halal Khademi Qalamoun ye well halen who? The Who? The Rasul
Allah is Allah Allah when he was sending them were shuttle more murders that to what coulomb deaths in Bedard tune. What could be the atan bola Tomoko Galatia Tenzin not come to the next Hadith today. Concerning the 40 Hadith of the Islamic personality.
We only have a few more classes inshallah a few more a hadith to explain from what the author brought her father who lives with Jen, come to a tremendous hadith of Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him. That is a Hadith that has quite a few benefits and it will scratch the surface inshallah as we always do.
And maybe use some Allahu alayhi wa sallam nama told his companions, may Allah be pleased with them that there was a man from the people of the past, who left his town in order to go to another city, another town with the sole objective of visiting his brother for Allah sake.
So Allah azza wa jal is sent to the man who was going to visit his brother, an angel.
And he sent them angel in the form of a human being.
The angel came to the man and he asked him where you're going, he informed him that I'm on the way to this next courier to the town over here, in order to visit a brother of mines for the cause of Allah. The angel asked him
Is there any other ulterior motive that you have? Is there another reason that you have to visit him like he owes you some money or you want to borrow money? Or is it something else? That men say no, I'm simply going to visit him for the sake of Allah.
The angel said to him, Well, I have been sent to you by Allah azza wa jal, as a messenger.
And I've been informed and instructed that I should tell you, because of your love for that man, Allah and loves you.
That's the authentic hadith of the Nebby some Allah what He was saying in the narration, because Hadith has multiple narrations, and one of them, thank you said Do you want anything goes from you just going to visit him say I'm only going to visit him. I don't want anything from him. I'm going to visit him for Allah, because I love Him for allah sake.
So as I said, the angel told him because of your love for that man. And you've taken time out of your busy schedule to go visit that man for Allah sake and Allah sake alone. Because of that Allah loves you.
This hadith, honey is a Hadith as I mentioned, figuratively speaking, it's impregnated with a lot of it a lot of outcome, a lot of data, a lot of
a lot of benefits and a lot of edit, you know, manners connected to it. And a lot of rulings, we'll deal with a few of them here in Shallotte xuejun.
First thing you want to deal with is at the hadith is showing us and calling us because the book, The 40 Hadith of the Islamic personality, is a book in which we've been explaining these a hadith hoping that when we hear these Hadith and we study these Hadith, we try to inculcate them and make them a part of our personality. So we have to make jihad, like those Hadith about making Riba and talking and mentioning something evil about your brother in his absence, from Fudger today, until
Maghrib. So new day right now, Tim McGraw. How many people from amongst us did not mean diva. They mentioned something negative about your brother or your sister that they wouldn't make you to have mentioned. So we go through that whole Hadith. And then the person turns around and he's making Viva No, the book that we're dealing with and the Hadith that we're dealing with. There is designed to encourage us and to be an incentive to educate
To elevate us to be people who are trying to practice these Hadith.
So this particular Hadith that's on the table today, inshallah is a Hadith that shows us the virtues of a sunnah. That is Majora Matsuoka, you won't find many people practice in this particular sunnah during our time and that is the virtues of visiting people for the sake of Allah,
to take time out of one's schedule, just to go to someone to give them synapse in their house. And that's all you go for that goal and that purpose. This hadith shows that and if we will look at the Quran, and the authentic sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu was setting them we will find that both of those sources have an abundance of proofs to show. Visiting people, especially people a virtue, people are going to remind you of your religion. People are going to take advantage of the time when
you're with them, you benefit them they benefit you. And when you leave each other's company, the angels were busy writing positive things as opposed to visit and the people wore from the Astra, the evil people, Kala kala people, he says she said, the people who just pass around, you know rumens, and so forth and so on. The vast majority of people who we visited we deal with a wasting our time.
The vast majority of the people who we take as our friends are wasting our time.
So Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran, and Allah Who Yeoman even bowed on the bow, or Dune, Elon Musk, the pain yomo piano, the friends, the alleles, people were friends in this life, they're going to be enemies, one to another human piano, except that people have Taqwa. Because when you are the friend of someone who has Taqwa is going to help you to take advantage of your time is going to help you to watch your lease and he's going to help you to be a better person when you forget. He'll
remind you when you're tired, he'll support you, he'll give you encouragement. And this is why when it comes to issues like when people are about to die, the Prophet says Allah who I needed was sending them. Men Kennett, La ilaha illa. Allah can I mean he definitely Jana, whoever, c'est la ilaha illa Allah and that was the last thing that he said he will go to gender. So it's from the Sunnah, if you ever visit someone who's on his deathbed, not to overwhelm him and overburden him or
her, but you should try to keep them saying that ilaha IL Allah, that's what the religious practicing people will do. But the evil people, the astrong, ignorant people, neglectful people, they'll go and they'll start talking about the football game, the score of the football game, what's the latest record out? What's the cricket score, and the person who was about to die these are the things that are going on in their ear and what's going on in the, in the environment. So this hadith
20 is a hadith is showing us the virtues of visiting and sitting with and being with people of benefit.
As I mentioned, if you look at the book of Allah azza wa jal Allah Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran was the left sicoma levena the ruler of bone believe that you will I shoot you you read dune and watch when I tried to I NACA and whom to redo Xena to lie to dunya Allah told the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam Yeah, Muhammad, sit with your companions and this ayat was revealed because of the poor companions that were with him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abdullah minimus rude
al Shabaab, kebab Ibn ERT those poor companions, Yasser Amar those poor people with wisdom Salman, Allah, it was seldom Allah told them be with these people who call on Allah, they make salah they make dua be with them, be with them. And don't allow your eyes to turn away from them. Paying attention to the rich people. We're going to waste your time be with these people, the religious people the story of Heather and Musa in the Quran in surah two Kath Salawat Allah He was sent amlani
Hema when Heather was a person who some of the scholars of Al Islam who gave to seal the Quran said he was a Nabi and some said he was a Willie from the OD of Allah. And the important thing is the benefits of the story. When Musa heard that he had knowledge that was not in the possession of Musa Musa we're now in a trip, looking to hook up with him.
When looking to meet him, to benefit from him what Allah has bestowed upon him. That's an example of this hadith. Someone going out to visit someone looking for the height of the people of good. So many I act a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after the death of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam Abu Bakr was ready for wali from the ODM Allah. Mr. Reddy, Alonso Awali, from the OD Avila, Abu Bakar said to Omar, let's go and visit on Amon, come at Cannon EBU sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam Yuzuriha let's go and visit. Amon Baraka was honey, the same way the Prophet used to go and visit her on Amon was the free slave of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, she helped to raise him and give him tarbiyah when he was a small kid, Salawat Allah was set NYT.
He has to take time out of his busy schedule. He is the leader of the Muslims. He lives in the salaat. He is a kadhi he's the Rasul he's a Nebby. He is the Imam. He's the judge. He is the father. He's the grandfather. He's different. He had all of those wives Salah while he was selling them. So anybody who has a busy squid schedule you can imagine, he was more than busy. But he took the time out to go visit his companions after him were tenacious on following the Sunnah and they were not
like the people who we find some of them today is just a sunnah. It's just a sunnah I will Bucher, the leader of the Muslims practice in the Sunnah of the Prophet was the leader of the Muslim southern lady who said, let's go visit. Yeah. They went to Amon. When they went in the house of home, amen, she started crying. I will Bukka say yeah, amen. Don't cry, why are you crying? Don't you know that now that the prophet has died? Salallahu Salam, what he has with Allah is better than
him being here, for sure is tough on us. But what he has with Allah is better. She said, I know what he has with allies better. I don't doubt that when I can the upkeep the end and why. In Qatar, I'm in a summit. I'm crying because the revelation has stopped showing her love for the Quran. Hala for the ye. When the Prophet was here SallAllahu wasallam. That meant that that relation will continue to come down as it did for 23 years. But the point here is I will bucket an aroma. Let's go and
visit the lady the same way the Prophet used to visit the lady SallAllahu sallam. So he's to visit the ex slave. He used to visit the young child.
And he said rheumatic who was the servant of the Nabhi. Somebody was selling for 10 years from the age of 10. To 20. He said, I took care of the Prophet sallallahu. It was said that when he came to Medina, he never said to me, why did you do something that I did? And he never said, why didn't you do something that I didn't do for 10 years? You said that I had a little brother and my little brother had a sparrow, a new hire as the name of the bird. And the bird was in a cage. He kept a
bird in an Medina in a cage. And the bird died. So let him see the boy for some time. He saw NSMs and Ennis, where's your brother? I haven't seen your little brother in quite some time. He say God also Lola, his bird died. And he said he doesn't want to come outside. Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Come on. Abubaker. Earth man Abdurahman even outside even Abby will cause big companions from the 10 people. Promise Jana. Let's go and visit the little boy. When he went to the boy's
house. He said to the boy yeah, Abba Rumanian mother find a new hair. What did the bird do? And the boy started laughing at the prophets joke the way he played with him. Salatu was Salam. So the point here is he used to visit people because they as virtuales in visiting people, they say, as the Arabs say Al bird, Jeff, that Alberto Jaffa, if you don't see your brother for a long time, you forget about and they say out of sight out of mind. You don't know what issues he's been going through. And
you don't know what issues that he's been going through. But when you see each other you say, Oh, wow, I should have reached out and then you start talking and then possibly perhaps per chance. Sometimes that happens where as a result of seeing and meeting is able to alleviate some of the issues and some of the stresses of the dunya that we have to do it. Deal with a share hidden minimum collapse. Let's
Sin. This is a sunnah that is man Jorah Matsuoka and the rewards for it are tremendous like in this hadith, Allah I loved you Allah loves you because of the love that you have for that man and an authentic hadith of the Prophet he mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in showing the virtues and the rewards of this man Zara Mareeba Oh Zara Allahu phala na di who Munna didn't be and we'll talk with taba mom, Chaka whatever what to Minsan full agenda. Anybody who goes to visit a sick person,
or you go to visit your brother, Phila, your brother in the religion, he doesn't have to be sick, you just go to visit him between magazzini shop, whatever, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, you go to visit him, it will be set by an angel who will call out to Him, you have been purified, and your walk in has been blessed. And you have prepared for yourself a place in the agenda. So that is what happens when a person visits someone who's sick. Or when a person goes and visit someone who's not sick. He
says visit them for the sake of Elijah and I tell you brothers, I tell you
just to take time out of the schedule 20 to get all of this reward. And there are so many people who are there that we know for the opportunity and it's not a situation where you just have to go to the person's house. So that's from the delille in the benefits of this particular Hadith. Another very important benefit of the hadith is establish some issues of our key that that we have to believe and we have to understand and that is the theology of a listener. This is one of the many a hadith that
proves that Allah azza wa jal, he loves Allah He loves.
There are some people who came unfortunately. And they started to be philosophical. They started to add him to the religion was not from the religion from philosophy and rhetoric, and they took out of the religion what is from the religion, especially as it relates to the names and attributes of Allah when it comes to describing Allah what he does and what he doesn't do? The Muslim can be like the Jew can't be like the Christian can't be like the C or the Hindu. There is this thing in our
religion called the hug dude of Allah, the her dude, the boundaries, we can exceed the boundaries don't exceed the boundaries. So they about 33, zero 30 ayat of the Quran telling us different things about the boundaries. Take care of the hug dude of Allah, respect the hug dude of Allah. Don't play with the hadoo dev Allah. Don't exceed and go beyond the hadith of Allah and the Hadith of Allah many things is many things till what Tilka who do the Allah filata caribou? Ha, those are the
boundaries of Allah don't go close to them.
divorcing a lady more than three times. Man is married to the lady has been divorced at least 15 times. You have exceeded the Hadoop of Allah azza wa jal. The Prophet says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam iniquity. melakukan Threema Rahim Allah Mahara Moo hoo, every single king, he has a sanctuary, a place where you better not get caught and that sanctuary, whatever country you come from, wherever you come from, your place of origin, and the UK as well. And France and America, the
leader of that country has a place that you and I better not get caught there without a two three. You better not go on the White House lawn in Washington, unless they allowed you there. Every King has that.
Every country has that. That's the parliament. That's the place where the judges are. That's the maxima. You better not get caught there. The Prophet said some Allah who it was Sunday he said Allah has a sanctuary as well. And the sanctuary of Allah azza wa jal are those things that are haram. Those things that are haram so the person has to stay away from those boundaries which are the hadith of Allah the point I want to make very quickly is from Allah was her dude. i His names and
attributes that we don't compete with him, economic Malaysia, we don't compete with him and his names and we don't compete with him in his attributes SubhanaHu wata Allah. So Allah establishes things that he does in the Quran and the authentic sunnah.
And things that he does not do in the Quran and in the authentic sunnah. Allah doesn't beget, nor was he begotten. He wasn't born. He doesn't get tired. He doesn't go to sleep. He doesn't oppress. Allah is all knowledgeable. Allah is old.
will vary his throne which is above the seven heavens and he's not everywhere. He's over his throne in a way that befits His Majesty. It comes down at the last third of every night. These are characteristics that the Prophet mentioned SallAllahu it was sending about Allah azza wa jal. He said about the people who are here in political rebag Bane is to be a rock, man, you can label her cavia shed the hearts of all of the servants, all of the people are between the two fingers of
Allah. Allah changes their hearts, how he wants them to change. He was Catherine, now he became a Muslim. Allah changed his heart. He was not grateful and thankful. Now Allah made him grateful and thankful laughter You may told me he may hide something, I became a better person. So Allah established that as a characteristic of his, the Muslims came and they said, two fingers, what were you talking about? A lot comes down What What are you talking about? So they did away with these
names and these attributes. And one of the attributes that Allah has established throughout the Quran, the prophet as well Salah Salem, is that Allah loves but Allah loves in a way that befits His Majesty. You have knowledge, Allah has knowledge, but your knowledge is not God's knowledge.
No, you will see and Allah seeds, but Allah was seeing is not like yours. So the idea of the Quran I laid second Mythri shade, nothing is like Unto Allah. So those characteristics that Allah has, that we also have, you can ever imagine. They are the same way. Allah has two hands. And both of his hands are right hands. And he said to the bliss, mom, and I can test you that luck to be a day. Yeah. A bliss work prevented you from bowing down to the one that I created with my two hands. But
the Muslims came and said, two hands out. No, it doesn't mean that. And then they started to explain away these attributes of Allah as a result of philosophy. When the Companions heard these, I got a rock man and an arrow she's Stella,
Allah, a rock man is older his throne above the seven heavens, none of the companions that how, what do you mean? Why when none of them said that? They didn't even ask questions. They just believed in it. You just believe in it. And it's not your job responsibility to get into the bottom of that get into all the detail to make them feel to make the RTL to make to should be no it's not your job to ask how what's the details? So this is one of the many proofs and 20 this hadith that establishes
that Allah He loves. He loves people, and he loves things and he loves places in a way that befits His Majesty subhanho wa Taala he mentioned in an authentic hadith sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which is a Hadith currency that Allahu Taala mentioned in this hadith min.
Lee William forgot i then to Lahore then Tula who will help Mamata Carrera er Abdi be che in a heartbeat Leia, mustard to Ali maga zylab. De at the cuddle boo Isla Bonita y Phil Hi, boo.
The Prophet said some Allah when he was sending that Allah mentioned in this authentic hadith. And those of you who have the book 40 Hadith of an Imam and know we this is in this from the July man and kill him. He said, Allah said, Anyone, anyone who has animosity, enmity towards a colleague of mine, it could be a prophet, it could be an obese, I'm a lot he was sending him it could be a scholar, it could be a regular Muslim who's a Willie from the ollie of Allah. Anyone who has enmity
towards one of my own yet, I will declare war on that people. That person, he said and that is because my slave does nothing to get closer to me that I love more than what I mean Why don't you have upon them. So those things that Allah may wajib upon us Allah by Allah, like salah, like zakat, like some like Hajj like the hijab, and at the top of the list, a Tawheed is the most beloved thing to Elijah. The hadith said, Allah loves that the slave gets close to him by what is Whadjuk more
than anything else? He said My slave will not continue to do the Nawab Phil sunnah, prayers, sunnah song, sunnah sadaqa my prayers, my my slave, the more he does that he will become a person that I love him. And if I love him, I become the
Hands by which he strikes, I become the eyes but which he sees the ears by what you hear is the hands by which you strike and the feet by which he works. So that is from the many, many, many proofs. So the point here one is without getting too deep into this issue, don't be of the people and like the people of philosophical thinking when it comes to theology. We established these things, we believe them without getting into the detail, the issue of the cutter, the cutter, how
does Allah know everything that's going to happen before it happens, and then the person still goes to the Hellfire is as if Allah forced him to do those bad things. The Companions didn't ask those kinds of questions. They didn't allow their minds to go into those arenas. And that's why blogging was rude used to tell the people who he was teaching from the tambourine. May Allah be pleased with Abdullah Masood, and the rest of the companions, they pay for what the finance stop where the
companion stuff stopped, where the Companions done. When they didn't delve into issues. You people don't delve into issues. That's what Abdullah gave me. My school told that people who missed the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, they're not companions. They met Abu Bakar numerous man, I think in the rest of it. Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah Massoud, in teaching them he said, Hey, you people, you want to be good Muslims, then stop with a companion stop in another state. And he said
Tebbe rule will lead to do not veto, follow what they did, and don't invent an introducing a religion. We have a lot of introductions to the point where the young Nashi he's a young kid, he grows up in these masajid of the Muslims is our key. There's not the arcade of the companions, because he wasn't taught to stop. He's going to do the moment. He's going to do all kinds of things. And I'm not saying if a person does the mold, he's going to the hellfire. And I'm not saying if a
person does the mold, he's the worst human being. What I'm saying is whether the Companions do those things. That's the question where did the Companions do those things? And even people claiming a connection to the Sunnah, going extreme, setting up for people to three ships. And that said, that's not something that companions were upon. You only have to follow the Maliki method, you only have to follow the Hanafi madhhab. Humbly, my mother, Shafi mishap and you better not go outside. Where did
the Companions do that? Where no one ever came and said, I'm on Naboo because men that I'm following everything you said, as a matter of fact, they were against that they were against it during the fitna that happened between Ali and while we may Allah be pleased with both of them and it led to civil war between the Muslims. May Allah be pleased with all of those companions. They had he had.
They said to Abdullah not bass a companion. Are you with the she I have ally? Oil you would the she I have Wailea, which group do you support? You support an ally or muawiya He could have easily said it is better than why we are ally is more knowledgeable than while we? It is the cousin of the Prophet somebody was sending them and he grew up in the house of a Naboo and he was the husband and the son in law of the NABI SallAllahu sallam. Ali was one of the first for people to embrace his
land. Rasul Allah Subhan Allah who it was set it up.
Khadija, Abu Bakar 90 He was the first youngster to embrace it. He could have went on and on about the virtues of it. Rasul Allah said about Ali's children Hassan and Hussein and I yet wherever he could have said that the Lagna band said May Allah be pleased with him. Allah from the Shiite of it, and I'm not from the she I have more IWEA I follow Rasul Allah, he's Allah, Allah, what are you selling? Wherever the truth is, and whoever's on that truth as soon as support. I don't support this
madhhab I'm gonna support that Imam this Masjid. That doesn't mean so don't conflate. Don't confuse the issue. That does not mean I'm saying the med hat is not permissible. What I'm saying is the person who says if you don't have a med hat, you're not a real Muslim. You can't be a Muslim. Well, you get that from
where did the Companions do that companions were against that making people come under the umbrella of the thought of one person, there's only one person we unconditionally follow, obey, and we tried to be like him, and that's the messenger of allah sallallahu Sen. So as it relates to the second issue, what different that this hadith is from the mini Hadith allow time that mentioned in the Quran and Allah your Hibben Soutine Verily, Allah loves those who are Ferengi
Just the judge who's fairing just the father who's fairing just when something happens between his children, the husband who's fairing just when something happens between his wives for example, the guy who has a business and he's faring just Allah loves those who are fair, and those who are just establishing the Quran and Allah you Hebrew my singing, Allah loves those people of La San, he loves that. And Allah your hibel at to wellbeing we read boom, Tahiti. Allah loves those who make Toba and
Allah loves those who purify themselves, they may well do they make a stranger.
So we have i upon Ayat upon ayat and a hadith establishing that Allah subhanaw taala loves, but he loves in a way that be fits his Majesty's not like the love that amount of warned us about. And we already talked about this before in one of the Hadith that we took in this class. The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Habiba. Kohonen might love the person who you love moderately, because the day may come when they become your enemy, and hate the person you hate
moderately, because they may come where they become your bosom buddies, someone who you love. I'm not read the law. No, he said, Don't be a person who loves like a child.
So that when that child, something happens to him, he goes overboard, and he just loved you two seconds ago. Then he says, I hate you, and I hate everything about you. Don't be like that, be moderate and be balanced in the issue of love. Allah doesn't love like that. That's how human beings love. They love overboard. He's in a toxic relationship, he won't get out of it. Because if you ask him a this relationship is causing you a lot of stress and anxiety and grief. And it's probably
going to be a cause of your sorrow. You'll know piano you need to get out of it. Why don't you get out of it, he says, because I love
or the lady says that she needs to be as far far as far away from that guy as possible. But the love is extreme. It's extreme. The Muslims individual loves moderately,
as it relates to that second point, the great scholar of Islam.
He has a book for the Arab brothers, I would advise you to get that book. The book is called modality just salad King
bainham as that Manasa er Canabalt what you're gonna start seeing my dad EJ as Sadie King. There was a Sufi Sheikh
Al Hara, we rock, not ALLAH and he will go for Allah, little Jimmy. He wrote the book himself and Hara has Sufi tendencies. And he was to say things that were problem and he wrote things that were not true in the book, extreme things that some Sufis to this day they believe, the chef knows the Unseen, the chef knows what's in your heart, that shed has reached a level where it rings because of him, things like that. He wrote things like that. And the management team came and fixed that up.
And in reality, the book is talking about the TIF see it of Surah Fatiha, but the treasures that are in that soaring gotta get that book. And then there's a chapter about this issue about those people Allah loves and from them on the people, as I mentioned, like this hadith is saying that people of religion, when they come in, they sit together, they are companions to one another. They check for one another, they support one another, they visit one another.
Because this hadith established that third issue whining Saturday shows again, the virtues of loving one another.
It's easy to love your wife, because you have a
a vested interest to love her. You have an emotional investment to love your wife. It's easy to love your child. It's from the fitrah filter to Allah let the federal nurse Allah. It is the filter that Allah created people on. You see someone who doesn't love his mother's father doesn't love his child. Some happens. Something happened Allah knows best what happened with something happens. It's natural.
It's natural. Most people just need to cultivate it, develop it, enhance it. But what about loving each other? That man was going to see his brother and melodica the main say we're going I'm going to visit my brother, another city. You want anything from him? He owes you money, want to get money from him? No, I love him. I'm just going to visit him. For the sake of Allah. He said Be the law.
because of your love for him Allah loves you.
So the Hadith shows the virtues of Muslim men, developing the Islamic Brotherhood and loving each other and Muslim women as well. loving each other. And it is something that unfortunately, we find it being compromised in our religion. Listen to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam let me know what you hate Billy, he my you humble enough? See, none of you truly believes until you love for for your brother what you love for yourself. Many people have double standards
will talk bad about people will spread rumors about people. If something comes to us and we hear it we'll believe it.
But when it's you in the line of fire and you're the subject of rumors and you don't want people doing that with you with for you.
You don't want but for someone else will listen and we'll talk about it. No. loving each other is one of the pinnacles of this religion is the Prophet mentioned something Allahu alayhi wa Ana Ali was set up for life. Men couldn't Nephi Wajid the beginner Halawa till Eman. There are three things if a person has these three things. He would taste the sweetness of Eman, one of those things he said. And you hate Bill Maher, when are you able Illa Allah, for him to love someone and he loves
them only for Allah sake. There's no Knesset between them no relationship. They're not working for one another. They're not mutually invested in some project. So they have to maintain and keep good relationships has nothing to do with that. You're my brother in law, Islam and I love you for the sake of Allah.
Virtues virtues this hadith is one of those Hadith. It establishes because the angel said because of your love for him, Allah loves you. And then many, many, many proofs and deliver that many, many. Like we mentioned the ayat, those people who are friends yomo piano they're going to come and they will be enemies one to 11 Except that people who have Taqwa that people have talked about the turkey, the turkey, he took a brother as a friend, and he manifested this hadith of his love, his
respect and so forth. Many many the Prophet swore sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were living in fcbd. led to
led to Toluna Jana Hatter took me know what, to me, you know the height that the hub, I swear by the one who my hand is in my soul is in his hands. You people are not going to enter into the Jannah. Until until you believe, and you're not going to gain Amen, until you love one another shall not teach you that thing that if you do it, it will cause you to love one another. They say yes, yes, Allah, what is it? He said, If she said, I'm being a con, say to the people, Santa Monica, Santa
whether you know them, you don't know them. So the point is a number of a dilemma that we don't have to get deep into that because before we did, that hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu was setting them in this class about loving moderately, and we got into the fifth of love, don't go overboard, and your love and don't go overboard in your hatred and don't go overboard and anything for that matter. Third benefit of the Hadith 20 And this is really important as well, is that the Hadith goes to show
that the brotherhood of Al Islam and the issues connected to the religion.
They are more profound, more beneficial, more important, more lasting than the issues of the dunya even if they happen to be your nessip your relationship your biological relationship. So to explain it further.
A man is in the audience. He has two sons
and brothers in the audience. He has 234 brothers. They have blood brothers and the same blood is circulating in the body and that is important. The blood of relations is important. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Iran medalla Khumba Laroche, your call
men was Eleni wa sallahu la woman Qatar I need Qatar hula, the the, the the womb, the womb. It is holding on to the Throne of Allah and it's
says anyone who connects me May Allah connect him anyone who disconnects me May Allah disconnect them.
So we have to connect ourselves to our mothers, our fathers, aunties, uncles cousins, we can allow ongoing disputes to remain generation after generation can't do that. We can't cut people off and boycott them. You have to connect to your relations, and to disconnect from your relations, especially your mother, your father, your brothers, sisters, uncles, and Auntie's. This is from the major sin in Islam.
So taking care of your relationships is important. It is important, extremely important.
But the relationship of the religion is more important, and is Wailea in the skills is weightier. And that's why we have in the Quran where the interpersonal relationships that are mentioned and we've given given examples of everybody in the Quran. We have those examples of the people of the past from the prophets and the messengers Salawat the lion was sent mo I named Jemaine where they were religious, and their parents were not religious.
So that connection, that biological connection, it's not going to benefit. It's not going to benefit. So Ibrahim and his father you bring in his father as a
biological relationship, as is not going to benefit from it. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam his father Abdullah and his mother Amina not going to benefit them you'll Qiyamah know, his relationship to his son not going to benefit the son you'll know Kiama not going to benefit Adam or religious son, the other son irreligious killed his brother, not going to rip is not going to benefit you.
Whereas in the dean and the dean, that relationship is more important.
Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran in naman.
Verily, the believers are brothers. The believers are brothers. No, no Noah. He wanted Allah to give his son a chance when his son disobeyed, his son didn't want to come and get on the boat. He said I'm going to high mountain and when the floods subside I'll be okay. No say no. So when the boy was abstinent and he wants to get on the mountain, no one asked Allah will try to give them don't don't destroy him. Don't destroy him. He's from my family. Allah Allah Tala said to him Carla, Carla Yeah,
no, no lays him and Alex in no vital sign for that is only my lease Allah Kabir.
No, he is not from your family. He's your family, but he's not from your family. Your real family are those people believe the family of the fellowship of the religion? Where I come from in America. One of the terms that we use African Americans amongst ourselves, as we'll call anybody who's black brother, motorcycle, people do that as well. motorcycle clubs, they call themselves brothers. People have that fraternity. Nothing wrong with that.
Nothing's wrong with that. But the real Brotherhood is the brotherhood of this Deen, non Muslim who's the same color as me saying something doing something against this religion. And here's a person, different ethnicity than I am comes from a different continent all together. That one is closer to me than this one.
And we all have to see it that way. We all have to see it that way. Let's slam is the most important identifying factor. So in this hadith, this is shown to us because the guy was going to visit someone who wasn't his blood brother. He was going to visit someone who was his brother in the dean, he was going to visit his brother in the dean and is in the dean. And we get a lot of that in the Quran. A lot of that in the Quran. And Mallow will be known.
Xena tool Hayato dunya. Wolbachia to Solly had hired on in the rub because the wire, wire wire Armineh.
Children and money is from the Zener of the dunya. You got a bunch of sons, you got a bunch of children but two daughters, what does it benefit you if they're not praying?
You have a lot of money. You live in a big house? What does it benefit you if you're not practicing your religion and my little one by noon Xena to hire to do is from the beautification of this dunya Allah set it back here to solve the righteous things that you do that remain eternally like the so after maghrib that we just prayed is going to come and it's going to be there in your skills you'll know Qiyamah your Hodge your cat your Eman?
You're this you're that you're stealing the masjid from Maghrib and Isha. That's from the back here to Salih heart because it's connected to the dean. And I don't want anyone to misunderstand this because some of us had this a bit twisted. That does not mean that your relatives, you don't take care of your relatives, and you go take care of your brothers in Islam. No, I love my mother, my father, my sisters. I love them more than they love the people in this Masjid because they're my
family, obviously. But when it comes to the issue of drawn the line of what the religion says, I gotta follow what the religion says.
So I don't want anyone to misunderstand that especially in the Revert here. That doesn't mean that you disrespect your parents and your non Muslim relatives. Does it mean that because throughout the Quran, Ibrahim Salawat delay was sin am whiny he respected his father. Yeah, but yeah, but the Oh my respect the father. Oh, my respect the father throughout his interaction and his exchanges with his father. Anyone who comes and says, because your parents are disbelievers, you allow to disrespect
them because your family disbelievers. You allow to disconnect between from them your relatives Kela. It's not the case. Last point that we want to mention a whiny son in the benefits of the Hadith of the man who went to visit his brother is that it shows another issue about our key then that is, you know, the hadith of Jabril. When Jabril came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in a form of a man.
His hair was exceedingly light black, and his clothes were exceedingly white. And no one knew him. And he didn't look like he traveled from anywhere. So it's a weird situation.
If he's a visitor,
and it came from traveling, he should look disheveled. And since he was looking so clean, and so presentable, why is it that no one knows him? He doesn't look like a travel a stranger. So it was a weird situation.
In front of the people who got in front of the Prophet Salah Salem, and put his knees to the knees of Rasulullah sallallaahu. Selim, the way you sit in the shepherd, that day, he had to rely he was Salawat in the Salah. Prophet Muhammad was sitting like that in his knees, he sat with his knees there, he proceeded to us. Tell me, what is a snap? What is e man? What is SN? He said, what is L E man? Rasulullah sallallahu Imen sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is to believe in Allah and the melodic
the books, to believe in the messengers to believe in your piano and to believe in the other the good and the evil loving.
What is Al Eman for you to believe in Allah to believe in the melodica the angels to believe in the books to believe in your piano to believe in Allah, the melodica the books, the messages Yokoyama and to believe in the cutter,
each one of those
six articles of faith have details that deserve that we learn those details. It is not I believe in Allah and that's it. And you say that Allah has how's it Nasir
you didn't believe in Allah correctly. If you believe that Allah was that Prophet Muhammad, his house and nozzle, you didn't believe in Allah properly. And you didn't believe in the messengers properly. You need them because they all human beings. So they have their details.
And one issue I want to pick out here the sixth is to believe in the Malacca
I believe in in Malacca, and that's it. No, we have to believe in what was established about the Malacca in the Quran authentic sunnah.
And what was established about them is that they were created from nor they were created from nor so they're different.
We know a bliss is not from the melodica because he was from the jinn and the jinn were created from a smokeless fire.
From what we believe about the melodica is what Allah mentioned ly as soon hola Amira, whom we have, I don't know don't they don't dis obey Allah and what he tells them to do. But instead they do what they have been commanded do. They don't have the ability or the capacity to disobey Benny Adam and the jinn, we can obey and we can disobey
some of them and I Iike as Allah mentioned, in sort of factor Alhamdulillah he thought there was some way to an arrow, J elimina. Eka Rosada?
All as Neha to methanethiol Lhasa robot is here to help him Ayesha. All praise is due to Allah Who originated and created the heavens and the earth, and He may be angels messengers. Some of the angels have two wings, some have three wings
Some have four wings. Some of the angels have 600 wings
jamoke Qiyamah. They will be angels are going to bring a laws thrown down. There is an angel that's in charge of the Hellfire Nadi bliss. What's the name of the angel in charge of the Hellfire whiny? What's his name?
Malik. Malik. Malik is name we'll call Oh yeah, Maddie.
Oh, the ROB buck. Leah. The Elena Malik. Gonna ask you, Lord, get rid of us. The people that Hellfire gonna say let them just destroy us once and for all because we can't handle this.
We can't handle it. Malik is gonna say back to them and no comeback. Ethan you guys are going to stay in here. And the punishment has been increased for eternity. So his name is manic and popular culture. Our children are growing up watching TV cartoons. And they have the devil. He's in charge of shaytani bliss. He's in charge of the Hellfire at the gate. Maybe he has a pitchfork has a red suit on with long tail as ears you know, like that. And our kids growing up thinking this is the
situation? No, that's not the situation. So there are many things that Cleany about the angels, the main Angel
Jibreel may guide you is through our field. They're the main angels of the Prophet has to swear by them three all the time. SallAllahu wasallam, I swear by the Lord of Jabril. McHale and this Rafi please do that all the time they the meanings. There's an angel on your right, the one on your left and the angel whenever there is the mischief is a talk, they come down they envelope they envelop the people and golf the people. So many things.
One of the things we have to believe about them and that one is they have the ability to take on the form of human beings by Allah's permission.
And that's why Jabril he did that. And that hadith that we were just talking about sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
and Jabril used to come to the Prophet sallallahu was setting them and he used to resemble one of the companions his name was dickeya Blue Khalifa, Al Kelby. A Salah was talking to Jabril and his wife saw him and waited for him. When the Prophet came back. He said you knew I was just talking to? She say yes, did he have no Khalifa Kelby, he was a handsome man from the most handsome of the companions, him and fogal if not bass were the two companions who were known for being handsome. And
that's part of what we believe about the melodica, that the melodica not ugly. And that's why in the story of Yosef, when they saw use of the wind woman, they said, there's not a human being there's an angel, and they cut their hands.
Because the angels don't look like that. So the point here is, one of the things that the angels have the ability to do is they have the ability to take on the form of human beings.
They have the ability to do that be in any lab that was doing the time in the past, and during the time that the Prophet SAW Selim, if it's happening now, I'm not saying it can't happen. I don't know any I don't know any Hadith that says it can't happen. But there's nothing my religion tells anybody here walk around, asking people you named you.
Are you an angel? And this is one of the problems of the quarter fat of the soul with Sufis is not all of them. But some of them believe that Heather, Heather, Heather that Musa went to me in the Quran over 2000 years ago, you know, like the people of Iraq, Iran, Shiite Islam 10th of Muharram, they still beating themselves up and mourning the death of someone after 1000 years, when the Prophet said is not permissible SallAllahu Sallam to mourn a person for more than three days. You
still mourning someone 4000 years kind of religion is that and this is not me stabbing or making time and putting people believe that down. This is saying, hey, for Dr. Moon cave, we intellect
Where did those companions do that companion some island bathe, even when we when did they do that? Stop where the Companions stopped. Now, some of us who don't buy into this mutilating ourselves on the 10th of Ashura because of the blood because it doesn't make sense. Okay? They should be allowed to do it if you're allowed to do the moment. If you're allowed to do your stuff. Why? Why can't other people do whatever they want it to.
So if it's okay for one person or group of people, one group, then it's okay for everybody. That's the justice of his man. And that's what Allah loves about justice and people were just everybody has to discard what has not been left for
us buy in from those companions may Allah be pleased with him. So as it relates to some of the people on this way of Sufism, so with that we'll shake a person's hand and they exaggerate trying to fill if you have a thumb a bone in your thumb, because Heather supposedly doesn't have a bone in his thumb, his right thumb. Where did you get that from? Where is that in the book of Allah? That he said in this Quran? Well, my kind of rub book and ASEA Allah didn't forget anything in this book.
When Zen nanny can keytab to be an equally che, we explained everything you need to know Yeah, Muhammad in this book
will let us Serafina the nuts we have the Quran in Creamy method, we explain to the people everything they need to know in this book, right? Where did you get that from?
The Prophet perform Hajj at the end of his Hudson Allah seven gather all 100,000 people he said, Listen, everybody be quiet. Be quiet, be quiet. Have I relayed the message? They say? Yes, you relayed the message. He saw a bear witness, bear witness bear witness. He didn't leave anything Unturned nothing. Where someone asked to come today with a new idea to tell people how to get close to Allah. And don't come and tell me brother Muhammad didn't have a microphone, don't come and tell
me that. Don't come and tell me that. Because I agreed and have a microphone. But that microphone is not the religion. It's not something that's the deen. It's not the religion. It's not a bad.
You didn't have a car, we're not gonna say you can't have a car can have an airplane, like gonna say that. Can't have a stove or refrigerator. Not gonna say that. Talking about the religion. The innovation is that thing that people introduce in the dean, they make it from the Dean part of the dean. If we got rid of this microphone and just talked without it, no one's gonna have a problem with that. Other than the same complaint we can hear. But no one's gonna say you change the religion
has nothing to do with the deen at all. So the mullah it gets 20. They have the ability to make this to skill. They have the ability to make it to shackle to take on the form and the image of human beings. And there lies in that debate between the scholars and it's just debate, a debate which species which creation is better. Benny Adam, or the mullah Erica, some of the scholars said the mullah it got better because they don't do any sense. Some of the elements and no Benny Adam are
better because they can sin
and they have that free will to do the right thing so that makes them better. And also, Allah sent the angels looking like Benny Adam.
Allah sent the angels many occasions sent the angels to Ibrahim sinter angels de Brahim to tell Ibrahim is gonna go destroy the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. LBGT that stuff over there. During that time, we're gonna go and destroy them and the narrative of the Quran that came and he was afraid of them. And sort of sod deload was praying in his mirror up and that two angels appeared before him. He saw them and he became afraid. So throughout the Quran, this is what happened. So
we're gonna stop here in sha Allah azza wa jal you brothers have any questions concerning today's Ganesh Puja questions fold inshallah and we'll call it a day cylindrical shape
now there are many Hadith whenI that talk about the virtues of loving and from them is that the Prophet says Allahu, and even send them that the prophets and the messengers will have Gupta is to permissible jealousy, envy, envy, you can envy people into situations. Someone knows the Quran he has knowledge you say I wish I was like that. Someone who got money has money to give something up. You say I wish I had that money, but you don't wish that it's taken away from either one of them.
Rasul Allah He is some Lulla what he said and that's called Gupta. He said salon in Salem, the prophets will have a Gupta for people who love each other for Allah sake because of the rewards that they're going to get. Those people love each other for the sake of Allah will be on members members, pulpits made out of light on the right side of Iraq man, and both of his hands are right. The Prophet said southern lady was salah. Sir I told you the love Mala Alfie Vallejo Mala Villa Villa
Avila who seven people Allah was shaving his shade on the day that there will be no shade yomo piano and he mentioned from those seven Raju LAN, the hub, Fila ich Tama aleyhi with the ferrata alley, two men who loved each other for the sake of Allah when they came together, they came together because of that love. When they parted company, they parted company because of that love. So now that's an authentic hadith
More questions when you fill out for the year.
Certainly the pros question in some places, some countries the Muslims are following the madhhab. Sometimes there is, in many countries, the Medallia hip are supported by the government. I don't have any problem with the myth.
There's a balance with it. There are two extremes and then there's a balance. One extreme is the person who says you must have a mishap or you're sinning and you can be a real Muslim. The other extreme is the person who says no madhhab is no good. Come on. No, that's that's too much. If a person took a mishap as a systematic way to arrive at deductions and conclusions, no problem. But as the brother said, all of the Imams said well, Imam Abu Hanifa said Rama to lie Ali Sahadi fufa
whomever happy if the hubby is authentic, then that's my method of Imam Malik told the people that every one statement is accepted or rejected except the one in that grave sallallahu alayhi wa sallam SallAllahu sallam said and Imam Shafi told the people it tougher and relax and know it is Burnett sunnah to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Allah your juicily ahead then canon canon canon, Canon Lincoln and your true kaha Lyra II
it is the consensus of the Anima well Islam if the Hadith comes in is clear. This is the Sunnah no one can leave that sunnah for the statement of this person or that person that person said, Al Imam, admin and remember Acme Rahmatullahi. To Allah He, he mentioned to the people as he said to his students, don't take from Malik don't take from Jose don't take from Sophia and authority but take from where they took from.
Don't blindly follow. Now that doesn't mean I will say I'm a revert born in Islam in 1986. I come in now I'm a much to hit. I'm gonna give fatwas and give. No doesn't mean that. But I have enough sense that there are some issues that when they come to me, I know the mishap was wrong.
I know when the Imam Abu Hanifa ZMapp was wrong when he said the lady didn't need a Wali. I don't have to be a scholar to know that.
And you're not going to accept it. If your daughter runs off and gets married without your permission. You're not going to accept that. And all of them events are like that. But let's just stay in the middle. Any more questions? Any any more questions? Hi, that was Sultan Allah who was suddenly robotic was it and then the Vienna wiener ani he was having a Jemaine was set on my camera to level the cat.