The Impermissibility of Resembling Non-Muslims
Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 03
![Abu Usamah At-Thahabi](
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The transcript discusses the history and characteristics of the use of foot for various purposes, including racist behavior, love for religion, and balancing one's religion. It also touches on the use of sherry to indicate time and the importance of loving people for their religion and being liked. The segment ends with a recap of the Hadith and a book about balancing one's religion and being liked.
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Rahim Al hamdu lillahi Wa Kafa
are Salah while to Allah He was set mo who I learned beginning and was Stefan which Teva.
What I had when Eva in Omar who was the who last shot he callow
what I should do under Mohammed Abdullah who are Sulu who's Unawatuna alayhi wa sallam on YT a my vowel for native cannamd. Colombian Laney will heighten who died who died Rasulullah sallallahu and he was sending them was shuttered more than that to her. But coulomb that in Bedard tune, what could be the Eitan bola Tomoko Galatia Tim finna become the number two from the 40 Hadith book that we're dealing with by the shithole Hadith. And it has an Halaby Hatfield along Tyler.
The first Hadith dealt with the important characteristic of an elite class and the person having sincerity in his heart
whenever he or she wants to do anything from the movements in this Deen
today we're going to deal with a number of other issues that come from one of the authentic hadith of the prophets Allah Allah when he was sending them but before so as we told you want you guys to memorize these a hadith
find the takoyaki nurudeen?
I sent
and maybe use Allah when he was sending me the authority of Abdullah even Irma
Ridwan why and he called birth to the safey being a de Assad it had the you will Allah wa The whole luxury Calico majority Allah risk t de Ville room he will jewelry that have the lowest salvar rm and Carla for Emery willing to ship by her bill Coleman for whom Minho tremendous Hadith from the EM work and the Muscat of a Naboo
abdulai me no matter say that Navy says Allah Allah who it was certain number of the Allah and Houma I have been sent close to the hour, and I've been sent with the sword
so that Allah will be worshipped alone, having no partners there in
and my sustenance has been made for me under the shape of my spear. And anyone who is in opposition to what I brought what I command my religion, then they're going to be debased and may lowly and insignificant and anyone who resembles a people that he's from those people
this hadith is talking about for us describing the characteristics of the Muslim.
A number of characteristics come to us from this hadith of the nebi Salah when he was setting him but first, the Ravi of the hadith is Abdullah Abdul Rahman Abdullah ibn Irma. Even Bob the Ameerul Momineen rod the ally Abdullah bin Ahmad
was from the younger companions, but in terms of his knowledge, he was from the major companions and that's because he was one of the four or die della, one of the four companions with the name Abdullah in Omar Abdullah even ambass Abdullah even amor even allows Abdullah Ave Zubair they are the for Abaddon, the four companions with the name Abdullah that they have the majority of the Hadith don't get that confused and add on to them Abdullah venomous route although he was a scholar,
especially with the Quran, he didn't marry as many a hadith is these for Abdullah ibn Omar, may Allah be pleased with him is the brother of our mother Hazza Hafsa may Allah be pleased with her her father, brother Ridwan, Allah Eileen and Jemaine obvious is the wife of the Prophet sallallahu it was setting them up to live in their motto is the call of the meaning. He's the maternal uncle of all Muslims. So it gives him a special position and that his sister was married to the Prophet
sallallahu it was setting it up and just like wow, we are we are even Nabi Soufiane. His sister Rama was the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam OOM Habiba. So with that being the case by default Malawi is the heart
Have the meaning or the one way only and you might have to live in your own mind, as I mentioned was from those companions who he didn't participate in the first wars of Al Islam the Battle of better the Battle of Earth. And that's because he was young and the Prophet broader religions allottee was sending them that does not throw people into the lion's den.
Jihad as you're gonna see in this hadith, the Golem the objective of jihad is not just spilling blood anarchy. It's not the goal, the objective of the jihad of Boko Haram and Shabaab and coffee then these crazy people ISIS, people have lost their minds, blowing up innocent people and making disruption in the lives of Muslims and non Muslims killing more Muslims than anything.
So Abdullah bin Irma because of his young age, Ridwan, Wiley, he didn't participate in those wars, he participated. Later on, as I mentioned, he was one of the younger companions of the Prophet, some of it was said, he began the Hadith by saying
he has been sent close to the hour and he's been sent with the sword so that Allah will be worship by himself. So one of the signs of yomo Kiama and there are many major signs and small signs. One of the main one of the smallest signs is the Bertha of Rasul he that he suddenly Allah when he was sent him the fact that Allah sinton told the world Hey, yo mochi on his close, because the heart of the NBN Russell has been sin SallAllahu wasallam. As you mentioned, another Hadith both to bein a ye de
sac, I think I've been sent close to the hour like this, and he put his fingers like that showing after he comes as a rasuna beat everyone. Yo Mukhya is soon
and he was sent with the sword. Some Muslims who are always apologetic in the acquiesce about Islam, and they don't have that characteristic inside of them about being proud and having isn't shut off being a Muslim. We apologize for this hadith. Some people have made this hadith week and it is an authentic hadith from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and they make it weep because it is not palatable on the tongues of the non Muslims who are barbarically killing Muslims all over the place.
They're killing us all over the place, all over the place. And although they're killing us, we become apologetic and we come and say, you know this hadith is not right. The Prophet didn't come with the sword. No, he came with the sword meaning he didn't come with a book like the Christians try to portray and he said no money. It's not true.
If your enemy slaps you in the cheek, give them the other one. If he steals your shirt, give them your pants and steals your water give him your land. But he didn't come with that religion. He came with a religion where according to the old book, he was making an amoeba my roof and a Nyan monkey just like the prophets and the messengers who were before him from Benny in Surah eel or Diwan Allah Allah him was Salawat to Allah wa salam ye and you might. So then it became with a religion where
he's going to give a doorway to toe he and the reason why Jihad has been legislated. The top reason is for
people to worship Allah alone, there will always be a battle between the heart and the bottom always. And there will be those people will always oppose the truth, they will oppose it. And the only language they understand is to be strong with them and strong against them. So Islam came with the legislation of jihad. So I can't apologize about this hadith. I can't bite my tongue about this hadith. I can't jump over this hadith and it's in the book. We won't do that because we're in the
West. We're going to make it clear though what our religion is and what our religion is it as a Muslim you have a child, baby boy, baby girl, you slaughter for that child. Somebody says to you, hey, you know that sheep, that goat has rights? Don't slaughter don't all of that blood, don't don't slaughter. Don't sacrifice that goat for your baby boy for your baby girl, who in his right mind is going to listen to that.
There are some Muslims who will listen to that. And they will say yes, I'm going to leave my boy with his hair because when he grows up, he should have the right and the freedom to tell me how and when he wants to cut his hair. So leave his hair until he gets big. And I won't slaughter a goat because it is animal cruelty to slaughtered a goat and it's barbaric and backwards. Who in his right mind is going to think like that. We're going to say hey, this is the sunnah of our Nabhi someone
like it was set up and he knows more than all of you people. If you don't like it, take it up with Allah take it up with Rasulullah Salallahu Salam s for me. My job is just to hear and just to
Bay. So as it relates to this issue here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sent so that people will worship Allah and that's why LG Han has been legislated as this hadith said, I've been sent with the sword close to the hour so that Allah will be worshipped by himself. So the companion has asked the question out also Allah, who's the real Mujahid he said, Min Jahad Lita Khun Kalamata Allah he'll raelia For Hua feasability LA, the one who fights to make Allah's words up a
most Allah's religion uppermost. He is the Mujahid. As for the one who fights and he's mad that they did something to us, so I'm gonna get him back and get revenge. He's not a Mujahid feasability lat he's a Mujahid and his own knifes the one who fights in order to say they did that to my tribe, this guy is fighting the cause of tribalism, the one who goes and he makes efforts and he says something like, How dare them do this to us? I'm going to do this and take their money. You're not the one
who's making GIAC so that Allah's name will be uppermost in his religion will be practice. And anyone who has sincerity to the kingdom of la ilaha illa. He knows that which will prevent them from hijacking the plane and killing innocent people on a plane, or taking a bombing in a public place and killing innocent people with the claim I'm making jihad. No, that's for sad, that's for set. That's not the jihad of this religion. So what did you have? It's been legislated with this issue
but the Prophet himself so Allah one who started them, he has been sent as a Rama, as Allah mentioned many is of the Quran and Hadith. Well, Madison naka de la Rahmatullah mean, we sent you as a Rama, he said about himself. So Allah when he was sending them in Emma Emma,
Rama to dat, I am a Rama and I've been given to the people as a gift. My Dawa my religion, the legislation of this land. Everything in it is a Rama for the people. And jihad is a Rama, just like capital and corporal punishment is Ratner. If people knew, if they were to steal this, there's going to be a price to pay, they won't steal it. If people knew when he married your daughter, if he knew if he would act and misbehave with your daughter, he knows there's a price to pay her father, her
brothers or uncle's going to deal with him. He's going to deal with a different situation different way. But when people were not afraid of any authority, then every criminal will come out as we have in the frontiers of the Muslim lands today. And Libya right now. That's what's going on in Syria. Right now. That's what's going on. Whenever the authority is taken out of position, and there's no authority on whatever level there's going to be drama. So in our religion, there is jihad, but the
jihad has been legislated to keep people in check. And it has its rules and regulations. It has his etiquettes it has its people it has its place it has his time. And it's not fair every I'm a bucket and Z to come and to make the establishment whereas you had and what is jihad? That's what the motherless that that's what the marvelous man, but we cannot reject this hadith and the meaning is in the Quran. Allah will Tara mentioned all of those is like a statement Subhana wa Taala Yeah, are
you living in? Manu? Mala Camilla Akela Coleman Pharaoh fie Sabine in LA he called to Earth. Oh you believe what is wrong with you when it is said to you go out in the Cause of Allah you hold on to the earth. You don't want to do it? Yeah, you are living in * Dulo Kumala T Jarrah Tintin, G komen. Or there have been a lien took me no nebula he was sorry he went to Jahai doing a feasibility lie and why they come and fuzzy come, they come highroller come in come to low come to Tala moon, oh
you believe should I not offer you a commerce that if it would do if you were to do it, it will give you life.
And that means that you believe in Allah and His messenger. And you make jihad in the Cause of Allah with your persons and with your monies that's better for you. If you only knew I act upon it that no one can come and change that out of this religion. So from the characteristics of the Muslim man is that he follows the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an issue love defending his religion, and an issue of defending his property and an issue of defending his money defending his honor, defending
the principles by which he lives by and where he believes in. And in our cases, a lot of time and what if Allah in our cases
some of the Muslims are afraid who work in the hospital, who work in the place where your GP is?
He works in or she works in some office. So when you go there, you're Muslim, they're Muslim, they say to you, Hi.
Bye. Scared to say Santa Monica, why they come sit down in sha Allah. hi and bye. We're Muslims. Now I'm not saying that we have to proselytize at the job and be crazy irresponsible. I'm not saying that. But when the customer comes to you, and you are a Muslim, how do you say to the person Hi.
And there's a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whoever doesn't start you off with the Selenium? They don't give them any command.
From the hack of the Muslim How can Muslim man and Muslim and then the PETA who for Soleimani his heart is when you meet them, give them synonyms? Another Hadith said, if you meet someone, he starts without giving salams then don't give him Calam. Well, if you did that, and you practice that hadith within the fit, without any fit, you won't be able to reach a car because the guy is not going to give you setups. The hospital she's not going to give you setups. So we're talking about jihad. And
this is one of the issues about the disconnect with some of the Duat to politics and jihad. Don't you know the reality of our mind, our own minds you're going to see in this hadith, if you put your finger on the problem with this hadith, I will always in a state of being lowly weak, so the Tao has to be appropriate for the condition of the ummah. The second thing he mentioned, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith very important, as relates to the characteristic of the Muslim majority
Allah is ke tak that will run he my sustenance sallallahu alayhi wasallam my stipend weekly, monthly yearly, my salary, my money, my risk has been made, and it's been put under the shade of my spear.
It's part of the hadith is important for many reasons. One meaning of the hadith is the jihad that the Prophet used to make some Allah what He was sending him was a jihad of Rama. He just didn't go and kill people. SallAllahu It was said that he will make jihad by giving Dawa Allah is Allah commanded in the Quran first Bhima took my first that the man told me what you have been ordered to do get up and give Dawa. I'm delivering my old segment this ayat was revealed. Prior to that we used
to be in doubt on outcome hiding given Dawa to those who are Muslims. Then Allah rebuilt this island faster Bhima took more will NLM shrieking and turn away from the machinery king. He came out in public and started giving Dawa in Allah salAllahu and he was setting up with Jay hit tune be jihad in Kibera make the big jihad with this Quran. Yeah, Mohamed. So he used to give Dawa to the Quran without fighting people in Mecca Salallahu it he went on he was Senator. And then when he went to
Medina, and he made his dole in his country and you have power. He gave down with his me son, and with the ban explaining with his tongue with the Quran with knowledge with hikma and then when the people didn't accept that he took from them the jizya the people from anarchy tab
had to Jizya Tango getting more Ahimsa if you don't take from them the jizya and they're going to be down in order to live in the Muslim state Empire country and they're gonna get rights and protection and so forth and so on. So he would not force them into this religion. You gave him dower and Rokita thin except the dour. He SallAllahu Sallam told me you have to pay the Jizya then they pay the Jizya
and then I have to give him Dawa and then orphan the jizya the people refused to pay. That's when he fought some Allah who it was Senator. Will Middleton cotton and nurse hotdish her doin La ilaha illallah wa Ana Mohammed Abdullah who are slow? Are they insane? To fight the people into a bear witness like ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah so what are we killing people for? Where we killing people in order for them to say let Ilaha illa Allah the crazy terrorism radical stuff going on?
You're killing people, and you're just marching and spoiling the name of Islam and the Muslims. And you're doing that for your anger. Yeah, I understand. I don't condone it I understand. We're all upset and we're all angry. But two wrongs don't make a right and our deen two wrongs don't make a right. So this jihad of the nebi Salah he was saying he said in this hadith my
sustenance has been made under the shape of my spear. The meaning of that is when it came to a jihad and when it came to the jizya Rasul Allah is Allah Allah wa he was telling us to take a portion of that from the Medina. So when the Muslims will go and they will fight, they will subdue the enemies who fought against them, and tried to distinguish extinguished the light of Allah and tried to prevent that light from flowing.
So he fought them, he subdued that he took their horses, took their camels took their stuff, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And from what he took, he used it for himself Salawat Allah He was sent me wondering, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? You look at the Torah, you look at the Injeel the prophets and messengers of Benny Israel, they used to have fights and they used to deal with their enemy. What's wrong with that? The people today, the people today, go into sovereign
lands, conquer them, take their money, topple their government, steal their funds, and then they're going to come and say to us, Muslims, Muslims, and we're going to apologize. Now we're going to say no, we respond back to you people with the reality of the wisdom of our religion, our religion is not built upon nonsense. So the first meaning of this hadith is when it came to jihad when it came to at Jizya. Or al fayed, the prophets, Allah, Allah what He was sending us to get a home see us to
get a fifth of the spoils of war. And he used to take that because that was honorable. He didn't take welfare from people. He didn't take sadaqa from people SallAllahu it wasn't.
He didn't take any of that from people. His rest came from what he made with the jihad, and then you don't find him being a war monger, killing people all over the place. He was giving people breaks, cutting them slack, giving them breaks after they would break their covenants multiple times, then he would deal with them. SallAllahu it was
the second meaning of my sword.
Or the sustenance that Allah has provided for me is under the shade of my room. It goes to show a 20 the virtues of the spear in Islam
because the sword in the language of the Arabs in their history is more important than the spirit it's been mentioned more times. The sword has over 100 names in Arab literature, because anything that's important they will give it a lot of names. The Rome is not like that. It's not like that. He sent him the Hadith Salallahu it was sent him when he was asked about the person who got killed did Shaheed will he get any fitna and be a dab of the cover? The Prophet told them some Allahu alayhi wa
salam Kapha B Bharata to sue our See he fitna is enough, that the sword he was in jihad, and the sun were hit the sword and it was glimmering. And he saw the glimmer, the glimmer of the sword with the enemy. I haven't obviously it's not like that today. It's like the bullets flying, those bullets are red and yellow. And the person asked to be out there and you see in that stuff. So if he gets killed, he doesn't get the fitna of the EVAP of a cover. So he mentioned the sword. He didn't
mention the wrong.
He said to the people, some Allahu Allah, he was setting them in a limo and abueva Jana, that that villa. So you're off. You people have to know that the doors of a Jana are under the shade of the swords.
Meaning when you go out and you fight for your CBD, like you get the right shahada, you're gonna go to what agenda he didn't say it was the room.
So the fact that he mentioned it here shows it has some virtues. And it is given us any shout out to something that was really important, and that is this hadith, my risk is under the shade of the rum, a means
I'm going to work. I'm going to be working and being self sufficient. I'm not going to be on welfare. I'm not going to be on the dole. If I can help it. I'm not going to be on the dope because in our religion, the upper hand has given the sadaqa is better than the lower hand, especially as it relates to the upper hand being a non Muslim hand and the lower hand being a Muslim hand. And that's why he told the peoples sallallahu alayhi wa sallam new Hina and Zubin Mushrikeen we have been
prohibited from taking the gifts from the non Muslims. When those gifts in tell you being down. When the gift entails. The non Muslim has given you a gift, to be quiet. to bribe you not to say the truth. They're giving you a gift. Greasing your palm, they want something and by you taking that gift, you're compromising something someone's up
compromising your religion can take that. But if a non Muslim were to give you a gift, you could take the gift as long as there are no strings attached, the Prophet did that sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was selling. So our gift now is the lady she asked the line just go ahead and get the welfare and say, you know things that are not true line about a religion. So this hadith is talking about as the anomalous land, the importance of getting a job. So the scholars of Islam they used to write
books like that, like the great humbly scholar and Imam, Abu Bakar. Allah, He has a book called Kitab Asuna. One of those great books in Ellis lamb talk about the men hedge and the Aqeedah of the self, Rama Tala and he was the man who brought the madhhab of Imam Achmed together. And Allah Kitab a sunnah the Muslim student of knowledge has to have that book in his library. Anyway, he wrote a book, he caught that book and have a tea Jarrah was Santa.
How Islam encourages you to do business at T Jarrah and to manufacture things. Now in the Muslim world. Everything that comes to us comes to us from outside, although we have the richest countries on the face of the earth and African Other than that, even the oil that we possess, non Muslims have to come and get it out of the ground, and they get half or more than half of what is produced. We don't make anything. Chinese people make everything. So that Imam wrote that book like after him
before him, one of the great scholars, they bring him in now Rama to lay I mean, he's one of the scholars right there in Yemen right now. Godfather Allahu lenah Willa, who he wrote a book and he said and Baraka fisheye will hurt aka the Baroque and the blessings that come as a result of going out and trying to work and moving. So the man came from the companions that are dwama way I lay him to get sadaqa you are also can I've set up a feasibility Lab? I'm broke. I just need some don't, I'm
broke. It happens to everybody. Can I get some sunblock from Allah has money I need it. Then maybe who had robbed my he said to the man salah, what do you sell them for you to take a rope and to go and to cut down some wood and get some wood and gather that wood up and going so that wood is better than me giving you some luck.
He said it's better for one of you if you're going to die. It's better for you to leave your children self sufficient with money so that they don't have to go around asking people can we have can we have and maybe the people will give or maybe the people won't give.
And then when person gives you that sadaqa he is going to look at you especially if he doesn't have demon Taqwa. Even the organization the masjid will look at you as if you owe them.
They will you owe us you will remember I did this for you. And I did that for you. You don't get any borrow any money. You don't take sadaqa from anybody. They won't ask you later on. They won't look at you like
you owe them
so that maybe you will SallAllahu it will send them in that aspect of the hadith is showing the people the importance of working. He says Allah Allah when he was setting them with Kana, Zakariya Magellan Zakariya, he was in a job, the best sadaqa that a man can give the subtlety that he gives is the money that he makes with his own hands. So this is one of the reasons why the strong believe is better than the weak believer, he can go and get a job. So before moving on to the next point and
20 want to bring this to your attention. And that is as it relates to getting a job from the best qualities and characteristics that a Muslim youngster can have is to get educated and get a job. And while you're getting educated, if you can get a job to help supplement what you need. This is from what Allah azza wa jal loves. As the Prophet says Allah Allah when he was sent in Allah, your Hibou mighty in a mod Allah loves it that you engage yourself in the big, high and exalted issues. Go get
a job while you're studying. And what's that job? What's that job? He's somewhere washing cars. He's washing cars. He's doing a menial job. So nominal job, but it's golden. His objective is I'm doing this just to work my way through university. I'm doing this just tell my parents not be a liability on my parents. As for being unemployed and being lazy, shiftless and a bum. That's not the characteristic of the movement, the Tao of the people of a Sufi ism at the soul worth they came. We
have a concept in our religion called Tawakkol, where we rely on
Allah, your risk is going to come to you from Allah. And when when the child is formed in his mother's stomach.
After 120 days, the angel comes and tells him how much money is written down how much money you're going to make. You won't go one penny over that. No, you go one penny under that. So you have to work
low and no come to a call tomorrow Allah hacker to a call, to hacker to Akali La Raza come come a year by year. If you people rely on Allah, the way you really should rely on Allah, then he will provide for you the same way you provide for the bird. The bird goes out in the morning, his stomach is empty. And he comes back after that, and his stomach is full, because his arrest is written from this summit. And Allah is responsible for feeding everybody, for given to everybody. The people have
to So lift they come in, they say, Well, I'm just going to sit and let the rest come to me.
Because the Prophet didn't have a job, some Allah who it was sending them, who told you to profit and have a job sulla used to make jihad SallAllahu it was set it up. And it will take from the spoils of war who told you that? And that is not a telecoil that is a Tawakkol and it's been irresponsible. And the Quran dealt with that issue when people wanted to live in Yemen, and they want to perform Hajj without bringing the assistance. They didn't want to bring their sustenance.
And Allah told them this Don't do that. You have to feel like you can. This is not our religion. The next part of the hadith is that the Prophet mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam anyone who goes against my command, anyone who opposes me, then he would be made to be small and insignificant.
Would you ILA
as Zulu or Sahar Andaman Harleigh for Emery anyone who opposes when I say what I brought my religion anyone, Muslim, non Muslim, Arab, non Arab, white, black rich, poor, man, woman.
Share regular person, anyone who opposes it, then is going to be made to be lowly.
Finally, sooner or later, if anybody makes the Mikado for to the newbie southern lady was sending him he's gonna have a problem either in the dunya. If he doesn't get it in the dunya, it will get in the hereafter. He may get it in a dunya and he may get it in the Hereafter. And we have to understand that opposition and being in opposition to what the Prophet sallallaahu Selim is not all the same, they are different levels. The one who disobeyed Eliza gentleman one or two or three
things is not like the one who disobeyed him in 100,000 things. The one who disobeyed Allah as prophets, Allah, Allah while he was setting them in some things, but he still believes in Islam is not like the one who turns away all together and disbelieves in what he brought, and he disobeyed and he opposed him and that particular issue. woman out of that victory for in Allahumma, Isha Blanca when I showed him yomo chiaramente.
Anyone who turns away from what we brought my vicar, he's going to have a tough life. In the dunya it's gonna be tough, and you'll know Kiama will raise him up, he's going to be blind. So our community right now, we are in opposition to what the Prophet brought in many instances, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there are still a lot of higher in our ummah. So I don't want to sound totally absolutely pessimistic and dark.
But what we see going on in our communities with the prophet prophesied sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so as a result of that we are lowly there's a hadith he says Allah Allah while he was selling them, either to buy Antoon bilena
at the nybble butter, what are the two zero were Turok Tamil Jihad visa vie de la he sala de lo and a convulsion la une zero height that Roger Dino calm. If you people become preoccupied and you start taking rebar and dealing with rebar
and you become pre engaged with the dunya like going after animals and farming and dealing with your vegetation. And you abandon algae Hi Fi sebelah Allah is going to make this community low and he won't take that loneliness off of you until you return back to your religion until you go back to the original religion that the Prophet brought Salallahu Alaihe well it was sent. So sooner or later he mentioned in the Quran, terracotta Allah familia, the levena you highly funa and Emery and to see
him fitna to know you see them
Other alleen let all of the people beware those people want to be in opposition to what He commanded. SallAllahu wasallam that a serious punishment of fitness going to hit you or serious punishment, and Imam Ahmed, he said this is the fitna here the fitna, the turmoil the fitna the drama The problem. He said the fitna here is coffin. Let them be where if you oppose him that you may fall into cover. It's not saying if a person makes a mistake, he's a Catholic, saying that if a
person consistently opposes the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, maybe you'll get the black thing that is written over his heart. And he can't distinguish the heart from the bottom, the model from the monka monka from the model, and then it just becomes closed. And he disbelieves and Eliza and
so from the characteristics of the believing men and believing woman is not to be in opposition to the prophets of Allah, what are your sentiments, those many I described.
You're not a believing man or believing woman, if Allah and His Messenger decides something for you to have anything to say about that thing. You just say we hear and we obey. That's the sign that's the characteristic of the true believing man believing woman even if we make mistakes here or there, we make Toba and we try we make Toba and we try to do better. We have sorrow for the mistake, we try to do better.
The last issue that the Imam brought Rahmatullahi Tineye Lee
hifi the hula, a chef idea and Halaby. From the characteristics of the Muslim this is really important woman to ship by Bill Coleman for whom in whom anyone who resembles a people he acts like a people then he's from those people is really important. One of the great best books that she had Islam, everyone who Tamia wrote, and he wrote it to be on the level of the regular people because he has some books. It's just for an AMA, you can't understand what is he talking about? Because there's
a lot of philosophy in there. And he's right in the way, what they call the NEF Thorold.
For the sake of argument, let's say this, and they say that, and he will bring some of the statements of what deviant people believe. So if you're not careful, a person who was on deviance will come and say, able to tame me and he said this in his book right here. And he didn't say that. He was talking to refute it, saying, let's say that that is true. But anyway, one of the books that he wrote for the other one from our Ummah is a book that is called Aquila, as Serato and was
stalking me McCauley Fateh as hobble Jakeem.
It is following and being upon the set off the Musa team and being different from the people who are from the hellfire, the Yahoo than the NASA Asara.
be indifferent from them. This is part of our religion. You cannot be a Muslim you just say La Ilaha illa Allah and that's it.
You have to say La Ilaha illa Allah which means you only worship Allah, and you reject the worship have everything other than Allah and you freed yourself from what is worship along with Allah Shik. And you free yourself from the people who worship other than Allah azza wa jal so one of the most important principles in LS Nam is Allah will Bara l well I will Bara, the Muslims have
a will add to the people of Ellis lab. We're friends and protectors of one another, and Al Bara, we free ourselves animosity and enmity between us and the people of coffee and shake.
And whoever doesn't have that, and he takes it the other way. As Allah mentioned, in the Quran, we're making it the love of men, when men get along men comfy no men whom any Muslim who takes them as his protector, takes them as his bosom buddies, his people than he is from them.
It's the meaning that that hadith for men to Chabahar be common for who are men whom anyone who resembles a group of people then he's from those people, meaning you're from those people in that particular thing. So you can be a person who you behave like the Hawaii cottage. You may not be from the Hawaii cottage. But if you make takfeer very easily, you harm and beat up and fight the Muslims and shed their blood from the characteristics of the Hawaii which is they leave the people of Cofer
and they kill the people, the less lamb.
Some people that's what the Dawa is the Dawa is the fight that people have the sun
That's what the Dow is.
Some Muslims, they issue is not giving Dawa to the EU who then Asara the Mushrikeen.
The Dow is just putting the Muslims down from the different groups, each group is happy with what it has. So we put all the Muslims down.
You can be from the people of the soul worth and us consider yourself a person of the Sunnah. But you're one of those people, whatever your ship says, it goes, whether you understand it, and you don't understand it, whatever he says, it goes, and you do not challenge the opinion of your chef or your group.
That's the meaning of this. Anybody who resembles a people then he is from those people. That Prophet made it his business Allah, Allah who it was sent them to do a lot of things to show the Muslims the importance of the Muslim is the person that has a unique and distinct character, and a unique and distinct image. And he has to make efforts to maintain anything to keep it.
That's part of our religious responsibility. You want to get married, you have to marry a lady who's on board with that concept. And that idea, not the lady who says, I want the character. I want the character of my children to melt away in the mouth and part of America. I don't want her to be identified as a Muslim. So I name her Susie.
I don't want my boys to know or to be proud of Islam. So I only live with the non Muslims and they grow up just around the non Muslims. The only time she will put a hijab on is if she comes to the masjid or if there's a little talk that they go to. She put the flimsy hijab on but you asked her about the basics of Islam. The kid doesn't know anything about this religion. You ask the child of some of the Muslims just named for me one month in El Islam. One month, I can tell you Ramadan
didn't last for 12 months one. It's not so much just the fall of the child. The parents wanted to fit in.
And I'm not saying it's haram to live in Edgbaston. I'm not saying that. I want to live in Edgbaston. I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm saying when you move to Edgbaston you have to make efforts to maintain and to keep your kids identity.
You have to watch it. So look at our NABI sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam.
He used to look at the yahood if they parted their hair one way He will put His hair the other way some Allah what He was sending, and they saw that he was always making efforts to be different from them.
That you hold.
If a lady had her period, a chroma Kamala, what Tahara Allah Yama coma, the lady had a period. The Jewish people during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would abandon that lady, they wouldn't sit with her and socialize with her. They wouldn't eat with her. They would just isolate her and marginalize her and she has to you know, stay in place as if she has the plague.
So some of the Muslims realize this and recognize this because they were in Medina, they were around the yield. So they asked the Prophet about it. So Allah what He was setting up, whatever was the condition of the woman.
Allah revealed the Imam the Quran, yes, Luna and Alma he'd called who ever thought I Tiziano Nisa Nissa F in the heat. They asked you about the periods of the women they asked you about the men's of the woman tell them and her period it is a hurt. It's a hurt song. So avoid them. When they have this means when they have it, avoid them, to have relationships with them at that time. It's a harm don't do that.
The Prophet when this ayat was revealed, he told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is narrow color che inland mica do everything with her but don't have relationships.
So our mother I Isha Radi Allahu Allah said, when one of them would have their periods, the prophet would do everything except have relationships. He was affectionate to them, he would hug them. So Allah Allahu Allah, He will send them he would kiss them as he kissed them in different occasions. He would have enjoyment with them, but he wouldn't go that far. Look what they do, who said that you said this man, Muhammad. There's nothing that comes to him about us except that he wants to change
everything that we're doing. He wants to go against everything that we're doing. And that's the truth.
Few days ago, last week, we did the psalm of Ashura. Those of you who fasted, he said to the whole
What are you guys doing on this day they said this is the day Allah saved Musa and as follows and this is the day that Allah destroyed from our home and its followers Salawat Allah was cinammon why the NBA in
the newbie said new, a hacker were older, be Muslim income, we're closer to Him. We have more rights. He told the community we're gonna fast the 10th. And then as time went on, he said, What?
Because that fast was wired up at the beginning of Islam as before Ramadan, he told the Muslims, if I live to next year, I'm going to fast the ninth and the 10th to be different from them.
How do we how are we different from them on the Ashura? They made the day of celebration? We don't make it a day of celebration.
The way we celebrate is by obeying Allah azza wa jal so if a person gets married, he has a baby. That's not the time to make sugar with Marcia. You got married, don't have a lot mixing of the men and the women you got married. Don't bring music. You got married. Don't do craziness. Pluck in the eyes. Sherry's gonna be at all of that stuff. The way we give sugar to Eliza Joe is by obedience to Eliza John, we OBEY Him and you have a good time. So my point is the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam used to make it an effort to be different from those people. He used to face Jerusalem. He didn't want to face Jerusalem, he will look to the sky, looking for a different table other than Jerusalem. Then Allah azza wa jal told him turn your face towards Mecca, being different from the hood. He said to the people, sal Allahu Allah, he was setting them high, they fool your heart. When no matter saloon, Fei Li him when I fafi him be different from the Jews, praying your shoes,
praying in your shoes, and praying your hopes, because the Jews don't pray in their shoes and they don't pray in their hopes. So if we can imagine all of us we go to a seminar in a local hotel. So we use in the big room for the seminar, and we're watching the different things on the big screen. It's time for Salah we pull the chairs and the tables on the side someone makes the event. We're getting aligned to make this a lot everybody takes his shoes off.
Although now Muslims are walking all over the floor every day all day. So whatever dirt you trying to avoid, I don't get it. The carpet is dirty.
We take all our shoes off and we pray because it's a symbol. Take your shoes off. There's some no
the Companions used to pray in their shoes. Prophet Muhammad used to pray in his shoes sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, two of the companions, two of the companions. One of them, I believe is Abu darda. And the other one, I don't recall who it was. He went to a sham to meet up with him
or he met up with him somewhere. And when it was time to pray, one of the people who was in the group took his shoes off. And he said why are you taking off your shoes? He said because Allah told Musa to take his shoes off when he came to meet Allah and he said that this ground is holy ground yeah Musa Ivan the Quran a lot. Natalie Finn that could be outdone, mocha DISA take off your shoes, you in a blessing land. He asked him Are you and bless it land is an irregular place. So my point
here is he is an A an a command from the Nebby praying your shoes and praying your corpse. Why? Because you're who you're who don't do that. He said, leave your beers leave your beers and trim your mustaches because your world the NESARA they
shave their beards and they leave their mustaches.
So the Muslim has to make some efforts at 20. To hold on to and to maintain the Islamic
the Islamic identity because too many things happen.
Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Al is one of the four Abaddon and what was collected by an email Muslim. He said that a man came out with a thought and the Prophet saw the thought that he was wearing southern lady who sent him so he told the man in the heavy at FIAP.
Mean theatrical far fanatically bizarre. This is the thought of the non Muslim so don't worry. So what is the meaning of
being like the kuffaar as it relates to their clothes? Does that mean you can wear jeans? Does that mean you can't wear a hoodie? Does that mean that you can
Don't wear a suit with a tie doesn't mean that the coals that non Muslims are known for. They're known for those clothes. Those are the clothes that we can't resemble them in. So you can't resemble the priests can't resemble the priests who has that thing. That neck thing you know, that's the priests can't dress like the pope for an example. The Muslim woman can't wear the sari like the Hindu maybe it's the sorry, it is the sorry.
Those things that these people are known for. So for our youngsters, you shouldn't have hair cuts like non Muslims, half of your head low here and high over the show now that he has a long talk ponytail at the end of you shouldn't have that. Walking around and dressing around in your pants are down your ways. The way the non Muslims look. The way some of these people address him. The Muslim has to hold on to his Islamic identity and concluded shaken Islamic guru tainment gave some reasons
why it is haram for us to resemble them. He mentioned a number of things. Number one, if a person insist on resembling them, it could be a sign that he's not happy with what Allah has legislated. He doesn't want to be the Muslim that's unique and distinct from everybody else. There's a hadith where he mentioned Salah law what he was saying I'm not an Allah, who and watershed being a mineral been Nyssa One Watershed behind him in in this region. Allah has cursed the men who resemble women, and
the women who resemble men. Why would a man resemble a woman in a way he walks? You could see him as soon as he comes into the room.
You see him right? And there's a problem.
And the opposite as well. And if you see what I'm saying, a why? Well, I was born like that.
So the person has it all he has a problem. You have the one who is undercover.
He's in a closet, you don't know what's going on. That's still haram in our deen in the closet on the Bo. It's still haram. But then you have that guy who comes out and he straight up about that life.
He has a Athira the problem.
Like the lady who wants to resemble the man, and the man who wants to resemble the lady, they have been cursed on the tongue of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because the person may be having a problem with what Allah has legislated, the Muslim should look like this Muslim lady should look like that, and so forth and so on. Now, the issue is, when the Muslims resemble other people, it's a sign of weakness of the UF.
It's a sign of weakness. And this is what has happened in Europe, when Europe and Europeans went and it conquered any group of people, Wherever, wherever, whatever, they conquer those people. And then they give them their religion, that racist religion of Christianity, those people grew up looking at themselves as being inferior to white people.
Some of us have inferiority complexes. So if you get into the taxi, if you get into the taxi, and you're a person of color, the one who's driving the taxi would say you got to pay up front got picked up at the front.
But if a white person got into that same taxi, that same taxi says, Where you going, says, I'm going all the way to London, he says, Yeah, let's go. And it doesn't ask him for the pay up front, although he's taking them to London.
Because we have that thing. He's not going to cheat me. But the other one is going to get me and cheat me. Not everybody is like that. Some people have it the other way around. And they are too strict and too rough and too nasty. And that when they see people who are white, they're nasty towards those people. And that's both of those are extremes. Both of those are extremes. Another reason and there are many another reason and there are many is that it makes a person love. It makes
a person love if a person is living with Hindus and around Hindu ism.
And he starts to practice their rituals like the Diwali and all of that stuff, the music, the Bollywood films that desensitize you.
They make you start loving the actors who are Kuffar. Mushriks well known for that.
And in those movies in those movies, they glorify they glorified shitcan coffin and idols. So when the Muslim looks at that, his heart dies Bell,
Bronner, Looby him that thing happens when you don't know. You can't distinguish heart from the Botha so you develop some love for them. Call for a shake
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa it was solemn oath of Islam and mulwala at Fila when my dad Fila will Philip will booked villa. The strongest institutions the strongest, not the strongest, not in Al Islam is Al whether taking people as friends and protectors and you being their friend and they're protecting vice versa for Allah's Cause, and also also make an enmity and animosity towards people who people who are against the religion. Number three loving people for Allah sake number four
hating people for Allah sake.
And we explain this many times Lagen ha Kamala, who anlaby millennial cardi Luke confit Dean, well, I'm your host, Joe Coleman, Dre commentable, rowhome methoxy to
Allah doesn't make it haram for you and your religion, Allah doesn't make it haram to be good and to deal justly and kindly with those people who don't fight you for your religion and don't try to expel you from your homes. No, you don't have to be you be kind and nice and gentle with these people. The jihad in this land, dealing and dealing with people. And the way we're talking about is about the people who are fighting Muslims because of their religion and putting them out of their
homes and destroying their property and doing all of those other things. So don't anyone come and misunderstand what I'm saying? Because we made it clear and too many other modalities, but someone takes this one talk. And when they take my words out of context, Allah doesn't make it haram for you to do justly with people who are faring just in Allah, you Hibben Moxie tiene, Allah loves those who are fair, and those who are just so the shad men of color. And from the Hadith, what if Allah is,
when an individual is a Muslim, he or she has a religious responsibility to protect their Islamic identity.
And you protect it in those ways that the religions say you dress a particular way, we are made resume, we are different in our key than in our ibadah. We are different in our slope. We are different in the way we eat, and the way we drink and the way we talk. We're different. And the way we have relationships as husbands and wives. We're different in so many ways, from I live Tia in our religion. And then we have some parallels and some similarities. But the religion of Islam came and
said, you have to do it this way. You have to do it that way. You have to do it this way. Why lecom Dean or Camillia Dean, you have your religion and we have ours and ours is different from yours. We don't do these things that you're doing.
We don't take liberties the way you're taking liberties. We're not liberal, the way you're liberal. We're not should do the way that you should be. We don't attach this thing to our ILA and our messages, our Russell, we don't deal with people with this double standard in this imbalance and on and on and on. And so with that in 20 That's the second Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from this particular book. If you brothers have any questions, we'll take about five minutes
to answer your questions that can intercom shake.
Hand in the come shade.
Next week be in the law. The hadith is about being balanced and loving in a balanced way. You're responsible for that child to be on time so that you can read the Hadith inshallah for us, however, was Allah Allah Who will set him about God and it'd be ina y la early, he was Herbie he may in Santa Monica to La well barakato