Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 02

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


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The Hadith is a Christian legion that requires individuals to practice Sh lit chapter and avoid media bias. Pr practicing this legion is essential for showing the true values and avoiding mixing up deeds. The importance of praying for the future and the power of words in communication is emphasized. The host of the webinar provides personal and professional updates, including a brief advertisement and a show called The Upward Report.

AI: Summary ©

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			Smilla Mata Rahim Al hamdu lillahi lado who understand you know when I stopped Pharaoh, when I will
be now him in short order and phocoena Amin CVA Dr. Medina, Mia, the Lahore for Lam de la la
Khomeini new DeMille for LA Hadi you know
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			what I should do a La Ilaha illa Allah who was the who last shot he can know who was shadow under
Mohammed do who are Sulu Salawat Allah He was cinema whiny about
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			sha Allah azza wa jal will begin the first Hadith from the 40 Hadith
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			of the Muslim personality that we gave the introduction to last week. And we requested from the
students that we're going to commit these a hadith to memory and Shalane this particular book, the
book of a chef IDL Halaby Hatfield, along with Tyler, all of the Hadith that he brings that describe
what and how the Islamic personality looks like when it is he made sure that all of the Hadith are
fabricated, and they are Saheba so we're going to commit them to marry seven days inshallah to
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			memorize these hadith is more than enough so we're going to begin by calling smile smile. You
memorize a hadith,
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			the first Hadith of the book, God for them
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			good job, I sent the smile without any mistakes. And we're isa for them.
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			I sent the hadith is the Hadith, the tremendous Hadith and the authority of the Ameerul Momineen,
Abu Huff's Omar El Faro? May Allah be pleased with him
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			who said that he heard the Prophet say SallAllahu it was sending them Verily the deeds that you do,
they will be judged based upon the intention that you had all of your actions all of your DS, Allah
will judge them based upon what your knee it was. So anyone who performed hijra, and his Nia for the
hijra, was for Allah and His messenger. Then, in fact, his Hijra was for Allah and His messenger.
And anyone who performed Hijra in order to get something from the dunya or in order to marry a
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			woman, if that's what he made hijra for, then his Hijra is what his Nia was all about. Is hadith is
a tremendous Hadith in Al Islam. First, we'll begin by just mentioning a little bit about the Rawi
of the Hadith, the one who narrated the Hadith and it is none other than the Ameerul Momineen arrma.
May Allah be pleased with him. He's a companion, who was the first one was known as the Amira
movement. I mean, they didn't call Abu Bakr and Miriam meaning that name came with Omar May Allah
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			will try to be pleased with all of them. He also Rahmatullahi Tyler Ali, he has the Konya Abu Huff's
and helps is short for his daughter have sought Hafsa. So in the Arabic language you can take off
the time or both at the end of it, if it's not going to cause any misunderstanding. So the Prophet
will call our Isha SallAllahu and he was selling them Yeah, ish. And he wouldn't say Isha. So you
can cut off that time or buta as long as it's not going to be a problem with misunderstanding the
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			name a DJ. You can call that a Dietsch as long as it's not going to be a misunderstanding. So his
Kunia was able Huff's about half side he had a daughter Hafsa, who was the wife of the Prophet
sallallahu and he will send them what are the Allah and so it goes to show the permissibility of
taking a Konya after a girl. Usually the king is going to be after the eldest son even if their
daughters older than that son, but it's also permissible to take Kenya at your door as some of the
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			companions did. I will direct that. And in this case, Abu has Omar about the Allah
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			No. And he had Abdullah or not had the boy his son was Abdullah, one of the six people narrated to
Johnny the Hadith. And Abdullah is the most beloved name to Eliza gel. And yet he took the Konya Abu
Hafs, Abu Hafsah
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			sown in the issue this hadith is a very Hadith in some ways. Although an Imam and Blighty, he
collected this hadith and Imam Muslim collected it as well. And Buhari he brought it in many
different chapters, many chapters, and Imam Muslim brought the Hadith in the chapter of Al jihad,
and the last part of the chapter. So the hadith is tough luck. Ali Bukhari and Muslim agree that
it's authentic. You don't get a hadith stronger than that in the dunya. It's a strange Hadith and
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			that out of all of the companions that lived, may Allah be pleased with them, or Allah is the only
companion who heard this Hadith from the Prophet salallahu it he will set it up. And Allah has
commanded us in the Quran, Wilma, tag Kumar Rasool for Hodo, well, man Hawkman, Wolfen teho.
Whatever the Prophet gives to you take it and whatever he prohibits you from leave it alone. So if
we get a hadith in which only one companion narrated that hadith, we're going to accept it.
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			And we're not going to be like the people of philosophy who say, How is it possible that only one
Hadith one companion narrated the Hadith and they will always sit in with the Prophet sallallahu I
knew said. So MMR is the only companion you will find this idea of being narrated by other
companions, about 20 of them. But all of those other narrations are weak is the only authentic
narration from Irma. Another strange thing is or not the Ameerul Momineen. He had a lot of students,
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			he has students from the tabbing many, there was only one student from Mr who narrated the Hadith
from him. And that was a man by the name of elkem ibn Abi will us a Leafy, he's the only person who
narrated this Hadith from Irma another cause for some people where have we Eman? From people who
don't know this religion? They start to doubt the Sunnah null Islam because of their deficiencies
and understanding because of their lack of exposure as it relates to how do we understand the text
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			in our religion. This man opena he gave the Hadith to only one person, only one person, a man by the
name of Mohammed Ibrahim to me. He's the only one in his level took that hadith from all of the
students that the previous man had. He's the only one who navigated this hadith. And from him, only
one person narrated the Hadith. And that was narrated by Yeah, he had been studied at on Saudi. And
then after this man, yeah, he had been studied in Saudi over 200 people took the Hadith from him,
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			and it became well known is IDT that is mature maruf while long, but in terms of the chain of
narration, only one companion, and only one man took it from that companion, and only one man took
it from him, and only one man took it from him. But we don't find that the Companions rob the Allah
on whom we're behaving the way the Muslims behave today with this philosophical approach to Islam,
and it's a facade It's a philosophy and a philosophical approach that shows something's wrong with
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			your Eman Allahu Taala mentioned in the Quran, or my kindly movement and what I mean is called the
Allahu wa rasuluh Umbra and your Kornilov woman here are two men and marry him. It is not befitting
it is not okay for believing man or believing woman. If Allah or his messenger decide a thing for
them to say anything about it. They just have to believe in it and that's it. So a group of the
Muslims were praying Radi Allahu Allah, and they were praying in Masjid Koba in El Medina, and they
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			were facing the Qibla, the old Qibla facing Jerusalem, the O Qibla. Someone came in while they were
praying, and they read the ayat from Surah Bacara, telling the Muslims to face Mecca and not to face
Jerusalem anymore. He said, Allah has revealed an ayat of the Quran, and then he started reading the
ayat to the people while they were praying, they heard the iron in the middle of their prayer, they
all turned around and they faced Mecca. And they continued their prayer like that. Not a single
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			companion FROM AMONGST THEM says, You're the only person who came with that news. Who's going to
collaborate that news with you? Do you have someone else to collaborate that news with you? They
didn't do that.
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			In the middle, while the salaat may turn around, and they continue their prayer. So this thing about
not accepting and not embracing a hadith because it is what is called ahead is a Hadith only one
narrative is given it this is something that is foreign to the religion of Allah SNAM how many times
was the Quran revealed?
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			And there was only one person there with the prophets of Allah who it was setting up.
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			Only aboubaker Was there only his wife was there. And then after that, other people would be told
and then the message or the information was spread. So this is one of the special aspects of this
particular Hadith. This hadith akoni is known in Al Islam as the Hadith which is a sunnah almost
sunnah is a port in Hadith in the life of the Muslim Surah Fatiha, the Prophet said it was
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. omal kitab it is the mother of the Quran. The seventh Mitanni is the
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			seventh oft repeated verses of the Quran. It is the greatest source of the Quran Surah Fatiha this
hadith, the scholars called it the Hadith which is Ooh, sunnah, the mother of the Sunnah, because
it's so important. It also is called the hadith of Laos, the hadith of sincerity. A lot of scholars
talked about the virtues of this hadith. And this is why any Muslim who's wait who's worth his
weight in salt, he has to have heard this hadith, he has to have some background about this hadith.
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			He has to be in tuned with the importance of this hadith. There's not a hadith when you just come to
the class and you hear an explanation of the Hadith. This hadith is talking about the Muslim
personality. him getting his knee together, making his sincere need from Allah for Allah only for
Allah because we live in, in a climate. We live in a culture where our societies, all of us, Euro,
all of us, our societies, all of us, they encourage us to show off.
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			They encourage us to do things for other than Allah act as a watch. The way we are, everyone wants
to feel validated. Everyone wants to feel as if he is someone that he's relevant. So people do
things so that people can point and say there he is that guy over there. He's the one who did this.
And he did that. His family did this. He did that. That cell phone, it doesn't help us the culture
of the cell phone. So the person is taking selfies and he's at the Kaaba going around the Kaaba. And
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			he's going around the Kaaba, to show people back at home. Hey, look, I'm at the Kaaba, or whatever
the issue may be the namah that Allah bestows upon people, he gets a brand new car, he takes the
selfie and he passes out, it gets into a car accident because those selfies and sharing the name of
Allah that Allah bestowed upon you, a new baby, a new car, a new house, a new this new that people
will give you the evil eyes better for you not to share that stuff with people. So this is a serious
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			Hadith in Al Islam and in the life of the Muslim
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			from the characteristic of the Muslim is a class. How many people here are trying not to allow other
people to see their sins. I think that's everybody. We have a religious ethical obligation is
Whadjuk. Don't let people see your sins, Colo Murthy ma alpha l mohajir de l Mujahideen. All of my
more big forgiven except those who broadcast who are those who broadcast Yeah, Rasul Allah, they are
the ones who they do ascend and Allah covers it up and conceals it, but they come on and start
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			broadcasting and telling, hey, I did this, I did this, I did that. So the Hadith goes to show we're
going to send but you got to try to hide your sins and everybody's going to do that everybody, the
seller for a group of people who they used to try to hide the good deeds the same way they used to
try to hide the essence.
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			They used to try to hide the good deeds the same way that they used to try to hide their sins. And
now as I said, we're living in a time right now where the culture encourages us to let other people
be a part of the things that we do the things that we say the gray scaleable Islam, he was a miracle
meaning and Hadith and Imam Sophia and a theory. This man was a tremendous personality in his lap at
his own med hat. He said, My eyelids to shake in a shut Dahlia mania to be delivered and I never
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			struggled with anything that was more difficult upon me then trying to rectify my knee when it came
to knowledge. And I tell you, when it comes to knowledge, people giving Dawa Shijo Cora people read
the Quran, you know, different people with teaching. Given the hookah, you will find the competition
between these people more severe than the competition that you find between businessmen.
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			The businessmen they have competition that that butcher is in competition with that one across the
street. So when you go to your local butcher, you go over he says never buy from him his food is not
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			When you go over there you say, yeah, yeah, the Jews, the Jews, the Jews, they're the ones who
slaughtered that fool. And you go to the next one, he says, Yeah, his he sells meat that's old and
it's killing people, because they have that competition that they will say things like that. When it
comes to knowledge when it comes to knowledge, the competition on who's going to get the microphone,
who's going to listen to who, who is the Light going to shine on, it is more severe in our masajid
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			more severe, so Imams Sophia and authority, I consider it to be a relief from the OD of Allah and
Allah is Allah. Allah knows best.
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			I don't know. But I think that if he had a problem with his knee and cultivating his net, then what
about Omer Ducker Zaid and Abu sama from the people? You tell me? And if you ever see someone who
says, I don't have a problem with that? I don't have a problem with that. I'm sincere.
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			Then we say Allah Who Stein that to Zack when Fusa come who animal be minute Tata? Allah say don't
praise yourselves. He knows best who is the one that has a tequila. That doesn't mean that when you
when we see a person given a hotbar given a data set, we have to sit there and we say, I wonder if
he's sincere.
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			That's not your job to do that. It's not your job to do that. But everybody needs to know instead of
you wasting time wondering, Is he sincere? You got to look at your own self. And say, Did Allah
accept from you to things that you've done because you yourself are show off in one way or another,
worry about your own self, that you don't come your mukaiyama with those people who the ayat will be
applicable to them? What could Demna aim anuman Iman for Jana who had that and then thorough, Allah
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			said I will come your MO Qiyamah and I'll take the ADIZ and I will make the DS scattered particles
going to ring them them and they're going to become dust because they didn't have a clause connected
to it. As it relates to this hadith whiny some of the scholars said that this hadith was half of
knowledge. Half of the religion is built upon this hadith and that's because the deen of Allah it
came to perfect the lamp, as the Prophet says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam in nama boo if to be
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			aeternum McCollum, Allah Klopp I've been sent to perfect people's character. So as it relates to the
perfection of character, we have the character that characteristic traits that are built in and they
are inside. And we have some that are exterior. So we have the internal ones and the external ones
as relates to our athletes, the ones that are inside for an example. You have good thoughts, you are
a person who has laws, you are an individual who you love, good for yourself, you love it for
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			others, you have love inside of you, you have truthfulness, it's inside of you, you have cleanliness
inside of you. And then outside we have the exterior characteristics as well. He is physically
strong, the individual he is not afraid of working hard. The individual is an individual says what
He means and he means what he says and he backs up his words with actions. So Islam came to perfect
both of them. So this hadith is telling us the deeds will be just be be judged based upon the knee
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			and based upon what's inside. So that's half of the deen that if you do anything in this dunya
anything, it has to have a proper Nia connected to it. Some of the scholars said that this hadith is
a third of Al Islam like Imam Ahmed, and Imam Ahmed said the religion of Al Islam as relates to
three Hadith the religion of Islam revolves around these Hadith first one was this one, and no Mala
Madhuban yet the deeds will be judged by their intention. If you intended good, you will get
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			rewarded good. Even if you didn't do the deed, but you intended you intended to do good, but on your
way to do that good. Something happened you were prevented from doing it, you still going to get
that reward. If you intend good,
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			then the reward in the lab is going to be good.
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			The second hadith is the hadith of our mother I Isha. May Allah be pleased with her, man. I mean,
I'm an Elisa la luna for who robbed anybody who doesn't action, and which our religion is not from
our dean who will be rejected. You want to celebrate the newest Islamic year it's going to be
rejected because it's not from our religion.
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			It sounds good. Oh, the non Muslims they have their January 1 And they make a big deal about it. Why
don't we do it? We got more right? Why don't we do the prophets birthday so Allah Allah who it was
sending him, why don't we do a special day for Ashura and so forth and so on.
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			Aisha said I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, anyone who introduces in this religion
what is not from this religion, it will be rejected no matter who brought it to the table, no matter
what the thinking behind it was, if it's not from this religion, it's going to be rejected. And how
do we know it's not from this religion? That Prophet didn't do it? sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his
companions didn't do it. Radi Allahu Anhu. So, we have taken we have taken right now, this Heydrich
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			calendar, because Ameerul Momineen, the Ameerul Momineen Rama, he asked the Companions, how and what
do you people think we should start the year with and they gave different points of view, they
agreed amongst themselves is to hijra, so as soon as from our religion, or sulla didn't do that.
SallAllahu it was setting them, but he told the companions and he told us take what the what alpha
Rashi doing. Atomy give to you.
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			The third Hadith that Imam atman said that the religion is predicated upon in the Malama. Lubin yet
everything is by the knee at number two, anyone who does a deed that's not from our deed it would be
rejected. And the third one is the Hadith of the companion and your mind had been Bashir, may Allah
be pleased with him and his father, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in an Halal Badian were
in Al haram begun Wehrli the halal is clear, and the Haram is clear. We're being a woman or more
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			than we study had to lay on the moon at Cathedral Mennonites, between the halal and haram is the
gray area. There are some issues we don't know. And most people don't know about those. So you have
to avoid those. And remember I said these three Hadith are the three a hadith that the whole
religion of Al Islam is predicated upon, built upon revolves around them. So this hadith today is
one of those three, a hadith. great scholar in Islam is 20. His name is Abdul Rahman Ibn Omega d. He
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			was also one of the 10 people known as a mural me me and Phil Hadith. When you hear that a man is a
Miramont, meaningful Hadith, you gotta pay attention and any memorable hottie Al Imam, admin, and
Imam Malik Amuro. Me mean Phil Hadith, one of the greatest scholars Islam, Al Imam, Abdullah ibn
Mubarak, I'm Miramont meaningful Hadith. And he is the first scholar the first scholar who wrote a
book 40, Hadith Miramont, meaningful Hadith 40 Hadith and Imam Abdullah bin Mubarak. So if he wrote
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			a book called 40 Hadith and he's a mero, McMullen and Hadith, and many scholars asked him who came
he also wrote seminal Hadith. Don't you come as a new reverse Sam, what is this new thing that the
people doing 40 ideas and is built upon and it comes from a week I did? Don't do that. So from the
O'Meara oven, Hadith, the Amuro moment, the Emir and movimiento Hadith, Abdul Rahman Ibn Almighty,
He said about this hadith, it is befitting for anyone who writes a book, anyone who writes a book
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			that he should start the book off by putting this hadith in that book.
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			It's a way of getting baraka to buttermilk, making it Baraka with this particular Hadith. When the
student or the chef writes his book, he puts his Hadith as the first idea of the book, the first
thing as if he's saying to him, keep your knee at Lulu.
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			Keep your Nia Lilla big muscular, ma led you to a near making your near for Allah is a serious
challenge. So as a result of that, we're in a marvelous land many of them being the lover.
Regardless of what the book is about, they will start their books off with this hadith many like
Imam Al Bukhari and the Imam Al Bukhari made this the very first Hadith in his book very first one
and there's a lot to say why he did that. But he was following what an imam Abdullah mandible Nomad,
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			he said, This is something that 30 motherless lamb used to do.
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			Also, a great scholar from the Shafi mother had wrote a really important book and emammal buckling
has a book called Shark Asuna. It is comparative fifth, and he is Shafi but he was a tremendous scum
and slam Shara Asuna and don't get it mixed up with shark has sunnah. And Barbara Hattie No, this is
a book of FIP
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			and many of the Redeemer especially Al Imam and Noemi his book 40 Hadith he started off with this
hadith Al Imam unknown Al Imam and know his book briavels Salah hain. He started off with this
particular book, and Imam I know he has the book of car the book of dua, he started off with this
book, the book that he wrote about the Shafi madhhab and much more he started off with this idea
Rahmatullah he
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			eata ally. So what's the point? The point whiny is this is a serious Heidi in the life of the
Muslim, he has to know this hadith, he has to try to memorize this hadith, he has to study this
hadith. It can't be it that he never heard before has to be it that he took the time out to study.
And whenever he's looking through the lens and listening to YouTube or whatever he sees this hadith
comes up, someone's expressing it explaining it, he should tune in and listen to this hadith as it
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			relates to the Hadith in nomina man orbignya Honey, there are a number of a Hadith from the Sunnah
that give us the same meaning. And this repetition in our religion goes to show that the thing is
important and it wants our religion wants to bring home the story or the lesson. Another Hadith
similar to this one showing this lesson is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam evil taka
Muslim Annie B se Fe Hema fel Cartier wallop tool for now, if two Muslims meet each other and both
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			of them have their swords drawn, both of them have big guns out cocked and ready to blast to Muslims
meet each other and he had their weapons drawn. He said the murderer and the murdered both of them
will be in the hellfire.
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			So they're both ready to go. But when he gets it off before the loved one, we blast him and he put
them to sleep that said he's done. He killed them. Rasul Allah says Allah Allah who was sending him
the murderer and the murdered both of them will be in the Hellfire companions was shot, yada so
Allah we understand why the murderer is in the Hellfire he killed someone. But why is the one who
was murdered also in the Hellfire he lost his life. He says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no kind of
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			Hadees and not a customary saw AB because he was trying to kill the other guy. That was his knee and
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			he just didn't get what he intended. But he was trying to kill the other guy. So both of them are
going to be in the hellfire. And this is why we say whiny as it relates to our Shabaab. And we say
this over and over and over again. It is not for the youngsters to pass out fatwas. Go to Syria. go
here, go there. Go to Somalia does jihad over here. Go to Mali go to Mauritania hook up with Boko
Haram go here to go because you're fighting Jihad don't do that. You go to a place and you start to
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			kill Muslims.
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			You go to the Hellfire you set yourself up for with a one way ticket to the knot of Jahannam because
you're trying to kill a Muslim women young men and mortar and media for Jessa who Johanna Hardy then
fee her why they belong why they will lie? No Why? Why?
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			Anyone who kills a believer intentionally, Allah is gonna put them in our fight forever and make a
grievous punishment for him and Allah will curse him Allah is going to be angry with him.
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			So don't take those photos from regular people at Aculon that hadith goes to show the same thing
about the near Rasul Allah was traveling with his companions Allah Allah who it was sending them
FISA btw lat going to one of his campaigns, he told us companions, you people have not climbed a
mountain or come down a mountain. You have not passed through any valleys, highways and byways. You
have not suffered any fatigue in this trip except that you have some brothers who are still in
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			Medina, who are with you doing all of that. They said how jasola We're out here doing all this. You
said we got people and Medina and they're getting older to do what you say yes, have a sa home
hobby. Soon. They were prevented from coming. For one reason or another. He couldn't come because he
didn't have a horse. He couldn't come because he had to take care of his mother. He couldn't come
because the Prophet left him Salah he was setting them as the one who was in charge of El Medina
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			because he can't leave Medina without a leader. So he will say I leave you stay and take care of the
people you're responsible. You're the leader in my absence. So it wants to go out also Allah want to
go to you leave me in Medina with the women and the children. He said, How is it? How do you feel
about being the way Harun wants to Musa you're going to be like that to me, except that there is no
Nebby after me. So when Harun took over for Musa Musa when to get the Scriptures from Allah and the
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			mountain and so forth and so on. He left Tyrone in charge of Benny and Surah Al you're going to be
in charge of the people Medina you're gonna be like how wrong to me but there is no Nebby after me.
Not you not harassing not Hussein. Not anyone from our little bait there's a Nebby the Mighty is not
a nappy.
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			So the point here is those people they need it was I wish I could have gone to Hajj. I wanted to go
to Hajj this year. I wanted to travel with the NABI SallAllahu Sena but for one reason or another
they weren't able. And there are many a hadith Sahih Bukhari and Muslim Prophet told us about the
Mindee sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Radi Allahu Anhu
00:30:24 --> 00:30:31
			there's going to be an army that the Mindee will be leading, he will be leading that army.
00:30:32 --> 00:30:52
			And when they get to a place called beta, which is between Mecca and Medina, the halfway point this
place there are going to be some criminals who are going to hear about the MACD coming out. And
they're gonna go to go they want to go and they want to extinguish the light of the MACD among
00:30:53 --> 00:30:59
			But when they go when they go to try to deal with the MACD, the earth is going to open up and it's
going to swallow them up.
00:31:01 --> 00:31:03
			Some people with weak Amen they say what
00:31:04 --> 00:31:04
00:31:05 --> 00:31:29
			you believe that and then we have these non Muslims believe in Jesus is the son of Allah. They
believe that with sincerity with grace, they believe that and you can't believe what a saw that and
mistook said that's what Abdullah bin Massaro used to say. He is a saw that when must stop he is the
truthful one who should be believed SallAllahu it was selling.
00:31:32 --> 00:31:44
			So when the people go to get the MACD the earth will open up and it will swallow them up because
he's a Wally from the OD Avila and Isha when she heard this hadith She said, Yeah, but ya know, so
00:31:45 --> 00:31:53
			there will be people who will be selling to the army, people from the Bedouins, they're not against
the MACD,
00:31:54 --> 00:32:16
			the Army is right there. In that particular place, people are going to come out and sell the milk,
sell them camels, fix the issues for them and do this and do that for them. And the earth is going
to swallow them up to he say yes, been to subdue, the earth is going to swallow them up as well. But
then all of them will be raised up based upon their knee and
00:32:18 --> 00:32:45
			they will be raised up based upon the net. So the one who intended to harm the Maddie will be raised
up based upon his near the one who happened to be in a bad place at the wrong time. Well, if you can
say that he's in the wrong place at the wrong time, but really can't see that because the color is
the color. It wasn't going to miss him. But he's not going to be raised up as a person who's trying
to do harm to anyone. It was just his time to die. And he died in that way. But he won't be raised
00:32:45 --> 00:33:11
			up based upon a negative Nia. And there are many a hadith like this, showing us the Ds are based
upon the NIA. And the NIA is more a bluff than the action, the knee and of a person it is more
profound than the action because you may not be able to do a thing, but you'll still get rewarded
for it. You still will get rewarded for it. He wants to go and pray in Mecca, he's in the elevator
00:33:13 --> 00:33:43
			is in the lift comes out of his room. And he's trying to get downstairs to go to the huddle. When
the elevator opens up is packed out like sardines with people no place to get in, can't fit in. He
lets it go down. The next elevator come packed out like sardines can get in. He lets it go down. The
third elevator comes packed out like sardines, men and women packed out. Now I know some of the
young people they're gonna get in me I'm sure about that. That's why we always speak into the
00:33:43 --> 00:33:54
			narrative of the mentality of the youngster, the youngster saying, man after this first elevated, I
said he's gonna get in me, and he's going to push his way in, he's gonna get in there. No, man don't
do that.
00:33:55 --> 00:34:09
			That the second and the third and the fourth elevator come until you can get in where you fit in.
Now, the salon is done. And he never made it to the huddle. He never made it. He'll get that reward
of that's a lot.
00:34:10 --> 00:34:41
			Because he was prevented from making praying the Jamaat, not because of him. It was just all those
people. He didn't count on that. Now actually, the next prayer now the next prayer, he can't wait
until that for that to happen again. If it happens again, then maybe he could be blameworthy. But
this example is an example of No, you got your reward for praying with that Jamaat, although you
didn't pray with that Jamaat, because things happen, that you had nothing to do with that you had
00:34:41 --> 00:35:00
			nothing to do with it. So the actions will be judged by the intention. So the Prophet gave an
example somebody was sending this hadith. He said anyone who performed Hydra for Allah and His
Messenger, then there's hedgerows for Allah and His messenger and that's because in Israel back
then, was a really important rabada from
00:35:00 --> 00:35:32
			The bad data well, Islam, and it continues to be very important. It continues to be very important
to make a Hijra. The linguistic meaning of hatred is to leave something to abandon something to make
hedger from something you don't give them sometimes. Now, Yeah, hello, Lymbery in Muslim and you had
a cow who felt that after a yawn, it's not permissible for Muslim to make hedgerow or hedger of his
brother for more than three days. He doesn't give them sometimes allow Tata commanded the man in the
00:35:32 --> 00:36:07
			Quran for Judo Hoonah FINMA dodging your wives, if they misbehave, then do this. If they don't do
right, then do that. They still don't do right. Then separate yourself from them in the bed. You
make hijab, you abandon them, and he said, Alhaji Dr. Phil bait. The abandonment of one's wife is
just in the house and the bed. He shouldn't go to another house. He shouldn't live in a country by
herself and he abandoned her like that. She's just like that left by herself is not permissible. He
00:36:07 --> 00:36:42
			gets mad and upset with his wife, he can leave the house like it did go to the masjid ress come down
and then go back home. But he can't leave the marital home. 3452 days, three days, three weeks, two
months can't do that. So that word hijacker is in the in the Quran to abandon something to abandon
the door of a coffin, a place where you can practice man go to a place of Islam DoD will cover two
data snap you can practice lamb and Mecca, you go to Ethiopia Habesha and go to a place they're not
00:36:42 --> 00:37:08
			Muslims, but they're gonna let you practice your religion over there in that in that place. So
during the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was wadge if upon the people to leave Mecca and
to go and make cater to him if they had the ability. And it was a sign of a person's Eman. It
couldn't remain in Mecca they had to do it unless they had a serious reason or excuse. So he used
this hadith this example of Hydra. Whoever may hit your philon His Messenger that's what his Hijra
00:37:08 --> 00:37:14
			is for. It is commonly understood there is a man pay attention to this they call him
00:37:15 --> 00:37:21
			Mahajan, Omi is the man who may hit her for Lady Hakuna is on pace.
00:37:22 --> 00:37:54
			This man wanted to marry ace. She was a companion. She was in Medina, he wants to marry her. She
said yeah, I'll marry you. But under the condition that you make hijra, if you don't make hedger,
I'm not marrying you. So that man he made hijra, and he went to Medina and he married this lady. So
they gave him the nickname Mahajan. Only place that story that hadith is authentic that happened,
Imam had been hijacked a salon brought a chain of narration other than Him. So even among sore in
00:37:54 --> 00:38:27
			his book of the Sunon that hadith is authentic. That happened. There is a man his nickname mohajir
the one who may Hijra mohajir only place many people believe that that incident is the reason why
the Prophet said this hadith Salah Why do you send them? Well, unruly, psychedelic and that's not
the case. There is no authentic narration connecting that man to this hadith as a matter of fact,
the scholars of Islam as I told you many times, they didn't leave any rock unturned. They uncovered
00:38:27 --> 00:39:00
			everything. So whenever we have companions who are mentioned in the Hadith where we don't know their
names, there was a black lady that used to sweep the Masjid. There was a man who stood up and say
yada so the Allah can you get someone to write this for me? There was a man who came and we can hear
his voice from a long way. The scholars like Imam adatta Coatney Al Imam, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. They
will search all the different narrations to find out the names of people that are more POM. More POM
00:39:01 --> 00:39:31
			is not clear. It's ambiguous. They weren't identify. The scholars of Hadith didn't leave anything
for us. But as it relates to this man, Mahajan face, confine his name, nobody knows who he is. And
maybe that is the sitter from Allah that Allah azza wa jal has covered him that no one knew and this
is how we have to be with the companions. We only think good about them and we only say good about
them. So Eliza Joe concealed his name and we don't know who he is. Rob the Allah. As it relates to
00:39:31 --> 00:39:39
			this issue though, the man making his your for a lady. We have to have personal done about the
00:39:40 --> 00:40:00
			that even if the man may hit her in order to marry the lady, he still had a man in his heart. Like
boom Solane the mother of any Cebu Malik, and Cebu nomadic took care of the prophet for 10 years.
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him the Hitman for 18 years from the age of 10.
00:40:00 --> 00:40:08
			into 20. And he used to do all of his personal hygienic things in the privacy of the home. So he
narrated a lot of Hadith.
00:40:10 --> 00:40:39
			Um, so Elaine was approached by a non Muslim man from El Medina. I will tell her from the inside who
wanted to marry her. She said, I can't marry you because you Mushrik you are now Muslim, Muslim
women can marry non Muslim men. She said, But you're the type of person that if you were to ask a
woman to get married in every woman wants to be married to a man like you. So therefore, if you say
La Ilaha illa Allah, that'd be my darling.
00:40:41 --> 00:41:12
			So he said, Okay, La ilaha illa Allah, because he wants to marry this tremendous woman. When he said
La Ilaha illa Allah, and he became a Muslim. He saw her behavior, he saw the behavior of the
companions, and it says slum became barren, barren, Lily became better and better. He was the
richest man in Medina. And he was given his money to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam proven
he didn't become a Muslim, just the marry that lady. So now, we have some people that come into
00:41:12 --> 00:41:22
			Islam because they want to marry the brother. They come into Islam because there's a brother who's a
Muslim and they want to get married. There's nothing wrong with that. We're not going to say don't
do that.
00:41:23 --> 00:41:35
			But we've got to make sure that the reason why they're coming to Islam in the end of the day is for
Allah azza wa jal because when the marriage doesn't work between them soon as it breaks down, they
00:41:37 --> 00:42:06
			they leave the Dean because they never had the dean in the first place. I love Colin honey,
concerning this issue about Hydra, Hydra. I want to offer this information to you because it's
really important is a big rebuy that from the bad data valid SNAM and it was a big thing during the
time of the Prophet Solomon light it was similar, but it's an issue that we can get some rewards
from concerning it. The Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa salam al rabada to fill Headjam rabada to
00:42:06 --> 00:42:08
			fill heritage, can you return a layup
00:42:10 --> 00:42:14
			and rabada to Phil heritage, okay, hey, gelatin, a layup.
00:42:16 --> 00:42:35
			Anyone who does a bad and he worships Allah doing fitna when there is fitna going on, he will get
the reward of making Hijra to me. So during the time of the companions, if you may hit her to the
Prophet sallallahu it was setting them around the Allah and whom that's a big thing right now.
00:42:37 --> 00:42:54
			And 1440 Right now, this is the 11th day of Muharram. The Evans 11th Night, yesterday was Ashura
since the 11th 1440 If a person engages himself in a bad that during the time of fitting, the reward
for that is
00:42:55 --> 00:43:23
			making Hijra to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when you see the Muslims in drama, and
you see Muslims and fitna, don't get involved, don't get involved with your opinion. Don't get
involved. And now we have a lot of fit in we have a lot of fit in on different levels. Where fitness
between Jamaat we are fitting in between shifts, we are fitting in between students of knowledge,
said a few people in Algeria right now are at each other's throats. We have fitna all over the
00:43:23 --> 00:43:25
			place. Don't get involved,
00:43:26 --> 00:43:45
			busy yourself with rabada and from the best Ibadah is Elmo Natha beneficial knowledge, memorizing 40
Hadith of an Imam and knowing, trying to memorize the Quran, Jews, ama giusta, Barak, Jews, whatever
whatever, learning about the tweet of Al Islam,
00:43:46 --> 00:44:03
			engaging yourself in the Sunon prayers and so forth and so on. Because of that hadith al hijra, as
it relates to the issue of an Hadrian 20 There is a comprehensive understanding of aging in the
Mohajer. The Prophet mentioned some of the law who it was it was setting them in Mahajan, min,
00:44:04 --> 00:44:34
			My na Allah who I know the real mohajir the real immigrant is the one who abandons what Allah me
haram. He said the real Mujahid is the one who makes jihad against his knifes. That's the real me
Jay. Some of you young brothers want to get married need to get married. Gotta be patient, you have
to fast somebody's wrong young brothers. You got to get work. You want money in your pocket. You
walking around here, you broke, you can't get things you have to make jihad against your knifes at
00:44:34 --> 00:44:59
			this age where you are right now. He said that in Mujahid Minja had the knapsack goofy battler the
real Mujahid is the one who makes jihad against himself. That's the biggest jihad. Jihad is levels.
One of the levels of jihad is defending your honor defending your religion, defending your family
defending your money. A level of jihad is having a weapon at a proper
00:45:00 --> 00:45:38
			Time place, the proper rules and regulations. That's our religion and you're making Jihad so that's
a form of jihad. But the highest jihad in Islam is making jihad against your knifes anger management
issues, whatever it is being lazy, whatever the issue happens to be, you got to make jihad against
your knifes. Lastly 20 want to deal with this issue very quickly about mixing these were you doing
for Allah and you do them from other than Eliza Joe. There are three types of things that could
00:45:38 --> 00:45:46
			possibly happen when we do our deeds. First one is a person does a deed solely and strictly to be
seen by people.
00:45:47 --> 00:46:00
			He's not doing it for Allah and the Companions use x these questions yet also love. One of us fights
Jihad because of anger. Those people have some nerve to come and try to fight us. And he's like he
is upset.
00:46:01 --> 00:46:19
			So one of us will fight from other angry another one will fight from Hermia they have some nerve
trying to fight our try. Don't they know when I would try and get busy Head Start rolling. I don't
know what I'm messing with. So he's doing it from Hermia.
00:46:20 --> 00:46:55
			And then the third guy, he makes Jihad and he makes this effort so that people could say Wow, that
guy is brave. And it's no it's no wonder that the first three people get thrown into the Hellfire
yomo piano not for the ohm, not Abdullah not Abu Jahan. No first three of people from Islam. The
person read the Quran so that it can be said he read nicely the one who gave sadaqa so it can be
said he's very very generous and the one who made Jihad so it can be said he was brave. Those the
00:46:55 --> 00:47:28
			first three people go to the Hellfire show you the danger of a ship and react showing off. So he say
yes Allah we fight for different reasons. He says he says so who which one is the Mujahid he said BD
that? He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and cotton with a comb. Kenny matola here earlier for who
were FISA de la he I saw agenda, the one who's fighting so that the words of ALLAH can be uppermost.
This is the one who is PCB the lab, the one who was given Dawa, not so that his group can be
00:47:28 --> 00:47:29
00:47:31 --> 00:48:10
			His group is about him. His chef and his group. No, Allah told us or do it as a beanie, Rob Baker,
Bill Hekmati, one more rebuttal as Anna, which I did humility here as a call to the way of your
Lord, not to your Jamaat, not to your chef at your madhhab give Dawa to the way of your LORD with
hikma and with a good preaching and argue with them in the way that is best. Women, us and our colon
men die Ilahi who is better in speech than the one who calls to Allah? He doesn't call to the chef
00:48:10 --> 00:48:50
			for that chef. You sit today and you hear the person speaking and He spoon he says chef Ruby's name
50 times in two minutes 50 times in two minutes. No, the Dow is not today's shareholders chef. The
Dow should be to Allah azza wa jal. The Dow was not to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam this
person nice person, but to his sunnah to his tariqa called having severely ADOL Allah. This is my
way I call to Allah. Allah Akbar sera Tim and our Manitoba Annie. A call to Allah with knowledge. Me
00:48:50 --> 00:48:58
			and those who follow me. So our Dawa should be to the path of the NABI SallAllahu wasallam and
activists share for that shit whoever the Shit Happens to be
00:48:59 --> 00:49:09
			That was to the show you're from this country only. No, we're not calling our people to Saudi Arabia
Schiff You guys gotta wake up with that stuff.
00:49:10 --> 00:49:25
			Dow has to be to Eliza Jen. So as it relates to this issue, honey, in regards to mixing up your DS,
there is the person who he does a deed solely to be seen. And this is what the hypocrites do.
00:49:26 --> 00:49:59
			The straight up and down six o'clock hypocrites. Allah who taught I mentioned many is about them,
where they come in with a slotted kombu Salah you're our own and NASA will Agathe Quran, Allah Illa
kalila. The hypocrites are those people, when they get up to pray. They get up in a lazy, lethargic
way. They don't want to pray, and they only pray and when they start to pray, they pray only to be
seen by the people. And they only remember Allah a little bit. They make Ria, that's it. So those
00:50:00 --> 00:50:01
			These are destroyed.
00:50:02 --> 00:50:11
			second situation is a person who he does a deed for Allah, but he's doing it for people as well.
00:50:12 --> 00:50:32
			He does it for Allah, he wants to do this thing for Allah. He wants to come and get the hookah for
Allah. He wants to give Dawa only for Allah that says me. But as he sits there, things started
happening and he starts to do things and as for other than Allah, he starts fighting his opponent.
So now he's not for Allah anymore.
00:50:33 --> 00:50:38
			He starts to beautify his Calam so that people could say, look how articulate he is.
00:50:41 --> 00:50:54
			Now if the person's knee it was from the very beginning, he's doing it for other than a lot, then
that deed is going to be rejected. And that's because of the hadith of God say, Allah azza wa jal
mentioned. And
00:50:55 --> 00:50:56
			I average
00:50:59 --> 00:51:31
			assured, aka, an admin should Okay, from an admin admin and I should occur fee he may rarely talk to
we should go. Allah said, I am the most self sufficient from everybody else, all partners, anyone
who does a deed, and he does that do for me and someone else, I'm going to reject that deed. So you
gotta make we have to make jihad you want to do something for Allah, you feel that shaytaan is in
there trying to make you do things to make other people pleased or whatever, you have to fight that
00:51:31 --> 00:51:44
			thing. Don't give it up, don't abandon it. But you have to fight that thing. And then we have the
third category, the person who does something for Allah, but in doing it for Allah, there's also
some side benefit to it.
00:51:45 --> 00:52:12
			There's some side benefit for an example the Mujahid he wants to go and he wants to make jihad but
he also wants to Magnum, he wants to spoils of war. He wants to get a horse, he wants to get a
camel. He wants to get whatever is going to be distributed. person is making around, he's making
Hajj, Umrah hajj, he wants to make a hedge for Allah. But when he goes over there, he also wants to
buy some Fobes
00:52:13 --> 00:52:27
			he wants to sell something. He wants to make benefit buying and trading. He's attaching. He wants to
look for a visa and he comma. So he's gonna make hij gotta make Umrah. His need is for Allah.
00:52:29 --> 00:52:48
			But there's some monetary rewarding game and his meat as well. Do we say that should say no, that's
nice ship that's permissible, but his reward is not like the one who made Umbra just for Allah. His
reward is not like the one who made hydrogels, for Allah. His reward is not like the one who made a
jihad just for Allah.
00:52:49 --> 00:53:21
			But that's not considered to be a ship. Lastly, lastly, there is the issue where a man said Yeah,
Rasul Allah, what if someone praises another man for something that he did? Is that shit? Someone
says, My shallot. His recitation is really beautiful. Did you hear his recitation? Mashallah, did
you hear that? Hoba mashallah, did you see this? Did you see that? And people start praising him,
but he never asks people to do that. He had nothing to do with that people did it. So they want to
00:53:21 --> 00:53:37
			know showing you how the companions were students of knowledge and he wanted to know their religion,
or so I told them something Allah while he was setting them Tilka iGen Bucha movement till Gaijin
Bushra little movement that is a expedient
00:53:39 --> 00:54:09
			Glad Tidings that's given to the believer Bushra. It's like Allah is giving you the glad tidings of
this thing that you did when you hear people praising this one and that one and they didn't ask that
and they weren't trying to get that that is a Bushra for that person in sha Allah that's how we look
at it. We don't look at it as being a should be let so when we open up the door inshallah to any
questions that you brothers have. So that this thing is not just a class about this hadith, your
00:54:09 --> 00:54:36
			near your near your near our near our near our knee. Allah describe the believes in the Quran. And
he said about them in NEMA and not mo commonly which Allah Laduree dooming come Jezza when Asha
Cora, when the believers give people food, they said to those people, we only feed you for Allah
sake. We don't want any things from you. We don't want any reward.
00:54:38 --> 00:54:57
			Seven people will be under the shade of Allah yomo Qiyamah won't be no shade except his shade. One
of those seven, a man to sadaqa be sadaqa tin hat della Talon. He gave sadaqa to the point where his
left hand didn't know what his right hand gave.
00:54:58 --> 00:54:59
			So the set of us to do what he
00:55:00 --> 00:55:05
			his wife wouldn't even know wouldn't even know the sadaqa that the husband gave.
00:55:06 --> 00:55:23
			The wife should let the husband know was southern because she's given because he says money is this
stuff. She better not be coming talking about, hey, the right hand left hand, you know, similar to
the on the piano, Hey, your husband doesn't have 50 You want to know where that money is going? But
the man the man, the husband, the husband,
00:55:24 --> 00:55:48
			the set of things to keep this stuff hidden from the people. Well my own mutal Illa Ali Abdullah
McCulley seen Allahu Deen for nothing. They were not ordered to do anything except to worship Allah
with a loss and to be upright. So when are we going to leave this Masjid in sha Allah azza wa jal
and we're going to do deeds for the rest of the night. And we'll do deeds around people.
00:55:50 --> 00:55:57
			Develop your knee, talk to yourself about the knee and we have to talk to ourselves about the
00:55:58 --> 00:56:24
			A flat Hello me Noonan levena, whom fee salata him. Hi, Sharon, the believers will be successful,
those people who when they pray they have Hello, sure. So the pression be something you just get
upset a lot, but you start praying is something you have to get your mind in a particular place a
frame of mind about this prayer you're about to do. The knee is the same way that take time out to
say, What am I doing this for?
00:56:25 --> 00:56:47
			And if it's for a lot, is there a better way to do it. And if I can do it far away from the people's
eyes, and this is better. And this is why the song is so important, the fast is so important, and
our religion, and that is because it's between you and Allah. So if you brothers have any questions,
any comments concerning that, put it forward it for them
00:56:57 --> 00:57:27
			if a person is fasting, and he doesn't want other people to know that he's fasting, so they may ask
them are you fasting Did you rely on wanting to know if you were to tell them that you're fast and
there's no harm because it's something that happened and you didn't encourage the thing to happen.
And the deal from that as well is the Hadith the Prophet told us something Allah who it will send
them if someone is fighting you, on the day of your fast you should say to him and saw him or in the
00:57:27 --> 00:57:54
			saw him in the saw him, I'm fast, I'm fasting. Don't bother me, don't mess up my fats. So the
religion gave you the right to let someone know that you're fast and although before that it was
between you and Allah. But in order to safeguard your fast you got you the religion allows you to
expose yourself, hey, I'm fasting, I'm fasting. Don't mess up my fats. So now someone is asking you,
are you fasting? Because you know, we're gonna go out for lunch? Are you fasting? Because I want to
00:57:54 --> 00:58:13
			invite you over? Are you fasting, whatever. So the person says yes. If if, if he wants to avoid
saying that they're not going to look at him as crazy. If he doesn't want to answer. It's going to
people going to know you're fast. And anyway. So if they say, Are you fast and you like this,
00:58:15 --> 00:58:25
			they're gonna know that you're fasting because the way you answer is so you're in a no win position.
So you just say, now I'm fasting. Any more questions or one
00:58:33 --> 00:58:34
			good point uh, he
00:58:36 --> 00:58:37
			back home, we're in Somalia,
00:58:39 --> 00:59:13
			back home, in Somalia. And right here in the UK. People save their intentions like before praying.
They say I intend to pray so that the Lahore which is a YG pray behind this Imam facing the Qibla.
They say that, believing that this hadith that we just dealt with is encouraging them to say that we
say you have to practice this hadith the way the Companions practiced it, may Allah be pleased with
them. That the Prophet sallallahu wasallam teach the people how to pray. Yes. And he told them pray
00:59:13 --> 00:59:26
			the way you see me he's praying. So when he told them this hadith that he teach them before you
pray, stand up and say, I intend to praise about the Whadjuk behind this Imam facing the Qibla we
don't find that.
00:59:27 --> 00:59:40
			So the place of the Mia is in your heart is never on your tongue. Never on your tongue. Even for
Ramadan. There is a authentic idea that says Men limb you beat yet.
00:59:42 --> 00:59:53
			Men limb you beat it and me and men and labor for Lassie, I'm the one who doesn't make his intention
in the night time and Ramadan then there's no fast from tomorrow.
00:59:54 --> 01:00:00
			So some people think he has to say I intend to fascinate no man. Well, you gotta for savour the
01:00:00 --> 01:00:30
			as you intended to fasten when you went to the wash basin and you put water in the brake and the
thing that's you intending the fats, so the NIA is on your lease and the only time we say anything
remotely close to a Nia is the Tobia before making Umrah or Hajj you say the bake Allahumma Umrah,
Allah Baker, Houma Hodge, you can say that, but that's called the Tobia. But if you want to just for
the sake of argument, say this is a type of knee and say, Okay, that's the only thing we have in the
01:00:30 --> 01:00:36
			authentic sunnah. And Allah is Allah and Allah. Any more questions, honey?
01:00:37 --> 01:01:00
			Okay, Nick Duffy had a little cutter. We want you brothers to remember the law gave a really
beneficial Hotbird last Friday about the pizza that we have as it relates to the companions or the
Diwan Allah, I mean, his mother is not well, and that's why he's not here leading us into prayer.
And she's quite ill in a serious way. So remember the DUA.
01:01:01 --> 01:01:22
			Your do I remember her and your DUA and the DUA the other week, Muslims and the oppressed Muslims
who are in need of our dua. Hi, that was some long law who was sending them about it. I didn't know
Bina Subhanak Allahumma were behind DECA watershed one La ilaha illa and a stock Furukawa tubo Santa
Monica acquainting the next week ish