Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith #16 and #17 – The Cause of the Defects

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding hadiths in Islam is emphasized, including the Hayith hadith which states everyone is equal when giving protection from the coronavirus. The D Hyundai movement uses various techniques to avoid damaging one's religion and avoid wasting time and effort. Being aware of one's abilities and abilities to avoid damaging one's religion and avoid wasting time and effort is emphasized. The need for everyone to take responsibility and take action to protect the environment is emphasized, along with acknowledging the potential impact on health and well-being.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu lillahi Hamden cathedral were given Mubarak and fie.

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What a shadow one lie either in Allahu Akbar who last should he get?

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What I should do under Mohammed inom do who are solo who Salawat Allah He was sent ama well, I need Sleeman Kathira Amma boggle

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come to the next Hadith number 16 I believe it is at least kinetic. It is number 16

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And is the Hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim from the July met at Kelim, of the prophets of Allah while he was setting them. And that's a word you should know. Joe Wyman and Kevin July met Al Kalam is the ability that he had to say a few words, but the statement that he made had far reaching meanings and implications. This hadith today is like that. Abdullah Nirvana may Allah be pleased with both of them said that he heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in NEMA NAS, kill Abel

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in Mi

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La to CAD and TG the fee Hi, Rob Heaton. He said that the people are like 100 camels. You can barely find one camel suitable to ride from amongst them.

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There's Hadith of the Prophet salah, set it up, the chef brought it now in his book about the Dawa and the Duat and this hadith is connected to what was mentioned last week. But as I said, it's from the July me and Kelim are so Allah can say something from Allah when he was sent him that thing can be met it can be understood multiple ways because it's filled with wisdom so pay attention. This hadith is Badia Muslim, and it's an important lesson for everybody to know. He said that mankind the

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human beings in this message it other than his message the like 100 camels, you can barely find one who is suitable to write.

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There are two ways to understand this hadith caught into the rhythm of Allah snap want to say to our young brothers, the millennials, brothers and sisters, don't be something which they hate on your own going into the Quran and go into the Sunnah, coming up with your own interpretation is not the way to do it. We all have to turn our attention to what the scholars said the competent one said. And when I say scholars I'm not talking about that Jesus Christ mentality that some said a few

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people upon some Muslims are on the chef, the chef the chef and we go overboard with this shake business. And right now we are lost in the sauce because we go overboard is the problem with the Muslims we go overboard with the Imams of the men heads. We go overboard with Rasul Allah, his son Allah while he was setting them. We go overboard with our teachers we go overboard with these renowned man. I'm opposed to that stuff. We don't make blind follow into anybody other than the NABI

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we have to be in the middle. You're not a metalhead, don't go into the Arabic language just come up with your own meaning. I've seen people like that. And also don't be one of those people who is clear what your chef said what the chef said is wrong. The shakers no presser, the chef is a bully. The chef is not acting right.

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So because we love him and all of that it doesn't change the fact that he's bullying people. You don't want to call it other people call me see it. So don't try to act the people like you're shaping a bully is a straight up bully, and we don't like bullies. So as it relates to this hadith, what did the scholars say? The scholars of Islam said the meaning of this hadith the first meaning is, this is one of the proofs of Islam if you want to show improve the equality between people. And

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when I say quality, that's for lack of a better term because we're not equal. We're equal but we're not equal. Allah said in the Quran called hallelujah stir will live in a moon while living Allah Allah moon, are they equal? Those who know and those who don't know, you little men? Are those who know equal to those who don't know?

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So what equality the Rola ma are not like the people were ignorant, your mother and your father, are they equal to everybody else? Nope, not equal. So what we mean by equality is no one's blood is more important than anyone. That's what we mean by equality. This hadith goes to show is a deal if you want to prove the equality between people their blood and Islam. This is a deal

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that people are like 100. So, horses, you 100 camels you can barely find one suitable try. So it means from 100 camels, there is not one

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Campbell that a man can ride who's an odd camel, they're all the same. All of them are unrightable. So they're all equal. So mankind like 100 camels that you can't find one suitable to ride meaning they are equal.

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To further elaborate very quickly Allah setting up Quran or the Prophet says of Allah when he was salam, there is no virtue of the Arab over the non Arab. There is no virtue of the non Arab over the Arab arrows, blood is more important in our blood.

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even clearer than that, authentic hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and Muslim Moon teta careful with the man whom? Well yes, be the Marathi him. And now whom the believers, their blood is equal. All of them are equal when it comes to offering protection for somebody. So if you can imagine this is our community. And there's a non Muslim wants protection from our community against some other non Muslims. One example.

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The one who has the least amount of money here, as long as you mature and he's from our group, I'll try that guy who needs protecting his his friend. So this brother says, I'm offering him my protection. The rest of us all of us have to honor that with that brother. And no one can say, I'm the man, I'm the teacher, I got more money. I'm older than him, nobody can say that. All of us have to take care of that protection that he gave to this man.

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So that happened with a lady by the company of whom Hani when the Prophet conquered Mecca, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whom Hani gave her protection to one of the people of Quraysh, who was a problem in Jahangir. So when the Companions saw him, they said, We're gonna get you, we don't kill you. He said, I gave him hand he gave my protective, he said, he said, We don't care what this woman did. This woman will have no rights. We don't care what she did. Um, when he told the prophet what

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happened, Prophet Muhammad said, Nobody touches as long as Omani gave him protection than her blood is equal to everybody else. So if you can imagine, to bring the lesson home, clearly listen to this. We're on a boat, and the boat develops a hole and the boat is sinking. And we're on that boat last summer Hala is example. We're on that boat. Now we started saying, you know, in order to save the lives, we have to lighten the load and the boat. So we start throwing cargo over everything that

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lighten up the load, but the boat is still sinking, and we're on that boat, we have to figure out who's gonna get thrown over the boat.

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So someone says, let's throw the old people over the boat. They live the life they finished with their life. Let's throw them over the boat because everybody else has their whole life today. Say can't do it. It was all the people with a boat. Someone else said let's throw the babies over the boat. Because when they drown, they're gonna go straight to agenda and that's still those babies. We say now, we can't throw those babies over the boat.

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Let's throw all the Asians over the boat. Can't go to Asia. Let's start the ones with glasses over the boat can throw the ones with glass over the boat. Let's throw the women over. That's the point. We all are going to live together or we're all going to perish together because no one's blood is more important than the next man's blood. That's the meaning of this idea. Allah sent in a Quran in Chroma Chemin de la he come. The one who has the most tough one the best is not one who's Arabic.

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It's the one who has the most Taqwa. So that's the first way to understand this hadith. It's a DeLeo about the quality of people's blood. They like 100 camels, there is no odd camel amongst them. 99 camel and one is good too. Right? And the other 99 No, they're all the same.

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They're all equal. That's not the meaning that a chef ID and Hedeby wanted. By bringing this hadith. He brought this hadith for the other meaning of the Hadith. The other meaning of the hadith is more apparent. And that is mankind is like 100 Candles like a dozen eggs 100 candles 1000 words you know 100 candles.

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You will be hard pressed to find one candle from amongst that big number. You will be hard pressed to find one Campbell suitable to write. Those camels are going to be like the human beings they have blemishes problems. His leg is broke. He doesn't want you on his back. That one is crazy. That one is pregnant camel, that one over there has rabies and that camera over there. This is it. That's how human beings are

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the lack of competence in human being and the ability to take care of the job

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is prevalent amongst them.

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Which means when it comes to Dolla dolla This is about the Darwin the Duat that the people who are giving Dawa right now for our Ummah,

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most of them are not qualified and not competent.

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala Fen Atha. Judging is of three types three judges. Two of them are in the hellfire, and one is in the agenda. So two thirds the majority on the hellfire, giving Dawa teaching the judge. There are three types. One who doesn't know the hack. So he judges based upon Ignorance isn't the Hellfire tool, the one who knows the heart, the judge knows the truth. But he judges in in contradiction to it in the hellfire. The third one is the one who

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knows the truth and He judges by it. So the majority of judges in the world and Islam in the non Muslim two thirds are in trouble

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giving dollars like that as well.

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Right now, people are like 100 candles that people give in dollar from those 100 people. It's very hard to find one who knows what he's doing. So you're going to find the one who's talking. And he's talking about that which is not wrong. That which is not correct. Or he's talking about something that's correct, but it's the wrong time or to the wrong people. It's in the wrong way.

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Or he's just talking out on the side of his neck. And I've seen people like that when you sit and you listen to their dollar. You hear him you have to you have no hesitation to pull them to the side and say stop giving Dawa that is not Dawa what you just what you're doing. What you're doing is as Ken emphatic you're not teaching anybody anything. You're listening to yourself speak because you're not teaching people anything about this Deen. So as it relates to this issue, you remember last week

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the Hadith was about the appearance of defense and was about how the Prophet says of Allah it was salam that the Amana will be lost at that door. Amana, Fanta, that aside, if the trust is lost, wait for the hours close? How will the amount of each be lost? People will be put in the wrong position.

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That is what he said, people will be put in the wrong position.

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The person who's supposed to be taking care of the situation. He's not the one who has the job. I just want to say to anybody who's given dial out, you know, those are some of the past they were very brutally honest about how they used to struggle with the Internet. And the Imam Sufian authority, one of the greatest scholars in Atlas SNAM used to say, there was nothing I struggled more with it than my knee it being sincere to Allah, people come to see you people come to listen to

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you. How many hits do you get, you get more hits than this person. And this is how it is today. But we have to be a group of people who struggle and strive to make your Nia for Allah. The Dawa is a big challenge and that there are people involved in the Dow and all they want is power. And that's why they say don't go to green lane. Don't go to green lane. Don't go to green lane. Why why why not go to green lane, because we want all your money. We want all your money, green payments from the

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Columbus we mean, you're lying, you're just making making stuff up. You're lying on people to the degree eLion to get money.

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Don't go here. Don't go there. Listen to this at 20. Some of you may be given down on the download on the internet. You're giving Dawa and nothing wrong with that. You just stay in your lane and stay with it and your abilities. But listen, when you're giving Dawa searching for power searching for money, that stuff will destroy you. You know how the Prophet just gave an example about the issue of the human being is like 100 camels that's a method that's a tissue be he gives it his teaching by

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example, given an illustration for the Arabs to understand in their minds. They know what 100 camels are to them. 100 candles.

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You can barely find one too, right. So they understand the lesson that human beings I need money. I need money today if I don't come up with my rent money. Today is the first of Muharram today is the first day of Mahara 1446 4145. If I don't get that rent money, by the force, in the new few days, that kicking me out, I go to him. He doesn't know he doesn't have it. I go to him. He doesn't have it. I go to him, him, him and him. No one can give it to me. And I know someone from the audience.

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They have that money. But he can't give it to me because he has his own issues somebody wants to give it but I came at a bad time.

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I'm for him. So the thing that I'm looking for, I can't get it from the people. That's the meaning of this hadith. You want someone to walk with you to help carry your load to assist you, you're not going to find them. You won't find them.

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And if you do find them, they may show her to Allah azza wa jal. So the Prophet gave it to be, as it relates to that issue gave a similar tool, an example, in order to educate and teach the people the importance of being aware of the reality of what's going on. So therefore, you have to take your time, you want to loan someone money, take your time, your money may not come back to you because people like 100 camels, you're not gonna get someone competent and qualified to bring your money

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back. You want to go to Hajj, okay. Don't go with the first organization that's offering you how much you better do some fieldwork and find out which organizations are being spoken about well, and so first one, because out of all of the hedge projects and programs, most of them are problem, you're going to have a problem.

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You want to buy a car, you want to buy a car from a car dealer. Don't just walk up into any Latin bank card dealer, because the people are like 100 camels, you will barely be able to find one suitable to ride you want to friend. The people like that. Have your associates as for the courier, when you're going to tell him your stories and your secrets your bosom buddy? People are like 100 camels, be careful, bear like 100 camels. So that's the meaning of this hadith of the NABI

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he gave another similar tool

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that I want to invite you young brothers. He says Sal, Allahu Allah. He was sending a mad ban je e n o to sci fi random. B AFSA de la ha. May Harrison Merle and a man was shut off the dini.

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He said when it comes to your religion, if anybody from amongst you wants to accumulate money, make a lot of money. And if anybody amongst you, you want to have honor amongst the people, you want to be respected. He said if you do if you try to do in this religion, where you try to, you know, you, you try to,

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you know, make a come up, people know you and you become well known. If you do that, by trying to get money and trying to be popular. The Prophet said, that is more damaging upon you and your religion, than if you were to send to Raven is hungry wolves, if you let loose to hungry wolves, and they went into a corral where there was a bunch of sheep, white sheep brown sheep, and they were defenseless, and those two wolves are hungry. The damage that the two wolves are going to do to

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those animals is going to be amazing. When that wolves those two wolves when they finished with those sheep, they're going to look and it's gonna be carnage all over the place. Animal V is neck is eaten part of his neck, His leg is missing part of his intestines is out blood all over the place. The baby is dead, the mother is dead. Just you look. Carnage. So let's say that's what will happen to a person's religion.

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More damage will be done to his religion, if he's in the religion trying to make a come up.

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He's trying to make a come up become popular. So make your man for Eliza Joe. Don't make your knee yet for the people to point to you and don't make your knee yet for the people to say look, what do you say? Look what he did. That's the same for the Imam as well. You may be an Imam, someone, somewhere, try your best to make yourself a person who's more or less to Allah. And this way, when you give Dawa, you will be able to say whatever you want to say and not worry about what people have

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to say to you. But if you're one of those people, if you're doing things to please people and stuff, you're not going to say the truth. One of those three judges. He knows the truth, but he won't judge by he knows the truth, but he won't mention it. And this fiasco that we have where people expelling people giving die off of the Sunnah for years. You ask the people in the audience why do you say that about him? He doesn't know. The only reason why he took that position because he's scared of

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other people. He wants to hold his position. He wants the people to continue to see him as being on it. But he doesn't have the nerve and the audacity to say, You know what? I don't understand this. Why are we saying this about that brother? Yeah, he's a he's an innovator because you want to agree, man so what that makes him an innovator Yeah, it's why misnaming Jamia Yatra he'll what cuz that man,

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don't be quiet on that stuff. You have to ask these people where you get this stuff from because you're pressing people. So don't be one of those people who you know the truth, but you're quiet about that.

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Truth because you want to be honest, you want to be accepted. So that's the first Hadith that the man brought.

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The people are like 100 camels, this hadith, not only does it point to the fact that competency will be an issue that people will struggle with during our time but it also goes to show how al Islam doesn't put a lot of importance on the majority. This is one of those mini proofs like the Quran said

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Allah will Tada said what I can accept a nasty lie Allah moon, but most of the people they don't know. They don't know. They don't know who Allah is. Most of the people don't know the truth. Most of the people don't know how to be upright. Most of the people don't know the religion. Most of the people don't know the rights of other people. Most of the people don't don't don't and that's the iron the majority when I can accept a nice layer alum and there are many I like that. Allah will

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tell it said in the Quran, when I act federal Nursey whoa hasta be more meaning even if you want it Yeah, Mohammed you were doing everything possible to make people believe us. Most of them will not believe what in it about the UK Feldman Phil Are you do look and CBD law. If you would have followed the majority of people on the earth, you're gonna go astray. So many I like that this hadith is like that. The people are like 100 camels, that's a lot. You can barely find one out of that. 101% It's

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hard to find one who's suitable to write 20 or 20 or 20. This COVID that we're dealing with COVID is an issue dealing with metal medicine. You know, the metal, the medical profession, doctors, people know what they're doing scientists, I will sign up. I don't know anything about biology. I don't know anything about chemistry. I didn't finish high school. I dropped out of school when I was 13 years old. Doesn't mean I'm dumb and doesn't mean I don't know about certain things. But I start

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speaking as an authority about vaccines. Come on, man.

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out of 100 people 99 I'm not gonna know what they're talking about. And the one who knows what he's talking about is more than likely someone who's been trained.

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But you expect me to sit here and listen to any and every I'm a booker and Z from this audience. And we're talking about Corona is not really real. And one of our students died from it a week ago, two weeks ago, is not real. And don't get the vaccine because if you get the vaccine, you're gonna get stuck to the metal pole and you won't be able to move.

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Now, this hadith helps us to understand don't give your ears to every armor bucket and see

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because the people are like 100 elet Elephants I was about to say that like 100 camels 100

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You can barely find one suitable terrain. Allah mentioned in the Quran iron as the iron. Well hola fogal Allah He la kumara Mata who led the back to me shade Barna. Illa kalila. If it wasn't for the Wrath of Allah upon your people in his fuddling most of you would have followed shaped on except a few people, just a few people.

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So this hadith as relates to the Dawa, listen to me very carefully acquainting some of the people giving Dawa, they get a million hits and things like that. It is a fact that some of what they're saying is inspirational and informative. And I'm not a hater to say to you, I close off the way from you learning from people. No, as long as a person is on the tsunamis, calling to the truth, you listen to him, but don't be a fanboy. And don't be one of them. People say a million hits is a proof

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that the truth is with them. Don't be one of them. People. Don't be one of those people. And I'm not going to say as well, because he has a million hits. He's no good neither, that's not fair. He has a million hits, possibly because he has a way that Allah has blessed him to touch the hearts and the minds of the community. But we have to have the ability to be able to weigh what people are saying that's the point is not how many is the quality of what's being said.

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So this hadith is connected to last week. So last week was talking about the appearance of defects. What's the appearance of defects, the Amana will be gone. I'm supposed to take care of this to give it back to you. I lose it. That's the appearance of the defect problem. I'm gonna say today is Hadith and chat.

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That is called,

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you know, dealing with the defects. One of the defects that we got to deal with is a lot of the people given dollar.

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It's a problem. You have to take your time, all of you everybody here you have to take your time. And you know, when it comes to this on social media, YouTube, you'll see someone give a lecture and then the comments. There's only positive things because he's a fanboy. He's like the guy. But if you listen to the lecture, if you listen, you listen in with your background information. You listen to the lecture, you're gonna say, every Hadith that he used was weak.

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And he was calling and inviting people to Schick and also her racism and what he was saying, that's what you picked up with your filters and what you know, but the fan can't see any of that.

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Every father is impressed with his own child called Lou Edinburg. Ibni he OBP murgee bone every father thinks his kid is the best. So if a person likes someone, he could do no wrong. No, leave those comments. You listen to what people are saying. And judging based with their saying on the deen and information as either correct or incorrect. So now, the next hadith is talking about how to deal with the defects Hadith number 17. How to deal with the defects. So the defect is coming. The

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shape of brought Rahmatullah here are they the proof about losing the Amana? The Dow is in a manner in

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a manner and a summer where it will or the will zhiban for a beaming Yamuna for shock the minha wahama inside and know who Cana

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So, the Amana that Allah introduced and offered is the Amana of the Sharia, the heavens and the earth and the mountains. Allah has said do you want to be responsible for the deen you want to take that responsibility? Heavens and the Earth and the mountain they shrink from that responsible as far as fuck minute? And they were afraid. They said we're not taking that responsibility. Allah said mankind took responsible responsibility for it. And he is extremely ignorant and oppressive. He

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shouldn't have never done it. Because here he is Lo and behold, he has responsibility for the Amana look at the Amana look at the Amana this Masjid in Salah. We expect the Imam have faith a whole lot to have had will do. We don't know. But that's in a manner that he should have the blue. I'm in the role and you in the role. I expect that the two people were between me that either side of me. They had their will go because if I don't have my will door one of them don't have the will door then

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we're responsible for creating shaytaan a space in the line.

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The more Evan gave the event today, he has to have the Amanar that's why the more than Al Islam, some of them are in a Muslim majority. They said that the more editing gets more rewards than the man

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more reward than the man.

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So the 11 Who is He? Is he gonna be Michael Jackson? Michael Jackson became a Muslim. Is Michael Jackson gonna be the more elegant of the Muslims if he became a Muslim? What do you think

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we'll get the whip in him and go get the whip.

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If Michael Jackson was a Muslim became a Muslim, you can make Toba from whatever you did.

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At Toba, wipes away whatever you did before, but if a person became a Muslim, as relates to the Imam as it relates to the more Xin we're going to put somebody up there who has Deanna he's a an example. He's going to be a person that the community they hold in high regard and they respect them. Because the coming in of the prayers important has to be a mean it's just not getting up there saying Allahu Akbar, you have to learn what you're doing, how to move, what to say how to say and so and plus can

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know to do it.

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And that goes to show that a person who has special needs or so called handicapped people, the fact that a person has special needs needs doesn't mean that he's not trustworthy. The Prophet attic had evidence Allah Salam, even Maktoum, he can see he can see when the sun came up when the sun couldn't come up. But the people had to be telling them it's time for the event. Now, what if he had a group of friends who were practical jokers? The sun is not up and he said come on, come on do that then

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now. Companions didn't play with the religion like that.

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That man is a

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mean and no one around him is going to play a joke like that with the religion. All right right now in the masjid a man. You're going into the toilet a crumble Kamala, there's a mobile phone, there's a leather jacket is not yours.

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So bring it to the office and leave it. Prophet Muhammad said Hadith last week SallAllahu wasallam. If a man is lost and wait for the hour, the man is lost.

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If people steal from the masjid, they tried to rob this Masjid. They came in here after closing hours with a crowbar, try to bust open the thing, they bust open the window try to go into safes. Our kids take from msgid, the Amana I'm not saying this message, but there may be some mischief when they collect money on Friday. They're supposed to count that money up and be transparent and let us know where that money is going and how much some ministers don't do that. Not at all.

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Not at all. And people don't want to be on the Senate's and if you set it for an example, you still in the money, no accountability for the money. You're not moving the community forward with being professional and businesslike and issues like this no one man. So the manner in this Masjid don't not to mention your house, not to mention your neighbor, not to mention, you know, we got all kinds of manners all over the place. So this hadith shows a Cleany majority is not always put down, but

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most of the time is put down. Now how do we rectify the, the defects? The shape brought the next Hadith and that's the Hadith, in which the Prophet says of Allah who it was setting them who's the Rawi of the Hadith.

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The Mima daddy who was a tremendous companion, who actually saw the die but he saw the dabba

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with his own eyes, and some people say he saw the dead Jarl Allahu Allah but he saw the die burned. He came back and told the profit that he got shipped right. And he saw this data but one of the 10 major signs from yomo Kiama tremendous companion. He said in the famous Hadith that we all know may Allah be pleased with them that the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam do not see her a demon see her a dino Naziha cannot remain ya rasool Allah Khalid Allah he, when he Kitabi he,

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when he was truly he, when he emitted Misty Meanwhile, I'm meeting him. Our religion is given advice. And he mentioned it three times.

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I intercept when the Prophet used to speak so Allah why do you send me what mentioned things and talk very slowly and mentioned him three times for emphasis. She used to she used to criticize the people came after the Companions, because some of them started speaking very quickly and eating up the words. Like in America, African Americans, we have our own language bionics, they call it we eat up the words. So instead of saying

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I'm going to the store, I say,

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oh, you know, I'm a goat. So I'm a goat. So I put that together. I think my poor ease can appreciate what I'm saying. Because in the mid Puri language, it's kind of like the same way it's not oral do you put that stuff together? So the people started talking like that. After the Nibi I Isha Salah what he was selling them God on those people as a prophet Muhammad didn't talk like this. He used to talk in a calm, easy way so people can understand. And when he wanted to make emphasis, he will

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repeat things three times. So if the Companions heard it multiple times, they know it was important. Like what he said in the booty to when he told I will say that Allah shall not teach you the greatest soul of the Quran. Before I leave the message he say yes, Allah so like I busy then he got ready to leave. I will study that in my Allah say also why you say you're gonna teach me the greatest sword. He said Al Hamdulillah Rob Dillard I mean, he'll Quran Levine was southern Withania

00:34:20 --> 00:34:21

Livio Tito.

00:34:23 --> 00:34:59

The seventh oft repeated verses the Quran in surah, three fatty, we repeat it all the time. Why? Because it's the, you know, the mother of the Quran. So it was repeated over and you read it every day all the time for every pet, every prayer because it's so important. Why is why are we dealing with it? In fact, the high all the time. Why did prayer Sunnah prayer. It's the Hara. Jumari Janaza Janaza you don't make record. You don't make such them. But you're going to read Surah Fatiha. Why

00:34:59 --> 00:35:00

are you going to

00:35:00 --> 00:35:13

Read that Surah because as soon as the greatest tool of the Quran, you're going to memorize you've got to keep saying it. So if the thing is important russula is to repeat it. Now let's say for the meaning of this hadith.

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Listen, the deen is giving good advice now see her? She said to who? He said good advice to Allah and His messenger. Does that mean that it's permissible for Muslim to give advice to Allah and said to Allah, Ya Allah want to advise you that tomorrow you should make it a nice day weather wise.

00:35:36 --> 00:35:43

Is that what it means to advise Allah like that your ally advise you please guide this guide that one to SNAM I'm advising you.

00:35:44 --> 00:36:17

That's not the meaning of that no one can give to see her to Allah like that. But it goes back to show the importance of the language, giving good advice, the word Naziha comes from the word moon, sawed, and hot. Nuts Aha. Let's see what comes from that. And that word means to be pure and to be unblemish to be unblemished like honey. This is honey. They say this is awesome. NASA pure honey.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:31

So now see her to Allah means being sincere to Allah. Having a class to Allah, worshipping Allah without making schicke making Allah greater than your share.

00:36:32 --> 00:36:36

Making Allah the one who you want to please not your group.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:08

I heard a brother who was put over some of the brothers in America by a sheikh from another country. And he put this brother over and said that this brother who you put over my people this shift said this person was the most soon senior said if he in the most knowledgeable, and that's not true that President is not seeing it not as the most knowledgeable. Allah knows best. Who's the most knowledgeable. But where did the sheikh Cadet from?

00:37:09 --> 00:37:12

Where you get that from? Where did you get that from?

00:37:15 --> 00:37:34

So as it relates to this issue, brother, sis is amazing. Listen, in class to Allah. Don't be there to feel the share. Brother told me I'm going to tell the share behind you if you keep doing that. And there was a little don't tell the share, Jaime, don't call it shake. Honey. Are you worried about that stuff for your grown man?

00:37:36 --> 00:37:44

You're gonna let this man sit in and make you guys terrorize. I'm going to call the sheriff on you. We're gonna shut Don Corleone gonna come and get you talking about

00:37:45 --> 00:38:08

as it relates to nnessee How To Allah is being sincere to Allah. Don't make chicken with Allah. Slaughter only for Allah only be afraid of Allah only make dua to Allah azza wa jal to work and Allah only that's what the meaning of that is. That's the see how to Allah, this deem the whole deem is advice and it goes to show the importance of Naziha

00:38:09 --> 00:38:43

Number one, he made the whole do not see how he said a dean will not see her a dean and not see her. The whole religion is advice shows the importance of an Asiya also from what shows the importance and see is is the work and the actions of the prophets and the messengers and sort of come out of Allah mentioned all of those prophets and he basically said the same thing. Oberliga Kumi Salah, the rugby Resaca rugby, were announced unser hula Come on, man, Allah He mana tanaman. Hold Senate srebp

00:38:43 --> 00:38:55

Senate sought at Senate, Allah mentioned their stories one after another. The first one said, I'm going to relay the message of my Lord, and I will advise you

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and I'm a sincere advisor. And I know about Allah but you don't know. And then the next one came he said same thing. I'm going to explain to you the result of my Lord. Well nNr should not come and I'm an advisors and see advisor to you. So as from the job of the prophets and the messengers also, from the importance of it is we all have a responsibility to do it. There's no one who's exempt come to hydro meeting or Frigidly nuts. You are the best group of people brought forth for mankind. You have

00:39:28 --> 00:39:43

to make a hammer my roof and a nail and a monkey. You have to give him the see her to Muslims and non Muslims as well. You see people doing wrong, you have to try to stop them. You see people not doing the right thing. You have to encourage them it's our job.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:59

So it's important job better than that did not one of the young companions said when I accepted Islam Rasul Allah gave me the bat and said, I'm gonna give you the bat, you became a Muslim. I'm gonna give you a bat that you should give advice to every Muslim when you see him.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:26

And never be afraid. You see something from someone, he's doing something. And you know it's not right. But what we do is and when the trouble I'm just gonna let this guy I'm gonna let it go pick my pick my pick my fights can't be into every battle, but the Prophet gave him the bat. Anytime he saw something he would say, Hey, you're sitting like that, Hey, you said this Hey, this is like that hey, and he was serious about that.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:46

So if it wasn't important was Sula wouldn't made an issue to take the bait from people based upon it. So it was important. The whole religion is advice, advice to Allah sincerity as it relates to the meaning of sincerity and we know that the see Him in sincerity Allah mentioned in the Quran,

00:40:47 --> 00:40:49

Lisa other alpha e Willa,

00:40:50 --> 00:41:21

Willa aniline, Allah Gigi doing a Magnum FICON Harajuku either Nestle hula, he was Sudhi. When it comes to jihad, when the Muslims go out to fight, some can't go. Some people are weak and sick. Some of the people they don't have the money, they don't have a camera to go they don't have any weapons so they can go. Other people have something to do Yeah, to take care of his auntie, his mother, whatever Allah revealed, this is exonerating those people couldn't go out to fight. He said there is

00:41:21 --> 00:41:58

no blame on those who are weak, or those who are sick, or those who don't have the financial means to spin, no blame on them. As long as they nessa who Lilla he were assuming, as long as they had no see her for Allah and they were sincere to align his messenger. The reason that stopped them from going was not being afraid. The reason that stopped them from going was not they didn't want to die. The only reason they didn't go, the man was sick, the man was old, the man didn't have a camel to

00:41:58 --> 00:42:33

write that far distance, but they love Allah and His messenger. So that is how we know in the sea. High means advice, I mean sincerity because Allah mentioning, as long as they have no see how to Allah and His message loss. As for what the Prophet said, he said, having to see how to Allah told you what that is having to see her to the book of Allah, having a class, learning it, reading it, to read, memorizing, respecting the one who memorized it, making your children able and capable to read

00:42:33 --> 00:42:44

it. So the man has some money, doesn't have a lot of money, she doesn't have a lot of money, he has some money, the mother is going to use what little money she gets from the government.

00:42:45 --> 00:42:57

What little money is hers, she's going to take some of that money, and let her kid learn the Quran on zoom from some share in Egypt or Nigeria somewhere.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:16

That's gonna see her to the book of Allah, the commitment that the mother has to do what she can to help the child to learn the Quran. We have people here, who themselves are falling short of working with the Quran, reading it, memorizing it, dealing with it.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:47

Let's see how to the book of Allah. Let's see how to the book of Allah is the book of Allah is the delille over us not to share what the Sheikh said, not the men that the men have said, the book of Allah is the de Leyland, the gem. That's gonna see her to the book of Allah. As some people who if you tell them a stylist who could be let's say, well, wha he, he will say Well, Lee and he'll lie. But he'll say when Nebby I swear by the Nabhi and he won't lie.

00:43:48 --> 00:44:18

Let's see how to Allah azza wa jal is Don't swear by Allah and Allah. So everything positive and good that you can think about the Quran that is Naseeha to the Quran, believe in it, not doubting it. And one of the most famous people giving Dawa today and will lie he this brother has some skills and I do believe he can be an asset from the community for the ummah. But unfortunately, when you go to these prestigious universities, you start losing your mind. And you start seeing things that are

00:44:18 --> 00:44:27

weird. But when that brother came out and start saying maybe the Quran was not preserved, that is not to see how to the book of Allah.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:37

To introduce that idea in the minds of our Shabaab is the opposite of Naseeha to Allah in the book of Allah

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because our children will know the religion and they liked your talks before that a lot. Now you're seeing this and they say yes to shift says so the Quran has maybe it wasn't preserved. So let's see how to the book of Allah. Yeah, you let in

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

to cut d mu bein a ye de la he was really dope.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

Put yourself before Allah and His messenger. The Quran said something, don't you come and say something else, or you can't take it, you don't want to take it.

00:45:10 --> 00:45:35

And then he said, some Allah what He was salam Naziha, to the Muslim leaders, the Imams of the Muslims, let's say, now see how to them and you know, your younger brothers, you're not dealing with what we had to deal with 1015 years ago, when we had to deal with a lot of people of tech fear in this country. They're not around like they used to be. We had a lot of young brothers because of the oppression that's going towards our Muslim brothers and sisters across the world. They feel

00:45:35 --> 00:45:44

isolated, they don't like it. So I will young people, they start getting upset. I saw a documentary yesterday about the sisters Shamima Begum,

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the girl who went to Syria, she would Syria with some other girls from Holland in this place. And now when they got there, they saw that ISIS will cooperate. It wasn't the real Islam. They were murderous. They were a you know, they were animals in their behavior. They saw that now they can get out. So I watched that. I watched that. We used to have that problem. young brothers in the audience, just sincere trying to learn his religion, and he's getting better and better before you

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know what he goes he's find himself over there doing what Hamdulillah we don't have that scorch that we used to have on that level. I'm in Leeds right now. Some of the people responsible for seven seven came from Leeds. I've been in Leeds, no knowledge and knees. These is not like Birmingham, but it's just sincere brothers who don't know what they're doing here and they go out and then they mess stuff up.

00:46:37 --> 00:46:38

mess stuff up

00:46:39 --> 00:47:02

and see her listen to the leaders of the Muslims. Don't be one of those people who you are. You are you know super focused on the cam of Ellison. This idea that come on man. You got too much stuff to be doing you have too many things to accomplish in your life to be worrying about worrying about what he's doing this king this prime minute

00:47:03 --> 00:47:11

so having the see hi to the leaders of the Muslims like it like it hate to hate it, it means making dua for them.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:26

We make dua for the leaders because if Allah corrects and rectifies them inshallah you rectify and correct the blind and the other reback so no see how to them is that the seller refused to make dua for them.

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Also, let's see how to the leaders of the Muslims means you don't talk against them in public, even if he's not your leader from your country. You don't talk out in person in public against them agitate in the community against the leaders, you don't do that something that the setup of this on the war against and you can do that in two ways. You can make huddled in trouble with your tongue or take that sword out and start neither none of that.

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So we make dua for those people. We don't wait to clear those people. We listen to them and we obey them and what they tell us to do that's not haram

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so a lot can be said about this, but this is one of the fundamental basic assault from the soul of our religion and what we're upon that the leaders of Ellis lamb they have in a manner a big Amana and we have an a man as well. There man and they're going to be asked about it, you're mainly going to be asked about it. Don't be of those people waste a lot of time talking about dealing with bees, who can even just a lot of Kadem about politics is a problem. Learn your religion inshallah learn

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your religion. And you will get the Tofik from Allah azza wa jal. So as it relates to that, don't let people get you all messed up with the hochanda who can

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lastly he says Allah, why do you say to him in his giving advice to the Muslims, giving advice to the general Muslim folk brothers.

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The Muslims want to know their religion.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:45

So you help them to learn their religion, you learn and you give them advice in a nice way. Not rough, not tough in a nice way. There was this issue that some of these extremists excellent job with surgery extremists. You know, one of the big dwad of the sooner they used to say about advice, Nusa Who will I know January who we advise each other and we correct each other. When you make a mistake. I make a mistake. You correct me and I correct you. But we don't wreck each other. Correct

00:49:45 --> 00:49:46

them don't wreck them.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:51

He made a mistake. So corrected.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

No, sir, he who? When I knew Cheerio. No sorry, he who? When I knew them, we advise and we don't destroy

00:50:00 --> 00:50:07

I would like to tell you who said that one of the shapes of our dollar that they hated him

00:50:08 --> 00:50:40

and listen to this, listen to what he said. If a person is on the Sunnah and he's a practicing Muslim, he may be dealing with the kuffaar. He may be dealing with Muslims who have, you know, crazy ideas and he's given Dawa to them, educating them. If he makes a mistake, this Muslim who's on the Sunnah and he's benefiting the chef and Mara. He said, the Muslim was doing this as other people on the Sunnah. If he makes a mistake, we advise him and we don't destroy him. We don't make shake them

00:50:40 --> 00:50:41

ins and sub

00:50:43 --> 00:50:44

like we do.

00:50:46 --> 00:51:23

So the brother made a mistake. I heard his mistake. I come and I blast him. I bless this man, he blessed me. Now when the Sheikh said that, the Quran and the Sunnah, suppose that not only does the Quran and the Sunnah support it, but I will share Kabir huffy the Hello Tata, he himself said that many times, but because this one is the enemy, they said that was a manufactured meet up principle. you revise and you don't destroy. To that point, our data has come to the point where you don't even

00:51:23 --> 00:51:42

see you're supposed to be gentle, easy with people when you're giving advice. A Muslim makes a mistake. That Bedouin who urinated in the masjid. Is that a mistake or not a mistake? So big mistake. The Companions wanted to deal with that man.

00:51:43 --> 00:51:55

Prophet Muhammad said no, correct the situation. Go in and finish bedwin finish. Let him finish. Now you guys come and clean it up. They wanted to beat him up.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:05

No, don't do that. Prophet Muhammad will say my bottle aquarium. What's wrong with some people who said this? And this he didn't expose them?

00:52:07 --> 00:52:20

Well, what's wrong with Mr. Becker and Zane? They did this. They did that. You think I'm buggin? They want to listen to you after that. If you don't want that a bus like that. So this is the point I'm trying to make for you brothers. Listen.

00:52:21 --> 00:52:52

How in the world was such a basic, easy principle? A man makes it clear. If one of us is giving Dawa and he's a person of the Sunnah. He's a beneficial brother. He's giving Dawa to the community. He has to deal with the kuffar who are after him, you know, like in this country, sometimes. Kuffar getting our way. You got to deal with other Muslims from other groups is having problems with them? They say Wahhabi, whatever. So he has to deal with that. So by you correcting him and also making a

00:52:52 --> 00:53:02

sub and shut them you're adding on to his efforts, you're helping those people against him. You pull them to the side, can you hear me can you

00:53:03 --> 00:53:33

you said you said something that you shouldn't have said and the reason why I was wrong was this this this this that and then you let him corrected himself. As for Utila shake on him, you write a PDF on him, you refute them, you put them off of it. This stuff of Georgia with tragedy is a joke if this was the religion when if this was the religion, I don't want this religion. If it's like that rough and tough and nasty and fighting each other. It's not our religion. I look at his audience I

00:53:33 --> 00:54:00

see an audience of faces of people who would just trying to worship Allah, there's nobody in this audience trying to be a troublemaker. Nor is anybody in this audience Shala trying for people to be rough and tough with them, hey, we want to be Muslims. But we want to be muslims in a nice way. Don't put in our community, this hatred that you people have, we don't want to deal with that. You people deal with that stuff. So the way of rectifying these issues and highlighting is that we have

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to have an open door policy of being willing and ready to give advice to one another. So we're going to stop here in sha Allah if you brothers have any questions about today's to Hadith and issues and the Dow you could put your questions forward. What time is the event actually Shiraz

00:54:19 --> 00:54:19


00:54:26 --> 00:54:27

a photo

00:54:31 --> 00:54:35

shoot machinima me sad sad Akula sad where you from?

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

You're not new, right? You've been here before huh?

00:54:40 --> 00:54:41

Well, you've been

00:54:43 --> 00:54:47

busy, you got married or something. Inshallah, congratulations.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:53

Madame Allahu beno Kumar fear, hate the fact that we are inside

00:55:03 --> 00:55:34

All relationships will be cut off your mukaiyama except what is from my relationship meaning your relationship to someone cousin, Uncle Brother is not going to benefit you your mood Kiama the only relationship that will benefit people is the one who's connected to the prophets of Allah who it was Senator. For that reason, Omar Omar, he married and he went to marry the prophets of Allah while he was setting them so he went to marry the prophets granddaughter, I don't even ABI Taalib son

00:55:34 --> 00:56:07

daughter. He said I want to get this reward. I want to be related to us Allah. Already Irma's daughter is Prophet Muhammad's wife. But that's Omaze lineage. It had a daughter on cotone Mr. Marita and the reason behind that motivation so that he will be connected to the Prophet yomo Qiyamah so those people who don't like Omar from the shame and curse him Why would it be not be tolerated marry his daughter to the Amira movie Nene if there was an issue. So now I'm Quraysh are

00:56:07 --> 00:56:25

not like regular people Quraysh can take the cut because of the lofty thing but that doesn't mean that if a person of coloration he doesn't have any Dean that he can walk around special No, that doesn't mean that but he does have a place he does have a place. Any more questions any more questions for the

00:56:27 --> 00:56:28

question side.

00:56:39 --> 00:57:05

As for the Hadith, whoever believes in Alana last thing, man, Kenny Whitman Billa, he will normally ask your phone your call Hiren owl yes Moto and you want to believe in law that state? Then be quiet. Let him speak good and be quiet because you're going to be held accountable for whatever you say. May Allah help us forgive us for what we do in terms of getting angry that curse words that mean words how we do that stuff. May Allah help all of us Kulu me.

00:57:08 --> 00:57:14

Usually a person is going to know if something is good or not good from what's coming out of his mouth. So the set of views to say

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it's going to be three situations that's going to present himself as release was Qalam.

00:57:20 --> 00:57:54

Whatever command comes out of his head, he's going to know that is good, because the vicar of Allah is to Quran. So go ahead and say it because I can I'm Allah, who that who the rosary that so he's saying the Quran the Sunnah was something from that connected to good. Saying to his mother, I love you. Is that Quran, sunnah? No, but the Prophet said, If you love someone tell him so he knows us good. So if he knows his good, let it come out. And then there is a Quran that he knows is bad curse

00:57:54 --> 00:58:18

words were words, making Heba mitching things about people that's not his business. He knows us now. He's lying. He knows that he knows so well that the person keeps it in. And then there's the third thing that speaks he doesn't know. Is it good? Is it not good? He's not he's not sure. He really doesn't know. So what should he do with that speech?

00:58:20 --> 00:58:51

You should remain silent.my Dirty Boca Illa Mala you reap what you sow for children doubt. So if I keep this Clemen I have no doubt this I don't know if it's good or bad but I didn't say it. I'm okay. But if I spoke it and I don't know if it's good or bad I may get punished I may not get punished so what he knows to be good let him say it what he knows to be evil keep it in and it's possible there's some kind of he doesn't know if it's beneficial or not beneficial. He may say this

00:58:51 --> 00:59:25

thing and trigger off a problem hurt somebody's fillings you don't know that so if that's possibility to just keep it in Okay, when are we going to stop hearing shall Eliza gentleman low tide bless all of you brothers to you to establish on time the Sunnah with balance. Be easy, be gentle stay away from this jerk with TJ this stuff creates animosity between us. The other thing I got this and to me, they said to me 3000 pounds Well, boy, he will law he 3000 pounds for anybody

00:59:25 --> 00:59:34

who wants to come you say that a person out on the Sunnah. 3000 pounds, just have the nerve, the audacity and the courage just to come and talk to me.

00:59:35 --> 00:59:55

Just come and talk. That's all 3000 pounds. Gotta give it to you guys money. This is going to be recorded. You can always say oh, he said he didn't give it 3000 pounds just come have a discussion. They won't do that. You know why they don't do that. They don't do that equity because they want to create this confusion going between our community

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